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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 2

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ay w. RICHARDSON, i AND I' day moraing, at C'AItXKS. nt Biiptint Churoli, on Sun- u'ulock, by Kuv. showers and a nqrth'wind visited us diiy bbrove'yeiterday arid continued through yesterday. We fetir'-'soine sickness i 'conse- We are credibly informed that S.

B. Lewis selling ice at two cents per pound. Prof. Kerkel took a benefit at Perkins' Hall, lust Thursday, flight, and did himself great credit in his Tioliti solos, especially' the "Tyrol: Icon air of "Sounils-from Mt23 Rosa ivhich ccoa- Wood takes a beneiU tu-uigh'VoQ 1 the beaiitilul piny will be performed. Rose is of great varsatiHty of talent, crowded 'bouse.

'anil deserves a The foUowing'liat of.Customhouse appointments at-Qalycatou has been furnished us by P. E. was years at tie was firct iippoiii, merit aftet the oeeopatiqnof Glves' ton by 'the 'Unite'd" States viz': K. 1 Peebles, Collector Deputy Collector; Jiio. Burrows, Inspector; Peter Morris, Boarding N.

B. Swift, Special Ageut and. J. Crozier, Store- We learn, Colonel'E. Sne'rbouruo' Iws beeu appointed Special Crockett Quid -of tie 22d says 1- have hewE'from a'-'roliaSjleiaoiu'ce that Gen.

WigfuU'has (tepMte'd'the country via the Rio Grande. He-was saen' aml' ooaveraed with not far Irom this place a f'evr weeks ago, travelling Waatiri cog. '-He thought.Lburc would iiuless it ba with France.a'ad'lhe. 'United States, which i The "an intelligent epDlrabanaf'-bas opened at Marshall. Secretary.Stanlon^after having Carious reputiition, lins, at last, lim'Uaily in ufter i.liu rlrioior.whvB Mr.

Lincoln met hiffvlft raenled death, and by the severity of bia" pit- triolism in uLl'tlie details ot Uia actions concern-' ing-the trial uJ'Mrs. Surratt.aiid several-others, Haying overtaken iaiue in manner so unexpected, alter yie-haSdlwf it fabulous of the -lab'or gysten will probably involve in the capaity'to if Mr. -'Emerson irid "i.s'"the"fiitlier of -'b'egot'teit 1 the twin blessing of tastes und atriukor economy; among, the Southern -people. Wa lear 6n the It Isvrith.ttie highest interest'and'grati- fication' l.bat we esll correspondence in to-day's b'etween the veteran Texuna of and'Uie'venerable' Judge Buruet, late the Republic of Teraa. A morement of this'cU'ara'ct'er.

respectfully ad- dressed'to'thq States ia behalf ot Jefferson D'avis, appears tana-most appropriate, and 'timely and we hope for it respectful hearing'and ultimate.succojs^ names attached to the memorial-form an ira- preiaive list. None but thoae far'advanced iu years are recorded a large proportion are over their threa-acore years, some ure past their or four border a curious event an ihistory, to find thoso-names agnin, to for tbo life of thoir own uearly. thirty yearf alter thBy'Sad- captured.iii battle, and spared the of population The letter to well and forcible, and the reply characteristic and his services at the disposal of his "Friends of many yeiirs-" We are requested to invite nil pld Toxians of the woald lilce itbeir names added: to the or.authcirity to aiga tDe'nei9s( office, or And we now call upon all persons wlio leeil an interest in the pa.tdon aud release of Jeff. PIITIS of ignominioun sen- to eontribuie. such sums as they can atford for defraying the expenses of this mission, uriil the payment of such 66'unael ns Judge Burnetl may be permitted case of necessity to carry out the- prayer of his memorialists.

Let your immediate, aa -time presses. Ladies, we call agaiaforyour active and benevolent Geo; H. Bringhurat- will. act Treasurer oi the fund at keeoera and'Chief Justices are requested to" "open" list's of names and sums and pay'them to the Treasurer; or'his order. Shall we hot hear'frpni every quarter of the State? The Sbreveport says is great deal of BJckneas and a 'heavy mortality among the negroes in that city Exposure, idleness, and.

seem. be" the' principal causes of tho great fatality prevails among Many are' in titter want; not a dime to buy anything'to eat. In many inEtaii- cea, twenty.or thirty occupy a single room, not more than 16 or '18 feet- tins small room 'rnOre ventjllntipn than Is af- Jbrdecl by one very'small window. in BO may-prcconcurted efforts, we is in danger crazy pi subject 6l trying people by military courts, in i connection with, the subjects of the of their imprisonment anJ tbe forecasting- of their punishment. We read that he flevy lowering p'aasiiiu when Gen.

