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The Evening Independent from Massillon, Ohio • Page 2

Massillon, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TWO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, I960 THE EVENING INDEPENDENT, MASSILLON, OHIO SALMAGUNDIIMotorist Is A Hit By Auto. Leg Injured Mrs. R. J. Martin of 233 23rd st NW is confined to the Massil-; Ion city hospital.

-Clifford W. Gaudaur of 916 NE, a son. I Born, this in Massil-, and an ion city hospital, to Mr. and man arrested for failure to stop in the assured clear distance 'ahead as a result of two traffic I Caroi Angerman has rodents in Massillon Tuesday 5-turned to Ohio State university Injured was John Savage, 36 after spending her spring vaca- of 1116 Meaner pi NE, who was with her parents, Dr. and reported in fairly good condtion Jjlrs.

Walter Angerman the Masillon city hospital to 1018 Beverly rd NE. dav Wlth Iterations of the left -leg. I Massillon po i Sau-us stopped to lice said Savage's auto early Tues Frank UrbSiday morning was parked about a MO foot from the curb on Erie route to Ms home from Cleve opened th? Ion his left side to admit a pas- lantt 'Reedurban Ready To War On Mosquitoes Members of the Reedurban'presented as a possible alternate thAir mpet-'tc a banquet. Plans will be for- Clear Hurdle In Path Of Sewer Job Planning for the joint city- county $2,000,000 sewer system expansion, at a standstill since scnooi lo UV i last December while- financing! nual war against mosquitos in pity affairs in general were ctis- details were ironed out, is. now- area according to Walter D.jcussed.

Swigart reported on the ready to roll and action can be club president. move of some leading expected in the next 'few weeks. the annua citizens toward incorporation of Wayne Kuhn. representative of me drhe will be con- the unincorporated area of Perry Floyd Associates of idated volunta ry contribu-jtcwnshap. Marion, Ohio, the firm in charge 9 mnscmito con- of the planning, was in Massillonj 10 the areas mosquito con WAg THE Civic club decided at their mect-jtc a banquet ing Tuesday night Jo Reedurban -ulated at ne n.x meet ng school to move in on their an- Real estate taxes and commu- today conferring with city offic- iais on the oject con- of Swigart said, sai Mrs.

Robert Headland, sr, sen er 444 Wales rd NE, was recently! Savage stepped out of the car 1 removed from Green Cross hos-jand-was struck by an auto driven pital Cuvahosa Falls, to the resi-lby Samuel S. Yutzy, 68, ofj.238 dence of'her daughter, Mrs. W. J.lOberlin rd SW. Police said Yutzy Sandera, jr of 1245 Western SW.jswerved hu to toe left to Keedurban.

Police Cheek Car Lootings 1 At St. Mary's AFFAIRS OF THE MASSILLON EDUCATION association the ensuing year will be in hase a pian lor me JWIUB ic-aguc sw Ree durbap charge of these officers who were chosen at a recent election. They are, front, left to right, Miss I not included, in the purcnase completely the tcga ave rteeauroan cnarge 01 uiebe u-iicBis wuu wiiimnt canal lands made by the city u-- ivestisate and study sourc KUHN SAID the federal ernment has just sgreed to the city title to a portion of! former Ohio canal land at the south city limits which is used for a sewer right-of-way. cluTmembersiposmg any movement. This portion of land Ca Walter R.

Olson of 1213 Sara- REPRESENTATIVES from Little league "farm. unincorporated area, should study possibility of incorporating thoroughly, or any other plan that might be better for the commu- before supporting or op- will Vicki Collins, secretary, and Miss Joy Stover, president, and rear, left to right Robert Willmot, vice president, and Russell Gardner, treasurer. Most teachers employed in the local public school system, are members of the association. Brochures On Charter To Be Four hub caps, a tire and a avoid hitting Savage but the right rear fender of Yutzy's car, already damaged in a previous accident, caught Savage on lower left leg. No arrests were; made.

Arrested Tuesday evening when I TJ VPH fttftl'S his car struck a truck Ar (LJLJ for a traffic light at 12th st and I Lincoln Wav NW was Elmer Til-1 The City Charter committee of son 49, of 458 27th st NW. Massillon is planning to mail 000 copies of a four-page bro- Speaker Big Season Is Planned By Theater i canvass bag were found on St. 5 LIGE SAID Ti i son was head- chure explaining the proposed! Mary's Catholic church parking on Lincoln Way NW charter for the city to Massillon wo will vote on the issue rt HTM be-iwhen he ran into a truck driven I voters who will vote on the issue of car Brady C. Dickerson, 28, of at the May 3 primary. on the lot iKidron, which had stopped i ans for distributing the The discovery of the hub caps, a red traffic signal.

