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The Daily Messenger from Canandaigua, New York • Page 5

Canandaigua, New York
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DAILY HESSENSEE, iCANANPAIGUA, OCTOBER 30, 1930. PAGEJTO A. J. WEIGHT 4 00. Bcf fate, Tfcwaio, Niagara Fafls, Anfcfera, Pheae Sioae 721 Hotel.

Eodsester, Y. WHEELOCK GRAND by the baby gtaiui one of tite exteption- biTe ever Quality wade, osn- Ucally corret! 3 YEARS fO PAY HOME OF THE STZaNWAY PIAKO WMEM VOURAWWiTS ARE MUSICAUCOME tO ai" The Telephone Directory Goes To Press New listings, or changes in present listings, must be an'anged for OR or before that date to appear next issue. Rochester Telephone Corporation G. S. LORD, District Ptfanager Canandaigua, N.

FOR THE LAST WEEK OF FRIDAY and SATURDAY We Bave secured an ordfinarv assortment of new. smart 'HATS that would usually sell at S1.95 and S235 each. At Tbe assortment sists of Felts trtnime8 witfa meteffics. Velvet trimmed witb trimmed wilnEIb- NEW STYLES --ALL HEAff- S12ES. Colors incladr tbe popular criektt green, dodo red, anJ black Bristol Sprii MRS.

WAHDESf JOKES REBUILD OHIO'S CHAKNEL HOUSE BRISTOL iia I. Hldss ami her uscle, Williaai cf were rscfis? vfeoes at Mr. aadl Jfes. Danlei Mrs. Jaeoo of Bocfceswr, -Is a guest of last soc, EL L.

Deeper, 03 Gannett sod Mrs. Eosard Gs2e, of Garingitouse, were recem guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brand. Mr.

and Mrs. Herbert 2. Coye spent, a fear (Jays' Is recently. Sirs. SoSecffib -is 'esapjcyetf in Vincent.

and Mrs. Ed-ssrti Murphy, Canandaigua, were recent visitors Mr, aati Mis. 8.. Heifer, Mis, Alan Pouch, J2niSra, Is at tie' boase; of H. -Bedser aad fajnjjy, Gasmen SQ Melvia are'; a' fesr dajs in- Geaeva.

Rev. of JJaples'. church, called -upon of his. pastorate ia this vicinity Tuesday. Bfe yas aecoia- by D.

W. Oaklejr, Naples. Murray Barclay was injured when he feB a tree Monday. is iite first pHotb of restored ceH Hock at fte OMo state Colombos, HuEdredB 'of. coaticts lost tkeir Utes, te Easte? Moiiiy fite.

It bas been coropktely. South i MISS ROTH SMITH Staff The Question Box SOUTH BLOOMFIELD Les is soendine MS Mrs- ia vrriiios 1435 The annual flr of the tfniversal-' WILL TOU please complete the church will be held In the hall, Oewniber 5. I Miss Leah Wheeler entertained! qu atauon Birthday dub at her hcgie last' Saturday. Mrs. George Morse and Ruth on you, and you alone; J.

A- Wheeler were: For the sad old earth must borrow recent dinner guests of their its mirth, Srff.6, 2S.3. IilTS. CllSrl.ES', But has trouble enough its own." i Wheeler at Hofcomb. The author is Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Mr.

and Mrs- Henry Trimm are and the name of the poem "SoHtutfe." I moving, into their home recently I purchased from Fred Page at East! jBIoomfield. i Is an American born woman, mar- i Mr. and Mrs, Jack rted 'to an alien in. 1912. able to and Mrs.

George Morse and gum her citizenship? Ceota, and. Ruth By an act of congress, approved recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. I sept. 22.

1922, It is provided that rs to questions on informa-1 crossed fi-pra Trepassey, JCcw fact can be obtained by! land, to Lisbon, Portugal on ilay 16- to Central Press 19J. The Vickers-Viroy Twelfth Clevelasid, with the British aviators, Alcoclr and and enclosing: a self-addressed, JBrown, crossed from St. Joans, stampetl envelope. Xo answer? FoundiuncJ, to; Clifden. to marital, medical or legal 14-15, 1S19.

questions, nor the estimated Luminous Paint Is tbere a good recipe for luminous paint? value of old coins given. and the world Luminous paJnt for use on William -Creedon. i after tftat date, the citizenship status I Miss Ruth Smith called on Miss of a married woman shall no longer L-eona Smith pare of glycerine an3 thirty parts of pacspsotesceni powder. The latter is obtained b- lieaticg pure sulphide of calcium and mixing ft a small quantity of bismuth salt- Dred Scott tThat was the motive and decision in the Ored Scott case? Qiie Bred Scott, a slave, owned by Dr. Etncrson of the resular artnT, a resident of Missouri, had in 1834 been taken by his owner into Illinois and later into what is now Minnesota, where prohibited.

