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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 8

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1893. -TO- CHIC AGO RETURN OVKS TBS HoustonTezas Central AND THE tyilCKETS GOOD 80 DAYS.33 Tho Onlj Lliit banning Throngh tier Sleeper to Chicago without Change. LeYO GalrtBton 7.3O p. m.

ArriTe at Chicago afternoon THIS IS THE QUICKEST LINE TO OHIOAOO. WOBLD'B FAIR TICKET OFFICE, Wl Tiemont it. (Phone 87) UaiYMton J. B. MlLLBK.rjtkot Aeest 11.

L. KOBBINS, Oen'l Agent V. W. 13E1N. Traffic Manager.

THE "KATV" FLYER. THE ffOBLD'S FAIR ROUTE OAWE5TON AT P. POSITIVELY tho only lino running sleeping cars from GtilvctBton and Houston to Chicago without change, arming in Chicago by tho Kuty J'lyer tecocd afternoon at 1.25. Furthermore, bout in ttio world, which are the Wagner Palace Sleepers which eclipse anything and everything that has ovor been moved on wheels. Sleeper? iro tbwrogh from to City.

St. Louis auJ Chicago without change, reaching thoio plncea in ample time for connections with nil outgoing trains. Lesa dubt nnd more lightly country by the K. atid T. thuti by other lino golne North.

PEES BEOLIWING CHAIR CARS On All Tbronrh Trains. For farther particulars apply to H. A. JOHNSON. Ticket Acont Phone 383.

Qalrcstoi). 113 Tromont fit 1'IMJJ BETWEEN GALYESTON AND HOUSTON 1 Hour 40 Jl I mites DAILY (except 3undar) Train to Columbia. Two Nortll of Houlton. .45 p. m.

9.W p. m. I. AND G. N.

R. R. (INTERNATIONAL HOTTTE) EFFECTIVE StiMUY, AUUUST27. Close connection with nil lines oat of Houitou. TBAINS n.

ra. 6,4." B. m. Arrive .5.25 a. ID.

8.25 a. i .5.25 a. ID. 8.25 a. in.

p. m. LonTo Hoonttm 7.W)n. m. s.nop.

m. Arrive Gnlvwton 9.9)0 m. GEO. B. WlOnOljS, Ticket Affent.

TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1893, THE GREAT EXCURSION. Scaly T.ili; about a. nine day's wonder--that Katy excursion-to Gnlveston lust Sunday was just thut.

Fully 10.000 people' were hauled to Qalveston by the Missouri, Kansas and Texan road, while the other roiids contributed 4000 or 5000 In addition. A lurce number went from Sealy und nil enjoyed Om trlji. Of course most of the trains were crowded and mitny iinci to stand up going and cum Ing and submit ullier ilUcuiufoi-U while hi the city, altogether the crowd wus Rood naturcd and Jiad plenty of fun. Cheap fares may al- tvuya be depended upon to catch excursions, and when Gnlveston invites the rotidn of Texua to send her some folks to pee the sights next time she hml better lay In plenty of grub and blankets. Houston Press: The Katy has worked Iho grandest excursion to Qalveston that evrr gotten up, anil now some of the other roartn may follow suit.

It is not polng to hurt south Texas to have the railroads take A hand in building; her domain. fThe rallronds In the northwest have nil tlouo so. and If the Texas railroarlH will be Kiilded by their example the country lying between Houston and Galveaton will bloom EM a great pa-adlse, and fence Join fence in lut a very short period of time. Jacksonville Banner: Sunday last Gal- K'estcm was visited by from 11,000 to 12,000 txuurslonisls, many of whom remained over Monday. Very low rates were made the International and Great Northern, fciiasouri, Kansas and Texas and Santa Ke j-'oitds, and the excursionists came from all over east, north nnd central Texas.

They well entertained by the citizens of the Island city. I-ockhart Populist: A fair estimate of the number of visitors in Galveston last Sunday would he between fifteen and eighteen thousand. SILVER WEDDING. Rev. and Mrs.

A. W. Lamar will, on the 8th, celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Cards of invitation to the event, printed in silver, have been Issued an folluws: "Murriwl. Twenty-five yi-iiry.

October 8. 1S6S. 'A. W. Webb.

Greenville, S. C. "October 8. 1893. At First Baptist church.

On Sunday evening, 7.30. Dr. nnd Mrs. Lamar will Kreet their friends in a special until vsruary service. No presents." Knclosed with the above Is the following: Nota Itune: uasurcd that our friends would like the privilege of showing in some way their Interest in Jlfth anniversary, It to us good to make the follow Ltt all can tlo PO bring or send to the service on Sunday ninht, the Sth, freo will offering of one or more silver to be applied to the benevolent work of our church.

Hy reason of the long continued money panic, our work Is In duiiKer of being seriously crlppk-d. If our frlondu will act upon this suggestion It will make us i happy. MR. AND MRS. LAMAR.

A FOINTICH FOK YOU. Have you tried the Anthony A Kuhn tiecr? It' not, do MO at once. You will drink no other. COTTON IffEN, ATTENTION i Cotton ftUmcila and alphabets for mark- ontif.n. KirMi'-r Pi-nii ctv V.

Love, 2225 Strand. Our illustrated catalogue mulled froe. COTTON XAKK1NQ I Warranted not to wash or fade. At Me- drug wtore. MOnitlS.

PHOTOflRAI'tfKK, nuccfBSQr to cor. Market nnd Center. Souvenir si7M only $1 (10 iVft household should be without the Anthony A Kuhn tMtr. Sold lu any part town. GOLD BONDS NOT LEGAL TEE OITt ATTOfiHEY'S OPMIOH ON THE Tht Entire Innt ou Hand Argument Orer the Buiitarj Bast End Ercsiur.

The city council mot In regular session yystertlay afternoon, his honor, Mayor A. W. Ply, presiding, he having returned the previous day from his vacation. The following aldermen answered to their names: Baudenon, Boysen, Harris, Henderson, Jackson, Levy, Heppen, Schrle- ber. Splllane, Webber, Weffner.

