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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 3

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Lent Aim--A Shooting Scrape In a Bonding Home---Town Notes. Corrwpondents' Headquarters Capitol Business and Circulator's Offlce--513 Main under Capitol hotel, for the reception of advertisements and where subscribers felling to receive their papers will please report. Houston, Sept. members of, Dick camp, Contederuto Veterans, are making t-xtenalvt preparations for their excursion, to Gulveston to-morrow. At their meuting last evening the matter brought up and found to be in good nhape for success.

These members were made the committee of arrangement: Lieutenant Commander August Schilling, chairman; Comrades Joe P. Harris, S. K. Ijons- uecktr, E. Hoencke, C.

C. HIchurt, Georac Van. Beninuysen aud John Stewart. It was the annual meeting last night nnd the chief business was the election of, oili- cers and new members, who were E. Cox, McMahon's light urilllery: R.

G. Ashe, rangers, and C. C. Heavens. The following honorary members were elected; Kouerl Rutherford, Mrs.

William Christian and Misses Annie and Margaret Van Election of oflluers came next, with the following result: Commander, Will First lieutenant commander, SchiniUK. Second lieutenant commander, 3. K. Longnecker. Adjutant, C.

C. Beavens. Quartermaster. John H. Gray.

Surgeon, K. G. Turner. M. D.

ChaplRln, election deferred. Officer of the day, E. Hoeucka, VIdette, D. A. Sullivan.

Ensign, Wllllum Hunter. The trains solng to Galveston will leave in the mornhiK ui 7.aO und 9.10 and in the evening at 2.10, und the last train leaves GaJveston at 11 o'clock coming home. leave the Santa Fe depot. THE T. P.

A. PEOPL.K. Facts from the Commercial Traveler concerning T. F. A.

people: Post has not held a meeting since the state convention held in April. Post Waco, added Jive new members Jo its roster last Saturdav night. Post will excurt to Galveston on Sunday, the 17th instant. "Boys, got your tickets and be on hand with your wives and (sweethearts. Sun AntonK wll ed meeting last Sunday morning.

Prusldent. Benson and Secretary Puynon were both present and the meeting was a most enthusiastic one. Post CorsScana, will shortly open and furnish permanent quarters. President Hill, owing to illness, has not been able to give the post tbe necessary lUU'iition, but ai? Foon HS he returns from Wells lie proposes to whoop things up. Post will likely occupy the most handsome quarters hi the Tuxus division.

It is rumored that the mmmguineiit of the Oriental hotel, Dallas, has set upurt a suite rooms for that purpose and -will furnish them moat elegantly I'reis of ull chanre to the local pout. The billiard table at Post C's rooms hus Veen put In tip-top ordt-r, new cushioius, ucih, new ivories and all cues rutlpped, ull of which la beinp appreciated by members and visitors alike. Shortly new carpet 18 to be put down and more attractive furniture will also he added. Post is Jiow In Rood shape and will set the boys the old-time pace In T. P.

A. mutters. Look out for her! The headtiuartcrs of Post Oalveston. nave been removed for the winter Into the business part of the city, and will henceforth bo found on Twentieth street, between aiarfcet und FoBtolllco streets. The quarters are large, uiry und well ana verj' convenient.

They will bo n- carpeted shortly, and when evrryililng in Jn tt boyH Propose to have a genuine Ola-fashioned house warming. 18 great T. P. A. event at Waco Will be tho lecture- of w.

C. l.mnu un The Waco boys anv that Editor Brann will talk to tho largest crowd Be at ttco. Saturday evening, Word cornea from Loutelrma tTio UOVB or that division are progressing iplun- uldly In their efforts to secure nnv mcm- One or two posts will established at once. The Xallus fair munaKement linn decided to set apart one day for commercial travelers, and call It Drummers' tiny By the wajt, the a i i year promises'to lie grander than ever. The hotel question was not brought up at the recent meeting In Wuco of the sLnt.

board of directors. The conclusion is about unanimous that the hotels should be left alone. The suspension of two members bv the Btate board of directors i.s a strp in right, direction. Uot it be understood once for nil that to be a member of the Travelers Protective association Is un honor gentlemen are admitted to every direction, pome to secure rJufe pltieey ami others lu nee what was the matter. Aftt-r ulr llred three or foul' shots without xtrlklng mi' Speevy, inn lady who keeps the house, got to him, took the pistol and pointing- it ui tlio ground Hrvil ih remaining shots aa a aali'ty niiMHuru.

U'hun this was done the iwu men i tbKi'Uii-r and exchamtcd ruw but were sejiamled Iwfort- any was done. A this was over, the i.i-upU? a miVt.v bivr.lU nriii easier, 'L'hu 1 notllied uiul Deputy Marshal Vr-nl Erlcli- IICII soon U'ulf fur illsuiilurly conduct and a warrant was sworn out against Heed. 1-ut he at a late hour had not been arrested. A family mutter caused the trouble. SHOOT1XG AND CUTTING SCRAPE.

One of the sensations of the day was a combination cutting- and shooting scrape that was on Jlaln street nt an early hour this morning. The parties to the allulr were W. J. Perry and 11. Perkins, both known in the general community, nnd the sporting fraternity in particular.

The foimer has lived here many years, nnd Is now quite wealthy. I trouble seems to have hail its origin lust night sometime, as the uartles were together about daylight this morning. 'llley had been drinking considerably, and were playing at cards in the rear of a saloon No. 68 street. They had some words inside the saloon, and Officer John Fralne got on to U.

Seeing that there was a prospect of serious trouble, as botli men are considered willing to war on very short-notice, lie ke.ot close-eye on them. It was not long before It started, by the men coming to blows. The ufflcor acted promptly, nnd, though by himself, arrested them both. They wanted lo Kive bond on the spot, but the oilicer iold them they would have to go down to the cooler and settle Unit part oC it with the clerk at the police station. They were accordingly marched down and made their bonds, which Wft-e tu the olllcors.

In this difficulty hit Perkins and the latter, using an umbrella, returned the blow, and some part oC the weapon used scratched Perry about the neck and he bled some. From the station they returned to Main street and about 7.311 or the trow was renewed. Insulting words were passed and the men got together. It then came out that Perkins had a pistol and Perry a hnlff, used in saloons for cutting lemons. They came together and Perkins struck Perry i his pistol and the latter got back at him by opening a skin-deep gash under his enemy's left ear.

