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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 1

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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ctMtf of ins wctioh Mead county flldfift hn annual Income of $1040,100 from truck crops, Star day. Pfdbafety ivnorthwest portion 275 Enterprlte Ait'n. cm! AuocUtrrf Press. HOPE, SEPTEMBR 5, 1930 Star of Hope founded 1899! Dally 1927; Comolidatsd Hope Star, January 18, 1929. Hope Sees French Flyers Thursday, Leave Dallas Today Expect to Reach Kentucky City in 5 Hours and 42 Minutes NEW French Airmen Will Fly to New York Saturday, Washington Monday DALLAS, Sept.

3 poured 100 gallons of gasoline "Question and Captain Coslc personally supervised minor repairs to the ship in preparation for the flight to Louisville, this afternoon. Louisville is 740 miles from Dallas, fTho fliers expect to make that city I Capital Mystery Fire Brings Federal Probe of yesterday. An investigation of this blaze of mysterious origin, which quickly enveloped and destroyed the'wood frame of the war-time federal building occupied by the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, has been launched by government officials. The fire, pictured above at its height, was believed to have destroyed of the trade 'It was the third major conflagration in government buildings since President Hoover commission's valuable records, assumed office. DALLAS, Sept.

Costc and Maurice Bcllonte, Paris- New York-Dallas fliers took off from i Love liclcl at 12:30 p. in. today on a non stop flight to Louisville. I where they will spend tonight, re- turning to New York Saturday. The pair flew from New York to Dallas to win the 525.000 prize offered by William Eastcrwood of this city.

Dieudonne Costc and Maurice Bel- lonte, French flyers who this week made the first non-stop flight from: Paris to New York, crossed the 478 Homes Needy In Pope County County Committee edicts More Needy Before January First RUSSELLVILLE, Sept. Pope of Hope at 4 p. m. yesterday on their; ounly Drouth Relief committee has 525.000 prize flight from Ncsv York to Dallas. They Were seen above Little Rock at 3:04, and reached Hope shout 50 minutes later.

The big red plane Question Mark was flying too high to be clearly identified cither listed 478 families in the county as in need of food and predict addition of 1.448 families to this list by January 1. if work or some other relief is not furnished. The committee, appointed by Counly Judge J. Q. Hill at place.

the of the state relief com- The Fenchmen will probably passj jtt ee believes thai conditions in over this city again today, as they I 0 pe county arc on a par with other are scheduled to return from Dallas I counties in the stale, as far as Louisville, spending tonight i E. W. Hogan, secretary of the Rusin that city before continuing to New sellvillc Chamber of Commerce, was York. On their flight yesterday they authorized at a meeting of the Board of Governors to devote as much of his time as necessary to his duties as county chairman of the Red Cross. followed the groat trunk railroad lines from Louisville to Memphis to Little to Hope, and Dallas.

Three planes ere in the group, a monoplane flying 15 or 20 minutes ahead of the others, acting as pilot Coste and Bellontc, in the uestipn Mark, reached Hope about I Jo 1 by: another; lip both appearing at a high cleva- -Jon. Considerable excitement dc-! vclopcd when the monoplane appear- Audit Shows Bank Shortage $29,801 swiftly, and "close to the' ece ver tne Bank Is m-mmrf. as many persons thought at ground, as many persons it was the Question Mark. The and their companion plane Fappcarcd later. Coste and Bcllonte.

who extended thcir Paris-New York flight to Dallas to capture a prize of $25,000 offer- fed by Col. W. E. Eastcrwood of that, city for a one-stop voyage from Paris to 'Dallas, flew from Manhattan to Ihc Texas city in 1 hours 34 minutes seconds, arriving in Dallas at p. m.

Their approximate time from Hope to Dallas was 1 hour 29 minutes The Associated Press this morning that Col. 111 According to Statement Bulletins WASHINGTON, Sept. The per capita cost of Federal prohibition enforcement Is given as (i ccnls, In a summary made public today. The district comprising Arkansas Is given as 4.5. BALTIMORE.