Williams. Alderman Gallagher was, on motion of Aldorman Wetjner, seconded by Alderman Sclrrieber. excused. Alderman Jaques come In during the reading of the minutes and was registered present. The minutes of the last 'regular and Intervening special meetings were read by City Clerk Marrast und on motion approved.

PETITIONS. The following petitions were received and read: John Tolex, as follows: Galveston, Oct. To the Mayor and City Council-- Gentlemen: In view of the fact that a year ago In August a petition was made to the city council by about 100 holders of East End property to extend the Sixth street jetty to the third bar, which was graciously received and acted upon, that is, referred to the board of public works for a report, which report we have never seen; also the fact that at the voting of the property holders in July upon the question of bonds to save the East End, a majority of the votes of the whole city, mainly West pronounced in favor of relegating the East End to the tender mercies of old Neptune; also In view of the facts covered by my communication to the Evening Tribune, September 6, calling attention to the terrible erosion and rapid encroachment constantly going on, especially between Sixth and Ninth streets, where the banks have been cut down three feet and forty feet back within a few weeks, and which I had hoped might impress some members of your honorable body sufficiently to cause a visit of inspect but so far I have only seen two members, and they were East Enders. Now, it does seem to me, as likewise to many in the Twelfth ward, which voted solid in favor of the appropriation, as well as to many in the Eleventh and Tenth wards, which border on the gulf, that the city fathers would not only bo doing thumsulves credit, but be fulfilling a sacred duty and a public trust, by making a visit to the aforesaid seen? of devastation, even at the expense uf one hour's valuable time and car fare. This limy seem a heavy load tu carry, but considering the exigency of the situation, I will agree to pay car fare and "set 'em up" btHides.

Now, gentlemen, something must be done, und 'lone quickly, for It IH race between the sand and the sea, or, as Mr. Bullln- ger would say, "Galveston versus Gulf." Another thing Is ao sure as fate, or any self evident proposition, 1. that if the gulf Its inroads as at present the time Is not far distant when there will be no avenues or eajjt of Seventeenth Btroct, und the worst of It is that instead of an expenditure at once of say $10,000, the city will be compelled In a- short time, for self preservation, to: expend ten times that amount or more, and all will have to bear the burden. So come OJid see and don't delay. Respectfully submitted, JOHN TOLEX.

Referred to beach committee, after some dlscuasiun on the emergency of the case, The committee was Instructed to report to an adjourned meeting, which will be culled as soon us the report is ready. K. E. Rice, as to premium on J10.000 insurance pulley on city hull, as follows: Gatveston, Sept. To the Honorable Muyor and City Council of the City of Oalveston: On May 21 lust, by the authority of the then committee on public pniriprty, on th? city hull to the amount of $10,000, written by me the year previously.

I rendered bills for the Home In the first part of and have often applied fur payment, hut huve been Informed no warrant hud been issued, aa I supposed, simply because of the city's lack of funds. I have long since settled with my comper.les for the prcmlumM on thosc policies, and am now informed by tho city clerk that the policies can not be found, and that policies from other agents had been substituted for thorn. I beg to sny tlmt I urn In no wise responsible for this state of affairs, and suggest, as a solution, If the city will not accept from me other policies in lieu. that the city clerk he Instructed to cnncel the policies written by me-- executing to me a receipt for tho lost policies and paying pro ralu for time expired. For full and complete information in regard to this matter, I beg to refer you to the city clerk.

Respectfully submitted, E. RICE. Referred to public property committee. Oclschlttxer, for reduction of assc-asment. Referred to committee on licenses and assessments.

Widow of Captain Charles Newman for remission of tuxes. Referred to committee on licenses and assessments. C. Schneider, to have obstructions removed from alley in block 155. obstructions alleged to have been placed there by Hart Settle.

Referred to streets and all mittee. lleys com- REPORTS OP OFFICERS. The following reports were submitted: Jerry I-ordan, chief of police, of fines and pound fees collected for month of September, $546.15. Referred to finance committee. T.

D. Gilbert, tax collector, showing total collection of taxes, licenses and fees for month of September, Referred to finance committee. T. D. Gilbert, tax collector, showing collections of school taxes for September $7820.11 Referred to finance committee R.

C. Jennett, city assessor, submitting unrenderd roll for the municipal year 1893: Real estate values. personal valued- $1,074,183. Referred to the cominlUee on licenses and assessments W. C.

Flsher M. city health oflicer. as follows; Galveston, Oct. To the Honorable Mayor und City Council-- Gentlemen On the 1st of July, W93, to the unsanitary condition of the city, coupled i the actual existence of yellow fever In sc-verul of our southern ports, the board of health authorized me; to put on extra drays and inspectors, which was 'lone nnd name paid for out of the regular budf-et of Tho balnnci 1 remaining on hand is J2248 ami unlf-as appropriation ia miulc in this emergency the force will have to be reduced to not more than two coi porntion drays, which as you nil know would bt- absolutely inadequate to even remove the garbage from Market street-or in other words leave our city i no mcuna of protection agfllnnt disease caused by filth accumulation. We Mill five months before the next budget will be I eurnfKtly ask that proper steps be taken to relk-ve us of the absolute danger a a our city unless an appropriation of $5000 or JSOOO In made to meet present emergency.

Very respectfully, W. C. FISHER, M. Health Physician and Sec. Board of Health.

A resolution was offorod by Alderman Levy on the above communication as follows: Resolved, by the common council of the city of Oulveston a an emergency exists and In order to guard the city against the possibility of danger of disease through negligence of proper and precautionary sanitary measures tho sum of $5000 be r.nd Is hereby appropriated out of the special reuurve fund to the uses of the health department. Alderman Jackaon said that an emergency also exleted at the east end where (he property of Ihe oltlzt'ns was nhnut to he swept into tho gulf- and he moved to postpone Alderman resolution until the adjourned meeting called to act on the rt'vwrl uf I ha beauli on thti east rnd prosSon, Alderman Jnques said he knew that the emergency did exlut he hai reaaons for voting f'r the appropriation which he would explain In private but did not cure- to i In public. Aldermnn In Riipport of hlr roso- 1m Inn Faid had exist ntnct- 1, and It was urgent that monc-y In' appropriated. A a Webber snld hr would like to know what Aldorman 1 1 private reasons were; the nlJormcn were here to transact public businepR And appro- Brifita cublla moaay. and tbar ibould not do thU for private and vttMplalfttd rations.