Onicers Andrews nnd Sullivan reached the fror.t of the saloon at this moment nnd the former caught Perry and the latter Perkins, but Perkins released himself in some way nnd llred one shot, but it missed his mark. He quickly llred another and was right close to his man, but again missed. OHI- cer in the meantime got there and over his arm, Injuring It Much nn extent that 1'ad to be amputated above thu elbow. A FOUH-LISaCED SPOUT. A.

vugrarU Oog was tallen up by the police this morning, and Judging from a lot o( tags fastened ulwut his neck he had duiiu a good deal of Ho In known aa Sport, and facts are wken from tho cards: "Houston. Sept. 9. Arrested on suspicion by OHIcer Uupree, but released on proof of good character. Marshal Erichson, police station." "Sport of the St.

7-ouls olllce of the Adams express company, from St. to Mobile, Ala." On thu hack of above tag was written: "This dog had the sad misfortune of being left lin orphan at un early age; messengers will kindly show him around." Above the signature of .1. C. McCall of Mcmtgtimfry, appears the iollowlng: his is to Sport, the dog of tags. Who looks very muvh like a bundle of rags." Another tug vouched the following: Please feed and water well this poor creature, for you don't know how soon you will be thrown on the charity of this cold world yourself.

(Signed.) W. B. Hailey, Coffee- checked "Sport" as O. K. ni UJHMO, Miss.

Sport left to-night via the Santa Fe for palveston to spend a tew days oa the beach. A FINE WATCH. Marshal Eriehson has an extraordinary line gold watch nt the station which he thinks is stolen property. A description of the watch is as follows: Double solid gold cases, key wind, made by Wm. Ellroy at Boston, the case being numbered 1S5 nnd the works G220.

On Inside of front Ciise Is engraved and on the winding case is engraved "Iv. II." There are also two private on the inside of the back case, and the owner of the xuttch can recover same by proper identlll- COUNTV COURT. Estate of Peter Telshaw, minor; bond of guardian of with M. Tankerely and A. KaJbow, approved.

Estate of Birdie nnd Willie Wyatt and Marlon Palmer, minors; report of sale, nied June 4, 1893, approved and guardian ordered to execute It. W. F. Deeney vs. R.

J. Feazell; on motion of defendant ordered that -property be placed in custody of sheriff. Peiwlra O. P.andolph vs. M.

Sheldon; judgment against defendant for $37551, with IMilkldrlnlilu: U'-lll. Chiva Gray, Mrs. vt. vlnrtntT and son, Bryan: F. 11.

Lendli-, Wacu: C. II. Gin-ringer, VvJnmt; Hiss M. U. Gurrlngi-r, Mlrci J.

It. Guerlnger. lUnnls; Galen Crow. Jr. St.

l.ouls; J. Wall, (ialventon; J. A. Washington. Baltimore; W.

K. C'ruce, Galvesiun: .1. 1-. Victoria: L. t'.

Maslerson, Mrs. Annie Mastersou. Miss M. G. Masti'rson.

It. t'. Gulncs. G. W.

Chandler. O.lveston: Miss Ciirlxtli- Smith. Columbia: Dan O'lteagun, .1. VJIrUs, Waoo. H.

O. Goldmen. C. JU llu.iby. Texas: Artnnin, Kvansvllle, N.

P. lloux, Hempstead. J. S. Fordtrun, Uryun, A.

K. Howard, Palestine. E. Jj. PiTry, Velasco.

J. H. Fredlnnder, New York city: .1. E. Galbiulth.

International and Great Northern; ticymour Brasher, Texas; Alex P. Freed. Baltimore, Isaac Herri-en, Galveston; James Tanner. Dalnville: H. S.

Woodsen. Hlch- mond, Sam Mnsun, Joseph Harunali, New Orleans, and Leon Martin-, Milwaukee, are at the OapitoJ. KA1LKOAD KEWS. RETURNING PROSPERITY. The busy rumble of freight trains In and out of Galveston give evidence that the long and severe "stringency" which has Impeded business so long Is loosening up nnd business is reviving at a most healthy rale.

The Mews railroad man learned from General Freight Agent Polk of the Santa Fe yesterday a business was picking up in a most satisfactory way with IUK road and that the movement of grain, cotton and cotton seed products to the gulf had begun in earnest. Re was very much pleased with the indications cf returning prosperity and said that the Santa Fe had sent out on Friday evening twenty carloads of mixed merchandise for local points and that the road was now doing a bigger local business than it had done at any time during the past three months. Mr. Polk expresses the belief a the 'stringency" is over and business will continue good from now on. nterest at per cent from January 1, A.

.1. Johnson Co. vs. F. Gelsecker- amf hoYh Dismissed at plaintiff's cost, men were again marched down to the stu- I lion on charges of ussuull to murder and assault and battery.

One of the snots' fired grazed both legs of negro who was passing ut the time, but his Injuries though he was The exact number of applications rr-celvcd nt national headquarters dnrtnir "83., was i ust thirteen more 'than was received In August, ISM. Taking the bad condition of financial matters into consideration, this Is i satlsfnelor 1 The Oregon and Washington division peld a meeting Saturday, August ISitl ana appointed a reception committee to arrange for the entertainment of the next SvS fn er SSOClllUO llllon 1 President Martin of the Southern whole- Bale grocers' association, a powerful organization of wealthy jobbing houses, in- cludtliB those of Missouri. Texas, Arkansas. Tennessee, Alabama. Louisiana, Georgia, Kentucky and Virginia, has i h.

communication to tin- Travelers' I'm- tectlve association of America requesting s. to call a meeting anil a action toward aiding their employers in remedying and unconimen'la- ble business methods. President Martin's communication will bo submitted lo the Ijrtulous state divisions officially. ON A SERIOUS CHARGE. John Smith, a ncero nbout 10 years old, was arraigned before Justice Srhwander this afternoon for preliminary examination on a.

charge of usfnult with attempt to rape. The charge, was preferred by a little white girl 12 or 13 years old, who resides with her parents in the Third wnrd, ami In testifying to the assault said: "Last Monday myself and number of other little girls and small boys went out into the woods nen-r Houston to have a picnic. Shortly before dinner a nt'gro came up to where we were playing and asked fnr something to eat, and gave It to Mm He stayed around during tho afternoon' anfl finally suggested that no mto Uie woods, which we rcfusi-d to do. At 5 o'clock we started to go home nnd "ie negro objected, saying a ho thought we were going to slay i after sundown When we started home the nt'Sro grnlihcd me and threw me tho ground." A of the girls In i i Bold when tho negro threw her mil? playmate on the ground he fell i in-i- The little boy up a slick nnd arted to strike the neeru. tvhu divw a pls-tol and pointed it him.

