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New York Herald from New York, New York • Page 8

New York Heraldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 TOEK HERALD, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1871 1HE PRESIDENTS BEST BECEPTIOH. i-Gorgeous Display of Diplomatists anil Other Distinguished People. Butler, of Tennessee, to be Tried for Forgery. Jan. 20, isn.

Tfha PrcuMcat's First Keecption at tlio White Hnnse tliis Season. Tfio -President lieW his flrst levee of me season tuts evening, between tne hours of eight ana ten. Tfo anticipations or tne 6eau monae were rally ro- allzea, ns the affair was one of extreme brilliancy. Shortly alter tuc doors of the Mansion were thrown. open scores or gorgeously appointed eqnipaEes, with fiery, proud-stepping bays, bearing their freignt sillcen-robea representatives or ana fashion, clas.led up the broad sweep- isvn carriage drive, ana in their vraSe followed the plain, sa'ostantial carriages containing mat establishes! element or Washington society, ivhlcli is Trell tnoirn and universally respected.

These flanked on one siae by an eager crowd of slgt. seers, who poured in OXE tip the footpaths leading to the Executive Tnere Indeed, a motley Tortiy dames, In weil-preserved slices, trudged wearily along, spreading their!ec;ins wloga over a tiroofl of daughters, who Tfcre earefcliy gotten np in white musila, artificials end French gilt, Ticat-bootefl, whlte-nectlied yonihs escorted doB-faced wonld-be belles, wlio toiled bravely on, bearing on one arm ft large Trandle, when unfastened, presented a jinffcd, raffled and raeted mass of tarletan, muslin or sllfc, whicn, Hartns passed ttooagh s. smoothing EH'l jerking process, assumed the form of a train of enormous dimensions. This moving mess of lia- laanity, having Equeezeci through the entrance to tixe totce. low ana Bllort Slcovos, ovnr which was tt bertlui.

aiid ilowlnij sleeves of white luce, diamond Jwcls JUKI headdress or black velvet and Kilt flinvrrs. MrH. Senator Williams iriicteil iv great deal of notice in a rteti olicrry with white point trimmings oiimmonts ol irolu and diamonds, with amagnilicuu gdld nani umouK mo imiuin of lier liulr. Miss Cliiincllcr. who is one of Washington's acknowledge iwlk'H, was gracefully robed In a blue silk, will heavy pearl-colored gros grain court train ant colirurc or curls.

Mrs. General lUckclts was dressed Jn a black gros grain, richly trimmed with thread lace, wcllc point lace collar and sow ornaments. Hits. SECHETABY DBLAKO was Bljllslily attired In a blaclc velvet, en train, high conduce, trimmed with black guipure, and point htco collar. A large tea rose was fastened on cne side her hair.

Her daughter, who accompanied her, wore a nuxuve silk. Hie and waist trimmed with a darker shade of velvet; point lace collar. Miss Sherman also wore a mauve silk, with whlto muslin and sow ornaments. UunOredsof other corceous toilets passed with stereoscopic rapidity beiore the eve, and were crushed and trampled by the throng in the Bnet Koom. Tho Ked, lilue ana Eastjroom-s were a blaze of light, and they were adorned wiinjpyramlds and bouquets of choice flowers.

TItS MECCA toward which the fashionable pUgrlma Trended tnclr way was the East Koaui, where a scene of bewildering beauty met the eye. Society was represented In vailous phases and by people from all parls of tho United States. The satin ana laces of elegantly attired woaen brushed against the plain ivKlklug suits of fortune's less favored flame'. Tnp massive chandeliers flashed their brll- liant light on beautiful womea and distinguished looking men, or young enveloped In i masses of end rose-coiered tulle, and the ma- turer beauty of fsshlonable women In velvet and (iloraonap. DlgDlfled Cabinet Ministers exchanged the eeurresies of the evening with talented diplomats or played the gallant to splendidly dressed Senatois' tilves.

HEROES moved abont, resclandent In new uniforms. Oray- luured, portly Senators chatted with foreign Ministers' wives, wlilie grave-eyed, long-faced savans wougJit their dignity down to the point of a as well drilled conueMes opened the batteries of their fascinations upon taem. Young, pretty-faced brides, In toe regulation pearl-colored silk, and white flowers in their Hair, clung closely to their husbands' arms. or the Supreme Court had. I law aside a little of tneir austere Oisniir with their Judicial i obes r.nd apparently resigned themselves i to tne enjoyment of tae hour.

Fashionable fops, I who were gorgeously apparelled in fall dress suits, diamonds and flesh-colored Kids, promenaded the room twining the ends of their waxed mustaches, adjusting a dainty eyeglass ana styling themselves iromen- fciUers, as they pansed to scatter small taffi among Washington belles, it-no beamed upon them, each one radiant with the thought that her dress was the 'HAXDSOKEST Jjf THE BOOM, ana filled with great expectations of bnliant triumphs mat are beiore her during the present sea- Mansion, was for a Time separated-- the male portion filing in one direction and tne female inaaother son wmcn olds fair to be so gayfanfl" which every the object of whlob wss to deposit their wrapping aBlfl 0nW A TAMSB SCENE. were sept busy in preventing peowe ia the numbered pigeon-holes of their respective dressing rooms: for all the annoyances at the Pre- In years past the worst has Tiis WAJCT OF BOOM. men ivao had not troubled themselves to don even- The Crst coor of the Executive Mansion IK dress walked about in a nonchalant manner, TO not designed for the crowds that in- TMS i oaf atd Tanaoly press within the limited rooms 0.1 women who had never been at a reception before every aubilc occasion. The sr.ewara of the and pooily clad workma girls peered with determinea that he wonia mangarate i longuag eyes into (he Blue Koom to catch a gllmp'e a new system of disposing of the visitors, and ae- of the repnohcan oonrt circle within. Nearly all of corcllngly arra-ged that, ae enure first floor and a I the members ofthe Cabinet and the prominent imii- taryand naval offleers now at the capital were present, ana amW the crowa, sparkling liere and there, were observed the decoration of most of the foreign.

