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The Sonoma County Journal from Petaluma, California • Page 2

Petaluma, California
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J- woe be to the fevil-docrs. Thcfjcitjzena-of this place have; suflexedVIong and patiently, butt the end is not yctf 1 Charles Cdra, the Italian gambler and is nev San Francisco Correspondence. Sx Nov. 20, 1855. I little thought that in penning the account of the murders of Messrs.

Wall and Williamson last week, that I should in of the most cold-blood1 and cowardly mur-ders Of the age, committed at San Francisco, on Saturday evening last about half pastjix o'clock, 00 Clay street near Montgomery. The victim was WmJLJlkhardson, IT. S. thepcrpetrator a gambler named Charles Cora. It appears that the parties had a er Allowed to walk ngaht the streets San Francisco, aud, if, through the wick edness and carelessness of our Sheriff his depit the eity tkey strong language but I feel like one who claims this-State as his home.

I desire that my children should bf. brought up and educated in tins "tTe pleasantst and happiest State of bur Union. I feel that I could make any sacrifice even of my poor life, rather thanJ. so lipnioiis a crime sliould so. aniiuuished.

THE PETALUMA JOURNAL. THOSUS EDITOR FR0FR1ET0R. PETALlfMA, tfOYEMBER 1855. tBteaxnboat Disaster. Tksterdat' our "town" was" the scent of oa of-tholo hearWending.cikmitiea or which California has become noted steamboat 'disasters.

far as we have been able to gather the particulars, thiy aa "Abbot fiveisinutes past ten o'clock a. as the steamer Qeorgina was lay- -in at her. finding, a few rpda; below our, jffioK taking, frailbt -'and her boiler exploded, doing a terrible work of dieath and? destruction. How many were instantly killed, is unknown, but it is xery probable there were sercraU. Of those known to have been wounded or missing, we givelhe following list: WotNDEPGcor "TnhV passenger receivetl a severe contusion over the left eye, and another on the left arm, was also severely scalded Mr.

F. is proprietor of Grove House, about tour) miles from here, on the Bodega road. 1 0. Busha passenger a jrcncnmmi, left leg broken in two places and his right side badly bruiieH. Talentihe Ikenpsscngr slightly scalded and bruised.

Mr. I. was thrown some 40 feet, striking on a heap of wood. John. Flood fireman an Irishman, left leg broken and foot nearly torn from 1 I The assassination near Monterey, the as-j Commissioners had arrived from Leon, who had acceptcu the treaty, nnd of this city, the band of pick- tod AVaIlcer for prosident.

Both parties pockets, thieves and, murderers whoare urfft.j hm to take the office; but he would this, fe compelled, to mention one of the most tttroaons, heartless, and cowardly assassTtretions," "tbtt has ever wearied In California or any State of the Union. Oen Ricfiardson, U. S. Marshal this State, was on. Saturday night last enticed to walk with a man to an unobservinK pa'rtof theVity, and without the "legist showing for his life, was shot by that per son in the region of the heart, and imme-diately expired.

That or rather fiend in human is named Charles Cora, a gamhler, and keeper of a public prostitute, The cause, as follows: While Gen, Richardson nnd his wife were at the Metrbpplitan Tbeatre, man Cora brought ia liis and seate'd her by the eneral and fajuily, A-frifuid jur formed the General of the character of those -sitting by him, and he very properly plained to the police of the tlieatrc; tho ved the ta. The pa ra ntou a ml kr imn vmst le revmgtd, and with the assistance of some half dozen accomplices, ganiblers by profession, murderers in heart, they made the eneral believe that no dif- ficulty should grow out of it, and induced elected and.iwpr t.utMv are enou'gli 1 f.ur ray-Si are eiHiuga mad and if our wen our. Wives.and daugh-'as vt- A to drive a sane man fa'J'it is time Jhat jwrl. i noi wa oat; not ilight difficulty the previous evening, but mutual friends interfering, it was supposed that all bad been settled. On Satur rrhjov lvenina; the" parties were observed standing in front of McAllister's building, on Clav street conversing, when Riehard- ln wag heard to which Cora replied, "Yes," A few minutes later, Cora was seen to seize IlichurdsoTi'B coat collar with his left hand, amj' Mr.

li. heard to exclaim, "What are y0U KOih'g to do? Don't shoot me I ani unarmed!" Cora, before he could be prevented, presented a pistol to Mr. and fired. The ball en tcre(j tlie body about two and a half inccs abovp the left nipple, producing al- InC(st instant death. Cora was taken Into custody and conveyed to prison.

