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Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • 2

Richmond, Virginia
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the times -disimtch: RIondv '-w fV TWO YEARS IN BED mab McKenzie who will be called FOR THE STATE AND STANFORD WHITE BIJOU -ALL WEEK MATINEES TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY ft SPENCER A Biggest Scenic and Mechanical Production the Age mi presiding ttvi Signal y' vtltin staggered In buriiic an enor "rh Miners few of whom wore In the Mcrft stared with mingled el Ing of expectancy and apprehension M- Ytt -are now brethren anld Mr "'i Stud! a to be transported the Med! eon Square Garden tower When the pie i opened you all ere et 5 liberty to have any kind of lit of sola or any bralnatorm ou-enooie K'-V Ate signal the waltera pried the pie 1 'open of It roe a daxsllng beauty aww doll with goldsn halrand about four feet tall She waa clad a a aweet mile and a quarter-yard of gauxa While the tablea were in a roar of laughter and applauae at the burleaque hit four nd twenty English were released from the pie and flew ever the tables to the open windows The doll wee made to eland up Iqr an invtslblo wire which the waiters hitched to her neck Just at the right nioment Dr MacAdam chalrmanofthe Denver committee wen the thla little diversion and he bras reward ed Dr Julian Gehring an alienist ap- pronriately moved that as Dr Mf Adam was the father of th waa hla duty to adopt and clotna ner A MELODRAMATIC 8CENO-SENSATIONAL MASTERPIECE A Storjr of Adventure by Land and Sea' 14-BIG 14 25---PEOPLE IN THE CAST--25 THE ERUPTION OP THE VOLCANO THE TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE AND DETRUCTION TRE FIGHT ON THE PIRATE SHIP AND ESCAPE ON THE NAVY SUBMARINE BOAT TWO REMARKABLE PORTRAITS MacKsnxIa fHtnd of Mrs Harry Thaw Is a study by Breton artist and shows Mrs Thaw Tho portrait of Stanford White showing tho dead architect's fs- bast In axlstwics It was rscsntly dlscovsred and la ons of tha rarest oT ths tv- $Kf a Ve: -t- 1 1 i- DRAG OTHERS INTO THE THAW TRIAL Jerome Ignoring the Mention of Craig Wadsworth and Men Evelyn Thaw Knew NEW YORK March Of 11 Ba those names were whispered disease sines and feel better now than having been connected with different eplsmfcs in her life Interest has centred in particular around an attache of the American Embassy in London who was referred -1 VnubS1 Thaw mtch tent to Stanford White by Tnaw 1 Imm Paris in 1908 On the supposition that this man Is Craig Wadsworth third secretary of the London Embassy uyMu comments have been made on Mi- Wadsworth In the London press ing of Roger the former detec-Thaw explained the cable dle-tlve chief of Pittsburg: the cost of natch bv declaring that the man she printing and living expenses in named had annoyed her in London the Tombs the bill to be paid by the and had up Into my mothers prisoner for bis defense does not foot mnm" at Claridges Hotel She also to more than 1200000 Before the case declared that hc was not a really began however expenses had and that since she had found that mounted up into the thousands aa a ahB tad not been to supper with him talner to former Judge William Sh admitted however that In the early Olcott of the firm of Black Olcott tara of her acquaintanceship she had ber Bonynge who was first called cone driving with him i as counsel by the prisoner had to be Jerome tried to put a different paid With the exception of a suit complexion upon the matter and sug- brought by a well-known alienist for sted that Mrs Ncshlt had appealed iiooo that concludes the to this man to get her daughter away fist of expenses from Thaw However the London Te State In this trial has been put to Throne does not accept this version more than ordinary expense because of It professes to see that Mr Wads- out-of-town Investigations Into the life wnrtii abused his official position and 0f tbs prisoner Railroad fares hotel talks of the matter as a social bills and the over-timo wgges paid It declares that It is time for detectives have added several thou-the ambassador to act and that if ns units to what would have been the does not do so the man himself should ordinary cost of the trial If the State's retire I outlay la approximately 