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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 1

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Daily News. 1 CX VOL. FRIOA AUGUST '4, Correspondence. CAI.VKSTOX, August 3, 1SC5. i'l a miiiature likeness in a gold RoU lepiac watch, a lady's a i anl six children threatening their lives ''re'isiiiu'e was made.

Mr. says one of the rre'are''MV, U. rf. troops in tlu: interior tlie State, to protect the people gainsi i lianda of outlaws. "in? elv Orleans papers confirm the reports Direct to this citv from the Rio is a great deal of sickness and mortality oilicers nnd soldiers on that river.

The disease is calUil the brecikbone fever said to be rapid.y taking the type of the yellow fever. fnconveijience is foil and much loss tiy ilie inopportune sickness in Xew Orleans Peebles, Collector of Customs for this Port, tas for some time prevented the rc-estab- of a Custom-house here. A Mexican ves- jirrived, is seizure and her Muster siltr IjonJs, for the reason that Iliere i-s no V. K. here authorized to receive entry or collect It is stated vessels are loading for this Xaisau also sixteen at N'ew York.

Mer- are prevented from shipping cotton to New V.T!: with which so purchase stocks of merchan- next season's business. Anil the I'rocln- 01 the President of the United States is not into eE'ect, which long since declared this I open to foreign and domestic commerce. By instruction of the Secretary of the Treasury am' order of Gen. Sheridan, all w.m commerce are wholly remitted and turned i.vcr to the supervision of the civii authorities, officers of Customs. It would seem, therefore.

nat the entrances and clearances of vessels should entirely governed by the Revenue Laws which that when a vessel under a coasting clear- icce arrives at a port where there is'no officer of C'jftoias. the thereof may discharge his rargo. load and make entry and clearance at the Srsl L'nited States port r.t, which the vessel may arrive, where a KevenncoMicer resides. Still there no provision in the law in case of a vessel arrir- from a foreign port and in such circumstances. It is suggested as the best course to be adopted our citizens, that a meeting of merchants be i.fij anil a committee appointed to proceed to New and to represent to Dr.

Peebles the great iuij. injury and damage, past, present and prospective, suflcred and sustained by the commerce of Galveston and of Texas by the want ol aT.evemie Officer here, and requesting him to appoint a Deputy Collector for this port. 1 lind quite a number of old acquaintances trying to get passage to New Orleans, and they came to me fur information how they can gL't transportation. I should be ghid to give the much desired information, but am unable to do it. 'r'ubiic journalists are, 1 know, expected to inform people at large in regard to all the facilities for "uavel.

transportation, charges lor but, after my utmost etlbrts to discharge this duly, all I can is that, as far 1 can yet learn, rioiJe but Government vessels are allowed to enter this port, arid these are not allowed, to bring or tbke passengers, except the conditions named the put lislied order. 1 hear itstated that the M'booner Mary a i which you will see in the arrivals yesterday, is a pfivais vessel, be- lunging to. ore-bartered by, Messrs. Blagg wad a cargo from New York. This vessel comes i.iadod with lumber and assorted merchandize, and is, I believe, the first arrival Xcvv York for tlie last four years.

I trust this carg is ouly the ivant courier of many others soon to arrive, and tuat it is an indication that onr trade is soon to be The steamship Montauk also arrived yesterday afternoon from Xew Orleans, as far as 1 can It-arc, slie brings uo later news. Xo further developments appear to have been tairie in regard to the fire night before last. a thrit there is positive evidence in regard to the ireqnent attempts to this city, but we are to see whether any full investigation is to end. Onr ctiizens are in constant fear and irenil.ling, not i how soon their own premi- ss may be reduced to ashes, and their families lelt without a shelter. Messrs.

St. Cyr, Leonard aud 1'ubil. aud Mrs. Conn, ware the chief sufferers by last flre, and it was but the other day that Leonard and Pubil lost nearly everything had by robbery, and after having mads an to start in business again, they have again loit nearly all their new The splendid ionr story brick of J. A.

Sauters, the most 'iiistly building in the city, was with difficulty the wooden cornice and shed having Ire- caught on lire as stated in my last. I observe "tha- the windows in the rear of Air. BeiloLher's threfc story brick buildiug. caught, on lire. Indeed, the more I have examined the condition of property iu the immediate vicinity of the t'je more I am convinced that our city.

tflade another narrow escape from a general con- fcrati'in. As usual our tjremeu entitled thcm- to much credit I'or their exc'rUous, but they are very crippled for a adequate means, their engines not being in order, and i learn there ib alao a great scarcity of buckets iu the cur. R. fOITHEKX Vf. Garrett, President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad fcas obtained an onler from tie Government to the.