Sept. Aflor a debute of more than one hour, Uu 1 3Ist National Encampment of the veterans nf Foreign wars went on record as favoring the repeal of the V8th Amendment and all of Its. added amendments. Poultry Meeting Sceduled Monday Pieces From Bridge Hurled ajlalf Mile Ten Pound Plate Crashes Through Man's Home Half Mile Away Superintendents of Fair Poultry Department to Attend Hempstead County Poultry Assocja- ion is scheduled to meet Monday, ight, September 8, in regular monthly session. At this meeting plans will be dis-' cussed for the poultry exhibit of the Southwest Arkansas fair, which starts the 22nd.

Those who have poultry are anxious that this years showing be the best of any previous year. A. H. Wade of Blevins. a state ac- El Thornton fancier, and Mrs? Charles Locke of'Ozan, who has a largo flock of poultry, both chickens and turkeys are the superintendents of the poultry department for Death Toll Heavy In Santa Domingo After Hurricane First Direct Cable From Red Crow Official Today AID Public Contributions Will Be Subscribed and Sent Through Red Cross WASHINGTON, Sept.

Antonio Silvia, head of Red Cross work in Santo Domingo cabled Washington that 1000 persons were killed. 2500 injured, 4700 homes de stroyed, 200 homes damaged and persons left homeless as the result of the Caribbean hurricane in Santo. Do- rtiingo city. Ne report foom other parts of the territory over which the storm passed was available at the time of the cable sent by Captain Silvia. Just before the startling information of Silvia reached here, Commander! Payne of the National Red Cross-or-j ganizatipn had been advised that the dourse of the storm had changed- and that it would not likely reach Florida, i 1 Charles E.

Mitchell, weather fore-j faster announced, that Santo, Domingd had in all probably saved Florida! from the sform on account of thej Keeping Warm Over the Ocean high mountain peaks breaking the, force of the wind ot some extent. No, warnings have been sent out today, along the Florida and Gulf coast. The cable today, the first direct report of the terror, was sent direct to, President Hoover. Public contribu-I tions is said to the basis of relief measures agreed on so creditor of poultry, H. of Prescott.

a poultry JAFFNEY, S. Sepl. audit made public by the clerk of the court today made known a shortage of 529,800 in the accounts of Lieutenant Governor T. D. Butler, who was appointed receiver of the defunct bank of Blacksburg, near here.

Lieutenant Governor Butler was appointed receiver of the bank after it had failed in 1927. Creditors demanded an audit an Ihis has recently been complcled under Ihc dircclion of Mayor T. J. Mauldin. Butler resigned as receiver of the defunct bank last March and is reported lo be under the care of a physician al Union S.

New York. Costc and Bcllontc's actual flying UN ON Sept time from Paris to Dallas was approx- Garner, daughter of Lieutenant imatclv 48 hours 34 minutes, over announced Easterwood, who is'Tourinfi in England, would pay over the S25.000 check to the flyers representatives in Paris, or, if remained in the United Stntes a week longer, would present it in person at total distance of 5,700 miles, with their Govmlol Butler to ld the As- sociatec press tod that her father socaec only stop in New York They few sel iously iU a her home in Un- from Paris lo New York, 4,100 miles by the northern route, in 37 hours; md the 1GOO miles from New York lo 'Dallas- in hours 34 minutes. Plans are now under way Ihc East to send the Frenchmen on tri- Limphant tour of America, much as indbergh was feted after his famous voyage. IS Suffered Married Thursday; Couple Are En Route to Camden, Mr. Parks' Home and that lie had no statement lo make of the $29,000 shortage of tin Blacksburg bank.