Investigating chures were made at a meeting. I tire and canvass bag was made, (J police said, by a man who walked; js out of a meeting at the church! at about 9 p. m. He told police he saw a youth backing up a car in the lot near the articles and ed the youth what he was doing. THE YOUTH, according to po- lice, said he was going in to the meeting and did so, but left a short time later.

Later it was found the hub caps and tire had been taken from a car owned by Morris Pow! ell of 937 Rhodes ave, Akron, i They were returned to the own- j'er. The canvass bag is held at the police headquarters. A TIRE 'AND a jack handle, valued at $27.50, were also re! I ported taken from a car driven Mrs. Walter Mitzel of 1740 st SW oficers said Tilson's car 0 the charter committee Tues-1 over a lawn at the George Dom-; day flight at the Amherst Park' mer residence at 983 Lincoln Way shopping center. NW after striking the truck.

Arraigned in municipal court this morning, Tiison pleaded guilty to a.charge of failure to THE MEETING was attended by three candidates for the proposed 15-member city commis- canal lands from the state ago, but was deeded to the 0 leeded to the feder-i on his findings at the May on 000 expansion project 'lions imposed for operation, and could not be completed until! Swigart volunteered to solicit outlined what i gh result ei- the city could show "clear contributions in the area. A tner from incorporation or auto all portions of land neededkial fund will be created within nexation or the project. I the club treasury and all solicited The producers of the Canal Ful-j The assurance that the federaljfunds will be deposited there and jz ton Summer theater which now i ernment will turn over the all Little league disbursements 1 is being extensively renovated cana i an( (j ee is the last im- made from the special fund. i and expanded have'set June 14 portan item needed to establish Further action to consolidate i for the opening of a 12-week sea- son of productions with as many! this title, Kuhn said. the league's activities was de- npj big-time stars.

The guest stars project has been passed by will be featured in recent Broad-! city council over a period ofjs. Uvay releases. Preliminary legislation for erre un tij the next regular; dub meeting Tuesday May Police Gun DR. MARTHA WEBER A workshop on teaching two years, and the financing is; father and son banquet or Co-producers David Fulford.ithe last major legislative ge t-together for the Reedurban rouce Elisabeth Bliler and William i standing in the way of the actual jarea was discussed and a morn-; Burnoskv sajd todav he was Dempsey said they plan to of construction on the pro-i in campin tr ip to include a saus-; tQo enco ura ed a te f. ng to cludeat least one musical, a and pancake breakfast was- out of a new play prior to itsj Included in the project arei a i -i i A pxnansion of me sewage disposal 1 debut snd.

3. resident i cA t' aij wv.i"** 0 New York company I plant, the building of two cr trunk lines to serve areas op in the assured clear distance sion who were not sponsored by seven through the ranks of TV, TM- TM V'th. ahead and was fined $50 and the charter committee. be ponsored the East and film performers. cleaning an renovating of all; existing trunk lines.

The. project costs. ALSO APPEARING in court this morning Donald C. hvill be sponsored by The views-of the committee on Central Ohio Teachers' associa- the charter issue were explained to these three candidates. The three are part of a list of 30 can- Yingling, 18, of 122 Thome ave di(Mes whose names will be on tion Saturday, April 30, at Perry THE OPENING of the re- 1 will be paid for out of sewer i i i i i A.

i UC JJaiU. A.VM. 1 high school east of here. lod eledr on No i rental funds collected from cityi It will be limited to 300 teach-! Canton-Canal Fulton.rd will mark ajjd county users the facilities, ifTM crs with reservations to be made the seventh consecutive season of Massillon A store ave NW, Canton Police Captain Frank Qf NE who pleaded guilty to a the May 3 charter commission! with William F. Quinn, ECOTAj summer stock in this area under Lllc lu speeding charge and was ned i Ballot.

S15 and costs, and Edward J. Bosley, 20, of RD 1, North Lawrence, who pleaded guilty to a charge of driving a car without a committee. A muffler. He was fined $10 and 1 costs. Ordered apprehended when he executive secretary, at Garfieldjthe same management.