Southern railroads with all the stock belonging to the United States Government, at a fair the rouds for the money, to be paid out of the receipts from business. This will save Government many thousands of dollars, by obtaining a far better ptice tnan it otherwUe receive, and at the same time affora the roads facilities for development tbat they oonld not elsewhere have; Tkkdrg Herald. Im portailt, from A I I I A AIjniCATK--T1IK "SU.IUKCT DISCUSSED WASUIN-GTOS. rumored, tlml the Stitte llepartmeni hns receivedy intelligence from private sources in Mexico: tn tlio'efleci there is strong probability, thnt Maximilian 1 will ibJicntc his throno there; and.return tp-Kurope in a few months, to be owing to some recent success gained by the.patriot Mexicans over, the Imperialists, the details of it is said, not yet reached the United States and also the failure of. the Emperor Napoleon to'support, Maximilian witlrtroops, in the manner and to-the; extent that tho If latter, cause really exists, the ofuMiix-j tnilian may be fur us a.certainty,.for.:thei stability Ins throne depends entirely Freuoh bayonets gold.

Everything; therefore, upon. a. i i a i act. I is'reported a a orders i a sent to the commander of our forces on (lie Rio' Grande to cross that river and a a into Mexico upon tlm i ol" a certain contingency, i i by no muiins improbable. This report 1 may be has uot yet been traced to source.

It is a i however, Mexican-affairs were discussed iu the Cabinet ou'KHday, and the'general repression among those most i to' is, that the discussion'took turn that no 1 means pleasing to the Secretary of Slate. One, story is, that the President stated it to be his wish a the France ollicially notified thut Maximilian must be i a froui and iii of refusal of Napoleon to comply, which refusal was not anticipated by the Presi-i a Gen. Sheridan be.lhen directed to cross Uic- llrande. and capi-. till with his whole army.

Tlioso who tell this story say that this 'course of action was vehemently op-' poseil by Mr. Sewarcl, who went so far as to say, that Xajioleon wonld never 'consent to tho withdrawal of Maximilian. 1 think, hutvever, that hero are shaping themselves so as to cotilirm fully all that I have recently stated in regard to tho i a i of llie "President to uphold the Monroe Doctrine. It is the opinion ot' the coolest and heads liere tinit tliut determinationi cari'ied into will not, in any event, involve us in a'war with b'nince. There is no more sagncimis riiler i i than a He thoroughly understands us, onr i and onr people.

European sovereign is so well'so'i'veil us'he in all tliat relates to accf.rn.te intelligence-or till tluit'passes here. He reads onr National character like an open book. knows our He knows how powerful' a hold the Monrne doctrine bus upon the Learts of the people, lie knows a i needs.but live.words from President, Johnson to army of lialf.X i i of the veterans of Grant and Sherman rushing like a tornado toward the halls of the Mou- teznmas. It is believed, therefore, tliat it only needs an emphatic announcement of to enforce the Monroe Doctrine to cause Napoleon to withdraw his Austrian following Hums arc from Flakes' Bulletin, ol' tbu are sorry tn learn from 'passengers by the, arrival from New Orleans; tlmt-tlie Collector of Custorc.s for i was i very sick at the residence of Gdyernor Wells on the 2Stb and tliat is no immediate proa-i pect of his coming over to open the Customhouse. This is bud news, indeed all maratirne operations uave corne to a stand still, and i the arrival of the Collector, no goods can be brought into i port, except through army sutlers, who charge exorbitant prices, and oven trading is obstructed whilst the port remains A F.

Vanzile piloted the TJ. S. transp'ort'Diiniel Webster over our bar yesterday, drawing eleven feet of touching. Mr. A a 1 to the i Army, was brought before; the Recorder, charged i selling goods to citizens i license.

He owned the corn," and after paying the costs.aod taking out a license, on his way rejoicing." On Monday night a party of soldiers, (a'portion of them being disguised in citizens a house on Mechanic street, destroying the windows and injuring some of the inmates. mention this as only one of many outrages which are being daily and nightly committed. are made both by negroes and.othcrs'coiitiriually, and as jet no check has been placed np'on 1 them. Why are soldiers not belonging to guard alioweci lo be away from their quarters 9 'o'clock nt uight. How -is it thai negroes are allowed to run about as they please These are questions askud every day, and we must say we cannot answer them.