Taylor requested to'euc Miv Davis, In prison--a favor-which die President aeeuis, mncli inclined to grant. The do'ngbty Secretary.lied from, Cabinet- minting. where the proposal made, in the hottest imste; and ordered Gen. Hancock to permit "no more.Confederate officers'. to' approach.

Washington without special orders, giTJn, under bishaad'and ooetira that the Secretary, in cpnst'quenctt'Of'hia-having no much di'liglitl'ul and 'imexpocted in the lute Slaw trials, hits come, 1 somehow, to feel' that liis immortality would be complete 'if Jefferson Davis should be brought to bciif- thld. We make no objections to the Mr. Diivis, nor to the feelings him by anybody'else, except Secretary Stanton. But'we do put it to every unprejudiced reader, ot Sortherr. Southern proclivities, whether lie does not think some nnconsions evidences of a determination Davis's corj(len'malio'a' 'ita 'a forgone colic! union If we bad the Secretary's we should inviie'bim -to consider it is absolutely necessary to his well-being and to tho immortality of his a that Mr.

Duvia should he hung. Judges and-juries'ara not, we believe, in habib of considering 'success in the persons aa a test of That is -a cuuon of wbich has been ued chiefly in regard to military affairs. the Secretary set out'to attain a military reputation, and is be. now reduced to tha necessity of making a fame tor. generalship out of the conviction of the people connected with the war, 1 because Grant and Sberiaaivbave monopolized the credit of defeating DoeVbe hopa to place his name beside theirs by his usefulness in arranging" military courts and "does'" tlie conviction of an accused rebel, through his instrunientability, as being equivalent to the gaining of a victory on well fought Held? It we understand the meaning of tha.

Secretary's movements, tills question wiil have answered in affirmative. Without intending to say anything against the or the Government, to we are unfeignedly loyal, we do mean to say that Mr. Stan top's actions somehow convince us that be'feels himself bound-in duty, to'have Davis convicted. JiVe dpi ndt charge' that he use unfair means for that purpose but we bolievo that, in tbe excess of bis yearnings to do something not has come to despise euch a thing as a trial.without a conviction, as being.prett^ much the equivalent of a 1 battle without victory. fine, the.

Secretary has gotten military and. judicial ters mixed up in his'head in hopeless confusion. He considers people to bo tried, as He regards them as using nil of strategy to escape a conviction, which lie bound, to nse all sorts'of strategy, to' produce. And, generals point to the kiMed and wounded ol the jnemy, as a sign of a.guotiesafnl' fight, so Stanton is inclined to point number, of the hung as the best evidence 'of his skill in conducting a griiil. We have never kuown a man to mix incongruous thincs so strangely before and feel certain that the record of Mr, Stantpn's proceedirigs'will rormone'of the most curious chapters of judicial record, as well an! in the h'story of partial insanity arising troin.mis- directed ambition.

There is no doubt that'Mr. Stanton envies Grant and Sherman, and that he expects to plu'ca himself beside them in generalship and I'nmH by his services'in" (he trial of Jofferson Davis Honestly, we believo what we have just said; and we have said it, not because we sympathise with Mr. Davis, but because we do not like to see a great country so prominently represented In such casei by a man whom 'the world will, not long hence, have been.preju- diced. The trial of Mr. Davis is a grave and matter.

The'churacter of'the Government is involved ia We very much fear that Mr. Stanton's influence in the matte? will eave something to be regretted.after it is too ate helped. we he desires to do anything wrong, but because be las.not that hearing of impartial dignity which jecomes the occasion, and because betakes the ixtrerne against the accused in a mariner and an extent it may pass now, when, people are; somewhat prejudiced and excited may, in the end, leave' a'blot uponithe escutcheon of the country which she would fain ripe even at the expense of. letting' the of Stanton Eink into its appropriate insignificance. The country can wtiUafford'to stand the maxim that success is the test of merit, as applied to her Generals 1 cannot so well allow an- appropriation of the maxim y' those who conduct her prosecutions.