Alderman said he had had conference with the chalrmutt of tho hospital and health committed, who had requested him not to state hja for uupport- liiff the resolution publicly, he did not deem It prudent that those should out broadcast over state, and he had pledged tho chairman that ho would not state them in public. Alderman Boysou said he would ask the auditor how much money there on hand to meet this appropriation if It was ordered. Auditor Gros itated that was $7500 in the ypcclul reserve fund. Alderman Boysen resumed and said that the reports might show that, but the bank didn't say so, and the city had no money for this work. Alderman Harris read from the charter the article providing for the creation of the special reserve fund of $25,000.

He was wtlllnr rn vnt? for anvthinar not In tldn of the charter torkeeb the city in the sanitary condition It Is, In now. but be could not vote to violate the charter. Alderman Grneturnacher said there was an emergency now and the health of the city demanded that something be done. Alderman Werner said that the question of emergency had already been settlsd and It had been decided that there was an emergency some time afif, when twelve additional drays were put on and the board of health now comes and aake it shall continue' tho employment of this force a month longer. The board has done- well, and If the appropriation Is not made then tt will have to dispense with the extra drays and a number of the regular drays, leaving about enough to clean Market street and let the rat of the city go.

Alderman Jackson said the argument hud tit-ne out uf the range uC hiu motion and he would again urge a postponement of this matter to the adjourned meeting. Alderman Wegner said it was the understanding at the board of health meeting Saturday that if this appropriation could not be secured then the drays would have to be discharged and the force cut down by Wednesday. Alderman Jackson moved then that the matter be postponed to the meeting to be held on Wednesday afternoon, Boysen said he would second the motion of Alderman Jackson, as he had learned from the auditor that there was the sum of $7500 available, in cil reserve fund. the spe- Alderman Harris moved to amend by referring: It to the committee on finance and revenue to investigate and report on Wednesday, if there was not some other source from'which funds could be drawn. Alderman Jackson he could not see the use of referring It to the finance committee.

That the question of an unforeseen emergency confronted the city was one for the council itself to decide. Alderman Harris made some further explanation of his position find Alderman Jackson accepted that gentleman's amendment. A vote was taken and the matter of an appropriation of J5000 for 'the board of health was laid over until Wednesday afternoon. A communication from the city clerk asking an appropriation of $600 or as much thernof as to flofmy ex- petiaes of election to be held October 9. It was suggested that the matter be laid over until after the election, and it was withdrawn.

A communication from Chief of Police Lordan asking- for a relief team for the patrol wagon for October in order to let the old team, which had been in constant service over a year, real, one of them being flick and the other overworked, was adopted and the rpllef ordered. L. Hallonrjulat, city engineer, labor and material used during the month of September, viz: Ward $-10; ward 2, $48: ward 3, $82; ward 4, $267; ward $200: ward G. $60 50; ward 7, $48; word 8, $43; ward 9. $44; ward 10, 24; ward 11, $24; ward 12, $30; total, $905 60.

Carpenters and drayage, $351 16; pavement repuirs, $80; contingent engineering, $101; total, including labor, $1407 06. Material, lumber, $39 30; machines, tools, $2485; totul, $6410; contingent, $11 85; grand total. $1483 CC. Adopted. W.

L. Hallonqulst, city engineer, paving assessment rolls of actual cost of paving, grading and filling Postoflice street, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth streets; also sidwalks assessment rolls of cost of curbing, lit ling and grading sidewalks; also work on other named. Adopted and assessment rolls and reports referred to llnance committee. Board of public works, adopting and approving report of city engineer of labor and material used in aepurtmeiU of public works for the month of September, amounting to $7070 94. Referred to llnance uomuiiUte.

STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance and revenue, approving estimate for running expenses for the month of August, 98, and recommending appropriation of that Adopted and appropriation ordered by unanimous vote. Finance and revenue, on Alderman Harris' resolution to put Broadway In good passable condition from the western tcrml- of Mud bridge to the western boundary of the city, reporting as follows: "On February 6, 1893, the city council approved a contract with Gus McLean for 30,500 yards of aond in accordance with section 132c of the chaffer, costing By resolution January 1C, 1893, the council designated and directed this wand should be used. As section 132c of the charter prohibits the expenditure of mare Hutu fciO.uuO in year we are constrained to report that this resolution should not The report Is signed by James Spillane and Ben Levy. Alderman Harris said that the McLean contract wiia made In the last fiscal year and the report of the committee did not apply- to the resolution at all.

The report of the committee was adopted. The, same committee reported back the ordinance of Alderman Harris providing for making the waterworks bonds payable in gold with the opinion of City Attorney Balllngcr'as to the legality of such action. In the following words: City Attorney's Office, Galveston, Oct. the Committee on finance and Revenue of the Galveston City CouncilGentlemen: 1 beg herewith to return to you the ordinance proposed as amendatory of the ordinance providing for the issuance of the per cent forty year limited debt bonds of IS91, authorized by the amendment of 1891 to the city charter. I beg to advise tlmt, In my opinion, under the act of the legislature authorizing the city to issue this series of bonds, the council has no authority to make said bonds and the coupons thereto attached payable In gold.

There Is no Inherent power In 1 'a municipal corporation to Issue negotiable, or, as they are commonly termed, coupon bonds, as evidence of its Indebtedness. This power Is only derived from legislative action and such action is strictly construed, and the power thereby grunted to be exercised only In strict conformity to the terms of tho Kmnt. The right to issue these bonds is given in paragraph 132c of the 'charter, which reads: "The city shall have power to issue bonds to the amount of $1.240,000 of the denomination of $100, or any i thereof, payable forty years after their date or IHSUP, and bearing-Interest payable seml- annually at a rate not exceeding 5 per cent per annum." This means that the bonds issued shall lie payable In any legal tender of HIP United Sta tea and not in some particular coin or commodity. The maximum rate 07 Interest la Hxed nt 6 per cent and under the powers grunted the city did not agree 1 to pay greater rate nor can under any circumstances a greater percentage be exacted of It. Were the bonds ana coupons payable In gold, end should happen to be at GO per cent premium, then the rate of Interest would he Increased beyond the charter limit, which cnn not be done.

