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The Ohio County News from Hartford, Kentucky • Page 3

Hartford, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ko. A $10,000 STOCK. A Special Two Week's Sale Beginning next Monday, the 20tli, tho Cash Store of .1. JJ. Foster, Hartford, will offer all goods, consisting in tho main of Staple anil Fancy Dry Clothing, Divsk Goods, Quccnaware, tinware, at SPECIAL CUT PRICES! will last only during the two weeks of Circuit, Court, and will he a splendid opportunity for those needing goods to save hig money.

A 10,000 stock absolutely at your disposal. Don't forgot cuit Court at J. .6. Foster's Gash Store. Hartford.

ANNOUNCEMENTS V. OFTIIE SUMMER JURE 4, 1895, The work will consist of a thorough Courte, Pedsttogy, Lecture on Teaching nail diecimion of various questions designed to elerata tbo standard of our Wo" intend not only to satisfy tb want of those preparing to pass tho Toacbers' Examination, but our work will boot much interest and profit to that olaas of toacbers who, are earnestly desiring to meet tbo demands of tbo times for men and women of professional ideas and training. Especial attention will bo given to this feattiro of tbo EXPENSES: Tuition for 5. Board and furnisbod roomier week, $9 to Tuition, board and furnished room for entlro term in advnuco SIC Tuition for part of term, $1.25 per week. We arof grateful to a generoua publio for patt favors and will highly apprecitito any kindness manifested, to ns.

Bend for circular. JZdm J7V JU BEAVER BAM RAILROAD TIME TABLE WEST-BOUND. No. Ksprru am Mall p. tn.

No.jl Locil 4 jo p. m. No. 7 Mall anil Kspreaa II i6p. m.

No. SXiptcaa wo a. m. No, ji ttcal i jo a. m.

No. and Mall I oo p. in. IUblkn MxaalCK.AKtnt. $MoxH Wetltlt gctatd.

Widmsdat, Mat 22. Sucroa max attained by work and rarljr tit- lC. But a rtrjr useful factor It cen.tant So the new Shoes at Sobopmiro's. Wool-Bring It to Fair Ilros. Co.

Uoy'a Knee Pants 35o. at Fair Bros. Great Clothing headquarters Fair Bros. Co. Htevonst Rial, tho Grocers, can aavo you money.

Fair Bros. want all the Wool they get. Try Stevens 1c Rial for Groceries while in town, Pretty lino Funs and Prasole, at Fair 'Bros, i Co's. i. ii Dr V.

M. Mctealf, Ilopkinsvillc, was in Ilartford Sunday. Hoa. John J. MoIIonry roturnod from Colorado Sunday.

New line Silks for waists 40o. Icr yard at Fair Bros. Jfc Co's. Remaining stock of Dress Goods for cost at Fair Bros. Co's.

Pretty Percals yard wide 10c, at Fair Bros. Cheapest plaoo in Hartford (or Dry Goods is Fair Bros, ic Co. You will find the cheapest and best Groceries at Stevens St Rial's. Col. S.r.

Dent, of the Unitod States Life Insurance is in town. If you need a good Mowor, call on Field Sc Holbrook beforo you buy. ColiLem MoHdmry Louisvillo is' the gneatof John J. MoIIonry. For rfijngle, 'iliavp or Sh'tmpobj quick, easy.ina neat; call oa lington.

Call on Field A Holbrook next week and see their stook of now Buggies and HarnoM, W. Ford has ro turned, borne after several to relatives in Fordsvllle: Wool) Mits just the thing for shoes, tinwaro, and stoves at Sohapmro'a. Born, to 'tho wifo of Mr. A. N.

Wit. son, PrentuCon iheevenintr of May 10, fine! boy. We selj Shoos that aro SHOES-not Shoea that aro no good. Come to us for your Footwear. SaiuruiiiK.

Where do you buy your Shoes? Why not ''000 fro a We will save you money on, Shoes, Bohapmibk. Mrs. Wabor, Fordsville, is visiting par brother, Dr; R. Purtlo, and' alsojKr's, Hooker. uorn, Corn Jlcarts, CO'Mcal, Cream Wheat Bran and Sand-for Cash.