The excitement nnd indignation the people was intense, and serious apprehensions were entertained on the pnrt of the officers of justice that the prisoner would be taken from their hands and sneedv 1 1 1 1 justice administered, liat wise counsel prcvailed, and the cowardly assassin and! ters take up anus ana anvc tins gang 01 1 Corrat Uen, 'alker was then appoiat-desperadoes into the Bay, Look' "at' thcleftdnmianifeTfiii-Cluef Pall the forces in homemade desolate, hear the tearful -moans 1 Nicaragua and sobs of-the broken-hearted wife and Parker French, Minister of -Fi-' 1 -'K i nmnce the balance of the oilices in the mother, when she hears: that her husband UimiM! ly diviUed bctweeu has bcqn murdered who can paint her an-; tjiei two guish? who among us can hear her Wail-5 Since tke-surrende? of Corral't here has jug without a 'desire of signal vengeance Look asnin sit the cul culprit his heart eh an occurrence never was before, 1 .1 iii the history of tlie: II'. iinlilie, or sinc6 and cares not for the fl 7 the toumlittiou'Ol the city, lite barricades 1 a I him to this belief the 'more, read ilv to tnkuicalous, he feels not '1 1 1 a jareautui crime no nas coninnueu, or vne misery he has caused. He and his parn- an outraged community now await one or more of their nuniber 'mour are proud that he has killed hiding, all' part ie iMcinjr7in--'the prospect thfi btrfvrTic'htleff -also: mmMmfntmtfim-miKtrt' 1PftJnrtmrt.i,rT57rr.rtt7i iKKv '-riwrty Tfrrn such .1 ami ueeisiou. For a true index to the public and pri- alker Triumphant. -Bv the arrival 6(f the Sierra Xevada, we are itpprlsed of the.

termination of the warin Nicaragua, and the success 0LC0I; Walter The country is quieta-nd there universal rejoicing at the prospect of a plrmancnt peacett On the Corral, the Commander-in-Chief of thervCiianiorrista, or LegitimitParty; came iuto the Plaia of. Orenada, and snrrendeml himself to Gen. Walker, acknowledging the Democratic Government of Leon as supreme, in the Republic. A trenty was afterwards agreed to and signed, which is published jn tlie Xicarontence. Four hundred pf the Cha-' morrreta l'iarty hadcomeinto Grenada, 3Yalker, juxi jii, jiihii, ou i ainciQ ifcivns selected for the post, and inaugurated pentad interim tlie'tf eat made between Walker and accept.

Finaliy, Iku Patricio Itivas not hteu a prisomr 111 the city of Grena- piai cletroyofl lv Wnlkt-r. Confr- d- nc was established and business reviy- aiftt pi una with ihiLWmXr Gin. Loiuct, at last accounts, was at if; K'OII fl illilJ 'Kl V- I II I'll 1 1 vvnin I ca. ih'd, it is supposed in Kin my was at San Juan del Norte, 'with but few followers. Cantaiu Archibald McRae.

of Cutter 11 1 rt .1 I 1 1 1 I vuuua.ueu ii.iciu on uoam ma vessel un Francisco harbor, hetweeu tl'c hours of 11 n.Hl 13 o'clock on Satnr. urdiiv, the NhI? Jourim! performed marine armor, under -water, across tho -v' ('r1 0 "apta: There was TJniwl llI ra'? lc last or tnc treasure trom the wreck of the steamer Vnnkcc Ulade, and he is reported to have made some 0 0()0 hy operations at "tho wreck .11, 1 i -Our markets con tin- to lie well Wuppjiud with all description not genernllvi of best quality moitju demand, San Jose ami Butter the article mitei ju ueuiauu, especially trom the danes oriil 1 ti rt I n. sidcred s.iijicrior to any ot her made iu the u.i unu 1 liuiuilia, MUilll IS LOH- tate. This now commands from $1 J)0 TTT vate teejirig of tins much abused and in- of her most public spirited citizensTand of--the defenceless widow and mother must lie 1 the direct ion of Nin Salvador. IJoth these 1 i dignat community, we refer the reader to fieient officers; and bis poor wife and child, I remembered, and unless an e.airile be omecis wi re ton mners and mercenaries.