ITinisters and attaches of Legation. A large nnmuer or Senaiors and Keoreseatatives, TaTaocrr IHSTISCTION OF FARTT, were to attendance. Among those nresent were Tice President Colfas and ladr, Secretary Bontwell porrtoa of the secona snouia be devoted to The reception evening. So to-night apartment, save those set apart for the presIOeai's familv and the business officers of the Liaasion, was too eacrea lor ths use of the sovereign people. Tae private dtousg room, heretofore ladles' retiring room, tne pantry arid tne tilUara room ware assigned for the gentlemen's Tearing room, and the dining roora at ivest end tee mansion, aajoimop: tae Ee2 Eoom set aparl for the ladies' retiring room.

TH3 HABBS 3ASC ivas stationed in the hallway, netvreen the East a a cae General THE HUSH EXILE Arrival of te Prisoners TSiss City. In The Grand Grab Gamo Still Going On--Tho Reception at tho Wharf--Tremendous Enthu- Biasm--Hie Grand Parade Hozt "Week. sna lafly, Secretary Delano and ladv, Secretary Eooeson, Attorney General Aierman," Postmaster General Cres-ivell anS lady, Senator i'o-neroy anQ Isclies, Senator Sherman and lady. General Sner- msn, Trtle and daughter; Senator unanfller, Trite ana i i daughter: Senator Williams and irife, Senators TTH- secoml floor, was given np to the son. Scotr, Warner, Corbett, Ferry, Howard, Senator lanaiors.

ty Uus arrangement Ames ana Trtfe, Congressmen Bants and Farns- all times and leoos la enTorcmg orders. THE LAUiES' EOOiC presented a scene almost surpassing descrltitioa. and confusion pretaiied. Ladles raa Sitter ana tnltner, and tbe confusion or tongues Suggested tae coasiomeration or languages and tne ceaseless clatter tt His Tower or BabeL Costly sSsirts were trofidcn tsader foot, lans snfl botignets vrere Elslaid. trains were trampled 02, gloves were split fcoss irriEt to anger ends, and elegantly attired ladles to look over tke fieaas or saceeze into iiwoes other elegantly dressed femafes standing la various attitades before the mirrors.

In tss asycLSisss's COAT BOOH: the scene was one or confnsion Trorse confounded. The crowd or visitors was so great that it was --ita She ereatest dliflcnlty that the gentlemen coald pet ineir coats and hats deposited. Toe ladies' dressing loom ires coctiguoas to tue geatiemen's aiice-room, Os that as each ladj left the dressing room sae was met in tbe Intc-Tening iinil by and then begaa tbe uatue for -A EAS3 sSluS WTTH THS PBESIBEKT. This was by BO means an easy leas to accomplish. One oonia only move oa an inch at a tuae anrid the glittering nnilorm-L costlv laces, shimmering suBaad Casnftg jewels.

Bv aim; cf Berssver- each at reacted tiis Sice SJG3, trnere the oSief of the nation, in: s. feu goit black, witfc tfMte aecK- sad gloves, stood 6amiir surveying "the croTrd. JJarslial Sharpe TjerfoririecJ the ceremony of the president gave so eacTi of the tor iiarifecal, the Mexican jiiinisier: the slaa Minister and ladr, ir. d'Affaires of Greece: Porter and lady. Bear Admirat Hoff, Commodore Almy, General liicketts ana wire, General J.

G. Partc and wire, Commodore Case, Solicitor Genera! Bristow, General Allen and lauies, central Longstreet, General Giles A. Smith ana lady, General Zeilin, Geaenu A. B. Eaton General A.

E. Shiras. Judce George v. Fisher and a host or citizens or Washington and an army or i strangers rrota abroad. giving place to pleassM smlls he clasped the extended hand of friend.

sneir respects to stood sJisatiya aaa on the ligat of Presiaect. sarroonrlea by Mrs. Creamer, tne BabcocK. Kossra. daughter of ife.

Secretary or The committee appointed under Senator Morton's i resolution to Investigate the condition ol affairs at the Sonta, or which Senator Scott, or Pennsylvania, is chairman, propose to go at once to worS. In a raw days they will issae a number of subpcenas to men in tie Sonth who are supposed to be cognizant of the alleged outrages recently committed there. Among- them will be Governor Holden, I of Korth Carolina; Governor Scott, or Soath Carolina, sad Governor Davis, or Texas. Tt is the intention to maSe a report before the close of tte session, if possible. Woman JafirEee In tie BTonse.

TVhiie the bill to provide a. Territorial government lor the District 01 Colombia was tinder discussion, in the Ecnae to-day an amendment was proposed al- lowing -women the xignt to vote. It secured firty- i five votes. shows the Btrengtli or the present I ffimale snittagi'inoVenaent intleHonse. Itwoald The visitors den paid scarcely leceivs a proportionate vote in tae Senate.

Income and Means Cominiitee wUl meet on Monday nest, lor tae purpose or taking up the qnes- tion of the income tax. I. is believed that a majority or the committee are in ravor ol carrying out the sleeves, wii Sash or velvet ana-point lace coIJsre of cbatelaiae braids, ana oae iosg cori ornameatea with a sjiray or crunson auil let; ja or gold end diamonds, heavy cttata and braceies. ZKS. CKE.U»ZK Tras beautifully drassea la shell plnfi sraln, -with white ana tunic, low corsage and lace berths, pink Jlos-ers in 3irs.

Canip'jell presented magnificent appcar- Jisa, and Mrs. General Sent, who Trera assnnna recomrnenaatioa ol Comaussionsr PieasantOD, to ier In receivwc. Saaeral MicaJer penonaed the ceremony or iaiTiflactioa to tho Presi- al)011 a Ifle Oent and ladies in accastomed Trial oJ Tennessee Bniler for Forgery. I Oa Congressman Butler, or Ten- pctnt anl 'taarabont feataers: nessee, wUl be tried Ia the Criminal Conrt or this District oa the charge of forgery- It will be remembered that last summer Butler was indicted Tor this crime by the Grand Jury here- It is aliened that lie forged cenaia documents on the Pension Bnreau- CcosidcratioQ of the Alubazna Claims. Senator Samner, chairman or the Senate Committee on foreign Relations, has addressed a letter cJiaTfi was Srapafi, -wiia ornaments or stone csmeo, and her hair Sn JraiSs sort adorned "With a white japouica.