"Ad dress HxnpiUMaNiHowiNv Mii.t.3, Hen. dersoV. kP' the time and place tin ring. Cir NORMAL AT 9 AMD COKTiHDIKG FIVE WEEKS- and complete Iteview of tbo Teachers' Boavor DaaxL Parties wanting to buy tbo bout Mower on tbo market will do wall to call on Field Holbrook. J.

T. Felix.OIaton.and W.O. Duncin, Louisville, wore tho gncNts of Mr. and Mrs. F.

L. Folii yestorday. Rev. 0. 0.

Cox, tho Evangelist, will pltoh bis Gospel tent in Ramsey next Sunday and remain 15 days. Mr. J. S. Vaught delivers all ordora of Flowers from Nant Nounor free, from Boaver Dam, tojlartford.

Sweet Potato slips for sale in any quantity. For prices, apply to F. E. Nelson Son, Hartford, Ky. 20t3 Judge L.

P. Littlo and Judgo 0. W. MaBsie, Owonaboro, and J. B.

Vickors, Fordsville.nre in attendance at court. Field ic Holbrook sell the Milwaukeo Mower, tho lightest, smoothest running and 'moat sorviceablo mnchinoon tho market. If you need anything in tbo1 ial lino call on E. Bnlliugton, who is tho peor of any barber In tho Green river country. Fair Bros; Go.

regret, that they could not wait'ou their trade with more sutlsfaction Saturday 'on aooount of the rush. Come again. Wo'will treat you better. I Capt. K.

Cox and wife attended the dedication of the now M. E. Ohurcb, Sontb, at Green villo last Sunday. They I wo jo tho guests of E. Taylor and family wbilo there.

Died, at her Lome noarlliueB.JIjlLou 18tii Mrs. Mary Alby Daniel, wifo of George Daniol. Hor remains wefo laid to rest at tho Catholio burying grounds ou 10th iust. For tho occasion of the Stato Convention Y. P.

8. 0. E. at Louisvillo, May 24th and 20, tickots will bo on sale May 23d and 24, at 8:1.10 for tho round trip, good until May 27th, to return. H.

MnnmoK, Agt. Died, at his rosidunco at Phillips Station on 10th, of oiuour, Felix Remains wero 'interred at Sulphur Springs burying grounds on 20th iust 'HeteaveVa wifejond monrn his loH.yS ffS jijr I We have 4700 Jmshelsj Ohio" Corn, Chop and Moal, forsalo at, G5o. and 75c. per bushel. Kogand iff gallons MolossesforSl, JONKS MORBUKAU, 21t4 Pleasant Ridge, Ky.

Jndgo Carson has been tendered and accepted tho position of night watchman at tho Government workti oh Roucb river ut a salary of nor month. Ho go on ten days. Tbo Owonaboro Mossenger of Saturday says: Flour advanaed anothor 25 oon'ts on tho barrel yestorday. Patont flour now soils at $4,50 per barrol. Wheat in tho market commands 70 oents per bushel.

Rev, Sam, Jones will proaoh tho dedicatory sermon at tbo Mathodiat Church at Central City, May 25th, 1805, at 11 o'olook a.m. Everybody who oan should attend and hoar this Rr0ftt divine. See railroad tlmo tablo in an, other oolumn. Tho Hon. Edwin Rowoof has boon seonrod to deliver an ad' dress before tho litorary sooletes of Hartford Col I ego on tbo night of May 30th.

Mr. Rowo is a native of Ohio county, a fprraorciiiron of Hartford, tho present Commonwealth's Attorney of this distriot, and an orator of pillalifvd allllltv. Ha will ronivn a hearty woloome at his old home "and. will no doubt make a splendid Everybody. Invited.

unng on your wool to tho Hartford Mill, Having refurnished and roflttod our wool fcOnrtHn wo aro proimretfio'do work oil short nnllPA VA.A 1han1fflirfiM rinn. farm 1'UiltlU OKoaud hoo to merit a'contlnuance of lame. si. J. V.

Fohd Co. Tho Epworth Loague a splendid program for nox Sunduy ovenlng, at 8 p. in. Alexander will deliver special address on the of Wlmlom. Evoryono should hear this address, coming' ha it does from tnan of nearly forty years tcacbor, Mr.

