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New York Herald from New York, New York • Page 5

New York Heraldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 NEW 1UKK HERALD, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, SHEET. DOUBLE EXECUTION. Negroes Hanged in Rillsbotougli, N. fc, for the Murder of a White Man. Site Crime and Confession of One of the Scenes in 4he Jail--Bungling Work of the Hangman.

HitLSBOBOTJGH, Oranee County, N. 1 April 1. 1870. i Two more condemned felons have expiated a ter- 'Tiole crime on the hangman's scaffold, ana "have verified-the truth of the scriptural Injunction, "Vengeance is mine, ana I will repay, saittt tae Lord." II not swiftly, retribution follows aurely the criminal irtio is guilty or shedding tne blood or a fellow man, and though months, sometimes years, may elapse, justice Invariably overtases the murderer and the scaffold claims its victim. Thera are few If any in the blackened list of murders where such coolness and deliberation or purpose were evinced, or a barbarous refinement or cruelty and atrocity was practised, as in the murder or Martin Y.

Bialock, a jonng white man, toy two negroes, named Tom Young and Bob Gunn. Christmas night last, when humanity should specially abstain from the commission of evil deeds, tbe one selected by these demons to carry into execution the loul purpose they had resolved upon, ana on the succeeding Sunday morning the citizens -Here were startled and homfled by tbe discovery of a fiendish murder, the deep damnation of which has scarcely a parallel. ITS FtKST DISCOTEKY iras made by a negro boy, who had been In the habit or performing several menial duties for young Blalock, the victim. Early on that Sabbath morning, as was nsuai, tbe negro proceeded to the room or (which was situated in the rear of a grocery and bar, in which he officiated), and on his way the aegro was met oy two other negroes, who told him that something was irrong at tne store. Blaloct Iiad retired at a late hoar the night previous, after iis nomerons friends had taken their leave, and that the last time he was seen alive: nor was there any apprehension felt by either himself or friends, as he was a young man 01 amiable disposition, good character ana popular in the community.

A terrible fate was, however, store for him that Christmas night, or rather Sab- Dath morn. "BTien the negro boy reached the house lie found the shutters of a back window partially open, and looking with the grayish light ol the hour Se saw the body of BlalocK lung on the floor, surrounded, as he thought, by a pool of either blood or he could not then ten which. Startled by his Hasty glance, the boy rushed across tbe street to the residence of his old master, Squire Murdoct, who "without ceremony he at once woke up, exclaiming, "Git up, boss! Git up on your feet, bosai Mr. Bla- lecs is lying dead on de floor ob his room." Hardly believing the tale of the boy, though sufficiently alarmed that something of a serious nature had occurred, Mr. Slurdock, with all possible speed, proceeded to tue scene, and so horrified was he by the spectacle that mec ms sight, that he lost no time in tolling me town bell--a custom usual in the South lor the purpose of alarming the citizens and calling them togetner whenever circumstances of an extraordinary nature demanded.

This very soon brought a large and mncu surprised crowd to the spot. TKK SLINGSHOT, KXIFE AND HAI.TES. An entrance to the room was soon effected, and in body the citizens ivcut in. Here ther beheld, in all its siwteumg horroi, the evidence of" a barbarous ana bloody deesl. Stretched on tne Door near the centre of the room was the corpse of Martin BlaiocK, tlie ghastly ana mutilated features upturned, tue teft leg across and restiog.on the right, ana the arms estendi near each.

aide. Te instil in. tne body was arrayed were torn and bloody. In the moutn a pillow case bad been stufled to sttile the dying cries of the murdered man lor help or mercy, ana this, hall saturated with blood, protruded Irom the jaws, now ngia in death's cold embrace. The throat was severed Irom ear to ear by tsvo aeep and jaegea gushes, as if tne instrument used was a dull ana uneven Wade.

Around me neck was also fastened tightly a rooe, which leu to the belief that strangulation was at first attempted; but, failing in this, the murderers had resorted to other and more effective means of despatching tncir victim. The left temple Tfas entirely crashed in by the blow or Borne heavy weapon, which left a portion of the brain exposed to the view. There were some fifteen or twenty wounds of various kinds, but mostly atahs. about the face and neck. The eyeballs were upturned and the cavities close to the nose were filled with clots of congealed mack blood.

