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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 5

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY. MARCH 21, 1890. Fot AUoruiau of i Ward, fcoielj- of liood Gowrumeut, C. HIOKENLOOPEB. Eisctiun April 13.

i GRAIN'S SUCCESSOR. UK WILL BE SAM13D TO-UAY BY' 'lilt; sj'ATt; CUKUHKSSIUAAII At reg-ett of friends 1 aauoouoe a ttttdidato for Alrterman frcmthe Nuith i COXVEM'ION. C. VAN SIOKLB. STltl'CK TWO LITTM3 tSlIU.S, Mitiiifltnir One and the Otbvr-- A oil Trestle Muivh 23.

--Passenger train PsHa 1 IVnlson stnn-k iitilw tfiris. Muuie and Nellie Kvuue- rnortj. ugt-U and years respectively, ten uilted south of Dfntboa thte morning, breaking oiiw of the lower limbs of tho former itnj mungliiitr the- younger beyond iloii. Crews, the step-father of Iho rltildri-n, to a News r-porU-r: "I wtia walking along tho track with the children, having- to Norton to tfpfiiil i and was walking homo to lii-lla, 1 huunl a nols-j und looking up, saw train i i twenty -teps ol us. We walking on tresili-, utui hud our on tin- trat-k us, to to su-p.

or we rtoultl huve (ho train sooner, us we were facing it. I told tho lll- lUi wuvs to jump, but insteiui of doing so tiirntnl und rtm it-ward other end or the bridge. I jumped in Unib to save my We." News reporter called on Kngtneer Smith his residence, but refust-d to luivo anything to say about the mutter. Turney was seen by the report and said: "Tho three were walking toward the frtim, the train being: hen Jed north und tho man and children walking In a southerly direction. If they had been looking: In the dlicL'tion the-y were going they would have the train half a mile ahead of them, us track Is straight for that distance." "Miutie, the little girl that crippled, was tuktiii to Belly by her father thiy afternoon.

and the remains of the dead ono wcro taken in charge by au undertaker. WARRANTS OUT. The AnBulluntH of Dr. HuucocK AVI 11 Be T.adonta, Fannin March were sworn' out to-day for the arrest of twenty-one leading Indies of La- donla, charging them with assault upon Dr. Hancock with whips and cowhides in the Santa Fo depot here lost Friday evening.

An account of the affair appeared In Saturday's News. The ladles have been cited to appear before the county court in Bonham on April G. Their bonds were signed by 200 leading citizens of this section, representing: more than $1,000,000 of property. Interest in the matter is high, though there is no excitement or apprehension of further trouble. Dr.

Hancock returned from Bonham yesterday, departed in twenty minutes. He suffered little or no physical injury. The only evidence of the whipping was two abrasions of the skin on one ear about the size of. a pea. SHERIFFS' DEPARTMENT.

(No matter accepted for this column that does not bear the signature of a member of the Sheriffs' association of Texas.) (The attention of sheriffs olid others entitled to the use of this department of The News is called to the fact that no notice or communication calling for the arrest of a person or persons by name or description will be published unless such notice or communication states that tho party whose name Is signed to the soSie holds a warrant of arrest against such person or persons for the offense with which they may be charged. No exception In any instance will be made to thta The News.) County. Montague, March All officers look out for and arrest Charles Gomprecht, about 5 feet inches high, 21 or 22 years old. smooth face, dark hair, large nose; niso Clark Mounts, about 5 feet 10 inches, dark hair and eyes, face, large mouth, thick Hps; both had on dark Derby hats; also Lot.tis Mounts, claimed to ba of Clark Mourns, about 5 feet 3 inches, black hair, short and curly, has wen an right side of face about the size of a dime, si-ar on forehead, dresses plain. They are very apt to represent themselves aa show people; very liable to bo found around varieties.

I hold warrants charging them with theft. Arrest and wire T. Garrison, sheriff Montague county. Hill County. Hillsboro, March Strayed or stolen on the night of March 18, one bay horse, -years old, no brand, blaze in face, both hind feet white, shod all around.

Will pay $5 'for information leading to recovery of said horse. Address J. B. Elliott, Mount Calm, or Tom. Bell, sheriff Hill county.

Look out for W. L. Little, five feet ten Inches high, swarthy complexion, narrow between the eyes, reddish looking, ruling a sorrel horse about 6 years old, fourteen hands hig-h, branded HOD on thigh, stocking legs. hold warrant for him. Address J.

U. Clifton, Whitney, or Tom Bell, sheriff Hill county. Fayette County. T-iagrange, March Stolen from A. J.

Klmle, near Cistern, Fayette county, on the nigrht of the 21st, one brown horse about 15Vi hands hig-h, ball-faced and 1ms Roman nose, brand not visible, a knot on right foreleg' on elbow saddle and collar marks, about 14 years old. Horse is rough looking; is In good order. Ten dollars reward Is offered for horse by owner and $50 for thief upon conviction. Send all communications to Jas. Marburger, Cistern, or A.

Loessin, sheriff, Hnplclns County. Sulphur Springs, March Strayed or stolen on the night of the 7th instant, one dark brown pony horse, about fourteen hands high, branded on left shoulder. fore lop cut, in good order and an extra Siidiller. Will pay a liberal reward for information leading- to the recovery of the horse. "Address T.