W. K.i Boardman, manngor of tho Cumberland Telophono nnd Tole- graph Co. at Owonaboro accom panied by E. Browdor, is In town look- ing after subscriptions to tho company to build a line from horo to Owonsboro, thnsoonncc'ting na with many of tho larger cities of the United States. "In tho midist of lifo wo are in 'death." iruth is hardly so much understool os-'when we stand in thd presence of 'some poor widow with orphan infants, whom death has deprived of protector and support.

Many a helpless woman when left thus to tho mercies of tho world is left with no provision for hor support and that of (ho dopondont littlo ones about hor. It is to roliuvo tho necessities of thoso and to keep tbo wolf from tho door when husband and father is gono, that our modern civilization has institut6d our splendid system of Lifo Insurance. What husband and fatbor oan view tho' holplessucss otitis littlo ones and refuse to provido fqrtbem inposo pf his, death? No whore on earth can such ample and ImailoJfoV theso at so small a. cost as in the United States lOotO pany. Oeneral Program, for Commencement.

Tuesday evening at'8 o'clock, May 28, concort by Miss Whipplo and Mr. O'Sullivan, of Louisvillo. Admission, nanal prioos. Wednesday 'at 8 'o'olockj class in En glislrLItcratnrerln chBrgot)f W. Fos-Ur, Jr.

Thursday evening at" 8 o'clock, "address beforo tho Literary Societies by the Hon. J. Edwin llowe, of Friday evouing at.Bo'clopk, I Circuit Court Notes'. The' Ohio Circuit Court convened in Hartford. with Judgo T.

Owen and Commonwealth's Attornoy J. Edwin Rowopresent. The grand jury wns empaneled, tho following 'named, persons comprising samuf: Gool' X. Gidcomb, P. Robertson, E.

Gj Ktrby, Alfred T. Urown, J. B. Jack, It. 0.

Hunter, Lycurgus Reid, Elijah Miller, F. M. Hoover, J. R. Henry and Thomas A.

Stewart, 'foreman and sheriff. The gentlemen composing the petit jury areas follows: E. W. Lyons, Cyrus Rogers, J. B.

Sanderfur, -W. R. Moscloy, W. R. Chapman, J.

O. Coy, John Nicks, James King, J. F. Carson, Jacob Wolier, Edwfn Cooper, J. W.

Thomas, Eugono' IC. Cox, John W. Field, W. L. Ohamblis, Sam Bell, J.

0. Weslerflold, Samnel French, J. T. Wallace, P. H.

Alford, W. W. M. Maddox, 0, Tho 'following cases! on' tbo; eeoand day's dockot have been continued: Com'thvs. Gilbert Taylor.

Granvilfo Williams (2 cases), J. S. Lllcs (7 cases), John Hamilton, Sam Ralph, Veachel Swift, Carol Stevens, Thomas Hamilton, Allison Mitchel, J. R. Williams (5 coses,) Wm.

Sampson (2 cases,) Noah Hunter, S. E. Henry Muddox, Frank Si Peters (2 cases), Dora Gammon (Seises), Peto Burden, Robert Wolls, Olms. Pon roan, James Keifcr (a ones), Geo. Porter.

Oom'th va. Levy Alton, charged with malicious wounding verdict of the jury guilty, and fined $50. Oom'th vs. Wm. Foreman set forward to Wednesday.

Tho following oises were stricken withleavbf Com 'th vs. Robert Tharp (2 caseO.Wnit Wrd, Bill, Bolond, James Hall, 0. A. Johnson, LIge Jew el), Bon Adams (2 casos). good tie makers.

Wo aluo want, to on tho 0., O. W. R. ljetweed Rook-port uud Loitobfield. Apply! to.

i 2ltf Rookport," Ky. Tho question as to whether or not Lifo Insureneo pays longer tied if the exBmplespf'tho moat success ful professional and business men aro to bo ponsidorod. -Nine-tenths of tho best financiers of ilio eonutry'carry Insuri ii come. Tho yonng men aro takibg term liqlicies tho 'premiums 'on whioh.thoy a4u pay whilpl young 'and vigorous; tho bubinees men are taking policioa by the provisjqna of whioh thoy aro given safe and prpfiUblo investment and at tbo samo timoassnrod a neat enm to their ostato's credit in case of doath. Tho systom also ouablos tho bnsiuess man to overoome financial ombarrassmeut many -it lid would bo forced to tho wall.