We live in hopes that each day will i forth a change, yet thus far we have hoped i i A negro was arrested yesierdfly, charged with stealing forty-eight dollars from Mr. ol this city. The charge being prove lie was sentenced to wear a ball and chain, and work ou.the streets for sixty days. There arc mw about fifty persons, residents of this city, who receive their support I the i ted States Government, and the is constantly increasing; OXEUOUS TAXATION--The. Rochester.

(X. Union-says the taxes of some persons in that city actually exceed the earnings so far as personal property, is more a man has the.po.orer he It is the'case, perhaps, with some owners.of real "The. city taxes are five per cent, aud ic county per cent. On personal property, at interest, money loaned 'on' bonds arid unless a man can manage by usurious to get more than a earnings of his. capital will uot pay the local taxes.

Tt has come'to this: the law says it usury to take more, than seven use of. the. affixes a penalty The-authorities of the city and county say thai a man shall pny'eighl per ceut otvoue. per more his money will Here is an instance: A gentleman of'this-city sometime since'invested for a widow $8000 at six per cent--a safe investment. This.year Che as-! sessors taxed this $8000 'as personal which they a right to do, presume.

This a'tid receive but She i a to pay into the public treasury. $140 more'- than' hei; 'money earns. Her cash ifl a. hungry e.lepliant, o'l no use, 1 nnd eating '-IS' cb.rres'p'oiiclprit, of 11 Western exchange Wtl'iiiiugtou, N. as fpl- ows 5 I'Every man UVre lives' in jest stylo, tlie place aird.rcls, no matter Low slender I ivas guest, last tiigji't', of civil offiqer wlioso's'alary cannot bis over, t.w.o', tl.ious'andj His lioiise was a double" 'th'at woiiltlJiavo.clp'iiu no'discredit to Fifth Ayc'nue Y()u'apprpaclied a prdfusioii' rarest! was in tho mbst aristocratic quarter, of tlie elegantly and on two tliousancTJol- lars'a the government But this modest and, 'The'offi- riitidc.tho one house serve all his Another officer--a Colonel 6u 'fluty less easily satisfied.

family but.lie. finds one'or' thelargest'aud best furnished double houses in! town only sufficient for his ba'chulor' wants as Anbtli- ur.lipuse, 'spacoitis 'arid required for the uses "ol his "offico! Am), in'gen- eral our to go upon the theory that liav'iug conquered they are entitled to the best it has. These houses aro generally; i i rich Soutltern owners 611 the approach of piir.troops' the city. The'pro- pri'e'tors huvo retired''to adjacent country places to bo out of harm's way till they see bow they ur'oilo'iiii treated, auil already they 1 are ninlcing their calculations about returning iu the fall. iiud a sultiiuf tou lo twelve FurniHbtid UIHJIUK, IBiili-- Lit: 3T.

B. I A CO. A I AN-D' issioH' eye ft t. 0'N A Si ARE PREPARED TO A P'V A S. ON CONSIGNMENTS UF AI.I, KINDS (IK A I il ii .011 a i i I I A KOK.

and Western Froiluce, i lie nmele to us ilirer.i, at (lALVtSTON, where we a attciitive Agont, iimt a Etore nxmi, to take cbarRC of aucb GOdJa, suv- ingnooslKLierB iho.uaual cnmiclssiou cUargeaatGalvi'stOD. Kt'lrtr lo any In. Galveatou nnd i M. I A Aur.liuiiecrs. I 'AUCTIONEERS A A I I A USTOX, 'TEXAS.

are preparoil in rtict-'ive ami store all i ol i i a i a-jd Cnimtry I'rtxiuco, and i Hit' FIHne nt i i or i i i as ilirecttMl. Liberal atlvaucea i MurcljaDiilse or 1'rodiice wliL'n rcqui-Bted. C5- We sell at I AUCTION every THUKSDAY and SATURDAY. Bfindin! Uiiotln lo he snla alAuclicn, will please send iliL-ni thu day bptore ibe Buk 1 For rijI'L-rcuuc, l'i liny busiiiepa.houss in Ibis i July2i illl 1 IIF.XRY WIEN'KR Ailctionccrp: X.^roNK W.M! BARNES, Formurly tV.