Th ran townrd town screaming nnd away lakt'ii to the infirmary. ir.on have their trials uoxt week, REAIj ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. Williumson and wife to Edward Shiinnon, fifteen acres out ot llc- Faddon survey on Cedar bayou $100 Win. 10.

Hailey, by agent, to John Sims, iicn? in lot S. subdivision ot Harris Wilson two league KTant In second 26 Henry Clint; to John Sims, live acres, 8, second tier of Harris Wilson two league grunt 300 John SlniK und wife to Hiivil K. I). Clliie, live acres In lot second tier of Harris Wilson two league grant 400 JanU; Allen Whoeler and husband to .1. Allen, acres In John H.

Harris survey Livana D. Robert Coffoy to A Rhjsner, flSxtfSVa feet out of CofCey in John Rclnemunn survey 33 J. D. Wiehtnann to Alvle Ilurnhum. lot 3, block -1.

John H. Brashear survey; lovi nnd aiTcctlon ami. i J. D. Wlchmnnn to B.

Davis, lot 1. block -I. Hrauhear survey; lovo and afi'eeUon and i J. D. Wlchnwim to L.

Davis, lot block 4, Rrnsheur survey; love nnd aft'octlon and i A. Al. Darling 1 to H. Black, 100 acres Vu Brazorla county 13pll; A. Council to Jniin Iltirton lots 8 nnd block Ifli.

south i nnn A. Kdlchnrdt, Uolflrht Chathan et al. to Koval and K. J. Keinmil lots l) and It) and Jut il block Jitinos survuv 4000 Henry F.

and wlfi: tr, A' Grt-bcT. lot und part of lots 7 and ir, block IiCOO Total, 13 deeds UNCLAIMED EXPRESSAGE. Houston, Sept. following Is a list of packages remaining on hand ut Wells, Fargo express for week ending September 9, 1SD3: J. A.

Arnold, W. Ityers, J. II. Brlirht I. B.

nakor. U. Campbell. A. I Jumble, Florence Dysiirt, W.

F. Du Frtiine. M. F. Floyd.

F. B. Goodrich. A. C.

flrcon. J. C. Hoiibk-y, airs. Huaw C.

K. Hooper, Jj. H. Harbin, j'. M.

K. T. Lewis, Miairot Uro.s.. C. Monroe.

A. W. McKIi.u«. O. J.

the district tho 1 ccom- bm Officer -is purpose, the children IdontlriM Sniilh as (he Who attempted Ihe assault, though LttnrncyH claim a Miry L-an was arrested last night, by was conttmied and Monday forenoon. will L-lt, G. Puta, Kl Jus. .,.1. Hlmpson, O.

W. Stoddard, Keidel, Texas phonograph company. Al. V. lu-aton, C.

uleunun, S. J. White, Wll.son. Tin- following unclaimed remains In the offlce of the Pacific express for tin; eiuiirm Weptember E. Uorlon.

Crystal Springs lumber compuny. Young Fowler. N. GreenberK 1 1. U.

Gei-Kon, iOlias Greenberg, T. F. Hensler, Houston oil refinery and milling company, A. I I Hitc'Jih-r, Hooper, G. Jackson, -Miss W.

James, J. Kahn, A. Jt Leo, Al. K. Lewis, Fred Meyer, J.

Morris, Merchants' and Planters' oil company. W. Murray, (3. L. Porter, Ross, J.

W. Riley, W. P.opers Samjjson, T. G. J.

Sehuber, G. Wooilbrldge, McKinney, Mrs. J. aM. Uenish, Georgle Balden Mrs.

G. Wnldc-r, Mrs. C. Chambers, AII-JS A. M.

Ku ler, R. Gn rner, A. G. wen K. Miss M.

A. Mulvihill, Fltz- gernld, Houston general electric company K. T. Helnrr. UoKers SIsttTw, Averv U.

A. Huntimjlon, Bert Pratt. THE WEKK'S DKATIIS. Following is the ofticiul mortuary report for the week ending Saturday, September Ei, ISIKt: Foptrmbe.r 2: I a of Adam Clay, ase i i m.inasonas. I a of T.

W. Archer, ase elTpcts oC birth. mber 7: It. J. Bancr, age 8 months; I i i i 9: Infant of J.

B. Simpson, ajro it i Incauttun. Septt-mbor W. H. North, Qfre JO; con- 7: H.

31. Wilson, nge 45; pistol 2: II. Jipor, ago 2S years. 4: H. Scharnr, malarial rate per 1000 for tho week, OI3O.

W. I.AHENDON, City Health Oitlcer. wound. PERMITS. Tho following building permits have been issued iluriiiK the jmst wi-i-k: A.

Bin-risk, two-story frame on I and 7, block Congrcsu s-ln-cL Puls. frnnv i nn lots 5 and G. block street 200 A. O. Wiilkcr.

fniui" on lot bloi-k Ull, addition 1WO Pr. S. Noble, two nnP.Rtory fn.m.'R nn IIIIH a i (i, bln -k 12, Chapman Btfcomt lulditlon. each SOO D. i Hflbcrg, addition to house, block Total TMa r.oon, or porlutps a lit wag much crrni people ftbo'it tho corner of und Carollr-o over of ft pistol In a sc lioar.lmj,' li fcy Mrs.