Again, the city's revenues are payable in any legal tender and from them the bonds und coupons are to be puld. Should the. bonds and coupons be payable In gold nnd that coin be at a premium of 50 per cent, the city would be compelled to pay tin? bonds anrl coupons In gold, when provision for such payment had been made In a depreciated medium. Thus not only would the Interest be Increased, but a debt would be put upon the city greater than allowed by its charter. The charter of a municipal corporation, especially when granting extraordinary powers, 19 to bf strictly conntrued and tixpreaft power to IssmV gold bonds not being Klv-n tills city by tlifr k-fHfOnture, which the o-ily body thAt cnn grant mich power, I am of the opinion a the city council can not pass this ordinance.

As the question mibmittod by you with reference to the availability of the already engraved bonds, I beft to say that, in my opinion, they can' not 1 lined. They all dated as of December, 1831, arc all made payable In December. 1931. This not In accordance with the Kach bund mupt be made payable forty yonrn frovn the date of Its bsno. A bond Is only when exeoutcd and delivered for value.

The bonds now on hnnd not indued In 1991, and honce can not mature In 1981. Ajraln. all coupoan art by lion. It. L.

JTuiton and D. J. nafMciivviy mayor mud city clerk at mentioned. bond)) not so ilffnvd and will have to be at Milch tlraw and in such amounts an the council thai! order, and the an welt bonda mut IH by the officers of city at the time of 1 am therefore of opinion that the bonds will have to be re-vngmvcd. Concerning: the blanks neceosary to be left in the newly engraved bonds I will pleased to a'dvlte your committee at any time.

Very reipectfully, J. BALLINGER. City Attorney. The report of the committee. Including the opinion of the city attorney, wan on motion adopted.

The finance and revenue committee alto reported back a communication from the board of health without comment, the matter therein being covered in the communication from Dr. Fisher above siven. The report was received. Claims and accounts'approving ciaim of Strickland Co. for printing revised charters, $1488.

Adopted and the appropriation ordered. Alderman Gruetxmacher voting no. Ordinance committee, unfavorably on Alderman Gallagher's ordinance requiring city attorney's attendance on recorder't court, etc. Adopted. UNFINISHED BUSINESS.

Under the head of unfinished busmeM the ordinance offered by Alderman Harrln regulating the counting ot ballots In city elections was put on IU second reading and on of Alderman Jackson, by a unanimous vote, was paflsed. The ordinance Is as follows: Be It ordained by the city council of the city of Galveston: That article 46 of title 4 of the revised ordinances of the city of Galveston be amended so as hereafter to 'read as follows: Article 45. The presiding judge of election In each ward shall be provided, In the same manner as other election supplies are provided, with three ballot boxes, to be numbered No. 1, No. 2 and No.

3 respectively. Before the balloting begins said judge shall open and examine said boxes and remove everything therefrom. One of the judges of election shall receive the ballots from the voters and deposit said ballots In said ballot box No. 1. which shall be kept securely closed while the balloting continues one hour from the time of opening the polls: At the expiration of said hour the receiving judge shall deliver aaid ballot box No.

1 to the counting judges, who shall- Immediately deliver over to the said receiving ballot box No. 2, which shall be opened and examined In the presence of all the and when everything is removed therefrom shall be securely closed; and until the ballots 4n box No. 1 have been counted, said receiving judge shall receive and deposit ballots In said box No. 2 in the same manner as during the first hour ballots were received and deposited in ballot box No. 1.

After the delivery of ballot box No. 1 to the counting judges the same shall be immediately opened by them and the tickets shall be taken out. one at a tlmo by one of the counting judges, who shall rtad distinctly while the ballot remains in his hand the name or names written or printed thereon, also the olllce that IB intended to be filled by such person voted for, and deliver the same to the other counting who shall place tho same In ballot box No. 3 and keep securely until the counting Is finished; and then said box No. 3, with all the ballots cast at the election shall be returned to the city clerk.

The same method shall be observed with each ballot and the counting shall continue until all the ballots in box are counted. And then the Judges shall deliver ballot box No. to the receiving judge In the name manner as heretofore prescribed for ballot box No. and thereupon the counting judges shall receive from the receiving judge ballot box No. 2, and shall then proceed to count the ballots.

In said box No. 2 in the manner heretofore act forth for counting the ballots In -box, No, and on until the polish-are and the ballots all 1 No person or. persons'shall be admitted In the room or plape where such -ballots are being counted except the judges and clerks of election; provided, however, that any political party may select a representative man, who may be admitted as a witness of such counting. After the ballots have been counted and the vote ascertained as herein provided the judges of election shall return their Hats and in the manner provided by law. liliHVr orrllhRnrA fwriiifttin" ployment of laborers on city the rate of waxes and hours of labor, was called up on Tu second reading, but at the request Alderman alter tiviine action was postponed until the next regular meeting.

i NEW BUSINESS. Under this head Alderman Jaques requested that further time be granted the special committee on the investigation of the John Sealy hospital. This brought on an animated discussion led by Alderman Wcirner, who stated that he had learned that the charter made no provision for-an Investigation by the hospital and health committee, and he would aak that this special committee be added to the board or board of health. In this conne'ct'lon he added that he wanted distinctly hnd appointed that commrtteejjfcs acting mayor and certain thinfis. in print In reference to-It, were, scurrilous and unfounded; his honor the had nothing whatever tu do with- but.

lie aa RCUUK hnd appointed them on his own responsibility and with tho beat of motives. Alderman said he wanted an investigation and when a report was brought In by that special committee he would guarantee that there would be 'Sworn statements behind It. Alderman Jackson said he was a member of that special committee, and as he read the charter the proper way to get an Investigation was through the board of health of the city and the board of trustees of the John Sealy hospital, Aidarman Jaques started off with a grand nourish to ask If the board of trustees of the Sealy hospital was a higher power than the aldermen of the city of Galveston elected by the people, when Alderman Webber shot In a point of order, saying there was nothing before the council, and he moved to adjourn. The mayor said he knew there was nothing before the council but thought he would let the Sixth ward alderman get through. The Sixth ward representative quoted the ordinances which he said authorized the council's action.