Lower flown on the breast were a number of stabs, evidently made by a knife, antl with the bloody pillowcase sucking out or the mouth, the brain oozlnc Irom the iractured temple, the mattad Satr, tbe Cashed lace and chest, the tightened rope on the Deck and the pool of bloott on the floor, a more scocKing or revolting spectacle cannot well be pic- tared. rSSTBKHENTS OF DEATH. In the storeroom, behind the counter, one of tlie murderous matruinents waa fliacoverea. It was a email cogwheel, weighing about one aud a hall pounds, with a hole in the centre, through which a rope had neen tied. From the indentations on the murdered man's forehead it was SDcedily ascer- talnea that this had DCQU used effectively as a slunc- shot.

The rope round the neck told the wore it had done; but the knife the murderers had carried off with them. The object of the murderers was evidently BOBBEItT. They had Gained an entrance by knocking at the barroom door at some Sour after midnight, nnder the plea of wanting a drink. Tne young man arose and adraittea them, when, It is supposed, they com- pletca then: blooay work. As a precautionary matter they closea the floors ana winnow shutters.

Tne "watch, chain, knife and other articles belonging to Blalock were then appropriated. The till ol the store, containing about $175 in curreacv, and asmail quantity of silver ana com were also taken; and these, several articles of small value, comprised the booty, wltn which they compensated themselves lor the awfnl tragedy they nad commuted. THE MUBDEBEKS. Suspicion soon attached to fob Gunn, Tom Young ana joe Lutterioueh, negroes, who had been seen lurking In the vicinity or Blalocfc's store on the njght ttie deed was committed. They had mysteriously disappeared irom tne neighborhood immediately alter me traueay, ana the evidence at the inquest at once justuied a magistrate in Issuing warrants for tneirarrest.

Gunn was arrested at Greensboro, 1'oung captured at osiord in Granrtlle connty, ana this vicinity. Tney were all railroad Jiands and haa been wormng in this section of tne country for a considerable period. They were lin- pnsuaed and the trial took place on the 4th of February last. COXVICTED AND SENTENCED. The evidence was mainly circumstantial but thoroughly conclusive.

A portion of the stolen money found in the possession of Gunn and among it a German coin which was rare and peculiarly marked -'12 Ihaier," easily identified as the property of BlalocS by many of the citizens of Hills- borouffn. The watch, wittt Bialock's initials, was also discovered in a watchmaker's shop at Henderson, where Young had left it to be repaired; blood stains, those damning evidences of guilt, were found on their persons, and altogether a chain so as to convince tne most exacting ana doubtf nl. Lntterlongh could not be clearly connected with the murder as the others, and the proor be ng lacking In his case he was acquitted. Both Yonng-ana Gunn received sentences or death with composure. Young, wiio is a mulatto, turned ashy pale when the Judge him, "May Goa nave mercy on your soul, you, that snowed no mercy." Gunu was apparently unmoved when his doom was proaoanced.

TEKKOB AND BEPENTANCE OF YODKO. As the day npon which the condemned, wretches were to expiate their crime approached, Yonag, Trho was the prmcipal character in tne tragedy, began to repent, ana ue exhibited the strongest symptoms or contrition that vxis negro nature was capable or. He prayed incessantly, sometimes breaking into the wildest lamentations imaginable, making the most fervent and heartrena'ms appeals to his Maker ror forgiveness, uttered wuu a desperation and intensity that were sometimes agonizing to The ghastly form of ihe mfeieredman seemed present to him in his sleeping ana waKing tours, and at times he would exclaim, in accents ot utter despair, "Oh, Loral save me! forgive tae, forgive me see him now looking at me!" Frequently be seemed to be terrified, so fearful were His thoughts, and, like a hunted down criminal of Jsnmaelitc, he dreaaed to encounter the face or any living human being, believing everybody to be an avenger, and that -every man's hand was against Skim. EHE.CONBOCT OP G01IN IN PBISOK. Gunn, his companion in guilt, was quite differently affected.