You lit to insure, you caunot afford not usure: and onoe having made up you mind to lusuro you should attend to it at onco. Tho Prndential Inaiir. unce Co. of Amorioannsnrea tho l(vea of i ueuuuy nun I is in an iorms oi policies for sums from $1,000 to 325,000, investigate this Company. It is strobg, 'secure), i prpgr'asslve tind (liberal; The standard of safety in life insurance is the ratio of assets to liabilities.

Tbo Prudential has invested for tbo nrotoo. tlou of its of assets tor eaen nauiiiiy; For particulars, call on tho local agent, G. B. Likens, Hartford Ky. lOtf i TIT liictod will reioieo with D.

E. Onrr of. 1235 Harrison street Kansas City. Ho is an pld sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Lost winter ho went up into Wisconsin, and in oonsoquonco has bad another attaok.

"It camo upon me again very aonto and said. "My joinbT'swelled and becamq Inilmed'sqrA to. tbuelf pr almoa't to look' 'at' upon tho urgent roqueat. of my I tried unamuoriain'a rain uaim to reduoe the and ease tho pain, and to my, did'bothS have paina awelUng extant. For aalo by, 'L, WonyVGnflln i THOSE KILKENNY CATSI I THEY WERE MOT IN IT COMPAR! ED TO THIS MEETING.

Saturday's Shindy ly the Most Uproarious of -y 'Any Former Republic- an AN l5 THIS IS MUCH Uislbry tells ns something of passago at arms between tho monkey and the parrot, but that histo'rio encounter was a compared with Saturday')! assembly of tbo disciples of IrkTiia nn.1 lit1, itnlr wuv, uiu jiuM UUViltlljr, The tom-tom bad boon soundo'd and tho buglo blown and at 1 o'plock tbo hosts numbering just 82 with 'a fair proportion of Ham's sons assembled at tho' court' homo "'pursuant to long calling; for the purposeJOfl se lecting nnd instructing the Slate Rc'puhlican Convention which meets Tn Louisville, June Athr Tho County Chairman called the' meeting to order, and after Mr. D. F. Tracy and E. P.

Neal bad been nomi nated for Chairman, declared eloctod. A squabble ensued, the Tracy faction declaring that tho voto was hot fairly counted. division was called for but rofuBod and Neal proceeded with his usual harrangno ondt assumed tho control, of tbo meeting. Mr. Sam A.

Anderson of' the Republican was mado Secretary arid a on resolutions appointed. 'Divers, and 1 rv i snndry speeches with more, or loss 6bestnntty odor were then "nncorkedi The committee composed of Messrs. E. D. Guffy, M.

S. Ragland, Silas 8tevens, Dr. F. Stanloy and 0. P.

Keown then reixjrtcd the following Republicans in Mass Convention assembled do resolvo as follows: "1. We'approvo the call for the Con vention. or, 1 6tb, 1895, to nominate candidates for the various Stato offices to bo filled at tbo election in November next. "2. We approve the call for the 'Con-, vcutionat.

tbe.ramo time" and place to nominate a candidate for ltailroitd Commissioner for. this 2 "3. Wo approve the call. for this "4. We reaffirm our.allegianoe'to'tho principles of tho.

Republican. party as enunciated in tho national platform of 1802. 2 "5. That the delegates of this Convention and county to the Railroad Convention bo and are instructed to oust tbo voto of this county in said Convention as they deem host for the. intorest of the party, "0.

The delegates of this county and Convention to tbo Stato' Convention lie and thoy are instructed to cast the vote of this county in said Convention, for Hon. W. O. Bradley for Governor, Hon. G.

W. Long for Troasnrer, W. S. Taylor for Attorney General and as to the candidates for other offices said delegates will cast the vote of this county as they dcom best That tho following named bo and they are selected as delegatos and alternate dclegatesfrom this county to both of said Delegates E. 'Rogers, M.

Burnett, A. T. Stanley E-- D. Guffy, S. A.

Va. Taylor, J. AVomUb. u. Bishop.