Alderman Jackson replied that an ordinance In conflict with tho charter was a nullity. Alderman Boynen put a quietus on the matter by moving that the special committee- to Investigate the hospital be discharged. The was seconded and adopted and the committee retired from business. Tho motion to adjourn was then renewed and seconded. Before putting it however.

Mayor Fly rose and said that as Alderman Wegner had allueded to something said about the hospital matter he desired to say that In so far ns that matter referred to htm lie should deem It a personal matter and proposed to settle it as such outside of the council Council then adjourned until Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Nat Stern, with Galveston fruit company, says of Dr. Dennis: "I had catarrh for years. I would choke at night when asleep, and could not breatha through my nose scarcely during the dav.

Dr. Dennis cured me over four months airo. I am still free from all trouble. He also fitted my eyes with glosses, which are more than satisfactory, although I had never before been able to get a glass easy on my eyes." Mr. J.

Shaw, a banker of Navaaota. says: "Dr. Dennis cured me of deafness and a running ear of over two years' stand- ins. I huve been entirely well for three months." Bo you see, when Dr. cures you you stay cured.

A NEW IN A The Anthony Kuhn brewery of St Louis Is here to stay. CHARLES DALIAN, Agent. WHO ARK ALWAYS CftOSN. Have ever noticed that In houses where old and shoddy ptano.i nro used nomu members of the family ore frequently in a bad humor. Make an exchange for one of the new and Improved "Kinumoi! upright pianos i three prdala patent ioft and the result will be mug leal.

Call on or write for prices to THOS. QOOGAN Ualveston, KYK, EAR. 'OSK, THROAT. Dr. C.

W. Dfnnls. graduate of three medical colleges. to 12,2.30 to 5. Aak for the Anthony A Knhn beer.

Sold In nnv part of the land. Charles Dalian, ngent for southern Texon; A. W. C. Grotte.

general lor touthtrn and Mexico. IN GALVESTON COURTS, SJBTTIHO OF OABE8 FOX TEE EHflU- ma TBBH tUporti Ooafirmid IB Etitoa n. Edition ud TexH Grist IB tbi Circuit Conrt In ihe United States court In the cast or Nelson 8. Boston et al. vs.

the Houston and Texas Central railway company were entered as or course connrmlns; the master's report upon following named Intervenort: Rufus Crew, W. E. Reasonover, Tbos. Petty, S. W.

Long, W. A. Sample, W. H. Pate, Hattle J.

Carroll, J. J. Miller. J. Stubbs, W.

M. Johnson, W. P. Roberts, Anna and J. B.

Mitchell, Edward Bishop, Miner' Crew, T. J. Gray, W. J. W.

Kerr and Wm. Watson. In the case of G. P. Rogers VB.

the Texas building und manufacturing companv ft defendant A. Bonner nled his demurrer. In the tase of J. B. Weggal et al.

vs. Qeo. Dorlnan, a decree pro cunfesso way entered for want of answer to cross bill. COUIMTY CUUHT. Judge S.

S. HuliijCum presiding. The following non-Jury cases were set for the September term In this court yesterday: Thursday, October 5. Klein' Co. vs.

Suml. 6300. Freiberg, Klein Co. vs. M.

J. Dwlght. 6689. Leon H. Blum va Secrest Shockley.

6745. J. Sonnenthlel vs. R. P.

Little. 6748. J. Sonnenthlel VB. A.

Levl gar. Friday, October 6. 6(36. J. Splllane vs.

B. J. Marshall et al. 6804. Sewell Kirby vs.

A. Schultz. Saturday, October 7. 4657. Kansas City milling company vs.

Ross Forbes. 6576. Wilson Bros. vs. H.

J. Trube. 6152. Chas. Baehr vs.

E. Bothman, ex. 6182. Oilman, Lewis Co. vs.

F. H. Camp. 6214. Geo.

Schneider Co. vs. A. Grlesen- bach Bro. 6346.

Ullman. Lewis Co. vs. F. L.

Thornton ct al. 0645. Menslne Bros. Co. vs.

H. Rlckel- mann, gar. 6710. Ullmann, Lewis Co. vs.

Wood Lawrence. 6756. Ullmann, Lewis Co. vs. Jeff Davis.

682a. Ullmann, Lewis Co. vs. J. Lee Bro.

Monday. October fl. GC84. Focke, Wllkens Lange vs. D.

B. Ryan. 6097. Thompson Ohmstcde vs. P.

Q. Nichols, gar. Ghmstede vs. C. CttSt- berg et al.

6849. J. Jaunlsch vs. Golvestou City Ry. 68S6.

Anheuser-Busch B. Co. vs J. Praker et al. 6861.

C. Cascntlnl vs. W. J. Blelke.

Tuesday, October 10. 6069. Mayer, Kahn Freiberg vs. B. N.

Carter. 6574. Mayor, Kahn Freiberg vs. Barney Dorian. 8840.

American Nat. bank vs. Ellen Collins at al. Wednesday, October 1L 8703. Menslng Bros.

Co. vs. Beach hotel nnu S. S. Imp.

Co. 6774. A. Voisln vs. I.

G. N. Ry. Co. et al.

6812. Sam Bennlson vs. T. Howard. 0736.

J. W. Goddard A Son vs Fos- nalnsky. Thursday, October 12. C497.

New Britain Knitting Co. va Ben Levy et al. CC08. William Martin va Moore, McKinney J. O'Neal vs.

S. 'p. 'Ry 6820. W. Heumon vs.

O. H. Lee. 0834. W.

J. B. Moor vs. Western Union Tel. Friday, October 13 0328.

deo. Schneider Co. vs. Montgomery ft Solyer. ji.