Sppfvy. 'I'lip nil liuvlnjr io nearly rvciy m-rs-mi tn-iu il.ui,- tij city, nni! onrly hail the clerlcwl forcr of i ninn tnnc-- I i i i 1 ret DnrliiK ho ffrx-uiest prfviiiliiJ. ana rushlus Jn HK LOST I ARM. Tom Boll. n.

was brought, to St. his arm liav- bi'i-n i a nt Hugurland last i i i or fr-Mirlit a i A mijflo nrcossnry a Hrfi n-ci-lvi-d dnys PTO In- ptay.t a iHclmioml and routs ri1 'I'd not slop timl tml.i Ounn a i I tir.iktMiinn -anio u-nuind H7id vnicstcd i hut off. to i i liotjinno tho i a vinsi. whi'n'iiputi th" brakn i'i nlli- CASES FILED. These cases were filed in clerk's offlce to-duy: Chalretter Green vs.

Henry Green, divorce on tho ground of abandonment. T.lfHfo Sr-nM vs. divorce en the ground oC abandonment. D. J.

De Walt et al. vs. P. Whltly, trespass lo try title und damages. D.

J. De Walt et nl. vs. George A. Race, lo try title and damages.

Florida A. Foster vs. Emma Foster, partition. CHURCH NOTICES. North Side Christian church, FI.shfcr'3 hall, Houston avenue: Sunday HUhool ut 9.30 Mr.

P. E. Graham, superintendent. Evening service at 8 p. with preaching by Mr.

E. W. Brown. All are in- Shearn Methodist church: G. C.

Ruiikln, pastor. Sunday school at y.30 u. in. Public worship ut 11 a. m.

Song service und preaching at 8.1G p. m. Young people's meeting ut 7.15 p. m. Prayer and social' at 8.1G p.

rn. Wednesday. TOWN NOTES. There will be a special meeting of the county commissioners Monday forenoon to take up bills and other current matters. There will be a practice shoot to-morrow afternoon by members of the fichuetzen Voretn over their range at Merkel's grove.

This evening Hon. T. U. Luhbock, Messrs. B.

R. Lathom. Ennh Carttlll. Sid J. Smith and E.

H. Durable left for the mouth of Clear creek to Hpcnd couple of days llsh chasing and otherwise exercising This forenoon tihHrltl TliunipHun ot Benton, Eassiuh parish, arrived hi uiu city a-jurdunue with letters before received, und took back with him Ihu two negroes. Chas. Hunter N. Johnson, by Sheriff Kills a few dayH on warrants from Henton.

They were ur- rusted for grand larceny. A.I tlie German liaptlwt church, 815 Houston avenue. Sunday afternoon and night luis been set apart for the ordinatlun of the pastor, H. C. Glelss.

The public generally is Invited. There will also be- smrvices nigljt, beglnniiiK with Sunday night. Rev. F. J. of Waco, father of the ijustor, will assist Jn these moeUngy. He is said to be a very able preacher. Tho German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity church un Louisiana street, Uutwfen Prairie and Preston, hus introduced English evening servlcts for the benefit of Swedish, Norwegian and other Lutherans who do not understand Die GCTimui language 1 There- will be another English Her vice next Sunday t'vein tig nt 8 o'cluek und ull Lutherans and such people us have no church here are cordially invited. PERSONAL. J.

J. Fant of Africa, Is in town. O. L. Horby ha? to the city.

Misses Lennic Lalhom and Aline Cleveland left last night for Chicago, via St. Louis. R. B. Talfor left to-night for Chicago via the Katy.

F. N. Daniels of Cameron Is In the city on business. Isaac Htiffren, ex-alderman of Galveston, Is In the city. W.

D. Fields of Fort Bend county is In the city to-day. Mrs. C. i.

Lusk has returned, from a visit to Galveston. Kd Perry of Velasco is stopping at the Capitol while In tuwn. Major W. D. of Fort Bend county Is In tlio city on a visit.

P. Ford trim, a wnll known citizen of Bryan, is in the city to-day. C. Baumbuch wont down to Galveston this evening on a business visit. Mayor N.

P. IToux of HeinDStead was amonic the visitors to Ihe city to-day. Allen Blake leivus to-morrow for Chicago via the Houston and Texas Con nil. Culonel T. D.

Roe.k of Woodvillc Is In the city to-day on his way home from Waco. Colonel R. D. Wescott of Cross Timbers Is among the veteran visitors to the city to-day. JVIiss Allen leaves to-morrow via tho Southern Pacific for Virginia to attend school.

Mrs. FitZKPralrt and -Mrs, George Fltz- will leave on Ihe Katy to-morrow for Chicago. and Clevulaiul went ti Chicago to-night via the Houston and Central. C. IS.

Griflln and wife of Corrlgaii are at the Grand Central hotel en route to Monterey, AJcxlco. Miss Julia Pakor of Dallas is here on visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. K. P.

GllJas- 1-116 Texas avenue. John Mcfomh left to-night for the Murmadnke military ucnderny Sweet Springs, to take a Colonel W. P. Bet is of Omnj'r-, spending a short time here, left this evening, accompanied by his wife, returning liuino.

Mrs. J. T. Clomonl, formerly of this city (ml now of Fort IH here on visit to her sister, Mr.s. V.

W. Rudyers, 1214 St. Kinamifl street. To-morrow l-Yank lawyer, Miissh- Doan, Williamson, Orange Swann n.nd Itolii.Tls-nii i leave Chicago over the Southern Pacllie. Mr A Ulster catne in this morning from to his wlf 1 who lias snme time here.

He IH well knou it the (ravijlltig of which he is a W. U. nipiivnn. Sun Antonli 1 W. f'on- ior.

a i i (leo. A. i A i i i W. 1-7 ll'Histon TI-MIH Central; J. j-j.

MtfitiHsippl: Harry A i i i i i i i M. I'rMiT-r, i i ar J-y. F. Kl I'mm- C. F.

Stevens nnd family, M. 1,. H. A. WerkTcr, A i T.

Stevens, Georgia, are tlip Gmnd Ontrnl. THE CAUSE OF THE KICK. Houston, Sept. News reporter to-day called the attention of the Houston passenger men to the dispatch sent out by the Associated from Chicago In which the members of Uie Southwestern passenger association were hot in their collars for alleged failure to comply with regulations adopted anent the issuance of tickets. They laughed and said that the Texas roads had undoubtedly complied with i the conditions imposed by their northern connections.