J. S. R. Woddincr. Traov.

E. P. Neal. I. 0.

Adair. Perrv Westorflcid. TIT T-TV "1 -1 T- I ikuwe, u. ir. ami u.

u. Hockor. Alternates T. J. Johnson.

Jo B. Rogors, C'C'TJenniti JlR, Morton, W. SGaiucJ, D. uibuuii, 11. juurrusa, u.

jj. '4Jiies, o. T. Williams, Doz Bartlott, E. ler, Mason, A.

S. Aull, W. M. Autry, J. W.

King, and all other Ro- pnuiioans oi uiiio Ponding tho adoption of these1 Mr. M. L. Ilea vr in offered an amendment as follows: That. we heartily recommend the John W.

Lewis to tho Republio nns dfuKontuokyl for. United.States Senator, and in tbo event that the Stato Convention takes any 'action in tho Senatorial race, that tbo delegates be instructed to cast tbo of Ohio county for him." In attempting to got this resolution bofore tho mooting Mr. 'Heavrin out of order by the chairman, wbq for a long timo refused to recognizo him at all. An appeal was taken from this ruling of Ihis.was. tho flirvnal trw VAnnla Tintinittitinnlr tnim bWM wuifuauwinii, nn inn pat frnm Hlafv nrAnV vau nn his mottle and would eltion.

Mr. J. A. Smith wM'oaliid to the chair wMoheppM.waj oharire. The faeUon.lad fiv and his backers proceeded, to saoro or less aeverely rip John W.

Eewfai and UIS parilOUiar lOUOWerS. in 'U-I t.4 IV yuuiiuu up iububck, i fpranir h.mni,, I w.raw.w ed tho Washington ooanty statesman and when a voto was finally reaahed it developed that tbo people were, in a good' In Ilia very aaroastio spoech, npon the flbor Cli airman Neal leferre in any but oompIimenUry way to Mr. hok vynen neavnn at last got tne noor, which he did onlyaftor, great diffloulty, no DroflMMlAd tn aatin Mr. Nnnl In iwili mostsatisfaotorytd the majority. JWhahH ,311 felt they had been outraged by Neal'ai rnliugs, In the midst of Hwvriu siicecu a general, uproar rose.

"hoelera" bowled, mon jumped upon; chalrsand glared, at oackothor, whio, 1...1 i luuiuuuoinui vuu inoviuua weru niuiuoi in moaot oi preoipitattug a fight. Loud oriesOwore. made, for tho' town marshal and his presence in iiusi so laraaii lausou int inqomooi it hall no doubt did UUOI to provont tho realestate andpersonal property belnir Impending war1. In. tho fury of tho opntrovorsy sever- al gontlomen got tho opportunity to say some things' thoy Had' been wanting to say for soma timo, and some "very tongb bits of epidermis reoeived, aomq pretty sharp prods.

It was a vory sig nal triumph for Mr. Heavrin and his friends over what the convention re garded as a very impertinent piece of attempted despotism. Doing sat upon emphatically may perhaps have tho salutary effect of impressing the lesson of fair play upon somo of the rising Tom Heeds of the oonnty. 1 The meeting finally ended amid many bond'craokiriga mentally indulged fn by its members. It waa a great day of great enthusiasm and remits.

(1 JpTifyPwMpl numbers anjJJnJere8tVfastJ Sunday.aftehioon,, Mr. B. delirereiFr splendid I nuuresson "intimations oi immortal-' J9 vvu ait, uuiuu luai many mor'o Christian workers of tho town and community will join in this grand work. A special program has been prepared for next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock which is as follows: Devotional Exercises. Rev.

E. E. Pate. Music A Tribnte to Wesley- Miss Annio Fogle. Music anco of tho Sabbath T.

J. Morton. Music. Essoy Miss Mamlo Ross. Vocal solo Miss Sallio Cato.

Address by Dr. W. Alexander Subject: "The I Excellency of Wisdom." Musio. Ai Plea for tho Leaguo Wm. Fostor, Jr.

Wm. Fobteii, Pres. Miss Annie Foole, Boc'y. Found no Poison. Tho coroner's jnry in the inquest held over tbo.

remains of tho late wife of Geo. W. Reddish, completed their investigations here last Monday, having adjourned their investigation as stated in last week's Herald till tbls tlmo. Drs. E.