Hemratn vs. aolvcston City R. Co. 67CC. C.

H. Hlgglns, Son Co. vs. H.

0777. Ohas. A. Morrlll VB. Chad.

Bcheole. 6807. Ualvealon Fruit Impt'g A T. Co. vs J.

N. Young. 8808. Qalvcston fruit Impt'g A T. Co.

vs. A. B. lucDrlde i Co. CS30.

W. J. U. Moor vs. A.

E. Knight. CS1S. Chas. Wlnslow vs.

Oalveston City Ry. Saturday, October 14. 6885. L. Barbarln vs.

J. Loustalot. 0708. C. W.

Brown vs. S. Q. G. S.

Ry. Co. 6803. Alice Clements vs. C.

Cnsentlnl et al. C3u5. Moore. McKinney Co vs MurchlHon. Monday, October 1C.

0130. Gulf Land Co. vs. Galveaton City R. 0131.

Gulf Land Co. va. Galveston City R. 6475. M.

Gaucla vs. M. T. C. Ry.

Co. ct Tuesday. October 17. 0388. Rothschild, Ehrllch Co.

vs. H. Bock Sun. 6624. T.

C. Becker vs. G. C. St.

Rv. and R. B. Co. 6500.

Wm. vs. J. O. Ross et al.

CS81. Onlveston Meat Co. vs. Patrick Tiernan. C787.

H. Plumbley vs. F. Bid-man. 6788.

n. Plumbley et al. vs. F. Blerman C793.

The Iinpt and Loan Co. vs. Galveaton Construction Co. 6851. Chas.

D. Morrison vs. Mrs. R. D.

Wade. Wednesday, October 18. 6270. King Fordtran VB. B.

W. Gumpert- G209. Mary L. Arnold vs. J.

M. O. Menard. 6470. J.

M. O. Menard vs. Graves Miller et al. 6717.

The City Nat. Bank of Tyler vs. R. P. Sargent.

Thursday, October 19. 4245. King Fordtran vs. C. a.

Bond, manager. King Fordtran vs. H. Miller and H. Dudley.

803. King Fordtran vs. Albert Peters. 6801. King Fordtran vs.

Wallace Cloud. 6806. King Fordtran vs. William Brennan 6S08. King Fordtran vs.

B. P. Robertson. 8270. B.

Redding i Co. vs. Brldgeford Co. 6343. Moore, McKinney Co.

vs. Garflnkle Shevelson. G412. Lutcher Moore vs. O.

Olson et al. 6413. J. C. Lengue vs.

Galveston Fruit Im- and T. Co. oore, McKIni Waller. 6183. Moore, McKinney Co, vs.

Bowman ft Titus. 0579. G. A. Rogers vs.

the Taylor Compress Co. 6065. Galveston Fruit Imptg and T. Co. vs.

S. L. Lyons. 6728. Moon-, McKinney Co.

vs. J. Needham. 6739. Moore, McKinney Co.

vs: J. Berna- donl et al. 0740. King Fordtran vs. Southwestern Construction gar.

0773. W. H. Mattclr vs. Golveston City R.

Co. 6778. Moore, McKinney Co. vs. J.

B. QctoMr U. i CMnMoo Co. P. O.

at KMt. John C. Wfdratyitr Chai. Pll- Uiflkan, OctoWr Lawn vs. UalyaHon City R.

K. Co. October 14, MOM. Pauline Leonard et al. vs.

Qalvtston City R. R. Co. 1MH. Virginia UcClure al.

vs. A. Roun. October H. 1OI.

Estate of Martha A. Crawford. October 17. F. McC.

Nichols vi. County of Gil- veston. October 18. 16291. J.

L. Pare et al. vs. rtstiback et al. MS60.

W. L. Moody ft Co. vi. L.

L. Shields. October 16116. alynn vs. Ualveston Packing Co.

16287. O'Donnell vs. Galveston City R. R. Co.

164CO. Rosenneld vs. Qalvoton Western Ry. Co. October X.

15254. Eaton vs. Galveston City R. R. Co.

16000. Loblt et al. vs. McClave. 16101.

Shaw vs. J. W. Burson Co. 16858.

Irvln vs. Galveston City R. R. Co. October 21.

16337. Schneider et al. vs. Johnson. 16363.

Layer vs. Nlcollna Co. 16364. Layer vs. Galveston Fruit Co.

October 23. 14115. Holtr vs. Oalveston Oil Co. 14116.

Schwedell vs. Galveston OH Co. 16470. Heldenheimer, executor, vs. Estate of S.

Heldenheimer. October 24. 14396. Kankel vs. Galveston Bagging and Cordagt 15743.

Doherty vs. City of Qalveston. 16744. Nlcollnl vs. Receiver I.

G. N. R. R. Co.

16112. Ambrulse vs. J. G. N.

R. R. Co. October 25. 14752.

Cosley vs. City of Galveston. 10294. Kinsley vs. Western Union Tel.

Co. 10129. McKinney vs. Galveston City R. H.

Co. October 28. 14743. O'Reagan vs. City of Galveston.

14744. Gonzales vs. City of Galveston. 15150. Hols vs.

Evans et al. 16088. Boyce vs. Galveston City H. It.

Co. 16276. Byrnes vs. Galveston Bagfrtng and Cordage Co. October 27.

16334. Ryan vs. Galveston City R. R. Co.

16239. Zuber vs. Sundt. 162S6. Leonard vs.

Houston Direct Navigation Co. 16293. Hasselmeyer vs. Helman et al. October 28.

16814. McDonald vs. Galveston Steamship and Lighter Co. 16280. Krlger vs.

Helman et al. 16426. Lima Register Co. vs; Galveston City R. R.

Co. 16465. League vs. I. G.

N. R. R. Co. October 30.

14337. Lash vs. Southern Poclflc Co. 16330. Dunman et al.

vs. Smith. O'ctober Mavis et s.l. vs. Sealy, et al.

jmum 11 vs Da A vs TrnstT," 'ct al Qalveaton city R. ft. Co. vs. Tyler Dt.