One slate of 15 of these camli-: school in Canton by next Friday, i Fulford and Dempsey at the dates is sponsored by the charter! The principal speaker at the present time are in New Yorkist second slate of 14 i workshop will be Dr. Martha Ges-j completing negotiations for star YY sponsored by Weber, professor of educa-i engagements and School Plav regular Republican and Demo- i tion and I director of the Bowling jnouncement of plays and ing involved in the theft of a Canton police department shotgun used in the slaying of a Youngstown racket figure and his girl friend early in March, Burnosky said Canton police apprehended the suspect, around 11 p. m. Tuesday in the vicinity Mahoning rd and Beldon ave jTcwne Plaza shopping center, I ja Cant following intensive completing a remodeling program -I, urnoskv said the included the insolation- jcked Canton of automatic checkouts, new floor-, 4 A 4 ing and new display fixtures. i To celebrate the event, the; piaces A will hand out dozens of ten-dollar bills to visitors and THE CANTON' detective chief cratic party leaders in the city! Green state university reading, m'Jb made on or about May appointed and are busy at workdays.

Production crews have during the next 3 suspect was arrested re' under an to a PP ear in court toAay i The loss of a tire and jack f'handle, valued at S40, was also by Nellie Gemma of 11249 Park st SW, Canton, whose car was parked in St. Mary's ing lot during the same inter- yal of time. Police today were continuing their investigation into the car lootings. Cold, Damp Is Forecast a a A. Showers, 35, of 5332 Arlington ave NW, Canton.

i Cool weather will predominate lover the Massillon area for the $18,901 Still Needed By Red Cross Preliminary discussions are under mTkTnTpreparaTions "for "presea-l Manager Leo Franz said i assumed name for carrying a con- on- a a and that he was center. The workshop will open at ay with Imogene Coca. Con a. m. with a coffee hour followed ance Bennett, George Nader, nf the Harrison a and Frets -f will be awarded by an address of welcome byj Faye Emerson, Robert Horton, dramatic i ub in the Washington Thursday, Friday and Saturday, grand jury on the concealed Charles Andrews, president of yivian Vance -of "I Love Lucy," hi sc hool auditorium purchase is required to quali- 1 weapons charge.

He then posted A- anrf toil, hv nr Hans Conried and Eva Gabor, and Satu rday nights, April 29' fy Franz said. among others. and" 30. i New check-out installations in-j. Canton police have posted a addition, return engage- Nancy Fridline is Serving as i ude pedal operated beltjSSOO reward for information re- The new plant, destined to be one of the most beautiful summer The 1960 fund raising campaign of the Massillon Red Cross chapter still is $18,091.55 short of its goal of $56,500.

Results of tabulations of Tuesday's telephone roundup show to SI toUOg8 JU. S. Weather Bureau station at Akron-Canton airport. A brief warming period is expected Sunday, but until then temperatures will average between three and five degrees below the normal of 45. For this afternoon and evening the forecaster said it will be rain possibly and a high of over the previous week.

committee session. A lengthy discussion was held" at the meeting about an editorial published in The Evening Inde-j Teachers present will be divid- pendent Tuesday which called oni i nto groups for discussions on candidates announce what of charter they favor. A committee answer tions raised in this editorial is be- vide" for individual differences ing planned. and how to identify reading dif- nTihe count'ryTwiil pro- i Phillips', publicity; Judy Perrin' new "auxiliary "supplies depart-! Youngstonw racket figure and his ivicie lor added seating capacityjand Craig Hess, scenery; Anne 'girl friend, Miss Mary Ann Vran- enable the producers to book'Gerber and Linda Stephens, cos-j The modernization program 28- an all-st'ar season. itumes; Linda Fogle, Jack Wright jfcas included the rearrangement i While Canton police'have been Tho hadr strnpfiirp is modern land Bob Woodruff, props; Linda; some departments.

Irounding up suspects, Canton's in design with emJhS on I Smith and Edie Kouth, make-up; Mayor cha les Babcock rein design, with an empnasis nif PptM turned from a Florida vacation and Tuesday began questioning police captains about the disap- The Dalton Chamber of Com-ipearance of the weapon, announced today that the. The missing gun was traced to VY 1111 i i i i Town Crew heads are: jthe produce, coffee, dairy, meat i gun used to kill. S. Joseph Geprganne a and Tom; and grocery departments, and a I (Sandy) a 52-year-old liillinc- A i Vi-i 11 ti a fi rfur-n ri i Is discussion sessions to from 2 to 3:30 p. rn.