B. Pondluton andE. W. Ford mado tbor report and said they wete ynablu, after a thorough analyst, to discover any poisonous matter in tho stomach. The jury returned in sub Stancp'the following report: tho J31J K.

I'. Render va. Taylor Coal Co. jury, dud from tho evidence that Mrs. J'M v- JJJS A' to her death from the ..1.

ITI, 1 To Teachers. Tho' special Bummer Normal Training School provides for a epecfal Teachers' Training Course of eight weeks begin-' ning Jnne 11th. 1 Speoial Summer Rates. Writo for information CiiBnnr 2014 Bowling Green, Ky. .1 1 11 1 Honor the Dead.

On last Friday. Mr. Niok Misehel, of Owensbord, put upj small monnment over tne grave 01 Mrs. lilizabetti who is 'buried in Oakwood Cemetery. It is a very pretty piece of work.

The monnment, was 'paid for by the National Woman's Relief Corps. Tho inscription on stono, reads and is written tnus: ''Army Nurse, bf iDispatobes; Born 1820. Died' 1803. Erected by Nation1: a) Woman's Relief Corps, 1893." MomorlalDay, May'BOttilt wlli be dedicated by the of All friends aro' respectfully invited to attend, as all graves of both the Blue and Gray will be, strewn with flowers on this occasion. Also a good Bormon and oration by Rey.

W. H. Ohilders, of Sardis, is'xm program. L. O.

1 I For Sale. 'Ouo houso and lot in Centerlowp, Ky. For particulars oall on or address, i' W. R. TiciiKNon, 21t2p Point Pleasant, Ky.

I 1 i TJ Tg Tne Farmers' of Ohio Cannty. Remomber that Tracy Sun aro tho agonts for tuo, Uelebratou 'DeeringJ Harvester a machine that has been triod'and never, denietl and filling to Bo tried again. A wili took to your best interest by a close ex. aininatidn of tbo Deering machino. Thoy aro fully warranted in all respects dndaro the ligbe'st ru ning machino on t'lio market'.

Call and seo thorn. lit! T.t This is to certify thai I bought one peering Ideal Mowing last year at Uwcusuoro, tne same tuat Tracy Son now selling, and after nsing it'ono season I pronounce it the ligbest draft mowor I oversaw or used. I would reeomend it to all farmers who intend to' buy a machine this season. Jacob Wkllf.u. A lady at xooloys.

was very sick with billons colic when M. 0. Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town gave her uoitie 01 uuamueriain uollc. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was woll in forty minutes after taking tne Urst dose, fc or sale ty it.

Wayne Griffin Bro. Druggists. TAKE NOTICE! To tho tax payers' of Ohio loiintyf I take this method of notifying you 'that1 your 4-1. 1 aax iui inu .) uji, inu 'Ulti 1 andIcthat iJcWft JELLED llialvQ ,11 mont with the State Auditor jn aVory1 short time, and will ho compelled to collect the niOllOy at OllCQ, So you will plcas.q, (lilll my olllce ill Hartford, nnn nf nnr. nnnt nail wi inj 1 V'te ii field at'011C0 rtiill Settle your, Youiy tr'ulv.

tf I -T TJnconsmudonal. Thu Sunremo Conrt of tho United 1 '-1' blaWB Ufoiareu me income Tax aw Jbo bnt ils 'be law croady announced that taxes 'oW itata teiug Indisputably direbt" taxes, Ththitarjjs 'incomo of real' direct taw. "econave are oiiue opinion tijai H- dome of personalproperty orb likowiso direct 'taxes. ,1 "Third The lax by of the act of a direottax withinitbo' meaning of tin Vl.l TflnrA l1rlAnHoti mMeforjinonstltu tional and.votdibeoahse ed according to representation, all thoso sections constituting one' entire scheme of taxation Tr.o necessarily invalid. "Tholeoroos hereinbofore entorod in thiH niirfc will hA Vfthatftdr" Thn'dAnrni