1100000 the Is says the paper to sup-1 people who are represented by the dispose that tha matter will blow over triot attorney will consider themselves fit something Is not dons we shall prob- fortunate ably give details In an early Issue- i The chief expense for the proaecu-- It wss rumored yesterday that Dls- tion as for the defense Is the Insanity trlct Attorney Jerome had received oy experts They have had to be men yesterday's mall a long communication equal In ability and reputation to those from Mr Wadsworth setting forth his oetlled by the defense Their fees will aide of the case and containing a num- amount to about the same aa those paid ber of names of persons who could the experts for tho defense an- Mr Qi uni nop us I with strips of linen This sometimes relieved the pain but at other times failed to do so At times I had to crawl to my work using two crutches During these spells suffered greatly from pain around my heart which attributed to the rheumatism last my mother wrote me and asked me to try Dr Williams Pink Fills 1 I did and in a short time found myself getting better and have had no trouble since may here add that I consider myself perfectly cured I have not had the least sign of tho tu tiiu vari in tv Academy of Music March 16th Seats now on sale to the public A At StiefPs Piano Warerooms 205 Broad Street IS OUT OF DiUeEB Dr Rixey Says No More Bulle- tins Will Be Issued from White House PRESIDENT OUT TO LUNCH Accompanied by Dr Lambert Mr Roosevelt Goes for a Long Walk Academy Thursday March 14th MARIEXAHILL In Her Great New York Musical Success IT vv valuable Information to the people at thla Juncture in the case Formal i denial of the truth of this was made town said here 'to-day ho did not think there was any reasonable doubt of the nomination of Carlin Ho claimed to bare this prophesy upon Information received from pearly every county of tha district Mr Ryan who is here very frequently says he is pretty confident he will bo nominated He has mads a more active canvass thus far probably than has any of tho others -But all tho others have used ths 1 malls great deaf: writing to voters soliciting their support Mr Ryan does not give that method his approval still relying upon personal appeaL Whether'he ho nominated Mr' Gordon Is going to surprise some of tha (mj dldatea Ho Is not using a brass hand In hls'CMvass' but he -la seeing and that in the' case of a man of his attractive personality means a great deal KW MIII5TEH FOB Rev Mr Kennard Called to Baptist Church Has Ac- cepted u' Special to The Tlmoa-Diipatch WILLIAMSBURG VA March Rev George Kennard of Appomattox Va has accepted a call to the Williamsburg Baptist Church his pastorate to begin Hay 1st Mr Konnard has held pastorates in Virginia for the past sixteen yeurs but Is a nativa of Arkansas He 1 regarded aa one of the most cultured and scholarly ministers In ths State He is popular with young and old and has ths reputation of being a fine and a goo preacher Last July he closed a pastorate of nearly ten years at Luray Va The call ha met with the approbation of tho entire congregation and all are elated at their success In securing Mr Kennard's services $8oooo RE Destroys 45090 Cross-Ties 6 A Box Cars Injures a Vessels BRUNSWICK GA March Fire early to-day destroyed the cross-tie wharves of Aiken burned between 85000 and 45000 ties and eight hex cars of the AtlAntle Coast Line and considerably damaged two four-masted schooners the Eagle Wing and the Alma A Holmes The vessels wore moored at the wharf The total loss la estimated at between 860000 and 880000 WASHINGTON March 10 Marked Improvement was shown to-da In the condition of Archie Rooseve the Krealdent'a son who Is ill with diphtheria No official bulletins were issued to-day Surgeon-General Rixey thla evening expressed the opinion that Archie was practically out of danger so far aa the diphtheria Is concerned but that the disease has left him In somewhat a weakened condition He added however that If no complication set In the boy should bo well in two or three weeks A mors hopeful feeling prevails at (he White House regarding tlie sick boy than at any tlmn since the recent set-back In his condition Gratifying Improvement So gratifying was the improvement to-day that the