the spirited letter from our attentive San another soon to see the li-ht, if the made of this the most heartless murder nt Carlos and Castillo, been.spikcd and the garrison yranciscQ "'The shodld sarrivc the terrible shock; that has disgraced our btate, then indeed' 1 .1 i.j rprieei in turu muat me ieo iu uc aei- led. -The blood. of the victim cries aloud, ts "Calitorrua worthy ot being niotteairoin the escutcheon of our Confederacy. We 'shall see. Ahuack.

4 Statu Diiux'i'ouv. In sjieaking -of this i -mm 1 Wiig. promised worK 01 mv, ftwadiy, lor; which our citizens have and are yet solicit- to hJ the Mr. Owen spoken I ttte.caasft.wJiielat-haBll(m-pon her,) will scarcely 1 led to it of such a character that all good 'cease to mourn for one who had. all the htm unawares, and they succeeded.

Had the General been aware of their real in-1 1. JJut tneir plans Mere too well laid, and our city has to mourn the loss of one pnoMinr- fmnlitif of kind and husband and father. I cannot give yon all the details of the excitement nnd feeling among our citizens aroused by this most cruel act. The man I has been arrested, a coroner's inquest de-f rentes that he killed the ireneraLijut the looseness 01 our pmciuis and tne Knowi-edge that ihkm and are now holding ofliees by eleetion and apptrintvu'nt in this city, causes Citizens to think that the criminal will escape. The fund that Tiui aiid will be raised by die loose -wonien and gamblers in thi his city, may possibly i.iWv 1T ana ma vh vvm T-' lived in the most excruciating pain about two hours.

Missing. Of the number missing, little can be learned. One or more gentlemen passengers names unknown are been in the. cabin aLthcjtimc. of the explosion, who must have been instantly killed and their bodies fallen iuto the Creek" i Capt.

Thompson is among the missing, but he in all probability escaped death. At the time the explosion occurred, he was standing on the forward deck, and was probably thrown ashore, without receiving any serious persoaalinjuryTln eya witness assures us that he him on the bank, badly smutted and bearheaded; and another gentleman that he met him a short ilitionon frnm-tho Bpnnp nt Knstrr t.nnt said, "Give me your hat, and say noth- i 1 i oi, tins rau riancicci oh, uses ine ioiHJW-p' nulling pertinent language: porary insanity produced by some affec- iV A person kiinself AO wad, r1) of tlitj brain. The deceased was a ly, liiis been for a long tinie eugaged in' native of Wilmington, N. C. levying contributions throughout the State: for the purpose, as he says, of get-! SrnM iu -y r''k j-t Kak ceiftittu-tniuttrws-'-w-' Ji i si.

littpo''- -TT rn il. i' fit 1 i i nassedohr There can be nodoubtir'v VC clear sible. In this case the mm of I cular of Mr. Swadly. bears the names ofi hirge number of persons prcscut to wit-will be more thin re-enacted, and a general II.

Brown, Wm. Ivin.i; and Kdward ll.jness the feat. cleaning out be effected thourh some'of as references; now inquirers de-j The JDZTof Tuelar our best citizens lose their lives in the at- of his escape as bothrof these gentlemen have long been personally acquainted with him. The acting engineer of the Georgina, who was standing near the bend of the boiler at the time of explosion, and escaped without injury, says that the explosion in all probability, must have occurred on the under side that he had on ten lbs. less steam to the inch than allowed by certifi citizens canuot but feel nersonallv attack- ed in their social and domestic No wonder then, that our correspondent deals in plain, and may be, severe lan guage.

