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The Daily Messenger from Canandaigua, New York • Page 4

Canandaigua, New York
Issue Date:
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Daily Mewcngcr "3 6 Mo. Tr. Canass 306 eo Facts About Canandaigsa and Ontario County town. Post Office county AB of trading tern- eensus. Bank tr Pleasure and commercial licensed Jann- to June 20, 1930,14.436, an ararage of to every 3.76 fetseos exceeded by only four counties New York State.

Total number of farms in Ontario County, 3.31S. census figures.) Ontario County ranks ftet in the e. in nreduetion of domestic cabbage; second to 2 counties in N. in the production Danish cabbage, barley. wS a It is among the first I QntatJo County mturaHy etc.

Ontario has largest point to the World Springs Sanitariora. you you afl peopte. Messenger, and Ontario Comiftr are inandalgua is at the foot of one amatti Finger Lakes. to ftltt at tMflfljB09. To many it that the C'fiiwd States from such a stagftttag Mow.

Bat within fife years the upward trend was resumed, ami the fifteen vests showed, in tike mate, an iacreasst prosperity which surpassed evaryiaini that had gooe before. Morse invented the telegraph and Rowe ing manufacture rtithed voi- wortiBg day of twelve- aod taarteec hours was cut back to ten; and ssill went up aad jrerchaass ane aaaEttfaetorers grew richer. Public schools multiplied. Gold Was discovered in California. Aftd as the tide of rose, the sptca- lators again became reckless.

The crash of IBt was but short, li broke In the summer and by the end of December its firs: was sjjeat and the after-effects bad ceased to generally serious within about a year thereafter. But while it was operaung, money grew ijghi; railroad stocks became a drug on the market; manufacturing came to a standstill. A huge trust company failed, and three of the most important railroads became Workmen went on half pay or tost their jobs. Servant girls were glad to get charity positions where they could earn $1,15 a week. The period of fourteen years which followed, while unsettled, by the Civil war and the suseqwot depressions, was fundamentally a period of Oil was discovered in Pennsylvania, and more coal was produced than ic any previous years.

The South produced more cotton by millions of bales than ever before. Exports climbed to the dizzy heights of $400,000.000: Wages steadily increased: dock workers struck for a raise of pay from $1 to a $155 a day; the shoe industry adopted machinery, aad workmen who had been earning $6 to $7 a week now got from tio to $18. While the CSMI War cost tne country prodigiously and was a tragic distraction to industry and commerce, by the yearly gain in railroad building had increased nearly 500 per cent. It seemed now as though nothing could stop the prosperity of the United States. But speculation and overextended credit were sapping the foundations of industry.

The panic of closed the Stock Exchange. on the banks were so severe that banks could neither get currency nor keep ft! Wheat consumers cut down their orders." Cottott mini closed and mercantile failures ife three years were reckoned at $775,000.000. There were men to this dark period who completely gave i up hope. i By 1878, the tide was again on the rise, and business in general showed marked increases ia the long "period, of prosperity followed. dy- namo OHne'ihto' being -and.

opened 'the-' way tot the What's What Another Quick Change Artirt 0. with private' ar Uewtil snd sonM tittle 1 erty--a tew ot tHtm a great or course ttey their ti There variations business rrotn ansaag as or i -A horn voters elect al- r-a to be the same folk active the 'dsaaaiemeiii ot ifee various en- been But to close out a thtlr stocks and bonds and aad aive the owney to hur' ji noB-ttrwiiw-tivrty. agsinw fi-- day when tfca? expect to and an put It bad: Intu come.K^WiJSg ventures'? N'ot mmy of wlwro I've hears! IS an dirtctoHnl leavmg a batUKu! of mittto.ns 5t in- tested ia If, aa to concerned RS to Bis nestese's welfare after Mis retirement as he beforehand? I can't speafe from personal crperienee. 1 surely would thtnk so ently I always Hsteo ratter to stories of thorough- tfce careruf selection (0 US Us? a is to be ti'. CvN -JQU tliw tnan yotj is you ever iave tn the or a U.