Aged Pine Bluff Attorney Is Dead Freakishness characteristic of mos violent disturbances, natural or arti ficial, was found in the bridge explosion. The longest known trajectory cu by flying piece of metal was tha described by a section' of metal plat three quarters of an inch thick, a foo wide and 16 inches long, weighing 1 and a half pounds, which traycle nearly half a mile to crash throug the roof of Fred Cabaniss' home 01 ic Genoa road. Leaving a hole in roof a foot and a half square, the late fell upon a ceiling beam and rokc it. but was prevented from con- nuing through lo the 'floor. On Ihc bank of a drainage canal a uartcr of a mile away from the ridge, the fool find a half foot trunk a cottonwood Irec was cut half Jirough by the sloping descent of a agged chunk of melal which it re- uired Iwo men lo lift.

The soiled surface of a rounded Cotton Cell railroad bridge pier 1320 cet north of the bridge more a white car in token of the impact of some nissilc. Two hundred and 50 yards from the jridgc, some hurtling object struck plowed up the ground, then bounded on with sufficient force to mock a hole through the outer boarding of a frame shack. The wall bore spray of dirt und streaks of red apparently from the painted sur- lace of the flying metal. Part of a "shoe," a melal support about Iwo inches thick, was found in a field 1000 feet from the bridge. The ends of the remaining spans, ascending toward a gap reminiscent ol' a missing tooth, showed the tremendous force of the At each end the blown span had been bolted with IB one und a half inch bolts.

These 'were twisted or sheared off like many hairpins. Smaller rivets which had pinned the melal bridge floor together were snapped almost clean. Heavy girder steel was almost doubled back on itself. the fair and all are expected to be present at the Monday night. association meeting Red Cross headquarters, conference will be held far by the However a at once to Highway Offic Confer With Gompanypffii Meeting Held to DfctertiitiM Procedure BLAST VANDAL No New Found By OfficifcJ Investigating HOT SPRINGS, Sept.

meeting between engineer of the Arkansas way department and G. vice president of the Kaiisa Bridge company to confer over building of the Garland Citjf which was blasted last Wedn resulted in Christian making ft stat ment that the Highway CommisSi6n should all be present when the question was settled. Christian said that such A mee I in all probability would be cal ittle Rock Monday and mission would be asked to attend. It is understood that an American Poultry Association judge has been secured to judge the 'poultry exhibit at the this year. Such a step is, a forward movement in the poultry industry.

Art A. P. A. judge's report of a show he has judged goes to all parts of the United States and those entrants who have birds that win at the hand of A. P.

judge, really have birds" of qu.alily. All members of the Hempstead County Poultry and any other person interesled in poultry are urged to attend the meeting Monday night, about 8 o'clock, at the city Hall. The poultry exhibit at the Southwest Arkansas Fair th'is year will be held in Ihe old exhibit hall, near the midway. This building is large, with plenty of room and light. determine other methods of action.

Red Cross chapters throughout the United States are asked to assist getting up the contributions. Already has been sent to the stricken area; 515,000 to Mr. Curtis, and to President Roosevelt. HAVANNA, Sept. rlcane, which Wednesday struck the city of Santo Domingo, has turned I northward in its course according to information received here.

If that report is correct there will be no dan- Keeping warm in a 3600-mile flight over the North Atlantic isn't the easiest task in the world, especially when you're riding in an open cockpit plane. Here's how the latest ocean flyers solved the problem. Dieudonne Coste (left) and'Maurice Bellonte wore these heavy lined leather suits when they made their record-breaking hop from Paris to New Florida. Rotary Luncheon Is WelLAttended The Process of Converting Sprucewood Into Rayon Was Shown The weekly meeting of the Hope at the Hotel Barlow at To Organize Band For Hope Schools Meeting Scheduled Tonight at City Hall for Organization Sir Walter Rolleigh, band director and organizer, of Shreveport, is in Hope today with the intention of organizing a Hope school band out of Boys Band already in exis- tance under the direction of Fred Martin. Mr.

Rolleigh has instructed members of the city band to be present at the dity hall tonight where after several selections been rendered bj them he will 'select approximately twenty of whom he considers the best to represent the Hope schools as the Hope School Band. The public is invited to attend Ihis meeting tonight and parents of the members of the present Hope bane are especially urged to be in attendance. Mr. Rooleigh states that he has dc cided on Hope as the location of Legion To Elect On Monday Night -Leslie Huddleston Post Will Also Name Delegates to Boston Election of officers and a banquet to be features of the. meeting of the Leslie Huddleston post, American Legion, at the regular meeting Monday night.