He was suffering rrom a reartai disease, as he lay on his wretched pallet, groaning with tne pangs, he rather seemed to long for the mat would pnt an eml, to his miserable existence. When spolcenlto he replied iamonosrl. lableSj bat morosely and sullenly refnsea to say any thins concerning the murder. VISIT TO raX CONDIlOEt) HEN. Tnls morning I visited the condemned men in jail And found them confined in an upper dungeon, which wae reeking with a foal stench, loathsome to engender disease.

It was the peculiar odor or the negro, intensified by filth, and maae intolerable, even for a few moments, by its combination of house and putriued smell that was horrible and sickening. How these wretches existed in health, or how It Is they were not prostrated with disease, la truly wonderful. From the inmates of tbe jail I learned that two or tnree negro women- one'or them enceinte, and now nnder sentence ot death--were ror a considerable period in the same cell wiUi Hie the most immoral ana oeastly I crimes hid tawn place. Tfce women now occupy auothei auugeon in common with three male negro criminals, wnc-re, I am tola, tdey exercise and prac- tise their lecherous desires without any restraint whatever. To such an extent was this carried that one of the women, a handsome mulatto, had to oe lakou from the dungeon aud kept In a passage way for tlie want of a wore secure place of confinement.

APPEARANCE OP THE PRISONERS, At the command of a guard Young came to the side of his dujiL'eon nearest the light, and through an aperture HUmuse was obtained or a vlllanous and hornwo set of features, which were marked with ali tne beastly and savage characteristics or th6 negro. TBe large and flat forehead receded back from tne cjebrows almost to tne crown of the head: the nose, where it joined the eyebrows, was flat ana indistinct, and the nostrils Immensely large, covering a irreat space or the face ana reaching down on the upper lip. The eyes -were small, black and piercing, with a malignant expression, and the mouth extended from jaw to jaw, with iips that were thick and protruding. Gunn lay on his pallet in the last stages of horrible disease, and so weak and utterly prostrate as unable to stand up. A more revolting spectacle can scarcely be Imagined.

THE SCAFFOLD. There Is no jail yard, and in conformity with the law, requiring executions to be private, the scaffold, or tne affair intended for snob, was fitted np within the jail, in one of the lower rooms, about twelve or fourteen feet square, and not more than ten feet nigh. In front of a window hung a small platform, five feet long and two and a naif feet wide, which worked on an axle fitted in two posts on either side the window ana close to the wall This platform, elevated to a level, was about four feet from the Boor, while above were two iron rings lastened in the celling. This drop was supported by a Knee prop, which worked by a hinge In the centre, and when let drop gave a fall of three feet CONFESSION' OP YOtTXG. The rollowins is nearly a verbatim report of a confession maae by Young a few days Tbe iplan to nmrcier Blalock was concocted on Saturday morning, December 25, 1569.

This Tras the understanains between me and Gunn, and I tliink leham Councils knew of it before I did. Joe Imuerloh knew nothing about it more uu Blalock's room that night; but by some mistake we did not go tocether, but met there about eleven and between tbat hour and twelve we entered the room through the door tocether. Blalock opened the door for us, and was under the influence of liquor, and after he had let us in he lay down on his bed in the back com. I then made the attack, and when I strncfe the nrst blow with the cogwheel the only words he said were, Oh. Lord 1 John, lift me up 1 don't fcnow who he meant when he addressed "John." I then struck him several times with the cogwheel, and his death straggle he fell from the bed to the floor, and I beat his brains ont.

We then cut his throat with the pocket knife, and stiuTed tbe pii'ow case in bis mouth. In the meantime Gunn put the lope ground his necfcand fastened it tightly, I did most of the Moody work. Gunn did the holding, waile I dealt the blows and used the knife. There waR a lamp burning until alter we killed Bialock. We searched his pockets, but found no roonev.

We then went into tbe liquor room and fount! the tin box with the cash, pauers, I took the box and Gunn a decanter of whiskey. 1 put out the lamp, and, after locking tbe door, we went out through tbe window of the back room and closed it after us. It took us about thirty minutes to kill Bialock. I think that Gunn had an understanding with s. third 1 party, but I don't know.