B. Harrison, Purley, or H. B. Sherman, sheriff Hopkins county. Dallas County.

Dallas, March Strayed or stolen from J. H. Herrimon one brown mare mule years old. 14 hands high, branded under crescent on left shoulder, white spot on left side of neck where collar works, white across top of neck caused by rope; $10 reward for recovery of mule by J. H.

Herrlman, Grand Prairie, or Ben E. Ca- sheriff Dallas county. AViMn County. Decatur, March Jim Albrltten will pay JlO for the recovery of one bay horse about or 9 years old, branded ALL, on left hip, a few wire marks on arm. UUL-OS and has running walk, few paddle Horse was traded at a wagon yard In Uenton about the 1st of November.

Address Information to J. W. Moore, "Wisa county. Slontcromery Connty. Conroe, March Ten dollars reward.

Strayed or stolen two white mare riuties about 3 years old, hands high, harness marks, if branded the branus are very dim. The reward will be paid for any information that will leaii to their recovery. 1. Griffith, sheriff Montgomery county. RELIGIOUS MATTERS.

Three LuIInjr, Caldwell Jlarch Allan G. Clark of tho San Antonio district of the Christian Endeavor preachrd titre'i notable sermons al tho i i rhurcl) Ju-vo yesterday. IP. the morning his was "Thou Shult Not," he Ut'liv- i-rud masterly oxpoititlon of the ten com- In tho aftornorin he on "A Century of Progress." and at night took for hia sutjeot "Which Will You ilavo--Church or Saloon?" roiitchs, Thront, quickly relieved by Bronchial Tnichos. They surpass all other preparations in removing hoarseness and as couf remedy pjft-emiaenUy beat.

THE OUTLOOK LAST NIGHT. Claim a Majority Of Xlic ti-a t-r Forevit Divided. Corpus Christi. March The city to the uonyresslotml fonventlon. Last night's trains brought In the advance uunl.

whilo to-nicht'd traln.s brought In the remainder. The convention will he railed order to-morrow al 12 1 o'clock, und unlv-sa ihere is liyht I the resolutions, avery one predicta a short Kldberg's friends now claim a majority of the votes instructed for him. and if the majority rule Js adopted he will undoubtedly be nominated on tho nrst ballot. If the two-thirds rule prevails, then there will probably be a lively fight ahead. Tho iroe silver men forces divided, but It.

is predicted that they will concentrate upon J. C. Beosley of Bee county. F. B.

Earnest of Laredo, who Is one of tho candidates, says that hu is convinced Kle- will bo nominated on the rirst ballot. Burnct PoHtlun. Burnet, March 21-- Pursuant to a call of their county chairman, W. N. Chamberlain, a republican county convention was held at the court house last night for tho purpose taking steps to organize the party in this county and to select delegates to the state convention.

The convention was organised with Frank Thomas of Burnct as permanent chairman and T. Sanders, also of this county, as secrotary- After an address from the chair, which Mr. Thomas urged action upon the part of the republicans of the county, the convention elected H. A. Burns and E.

G. Dorr delegates to the state convention, with L. L. Faulkner and J. TV.

Smart as alternates, and instructed them to vote for MuKlnley first, last and all the time. After deciding "upon another convention, to be held after the democratic and populist county conventions, for the purpose at nominating or indorsing a county ticket, also a state ticket, the convention adjourned. The turnout was not heavy as to members, only some twenty-five" men being present, but as a body they were stanch citizens and all white. The meeting was held at night on account of the populists of this precinct who in the evening- assembled in tho court house to hold their primary. Tho populists numbered thirty-two, and did nothing but elect a set of delegates to their county" convention, which meets next Saturday.

County Pops. Marlln, March The meeting of the executive committee of the people's party of Falls county took place in the court house Saturday, The following were present: Chairman Dr. C. C. Hawkins, Secretary G.

S. CouslnE and Committeemen D. B. Ritchie, A. C.

Dallas, M. H. Moore, H. Pothoff, C. M.

Andlng and G. L. Williamson. After some discussion on thii appointment of. campaign lecturer, the meeting "was adjourned- -until 1.30 in the afternoon.

On resuming a decision was arrived at authorizing the chairman, to call a convention for the election of delegates to the floatorial, senatorial, congressional and state conventions at his discretion. -A resolution, offered by George S. Cousins, was amended by V. B. Hitter, requesting the chairman of the floatorial district to call the convention at Marlin and that Falls cbujjty be conceded the candidate for floater, as both Williamson, and Hllam have had that honor before.

Adopted. A motion that each precinct chairman act as a member" of the campaign committee was adopted. The sense of the meeting was adverse to 'early "conventions. JLuvaea Populists. Hallettsville, Lavaca March 23.

--The populist executive committee met here to-day. Thirteen voting precinct chairmen out of twenty-nine were Precinct conventions were to be "held April 38 to select delegates to the county convention and to select one person from each of eight justice precincts to constitute a committee to select a county ticket to be submitted to the county convention, for approval or rejection in whole or in part. The committee of eight will hold its first meet- Ing in Hallettsville April 27. The county convention is to bo called by the chairman not later than Juno la. All who agree to vote the people's party ticket, without regard to race, color or previous party affiliation, are invited to take part in the various conventions.

'Wllllamvon County Delegnteii. Taylor, March J. L. Woodward and Hugh. Burns (white) and Ed Sampson, John Hodge, R.