Xt. ti. CO. November 1. Qalveston city R.

R. Co. vs. Miller et al. McDonnell et al.

vs. Dodds Rogers vs. Galveston City R. R. Co.

Sonnentblel vs. Moody et ul. Sonnenthlel vs. Texas Guarantee and November 2. Hutcber, vs.

Hodges. Gulf Land Co. vs. Galveston City Southwlck vs. C.

S. R'y Estate of McCandlesa November Woods vs. C. S. F.

R'y. Plymouth Rock Pants Co. Miller Brown vs. Mundine et al. November 4.

Lundy vs. Rogers et al. Lundy vs. Rogers et al. Lundy vs.

Rogers et al Oalveston Cotton and Woolen Mills nney Co. vs. Edwin Halloway. gar. Nat.

et al. 6843. American Bank vs. J. N.

Blssell 6854. Mrs. Kate Northy vs. C. c.

Collins ct al. 6865. FreHton Stauffer vs. P. Tolomey Bro.

6858. L. Wilson vs. H. N.

Lang, guardian. 6869. M. C. McLemore vs.

W. Stclrvla. DISTRICT COURT. William H. Stewart, Judge, presiding.

District court convened yesterday and the following cases were disposed of: Cora Louise Pritchard vs. Charles L. Prltcharil: decree of divorce at plaintiff's costa. .7. W.

Slevort vs. Clara Slevert; decree of divorce at plaintiff's costs. M. IS. Tausfck vs.

Gus plaintiff dismisses at his costs. McKoe llros. vs. J. 3.

Brown hardware company; plaintiffs dismiss at their John O'NeJI vs. Walter Qrcsham; iff dlsrmawp? his costs. and M.iry Doyle George C. and Randall H. Evelt; dismissed at plaintiffs' cost.

To-doy will be default day In this court. The following Jury cases were for the current term of thin court: October 9. 15706. Texan Standard Cotton Oil Co. vs.

National Cotton Oil Co. 16417. H. Mnrwlta vs. Mary M.

Jordan. October 10. luSOG. Thon. l'.

iNlchols vs. C. League. 15939. J.

II. Shepherd vs. Qalveiton City R. R. Co.

October 11. -UCCD. Allfta McKay vs. J. 1.

Burroughs, 16821, 16017. 16054. 16076. 10268. 16209.

16365. 16473. W338. 15598. 15993.

16007. JUSTICE FREIERY'S COURT. Yesterday was appearance day In Justice Friery's court for the October term and on coll of the docket the following cases were set down for trial darlar the term: Wednesday, October 4. 11,668. Leon H.

Blum vs. E. D. Hastings. 10 a.

Thursday, October 5. 13,684. C. H. Leonard vs.

Randolph Bracken. 10 a. m. Friday. October 6.

13.032. The American National bank vs. D. McCormick, 10 a. m.

18,764. Charles Mentzel vs. J. B. Flanery, 11 a.

m. Saturday, October 7, 13,714. Davis, Rood Hanna vs. Gco. Jacobs, 10 a.

m. 13,445. C. 0. Evans vs.

P. B. Radford, et 11 m. Monday, October 9. E.

Bement Son vs. B. Blum 10 a. m. 13,467.

A. Ftenkel Son vs. C. Casenllnl, 11 m. Tuesday, October 10.

13,258. John Bailey vs. C. F. Hutches, 10 a.

m. 13,337. W. C. Fisher et al.

vs. B. F. Hutches, 11 a. m.

October 11. 13,594. Mrs. K. Slchel vs.

T. C. Korn, 10 Rice, Baulard Co. vs. The Stahl Building J.

Labadle, president, 11 a. m. Thursday, October 12. 13,513. J.

Yevy Bro. vs. Anheuser-Busch brewing association, 10 a. m. 13,637.

Andrew Siercovich vs. Thos. McHenry. 11 a. m.

Friday, October 13. 13,630. R. H. Day vs.

National Co-operative Build. Invest 10 a. m. 13,531, R. H.

Day va. Nat. Co-op. Invest. I.

A. Warner, ffarnlshee, 11 a. m. Saturday, October 14. 13.634.

C. G. Uoemer vs. Emma Bayne, 13,401. N.

T. L. N. Shields vs. Thos.

P. Nichols, 11 a. m. Monday, October 16. 13,707.

R. Plumley vs. The City of Galvcston, 10 a. m. 1S.410.

W. B. Denson vs. Andy York, 11 a. m.

Tuesday, October 17. 13,600. George S. Grimes vs. J.

Neethee and M. Neethee. 10 a. m. 13384 Scott Paper Co.

vs. J. W. Burson and J. W.

Burson 11 a. m. Wednesday. October. 18.

13478 Mayer, Kahn Freiberg va. C. S. Fc R. 10 a.

m. 13468 Fordtran Co. vs. C. 4 S.

'Fe R. 11 a. m. Thursday, October 19. 13516.

J. Sonnenthell, trustee, vs. C. Miller, 13609. Warden Kelsey vs.

Allen B. Cameron, 11 a. m. Friday, Oclober 20. 13602 Bernard Morcovich vs.

Mike Vtdo- vlch. 10 a. m. 12507. John H.

HutchingB vs. Vincent Fisher, 11 a. m. Saturday, October 21. 12019.

F. A H. Stresau va. Southern Pa- cinc 10 a. m.

12020 F. H. Stresau vs. Southern Pacific 11 a. m.

Monday, October 23. 1X491. Gus Lewy Co. vs. M.

Hooks, 10 a. m. 1J638. Sarah Ann Hayes vs. I.

A. Warner, 11 a. m. Tuesday. October 24.

13760. Qalveaton Trust Co. et al. vs. C.

Cas- entlnl, claimant, 10 a. m. 13648. Brush Electric Light and Power Co. PROMPT RKLJXV comes to woman taffcrfu; from any of tno painful disorders and dtrangsmonts peculiar to her six, if sht accepts the help that's offered.