Bad again of.the behavior of the colored'soldiers in Charleston. The Courier that squads of 'them go.mtd'et'ores; the the ft time when he. ia demand the money dr'awev. "fw'o money drawers thus carried away in one night recently. reason for A young fellow in Barnatend, JSew 'his throat the other.day_-b'ecatwe'he wan rbjDg tp rnartied.

A Irancisco herself because: not going Albanyi N. "The train which brought Gen. York, to m'aiJe the lred and'fifty-four miles, in rfor'ty-four best nte eight huptlret '-two--hundred -negroes t-, ahtl-at'Lyhch- a'nd 'one- hundret Although the war is over, the vast expense to which the North went-to put down secession, remains a fopic'of considernble difficulty. Great Britain congratulates making money oy losing hor American Colonies. Whatever else has been 'made by sustaining 'the Uniony outside of the shoddy their'illustriqus compeers in.

'the strategic, field, tvact, no cash has.been -accunrolated, although certain pamphleteers are 'ventilating the' 1 para- dbx'thatithe'natipnal debt is besides being'bj imaginary public bliJBsiug. So-far, however, we-believo the pub- lic'have omit The-witli'draival of the monthly' statements by; the Secretary of-the Tieasury, is- causing some'alarm. 'It is supposed to indicate, an. Inn. satisfactory condition we observe that.the.

English factories are monopolized by orders for American cotton. It has; been'imagined, we presume, that tbe Spnthem would'again exhibit its ancient and undiscriminating voracity immediately on the return of everything, from antedeluviau cooking-stoves to immediately" post-dilnvian' p.riiilis and I "The times ae full of reaiona for dismissal of vaiiT and'Jthe more thinlever the old and-Vell- tnddratood virtneVwliich the ill the experience of tke past. TELEGRAPHIC. some other respects, tixe lei ona war ai'e yet to learn; If tins slioi be tho case, we shall rejyret'it'aa profoundly aa -though itwere not.a' uew'aridonce of thelcostliness of'eoer- ciou; bnt'we suaU.iDe.conirJiHed to accept it onii of the withou which tho hiiitor'y. of the times would'be Be it-re- inenihcrod, as caution, thlt the wiaeat stntes- raeu of mbre'warriings upon subject than, upon'' any" alwayn that the iinanuial cbsfof alibinB'atiou'would be found to outweigh'its'pplittuil'henefits.

Should these forebodings remain Unrealized, none will rejoice more sincerely thanW-rabels sion'mts. It is their wish," it is their interest, that whole should become, suddenly prosperous, eveu.though'thls is tuorethn they cau well dare to Gold-does not decline. Tbe prices'of goods continue to Inquiries from abroad manifest some anxiity about cotton. investment in American stocks has anything to do with this cannot positively declare. Meanwhile, cotton planters are making no calculations at all! They are Hatnletixed to the extent of being "almost titeit 'of.

cursing resolutions that Deem determined to die ft natural death, and which, if they are unlucky in having to thread so many violent and sanguinary nuiniositu's. With them, "function is smothered in surmise and nothing but what is not." Colton enough may be gathered this season to do some good, difflcul- tios may not arise before'the tim'e for putting in crop. "The will' not produce a considerable fulling off irom the million bales of lew. Even that'part of a million won put' in under the old system. can'tiothelp the belief tha.1 the less dependence there is upon cotton tbe better it will be for all concerned.

There is BO immediate.way of rais- ing'the article offpreyious "years, li'-th'e'cori'niry ripori Cotton to a great extent, for credit and prosperity, we suppose there is no reason why that dependence should continue. 'Other resources may be'de- veloped; for instance, may grease the wheels and light the lamps of nutiooal prosperity. But 'the dependence 1 on cotton and on'Southern markets has passed, away or, th'ere is almost.certain'.tq: be disappoint-, ment. The white labor, small farm.systemi is yet in the futnre: Whether; taking the ginning of, cotton, andjta that system ever lnny have complained of the tyranny" of We. believe there in Egypt, Joseph, notwithstanding bia address as an opposer of famine.