Lids oneCn. NlebDur Itirncs. I I A Ii and General Comnuxsion'Mcnhanis, lire-prnof i i i i i A RAIUtUAO IS EA KO.H i a or t'reighl. IL T011BKRT, Frelglit A' ftlrlns NUltSK. lo in Good wugaa will bu paid.

A nt Olllce. Juiy-'J i llanrdliiir unit Ilooiun to I H'Al EliS i i i i i 'I will receive 1 FT.W BOAHWWS Oonilrele Duilding. i I 14, IS.liu--dSrlvvut R. a i pennjiiicnt 1 )' locatt'il iu tlii's City, lemlurs bis prbfoesionul Ecrvicus tn i be c.iti7.i;iia Drug Store, uud rusi- iicti Dortli i i ol Capitol uour Uuyou. i OLl SALK A N'o.

1 nearly new, vrltU lour nuts' of HAKN'ISxS Also, llirvc lino A a bt- Biifd at u. A at I i Olllcc, tu J. ll.IiBPERT.'MillUJau. Jimu'JO ilLwtl A rocojve nu consifjnracnt, lo'r'salb A I A A I I a i -Superior a i iiud 1'luster- i I 4 I i Biitu by 8 If B. O'aiVL'Hlou.

i I A i VATEItS 'raiiisUiiiLlr oh uiu soun A I I umi TAU. Apply UPXI door in llio ExprMi OlHoein II. .1 I ill-: TKXAS, O. N. fXl'BI'SS LX).

ni-f mw pro a liuuspnrl Frelghl nhd i i over ibe'l'tutM and Urli-uua Kallrtmil, in cuhiicr-liji! i vurluus olUur routes. 'jut-13 il D. ie i IU S. U. A JB ON' MERC A IlKlll'STKAl), Juuuil'J dOm' li -r l' it i (Six Atilts HRRK A I CONNKCT I Uenlrul Wuilroatl, nro ojien tor Llio reccpLiuu 01 OAN'NON, IVopriL-lur Jimo 14 iti neua.

rj. Kirby 1 Sroith'i grtider, WalkeV, 1 a Cola. Flournoy. Allen and ex- Governor Moore. Still Bee and Hindnian Cola.

Luckott, BjWdivell and i Runnels, Clark and a (the a very sick) and and Unasell. We regret to learn tliat the talented and.gifted lawyer, Pendleton Jlnrrah, late Governor of Texas, was on "Baturday lying at-Monterey dan-' irerouSiyrilU Thoae with opnversea-Jiad very little hope of his.recovery,.^-Jftttamdros 7ian- chero, July 13. rl.ic-v^;.,··'.·:.:-..-.-:: i l-U int'i. i i iu I I The striulcKL'poreooftt atUioiion given IB all i of cucsigaed to i 11 fin lor tiLorape, anlo, or ship- eii'i i 2 i i A. 13 Jt ITI A H.

EXCHANGE and COLLECTION OFFICE, (In theI fnrmer office of B. Shepherd ARD i i to lor tlia presont, 1 tmro rooted my WeUeraiark, Eaq who was i me tor MX'yeu uccl tn whoiu'I commend Uiose wbo lo'rnio'ly diJ I a i u-jth tne, as it gentleman worthy ol' ihnlr as be O7cr poasessod mine, 1 i i B. SITEPHEtin. I 'I 1 11 A li I AM to PC'! Pitbt Kxr-hahgc oa Orleans, 1 in a i i i i pold boucht and sold. July.

30 dLwiT i i A A'. III BOp.KS.E A A I r. .51 a a i II a 1 1 I A tn 'supply r.oDBumers' and 'dealers in 'all rtquired ia on better they t-uu Untl al any.other and bujjK iliii publii; beiore'buying else- wherf 1 His i i art) such as to keep stocks uiM'fiyrt ou 11 niMurs promptly i a pM.i supply ul i i and Blank Bniiks i i i i i i i oi'SCHOOL BOOKS tjXjjt'ftti'd in IV-w days S'ow a lull stock it? pt-rtainiiig 1 to liia i a i Turk, including pjlanoa and i ujjpropriiii.c; boik8 of ioatructioa, btiil a (lut ir Choice 'TkJn' 'Cjisli, or Us 'Ordora, accornpaDifid by of of prniiuiie counlgoed to'aoy good hmiae tu fiatveatoDj i be 'at'once, wtibout awaiting arrival of i August. 'c. I Dealer An erican'XV Ui- i i Ground Colored uuci EuainoicJ WHITE LEAD, Chroma and 'GHEENdMHud an between 'CaDtruil' Desb'roases Slreotfl, NEW YOKE.