White aiu.vei jnuiiwiteu. VYUtio at-East BlomfieldkollQw.that other husband and that territofy scott married and I 'rwrt-r-t-jrari thereafter a married woman shall t.ave the privilega. of becoming nat- on her own account. later with his' -wife-and child was taken to Missouri." there he. sued freectoni; supreme court At.

vhs; and ifcjean dissenting) Before-ijaJbergb jtaat Scott was'not. a citizen, and Monday evening occurred'Qie if itis trtie was not entitled to any Pox, of lron-1 bergh was first. standins-in the courts. The full test DonaM.PiidHiQre;, of; cross-the-Atlantic by.alrplane, who the decision, which atoused in: "Ehfr-couple, after 'a. I were the others, and when were the tense feeling-, can be found in Voli trip.

ume 19 oi Howard's "United Lih'e WilstKi Hill. 2 to Conqmr CHAPTER 53 'T'JHJi! siocfced silence with 1 Gordon greeted (BSs announcement was broken by. a low exclamation; looking- across the. room. Kitty Edith staring at Her as she were ghost.

Tben she turned fear eyes back to the man who had flouted 10. her heart was a little triumph, a little 'fear, and a great amazement. It did not seem possible that she had iota that outrageous lie. Swiftly tiflcation came to her; of course she was to be married, some day. to some one.

She bad not said when or to whom! Yet fhe implication was too plain for. her to comfort herself with sophistry- To Gorflon it was an announcement that she was groin? to be married as soon as she could leave the office; as soon as the kidnapper was Identified. It was so that she had intended it if Jt were really she who Had said those words, and not some contrary spirit suddenly -taking possession of her. She looked calmly -at the devastation she had wrought. face was pale and set.

She aaw his eyes Increase their bunted, troubled look and become sick pafct watched the blood drain ftporo lils face, saw him spread his hands "'srlth a Hopeless gesture and torn And all ber heart craetS out after a lie. Irs not true! It Is you I Gordon, Gordon." 3ut tar lips were silent. He moved away like an old man. half turning- once he were soicg to speak, tben passed tfinnigitr'tl'e door. Kitty turned blindly to and Edith beside she asked, her pale tace.

Sty. "I don't wish to be rude to yeu," se said composedly. "But it is surely obvious that I spoke to ilr. Platt thinking were not- overheard. I am sure you wffl not ask any questions concerning a matter that is wholly my own business." She turned away.

Edith murmured something--it sounded familiar. As Kitty walked out of the room she wondered. Could she. be or bad Edith said, once as before, no wonder, no wonder!" From tbe sublime to the ridiculous. from tht steat to the small.

the tragic to the ludicrous life is like that Kitty paused beside Hilda's desk at an outstretched hand. "Have you heard." she gasped. "The heavens are about to Jfew York is going to topple into the river and I am about to be Empress of Jrapan!" "Really!" smiled Kitty, wondering what the blond girl could mean. "Actually! Goss has invited me -us-- of us. to go On a picnic!" "Really!" you say anytMns but 'real- iy?" demanded Hilda.

"It's the first i on record old man aad taken any notice of tha office! Sure. he's chartered a yacht, we are going: down the bay, there S3 to be a band and no is permitted refuse! here!" She hanrlwl ovsr a printed letter. forth, tbo facu: 1-3 Hilda had stated tho day was a. week oft "Cur, yoti Smaijine U7" She cried agalfi. Jiim wait?" as an impatkitit buzz ftot fter switchboard "And here.

pointed to Kitty looked at'-fter in tbe eyes, then up and This, at least, she had not to endure. Kitty had her triumph-- she had taken Gordon frpm the girl wbo loved him. Pep-' haps she bad always -had him and so possessed tiw greater tr5ijmpa. Kitty saw no reason why she should discuss her lie with her successful strock and to bart-b5m, as wea as to salve owa wounded Slat it a blow below the a eotratdiy blow becanse a He. did not thiak.

Her words were to- "Bat-rbut nrnst knowJ" cried Edith. Kitty wondered if aer words. too, were Instinctive. Was the pale. tbin glil jealoast she not of tbe man? She looked at fier again.