The annual "town meeting" 408.45 an increase of $7,906.43 the public affairs committee of TWoccjIlnTl A A the Massillon Y.W.C.A. to discuss issues and candidates in the com-' MASSILLON Refractories and ing May 3 primary, will be heldj Co. have i a 8 p. m. on Wednesday, April! The number of claims for un in the industrial! 27.

in the Y.W.C.A- banquet compensation on file' increase of 15! Similar meetings are held each at the local office of the Ohio over "last year's dona-i year prior to the primary and Bureau of Unemployment Com- general elections for the purpose ipensation increased by 43 lastj(j ucers Fair formers receive members of "the iuiuicj.3 i ut mw -inH Atin i i 'audience on opening nights) with; a ff em of the village street fair wU1 6 6 iTM, de artmen extended "ardens and patios. The aker wlli be mlslress oi lne Wednesday. July 13. a manufacturer's serial e'new theater has been 6 ho nrp pn tpri nn meeti of the after it was found at the frequent variations in 11 i will be held May 2. scene of the Youngstown slaying.

in mind, the pro. degrees. It will be partly land literally have finished toe issues. cloudy and not so cold tonight I campaign--the school and ith the low at 35. i divisions and both con-j Thursday will be partly cloudy i tributed more than and 50.

Precipitation for the next amount this year even days is expected to average .2 of! given to a Red Cross campaign an inch as snow today, and that division. showers early Thursday and The industrial division is near two of the drive divisions of acquainting voters with thei week. SntSS c.t.di*rte» and inform them' on; Reporting this day, WilMam.J. Brochures listing stars, plays will be mailed Nelson, office manager, said a rise ear i jvj ay copies can he ob- i campaign--the school and Committee members new or additional claims caused gained by writing in care of Bro- lonifin i a nH hnth mn-i this year's town meeting are Mrs. the, total to increase and also re, Box 377, Canal Fulton, R.

Ransom, chairman, a small decline in OOl Will March 26. Last week's total; over the weekend. ly complete, but as yet no report has been received from employes Tlie Weatlier Republic Steel ling to William C. Calkins, gen- MASSILLON AND VICINITY er chairmaa of the Red Cross Increasing cloudiness, not as! drive, cold, chance of showers tonight; Here's a breakdown of contri- committee 4:30 p. April 1 final plans for the will meet at! included 594 continued and 17 1 "f-T -yp to a i or additional claims, which! town hall 'Compare respectively with figures' Pfendler, dramatics coach, with Don Simonson, Linda Stephens, John Larson, Miss Banks, Roger Devault, Judy- in, Jack Wright and Mickey Freedman filling major, roles.

No Action On By-Pass Plan low 35-40. Thursday partly cloudy with little temperature change. Yesterday's high temperature, butions to date: Industrial business (including chain stores), 38 at 4:30 a. m. Today's low, 23 S3.970.60: financial institutions, at 6:30 a.

m. Yesterday's utilities, S929; residential tation, .06. Yesterday's high hu-jeast, $2,580.91: residential west, midity, 97. This morning's 'low; townships, oles ting and to approve the pro- for the March 26 week of 608 gram. and 114.

A hearing held this morning on a proposed by-pass between Whipple rd and Wise rd NW at the 11 road intersection, The Rev. Paul Kiewit, pastorj northwest of Cant was con- VJ the Grace United Church of tinued today by the Stark county 'Christ, will be the C0mmiss i 0 ners "until April 22. Easter services at Washington high school Friday morning. By the Rev. SAMUEL W.

SMITH, Pastor, Massillon Evangelical United Brethren Church. Karen Williams love and eternal light will and Peggy humidity, 65. Yesterday's mean schools, professional, temperature of 34 was 10 9 5 0 organizations, grees below normal. FIVE-DAY FORECAST Temperatures expected to average 3 to 5 degrees below normal. Normal high 54 north to 60 south, normal low 35-39.

Temperatures will average a little below normal Thursday, Friday and Saturday; warmer Sunday and cooler again Monday. Scattered showers tonight and possibly over the weekend, averaging about .2 inch. HOU1U.Y special gifts, S700. i the A a airport a station) 6 P. M.

7 P. M. 8 P. M. 9 P.

M. 10 P. M. 11 P. M.

12 A. M. 1 A. M. 1 A.

M. 32 I 30 1 30 29 29 29 23 28 3 A. M. 4 A. M.

5 A. M. 6 A. M. 7 A.

M. 8 A. M. 9 A. M.

10 A. M. 11 A. M. THE WKAT-KER ELSEWHERE By The Associated Press Low Albany, cloudy 42 30 Anchorage, 127 Atlanta, clear so Boston, clear 53 cloudy 26 Chicago, cloudy Cleveland, clear 25 Detroit, clear 28 Honolulu, cloudy 78 fie Los Angeles, cloudy ST Minimi, clear 60 Ktw clear 71 40 New York, unow so 35 clear Pittsburgh, clenr 41 25 Bt.