3- supreme justice "Stiff 100 to i tbat fi f- ft 'Mone what- Vou probably wilt abte to ynar query, for a week, rofn i he satnc re joinder. -But that doea not tliat one is attenrtin? to the selection 01 justicfs. who are IB icrting thwn. who realize tJtat they are t-onc-erned in the matter, arc I 'tit', ing nights attending to It ABd genenU'y they malce very Wgh class i The they lat are able ani according JA their RtGaT KIUW i. The Question Box Beajaiaia- Franklin fly Uii vrbilc it raining', and what tend of string: be use? Bfenjaniin FranMin used silk mtfnt.

Xbfe.kS* was.w«l'ttilC-»t«sw? effects oC -It is perfecyy i pacfar'indiistry. In outfit of-the Ther were-oil booms in Ohio And West Virginia; I TKer ftfthislttes of sfrengai. Wfto Good Afternoon 31 IK Mi entire of tbe. "States before the-pretiedmg By 1890, America possessed a railroad mileage surpassing- that of all fiat; to 1893; dwttionfidence, careless- ahd i fc4 credits- and high produced. their consequences.

The. stock market colkpeed. 0att money per. cent. Wttbjn the year, 9H banks went to the wall.

But just two years from the time of the first failure there was a sudden and marked change for the better. From to 1906, the barometer of growth steadily rose despite two setbacks. A government oversubscribed nearly six times. The United States Steel Corporation was born. The pressure of wealth more than sufficient to care for current needs inspired the idea of watered stocks in this public took from the railroads more than a billion and a quarter worth of stocks and bonds.

lie Wheat, crop of 1903 was a bumper one, sel- exceeded, and. both com and cotton showed a large yield. The rise in land values was marked, and speculation, in real estate was widespread. Building outstripped all previous records. Then came the depression of 1907.

The automobile made its appearance, revolutionizing manufacturing processes, and the United States began the great era of quantity production. ing 1908, business took the old upward swing. The back a century sad a half. lecture moving picture caught the national fancy and creat- 000 Americans who had woo tUeir independence in ed new fortunes. Most of them, like the country which they had ISH, the appalling outbreak of the World War founded; were heavily ia debt.

closed the Stock Exchange and caused the declar- Compare their countey. stretched atong the At-J ation of a.moratortuau But orders for war material Jantic Seaboard, and whose flag had but thirteen came pouring in. Factories were bought, baflt and start, one for each of the original thirteen states, transformed to meet the colossal demands of the ministers, and to all eases of admiralty and tnaritiaie jurisdiction: to controversies to which United Staws be a party, to wro "or more hetwt'ert a slate' awl citizens i of bettfeea citizens, of diflferfifflT: states; betyreerf- citizens of tfie state clatoiBg 1 taoJs grantsi of dSEeretrt states, and-tje- tween a -sfatcr 6r fte cHisens thsr-rr! ii WrefftJi or also Hist aH faset -ambassaaors. fttiier public those "it be tjarty, sti-, i officer. about in wwiatKiniiia.

ac- tM Jnipreme court shan ano, 1 hothas tc 12 0 Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. Sisned pertainlDK to personal health and act iliuglioSls or trcntmeut. Bred ty 0r. Brady if a stauipetl.

envelope fs enciosed Letters slroufii IK- written in ink. X)wtD2 to -tlte. large number uf TPcPhvl. only few f-sn miKwrtil No can i'ti lo cot fOKiiir.j: to itisErm-tfoii-T' AtWress 1'r. Brady, In care et this netrspaiiw.

Xatrte your oa retaru envelope. Don't say "City." years doi OOD OilDAIira--Blessed and holy is be part in the first resurrecttpn: on soch the second death hath no but they shall be priests or God and of and shall reign with him a thousand 20,:6. who hearkens to Christ's word Shall, reach Sis Father's home." The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has i jusit issued a very interesting and instructive brochure 0ft the development of prosperity" in America. We reprint it here because of its timeliness. The ujateriaUt contains should make all of us-take heart and never "seH America short." Jf ifi 'i I 4 Oft --J-- tear vessel in -ibe Delaware and in ifTS.wks gives-command 'of which 'was soon pursued and driven BritSsh itan-f-war.

irir-tTSl. wnlfe rernrolaf ftoini Ftauce, Tie-captured two vessdsM but was sarerely wound-, -first ssenior officer, with rank ot conwBOctere, the navy in 1794. was the name of the caaai Jean Colhsit duriujt the reign of txmis XTV? it built? i Colbert; to ear drops for persons suffering from: i chronic running ear. 1 cannot have tried DKt DRAINAGE FOR CHRONIC RUNNING EAR been suggest- with running Jiave found it dti- alcohol and they envelope bearing your ad- dress7 Also practice belly breathing, 'i Trfcopbyton Please publish in your column vour for" toe ringworja. Answer 1 suppose you mean the formula for WbitfieldV ointment- which- is so often effective for- so-called athlete's isch.