Officers were nominated August 25, and are lo serve for the following year. Dcwcy Hendrix, present acting commander, and Ira Hani- burton are the nominees for post commander, i music house that he is contcmplatin; The banquet is to be held at the establishing. Here he says he wil Checkered cafe, after a short business build a radio and a piano of his own meeting at the city hall. The meet- make as well as conduct a retail hous ing is called for 7 o'clock. for the -sale of pianos, radios and mus ical instruments.

He has not decider just where ho will locale in Hope bu says he will open in about GO days. One or two delegates for the national Legion convention, to held in Boston early in October are to be selected at this meeting. The post "'ill send one delegate, who will UUl have charge of "Jumbo," world cham- today was presided over by i on watermelon, which 'will be dis- pi aye a this convention. If possible this delegate will have the assistance of one other member of the Hope post. Parks and Bishoff, of Fair- Ihe WASHINGTON, Sept.

Congressman Tillman B. Mrs. Gertrude Brown Washington were married lax Va yesterday und left for home of Mr. Parks at Camden. Arkansas today.

The ceremony was performed ut the home of Mrs. William Boak, near Fairfax by Rev. Tc pastor of the Baptist church of Dry Agent Denies He Accepted Bribes SEATTLE, Representative W. J. ceola.

Arkansas acledis f)s- of Ob best man. Miller County Girl Given High Honor Sept. former dry agent and one of four former prohibition officials charged with corruption and bribery, teslificd in federal court here today he ''never received a dime" he was "not rightfully entitled to." Two government witnesses who tesl- ified against the former prohibition oficials were said by Bryant to have admitted to him they lied during the trial. TEXARKANA. Sept.

Mae Himcy, 4-H club girl of Miller county will leave Friday for Little Rock from where she will go to Springfield. for two weeks' intensive Irain- mg in leadership at a school to which arc being sent two club members from 'Thc honor is the highest in the gift i MEMPHIS, Sept. of the stale extension service and Accidental discharge of a shclgm came lo Miss Hancy as a rcsull of her which he was cleaning after i. hunt- outstanding work in club activities in ing trip caused the death today the state, in which she has won many Memphis Contractor Kills Self While Cleaning Gun olher high honors. June A.

Haley, 45, Memphis buildiiifc contractor. To Home at England PINE BLUFF, Sept. W. B. Jones, 65, prominent attorney $10,000 Fire Damage and former county official died in a hospital here today at 12:15 o'clock.

Judge Jones failed to rally from an operation after an injury sustained several days ago in a fall from a way at his home. His skull was I fractured. ENGLAND. Sept. of uncle- lermed origin about 1 o'clock yester- lay almost totally destroyed a house owned by Mr.

and Mrs. J. J. Collins and Ihe household furnishings of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Wexman, the occupants. Furnishings were valued at with insurance of $2.000. The house, valued at was insured for Oklahoma Bank Held Up By Masked Bandit BURLINGTON, Sept. lone masked bandit robbed the Bank of Burlington here Wednesday cf approximately $71)0 and escaped in an automobile. The bandit entered the bank and drew a gun on two of the institution's officials and two customers.

Burlington is located in Alfalfa county, northwest of Cherokee. Eight Years Late CRAWFORDVILLE, Sept. shipment of 28 boxes sent to James Cornell, wholesale fruit merchant, arrived about eight years loo late. He has been deud since 11)22, Rotary Vice-President Charles Spragins in the absence of President George Ware; The program was in charge of Ho- larian 0ob 'Hucgenin, chairman of Ihe program who introduced Miss: Clarice Cannon, of the Hope Business and Professional Women's club, who in a most impressive way spoke of the unity of interest and co-operative spirit exisling between the civic clubs in Hope, and suggest- ed as a future development 'the organization of a civic council. Following the address by Miss Can- 'non.

which was greatly appreciated. Boh Huegenin presented a number of exhibits showing the various proces- ses by which spruce wood is converter 1 into rayon, which has become a highly important item in the merchandising field. D. W. Stevick, publisher of the Texarkana Gazette, and John Offenhauser, of Texarkana, were introduced and each made a short talk in regard to developing the oil field of which the Lcnz well, approximately equi-dis- tanl between Hope and Texarkana, is the discovery well.