A. Adams and Fred Nobles (colored), delegates from this (Taylor) precinct of Williamson county to the state republican convention, left for Austin this afternoon. The delegation is almost solid for Hugh Hancock of Austin and Paul Fricke of Brenham (both of whom are pronounced Reed men) as delegates to the national convention. The entire Williamson county delegation is instructed for Hon. W.

K. Makemson of Georgetown as a delegate at large from Texas to the national convention. Marble Falls Marble, Falls, Burnet March The populists of this precinct, had a meeting to-day' and elected thirteen delegates and five alternates to the county convention. Speeches were made by Prof. W.

H. Bruce (D). Rev. E. H.

Phinney (P), Captain A. F. Hicks (D) and Major J. A. Randall.

"Vim Zondt Democrats. Canton, Van Zandt March The democratic county convention of Van Zandt indorsed the action of the state executive committee; called a primary to be held on June that the free silver "and sound money men be requested to nominate each fifteen delegates to the state and congressional conventions; that a majority vote Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, Gold Medal--Midwinter Fair. CKE4M BAKING MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, In ail the great Hotels, the leading Cluha und the homes, Br, Price's Cream Baking Powder holda iu supremacy.

40 Years the Standard. cast r.t the primaries shall Instruct the dvlvgiLt-'s on ihf tuoiify Uiut itu county ntiimmulntf comvr.tiou IM? hvUl Juiu- IS; chut the- itemocraoy of the county to bow ti the will of the majority us -d the having the- JiigWst authority to pass upon national, county uiiJ LcriLy t-j 4 the nominees ot said In the Klevetttb Tu-Utty. lirevmv, Aittivh A tietrritilitilt ol I'-Vfiiii'-jjcvfrt xutzut vrs. Victoria, Oolittul ami took tin- 0 o'clock train from here ihij evcnim; ivr Corpus Christi to attend tho Klovvmh congressional district convention. whK-h nu'-ns to-morrow.

A lively time is anticipated by of tlu- promt tieiit over thr nomination. Hoi 1 J. C. IVttslt-y of this city ami Hon. K.

K. UunUip of Vic- Seuutorliil Po Schulenburs, layette Alari-h The friends of Hon. J. K. road uiih resret th- aniiouncvnivnt in Sunday's Nbws a had withdrawn fruin rucv lor the The names of Herder of Weimar and A.

L. Jiifksoii are mentioned in connection i the senatorial ruco. but it its not kiunvn that i-ithvr olio of the wants ofiiee. lloliuun lu TJiIrtecntb. Fort Worth, March Hon.

P. A. liolnmn of Seymour, candidate for fc'ress in the Thirteenth district, came in to-night. He speaks encourugiiigly ol" outlook ami says he Is iu ruec to win. He known hib ilUirkt.

is a man of ability and proposes iu be heunl from on the hustings. He Is for tlit 1 coinage of silver ut the ratio of 1C lo 1. CaldwtOl PoiiullHtM. Loci-hart. CalOwell March populists of Caldwert county met In mass meeting- to-day at the court house.

J. M. Horner was elected chairman and G. K. Mllliff secretary.

They reaffirmed their allRglnnce to the Omaha platform and set apart Saturday. May 2. to hole! primary elections to send delegates to the state aiid congressional conventions. Hay nor lit Austin. Austin.

March J. B. Raynor of Calvert, the populist orator, spoke here today In the court house to a fair sized crowd at 2 and o'clock. He gave the republicans a whack, and Cuney in particular. STIUCK BY A TK.UX.

Thu-t- i lv I'ltn-es. BrcwHter Candidate. Laredo, March J. Brewster, republican, has consented to make the race in this district for congress to fill the uneipired term of the late Hon. Win.

11. Groin. BuU Fixed. Bostrop, March Simmons brought in Summer Hollies from this morning, who is charged with shooting Tom Prultt, his father-in- law, there last night. His bond was set at in default of which he goes to Jail.

A POISONED Doii't Keep Poison in Your Body Longer Than You Have To. If your stomach poisons your liver Uie consequences may bo serious. What poisons arise In your stomach come' from undigested food which has decomposed there. They are absorbed by. your blood and go to your liver, where they paralyze its functions and make you bilious, Finally they go into tho blood again and are carried all over the body, disordering your different organs, and perhaps making you dangerously slek.

This is the origin of many diseases which are not always known for what they are. The poisons of undigested rood can only be got rid of by the use of a purifying, strengthening-, digestive tonic, like the Shaker Digestive Cordial. A few doses of this wonderful cordial will soon clear away all -undigested, fermenting, poisonous substances, restore your appetite, aid you to digest your food, purify your liver and blood of all dangerous poisons, and restore you to perfect health- It will cure biliousness, indigestion, nausea, headache, dizziness, mental depression, weakness, fever, flatulence, constipation, loss of appetite, bad taste in mouth, stomachache, anaemJa, rheumatism, where other medicines will barely give relief. At druggists. Ten cents for a trial bottle.

"Write for free book to Tho Shakers, 30 Reado street, New York. $60 TO J150 paid salesmen for cigars; experience unnecessary; extra inducements to customers. Bishop Kline, St. Louis, Mo. 'TEXAS HELP, jt dvertiscmtnlt of S5 words or less intertedunder this heading onetime fret of charge to restdentsof only.