We went to the depot that night and'I took the train for Kaleigb. CROWDS TO WTTXESS THE EXECUTION. Though it was publicly known that the execution wonia take place In the jail, hidden from view, yet a large crowd assembled to witness it. At one P. H.

the jail door was besieged by the mass, eager to gam admission; but tins tue Sheriff sternly refused, and the moo became still more persistent. The windows both la front and rear of tne jail were also thronged, ana most violent tussles for eligible places to ootaln a look throueh the bars ensued. Those whose professional business required their presence in tne jail were excluded by the mob, which kept up a deafening roaring and yelling and hooting that were disgraceful. THE CULPRITS ON THE SCAFFOLD. About naif-past one o'clock P.

M. the condemned were conducted from their dungeon, with ropes and black caps attached to their necks. Young walked firmly down the slight of steps, but Gnnu. who was exceedingly feeble, had to be assisted by two negro attendants. They both ascended the scaffold and took; seats in chairs, when a very impressive prayer was made by a clergyman, both the condemne'd men joining with him.

This -being ended, a series of cross-examinations as to tbe murder was commenced by parties around the trap aoor. Young, whose eyes were half closed, seemed to be engaged in prayer, and judging from the evasive replies he made to questions propounded, his mind was evidently wandering. AS the latal hour neared both the wretched men be- 7fln a ivijd, incoherent naif sons, half prayer, pccn- iar ro negroes, and tiler sf eadily kept this np to the latest moment, refusing to be interrupted by Mr. Atley, father ol the murdered man, who desired to THE LAS'T'SCEfTE. At two P.

M. the Sheriff ascended the scaffold ana afl the death sentence of both, which could scarcely be heard between the prayers ana supplications of the condemned within and the din and tumult of the mob without. This ceremony concluded, the ropes were attached to ihe rings in the ceillne above. The legs of botb were pinioned at the ankles, and black caps were put over the forehead, obscuring vision to all earthly things. At five minutes past two the drop fell and the murderers were strucglm? violently in tne air.

Keither 01 the nooses was properly aajustea, and the hangman's knots, when tne ropes reached their utmost tension, slippea to the back of the necks of both. Young lell only about a root, and as he swung to and fro his limbs were convulsively drawn up and his struggles were fearful. Gunn fell nearly two feet, and in consequence or his enfeebled condition ms sufferings wera not so intense as Young's. After a few spasmodic kicks his struggle ceased, and his son! was In the presence of his Maker. Young con- tinned to jerk convulsively lora number of minutes, perhaps five, when he, too, became stiil, and both were at the bar of Eternal Justice.

The execution was a badly bnngled affair from beginning to end, aud showed the necessity or having aa experienced hangman In such cases. The tortures of the wretches were terrible, which might have been avoiaed if a proper scaffoia had been erected and a hangman employed who Knew how to do Ins work. After hanging nearly forty minutes the bodies were cut aoivn ana placea in coffins already preoared for them. CUBAN ITEMS. The Kew York correspondent of the Prensa very laboriously strives, iu his letter published in the Issne or the UGlh ultimo, to represent the Cuban cause as utterly dead in the United States, and gives a burlesque account of the arrival here of General Cespedea.

He quotes tne HERALD'S strictures ofi tne policy of our government and exults in the belief that the latter will do nothing but maintain a neutrality, denying Spain omv what she does not want, and depriving the Cubans of every shadow of assistance. The Prensa of the 23d of March gives a column of statements setting forth the pains and penalties inflicted by the Baez government upon numbers or officers and civilians who Had refused to vote in lavor ol the annexation of St. Domingo to the United AtCienruegos, Don Bias Koarignez was killed on the 22d of March in the private bathhouse of Don Antonio Grace by a custom house officer whom he had endeavored to prevent Irom entering the oaths while some were in them. The affair caused intense excitement, as the victim was greatly respected. The death of a prominent merchant.

Don Manzano Sepulveda, at Santiago de Cuba, is "announced. The material necessary for the establishment of the telegraph stations from Bayamo to Jiguaul had arrived at Manzamllo. The Diario de Cisnfuegos is the name or a new ionrnal published In the Spanisn interest at Cien- fnegos. It is similar in size and appearance TO the Gaecta of Havana. On the 19tn of March the Festival of St.