"Just what they are chewing the rag about I do not know," said one passenger agent, "unless they are klckinir about the Cotton Belt railroad cutting- some time back. That must he what they have reference to." EVERYTHING RUNNING SMOOTH. Houston, Sept. President R. B.

llaer of the Galveston, Houston and Henderson paid CJalveston a flying visit to-day. On his return he Informed a News ihuL cvvryDifiig was rmininj; remarkably smooth relative to the handling of the Katy trains by his road. "We are transporting considerahle local freight for Kuly. and everything is running UH smoothly as clockwork," he said The Missouri, Kansau and Texas train this morning carried large number of passengers down to Gulvcslon.

The train had to stop at every station. This is an evidence that passenger traffic Is not so terribly dull. DICK DOWLTNG EXCURSION. Houston, Sept. members of Dick Dowllng cauip, uld confederates, will have their grand excursion to CJalve.ston to-morrow via the Gulf.

Colorado" und Santa Fe, and they are anticipating a royal time. All those who have excursion tickets over this road will be given a free bath nt O'Keefe bathing Other Interesting features Ijave been arranged I'or the umiiHoment of those who go on the excursion. The Santa Fe will leave here at 7.55 u. 9.10 a.

in. und p. in. in afternoon. A of urlzes will be awarded during the day.

Anderson Mary A i Odeul Alexander Mary Broyan fi Mrs Banks Mary Muao Boyce Bell irlimt Mimler tfeuver Mrs by Genenil i-itsseugt-r Agent W. G. tJruwii Carter Alary and Tiavellug Auditor Mr. Juiihnuii A well known In Gaivcst'ju and until his i as asslstuni tick' TUB KATY'S CITY AGENT.

Mr. Hiram A. Johnson, tho newly appointed city passenger und ticket agent of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas for this city, will lw installed in his olllce to-day by Genenil i-itsseugt-r Agent W. will dwuu to-morrow In Galvoston Jrollcklnx' with ihe yad sea WIIVOH. I'rk-nds of Depot Muster who has been serluusly ill in the hospital for noino llmo be.

jlt'tiiusJ -to leui'n that lie almost liIiiiseljT twain. Tho ICiity luul a special sk-eper out of to-nlKht for Chicago. It carried number of people from and southwest 'iVxun, who will take In Mn? fair. CondwUii- HtMllviU' of tnc Houston and Central and Cond.iftor K. Seltl oi tilt? same roud huvt' made nn exchuni of runs.

Mr. Sullivan soing on the Fur worth branch and Mr. Settle coming on ih main line between Houston and Knnls Both ure well known In ruilroud circles. LOCAL UVDOET. The Santa Fo officials state a there I absolutely no Krouml for the Ymnor thu any of the shops or ofllccK at Temple wll be removed 1'roin that point.

The International and Great Norlhen railroad 1ms granted reduced rules members of the Knst Texas which meets near Crockett on the 14th. General Manager T. M. Campbell General Freight and Passenger Agunt K. Gulbraith of the International am.

Great Northern railway came down fron Palestine yesterday on business and wll probublv remain over in the city to-day. Mr. 1-. 3). Russell, general freight nfren of the St.

Louis and San Francisco rail way, will arrive in Gulveston this morn iiw to meet General Freight Agent L. Polk of the Santa Fe and other official here. ARRESTED FOR EMBEZZLEMENT. A. Laredo Man Pays $1 50 for Shooting at a Cat--Piole Soap.

Laredo, Sept. Albert Smith treasurer of the Mlnera colliery company operating- the Santa Tomns coal mines, in Webb county, was arrested Thursday In lids city on a charge of embezzlement mad by Captain Wm. Anderson, one of the stockholders of the company. The amdavi swears that the said Smith did embezzl one certificate of stock for Khurrn In the illnei-a collierv company which he held as bailee for affiant. Not since this company was placed in the hands of a receiver, not on ac count of Insolvency, but owing to com pit cations arising between the stockholders Mr.

Smith makes the statement that he feels no uneasiness concerning the mat- l(7 as It Is simply a civil transaction. Mr. Smith gave bund Jn ihe sum oi $1000 to appear before the examining trial, which comes up to-day. Dr. T.

J. Turpln of this city, who shot and killed a stray cat in his back yard, was fined 54 CO by the mayor for unlawfully discharging firearms within thu city limits. A complimentary hop was given Miss Ida Thaison of VtMaseo, who Is visit ing in this city, at the German Casino lost night, Friday morning early a burglar entered Mr. J. Parker's grocery store and made oft i a box of soap, notwithstanding th.

protest and two pistol shots from tli" pro- SHE SHOULDN'T BE SO Yernon, Sept. Morgan has received a lelter Indorsed as fol.ows: "PleuHC forward or hand this to the young lady gchoolmarm of your city who was saved by Trainrobber J. J. Smith, and who secured his pardon from the Arizona penitentiary at Yuma, on August No one hus been found by Mr. Morgan accept the fetter.

Ir.Ici nalloniil jnul Great Northern upent to- In the -iiy ii ml in this a i i i i MuniiK'T CnmpbHl nt the Tnti-r- a mid Not them pa sued i i i Houston to-day cnroute to UalVfa- tt'nd hA fSi 11 1 wit a I o.nJ wife. Pun Antonio; Ticket AKenc Field of the Santa Fe Is aud he fell between the can). Uie wheels I C. II. Kirschuig, Xork; W- S.

diked, out In u. new suit of clothes to Jav appointment as assistant ticki-L uyent in the nt HoutMuti wns usHlsiani uKenl to Mr. Georj-': B. Xichois of tin- International nnd Great Northern. His numerous friends will give him a cordial welcome buck tu Galveston and conurttlulute him upon his appointment.

THE I. G. N. EXCURSION. Houston.

To-morrow the Royal Army of Rclt'-f excursion to Gulves- ton will take place via the International and Groat Northern. This Is a charitable organization, and Its members are ytvlng this excursion for the purpose of raising some money i which to push the work iu hand. Besides its regular trains the Internal tonal and Northern will run specials to-morrow lit it.10 a. m. and 2.05 p.

til. I ia i i A i i will be one of the largest of tho season. THRKATR K- Chicago, 111., Sept, threat? made by Houthwbbli'iu road.s to boycott their connections if they continued to manipulate, nnd ilnmornlizo world's fair rates through misuse ot tickets of their Issue have bocn in bringing Texas to time. Positive instructions have been Issued by the Missouri, Kansas and Texas road to all passenger an 1 ticket agents that tariff rates must absolutely be maintained and no concessions or promises of concessions of any kind be made to secure business. I.