Salicylic 15 grains Eenzoie T- Sram 1 otaice Send stamped envelope --beartog your address and asfe for full directions for the treatment of foot Basketball What do you think of girls, and boys piaying: I aim 16 years oM. weigh 112 pounds. feet 2 inches 'in height. I received the Court What kind offcasts are trfed in the TJnited States supretae court? The Constitution Art- Hi. Sec.

delates that "the judicial power shall -extend to in law apd eauity, jjtrisina'aniiftr this Constitution, the laws of rnzted States, and treaties made; or whxch shall be made, under tfieir-auUiorKy; to aJl cases af- tectsng MBbaasadors. otner public have, approved the treat- statesman tforins the reign of Louis XIV, was created Minister of Maf ine So 1689 he acquires control of commerce, the colonies" and. royal expenditure. French trade was roads and canals baflt- The most noted of tfce latter was canal of Languedoft. in the ear each for many weeks one or two drops a sotatjon of ten -grains of boric Cohol.

Warm the solution by standing the vial in some hot water for provide the ateohol. Minneapolis a fairly simple home treatment for such cases satisfactory. It is continuous dry drainage by means of cotton swabs He in: structs the patient or some respon- sible member of the family thus: 1. A small piece of absorbent I cotton is laid on the tip of the first finger of the left hand; then the i end of a toothpick is placed to the i center of the cotton. 2.

The thumb is pced lightiy complain to er the cotton and toothpick; then of me and would Bfce to hear your 16jj. We only practice three times a week for 30 minute periods. tH- Answer As a game it is fine fcf I mean, I do not think "school or girls should play -in basket- ntests as a spectacle. Their ice and games, should be as as" the rest of their gym- or phvsieal education activ-. iycar congressman or somebody the right hand the toothpick the capttat of Anstralia anything about it.

twirled away from one. leaving a and where is it located? capital territory of 948 i square rones has been set up between 1 Sydney and Melbourne, 70 ia- land, as the capital of the Common- This city of called Canberra. of our medical friends who treatment believe it is to, shape the cotton. effect of the alcohol, 3. The cotton is now an evenly somewhat feeble: wound swab about 1-2 inches of the boric 4.

The swab on the toothpick js that does good They are prob-i now inserted in the ear canal down fight, for a number at readers; to the drum aad the discharge wip-; TM A rtitfr TTfTHeti Aanal jg rtrrr tCopyright John F. Dille Bristol Springs MRS. WARDEN JOKES Staff GOLDEN DAYS By Clare Dwlggins "wfih oar country today. The richest nation in irortd, a country of more than square miles, with a population of more than 120,000.000. Contrast- tbe daily hardships, the bare existence Of the pioneers, with the comforts of today.

a 'understanding of America's sweep upward and onward, it may be helpful to recall the the more severe business depressions financial panics which checked" progress reckless speculation displaced constructive wcjrtf. The ratification of the Constitution in 178? put the Federal government in a pOEttwa to coin money. The gold sod saver currency, made it possible to ex- pond business and the building of post roads facilitat- fcrtcKOtfrnnmicatioo and transportation. The industry of the new nation was so amazing that, by Jefferson was able to say, "In general flur are proceeding in a train of unparalleled This within only ten years of the last of the Allies. Wages rose to heights undreamed of, even by the unions.

And, in 1S17. the tlnited States went to war and thereafter sold 130,000,000,000 worth of i bonds to finance the conflict. The Armistice terminated this extraordinary spurt. Again, in 1930, the country was forced to I pause and put its house ia "order. There followed two years of deflation BquldatiQn; prices went i down, but wages stayed up.

Henry Ford declared a 1 minimum wage of $5 a day for the same class of labor which 100 years earlier was fortunate to get $1 a day. In various trades- skilled artisans could earn $14 a day. In many trades the forty-foor-hour week became standard, followed subseQutotlr by the fojty- hour, fivt -lay week. Never had so much prosperity been so generally diffused. The rise from 1921 to 1928 eclipsed anything that goae before.