Suddenly indignation went out of her. It tfoa not impossible to be angry witi this piaful wreck That ones isjght tare a lovely glrL So sad. so hopeless was her face botr could a woman look so. bad Gordon for a lover? Surely must be mad not to radiate happiness. Kitty spoke gently, bat wJtb each one gfaest If that's three invitations.

Atlee will ask Baby, I will ask Joe. and you can ask either Bert or Fatty, as you please Ob. of course. Batty darling, you can ask any one! But thought If we had our own little crowd we'd have more fun." Kitty accepted the insvitabte. How- could she hurt her friends? couldn't explain why she did want, to go.

Sbe could barfly plead- another engagement. Certainly sbe could not plead work. Of course. could feet at tbe last moment, but as she was never known to be ill it would look to be what it an excuse. Besides to be sick at the last moment would be to spoil tbe day of whoever she asked.

So sbe decided to go although slie looked forward to it with no pleasure Because he bad been so much to her as a cavalier and rescuer, rather than any special reason of wanting his company, she asked Bert to be her guest. At elg-ht o'clock the telephone rang and Baby answered it She returned to Sally to say she was going out. Sally asked "where to?" casually. To Kittys shocked surprise. Baby, who bad been pleasantly conversational over tbe proposed picnic excursion.

turned upon ber sister with blazing eyes. your own sbe you go!" "Why, -Babr!" The big girl turned butt eyes to her little sister "I didn't mean to ba curious, chad. Ton are your dwa mistress, you know. It was merely interest to you." "She's always pestering me know what 1 60 and where 1 go! MehinHiil MRS. MAEIASf HALL Stall Represeoairve MELVIK HILL-- Rsbert Salisbury, of Le Boy, syes: Mr- ar4 Mrs.

Bdstrdl Wai- Mrs. M. Street J. H- Hew Bttrt Cash PaM for Dairymen's League Certificates R. GRAVES nderson Canandaigua, N.

Phone 790 Osvrego, ard Dwyh: -slurpbjv of Syracuse, iCI! for the C- M. is ant our None of the coats in ear large stock have beta withheld from this sale. All art at tremendous reductions. sire! "That msans Spike!" went on H51- da. "Wbo will you ask?" "I-- why-- oh.

I don't think TO go!" answered Kitty, saying the first thins that came into her "Oh, you've got to go!" answered HHda. it says 'attendance man- i a '41 Rtorraed Baby, petulantly. "Don't jyou think she ought to know better "Sou and your 'really'." cried Fulda. "Ask yoar pet boy friend Bea -upon and lers ail be merry at Gossf expense tor once in otsr lives! Jf you haven't got a boy friead yon teil me and ra get you one!" Kitty discussed te coming evaat witb SaBy that cisht She had made vp her mma not to 50--what couM 'attendance maxidatory' nseas to her, who was about to leave? She bad no heart for gaiety, and certainly none for as excursion on which Gordon Flan asd EHUi ta preseat!" Bat sbe that to many oi ber own friends would go- friends who took it a matter of course that she would be present. -Atlee and I have talked it over." explained SaHy.

Atiea and you-- at ber age?" Baby appealed to Kitty saw the trembling Up of thft big woman Who had such a loving heart knew, as perhaps: Baby did not, how Sail? worried oyer tire unexplained absences, tbe aH night parties, thd dissipated look of fcer small and pretty sister. "NoJ I tliSck you should ba asbamed of yourself to go pJaces witi people you are ashamed to have Sally she aEswered. "Ob. I know, it's cone of my business, either! But yon asked me. If I bad a sister like Sally, Td just thank God I had some one to be interested In zee I pity your bosban-ff snapped Baby.

"And br tie way. since you object to legitimate secrecy so-- wto is tie man you bragged yoa were going to So ber pitiful lie was public property 1 Who told-- fiditb-- or Cordon? And bow bad either managed to get information to Baby? CTO OONTWUED1 Camel Coats, lt. Rot-k Fleeces, 5U. Rock Kark, and many other popular materials are included; single and double breailed, raglias, box coats or fitted coats. ASmaU.

Deposit Will secure any coat until yon are reaflj to tafce it. Even last year's coat is good for a month or two, it will pay 'yon to bay now. ale Prices $16.75 $24.75 $29.75 $34.75 $44.75 PILE COATS $24.75 $34.75 and higher Fleece Coats $34.75.

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