President and Dr Lambert felt that they could safely leave the lad In the care of others and they went away from the White House twice At 1:30 o'clock this afternoon the President accompanied hy Dr Lambert went to Representative Long- rnorJ worth's residence where they took luncheon with Mr and Mrs Longworth wrttcn Lleutcnant-Uovern- oC tha shareholders of The State Bank returning to the White House at 1 or Taylor EUyaon of Virginia advls- of Virginia to be held on Tuesday tha President Roose- ing him that there will be no military day of April 107 In its banking velt and Dr Xaimbert went out for a from thla Stats on thn umini house No 1111 East Mu In Street in iong wa escort from this State on the opening the ct of Rlchmonj Va- at 12 o'clock Dr Rixey the family physician of day of tho Jamestown Tercentenary to consider and act upon tha auh- the Roosevelts called early to-day to The subject has been discussed between Ject of thn conversion of this Bank Arehm MrelJnt Governor Higgins and Adjutant-General BanlUne night that his condition was satisfactory and that he Is now convalescing from the attack of diphtheria He expressed the opinion that should no complications set In It would be only a question of a short time before Arenle would again be a well boy It was felt Tiy the physicians that owing to the continued improvement in the hoy's condition the dally bulletins could he to-day behind her elater States In her exhibits and the display that she will have on her State day for there ts a measure now pending In the Legislature that frovldes an appropriation of I1050U or a proper observance of Rhode which Prices 50a to 1180 Dr Williams' Pink Mila Cared Stab-bora Itheumatlaai When Other Treat mt Gave ho Belief Dr Fink Fills have been curing the most stubborn cases of rheumattem for nearly a generation and thousands of grateful patients have given testimony that cannot be Ignored Mr ltobort Odbert a machinist living at 201 Cameron Street Detroit Mich had a very distressing experience with rheumatism for about two years lie makes the following statement: the year 1807 I felt the effects of rheumatism which gradually grew worsa until 1 waa compelled to give up work for a time The years of '07 and 1 waa confined to my bed most of the time' I waa under doctors treatment but found no relief My legs were swollen from the' hlpa downward and Ad blotches appeared all over uern Frequently they pained me so that had to bind them tightly proximately 850000 i be warm-lv for in duo over to a relative Cripluiii Blown wan about sixty-seven yearn of age and served four yeurs in the Civil War He was for a long time an inmate if the Soldiers' Homs and I later won -taken to the City Almshouse wliilh piu-e he left after a while He I wan known to many buslm-aa men of tha city and was a familiar character on Main butiiv I I This striking picture of Miss Mas ths bsauty of tho chorus girl consoler of tures with unusual claarnsss Is ons of tho Whits portraits BOTTLE MUST TELL THE TILE 11 Whiskey Must Come Out In the Open and Own Up ENTERTAIN BIG BUGS? Four-Cornered Fight in Eighth District Is Joint Debate To-Day BY WALTER EDWARD HARRIS WASHINGTON March Secretary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture said to-day he liad not yet reached a decision as to whether he should require In enforcing the pure-food law that blended whiskey be labeled as wblskey or should simply require that the nature of the blend that la that the Ingredients other than whiskey ba plainly stated on each bottle or other receptacle He added that he should probably reach a decision next week The subject has attracted general attention' especially on the part of whiskey manufacturer and dealers The manufacturers of straight whiskey are con' tending with great earnestness that the blended goods be plainly labeled ae artificial whiskey The rectifiers as strongly oppose having their 'goods termed artificial simply because It Is the straight peo pie term it Colonel Phil Thompson for many years member of the Houss of Reprc sentatlves from Kentucky lias boon one of the principal advocates of an order compelling the blenders to stamp their products aa artificial Takes His Straight ought to be called whiskey" he said to-day something else should be called