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The Evening Independent from Massillon, Ohio • Page 11

Massillon, Ohio
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THE EVENING INDEPENDENT. MASSILLON, OHIO Use Sketches In Hunt For Bank Robber AUSTIN, Tex. (AP)-- Pictures drawn from descriptions by holdup victims led to a manhunt today for a mild-looking newspaper publisher accused of two bank robberies. State and federal authorities named Lawrence C. Pope, 42, a church-going former bank execu-i tive, as the camera-carrying bandit who coolly staged the holdups on successive Saturdays.

IN EACH INSTANCE the robber tied up his victims, collected all the money in sight and took time to snap pictures of women 1 bank workers before fleeing noticed by outsiders. Last weekend he made off 54,783 from the Farmers State, 1 Demonstrates LA Hit By Cameras Here Bus Strike LOS ANGELES (AP)--Public transportation for 750,000 daily riders in a vast four-county area ground to a halt today. Nine hundred mechanics struck the Metropolitan Transit Authority at 12:01 a. m. paralyzing local and interurban bus and trolley service.

Police envisaged a monumental I traffic problem as hundreds of i thousands of workers were left their own devices walking, sharing auto rides or driving their iown cars to jobs in the downtown jarea, where parking conditions are critical even under normal circumstances. The walkout, in defiance of a fresh court order Tuesday night, iwas called by the Amalgamated i Transportation union after 18 camera experti mont hs of i contract Jerry R. Belts, district sales' negotiations, i of San Antonio in south -r- i. Orders demonstrating new State bank a Be Howell photographic 1 north of equipment. Lt OllCC 1 ODC I Belts has been a free lance dines Slar in lh nWi' a and has hot NEW YORK.

(AP)--A sweep- aings (lex.) star in the next i a events all ovef the ing investigation into charges of Presbyterian Groups To Meet NEW AIK SERVICE rsuygMBEH IB. 'Fl gram. The session will meet this eve-! ning at 8 at the manse. CLEVELAND. (AP)-- Trans-! The senior choir will rehearse Canada Air Lines plans to inau-'Hllt III this evening at 7 at the church, gurate a direct trans-Atlantic! Ol ames Destroy The Navarrt department to a (Tuesday about f.

m. to nino at ft in nf vvill provide rolls, butter coffee ert F. Corsiglia said Tuesday the es a a p. m. to whei FHmk CriSfirt Mc crea A Program is will carry passengers from icScfrd hUt a hut wag apparently built by Laughlin is program Mrs.

Russell Sherhag will be ini The skin a hippo can charge of the spiritual life pro-'much as two inches thick. in the Navarre destroyed by here to England in eight hours but before they got started but firemen prevented the be as elapsed time, with brief stops at were informed the blaze had been jfire from spreading to Toronto. extinguished. apparently by'areas. JERKY R.

BETTS bank in Schulenburg, 100 milesj ger for Bell Howell Co ijj spen( a Thursday at 5 from the Thornton, 120 Schulenburg. is cities. Plan Big State Park He formerly and his crew of camera calls itself the Citizens the event with i has, iexas nd various types of high speed! charged that there is graft in the! movie cameras. Belts will wear granting of night club entertain-' his official speedway jackel formers' licenses, and misuses of the his a.peparance at the local cam-'funds obtained from the license era shop. jf Bells has also had considerable! The committee announced it experience in music or would ask Gov.

Nelson A. Rocke- years has had his own band play-; feller for a slate inquiry into the ing the circuits in Chicago and'police department. COLUMBUS A The nextj i i Wagner moved ahead of the step in 'the "Hocking Plan" for! One of the feature demonstra- committee Monday by directing consolidating five parks in 0 5 wil1 be the cut-away model Kaplan city commission- Hocking stale forest area will be of Bel1 a Howell's newest 8mm of investigation, to "check a SBOO.OOO budget request to the' tlon lcture Projector. phase of the situation. 1961 legislature be at the camera shop Thurs! day until 8:30 p.

m. Officials of Ihe Ohio Department of Natural Resources said' today that the S600.000 request would be for Ihe July 1, 1961 to June 30, 1963 biennium. The state' finance departmenl must the requesl before it can be sub- jVjJ.ll.CO milled to the legislalure. jNo.w Eligible i INew Slaying For A Parole As envisioned by department PAULDING. (AP) COLUMBUS (AP) A 74- year old Clevelander who has served nearly 24 years for murder has be come eligible for com- the 10-year.

S2.2 million! plan would turn Ash Cave acres), Cantwell Cliffs (386), Ce-j dar Falls, and Old Man's Cave! (468 logelher) and Rock House; (164) inlo a single recreation! area. Purchase of about 18,000 acres! is involved, and Conkle's a 58-acre area of the stale for-' esls. would be included in the consolidation. the man assaulted and fatally 'Election Blow To Prejudice' A I A CITY (AP) --1 L'Osservalor i a Domenica, weekly magazine published at the Valican, said today that the elec-i tion of John F. Kennedy "elimi-; naled a prejudice that" had no! justification juridically or morally." The magazine said the election; of a Roman Catholic to the presidency of the United States con-; stituted a "victory for the Ameri-j can people rather than for Catho-i licism as such.

The comment on Kennedy's Catholisism was the' first pub-i lished here since the election. i new leads were uncovered Tuesday, but he said he could not vulge them. i Officials Tuesday checked out a number of known sex offenders; in northwestern Ohio in their a tempts lo find the killer of Nancy'' Eagleson. who was dragged into, a car Sunday night. She was found by two hunters; Monday morning near eight miles northeast of here.

Her; body was fully clothed excepl for her undergarments, which were; lying close by. The governor's action was taken on recommendation of Ihe Pardon and Parole Commission. i O1U A TRUSTEE I CLEVELAND. (AP)-- M. While, chairman of the Re-' public Steel is one of three new truslees of Fenn college.

Also elected trustees at a meeling of the Fenn board Tuesday night were C. B. McDonald of McDonald and Waller B. O'Kon- ski, an engineer with the Cleve-t land Electric Illuminating Co. COLUMBUS (AP) Contrac-; tors' bids for eight highway proj-: eels, including a key multi-million dollar interchange on Cincinnati expressway system, will be opened next Tuesday i Columbus, the Ohio Highway department announced loday.

The Highway department e-sti-j males the cost of Ihe eight eels, coupling all right-of-way and) engineering expenses, at nearly' S17 million. This total will bring to more than S240 million the value of all contracts awarded since Jan. 1, the department says. INJURIES FATAL CLEVELAND. (AP)-- Edward Sigmund, 34, who wajked into the side of a Iraclor-trailer in dawn- town Cleveland" Oct.


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