If more 1han ens insertion ie de- itred, be' charged Jar' each additional lime, Ao iaken ever telephone. MAN WANTED who knows something about gardening, can milk cow and make himself useful; good home for right man. Apply at Cohen's. "WANT D--Energet I and experienced solicitor for tho Mutual Life Ins. of N.

T. Liberal contracts to good men, Ad. H. L. Thompson, Dist.

AgU O. Bt. HKLP WANTED--FKMALE. HELP. A dver t'ecmcn fe of words or Jest inscrtedundtr ihis heading of charge to residentof Texas only.

If more than one de- titsd, 2oc u-ftl le charged Jor additional nine. Ao ads taken over telephone, WANTED--A good Apply, with references, to 1502 avenue I. WANTED--Lady who understands pants making; must have experience and be a quick worker. H. Bergman Tailoring 2113 P.

O. street. SITUATIONS WANTED. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter-(young man), with several years' experience, desires position. Address A.

N. Sally, St. George Hotel, Dallas, Tex. WANTED-Situation by experienced all- round gen'l. m'dse.

man; speaks English, Bohemian, German. Al ref. Salesman, care News. YOUNG lady, Scotch, desires situation as companion or mother's help. Address M.

McD. Campbell, Waelder. Gonzales POSITION as bookkeeper or salesman; years of experience: best references; no objection to leaving the Ad. News. MISCKM.AXEOIJS WANTS.

WANTED--Room and board for two men In private family; references exchanged. Address P. O. Box 244. LOST AND FOUND.

LOST--J23 between race street. Kinder please return to News ofllce and ge.t reward. FOUND--The best two places in the city to buy meats, one on Center, bet. P. and Market, the other on 20th.

bet. Mechanic and Strand. Orders called for and delivered. GALVESTON MEAT COMPANY. CHA.VCEN.

WANTED--An energetic buRlnc.W'parN ner with $500 conn: unusual opportunity IQ the right party. Whueler, Box 142. Gnlvea- ton. UKAIN, KTC. COTTON Seed Meal.

Oowon 9-ed Hulls, sacked nd loose, and ot all HANNA LEONARD, Strand, bet. 21 Mid 2 Athens. March 1 of tiu most horrible act-idem that tvi-r wvjtred in track, tnree miVs south of llrownsloru, last night. Boon Smith, Arit.ur McMiltair and Tommy Shlilett, 12 tuul i'j liu- itmv it iit. anu fuih- i-rai oi Uoon and Tommy, arc wvll to funneis who live in vicinity of Brownsboro, McMillan liws nnir -Durum.

1. T. The uiiitihii. vi (he Weiv i-ickeU tip by ih" m. train, car- to lirowMshoro, aiM In tin' -Messrs.

Smiih Slu-lU-ll. who had ten as fur us Mulakoi'f in svtiri-h of iho hoys, wi-iv noiitu-O. ani on ilif nortii local. Tht-y huv Justice Aiiams. County s.

currespuiuU-nt ailii ntinibt-r ul ciriz.Mis. Uii arriving at llrowunborn at tin' iU-pot: a'nioiig Ui- i i i i Imitlu-rs and Slslt-rs IdiuiU- i i a i i i lliu i a oJ" tin- latht-rs. fiiu-riiiK tin- ti-pot uii tu'i'vi'tiiu; sct-iK- i men uiut Tommy t'titild i-arh ivi-og- ni-cd by iht-ir Uu-ir weir a muss ui" hJooii umt ik-rfli. Arthur'; head has not bn-ii I'ouiKl. Mr.

Sliilh-H i i to llh 1 thai itoon uiMl i caine tu his house nut! in spend tSunday Tommv. About noun they missed 'noya. but thought they wre about ihc piuro. At oV-ioi-k last ho and Mr. Smith started uiii to them, aiul leanu-d tht-y hud told some one a they had started to Coisk-ana.

sec Boon's undo. The boys. WL-IV set-n at yesterday evi-niiijj. It Is gciier- ally believed that tlu-y deoidt-d to go hack home, and bt-ing tired, after walking about fonrtet-n mUt-s, they fell asleep on the track uiul run over by the 11,30 p. m.

north bound 1 train last m-ht. Pith) ultor lining only two buttles of A 11 MOTHERS'l B-ilitliyErprcasorX, u.i of A llLOk--I'o itnaui.AToit i SPECIAL NOTICES. On. account of forced removal from warehouse, which will be demolished to make room for railroad tracks, we offer FOR SALE CHEAP in any quantity, at prices which win interest Intending purchasers, a large'lot of CHOICE NORTH TEXAS PRAIRIE HAY. Must be scld.

Samples on sidewalk Finest quality of Corn. Oats, Wheat, at competitive prices. Cornmeai and Cracked Corn, our own Grinding, sweet and fresh. JOCKUHCII. DAVISON (Successors to A.

Behrends.) 2013 to 2019 Strar.d St. 'Phone 703. TO THE PUBLIC -THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing: between B. Fordtran and George B. Hatchings, under the name and style; of Ford trim Mulchings, fs hereby dissolved.

W. B. Fordtran retains the assets and assumes all the liabilities of the partnership. George B. Hutchings retires from the partnership and bespeaks for W.