G. N. rtUHYDINGS. Rockdnle, Sept. Internntion- al and Great Northern freight depot house und olllce here, at the end of Mil In street, will bfr torn down at uncu and Main street V'X tended across the International nnd Grout Northern track to the Sun Antonio and Arunsas Pass depot.

The International and Great Northern freight olllce and depot will be In tho largo and commodious brick building so kmg used us a cotton warehouse. TO IN FORT WORTH. There will bo meeting on Tuesday next at the Arlington Inn, Fort Worth, of tlio committee to which was refe.rrtd tho matter of f. o. b.

cotton at the recent meeting of the Texas car sorvlou association in this city. At the same time and place there will nlsn be meeting of the liven of all the Texas lo discuss tbe freight situation, adjust rates, etc. COMMISSION'S. Kept. western lmw agro'-d in comply i the rcfiupst of the Ko-ithern Paclllc and 'the payment of commissions by locui agents In Uullfoniia on business from points In that state.

Such commissions will hereafter bi paid by check. Hit- regular commission departments In the usual way. HEADLIGHT HoiiHlon, Sept. Pns- seiitfcr Ak'ent Ithinchiirdt oi Uie Siouihern in from the biat i Commnrcial Agent. Parker of the Santa Fo went lo i al'U-rnooil.

Travlliifj PasseiiK' 1 Ap'nt Connor ot the "WjiniiHh canu; In from Dalian to-duy. Tniliniuislfr of (lie Sunset is home i nftor a i In the Chicago ('(inductor of iho Houston and i in-eoini-inii-il liy hii wlfo, has returned from a i lo CcmmnTrhit A nf th" Fc. i i i In was In Hoi'slon i nnd wr.t to Conductor nf Houston HOUSTON UNCLAIMED LETTERS. The following: is a list of letters remaining In the Houston postofTIce for the ending Sept. Parties calling for these letters will please suy giving date.

A charge of 1 -cent is made on each of moll advertised. GEO. A. RACE. Postmaster, LADIES' LIST.

Jackson Zenobia Johnson A Mrs Llndon Alena Martin Mary Mitchell Georgia "Miles Seeley Plotts Julia Peters Linna Peters Eliza Pi-uri Itankfn Tesana Rogers Lilly Hoblnson Minerva Scott Mattle A Smith Mrs Smith Mrs Turner Mrs Tultle Josie Teal Hattle Thompson Shac Thomas Eliza May Wilson Hultie "Whitchead Georfflc Wood Eftle 2 Wilkerson Caroline Willum Miss Mattli Mury Miss 'arlle Cald ClarU Chapin AusSe Det-vers Mrs i i Downey Sallle Ma Dele-on Adenla Denton Genie Duvln Mrs Dolson Mrs Dunc'iiii 1'jllen Freeman Ophelia Goodwin Mary J. Annie Mrs Crlbe Addle Garden Kllen Ella. Henderson Frank Wright Man' Jane I-hiKliL's 11 A Mlsa Jllnes Mrs i i Jenkins Mulslu Jackson Mary 2 Jaeger SalHo LIST. Margaret Washington Tobe Warnoose Tandy Young 'Mary Young Ladies Board- infi School Allen Beach liiistlal A Brown Alvn. liuebler 1.

Brown Bradley Dim Bowen Barker Mack Ratty Tnhn Roman Johnson Buckley Bruwn Beven Geo Bacliman Georgo Brown RPV Hurton Ed Boldt-n Builen Olemon Doyle Chemiult A Chupln Clias Curler Phll'p icli Conn Davis Wyatt Dennis A ppekart Wallace Dawsoii Jack Dunn Davis Joo Day Job Done! Johnnie Davis Davidson Ml'9 RiiHon Francis Ford Hamn Graham r.renell i i i Jran Gilford Oil Hnnse Rr.m'l Holm (Scnrge Hnwnrd Henry i Wm Jnsle (Mms Jones 3 Jonken A TO Johnson Benny Johnson Itoht Jolmson Johnson Klnmu-i- Will i King 1C Kelly iLassuos Liud Amos Mullen Aluller lr Morris Ifusser Bd Mltehel Jack Mills 9 Mills Abrum Ii Miller Wm JleCarty John Porter 2 Pntier Purple Ivan Porter Dick Pcried PHt-s Chas Robinson A AT Roberson Mr Sims A Siwps i 2 Shamblln Jim Scott Jno 2 Stcnnps. Myer Sehalz Schmidt Smith Albert Scarborough Surna Seaborne Allon war tow Snpp Jessie Taylor Mr Tueker A A Thompson 10 Lestle Hiram Wilson Wllonn Welch 1 Wells Cha.i Woods HolIIn Wilson 1, Wright WHimm Williams Louis WiiHor yesl.enhiy tnok city. a rib in that Youn.n FOREIGN LIST. T. Alberto (AMiiP 2 Nicholas r.i IT Blrcli i Huckley i i a i Perlro Kmma A Mrs Fuller .1 II Flsk Mr i CtilU'iiy A At i 3 i i i a 1-emmefi FrederKr o- Lt-onanl i i A Simon Ahirguez Coiisara el i -tides cisci Nelson FVrex a i I'iidlllo Hlifarer I Mrs FACTIONS IN MALAV1LLEI A A unm A A HAME BUT HOT A ForMalaria, Liver Trouble, or Indigestion, uae BROWN'S IRON BITTERS One Faction Strone ic Olnmor bnt of Bounty Followiar-Peonliaritios of the Drouth.

Death of Ex-Mayor Fronoh. Sun Antonio, Sept. Mutlook'w eull upon tlio dumocrats uf ihe state to hold meetinss und vuiuu ihvlr up- pi ovul of the national administration caused little stir here further than lo develop tin: fact that the breach between the local Clark democrats Is still unhcaled. It will he remembered that in the last campaign there wuve three county democratic executive committees. The old committee, headed by ex-Mayor CuHughan, espoused the cause of HOBS.