Their message was one of goodwill and'co-operution. and was well received. lilTTLE ROCK, Sept lighway officials are scheduled eave here sometime today for Springs, where they will the officials of the Kansas City Bfid Company. At this meeting plans for ment of the center span of the land (Sty bridge, blown the Wednesday morning by vandals, be discussed The meeting was called by C. highway this city, to ascertain what the futt' plans of the bridge company offn' will be.

G. F. Maitlahd, vice president dt Kansas City'firm, said the are unprepared to accept the theirs, even though the structure hadj not been formally accepted by, the iansas Prisoner Is Hanged Today First Hanging in the State Since 1870 According state before Wednesday's On the other hand Chairman Justau Matthews of the state highway has expressed the personal, viewpoint that the company's indeitt- nifying bond protects the state against the. loss. Cost of replacing the span, was mated at.

though damage 'as far as the state is cerned'might run to loss -of tolls, depreciation, Sept. Panzaran, self declared slayer of 22 persons, was hanged at the. Tederal prison here early today. Panzaran was sentenced to be hanged for the slaying of R. G.

Wangren, prison laundryman, by hitting him over the head with a heavy iron bar in a fit of rage June 29, last year. He was serving his sixth prison, term. Today as he was led to the gallows he jeered at the crowd who had gathered 'to witness the hanging. This is the first legal execution in Kansas since 1870. The Kansas law provide capital punishment only in cases of treason, but the crime for which Panzaran was sentenced was committed on Federal property.

Man Arrested On Stabbing Charge Alleged to Have Killed Two Persons at Beach Resort Four Captured After Gun Fight Two Youths Suspected of Store Robbery Are Captured GENEVA. N. Y. Sept. young men who today started a run' -ning gun fight when told to stop their i automobile in Geneva, were under ar! rest tonight, Iwo A farmer shot bolh of them when one reached for a pistol on (he command "hands up." confessed Lonoke Labor Row Is Notjfrganized Few Misinformed People Thought to Have Been Responsible other overhead.

Maitland said nothing done toward cutting up the ntlgei of warped steel until the altitude, the highway commission had been 1 certained through conferences, State and county officers and inves-i 1 tigators failed to carry the case yohd its status of Wednesday, due to almost complete lack of evidence-- Thinks Democrat Next President Says Senator Young or Roosevelt Will Win Honor, LITTLE ROCK, Sept. er Governor Charles Hillman BroUgh of Arkansas, returned to Little RoqK after a tour of the East and Middle West, predicted Thursday the democratic party would gain 35 seats in the national house of representatives and. seven seats In the United States senate in the November election. "Unemployment in the East is even) more marked and acute than in states like Kentucky and Arkansas, of the I wealths, and so-called Hoover pros- termincd there lion and that it believed me times contanuft had ended. ele the next j.

es ide The grand jury also found no one my opinion, will be either jiii- i Arkansas. Tninw 1 LOS ANGELES, Sept. Harmon. 23-year-old oil worker was arrested today charged with the stabbing of Louise Kentle. Los An- Flmir-i ch-iin i i i ft ViTittnialDlIlK ill I Hiinill tl L1 lillll geles co-ed and her fiance.

Francis, i Colon on Ihe beach near Ensenada of Lower California. Police said they had rob- last night of $70 and also that their car had been stolen in Petersburg. Va. Chief of Police R. W.

of Geneva had them of the Elmira crime and tried to mop them. He gave up the chase after exhausting his ammunition and organized a posse which scoured the country and HOT SPRINGS. Sept. W. Pilk- aplured three of the men, one hav- ington and John Fuller of McAlester, ing fi ec despite a charge of buckshot in United States Commissioner in his lcgs Two Held as Violators of Mann Act at Hot Springs! responsible for Ihe poisoning of nine Joseph T.