Parsons wore frhste point, sigh corsage, aotrijg beeves eieaant; sncl pin; hair r.uSJs imrt cnrJsaad '--In peari-roic-rea srws craln, Trttn caerry cnrsace, point larc berlna, jeweis of dlasouds ana pcsr-s cha.clKls braids to lfl laid before the cosunlttce, embodying the recommendations of the President's Message about ffie Alabama claims. As soon as this is furnished Senator Suniner. the consideration of the Alabama claims will be commenced by the committee. Ifce KCTT- JEIve Per Cent tcan. Sir Joan Kose, the eminent Eagllsa banKer, will remain Here until departure or Minister Schencs Several long interviews have tafeea yery handsome In a grcs crauj, ncaiy place between Sir Joan and the Secretary of the doc- ana pswaerei jewels at CTe cr enihorized by Jaie act of I Coagrcss.

The preseaco ol ex-Secretary SIcCul- CTX3SS Cresseu was 'jresjeU lig. corsaze. po-n; inmstors and fri 1 probable tSsttfie ITTOana a hair icijuoiiso! dollars' -wSo were a blscS com colorea coauiissioa to be allowed oa Ibis Joan will fall into Bioiri: tnncisca wita Wacfe SSiS Co, that aeir caorrv FIIS, oraamcnt arc very slgaiacant or some greai Snazcial project raas cr SITJ curls cau pear ilr. at its Jaj 4 IE a ZC JDiflKCe Ol ISO b-: Kffisea rae of In- icias. SacJi 5s not 5ic case.

Slainps aro Klities arc or Distillers' nas-nri; carcjss-lT csics; Crea l-f C'l-s-tre. A ssr-sra" jd-ist FXk. a njflic TiD'Wra. jUn iac-? -poiiit tar 3orrn itf Kis of KsJ'iirjre. Her scarM.

IcalStr; itr 1 -01 ESCilaos K-J. TT.T« Slfl'T'Sj 13eT.35,~L IjRl. irasaiVi'-sfl. vKfl fbs CoTEmsssioncr 1 of RCTCHTIC is i 5si v4icra tfcstlilcra Bars opnostMj of IMS a.ufl caier Mr- Daa.Tio'5 il-re of 1.1:3 Jntercal KsTsaue Enreautney i-twii rjf2 WCTS beaten in jJisir 1 ic. nafl no a-n- I KI.T.OS5 jas.

3n liis the Sax ia? IC-'. I an 3 ae tt We At raiaday the Cuba was released from quarantine, but before she n-ng ready to leave her passengers, with their luggage, were transferred on board a tug, which conveyed them to Jersey City. When the ferryboat from Jersey City arrived at tho foot ol Cortlandt street there was an Immense matt to seo the prisoners, ana enthusiastic cheering wpke the echoes in the vicinity. It seemed as if the wholo population had tnrned out, men, -women and children, and the ovation was at once- spontaneous, hearty and immense. THE FIVE BULKS proceeded in a coach to Sweeny's Hotel, escorted by a company of the Legion of St.

Patrick. Hero tney were waited on by a deputation from the United Irishmen, who, through the hands or their treasurer, Kiohard McClouil, mmle a tokeu of their visit by presenting $1,000 to Rossa, accompanied with a latter an a the following THE IEISH PATEIOTB WHO HAVE BEES LATELY LICE- KATED FEOM BEITtSH GEMTL-EMES--W rive you to-dar a cordial welcome to the laud of liberty, gome of -Js, like yourselves, were Dora under the dark station- of European despotism. You rebelled against Its continuance. We feel It an nonor. therefore, to call you our countrymen.

You care set a noble example, and one which will not fall to be imitated until the wmto slavery of Ireland be an dead as the black slaverv of America. Under tho most terrible trials you have proved ronrselvc! worthy of tho land you lovej and of the liberty for which rou have contended. Those or uo who are of American tlrth regard you as the pioneers in the Old World of those eternal principles of right and freedom which Fathers of the Revolution triumphantly established iu America; and wo bid you God speed-while you labor lite them to free your country from foreign thraldom, and set it as another itar In the glorious constellation of universal Iberty. xour own experience Is a woeful demonstration of what monarchical despotism can do to oppress, If not to lestroy-the best and truest of our race. Ths condition of un- lappy France tells at this hour how successful a tyrannous fcntt proflisale government can work out tne ruin of a great and peoerous people.

Gladly do we receive you Into a land where such enormities are nntnown and Impossible and where the choieu ruler of torty millions of free people dla- charges Us hlch trust wlth'alruBlitTand faithfulness that are the surest pledges of the stability and elory of the American republic. See to It, yon hare seen so nrach of and suffered so much human despotism, tnat Its fell corruption shall never be permitted to poison the pure fountain or American freedom, or to affect the totesrity of Us civic, State or federal administration. You owe this to yourselves, to Ireland, to America. While we struggle and suffer lor freedom in our lative land let us never be tempted to affiliate with those in his land of our adoption who, for their own lolltleal purposes, endeavor to degrade our race j- making them instruments to destroy at tbe jallot boi that liberty In this country which was denied them In the land of their birth. Some of yon are already ourfellow citizens.

All of you will doubtless and in season become such. We grasp wita confidence the ands of both, for those who have already suffered so much or freedom and lored it so well are sure to continue its best and firmest friends, to resent and to resist any attempt to undermine or corrupt it and to be as firm and faithful In aelr allegiance to the land of their adoption as they were to the mud of their birth. We proudly -welcome vou to land of perfect libe'lv. Your great countryman," O'Conneil, refused to visit this ountry or to receive assistance from certain classes of its citizens because the curse of slavery prevailed within Its borders. That curre Is gone for ever, and we stand together to-day under that oeautiful flas wnich never was lowered before the foes of freedom, and which waves only over the free.

In the name of iie great American peonle we oucemo-e bid vou a cordial welcome. J. J. MILLSS, Chairman United Delegations of-L K. F.

B. ana U. I. THOMAS J- KELLY, Secretary United Delegations of F. I and THOMAS P.

MASTERSON. Recording Secretary United Delegations of F. K. B. and O'Donovan Kossa replied in a speech, stating that could not express his gratitude, and that he would reserve the money until the arrival or the other prisoners.

Mrs. O'Denovan Rosaa arrived with her husband. She loots chatmlng as usual, but is naturally more cheerful than she was when in this conntrv before. In conversation with her yesterday she inrormed one of the reporters that she did not Know if she woald go lecturing now; she rather thought she would keep gnlet ana enjoy herself. T3E CITY KECEFTIOX OF THE ESII.HS will tsEe ulace on iloailay nest.