An offshoot, having its origin in thinly attended primaries, assumed to lw the regular committee by right ol' reorganization. Thin element led by Captain Edgar Schramm and followed Clark throughout the campaign. A large element of Clark democrats, protesting against the machine methods of the Callaghan committee, effected a reorganization of the party in mass meeting and elected Judge Fleming county chairman. Clark carried the county for governor by H590 majority, but the question of which committee IH regular is still as much of a question as ever. Wh fit Chairman Mat lock's call was issued Chairman Schraram immediately issued a call for a mass meeting 1 signing himself "chairman of the county democratic executive committee." The Hogg democrats of course did not have Jt In their hearts to respond nor the Clark democrats who recognized the Fleming committee did not care to give Schramm quasi recognition by responding to his bugle blast.

As a result Schramm's meeting was sllmly attended, but the indorse- ment it gave Cleveland unquestionably reflects the sentiments of the great majority of democratic voters of the county. While Schrumm democracy has a scant following, still, by reason of Its enterprise and clamor, it is possible that unless some harmonizing action Is taken it may succeed In again precipitating the complications which nearly lost Uexnr county her representation in several district conventions last year. There is talk among: the leaders of "getting together," but nothing has yet been done In this direction, the Fleming: Democrats being unwilling to grant Schrarnrn much consideration on the ground that he. is a leader without any "followers. DEATH OF EX-MAYOR FRENCH.

The snddon nnd unexpected dwith last Wednesday night of Alderman James H. French, one of the most prominent und highly respected citizens of San Antonio, produced a shock among the many old frlends and life-tlnr: associates of the 1 Mr. French was well known throughout Texas. He served as mayor from 1875 to and was for nearly a IIHII'. century prominently identified with The In- ls of AlHoniu und southwest Texas.

He had also served several terms as member of. the board of aldermen of. the city. He was born In Halifax county. Virginia, his family being quite distinguished In that stHtc before the war.

Tn'lSTii- 1 when but 13 of ace. he turned his face westward and settled tn Atascosa county, Texas, where he purchased an L-Xtensive ranch und engaged in agricultural and Block raisin? pursuits. He was elected sheriff of Atascosa after he attained his majority and filled the office creditably. He served through the late civil war In the confederate urmy In southwest Texas and at the close of the strife settled in San Antonio, where he engaged in mercantile business for several years, finally giving that up to engage In tbe real estate brokerage business, to which he has since devoted himself. He leaves a wife and five children, three of whom ure married and the other two grown.

A FEATURE OF THE DROUTH. There is a peculiar thins noticeable In regard to the drouth which has prevailed in southwest Texas' during the past several lonths. It Is the fad that that section of lylnij between Sanderson and El Paso, which is usually the driest portion of Texas, 1ms hud an abundance of rain this season, and the ranchmen and farmers never before enjoyed suck great prosiwrity. The ruins have extended from the Pecos to within a short distance of Kl Paso. The runge Is green with tender and nourishing grass, while the water holts are tilleii to overflowing.

Cuttle and sheep ivore never in better condition at HiiH season of the year and ranchmen are only i i for higher prices to sell their stock. Kast of Sanderson there hus scarcely een any rain for several months, and the country is parched und stock water scarcu. SOCIAL EVENTS. An unusual number of social events in he way of marriages have taken place the city during the past week. Among them was that of Mr.

George Chabot, a romlnent young- business man, to Mis." Stapp. The ceremony was per- "ormetl at o'clock Wednesday evening til St. Mark's church In the presence of a arge congregation of friends, by Rev O. Q. A.

Hose. Mr. und Mrs. Chabot left he same evening for Chicago, from which city they will proceed to Niagara Falls New York and thence to Europe. Another wedding on the same night was lint of Mr.

C. A. Goeth lo Miss Caroline Jross, the daughter of F. Gloss, the TOURIST HOTEL ENTERPIUSE. The project to establish large lotel In San Antonio for the accommoda- lon of the of winter tourists vho nock here from the north 1ms been evived and It seems that there are splen- Id promise? of II belnff consummated he prime movers In the new enterprise are i syndicate of Chicago capitalists, aided by the Missouri Pacific railroad company he chamber of commerce ot thin city has aken hold of the matter In behalf of the itizens of San Antonio, and lossible will be done lo secure the erection 'f the hostelry.

is probable that the site of the pro- losed structure will be at Alamo Heights. For Btoady ncrvos aud pood sloop lisa Hromo-Splizer. Fontaine no Anti-Pyrine. I Vote for Hood's For I am satisfied la an excellent remedy, nave been a minister of Uia M. IL 40 years, and havo suffered of late years with them- mntlmm and Since taking four tottlm of tbo rheumatism is entirely cured, my appetite good, food digests well, I have Rdlned aeveral pounds." B.

PCFFEK, RlsWord, Vt. Hood's Curoa Hood's PIII3 euro biliousness. 25c. boi. Pure Linseed Oil Wo bottom pricott OP Strictly Pore SRT? nd Gonuinn Kottlo Uoilftd Liusoed Oil.

Guaran- ubiiolDte'jr froo from ad alteration ot any inj. Uond ui yoor JAMES BUTE, HOUSTON. HEADQUiRORS OB WAJL Notice to BuiUilnie bids will tw until Id o'clock M. 'Midi" bulltliUK ami 'uruiniiuig of Jail, Jail, ac- I r.iltci- ji C'Muny ol 'rk In town gf t'eii- i tvi vitio. i-nniity.

l'i-fts ro- 1 nuirt'il to (lio witli i i coru'Juf I oliudk for i i JtHM ns Una U- will comply Wit'i tho ol tint i'l'tirt in rxw-tttluK b-iiiii for a i lu-rfo-mance cutitrnct. Tho court reuitrvcs tho riRht tu rcj-'ct nuy und till bids thfy nmy thiuk proiwr. A.I bidn will bo to K. ul tho Coiirt uf Ltxu ouuty. inclureed tlierHiii: "Hid for ImiMtitK uml furuixhiiiR jail." Hutu ottOiKu illul tLWUl'Jod Ut 12 ou Ihu Bald tfitli dnv of Soptombcr, loW.