something else If a man wants to drink straight whiskey he ought to know' when he is doing it and if he wante blended goods the bottle ought to tell him whether ho Is getting It I have always tuken mine There is not the slightest Intimation given by Secretary Wilson as to tha manner In which he will decide the burning question Who Shall Entertain President Tucker and Brooks Johnston chairman of the board of governors of the Jamestown Exposition Company are here to-day attending a meeting of tho Tercentenary Commission composed of the Secretaries of the Treasury and War Stats and Navy The session of the commission was held behind closed doors It Is understood that the commission la endeavoring to have the exposition company pay ths cost of entertaining ambassadors and other diplomats attending tha exposition Thera Is no money available by the Treasury Department for this expense It la understood that the exposition company feels that the government should defray the cost of entertaining the representatives of foreign governments as well as the military representatives of such governments But the appropriation bills for the benefit of the exposition provide that the government shall defray the latter cost while they are silent on the subject of entertainment of the diplomats It is not known how tha matter will be adjusted or whether the conferees reached a conclusion on the matter thla afternoon Four-Cornered Fight TI10 four-cornered fight for the Democratic nomination to Congress in the Eighth District to succeed tha lato John Ulxey waxeth hot Tha candidates are working night as well as day and tho voter out of so many aspirants for his favor Is finding little lime in which to sttend to his dally duties There la going to be a joint discussion at Stafford Courthouse on Monday It Is possible that each of the four candidates will mount the hustings and tell the sovereigns why they I should vote to send him to Congress I It Is rertain that Judge Nlcol Lindsay Gordon and Carlin will make speeches but there Is doubt as to whether Hon John Ryan will take this course lie is not much In love with speechmaking preferring to talk to the voter vls-a-vis where there Is little chance of the voter before-mentioned getting away A citlsen of Alexandria Xr Carlin's aumims beat la the at any price but in this case the best costs the least money Homoeopatnic treatment saves Irug bills and shortens slck-icss Richmond Homoeopathic Pharmacy Career Fifth and Mala Streets a Island Day will be on 'the anniversary of the battle of Lake Erie Tuesday September 10th Tha orator of the day on that occasion will be President 11 Faunce of Brown University Ills acceptance of the Invitation to make ths prlncl- i pal address was received and an- are requested to attend a stated nounced to-day 1 communication of their lodge in Ma lt now oeema probable that thta Fannie Temple THIS (Monday) EVEN-State will be represented on opening ING March lltli at o'eiock Mnm- bars of sister lodges and transient brethren are fraternally Invited Meetings MEMBERS OF FRATERNAL JQt Lodge No S3 A and A M- BASKETBALL Three Teams Tied in A League The game Saturday night in the Young Christian Association day by His Excellency Governor Illg-Lieutenant-Gnvernor Frederick If nartv in th first hair th Rniran Jackson Adjutant-General Sackctt two 34 PERSONS DROWNED by two but VZXZZ mnbeM the Governor's staffed VESSELS LOST: Basketball League between the Spartans and the Celts was a surprise ths members of the Rhode Island Corn- MINN0CK HEARD THAW THREATEN LIFE PHILADELPHIA March Thomas Minnock a hypnotist who la showing at a local museum this week Is one of the witnesses sought by District-Attorney William Jerome In the trial tw Ur Jerome calls thorn the of Harry Thaw for the murder of defense is prepared to resist to tho ut- Stanford White -frnviKt the introduction of their testl- Minnock conducted a school of hypno-mSSV direct examination she did tism In New York In May lo2 Thaw not nrofesa That her story wna cor- it is said applied to Minnock for asslst--r(rt it was told to the Jury simply ance Thaw wanted to master hypno-that they might Judge of the effect It tism so he could gain control of Whits would produce on the mind of the do- and Evelyn Neshlt and win her