B. Fordtran a continuance of oubllc patronage. FORDTRAN HUTCHINGS. W. B.

FORDTRAN, GEO. B. HUTCHINGS. Galvcslon, Feb. 21.

NOTICE IK. HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the Stockholders and Board of Directors of the GALVESTON, HOUSTON'AND HENDERSON- RAILROAD COMPANY of 18S2 will behold at the office of the company, in the city of Galveston, on Tuesday, ApriP7, 1896, at 12 o'clock nooii, A. A. VAN ALSTTNE. Secretary.

ARROWWANNA HALL, 22(1 and Avenue I--We have a splendid stock of modern wheels. Everything new and up to date. Some low for bbys and girls as ladies' $55 and men's J71.GO and upward: ARROWWANNA I at $yO; AR- KOWWANNA II at $100. New wheels arriving every day. We will have the finest and most complete stock in TEXAS.


Mgr. Bicycles rented, -called for and delivered at any time. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Winnie Loan and Improvement Company will be held at the office of the company in the city of Galveston at 11 Wednesday, April 1, 189C. J. II.

MILLER, ASTALL IRONWORKS quarters for Winshlp Cotton Gins, Cotton Engines, Boilers. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Bridge Bolts, Castings, Iron Pipe and Fittings, LIdgerwood Hoisting Machinery: 1 second-hand Atlas 25-h. p. Engine, good as new. and 2 Rival Steam Pumps; Sash Weights in car lots or less.

GaJveston. Tex. NOTICE-JOHN A. CAPLEN HAS RE- moved his office and real estate business to La Porte, Tex. Any correspondence addressed to him there will have prompt attention.

JOHN A. IF YOU WANT A FIRST CLASS ROAST or Steak call up the NGW Tremont Market. We have them every day. Also all kinds of Sausage. C.

LSNZ. Proprietor. O. SPENCER HAS FOUR STANDARD Stallions in training at Dickinson. You can breed your mare for $10.

BIDS WAXTKD. NOTICE--Sealed bids will be received by the Beard of Commissioners of Public Works, until twelve (12) o'clock noon, March 31, 1S9C, for the erection and completion of two garbage crematories with' rapacity for the oonpumption of ail tho dally garbage of tho city of Gal- vtston (say a population of GO.tXW). or for Iho erection and completion of tho fur- iiiiCL-, i capacity fiuiiil to two. as above Said crunialorlc-s to lm located in the of Gulvesion. Said bids must bo accompanied with plans and specifications of said proposed crematories or crematory.

A curiilled check for Hundred Dollars ($2500) must m-compiuiy each bid, payable to the irrasurtT ol' the of (Jalvoston, and to be forfeited unless contract Is entered into. If bid arcepd-d Bond In the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (JTRiOO) will bo required to insure a i performance of the contract. Work to he done under the supervision and direction of the Board of Commissioners of Public Works and the City Engineer. The i council reserves the right to refect any or all bids. All bids should bu addressed to thb undersigned.

G. BOWDEN SBTTLFJ. Secretary of Board of Commissioners of Public Works of tho City of Galveston. THE Decorative Art Store has tho largest C-ftsorimejit of ma Aerial 1'or i'nney needlework, zephyrs', y.trns, oiso Jjuiey baskets, Japanese goods. Country ordorn solicited.

Le.tisons In fancy needlework, only $1 a month; best stamping; lessons. MEYER 211C Market St. ETC. PARCHED EVERY DAY Tho Choicest Coffees. ua with an order.

CHA9. ROBBrtTS. The Coffee Man. XM and Church. means the prevention of scores of cases of colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, and consumption.

Wet feet do not directly make the germs of consumption in the lungs but they do cause coughs and colds and inflammation of the throat and lungs; weaken the whole system. In this condition the germs of consumption find just the soil in which to work. 5cott 's Em ulsion of Cod- liver Oil, with Hypophos- phites, is a most valuable remedy for restoring the system to health before these germs gat the upper hand. SCOTT'S EMULSION bus been endorsed by t.ic profesiii. for twenty years.

your This is because it Is always always uniform-- always contains the i Norwegian Cod-liver Oil 1'ut up in soL-entimtl $1.00 sizes. The small may be enough to euro your couch or help oar.biibv. NOTICKH. KUPION and all grades of Lamp Oil and Full measure, prompt and free delivery. Largest stock and best display of Lamps in the city.

Bottom has dropped out of prices on all kinds of yoods. but can guarantee prices and Rive satisfaction on everything we sell. Come and see us. J. P.

LALOR. Market, bet. 24th and 25th Sts. TO AKUIV13--About April 1, per steamship Treasury, from Antwerp, 12,000 barrels of the celebrated Offenbacher and brands Portland Cement, at low prices from steamer on arrival. By W.

H. POLLARD Importers and Dealers, Galveston, Tex. TRY "Triumph (cooked) Pood" for your stock; entirely new; perfectly clean; moderato price; in laO-potind sacks. Sold exclusively by O. G.

rOUDTHAN, Phone 48. '2012 Mechanic St, Lawn Mowers. er attachment, light running, best in market; Asbestos Paper and Boiler Covering: slow and quick netting Portland Cement (imp'td); 6000 used In Galvn bay bridge. Geo. H.