Aul dtlwSm JLi 'F'O K--8 A. JL Cio.ouN JUST, BOOTS Axn SIJOK3. WtY.COODd AX: Vory low fur Casli or Cotton. Houston, (J i H. K.

A i in -in i i nn Rr.r.civing nnd FonrnriUn. firch nnt A 0 iV A Snp'iiri ITlolnsscs, i in rfUiniKt: in i i J-ily-JS dAtwtiin A AND XXCHAXGM HROKttHS. (i A A S. A OX A NEW Buugniuiiit told. Will i (JotlecLiuns i uu liny of paynitJiit Xallonul Currency boiiflit and sol iMluu, I 1805--dtwif liA -iinv.

A I I Importers and "Dealers in 'and faints, OiU, ra.rms7fi- Fire-Brick, Garden Canxmnr A AMI TWENTV-SBCUNtl STHKETS TEXAS. Jt S. ALI.K.V., Jl. HYLTO.V. Per.eii'.inf/j J-bi-wardiny 'and General VV.uiKiipuSB--- At tlie ol' Wliilo ailj-icunt LO PreP3, I I A A I ample a a i are prepared i Cotton, Wool, Hides, ou t.Lri^'.

atLCDliOQ givii.n to CoLtou (ir ul-her Profluce anui LU us inr sale or i i Will atLi-ud MI tin; i i ol crdcrs ui-compauiod by cush or pi'JKluoo ia, 1SC5-- clly Applyat TJ1E i. JTI -'I' A 1 a Receiving, Foricard'tnff and General Comm'asion Merchant, 1 A ILL receive on consignment, tor nr i i i Collou, Wool, Hidi-s anil all kinds ol' Coonlry I'm 'luce unil MciT.IniuiJ Orders for 1 1 pllj tilled; 1 winui i h- i i iiiuua or Agciicy busioot-s tittendeil to, at Illonsloi nod (Jiitvt'Hlou. H'Hlslfjii. Gf Ottluc iiezt lu ttio I i i a unit riroccr SQUARE. EEPS -CONSTANTLY ON" HA.N1) A A I I Fu'iicy ami Fiimlly i cm Prortucc, fcc.

tbn.nk- customers' uu eaun'stly conuuuation.ur UiD.stmib., Juue.lT. rill J. S. SKU.EK.S II. SELLERS General Commission and'Wiippmn 3lerchants I BX A-S EjI'ECTfUIjLV nbt coaslgmcnts ol.CU'tTOX, and ProJucu GGucrully.

oiir 'Wool Dfparlmcul'will Iia'vc tlm jierFonal s'oper. viBiou H. long -net! in New. York Clly will, ll boped, L-uablefna eatiafftclipu'lo ail.wbu Qiaynkvor ud.wiih ibis Special allfuliou'will otvjivuc irt execuliou ot orders (m evi-ry ol MEKCrW.XDlSs, Juue 28 If W. A It 13 I JE'JL JD c-o -s 6 ECU A if T.

159 coMiiON" STREET; EW ORLEAN-S. ol' Produce solicltod, and cai-cftil. al lo alt orders sum lo me. New OrleauB, 15, 1SG5 dlw(im i i i IV A.U Co.mmis.sio.n Mer.uh it I OK A I CclSlilEKCE July IIS' H'O'U A iJiiin A I I I anil- Uommis-'fion unities TEXAS, i II jilXS. PIN'E ixo LUS1DER superin cargo of a i by lbe4ih July, from foryale bv JuDe.27_^;^.

ALCASIEU.Pl.VEjND. I.UJIBElC. CarBoe lo a i tu to IFARSOKS, (talrealon, -FLOORDre' A.VD rCEILIXG, 'isi' DOORS AJargo qliinttty all klu.l will be recelved'al'Soon aa praclicabte by 'A-SH-- 'a glvcu to.Cottoa or ollini- to' us for storage, orshipiloiit C1 Juno ii7, 1865 iKttwSni Will also lo ttie illllng of ordcra ac'ranil-, iml by uaBh or iirnilueo. 1 8M a 1 GALVKSTOX, TEXAS, opened an Olllco for the purpose of 1 clMBhiK OuUou, uud, from their loug lu Cotton trade, loci aestired they can g. BatiSuon who umy i a Lhutn witlf ibolr I 0 151 TM- IT, ISiiS A 11 13 II A 3 A 1 1 Allorneys and Counsellors at.