Jir. O'Donovan Eossa and the other gentlemen witn mm would use to aave their compatriots share in joy, out, advised by friends, they express themselves ready to abide dream of, on first dance, as pos-eg8lnz the ntrong wlUtuul uoMncss which iniido him the licro of Kil cloouwr Wood aud stcru reprover of KilKllxh Justice when awaltiiiff ucotouce lu the dock, ius face J8 ffcutlo Uut liiut Hues of uudouutcd atrcngtb about It lie Is dnrK-lmlred nnd dark-eyed, somewhat pale, bu In (rood hcaltti aua bupjiy in a meeting with Ills irniy hulrcd falUor uod two younger brothers. Tho iiicet- In(f was nn affectlnjr oue when the unseemly rusli or tho nrst part ol their "rccejHion" had subsided. Mr McCluro Is about twenty-live years old. 1IBN11V MULI.ADY has a frank, fair face, a laugliiiiK eye and a blonde inustaclio which droops ai the corners towards a BtroiiR chin.

Ue Is robust and hearty, and abou years old. CIUKLBS UNDKKWOOB O'COHNEtn shows most the fearful wear and tear or prison life, lie Is prematurely aged In appearance, and Ins hair Is almost gray, lu shaking bis hand one can reel the tromulousness of physical debility; but a soul bums lu his flart eyes which tho chill of the Jail could not uueiich- Mcctlns of Irish Socictloa. The Irish societies convened last evening at Hl- bcrnia Hall, No. 21'rlnce street, to tako Immediate action to recaro to tho reception of tho Fenian pa. triots.

Grand Marshal General William M. Tweed. was present, and notified tho different delegations to apply to him ot his office, 82 Chamoera street, to-day, and ho would assign them their positions in line. Tnere was a great deal of talk about "the meddle and muadle" of the Drcvlous night, and the following resolutions were unanimous!) wliereas the enorts of the friends end sympathizers with the eilliKl patriots of our native land have been frustrated by unwarranted Interference on the part of certain persons, acting without authority from any IrlKh orgaolzatfon, thereby preventing the eipresslon of feelings of adopted citizens and of the friends of Irish freedom, intended to bo conveyed through a grand demonstration In the city of New York, therefore Kesoived, That the parties by whose Interference the arrangements for their reception was frustrated are deserving ol the reprobation and condemnation of every true Irishman. Eesolved, That as the evidence roints to Thomas Hnrphy others acting with him us the I'nirmry and selo cause of the disorders which occurred on board the steamer Cuba wo boid aim up to the censure and condemnation of all the friends of our gallant compatriots.

Resolved, That to this unfortunate occurrence we aro Indebted for the postponement of tbe nubile demonstration wherewith the great city of New York Intended to honor their arrival. KeROlved, That we particularly nnd emphatically condemn the insults and discourtesies to which Air. John Mitchell and Iticbara O'Gormau, representatives of the exiles of 1848, wero subjected by the gang of federal oliicials and instruments us In this expression of just indignation. every A3TKEXATIGK Important niceties of Property Owners in Westchcster-- The People of Wet Forms Clamoring for City Protection-- strifeine Unanimity on the Tart of tho Taxpayers-Solid Itecncnn Why They Should bo Tafeen Into New York. An adjourned meeting of the property holders of West arnjs, "Westchester county, was held at Ittner's Hall, Tremont, last evening, which was numerously attended, the as- emblage embracing a considerable number of the most In- taxpayers in the township named.

Tho meeting was called to order by Lewis G. Morris, who asfced for tho ich were read, AKKAXGEHENT3 ABE MADE by the committee representing the city or Kerr York. The display on Monday, Iroffi. every indication, will be tae greatest demonstration in favor of irisa nationality ever seen in this citv. The exiles are Jeremiah O'Oonovau Rossa, Joan Pevoy, Hcory Mollaay, Charles Underwood Connell and John McOinre.

The others ennmerated in the list given below are on boara the Kossia and at sea, or are coming from Thomas F. Burte, seutence, death; commated to penal servitude for life- 2. John ilcCafferty, death; comm-jted to pcaal serritudo for life. 3. Jobn HcCIure, death; commuted to penal semtade for 4- Edward Condon, alias deaii; com- to penal serriitidc for life.

tportol" the committee of Eve, appointed ate trcvious meeting to draft a. senes of resolutions embodying ieine of the principal reasons why the taroayers of West Farms desire annexation to New lork, had oeec read and adopted without a dissenting voice, tho assemblage was addressed byW. W. Niles, J. V.

William Herrmj! and oiheis, all of whom took a decided stand ia lavor of an- I aeiatlon, and setting forth the numerous advantages that must to tho residents of that section, whether they frere proprietors of pastoral acres or owners of single city lots. On motion a committee -rras appointed to draw up petitions and cause the same to be circulated, for the s'sna'tures of the taipajers throughout the toffn, and that they also be authorized to proceed to Albany, and use all reasonable means looting to the coa5timms.tioa of the naneiation. of West Farms to the citv of New ForSu The following were dtilv acpointea such G. Morris, Fred- ericfc Grow, V. Trannasen, William Hetrin; and W.

JViiee, Annexed are the preamble sad resolutions adopted by the committee appointed at the previous meeting held on Friday evening, 13th. to prepare a series of resolutions i expressive of tbe views ot those assembled oa that occasion, presented their report as follows, viz. Wliereas a bill Has recently been Introduced Into the ulsiature by Senator Genet for the purpose of anneslne certain portions of Westchefiter county to the city of JTew and "Whereas the present system of government Is not adapted to the growth and development of our town; and Whereas the business Jfaterests antl relations of ourcom- mnnitvareso closely identified with tne city of Xew Torfc, rather than with iho county of estchester, that the extension of the corporate limits of ise city over our town will enlarge our privileges and advsntagcs. Taereioreresojved, That ID the annexation of onr tarra to the citv and county of Kcw Torfc we recognize the solution of ail the difficulties which now -orerent oar town from exFantflug into a populous and, thriving: communlt-s-, and from deriving those aavantas 1 which must necessarily result from extending the jurisdiction of the thoroughly organized deuartmenis of the present citr governiaeat orer our town. Resolved, That the Introduction, and use of the Crotoa jomlnj (Br), urcrpool Jnn 7, 1 TM' Aoulwn.