T.VP PI'U Tlio clim nt flniiof tf nnri citizens at" thc school room last Wedfies day evening, we, think, reflects a greater degree of solicitude for their physical thnn intellectual well-being. For the credit of 1 V1R. Baiter, who lias kindly consented to ".4 4 deliver an Address suitable to the occa- attendance at the meeting on Wednesday evening next- Chartered. It will be seen by reference to the notice of Mr. Minturn, in to-day's paper, that the management of the steamer Kate Hayes has passed from his to other bands.

She has been chartered by Cnpts. and Goodspeed7nnd Is under the command of the last-named gen-man. We wish you much success, gentlemen. -T-- Dkath ok Cait. Smith.

Capt. Stephen Smith, one of the pioneers to this State, and for some years pasTa resident of Iio-dega-port, in this county, died at the resi-denco jf Xlr. James Bq wjaauin Eran-r clsWlm iPlriy isplaycd during his residence among MOurn dt'Prturc a public loss t.apt braith was a native Iass-. be -was born 1 00 maKing mm py years of Dartmouth kji vaiHuumu, 1 in tho vnni-i 01 flg- ting fluid 'ft uds to publish a Dircc-: bT the State of Ciditoniia; icatcd? whethcrlliev ui'e4 l3 hel "'V "Mi.ivil.i l4i. i.

tin; public lor the security of the mon-jue i entrusted to him? Still more, a' per-; of nut iiii i nu iiua til ill iui liuuillllly 1 Calllll" lililiselt Owen, is also rais-. lis proposed work, be informed wheth- wr inis proposeu worn, tlii'V vii ii 1 1 1 hi In. 1. 1 11 iiifxl iu luiuiunu vl- Mr. Owen is authorized by Mr.

Swadly a't as his agent? The terms on which 'stntl that the ''-of 'j'iI (Siblcfor the stuns advanced to Mr. Swud-jl by his contrilnitors, and if what their means of refunding may be in case to prodiice the promised -'V'-rl cate, and that he had been blowing off steam, when Captain Thompsou ordered him to cease, as it frighted the mules he was taking on board, that he obeyed and the explosion followed almost instantly after.doing so. such as loellemolisli "the top works o'f Jastera-r-ra distance of some 300 feet; trjk fkhoACad iotirhTiffiiiagh fn.t-4- I. nftlint. Irti.nhftpnnnn Mine--rtc- A iri ll.

1.J 4 1 iiiu ivui iu, i( uu ruy iwnii a city officer, (with is to bo a thief, and it is charged that the dead body of Gen. llieh nrdson was robbed of bis Watch and iiionov by some of those connected with the Slier-: iu i UU11.V iu tins iiijr. uui cicviiuiin air (Q il 1 cdiitrollcu Uy the same set ot 11103 rfjto these scou frouXftmong us, there iH fam ue uanueu over eniireiv to inose wno now who now pave the Way to scenes like the formed by the Kcv. ir. Kcott.

The pro-! vm': a virtue. San Francisco with a popula-jjy tion of 50,000 souls is ai the mercy of a ofnhuiicoundrels that wonld disfu grace the lowest purlieus of any eitv in 11 .4, -j i ironni i snectators men. wonipn nm BUS IttlKtil "SVW 7 cliildrengazingupon the The so ceremonies at the church were solemn audko ..,.,1 t0 'ys anil SOU er be, cu tlie 'deu delivered to; subscribers at. $10 iof fipquality4s also very high, sell i .4 1 rcnmty 7 0 -to- 0 "tag Bome istanceheycrad the Haffeif pla'ceWe; won the love and csjteenrxf an VOTV I 111 re. -aild nP many scads, ine people wlio have been i 1 the corneous av i rcumu noeriu towarus an enure stranger, and -r confidin- in his baro promise: require we "U' Xo ilw of 49J Si' 4 4 know the particulars; will Mr.