And when the.King" who'know the iew me'asnra adopted to save aggrandize the country, was the's'etting' of'people' to the a i i without straw:" 1 The measure did not so well as its wise regard to economy would seen to have the downfall of the'-cotton tyranny, none 'will experience greater relief than tbe oot- ton-plantar himself. The-business'kept him on the tread-mill to an extent which was but poorly repaid by once a jea'r, a little money, lost much ot its pleasure-giving influence, when' considered in connectiou.witb tbe offset of debt against it. Raising cotton for the world in way of the Northern markets, was'always a business oi greater promise than performance, even under-the old labor-system. Weaea nothing to make it more compensating itbder' present auspices. People should not suppose that one" swallow makes summer.

The Emperor Kapoleon, in his We ol Cresar, says it a country a remarkable time to recover Irom a serious civil strife; though not stated in the same place, may have sotna connection--in-as-much, as there is a rernfirilable unity in the Emperor's views--with bia other, statement, that the slightest force is-sufficient to crush Utopias, but tho contrary, "when society is tormented by real imperious Ihe ancct33.of,~the violent. repression, is but ThisV'we'sa'y, may be a reason why we are'not 'for Immediate prosperity. If all the complaints against the administration of the Government by a numerical majority, and which led to the war, were Utopian, then there nmy be a sudden return to prosperity they were not, the case different. For the. sake' of'the 'country, and notwithstanding pur own past participation in those complaints; we-sincerely wish they may turn out to have been wholly-unfounded we fear that thoae complaints were founded ou ideal, which, in some -must trouble country, until they are allayed by suffering, by experience, and by (iVise.future statesinanahip.

Persuading ourselves. all forms of trouble have been abolished- by.peace, trial may come upon us a thiefin the night: While, on the one hand, we'thould" always hope and labor fox the and while also as one great means of averting trouble or of gaining contro! of it, we'ahonkr advocate aha promote a reigii of loyalty and good feeling, embracing- the hearty-co-operation of all the good men in the country, North arid South, we should. Jievertheless, on the other hanc, be so far convinced that the late, troubles sprang fro'm deep causes a a not to.abandon any. more to the gyren song of a "great country" and a "great people to such an extent as to iraagine that.every danger requiring sagacity, sell-control and heed to tbe. and wants of the is -still serious work ahead--requiring all to animosity, partisanship, sectionalism, and to make our duties as citiaeuB tlie'subjeut of the most earnest anxiety- votion.

If, as some seem to suppose, tbe timea indicate new issues of paper money by the g'tiv- ernment, and indeflnite expansion, yre evidently be walking among avalanches which a word may'disengage and bring down not-only to the rnin'orbuBinesa, but, as'Jis in not destruction of those elements of. character in the people, on alone the 'stah'Uity of a' free Tulegraptied to tli The Sparks, has urrived-with N. 0. dates to havb" nidst 'astounding the rich'gold rairies Iti 1 Virginia 1 ia)Vver ia kbpV.iii Vir; ginia to present yagrancy'among. negroes.

It'is the has said that-if a dilBculty ibcciirs: with -the States', tr6ops will -be'ttirOir'n'' the Rio'Grande: Another flreman's Yotk 'has r'e- in' one and othf'rJ. Nothing further can be known of the cable until the arrival of tbe Great -Eastern. NEW'-YOB'K, Aug. 41p. a'small "Cotton' trom Camden; 1 says the'riegroes are to be.

turned loose. on the: 1st of Jahuafy. arming themselves; and 'difficulty tween themselves and the whites is anticipated. 'Hayti we learn that the rebela-held NI.W YOHIC, Aug; 21 advanced 'one' to three centn. closed at Mississippi has abolished pieamble.setting forth" that the-in- stitution.Jnd alremly been destroyed.

atood 88 to 'The Legislature is required to pass the! 'aw necessary to guari ihe nsgroes and. the', Stale against the of sunden ernancipa- tioii. 1 It was rnbved 'that' an 'informal' meeting of be held to petition the Presir dentifor the.release.6f Mr. Davis! balances.due',by Co. to the Eastern Banks amount to'th'-ee and a half millions of dollars.

"Oholera is spreading at Constantinople. troops repo'ffed as leaving for Mexico improved in New Orleans--Middling 42c. to43o. Gold in New Orleans, 146J to Heavy and continued rains in Galveston to-day. W- R.