Robinson of Arkansas, drcn at a school near here a week or jty leader in the senate, and delegate uiiuucn London naval conference? 61 ago. As to th that a "few misinformed person:" had been responsible for all the trouble, but that it believed there would be no further disorders. Sev- i oral shots were fired at watchmen for road construction camp a week ago, GovernorFranklin D. Roosevelt labor situation, the report New Yo or Owen D. Young." "few misinformed Chancy Leaves Gives Ex-Wife a Dollar ami road workers said Ihey had been Cha ncy mov ing picture threatened unless farmers in this vi-: djed August 26, left an cinily were hired and negro employees of the camp discharged.

No one was injured, but Sheriff R. O. Benton asked for and received a detachmenl of national guardsmen who for a few days guarded the camp- Van Buren Election Fnday of next week. Texarkana C. of C.

Requests Guards at Bridges TEXARKANA Sept. The Texarkana Chamber of Commerce suggested to the state Highway Commission today thai guards be placed on all bridges, including the UOO.OUO loll bridge al Fulton, to insure against recurrence of the Garland City bombing outrage. Officials of the Chamber uf Commerce based their suggestion that radicalism of sorts was behind the bombing, perhaps auguring other attacks against public works. Rock on Mann act They are alleged lo have transported two women from McAlester to this city. Pilkington.

unable to make bond, has been released to the United States marshal and taken to Liltle Rock. Fuller is at liberty under bond. Sweet Home Revial Service Still Continues Good crowds continue to allend the revival meeting at Swccl Home, church on the highway between Blev- ing and Prcscott. An invitation is extended to Ihc public to attend these services, port. Larune Ncwbine.

1H. of Jersey Shore, shot in the legs, and Russell K. Powell, also ot Jersey Shore, shot in Ihc back. The posse found the automobile abandoned on a littlc-nsed road and shortly afterward arrested Sadler and Zcllers near Geneva. LOS ANGELES, Sept.

actor, who estate" estimated at $500,000, the bulk of which he bequeathed to his widow, Hazel G. Chaney, named executux a will tiled for probate Thursday. To Cleva Creighton Bush of Pasar dena, his former wife, the actor left one dollar. In the will he said: "So there may be no misunderstanding or contest of any kind whatever, I hereby give and bequeath to Cleva, Contests To Trial Creighton Bush the sum of SI and no mere. I am divorced fiom Clever BUREN Sept.

of the Creighton Bush and I am undei filed by H. Grady Wof- obligations whatever to provide defeated cundi- thing further or addilional than heiem contained." Late in the day Henry Dye. who the others ran into had he.ird of the hunt. He shol down Powell but failed lo stop Ncwbine. One of the men taken first carried a pistol and later the posse found two guns believed thrown away by Uvu of Ihe others.

contest suits ford of Van Buren. date for circuit clerk and Fred Long and Sol Marlar, defeated candidates for in the recent Democratic primary, will begin at Van Buren Monday, that dale having been set by Judse J. Kincannon of Booneville. Henry Burrough of Van Buren. circuit clerk numin oi Van fciuren.

IIIL Rcnfroe of Alma, chairman of his appearance ocfore Justice A the Crawford County Democratic Ccn- Jackson of Ihis city. September 16 The Committee, and W. V. Boatright charge is Ihe result of an alleged al- cf Van Buren. secretary of the com-i tack on Mayor T.

R. Corley of mil tec. arc named as defendants. Hun- madukc, who also is a justice of the I dredr- ot ballots will be challcnjjod. il peace.

was said I ley is Youth Charged With Attack on Mayor PAUAGOULD, Supt- Fostei Albert D. Maxcy youth of the Marmaduke community nominee for sheriff: 'is at liberty under bond ot $500 for.

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