-Ill 1 iuiutv nut iiu iiijuieuu, muu suu vuoto remanded with instructions to grant tho relief prayed. "Sections 37 to 87 of tariff act of 1601, referred to in tho oonolnslons of tho oourtln tho opinionsiiro all tbo tions tne aot Relating to tuo income tax, so mat me enure inooroo awls declarod void apeeiflcally." Another Car-Load Of the Old Reliable Horse Shoe Brand of, z3Ar Knna ann inrr ifjGrower." Call or Indrder W3I fb. fin m9 Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, DR CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

40 YEARS THB STANDARD. OHIO CIRGUIT COURT. Civil Dockot of tho May Term, 1895. SKVHNTII IIAV, MAY Jol J. Rowc, he, va.

T. I'yue, 3i8s Wm. Ilrvant. va. II.

I'. Wtt. -F'" 9i J- C. Townsenil vs, II. llntton.

UU V- llurba va. Joneph Wllnon; DAY, TUKSIJAY, May aS. M'S J. W. Renfrow v.

John nralclier. 3JS6 Sanic'v. I'ark Swin. 3395 O- II. Foreman vn.

W. l'owera. 339S Green, IIulTaker Co. ra. W.

Ralnta. I 3344 N. R. Sledge Co. va.

Ileurv Duukoll. 3401 W. B. Robertson va, Ja. A.

Tomerlln. 3413 Clint Carpenter va. Wm. Lyons. U' J.

K. Smith vaLotua Hatcher, Ac. 34'8 J- Tucker, va. 8. J.

Baker. 3451 Geo. T. Wade va. R.

C. Urown, 3437 H. Wll'llama va. S. Stanley, Sic.

3459 Mary Hardin va. D. Stewart Miller, 3460 C. U.Hardin va. Guy Iieaue, Sc, NINTH DAY, WKUNKSDAY, MAY 9.

349' A. U. White vs. Leila Sportsmen Club, '3470' G. L.

Bartlett va. lid Maule. '3471 Chaa. I'ellx va. J.

A. St. Clair, 3477 J. M. Tuustatl va.

II. V. Wallace! 3479 va. Ohio County Court. 3480 Same v.

I'lcal Court Ohio 3318 Kob't Keddlih vs. las. Gray. 3490 J. John n.

Greer. J49I Powera St'ttenfrow va. John Clair, 34,9 Ji D. Mcbanlel va. K.

A'. While. TKNTII DAYi THURSDAY; MAY 30. 3493 Ji N. Moxley va.

J. II. Roberta, Sic 3494' va. Robt- Reddish, 3493 C. Ji.

Austin va. Fidelity Trust ft Safety Vault 34W A.D. Balrd va. II. M.

Taylor, K. Jaclu.011, v. Geo. W. Tllford.

JS03 Lapojnt. vs. T.Morton, i50; x. r. c.

nrown, 3514 H. Watta va. C. I' KCOWD, KC. 335 M.

Taylor va. W. A. Taylor. 3517 M.

X. Townsend va. Calvin Taylor, COURT TRIALS. KL14VKNTII DAY, FRIDAY. MAY 31.

3117 M. Sullvan va. II. Bldwell, 37 1'. II Alford ya.

N. N. k. M. V.

Co. 3316 Drue Co. va. A. S.

Keown. 3117 R. McJOhnson Co. va. W.

Smith. 3U9 W. A. Gueuther Sou va. Same, 339 Carson Co, va, J.

K. Roive. 3433 A. B. Balrd v.

same. A Copy. Atte'tf G. n. Likens, Cletk.

A. VLOR, D. C. You've No Idea iHow nicely Hood's Sareaparilla hits the needs of the people who feel all tired out or rnn down from, any canse. It teems to oil np (ho wholo mechanism of tbo body bo that nil move's smootbly 'and work becomes delight.

If you are weak, tired-and nervous, Hood's Sarsa. parilla is just what you need. Try it, Hoods pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick indigestipu. Dscoration Dty For Colored People. Decoration day is almost here and as that day is a national holiday as well as a day sot apart for tbo deooration of and honoring tho dead by strewing flowers over the graves of the old soldiers of color, we have deotded no work shall be done on the ground of tho cemetery whilo tho ceremonies aro going on.