Dr. rieror'a FavoriU Proscription in the only so certain In ita effects It con be fnturan- hti. In every caw, if It down't beuailt or your money is returned. Beautiful women know how much ttiey one to good health. If wish tototxau- tit ul, keep the natural functions of ths body In proper ihtte and you'll be healthy.

A train of follow the ment of the womanly For nervous prostration, excitability. fatnUnf ipells, dls- ainest, spaemfi, conrulnons, or tins rsmudy robeves and cures. Take It when TOO tufTur from sleeplws- Btss, backache and bearini-down smagani, tor gnmft D. A. RoctM C.

Dalllin. OcUbwK. 11711. Oecrge Schuuliln- A Co, vs. W.

Rttn- eckc, K. m. 11582. J. thmneuthtol, trustee.

v. Joan 11 u. m. Thursday, N. 131S3.

Levy a Bro. vs. Ualveston City Ritllroad 10 a. m. ISCCO.

Kmmet vs. Seymour Kot- Inson, Mquestratlon, 11 a. m. Friday, October 27. unt-rielshmann Co vs.

Gaireston city R. R. 10 a. m. 13520.

Galveston national tank VI. J. W. Houlahan et 11 a. m.

Saturday; October 28. 13316. J. C. Qraveiiberg vs.

P. Traverao 10 a. m. 13000. J.

Sonnenthell, trustee, vs. lies. L. Bydow, 11 a. m.

Monday, October 30. H6US. Morris KaUie vs. Oalveston Construction 10 in. ill; Tuesday, October-Si." C.

Nicollui Co. vs. A. RujierUl tft" if- Jordan, 10 a. m.

13533. P. Erade vs. I. A.

Warner, a. m. RECORDER'S COURT. Marsene Johnson, recorder. Chris Lucky, disorderly conduct: fined VS.

Thomas Ford, drunk and down; fined )5. John Ruve anil Wyatt Buttle, drunk and disorderly; fined 15 each. Julius Rodriguez and H. A. Barker, disorderly conduct; fined IS each.

Robert Marchbank and David Martin, Bghtlng; fined 15 each. Routs, drunk and down; -fined 15. John Hocker, Adolph Leutsch and Van McMahon, disorderly conduct; nned each. Pat Nolan, drunk and disorderly; fined 15. P.

Petersen. disorderly conduct; fined Billy Fortesgup. drunk and down, fined Hugh Bunks, Intruding on premises; fined $5. Alfred Lamrose, Intruding on premises: fined Eliza Horks. drunk and down: fined 15.

Eliza Horks, assaulting and striking; Alice Robinson and Ed Wilson, disorderly conduct; fined $5 each. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. The board of public works held Its regular yesterday at noon, with President Leon Blum In the chair and Commissioner Amundsen and City Engineer Hallonqulst in attendance. Commissioners Levy and Gllbough were absent, being out of the city. The board examined and approved the engineer's paving reports and Umates and reported them to the city coim- ell, where they were acted on.

The petition of citizens that Avenue I east of Tremont street 1 be Included In the next streets ordered paved was filed for consideration when the board orders more paving. The same action was taken on the petition of citizens to have Avenue paved to Forty-seventh street. Tlit- petitions ul J. II. Hutchmgs und of Davles Rood Hannah, agents for F.

O. Patton, to refund alleged Illegal nssenfl- ments were referred to the city attorney for his opinion. The board then adjourned. CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS' HOME. Mr.

Wm. A. McCloskey, an Inmate of the confederate soldiers' home at Austin, Is In Galveston In the Interest of the library ot that Institution. Mr. McCloskey says that there are between 120 and 130 old confeds living at the home, and that 'ho strictures which were current regarding that institution laat fall were groundless.

He says 'hat th 0,3 there are well fed, clothed nicely, and treated as If they wcro guests at a hotel. Mr. McCloskey states that there Is a need of reading matter for the Inmates of the home, and that any sort of good literature will be appreciated. The express 11 5 0 transport all such uiij uuu iwemy-inird streets, will be Uoxea and forwarded to the home. A WOHD OP Drink the Anthony A Kuhn beer.

Doctors recommend it for purity and strength. Waukesha Silurian, finest of table waters and without an equal in the treatment of; the UVBT, kidneys and Journal. For sale by J. J. sthott, Stafford's Mineral Water, Buffalo Llthia and Sour Lake Wter by th- bottle or case at McClunahan's Drug atore.

A JUSTUS ZAll.Vh, successor to Rose Zahn. Only first class photographs. DBS. KILLOL'lill LUI3BKN, Dentists, corner 22d and Market sta. crabs, drcsrcd tables, etc.

League Phone 240. Looking Better feeling better-better in every- way. There's more consolation in that than well people stop to ponder. To get back flesh a spirits is everything. Scott's Emulsion of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites is prescribed by leading physicians everywhere for ailments that are causing rapid loss of flesh and vital strength.

Scott's Emulsion will do more than to stop a lingering Cough--It fortifies the system ABAfflST coughs and colds. Prepared br fioott A Bownt, T. URSULINE ACADEMY. GALVBSTON, TEXAS, A DESIRABLE Boardlmr and Day School for Younir Ladies. The location ic uniurpaned for health and bounty.

The course of mobraces all the raquipitw of rofinfJ, solid and accomplished education. The Hctiolartio year eommsncei the FIRST IN SKSTKMBR and cloves Uie Utter part of Jand. For Urnu and further particulars apply to MOTHffiH BUPBRIOK. MISS A. E.

WARNER, RADUATE of National Normal Kinder- Barton, Washington, D. will open a 1'ri- Tato Kiudm-cartea in Harmony Hall, under taa Auspices of the Kindergarten on September 23. Misa Warner hns competent MaifttuuU uid will add a primary department. CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA, VA. MRS CCMECrYS A MISS BELL'S Enfflfnh (htrrniui nnd Fronch bonrdinc school for younf ladies reopens October K.

atndenttt prepared for musical advantages. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL ibti (v Thtltth ADnmtl O. 8. ftUrtii W. (Hrdon SCHOOL," W.

Mth New York, reopens tttHrm.

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