Law A 1 1 6 Eh to rcliaso.aiul'.saie ol i i iTlarltcy's Male and Female Seminary a CI Music and Modern Laoguaces Mrs. McIuiiLv.vv, Matrou anU- Elementary Olassos ia PorSesaiou-- For Board acd For Tuition. to $50 00 The pnymcut siJtclo or Us 'equivalent, aad In I- or liirlhur mforiinitloa address Priuclpal and Troprielrr. Pliinteraviilc, 1S05-- i THE A COKXEK OF 3FATN ANTJ CONORESS.STS'. UOffSTON" find Jcaler Iu JLV.

lollowloft E.XCIIA.VOK: BHAN'DV-- fcan-ilo De Cognac RUM-- anil Now England Geneva; V--A la Bourlion lUnuoagatibla 01 all tho.brandaor Hie DldorNaw U'orld CF.ARET "De Tinlagffdr 1640- And a variety or-othor LlQtOHS; Drufts ami. Acceptances- Cai)icil at JSIgnt; Liberal Mlecoiint on ilepo'gils In riiuiiriiiiiif.tliOiBMilc llw IToiirUtnr toiiilerB Ills con Kniiiiliiiniiis lu liis old customers uml icllow-cltizjna aad UitMii in fnrjffil 'THE, BANK 1 llnnslnii, ToxaSfJuly 15135-iIOai JI US I qAjTIlfTE A 1 FJfBlT; KVEP.V EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY: AT A A Conierol Travlniuia Coiiifreis streets Above Wiener's' Auction i A F. 'FRANKE. rpHL uiidersignod associated themsclfda J- together to do COMMISSION BUSINICS-i of Ualvcston. Tdoyhavo bolb had a uuuiljer or ycura oxporleniio tn buylof.

and scillng bualncas Bunorally. Wii hope by strict attention to our DusinesSj to receive liberal share of patronapu. We i prepared, to make- liberal cosh advacces on- a cmisikiimieins o( Cotton, i other produce constpnad to our care and all orders sent to ua- for will be promptly attended to iiud we promlao" ttiat our cuuf ics shall be moderate. 1 GIBBS JOSEPH Galvcston, June 10, 1805. ditwlf Marine and Fire Insurance o.

Via AS resumed Iho business of i i against Fire. Marine and Inland Navigation rists, witll 'ciipjtal uniiiipiiired, and atscits well secured, consistln'K of Sfoclc "otcs. Loans oil K.cnl: Instate, 'Gooil' anil Cash, OOO' Company will Rraut policloa'on cotton in -prwaes, on find produce iu course or- trans. a i a their firmer reasonable. ratL-a of'preiuiuiil- lso, on Marine risks to or from Uio port ol'GalvtBtoii.

I A BALL; President I- HITCHCOCK, -President Isadora Dyer, Soutbwlck. James Sorley, J. 1. Davie, Gcorue Bill, C. B.

fJeorgo N. B. Yard, JaliosFrederlcn, A. P. Luikla, Wiiliarn Cooko.

Cbtner of Slrcirul md Tixnly'-secand Street. i a tf j. DB.UCS. mE uiidersignod moei respoctrully. inlbrm Ihelr.

Irleuil the public, that they have re-opened tholr Dru Sioro in Houaton, on 'the corner of ituln and 'CoUKr'eVia streets, where they will keep- 'constantly' on band ovorv tbioif tbi! marktt, will their lino. tho very Wl to l)e hail, unil at aa reasoniibte rates 'aH Lbeycau be-al' Tordeil. Tbey have aixa red the scrvlcc-a or jiajor 0, Rui'-ke'r an i-xperkMiceU druggist aod wbimi' ib. i i i Uie liuiise will. lie rfscripliuiisctiret'ully-coiupoiioded iUEASD (JO iwtaltr C- It.

IB-A'-B porter aud caler'iil ''every description I'lCTTOE'CtiASa' WHITE LEAD'' X. or'is'ra and Dealers-In LA Bfitannia.and Plalod.Ware,-Keroaene'I.dnips,)Tlitui'es ftc manutocturera.oOV-opdK-art'.B.patettl.»lt«djost ing La-nlerns-lhe best yel Juventad.for hnrntocPelru. tarn-No. 12 Barclar roar doors' belowlTth House, New York. Jam 111,.

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