The radio had jumped toto uni- popularity. The stock market marched stead- upward. The sale of Liberty Bonds had us nation of investors. Bondholders, who before the war Humbert about TOO.m of growth proceeded, with some checks, reckoned at approximately for warty fifty years. The settlement of the Middle With a rising market, almost any one who bougUt West 'caused a great agricultural expansion and apB were phenomenal Whitney invented the cot- too gin, and McCortnlck the reaper.

Coal came into wfeie use. canals were dug, factories Vcre built, the tttst steamboats aad locomotives began to transpon and passengers, aad the development of water power stimulated manufacture. In 1830, the States imported more than $62,000,000 worth ot and exporbrd more than $71,000,080. This Mr WUl population vt 'only meant an in' ezffK of wealth so rapid that unseated sound and ted to speculalion. The business depression of 183? came with a force to the prosperous young nation.

In Mtot fit banks faflrt. In York city, with could anticipate a profit. And for foor years the people bought. The Federal Reserve warned the banks, who, in tarn, warned their deixjsltors. But the game was too fascmatiBg, People kept on telling each other Oat this was a new era right up to the stock market collapse in the fall of The people of the Grated States have enjoyed unparalleled growth and jwssperiij; Interrupted by years of depression and despondency.

af- 1 ter each and every depression, our country has forward tc new peaks of wealth, income asl acMew- 1 ment. future shoald consktewd to ot our experkpwi in the swab is left in the canal and this must touch the To remove the toothpick one finger is placed on the cotton and the toothpick is slightly twisted toward one to loosen it, and then it is withdraw leaving the swab in place. 8. The swab must be made small enough to pass thru a medium sired 1 ear speculum (that is, not over ono- eighth inch thick). 6.

The swan snouia be changed as often as it is half filled with dis- cbarge, whether five minutes or five hours, the object being to suck the discharge out of the middle ear ity as rapidly as it is formed. 1 It is important to have cvcrv- thing-strictly clean. The person who -makes and inserts -the swabs should always carefully wash nis. hands immediately before the with plain soap and water. Of coarse the cotton should come from I a sterile package, which should sealed or covered when not in use.

The toothpicks should be baked to the oven and kept in a jar of ciher receptacle that has been boil. ed or otherwise sterilized. Pain in the ear in chronic otliis media (chronic inflammation of middle ear) is due to pressure of the discharge This treatment soon stops such pain. Where the jar canal is much irritated and verv sensitive, the doctor should instruct the patient or ifae responabie rnetn- BEISTOL SPEIKGS Installation ot South Bristol Grange trill oo held Saturday. A business meetiKs at II o'clock 'will be followed by the installation, with Arthsr EMred assistants, of Naples Grange, of- fsciating.

South Bristol Y. P. B. will meet Friday evening in the home of Kar- Aiford. The Ladies' Aid society served dinner Tuesday to men of the Farmers" Institute.

Mrs. Marsha! T. Lincoln was in charge of the dinner. A business meeting was followed by a shower for equipment 01 the charch kitchen. The Farmers" Institute held in Grange Kail Tuesday was isell tended in spite of the stcrm- Professors Kepner and Work, of nc-li, were the chief speakers.

Mi's. Georgia Coye is csnflned to the house lUr.ess. Rev. 4.nci Mrs. C.

M. Eatciifi-, Mrs. Arthur Smith aad Mr. and Ketsben S. Smith, of Kapl rttcnded the dinner at the church Tuesday.

The Bureau netting sched- u'ed for this 5 to be ountted Mrs. J. Kslnh Tibcrtts fe il 1 at her home here. QUESTIONS AND ANSWEKS Lttr Spots KiEdrr discuss ia your columr. the brown spcts appearing on the face and neck, commonly ceiled "liver spots." 1 am 49 and jost lately noticed these spots on RIT neck and am much disturbed M.

Answer I believe spots be a more appropriate name for them, since they torpid hints rather than torpid liver. Anyway, 1 that you are aliow- dignity to overtake you and that is a mistake. Join oar Sonier' br-laws will be sent you oo request, if you JocJose i ildren coir 1.

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