away rends nt It is the general from hla rival It cannot therefore be attsekedlnre- buttal In any ISb! named by her have not been aub- poensed by the district attorney TRIAL TO COST BOTH SIDES $350000 State's Share of This Sum Will Be Approximately $iooooo Experts Expensive 1 NEW YORK March Harry fight to save the life the State contends lias been forfeited by the death of titanford White will cost the young man clos to a quarter of a ml'--lion dollars according to an estimate compiled from authoritative sources The expense of the State's attempt to send tli- wealthy Plttsburger to tho chair will be In excess of 100080 An Interesting fact ih connection with Thaw's side "df thd case is that up to this time not one penny has been received by any of the luwyers or the experts except a retainer of 810000 given to Dolphin Dclmas when he was brought on from California to taka charge of the affairs One of the lawyers for Thaw has already spent 18500 out of his own pocket for Incidental expenses attached to the trpcrhapa the greatest expenditure 1 needed to conduct a defense based on Insanity is the hiring of experts Tho men chosen on both sides In the Thaw trial are at the head of their profession Besides large fees some or them have required a considerable amount of per-' suasion to bring them away from their regular work to submit to a cross-examination jConcerning their qualiflca- lions Big Fee for Delmas Next in order so far as expense goes come the lawyers Those who are retained in an advisory capacity require aomctims fees almost as large as those asked by counsel who are active In the Court proceedings In the Thaw case however out of the large array of counsel In court only one man will receive fl amount out of proportion to the general fee given in a murder trial This Is Mr Delmss who has crossed the continent to defend Thaw As regards the experts for the defense there have been at least four un- der retainer at one time Tho average pay of an alienist is 550 a day whether he goes on the stand or not An agree- ment to that effect is nearly always made If an expert is called as wlt-' ness his fee is doubled and sometimes trebled So much professional Jealousy exists among ts rlass of men however that If one Imagines another is receiving more Is being given to him nine times out of ten he will withdraw from the me The expenses of the Thaw experts may be placed at 85ft eon The decision to end the defense without placing two other alienists Isi reserve on the witness stand wss move by Mr Iieimas which probably saved the prisoner 818-800 more In the Thaw ease this expense i not the largest item because of the fact that so many lawyers have been retained This Is an fxeeption to th rule In murder trials where the fee tho alienists generally exceed those of roun- ael Mr Delmas alone will receive as much as the total to psid to the ex perts not including tho IH''WO sent to him in Man Francisco to come on here The expenses of nil other counsel for thq defense will not equal this sum Preliminary Items Heavy Including the cost of bringing witnesses here from out of town the Mr- Minnock said yesterday ail I got 8500 out of him for lessons Of courss henever bereme a jpnotlst hut he proved a most interesting study for me day when I had him talking about it he burst forth and told mo that if he could not win her away from White he would kill him I had no Idea at that time that he would carry his threat Into execution In Jersey City couple of weeks ago an effort waa made to kidnap me and get me over to New York I am anxious to keep out ct the case and would not Under any circumstances go to New York to CRADLE OF THE REPUBLIC Dr History is Receiving Much Favorable Notice i Special to The Times-Dlipatch LIAMSUl'RG VA March Dr Lyon Tyler has Just issued the second edition of Cradle of the which has already attracted wide atcntlon and added new laurels to Its author Cradlo of the la' history vt Jamestown and Is probably the only complete authentic history of the first English settlement now la print Dr Tyler has in the last few years taken a leading position as a historian and is recognised as probably the best authority in the country on Us early history lie Is familiar wit' every detail of the early settlements and his honk