11. H. Dot of friends and thp public ironornlljr horeby reformed tbut A liavo aaociatud mvsolf wiiu Mlt. A. for tho puroosi) of continuincnnd carryiug on Uie KKAL ESTATE HU8INESS undor iho linn ttud stylo of MBVEK SCKhOEDER.

I trust thut tho patrouoto heretofore enjoyed by mo will tu extended to our now flria. KG- epcctfully. CHAS. A. SCHBOfiDEK.

OulvcBtou, Septemuor 1893, HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. 22d street (woet sido), botwoeu Market and. Me- chauic streets, GA.LVESTOK, TEI. laundry business and co-partnorshipburctoforo conducted in tho city oC tialvoston by und between Tbos. J.

Gnllapher. W. K. C. I-oahy, Chap.

Miobach und K. Hitchcock hat) boon dissolved by mutual consent, Tlios. J. (lulluKher bocoiiiinK tiio owner of tlio culire buei- r.uss the Calvestyii and Troy Steam Laundries nud utitiUmiiiK aU linbilitios. Tho rotiriiiR members bo.ipeak for him it of that liberal I a hrrctofcire IUKJII thi cuncern.


E. LKAI1Y. Alico.Toi.., Sept. bero- by given that a ineetiuK of the Live Stock Sanitary Commipgion oC tbo State of Tuxae will be held at Dallas on Tuesday of tho second week oC tbe State Fair (October -4), when all pereous in- toropted in mniutainiiuf or cimuging the present niinrantine'lino against splenetic or eoutberu fover are invited to appear before said comuiiv- Bion. KOHT.

J. bocretary Live Stock Satiitary Commission. For Lenso--Four blocks of land. Mot desirable location of any in tbe city fa? cotton compresses and yards. For full particulars apply at office of GATA'ESTON WHABF CO, Sealed bids will bo received by the Couoty Clerk up to noon.

Soptfuibor 14, for bridge across Highland Ijayon, as per tilans and Bpeui- licatioiiB with County CScrlc. Hids to bo ad- drosaod to Chairmaa Roaii and Bridge Com- '1 lip County reserves nil riirbts fo accoptor ro- ject ull bide. W. V. WESTKRLACrE.

Chairman Jioad and Bridge Committee, Galres- Notice to Architects and Uontractora. Tbero will bo wppcinl evasion of tho 1 "ornmiBBioD- ors'Court of Kaniot cojnty, Friday, SPU- tonibor for tbe iiiirjjOfie of receiving aud plans and specifications for a Now Count? Jail, together with tbe estimated cost of construction of Paruw, WM. A. LITTLE, County Judee Karnes County, Toxaa. Card of Thpnks--Mr.

and Mrs. B. Puppo dotiiro to eiprcSB their lo oil tbo kind iiffd who fo fpolingly nympathized with them i i a hour on the loan of tboir dear aoii Kttittnne. Also, for all tho beautiful floral offerings. Called Communication of Har- moijv No.

A. P. and A. ou MONDAY. Sept.

11, at 7.30. for work In tbo F. C. Dcjm'e. Members of Tucker Lodgy und ull Bojouruiug Brethrou fraternally invited.

JJy order W.M. C. N. Kiev, Se-. AtTCTIOW BAXiBS.

AUCTION SALE -OF- FURNITURE GROCERIES, ETC. AT 10 A. M. TX7E WILL i-ELL AT GUI! SALESROOM, VV nnrthwiwt coruor Foatollien mnl 22,1 Ifltb Cuntury half coiinpy Bedroom MuiU 1 Walnut iturblo Top Uudruom Suites. iiodsteadB, Mattrysa Obairs, Matting.

Gasoline and Wuod Stoves, (jrocories. Tobacco, bnufl', La to pi, otc. W. N. FRITTER CO.

AUCTION SALE OF A A FIXTURES. A AT 12 M. PRKMHI2S, nwrtli side of Market, between 21 Bt and --J All thu Fixtures cousistlce oi Marble Top ('oiintws. Houiid Tubles, Chalri, JlocltP, Stoves, Crockory, Olusbwuru, etc. W.


1893. I ON PREMISES. North Sith. nf bruvpi-'ii and com- jcimr at 1 r'iiie Choose J'l Store Barrels. Larze a i i Fine Count era.

Latest Style Delivery Cart, Small Sea lea other Fixture. mil tlif fii.o-.j-U attfiition of ijrocBty mer- Imnts tu tins' Mils, i i is in perfect mid.tion mill til'iirtct 'iinl liiteat styles. By order ol H. Ulr.p,:c. W.

N. FRITTER ALTTIONICKRS. AUCTION SALE -OF-. Office and Bedroom Furniture, On Wednesday, September 18. A If) A.

IN TIIK BUILDING OP THE Court of t'ivil Appeals. Boutlioast coinor of Winuio and 2Utb stniDlF. consistinc in part of FIDO Calendar Clock, 2 no Pifroon Holed Wardrobes. 4 Ariuoiros, 2 Pior Clocko nnd Mirrors. Otlico Tablo, Lounge.

Book Capo, teoon Holed Cnao. Office Chairs, Cabinet Top Sitting ft Wiishstnitde and Townl filuttroases, lied ClotLiinc. Lampe. Shades, 60 tJouo Woven Scat Clmirs. I Typewriter.

Wire aud Rub- boi Mats, and Miecsllaneoua Articles of Furniture pud Fisturca. sold by order oE State Authorities procootls appropriated to tho Con at Austin. PENLAND BREATH ratory. LIME AND CEMENT. AN CROWLGY.

impnrtor and (ioalor in Limn, Comfiit. Paris, Hair. Latha. Fire llriclc. CAny, Nn.

0 C'ommerce St. Bealora ir. anfl foment, Lima Piaster, Firo Brick, utc. MATTKES3 MANUFACTURERS. OTTMA'K BKOS; incorporatod July 3, 1S93: capital stock Huccnssors 1u Luttiuau STEAM LAUNDRIES.

THE FINEST Si Pfick-nrd's Troy Stonrn Lanndry. All. work intrusted to ue receivofl prompt led careful Attention. 912 1'rairio Avenaa 332, Houston. 'IVx.

UTORAQiD ROOM. 1 I CO. linvo room for rc-nt for hoavy Roodn, fnrnittlre, in their rffrt tifw warolinij.t\.

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