Henchman, Importer and Dealer. SACRIFICE SALE Of Farm Wagons, Surreys, Phaetons, Buggies and Harness. AT FOX'S, 2022 Mechanic. SHIP your Country Produce to J. Hucker 109 Main Houston, Tex.

Refer to any business man In Houston. CHARLES CAPLEN (son of John Cap- Jen of Worthing, Sussex, builder, deceased, and Alary, his wife), who in or about 1S54, left Galveston, United States of America, where' he resided with his wii'e, Louisa Ely Caplen, and fara'Hy, "and was a builder and contractor for Pensacola, fl United States of America, which place he afterward left for New York, it is believed, in a vassal named "Thu Star of the West." is or lite representatives, are requested to communicate to his or their advantage with Messrs Head Hill, solicitors, 3 Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn, London. England. THERE ARE OTHERS! But If you want to stop that cough--consult us. No charge for Information.

KAHN'S CONFECTIONERY. DR. BACON'S Headache Tablets will cure your headache quickly and safely. They can't hurt you. Labadle has them.

HOW to become lawful physicians; course by mail. ILLINOIS HEALTH UNIVERSITY, Chicago, 111. M. F. MotU ATTORNEYS.

W. T. Arastnuiv MOTT ARMSTRONG. ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW, League Building, No. 2S03 Strand, corner Tremont.

Strand entrance. R. V. Davidson. F.

D. Minor. DAVIDSON MINOR, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Strand end 22d Galveaton, Tex. H. Willie.

Thos. J. Ballinger. R. Campbell.

WILLIE, CAMPBELL, BALLINGER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Menslng Building. John Lovejoy. Alex. SampsoiL LOVEJOY A SAMPSON.

ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Mechanic Street, Galveston, Tex. Practice in all courts, state or federal. H. C. Carter.

W. C. Berry. R. U.

CulbersoiL CARTER. BERRY CULBERSON, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, San Antonio, Tex. Kamp KIncald, Frank M. Spencer. SPENCER KINCAID, Attorneys at Law, Galveston National Bank Buildlne, Galveston, Tex.

IIANSCOM HALEV1NSKY-- Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Moody Galveston, Tex. CRAWFORD CRAWFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 733 Main Street, TEX. BALDWIN LAWYERS, Aransas Pass. Tex.

General law and real estate business. Collections a specialty. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN at all times in sums to suit on Galveston city Improved real estate or good local securities. U13BRRT AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Conveyancer.




SEI.KCTK1 BKEK SKLBCTtiD SMOIvKU Tu.S'ji:i:-^, ei'O i-lG ivKK. FANCY QCKKX OLIVES, iu bulk, SOc gallon. A A II. A. COOK.

Imporlfi- atiii (Jrocerk-s ami Liqu Market "ot 'IVK-phoin- poi.s. liowtr pots. I'huriis. stone jurs. fu mart's, sail irors.

1111)11018, eakt- scoops, flut- stops, rakt-. bund und dt-rd dredgM. pt-ppt-rd, suits. pans, milk kottles. r.ll of brushes, oil runs, Kntduau-d nit-asuivs, picnic bread puns, aninuil cintt-rs, zlni- siiiii-- piuis.

I'ljuit-o, ice t-rfiini I'ri'i-Xfi's. spoons, cuilfry, tooth picks. iiu-ks, mops. niiilK. lurks, t-x- in ina tors for rats, i tints, jo.

Tic. ivmiU and brush for rupe mul pulU-ys. )iwiks. lisii hin-s. iit-ts.

wrinjfws. Kulvaiiizi-d tuhs, uniuct-s. PHOTOGUAPHIC" STOCK-- Kortaks, Camei-as. lenses. Curd ilounis.

Dry Plates, KUnis, lirn-kgrouiKlt, liurnlshcTs, Tripods. Printing I'UJAT und vcrylhiiis for professional and a photOKraphevs. SI'PMJI-IS -Tceih. Gold. AI- loya.

Solders. Amulagtims. Rubbers, Por- ccp.s and all inHtruments and materials used in the practice of dentistry. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Latest style Aseptic Ir.struniMit.s. ocket Cases.

Out-rating Cases. Dlsvctlng and all kinds of Surgical Instruments and Dressings. PURE I A and Chemical Apparatus. GALVKSTON CHEMICAL 19th and Market sts. WHEELS'.

WHEELS! AT A A A I Fino Monarch, only $30. Fine- Columbia, only J30. J1W Arrow wanna, as good as now. only SCO, UNCLE El'H. WE LEAD; OTHERS FOLLOW.

If you sometimes pass my store you will sec in the window those great reductions: it will astonish you. We are able to sell much cheaper than any other house. The reason for this Is that we. have a steady buyer In New York. Our $10 Men's Suits go for JG.

Our J2.50 Men's All-Wool Pants now Yon will see a few samples in my window. Men's and Boys' Hats from 25c up. SHOES --Ask for my Jl Ladies' Ties; that will sat- isfv you of my prices in Shoes. EDUARD HIRSCHFELD'S ONE-PRICE HOUSE, cor. Market, and 20th sts.

A VARIETY of Bargains--One pair of diamond earrings, weight close to 6 karats, a mass of dazzling luster, worth our price. $350; solitaire diamond ring. Tiffany setting, weight 2 karats, woril? J160, our price. A snap for railroad men, B. W.