Is both Instructive and entertaining The new edition is handsomely bound and pMhtnd and Is Illustrated with portraits of Captain John Mmlth Pocahontas and many other celebrities of the early days of tho colony as well as views maps of Jamestown Island and of the surrounding country showing loratlon of early settlements The work Is most valuable to students -of early Virginia history and is a valuable addition to any library James City Appropriates $500 for Education Deserving cmfw mww Special to The Tlmn-Dlipalch WILLIAMSBURG VA March The James City Board of Supervisors at Ks lattt meeting appropriated 500 to be used In the Interests of education The money will be used by the county school board In purchaelng scholarships for deserving young ladles who mar he able to stand competitive examinations not more than 8100 to used In any one year The action of the board has met wltl warm approval among the educated classes and the board has been congratulated on placing James Citv In tho lead In pushing education to the front and setting a model the neighboring counties CAPTAIN BROWN DEAD Body of Aged Man Found Wagon Yesterday The lifeless body of Captain Marshall Smith Brown an cx-Confedcrate soldier whs found In a wagon on South Eighth Strc-t yesterday morning Death was to apoplexy After Dr Taylor had viewed th ri-iimln and determined an Inquest inii-c-sry be turned the body half the Celts got after their oppo- mission nents to the tune of 18 to 4 The final score was 22 to 10 This leaves the Britons Greeks and Spartans tied for first place Ths Celts have still a chance for first place Though the Romans and Saxons are out of the race for the championship they will give the others something to do before the season close Both teams have lost a number of games by ono or two points Ilne-up of teams In Saturday's gams: Celts Fahr forward: Cullen forward Williams centre Morris (captain) guard Bradley guard Spartans Thornton forward 'W Braverman forward Pearsall centre McC Thornton (captain) guard: I Greentrce guard Pearson guard Field baskets Morris 4: Williams McC Thereton 3 Thornton 8 OBITUARY Edgar Hicks Mr Edgar Illcks a well-known cigar manufacturer died last night at hla residence- No 803 North Twenty-fourth Street The funeral arrangements have not yet been made Earl Bottoms Earl Bottoms Infant son of Mr and Mr Bottoms of No 523 Denny Street died yesterday afternoon aged two years The funeral will take place from the residence this afternoon at 8 o'clock Richard Kingsman Cantley Mr Richard Kingsman Cantley died Saturday March Id the funeral taking place in Baltimore on March 5th Mr Cantley Is survived by hla wife who was Miss Lucy Randolph Daniel of TWO BERLIN March 10 A dispatch from Cuxhaven reports the loss' of thirty-four lives hv the foundering of two vessels a German cargo steamer the George Wottcrn and a during a heavy gale In the North Sea The dispatch says no further details have been received but that It Is believed those drowned comprised all aboard both vessels Foster Backus Dead NEW YORK March Foster Backus formerly district attorney of King's county and a criminal lawyer of note (lied to-day Mr Backus had been suffering fro mnervous -breakdown brought on by rheumatism Tailors Get Increase The journeymen tailors of local union No 44 employed by A Simon A Bon on presenting thr-ir scale of prices were granted a 15 per cent raise in sala- rles Saturday night This increase has been granted by A Simon ft Son Jacob ft Son Myers and Ebol ft Son THE WEATHER ForecaHt: Fair Monday and Tuesday warmer Tuesday light to fresh north to northeast winds North Carolina ralr Monday colder In west and southern portions Tuesday fair warmer in west portion fresh north to northeast wlnda COMJITlOXiS YESTERDAY HU-lminmi's weather was cool and rainy Thermometer at midnight 84 vMhmwi Cullen Fahr Bradley Freethrowi Morris 2 STANDING OF THE TEAMS Cluba Won Lost Britons Greeks Spartans Celts Saxons Romans By order of tjie Worshipful Master ay UOTTIGHKIMER Secretary -t ANNUAL MEETING OF Notice Is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the Stockholders of the VIRGINIA STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION INCOR-I on MARCH 15 1807 at I at Hotel-Richmond Vs for the purpose of electing officers