,1 UBM tt Cunard Ftemmhlp El CM, Nlclternon, IVIlmliijton, NO. 0 days with uavnl to the StenmnlTln Co John Oloson, Wintcre. (jeoruitown, DC, with with uulKe nnd UM1 Alernck, Slcftmshlp Fanlta, Poane, rbllndeiphla, vvltli rmlBc to tlici Lorlllnrd Steamship Co. Sclir Veto, Liverpool 71 with mdsc. to Woodhouse, Soutlimayd A.

Iludd. Carno tho southern pas. sago and bad constant westerly galt)3 the entire paHsai-c- was lit tlays north of Ilormurlo. Schr "WcHtern MaM (Hr), Kippack, Itlo Cr-indr. 4Q davg with hides and hair, to l)owloy.

Corners Co--vessel to G'l' 1 Iltlllejr. Crossod the cqimkir Wee S3, In Ion Kb im'l lino weatber up to tbe Gulf; since heavv weathor; north of llattcras; Dec 24, lat '7 19 Ion B2 II) ppnko ulilp I'ompero. from Callao for Dublin; UrcM. lat 21 Ion SO SO W. schr Cur of AMph.

from Jiueniu Ayrco for London; Jan 8, lat 1557.S, loll 67 Sophia, from, Jilytho for Gimdaloupe; Itth, Int 23 Ion ft 03 brig Car! (Swe), from KIo Janeiro for New Vorfc Fanned Throuxh IteU EOITND SOUTH. vvSS 1 118 Clvmor TrMon, Scott. Brld cport for New 1 ore. Und been to raise coal barge, sunk lu Long island Sound, which wan towc-i Into Bridgeport. hrK Grant (Br), llratlshaw, Cornwallia, NS, for New Sclir Walter Scott (Br), Sypher.

St John. NH, for New Yorl- 12 d.iy3, with lumber, to A Wilder Boulresscl to pi JjPTltiS SOU. Bchr Nellie, A.hford, Calais for New York, 20 with lumber to bchultr. aterman--vessel to sitncson i Clapp Jan 18, OIT Gay Head, spoko ncUr Mary Ward, from Mass, for Savannah. 1 gclir Charlie Cohb, Kennedy.

Bockland for New York. Bchr Artist. Oodfrev, New Uedfortl for New York, Kew London fci- Iloljoken. ttoswell BprnRne, Jjewln, Hnmburi; cot ont for OricMis). Cleared 4lh, Harvest Homo, Berry, Kt Jiii-o: Sib.

Flonta. for 'Wnilnjjton. (JowitH, Jnii C-I'ut lu, Jiclty. NutrJiurn, from Now Yorll for liremcu. 16--Arrived prior, sblpn national CroweU.

Cardlir: Kleano, Brown, MvrpunU Jan 0--Sailed, Rlili) Hunker 11H1, IJontnn Jan. 5 IlnrUelt, for Antwerp ouid ancuorcd)! GtU. I'hlltidolnblu for London (and pirn-cydcJ): ChrlnUalt, PiiJla-lol. phla for do (and nMchorcd; Marion Kmera'rn. Sliul 1 wi-rp 'and anchored) Kir Colin Cruuptall, Hobertaon, do foi ixjndofi (30 1 procceJcdl Adrlana, Lnnilon for Now Orteimi (iiiid aiiclinrc'i).

(Mr dofith. llnclo-top, from Ml MtcaljrotiJin foi Neiv Oi leans; Oiike of tVcUlngtou, AUen, from Nov Orlcnno fur Jircrnrn. Povnt. 3n jturlon EmcrTOn, KhcHrnVc, from for UrMneii; called for nllol, and will oroccKl to crt'ia, Soule, St Helena sate port to nw.ill bn-akliu: up at Ice. Arrh-ca, Carrm Bc Sound.

0 1 1 I Vrk rl, to load Jl.ABOlw, Jan 3-- Arrived, Emma Sfcor, from point. Jan 7-- Arrived, Edward llfriicrt, Dancao, Sailed "KewSod'fora! IJoc I. 0 VIyllc (Ilawl, Jiamburg; chip lolaui IRi.r or W1011T, Jan 4-OIT. Balder, from KcwTorS; tat Schr Anna Dickinson, Dickinson. Port" jctfcreon" for Aew York, in balliiBt.

to master. The A Is a new vessel, and was launched Jan 3 from the yard of ISuylis a bons, by whom sho was built for Caot and other" Her dimensions arer-tensth of ieei. SS breadth of ft 4 in; depth of hold. 9 It 1 iu centreboard, and 166 tons She is intended for tho West India fruit trade. Schr Ercelslor, Murphy, Cold Spring for New York.

Smith, Huntington for New York Sloop Gold Leal, Smith, Millstone Point for New York. In Long Isiand orders. BOUND EAST. Bclir Lizzie Lee. Stubbs, Norfolk for Fall River Schr Bonnie Walters, Walters.

Virginia for Portland. Scar Julius Webb, Bremner, Virginia for Fairhavpn Schr Cetacean, Hamilton, Virginia for new London Schr Haws. Kennedy, Virginia for Boston. Schr Hattie 1'ierce, Howes, Vireinia for Boston. Schr Wild Phillips, Baltimore for Fall illver.

Schr Susan, Behr, Woodbrldqo, N.T, for Boston. Schr New Zealand. Lowe. Eifzabethport for providence. Schr Hiram Tucter, Curtis, Hnbok-n for Providence.

Schr DeSance, Crockett, New York for Boston. Bchr Henry Clay, Foster. Hew York for Boston Schr Ruth Hodcdon, Pendlaton, New York for Sew Bei Schr Sarah Knight, Tracy, New York for New Bedford. Schj Lookout, Smith. New York for Gloucester.

Schr Gem, Thomas, New York for Schr JP Hinds, Ilennis, New York for Calais. BELOvY. elphinc from (by pilot boat Edmund SAILED. Sts-imship Henry Cbauncey. for As T7Iud at eunset Sfi', Shipping: Nates.

A new feny Is proposed from the foot of East SeTcctcentb i Uunier, Boston; Erato, and Kniilv, DInsmore, New York. Eut outivard 5th, Verona, Arroivbiuith, Europa. rvrbeiT, Mobile. Arrived (Irftte-cnd 7th, Car, Pike, Wilmington, NC; Reed, Fhuadelpbli; Celnstlj! Empire, Taylor, itatl Snnduckv, Norton. York; Hei'c Alorsfl, Gregory, nnd tiauds, Baltimore; Lurline Partrid-ZB, Orleans.