Raymond adjusted full jewel movement, in 20-year gold-filled case, $17. Thousands of other bargains too numerous to mention. AUgel's, Pawnbroker and Jeweler, Market and 24th sts. FEED Johnson grass all other grades on Hand, as well OB a full lino of feed, coal and wood; satlsfaction guaranteed. C.

CJ. FORDTRAN, 2012 Mechanic street 'Phone 48- FENCE--The Hodge Fence. 5 cent? per foot. Best fence for all purposes. Cheap, strong and permanent.

Already painted and easily put up. Darllngton-Mllfer Lumber 30th and Mechanic sts. 'Phone 579. J. LEVY Church street, "bet 22d and 23d.

Largest stock of buggies, phaetons and surreys in Texas at prices that are an inducement to buy. Write for prices. AND COKE--By the barrel or car lots. HOUSTON GAS LIGHT Houston. Tex.

FOR "MOUNTAIN Cedar for fencing, and building 1 in carload lots; wholesale prices; special rales to deaiera. Parson KerrvUle, Tex. FOR SALE--Cheap, an upright Weber piano, almost new; can be seen at Thos. (joggan For price apply to Austin 215 22d sz. A RARE will buy newly furnished, first-class boarding house, filled with boarders.

Address News office. FOR SALE--Roses from-51. per dozen; ferns and pot plants; 37th and ave. take P. O.

strett car. MRS. TOM KEATS. FOR It LINT. RENT--Two elegant residences, conveniently located.

Cottage of rooms, bath and stable. Two-story house of 5 rooms In East End. House of 14 rooms, all modern improvement's. Neat two-story of 9 rooms; close to business. Two-story house, with bathroom, in West End.

House of 7 rooms, near beach. M. TRUEHEAHT CO. FOR RENT--Cottage, 6 rooms, kitchen, stables, on 2 lots, cor. 9th and Winnie; cottage, raised, 3 rooms, 33d and cottage, raised.

5 roomcf Broadway, bet. 36th and 37th. south side; cottage, raised, 4 rooms, Broadway, bet. 36th and 37th, south side; 2-story residence, furnished. Broadway, bet.

8th and yth; 2-atory residence, 8 rooms, ave. bet. 12th and 13th. TULLER FOTH. Real Estate Agents, Galveston, Tex.

I''OR RENT--9-room house in Lucas Terrace, 6th Broadway; per month; modern improvements to make -you happy and live long. Inquire on premises. new modern. 2-story house, with basemenL and 19th; key at cor. grocery.

P. B. Goodwyn, at Qoggan's. FOR RENT--Raised cottage. bet.

43d and 44th, J10; I. bet. 40th and 41st. $12.50. WILLIAM R.

JOHNSON. FOR RENT--High raised cottage on bet. ISth and 19th, soutli front. $27. WILLIAM R.

JOHNSON. FOR RENT--Place of business or board- Ing house, on 20th. next Strand. $25. WILLIAM K.

JOHNSON. FOR KENT--3 houses north side Broadway, bet. Tremont and 24th streets; 10, and IS rooms each. Inquire next door. FOR RENT-Handsome raised cottage; 1919 ave.

NV. Apply to R. L. SliERRARD, 1920 ave. AND BOARD.

ONE nicely furnished s. P. room, bath and KOS. A'so three completely -furnished rooms; best location for summer. N.

w. cor. Sth and P. O. FINELY furnished south rooms: all modern conveniences; gentlemen only.

2322 Winnie n. e. cor. 24th. furnished rooms, with board.

20IS Church Street HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, with board, bath and gas; modern conveniences; table boarders taken. N. w. cor. 15th Mkt.

NICELY furnished rooms with or without board; also tablo boaru at reasonable 2309 Church opp. Tremont hotel. ARCHITECT. N. TOIJKY, Architect, 2022 Strand--Plans furnished upon application.

Superintendence of construction solicited. KSTATK. BY .1. S. MOXTCO.V.KKY CO.

I I IS A SNA1'. will n'v-i- eottugo of i rooms and with (uli iot. btt. and Ktb urranffmv.r.s call IMJ iu Uii.v. i i i I nottis, (o rosiioMslblv without cash I'vymeni.

This irupvriy if wurili il5'X'. Tvi-y cottUK'-s or.s.- lol on ti i I unu rc-ntuls $tx PIT ninniii. ior on nor tr: tvt, SMh is can buy for ivrins. tialatu-c in 3 WlTl intfivst. Uj lots on north ii- 1, l-c-t.

t'ii iH-xt to T. YY. JlMV. Lots tl 7.

s. oov Oiu 1 loi on iiorih Lv I. wild I 7 a bartittln lit KOU HICNT. OottUKes and two-siory housfs parts of i-liy: also a i oi'iiotis. j.

s. x- M.KI nioni A KA1CK A i i A i It will huiiiismiifK art i i or yoi! in i housv innl ill tin? ollu-r. This lu Unit smith Iivm Jot i i tuiv-ji und und call lm i for I i monthly j.ayiin-ni.s ir i. t'un you a to pay per i i rtMii you can buy a lull lot and nuoii as new, for $lt0; isisy payments? fan you afford to jmy piT'inonlh ivut when you can buy i-orm-r lot and 14- rooni house, on and only iVw blocks fiom busiiK'sa ccaier, i'or- JivOO. on easy payments? VAOANT LOTS.