Tho colored soldiers at this meeting deoided to tako Saturd tr the 23th, of May to flllund prep.uo tho gruves for deooration. We trust that tho many friends of tho dead will meet with ns at the colored gravo yard add help to straighten np thd gravjs, ybo. lodges aro requested tnoimo out on Decoration Day nud show tbolr kindness 'and respect for thoso who sloep the sod. Wo also hope that Prof. Geary will appoint ffnother day to out the' trees and MAko the posts and build tho fence.

Ifespectfnlly old soldiers, Weslev Foiikuah, Commander. 'Chit Paiiki, S. 0.0. i Notice, wanting photographs will do well to dill ou A. t).

Taylor who will bo in Hartt6rd on Monday of each 'week arid Beaver Dam the balanoe of the timo until the 10th of Jnne. when ho will leave the county to be.absenta (fow weeks, tf I Id. I. qp Tla.a lr I 11 CUL 1 AllllkL Means danger. It Is serious condition nnd will lend- to disastrous results if it is nqt at oncii.

It I a sura sign that tho blood in impoverished and impure. Thu but remedy HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which nwki'tiilch, healthy blood, nnd thus glvi's fctivngthund elasticity to tho iiuixclos, vigor" to the uml liculih uud vitality to every jiurt of tho body. Hood's Sarxupiirllla iiosltlvely Makes the Weak Strong My slater v'u troubled with nunpusiiL'oit, uud tiivd feelliiff. Sio tried several ifiiinlles out until she bojrati taking Hood's Snrxuparlllu. KUterls tnkiii Hood's for a trouble with tint muscle of her limbs wlthbeiiiiiH."

Scorr, C'ovo, Arkhnsns. Hood's and jnpniy Hood's Mn.i?.. djh jiuuu 3 riiis nav? Your GLOTHES njaI? to -OK THtlR SAMPLH AT in (Sal Dry GoodH, Clothing. Boots, Shoos, Hata, Capa, 1 Kl ft lk i for Infants "Caatorlaliao well to children that I recommend It as auperlcr ahy iirowriptloii Vnown to mo." II. Aiicnia, JL Ill So.

Oxford Ilrooliljrn, a. Y. "Tho iho of 'CaatorU, unlrcrnal and Its merlta ao well Lnonn ilia: It kwim a work of supereroeatlon to endorso It. Few are the Intelligent famlUca who do not lep CoatorLi within mj reach." JUmttx, I), Xow York Cltr. This Cmiticr Suite soda i Interior to package ol Imitation trad marks and lakcls.

is the whole story about A AliP UtlW SOPA Ifi "tlZirirZKFPC nevtrjpolb 111 laiiyagvd. flour universally acknowledged purest in tie world. Made only by CHURCH Kew York. Sold by erocers crerywhere. Write for Arm and Hammer CHAS.

L. FIELD. Tifi 1 Ma, -if BmK iii mm A i. FliaD '(. i at- TEV-l kef I.

FIELD I HOLBROOK PEOPEIBTOES gtf gfctfg LIVERY IfqitfoM, Dealers in Horses, Buggies, Carriages, Surries, Carts, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons, Gale Harrow, Supplies, Etc. The Best of Rigs -DAILY All Beaver FOE Prompt Service at tihiieiim: jl. O-A-Lii. All Kinds Order -Tt CV vjuij: Th QRBVT Aercbpt Tailor. Tljcy Guarantee io Pit and Please You.

LARGEST ASSORTMENT. v-LOWEST PRIGBS. and Children. Caatorla cures Colic, ConrUpatlon, Eour Stomach, Iinictatlon, Worms, fives kleep, end promotes dl rjwtlon. Without Injurious medication.

"Tor revere! years 1 hare recommended your uml ahull (Jwajs contlnuo to do ao na It hax lorarlably produced beneficl.t reaulta." rOWIX P. PRDXX, It. 12th Street and 7th New York City. Oomiuxy, 77 Stmt, Nrw Yox Cnr. kMD HAA ZaWmz i H)k of valuable ReclptmrtUSS.

R. HOLBROOK. STABLE gN aOt (gtXijgl, eqtijyi' Saddle and Harness. Horses foivSaleor Hire at ill Tiraes. Attention All Orders Placed by Travelings Salesmen.

ni on Short Notice 'BUS- Dam Trains Reasonable Rates ot Printing TD03S03 A-T THE OFDP3CC3BJ..

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