for ths ensuing year and for the transaction of any and all other business that might properly he considered at an annual meeting of the stockholders This meeting is held In accordance with the by-laws of tha Association and in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Director dated February 36 107 A CHAMBERS Secretary Richmond Va February 37 1807 RICHMOND' VA MARCH 4TH 190T The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Tredegar Company will be hold at tlie companys office In the city of Richmond on March 20 1907 at 13 R- ANDERSON Secretary Tredegar Company' the eervlces which will be held at o'clock deaths BROWN Died In this city Saturday March 9th 1907 JOHN TWIGGa BROWN In tho eighty-second year of his age The funeral will take place from his late residence' 611 Ninth Street MORNING TO-MORROW at 11 o'clock Died Match 10th at 3:48 at the home of his parent Mr and Mrs Bottoms No 823 Denny Street EARL BOTTOMS aged two year Funeral from the residence TODAY ut 3 CROSS Dieif at Yonkers on February 9 1907 Miss MARY ROBERTSON CROES daughter of the Rev Mr Croi-s former rector of St John's Church Richmond Va Died Saturday March 2d RICHARD KINGSMAN CANTLEY formerly of England His wife (Mlsi Lucy Randolph Daniel of Richmond Va sister of thn late Daniel and three sons survive him Ills funeral took place In Baltimore Md on MARCH 6TII Died March 10th at 10:15 at 903 Twenty-fourth Street Mr EDGAR HICKS Funeral notice later Funeral Notice The funeral of Mra MARTHA CORDELIA FLEA SANT will take place TO-DAY at 4 o'Elorl from SL Church Interment at Klvervlew Cemetery Richmond sister of the late Daniel and by three sons Miss Mary Robertson Croesi Miss Mary Robertson Croea died at Yonkers on Saturday Miss Croea was ths daughter of Rev Mr Crocs former rector of SL John's Church Richmond Funeral of Mr Brown The funeral of Mr John Twiggs Brown who died Saturday evening will take place from his late residence No 411 North Ninth Street this morning at 11 o'clock Dr A Dreher SALISBURY March Dr A Dreher -aged thirty-eight year a prominent dentist of Salisbury died this afternoon In a hospital In Philadelphia where he had gone for treatment i A difficult operation was performed on' him a few days ago but unsuccessful It was thought for a time that ho would recover and his many friends here were irreatly shocked upon learning of Ms death The remains will be shipped to Salisbury for interment The deceased leaves a family Dr Dreher stood high in the dental profession In North Carolina Funeral of Mr Boaz CHARLOTTESVILLE VA March 10 William Boaz who died at his home In Albemarle county last night will be buried to-morrow afternoon at the Boas homestead His pastor Rev A' Robinson will conduct TO CURB GRIP IN TWO DAYS LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine removes the cause To get ths genuine call for full name and look for signature of EL Grove 256 HAVILAND ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT SCRANTON FA March Hav-lland of No 20 Broadway New York who says he- la a stock specialist was arrested here to-day on a charge of embcsilement He Is accused of embex- C'OXIHTIOXH i IMPORTANT TITIK8 snng $23000 entrusted 'to him by people (At 1 Place Eastern Time) Thor- Weather Augusta Atlanta Cu Buffalo Chicago Ill Cincinnati Davenport Detroit Mh-h Hattern Jacksonville Kansn City Memphis Nc-w Orb-ana Okluluinii City Pittsburg Pa Raleigh Savannah Norfolk Va Tampa Fin Washington Wilmington Yellowstone for Investment He waived a hearing to-day and was paroled under the care of two constables for a hearing to-morrow Richmonders in New York NEW YORK March The fallowing Richmond people were registered at New York hotels to-day: Broadway Central Fl Valentine New III Epps Mrs 8 Dalton Fifth Avenue II Boshcr Coleman A Gruver Whiting and wife Herald Wilson and wife Boyd Hotel Levy Blnswangcr Wullerstoin HOTEL FULL OF GUESTS ON FIRE IN MOBILE MOBILE ALA March At 1 A the St Andrew's Hotel Is on fire will probably be a total lore The whole block Is threatened The hotel is full of guests fM inQ 2 Pm Mt 399 TpnN nr mtive CwMBCoMlaOtsaDcy unp HIM (TI KE ALMANAC March II 1907 Sun rise 8:28 HlGn TIDE Sun rets 4:18 Morning 2:21 Moon rises 4:15 Evening 2:47.

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