LESLIE. THOMPSON, Oeueral anil. Collecting Agent am TOST OFFICE STREET, TEXAS, i .11 JJ1 I lj 7 0 SI 0 MER. HAX1 i A A Gavwtou, July IS, 16B5--dtw2in Oil. has been struck" in 1 California AU I A o'clock; jit, 10- 'sa'-ihcli' SCOTCH iO'-do 1 COTTONXDES'i' 10 Uo CORDED JACONETT; 80 reama BILL PAPER 88 dd LE.TTER A 120' 'do FINE Hand anJ Wood Try, Jack and.

Smoo'thiing Hunt's Axes, Ship Axes, Hatchets-; Hammers, Drawing-ktuves, Augers Ciiiselsi Files. Rasps, c. SUGAR, MOLASSES, English Glaas Tumblers, be made on dayrofaale; Houston, August W. VlKUKXT. j.

W. H. I A MER CRA X.TS a K.X A ILL.give persona! BtUo.of. Cotlou. i Wool, aud otbor Country Produce, sent to ua for Houaton; Aug.

JOHN JOHN DICKINSON; Cuttvn and HVool Factors unit Com i i 23,1865. Encourage Enterprise i A HB uodersifined would, rcapejifully inform the citi MOB of Galresloa that tbey hare opaned a PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY; I a i a 1 i i "on Sired, wnerc they are prepared to-rto all-kiuds of work portulning to-tbe PICTUHE as Cartcn de and 1'botograpba from A size to tho Cabibet or i perial, in taotier' etyle tlian ia tho City, and equal to uny work in tbrj South. i A long practical exporfence ibe Southora States guwdDLUtiB us in eayipg.that we cau turn out wort tbu. will in nil Lidice and Gentlemen nro respectfuSiy Jnvited to 'cAii tiod Spt'Ciiaeop. wliather utairoua of obluiu luy.Flcturea oraqt.

iiu'd Pi'oturee'or lavalids aod Deceaitn PteitUDS. taken al abort notice. F. W. B.iHTLETT CO.

Galveston; Aupual 25; 3865--dtf JExpress Sdsterh', "Western 'SoutKtrn Express 1 BtTS old reliable Expreaa Corapany haviug eatab llibed Otfloe in tbis G'iiy, are prepared tu receive iud forward Packages, Freight to all thepriTicipalpoinljs in iht United Stoics, Canada' in the qmckcsCjwssiln Ppociml Mfissengera on all trains between Houston and GalysaioD, by elca-mera Now Orleans, Ibr Vork, Bofltou, Pbilatlelphln, Buitimoro, WaBbjoKtoii Cincionfctl, ludianappllB, LouisvlUtij uaU a) lulefmedlate Spr-cln( "leaye "Ncw'Orltians A al- cliez, Vtckaburp, Mernpbls, Cairo and log Cairo wUb' Dully Messengers lor all poiuia 'nortU East tiud Weet liy Railroad. NfeBSooRera" leaVa" New Orleaoa for Mobile, Moot Komery, Kvluiu, Okiilouo anti iuiermediue polnig. cy For ratet oC and Freight, and other inquire Bulcbias' Uuild lag, oppoiileIhe-RaitHoUM. H. -Agect.

ASTED-- OI.B Apply 10 Gulrcston, Aog .24, tlat J. LAJUD1E, Galvwson. will find a cowfortuble plane at MRS. M. MAJOR'S.

Hoar the Caulrat DBIMH Houston. Firufclo-ou New Orleans-New Yoit m'sutua to suii-f-gohror i HcMAllAN G'lLBERT. ICE! ICE ICE! QUANTITIES TO SUiT! Opposite tl)8 Ohl CsDUnl aug23 dtf ALLEN, POOLE CO. OK Virgluia I'oio opposiUiOaIvcsUD ODG. tli.K.K, Kor turm applv to Judye 1).

Joliuatou, of (iiUvesiou C'W August .1 iltwlm VIU.1AM J. JONKS. K. kicd, quantity and quulily, losuit imrcbasers. For sale low.