A'so arrived Rth. Vi'lndcrniere, Yeoman, Savannah for of ancJors. 1 Sailed 7th. Norway, AVooJburv, Cardiff and Csllao. Ll.M'-ino.".

n--Sailed, (frora Saran- Eali), Liverpool; Mary Long. KpIpie, London. nesi.vA, Brnofts, Uenna; 23d. oe. Franklin, Nteita; fiusan Bergen, Dayh, 23lb, Houirrs, Taylor.

La: Dec "30-Arriv-ed, brig Ennia, Hopklna, Kew Dec S-Fal'cd prior, shins Marchioness of Lon- Gould Netr GJcnlyon (ir), Jriclntyre, do: oarki a A Oliver (Br), Paodcraon, and Monuchestoi street to Greenpoint and WiHiamsburj The Department has been Informed that the new panish customs regulations vrent into effect on the 1st inst, Tiiey reaulre the master of a vessel, on entering Spanish to have a manifest ready to exhibit to the customs Srst coming on board--the man name of the vessel, nationality, numbi lassengers, character of goods, whore Irom, to whcm con- igned, by whom shipped, c. Fines are to he imposed or non-compliance with these requirements. Barker, do; Ghnsca, Oroc'-ieit, Bostoa. In port Pec nhipi for Boston, Idaj, White Knowles, aud Aberdeen (Br), Gould, for Ne-v York. MjBtirotTiiKE, NOT liscort, Niaijo's.

Boston. NTr.vpmiT, Caspian, Syre-teru, Gloncestc? for Orleans: 5th. Enenry, Coatkins, RotlerriaEn. Eat 5th. Weiierhorn, Landerkin, Orleans.

Kov 2jr--Arrived, ship Clear, POINT, JAH "G--p'assed. Tork (e), Lndwlg. Orlcanfi an'i Hav.ina via Qnp.enst'ivTi. AitTTM, Jan P.tcilic, Ulaaohartl, Iiondon. Pec 2 Arrived, Caprira, Elanchard jjeghorn; Hopkins.

York. 5--Arrived, Horatio Sprague, Altaut; Ilerm-ia Docior. Grave, I'yrtlsntJ. ST JjQciS (Penesai), Nov 15--Sailed. VTarren Hatlet, WjQ- son.

ST. lice 20--Sailed. Nellie F. Dyer, Boston. SALT Ja, Maitle Taber, A' 'rich, Yori, SAG: Jnn9--Arrlr-d, brigs Keaoedy, Rich, Demo- 1 rara; Ht-h, Mechauff, Dyrr, Jan 19--Arrived, flcbra Carlton, Messina; JiHa '-IMJO, St B-'iy; ht of ihs Etstj.

Heitb, a via Mew orfc; TJ A Mitrhell, Io. Two Erotears. Gibbsi. San Francisco; brig Surprise, (Ur- Sr TruiilJo; also c'eH. fi a 4 eteaiuer timbre.

I Sa.Ied--Wind NS to ElttCfcsioaG, barfc Fredo! nlr aQd ri 2 Kescas. oatwara botiad; remain at anchor P.elotr-- Baric'Sarah Smith (3r), bishop, from Rio -Tcineiro: McLaana Hr), ilcLcjia jn, Chapman, Caiiao; scar Olirer B. John O'lieary, twenty years 7 penal serrltatft. 9. Hicliael Sheeny, twenty penal servitude.

10. John lifteen penal servitude. 11. WEliata G. Halpln, afteea penal servltnde.

12. John Francis Rearaes, fifteen rears' peaal serntade. 1S. Zdward fiiteen -ears 1 penal Berritnde. 14.

Fatrict "Walsh, fiiteen years 1 peaal serntiiae. 15. Fatrict Leanoa, filteec penal serritude. 16- KIcaar4O'3. Burke, fifieen years' penal

17- William Jf ackey twelve peaal ser- Tltnde. 18. Bryan Dillon, ten Tears 1 penal servitude. IS. Charles Underwood O'Conneli, ten years' penal servl- tn'Ie.

20. Deals Bowling iicrtcany, ten-- penal senitHd 51. William F. Roaniree, len years" peaal scrvimde. 52.

Georcc Browne, ten veara' penal semiade. 25 EdmondSu Clair, tea years 1 penal serrittide- 24. Jioruaier 24oriarty ten vears 1 penal iiohap. tea penal servitude. 25.

John Murpby OMUeaiy" 1 sevea years' servitude- Patrick Doran, stvca gears' pent! servitude. 2S. Henrv Shaw.EivTt years" perial serrjiude- 29. Slartm HanJer Carer, 5ve years' penal serrltaae. Sl'.

John Brannon. nve neaai serruude. EL Ihoiass Scatiev, five vears- penal servitude. 52. Ximotby Featherstone, penal serritade- 53.

Winianj Murphy, fire peaal Eerviiudc. 54. Charles HoorhonSS, five years' peaal Servifade- 55. John CarroH, firs peiiai semtade. SS.

Daniel Kedden. five years 1 penal eerrjiudc, James Anderson (Lane), five psnai servitude. 5S. Paulck Byaa, live years. IS AVSTKiJLIA.

T3ie following: are the names of the political prisoners confined, in Australia for offences similar to Uiose for TFblcli the above lieid, who of course, be also released ana probably on similar Edward John Se3r. death commuted to penal serri- iuSe for Ufe. 0. James Cofiv, tweaiy penal feiTzlude, tL John Hood, SXteea years' penal ccrritoic. "Be is in good healtaantl tnonpanot over five leei sis In height, has tBc square strong shoulders of a yptuig Hercules.

His neaa Is Urge, and rests, on a saoru tlilcK seek. His Iiair is cropped raioer and sariaouats a square, jcassive lore- head. onder which a pair ol small, deeD-set blue eves give an expression of snrewdness 10 the Jface. which is massed into fineness by a. compressed mou sirens chin.