As well as coiuirij und two-rtiory housoH In all parts of the city. A corm-r lot In liast End for SiOO; lot. jgao. J. It.

i K.slale A Conveyancer, Notary Public and Loan Ti-pinnni st. DO YOU' A TO -INVEST IN A CIIKA1' If so. it will pax you to look at thosfl fine, hiffh lots on south of uve. ln-t. and 41si wherti cornnr lotj t-aii be i i fur JSOO and ihriUlu iols fur or excellent sitn on Tremont bet.

and r'or House and lot on East Hroadwtiy, on easy tt-rnis. for J1VLO. Raised cottage and lot on bet. 12th and 13th. i-any terms; Jiaw.

Raided cottage and lot, on car line, for $15)0; only VioO cash, balance in monthly payments. FOR RENT--Store, dwelling and bakery on 34th and furnished house on Tremont anil one in Denver Rosurvey: cottage on 11. w. cor. 22d and Uroudwuy.

lately renovated: cottage, new. Broadway, bet. 27th and 2Sth; two-story house. Postoftiec, bet. tith and 7th.

J. A. LABARTHE. TWO SMALL IIOMMS OFKhJRKD. Two half lots, with neat 5-room raised cottage on each half lot; price reasonable; cottages are new.

FOR RENT! FOR RENT! FOR RENT! Two offices in Ruymerahofler building, second floor. 15-room. 2-storv, on opposite Ball school; good order; good location for boarding Office on 22d bet. Strand and Mechanic. Reymershoffer building.

B. WALLI3 22d and Mechanic sts. FOR SALE Can give you a fine, high FOR SALE lot on ave. pavement, for next three days at on.y A high corner lot, near the beach and convenient to the cars, with two good cottages, renting at $25 per month, can be hhd at only FOR RENT--Two-story houses: 16; 34; Church, bet. 15 1U.

Cottages: Church, bet. 11 12; Winnie, bet. 13 14; 35; 32: L. bet. 31 22: O.

bet. 35 3G; bet. 36 37. Stores: 1C: Broadway 21; 25; P. O.

2ti; Market, bet. 19 20. G. A. MEYER, Real Estate and Rental Agent.

FOR SALE--Nice raised cottage, "West End; J2500, FOR RENT-Cottage. Market and $29; $12. Cottage, A bet. 25th and 29th: 512. Cottage on K.

bet. 20th and 2lst: $12. cottage, ave. bet. and Cottage 29th at bet.

-Mkt: and F. O. stp. Cottage, Sth. bet.

Church and Winnie: 3JO. Fine cotta'ge, s. w. cor. ave.

I and Jfith newly painted and all modern conveniences. Neat cottage. bet. 34th and 35th; 57. 2-story s.

e. cor. P. O. and llth: $20.

Small 2-story, 13th, bet. P. O. and Church. Cottage, bet.

16th and 17th; $11. Fine residence, all conveniences, bet. 12th and 13th. F. BEISSNER.

Iron Mechanic, bet. 22d and 23d. FOR SALE--1 beautiful lots on n. w. cor.

37th and $750 for corner: $600 lots; inducements for cash. 1 lot next to n. w. cor. 20th and $2250.

FOR RENT--2-story; 7 rooms. Church I6th. $50; 9 rooms. B'flway, 21 22, $45; 3 2-story houses, next to new Y. M.

C. newly painted and repaired; call for prices. Cottages: 6 rooms. P. O.

13. $20: 6 rooms. B'dway iSc'llth, $15; rooms. 33d $15- 4 rooms, A 10th. JS; 4 rooms.


AVES. AND TERMS fcASY. MONEY TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT. AUSTIN 215 22d st. BRILLIANT opportunity to purcnaso one of the handsomest residences in Galveston with all modern improvements, 3'A lots of crcund, situated on tbe northeast corner of Thirteenth and Broadway; must be sold by May 1.

Price low and terms easy. ALBKRT WKrs. FOR SALE--Nine high lots, on car line, 40th and Inside lots, corners, $30. TRUBE BROS. 2313 Church st.

IF TOU will send $10 In registered letter or postoffice money order I will ship free to any station within 100 miles of Galveston by freight, four (4) assorted Trunks, regu- tar prico $2.50 to 54.50 Trunklnuker, Galveaton, Tex. A full line of Valises, Straps, always in stock. Repairing. CARDS. LEVY Undertakers and Funeral Directors.

A full line of Metallic and Burial Cases and Caskets. Nos. 2210. 221S and 2220 Church street. J.

H. STON12R-- Undertaker and Embalmer. Full line of metallic and wooden burial cases and capkets. N. s.

Postoffice bet, 22d and 23d. Trucliard Telephone 455. REIN-- Undertaker. Fu'n'l Director Embalmer. u-lth R.

W. Wolaton's stable, formerly McCormlck's. 2S17 P. O. 'Phone 149.

I OVSTIiKS, KTC. A i A IN OYSTERS AND FISH. Solicit Country Orders. All Advertisements, of words or less, of those desiring to Employ Help, either ale 01 Female, will be published in THE BOH BStaa WP faam wmmaa 9 GALVESTON DAILY NEWS one time Free of Charge. For each additional consecutive insertion, 25 cents will be charged.

This applies to residents ot Texas only. Results are swift and sure when you put your "Want Ad" in THE NEWS..

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