Louis, clear Frangliivo, clear 7i so Chess Club Will Sponsor Tourney A chess tournament will be sponsored by Washington high school's Chess club Thursday at into a i soul. And' it shines for see. Never As though this were not i ness enough this commander of more choir' Two men who played important: the execution comes through Sharon la i er and Bob Wood- les in the tragedy of the heart-spoken word "This is'! ru r.r jn read he scripture and a the; Diane Binge and John Pitts Commissioner Glen Sponseller said the prices being asked for right-of-way for the proposed bypass are higher than had been TOOR HOMETOWN COMMUNITY BANK GET GOING With a For Spring! The First National Bank in Massillon can help you with a low-cost loan. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Uncofn and Erie Amherst Park I IN MASSILLON MCMKK OftOSIl INSURANCE Said A Murnbalin' by girls of the sopho- taken unless reduced. costs can be fixion stand as witnesses of Son of God.

nal glory. In belief and in con- chosen followers of Christ failed prayer- duct we must see them as Him in the darkest hour, xhe service will close with the In the 23rd chapter of St. Luke's world is not left without a wit- pi ay i ng Palms" by a brass Gospel we have the thrilling rec-i ness. God himself reaches out in quartet an the singing of ord of the penitent thief. His the dark and opens the heart of A Forest Praying" and 1 prayer was simple-- "Lord re- 1 a pagan military officer to give; TC Maria" by a girls' ensemble member me." Jesus answered) us a witness to the TRUTH.

Can Karen Tryon playing a vio- him just as simply-- "Today thoui any man be denied redeeming 'ij obligate. shalt be with me in paradise." 1 grace after such testimony to In the Gospel of St. Matthew, ETERNAL LOVE? chapter 27, the Roman -cenlnrian" In more recent years the per- 7 in thp school cafeteria in command of the execution is; sonal impression of this scene in- 7 p. m. in the school this pj red Harriet Monroe to write-Three crosses rose on Calvary against the iron sky, Each with its living burden, Public schools here will be closed next week for their annual Easter vacation.

i p. in. in me SL'iiuui caieieiia. All persons interested in play- Quoted as saying-- Truly ing chess are invited t'o attend, was the son of God. The club is composed of students of the school who enjoy chess.

The Evening Independent Member of The Associated Pretf, The American Newspaper Publishers Association. Bureau of Advertising, the Audit Bureau of Circulation, ind the i Newspaper Association. Associated Press Ii exclusively titled to thn ute or rcpubllcatlon of all news dispatches credited to It or riot and also the a newn published 1 herein National Advertising Representatives Shannon lne. I i offices In New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, St. Loub, Kanaai City, Los Angeles and San Francisco, Subscription rates: 30 cents per by carrier: A ccnta dally at newi I stands By ma!) In Stark and Wayne counties payable In advance $10,00 per year Oulslde rates given upon ouest.

Entered second class matter Through the darkness over the land and within the hearts of the people God seemed lo have forgotten the world. Turned his back on it would be a better expression. He had good reason. But if we look with open hearts, we are thrilled with the witness coming out of all this gloom. Here is a confessed criminal crying out for mercy.

He cries, not to a' don, but to a for par- sufferer each with its human cry. And all the ages watched there, and there wsre you and God's forgiving love is ours for the asking. Will wc ask. Will Christian' believers offer these witnesses to the A TRUTH or will we keep the darkness by our own man made rules and practice, 1 Will we see onr- when we look at (he dying )he office, Ohio under the act of March 1171. whom he recognizes as God.

i wm wc (h(1 of present confusion for a tofti- ALL OV.1 theological bickering; mony of God's Love even if it falls flat'before the simplicity of comes from someone far outside this sudden act of redeeming our little circle. Will we seek snl- gracc. Sin honestly vation for the suffering soul of pardon immediately a our world by offering Calvary as Through the very center of the answer? And to Calvary as it most appalling horror the is, not as we would have it, but Li, to know, God opens the doori as God gave to Is Granted A request of Vernon Bolgrin of Canal Fulton to construct a 50- foot road leading from Locust st to his Lakeview allotment under development in the village was "ranted by the village council during a regular meeting Tuesday evening. Representatives of the Barber allotment who attended the meeting to request sanitary sewer facilities in the allotment were told by-council that action will be tabled until all six cpuncilmen arc present at a meeting to consider the issue. Only five of the councilmen attended last night's meeting.

Mayor John Cullen pro- sided. The next, meeting will be April Id. Russell Stover Easter Chocolates EGGS IN CRATES IN BASKETS PECAN EGGS CHOCOLATE CREAM EGGS See Our Display BALTZLY'S A REAL QUALITY Ask us about Casualty's New AUTO-RITE Policy the right insurance for safe drivers THE F. W. ARNOLD AGENCY CO.

Lincoln Way and Third N. E. TE 2-1558 Patron Parking Off Third St..

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