He coraplatas ofsuortness 01 siphs Hie worst result of tis rlTS TEAK5 He appears about tw euty-tJiree years of asrc, but 13 perhaps older. He says ice stones t-olcTor their were in nowisc For the first- years everj had been Jieaped upon them. Taants and sneers Jroui brutal warders were almost only words ue beard iaiiuc ihe time. For the last twelvemoata nod been somewhat relaxed, and some small TTiviicKeg accorded 3Jifm, but- I3ieir oondiuon liw' been but amelioraXc'i TS'j release was the offer or the government and made for tcrmoJ Ifcs was rweivt veers' penal servitude. Tc on board were Sve ou't.

oT six confined In liie Chatham prison. XTie fostJi General HaJpin, refused 70 accept a pardon, would pr-evtat jus te- roaluing lo Jnecounuj- lo the perjured witnesses who Sad away fiis Mr. Usvoy saw that- nc ana Wic Other prisoners ntshcd Jiim TCconslcScr dodslon, but 35 3WCK. a5 10 Jjvc brother- ask? v.minJss'MneTKeaseriJ'ttn lo ana leaTS 5-0 nrci: This is end lo-iDMTtnr. others sctWofl me Jor- itr iTrmn u- -3n ri Army bill AliogtWiiT 327, IAC aexi fiscal Ttua is the ts'j 3ii3 'JAtrc 5s no tte a ol tali- A orrmm3ttce cainc -on a suxa rasst? Tor wants.

JSr- DCTOT wagin politicians had "-Do iliey "f'biDX, 7 staM DC, 4 by -dimcitDg their dollars us tocy can rafiueace BS? w-s are not HPT Save ibecn prtaoa JfT cause rf hands -erf buyers," icep uaflcr "brows; an aquiline TIOSC, the nasalls. A arohod brown beard liis Vrojize-3 fct-cc ihc sUiry of the UnflomiiaWc spirit 33 years -oi nee. Sis -sras to Mr, to iho m. The Ecui'teTaem ihat ne WAS iceO, Tflta ifcis mauls liiuacatTeG bthina als liact, e. EC sunslii xbcm ail Jas bring Him to 3iis Icnses, ihc 1 VSCHJiy5ro IS THE CVCST of tbclT rflferancc to GcnenJ Halpjn Mr.

K-ossa "'Say to i-nc public, sir, tlhaious ol sxien 3n t-hf -world and ilto best of tTis prisoners 23 wie roan -who lo-day refuses a conflJtloiial pardon-- GcntTal Hal- joan IB xbe -n w3fl sae sudden sad great Ouctuatlons In temperature, furious storms and constant liability to Ice floods, rendered it unsafe to usa the scow, steam drills, Ac, which have accordindj been re- noved to dock some distance up the East river. Marine Disasters, STTAKsiirp REBECCA CLYDE, at Baltimore from TTfl- zalngton, 17, olf Caps passed BClir Jieliic Doe, bound II xaiies south Cape Jlenry saw a vessel on fire on the beach and a schr at anchor near; olf Case Kecry passed a bark, two full-riggeJ and atfcrce- rnastedscbr Uouad Ia the Capes; off Bact river, bark Twi- irom Londonderry, and another deeply laden off York Spit another, and off Patoxent nrcr Boston; VitzparViete, Smiife, jars, do; Tiasieton. Otininiiags, ndsnce; Herschel 3 A Keoaev; barJcs Tezaplzr, PrccTos-i; Iw-ins; schra Ida Krchardson, Shep- jpUed by a svsi established and capable of being uss4 as sooa as reservoirs can be constructed and pipes Jafd, save our people the expense of a new aqueduct ana the acquisition of a water shed from wcicli our wnnts inav be supplied. That, hicldental to the introduction of the Croton Tvater, the Meiropolltan Fire Department with Its operations extended to our town, would greailv add to the security of life and property, and that the beneats to be derived from a department already created and so e2teniled its fl22 kacd to queach a conSasra- i of order acd prevention, In our commnnitj' demand that the jurisdiction of tbe Police Department should be BO extended over our towa that cnmianis can be traced to their Mdinij places witaout interfering -with the sectional regulations ot another department, Resolved, That the growth and Improvement of our town requires Ibe establishment or a system of grades, thereby eecsring to the Keciion sought to be annexed streets and are- nnes adapted to the of the macy, rather than tae fevr. nd incident thereto a scientific and systematic of sewers and drains.

Resolved, Tat by anneiation to the city and conutyc-f Kew Tort, and becominc a corporate part of said city, arc convinced that it must become apparent, to the lainre that be afforded the iahabitants of tbo eection usneied, la order they may be enabled to reach the business centres oi the city by rapid transit 10 and front the same, and ttat Kew Sorfe capitalists-who cannot be ei- pected to seefc an investment -wtfclj will tend to reduce value of rea: estate in the present city limits will perceive the advantages whlcli mnst accrue by rendering all parts of tag citv equally accessible. That to ttte city of Nctv iorfc. Inasmuch as Improvements alone arc not compensation for taxation, a systematic plan for the preservation of improvements is required, ia order that the benefits resulting from tbe lavest- mect of caultal shall be permanent in their character. Resolved, Ttat tbo extension of the authority of officers of the port of "ew Ycrk over the waiers of "SFestcbester COUDIT adjacect to the section xvculd soon "gecilon faecoiac the centre of the European trade, owing to the fact thai one dav's sail -wonld be saved in the royanc. and also from the fact that merchandise or every description coulc be transferred from the freight carlo the Tcsscl; and rice versa, and thus save the exr-eiises of lighter- age nnd cartage to the merchant and consumer: thus the ciiy of if cw York, -nrould be enabled to afford foe the ciransion of her commerce.

Is TM beta; dlirerieil to tne shores of dtles adjoining owing to lasaffi- RtKoived. That the ETOTrth amStfcTrciOpTnrjnt of oor induced not onir benefit the owner of real estate, but -crili tesd to produce wort sii classes ol" mecbanics and laborers, and tizat tne moneys locked Jn the city by reytrfct'oas nf savincs bank's and in the In tvills and trusts may be applied tp Improvements the portsoaa annexed as frteiy as ciscwhers laecUT- Resolred, That tic ywoplft of OUT Jrcm. their Identity Trith csitted it) re- ceire lie sace pnvilcces aa4 as tie citizens re- ourpesple dpcsdso rnncb of time and moncT- G- MORRIS. K. K.