Swadlvii U1 pleasant jt would tie REu'ctous. We are requested to sayjimposing, and the funeral service was per- of tortune H. had hauled farther up the creek to take on frehrkt. Had she been at her re? nfar landing, we fear even more serious woald have been the result as she was also "jjust On the starting irBijuuu, paruettuu wure la prompt attendance, and everything which skill or kimluess could waa.dpne for the relief of the sufferers A Coroner's Jury has been called, who wilt give all the facts in their report. 1 ...1...

kam, that Mr. wadly and his asso-- dates, have been canvassing the State for past eighteen mouthy during: which to satisfy their.rc(piest?'' AirnnEKER Convicted. The- trial of ue jury were only about ten minutes in making up their verdict. It will be re-' membenid'that the nrlsoneTclonod with tbe daUghtcr of the deceased, and -after his relu- Sacfainchto, sho the deceas at the Golden Eaffle Hotel. time, he has undoubleiwv hived a irood 1 i i v.

4 Vi JU8' Three Dollar Gold Arrival of Wheat and Flol-r from California. The clipper hip Adelaide, which arrived at this port yesterdayora S406 tSS? i SsIS JpfflotrVrSS lo.iinu sucn cuiiiiKS. cession was led by the Masonic Samuel Garrett, charged with the niurdefS who performed the last sad duties to their of Aurial Bricknell, at Sacranieikto, ou the nrdpy. It is very neat, beautifully exe--Mother. 26tli of August, took place in that city on cuted, and will doubtless prove a most The wife of Gen.

Richardson, is hardly. Tncidayi'ud resulted UC his conviction. llVfnieilt addition to our currency. 5. exneeted to survive the shock, I Sun.

i. Terrain from expressing oar viewsjin moa flt Sacramentor Delegates are opon the: Bubjcct at present for want ofjpresent from all parts of the State. The ma uivine service wm no periormea at the Roman Catholic Church in Sonoma, one week from to-morrow Sunday, De- ccmber 2d. Colored Convention. A convention of the colored trcntrv of thi State, is now avowed object of the meetincr is cousultins with a view of their coudi- tion as regards civil disabilities.

Reward A reward of $1,000 is offered by Gov. Bigler' for the apprehension of the villianu' who murdered Messrs. Wall and Williamson. Another Wall for the same object, toDThrUfSrGrand Jury bai returned true bills agamst Capt. of the Sierra Nevada, and Cant.

Colli nsj of the Cortes, for carrying excess of enirers. Dassenirers. 1 'V, ume ana space. Bhiler, of Sonoma, and had -been on this iroute about two Charlie Baxter, has bar thanks for his ftitentiong being" the better -par we iraaerrea-jne iicei clSer Ihipiatealleft ViWwT lT 1 An 7 tons are. 10,00.4 sacks of barley, 134 bacfc San Francisco last Tuesday morning, for 'and 402 bales of 227 bales of ra A Hong Kong, taking a full freight and 98 bales of sheep skins, 1 00 boxes of some two hundred and fifty or three hun-'a" S-0 hides.

A novel as well as a vajj-dred Chinese from the ua'Ji Y- Cfcte'rw- and Enqitr- i to contemplate. An useful and honorable, member of society with a wife and family mm; to be shot down in broad day-light, and by. whom? by a wretch who never earned all honest dollar in his lifCj who has been a thieving, steal ing gambfer since he was a boy, and. whose associations are such that in no other city 4n the world would he be allowed toju- trudo hruiself npon any society claiming the least repctabili ty Yef, here even in Sajn Francisco, arc men to be found who claim that he had cause to murder the unfortunate man whom he assassina- tear Time will "show whether not our citjr is as npV" as represented; admission to the Allied offered by the brother of Mr, iriend of toote Hercopnoiui 4-; 4si to thft Pacific Emress Comnanv the! poorf but hard working, fi-om-diirl fT A IBTt, Tha Wgays that shores.1 i fa huly residing in Happy Valley, felicita-, her lord on Monday by the presehta-, Importation of Two, vessels tion of three jhiidren, twp boys audarrri1 arc on the'wny from Australia, each The "weiffherV rr are Indebted fori early deli? cry of: letters pm pacaaget ana torn em, irargo, to, for supplies of papera; hi ing to Califoruia.a large, number of daughter- weijrhedrseTe'n" anoMarhlo she. andabalf.

i 1 a I Ci-i '1 'Xf-.

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