Inqulronf auRlS dif McNEELY. MERCHANT, HOUSTOKyTEXAd. D. tr ASVTEI.L MERCHANT, And Reczivi'sg and Forwarding promptly attended ta Joly26 i i I I A A Colton nna AVool Factor asd Cora. lu'sklvn Morcuunl, ttiiglb (istwlin' Atturuey and at Lnw, ILL givo local opinions, ana draw legal' slwr6 I alt kruds, i promptitudn and BJ-Ofllcc iKxt door Co Esprwo Company Uoustna, To.ynn..

aiiull dJtiwlm Senool Iloakx unil A 1 2 8 A A EALERS eupplied cheaper tliaa by aay otber 'u the aujjlO riitft- npflE' oust, Session' xvill Ofhja on tbe first Moudiy of JL September, with a lull -Faculty. Tbe govertimeut utid cpnrso.ol ntuity as heretoiorQ, Kor timber iafcrrnktioo address tbo Superictflndeoi at dktwlmj K. T. P. ALLKS.

on the lirsi Monday iu" Seiiiemlior ODHiitng; ihe aunpiceB'Ol 1 1 tbrmiir Tuacher; iHss 'BLLEN- P. PHELFER. pecta 10 by a-Tuaclibr of MUBHJ, Lirftwlmr, Ravea of luiiioii as fiwmcrly. A Boarding-house will ba 'opened OD the premlBes by A. Jones lor the UftLibo ol' Siudauta.

Board iug at. twelve dollars par A SabbatU. School be connected witfc ho luBUl'uLion, titid EtiMxiou3 Services OR often us cou- veiii'eiit. 1805-- 'H. B'L A Hud ConimiHSion.

MercUanta, XL A .1. 6G Agents for.NevvYork and Packets. EIN'G conPUiiiliy' ia" receipt oC 'ASSORTED CHANDISE from 1 NcwVork; wo are prepared lo make advances or Goods on 'Produce to' our iioosa in tbat tMty, for wnicli quick returns will lm innJo. Gitlvestou; August 1G, LSG5-- dlwly L. MJuv.v...; ilcMoKHiia.

MANN McMORUIES, Cotton ajttl Facloru u'nd JTlercbants, I A G'lL 1. A rpHE-uudorslRneU liave opoood an ortlca Gulveainu lor JL 'the truiisactiou of a Cotton uod Wool sad General CommweiuD buslneBS, ADI! bope by prompt attention to buBiaess eutrusted to them to aBbureof patronage. Special atuaulioii given to consign men la ot MASN'fc McMOHBIES. Galveston, August 15; 1365--UUvSui i HENRY SfAMPSON. COM ZflSiilO'lf' il-JS'-R oil A ILL.receive on coufiicumeut; lor sale or COTIOS, Western uuil Couutrr PRODUOE.

Will also attend to.tbo of orders accompanied by'cnab nr H'O Corner nf Church and.Zlst Guli-ttfon- HK uiidu'raiK" 0 formerly of the JiBuae. now to Inform Uis'Trinuds and llic public titmt be has just opened the large anil commodious house on the corner ol' Church. 21st streela, oi tbe Catnedral. His tabJa will De'always supplied w-itU thetieBt.the market Hilorda. F.

THOMSON. Galveelou, Augudt I6 1865--dtwhn. Joa- VICTOR J. BICE BAULARD, Ship Pa-inters'and Glaziers, AVE resumed-tiuuluess c.t- vbuir olil vtand, on Tre- mociiitreot, nean.ihe Straari. expect to as borcloforej a couiplelo miBrrtineut of everythfug be- loDgiog to tbe trude, ITie of.their old trieudfl, and tlio public generoJJy, Ia soliciteJ.

auglO ddmtwl? C. i MATHHR8, HUGHES ifc SAUHDKHa,) Gotten n.iit factor u.nd.'CiHuei'al CommiMHlon.ITlercsaans, TEXAS:" OLICITS the puLroongo his i'rlands, welJ us of ibe frieuds nl' late firm, and of tho public geuentlly- 1 'He- flatters' ulmBdf that aii esp'ericuce ofsomo twenty years iu the atuwo Hue of bueinesa In this State, will ouuble him gipo satipliiqtlou' in the UiRiwaal of wii- Bigomeata eotrudte'-l 10 bfa care. nuyll dJclwSnj MDTBH lain W. J. 4 lato wllU Mclllienny, IVilUfi A Bro.

c-o iv: JJJS.R-C.K.A OSMe In' HiilclilQB' BuMUitjg. ESVECTFCJLLV npllctt tlio (XmsUiomctit of lor sale. or shipment, and Murchau Irom Oomostic anil Foreign llarkata: Are prepare purchaie suppHoa on advantageous terms. Produce to their addrei at Galvestou will receive personal attea- tloa. i to ce.

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