HAM3LTOS. CHARGES BATHGATE. JOHK BSRRIAN. beatm auotaer at SHIP AI.TOE VENWATIB, Humphrey, at Jjiverpool froni reports 2S lat 43 35 S. Ion 34 4J savr the vessel floating head dowawards, the stem rudder in lower with blue waierWaVs; "distinKiulh It had apparently been but a very short time in that Eitaa- de: hull a SaHctl--SMp brlfis Us BKtjFAST.

schr SmaH, Jan 79--Arrived, schr Cordova, for P-ZtTDGSfORT, Jan IP--Arrived, schr Flora TemD e. Rovr- land, Tort JeiTerscn; sloon A Willis, Cold Spring, Sailed--8cbr Robert Smith. Balsaon, N'ew Tort CORPUS CHRISIJ, Deo 27--Arrived, sciir Crinoline, iori. "VTicks. CHARH 1 Jan 17--ArriTad, Schweigaard (Kor).

S-rraii. CitrdlS. Cleared--Barks Sitfca, a on GaJf of Mexico i Paouete Oczala. Sanlander; Labrador (Sp, 1 2Ctfc--Amred, steamship Jas Adger, Nevr schr i OiUorS, Eajt tloa. I i (o StJoba, lumber larten struck the Seal Islands, entrance to the Bar of Fundy, night of Slh K'CESTEK.

Jan IP--Arrived, sebrs I.anra. Roberta, iia-rsn for Xew Kervild, Ha'1. Kocklasd for do. HOLE, Jan IS. V7 Bicfc- MeUen, ''lirasoaas for Boston; Anna Iceland, shifted.

JL-oweH, fordo; Tinla, Clark, Pembroke for Kew Sail-d--Schr ilary Lcs Seirtow. rf l3th.9AM--A rriireti and sailed, snhrs A Ford (Br), inst.and axter beatia- a nole In' her bottom drifted of to I Center. St KB, for New Ann Eliza, Sawyer, A party from Ciiticr, wcr.t to her assistance and i Fraotibrt fr-r Lookout, iicPariand, Portland for Drougb.iiererew-tot^stDcrt, tae was do. chilled that tfle.v^vere compelled leare him at tke In Hsnrv Fllfcier. Ahble Franklin; brigs MJSTflOBip- schrs "VT Jea.

Isabel Pierce, Wia-ed Iticcr. CHr. Anna. 5 i Breton. she i Srara Fintf KG ST PETES Arichal, owned hv Hatton, TTat- TPTM; Gr l' KocSian 1 fCi via Karj Ann.

Harnlvn. Liverpool; CardilT: rrudeniia, Lc-crlne. Havana; schrs Look-s. Fran' I.TIC-I*. Suatan.

Transfer, of and for Portland from Cleared-- chilis I-iVL-rpcol: CrnnJc, co Ironsides, do i Lit rtt, MaW Sew Tori stotalioss: crew arrived at foil of water aad -will Hushing. (It has been reported yj cable that she oif Jfta SCWKS. New York. v--n sieamsajp Ellen FAI.UOCTH. Jan brig GHlfetl rof Yarmnnlh New Tort.

KS). Killam, irom Savarjaab for r.reaica, which arrive'! here cchrs A If Eob- 1st iDst, had lost ran aaJ frum collision Anriie firsca, in lat 31, Ion "0. with a vessel which proceeded. i Jan IS--Arrived. BCOT Aleiandna- IroTa HALIFAX, Jan arrivin- here report ib? gtieontncSiaos ternEc.

loss of liCe, as vet, has ueen rcnoned. to Dsrdiridenls on last rear's businezs, the losses very larse. IP-Ship Cordelia loMIc. is al litci e-ilc K. for UoMIc, is at iioljlicad, with Joss of I I HEWS.

is at Gib- Jan IS--Arrived. Bear Ale: York. 1 SJEDFORD, Jan IS--Salie-J. schr Splendid, Fhinney, York. J0 NEWPORT.

13, I'M--Arrived, schr Addle JInrcbic, V'jrs orCiIais. Sai'eTM--bchrs Kcsfc. Ncv? iorfc for 32nrio. Lcthrco, Ei'saJ-ctfcport lor Frovideace; sloop Harvest, cw f-jr do. ISih, AM---iirjvcdfin tbe nlcbl), scbr Kunlrcss.

Denn-srfi-c for Yort. 31 iJ C.icst,iticc, Dcracrnra for briz Simo3a Gosdev, frnm Swaneca "rom Jxnt3oa from Altata. has for toweilap the liver to acre sLcwriiliindcrMnecca- i sary repairs. I. Thmsfcer.

Eliz; ft and tviiii Jors ox" rs. Jau 6--The Hf-roirtn Doctor, fron rcpnrls la 25W.ftlar;;c;ro!i$fcIp, bcionpsc to on tire bria Simoda fKr). GoBder, iiwm itntiaband-jaed: co-ald not maie ont her niir.q two for 1 scbr for IctlCTK, X( fl COIB'CJ; in. a carfc probabiy Ibe KIpparciss, fror I for A BtJritey, frota Ealli- --Arriveti, tfusuncr Fl'irirta, Xt-w York for ITaili- fsur ss Tor to srris-c-1. Echts 1 TisTJ'Jren.

from Xormca: JS a Webb, fronisloror Vstt-c Kcrris, Palermo: sctr3 i. Har; W3si, Towa5C3cI, Fall Wc are isdcMed to the irarseref tbe steamship froia Cbarlceton. fcr bis -TJEZ, of KI (fonscrfrtis revenue has been 19 parlies la iiavaaa. XCTT Tort, was cd lo port Jiih, under of ituncbcicnt. cdter cr.

aTTivfr-I Coartof Mctsto, fozz Howca CroweH, of Sodoti- is in ice P5T--Tbe bari Etafl weal to ttia PU, wrth jfce ibf? Clcanor and a s'sip JVTI-I trom Is for an lEWSPAPERI COtb. Helen Snrnr, I'ccl. i 13 3 55poa seis eve 5 57 San sets. 5 04 i -water--ere 9 09 BJtTS OF MTTAKTCT-ES F3OH JvEW TflKK FOS ijBS KONTIsS OF JASrASY AT 'nan. -do: Ccn lailetry, 17 Jjia POST OF 7EI3T T0HH, Js.1357, 3ai Irrnn: fTchb.

Brtllsb 2: frcra Sarfm fw IXrt 3 Ecw 'rt i HinS Ajrres-- Ji A -Co. r-crrr, Jttniuazti-- TVanyiicll jf Dec 54. SatJa 15 N- JCCT 55 ral. -ifC- It rncc, SlAThT nyn, rr ET THE H3CRAI3 STBAM TACHTS. ia Kswcini, EWSPAFER.

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