Joseph and the Virgin was celebrated with the solemnity due to one of the most important holidays of the Catholic faith in all tne churches of Havana. The Havana papers, one and all, continue to predict tbe early collapse of the patriot cause In Cuba, and report from various sections hitherto insurgent the return of the inhabitants to complete tranquil- lity and their resumption of field labor. The only particulars, however, adduced to sustain this view relate to the movements to ana fro of Spanish detachments, the capture or women and children and the merciless execution or Cuban prisoners. KEY WEST. A Reign of Terror--Attempted Assassinations-A Man Stabbed nod Then Thrown a WJrarf--The Death ot Castanon to be Avenged.

KEY WSST, March 24,1870. The savage malignity of the Spanish volunteers seems not to have abated one lota since tHe-Klllinc or Castanou; and what was at first considered an unfounded rumor of a certain nnmber of Spanish volunteers delegated to come to Key West to avenge the death or Castaflon now proves to be a painrul reality. For the last few days the Cubans have been homing a fair, the proceeds to go to "Suffering Cuba." The ball not being large enough wherein the fair was held, a temporary frame work was erected adjoining, which was covered with canvas. Among the many who thronged the place was one Edward Botella. with two ladies, sitting at one Bide encaged in conversation.

To The astonishment or those who witnessed the act, the canvas was ripped open and a lace peered through the opening, behind Botella. Tbe backer the seat waa soiuewnat ID the way. Another hole was quickly made anil a Knife thrust through at the heart or Botella. For- tnnatoly his arm protected him. Toe Knife entered the arm a little above the elbow, creating a serious, nut.

it Is thought, not dangerous wound. The would- be assassin escaped, and in that joyous assemblage another tragedy was prevented. The wounded man was promptly cared for by his many frlenda. Sefior Botella being a brother or the supposed murderer of Caatafion, who is now lying in jau In tills city, proves conclusively that the blow waa not struck at random, but intended for the heart or him whose relationship, unfortunately, made him the shining mark for Spanish vengeance. Last night, at about half-past ten o'clock, a Cuban by the name or Piacido Ysqulendo--sometimes called Morales Lemufl.

from resemblance while at the wharf looklnz for the steamer Cuba, hourly expected from Havana, was suddenly assaulted ana stabbed by two Spaniards, wlio then poshed htm off the whart Into the water, and thereafter began throwing large pieces of coal at him to make sure of his destruction. Fortunately, the night being very dark, and Ysqulendo being a good swimmer, he succeeded in making his escape. Ysqulenao was Intending to so to New Yortc per the Cuba to join an expedition supposed to be fitting out for Cuba from that point. improve the present opportunity to assnw yon that the Cubans at Key West are remarkably qnlet and well behaved, and withal industrious. Tney wish not to create aiiy disturbance or be implicated in further trouble; but from what I have learned they leel that if the present prosecution still continues in Key west 'forbearance (with them) will soon cease to be a virtue." PUBITY OF ELECTIONa The Government to the Rescue.

The following bill, entitled "A bill to prevent and punish election frauds," was introduced intheSenate of the United states, on the 39th of March, by Mr. Conkling, who asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to bring in the bill. It was read twice, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be it enacted by tae Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ol America in Congress assembled, That if at any election ror representative or delegate in the Congress or the United States, or for electors of President and Vice President of the United States, or for inspectors, canvassers, poll clerks or other election officers who may or shall De or are chosen to act and serve, or whose term of office may or shall include or cover the time or any such election lor representative or delegate in the Congress of the United States, or for electors of President and Vice Presiaent of the United States. any person shall knowingly personate ana vote or attempt to vote in the name of any other person, whether living, dead or fictitious; or vote more than once at the same election for any candidate for the same office, or vote at a place where he may not be lawfully entitled to vote; or Vote without having a lawful right to Vote; or do any unlawful act to secure a right or an opportunity to vote ior mmseif or any other person; or by force, threat, menace, intimidation, bribery, rewara, or offer or promise thereof, or otherwise unlawfully prevent any qualified voter of any State of ihe United States or America, or of any Territory thereof, from freoly exercising the right of snflrage, or bv any such means rnouce any voier to refuse or exercise such right; or compel or induce, by any such means or otnerwise, any officer or an election. In any suci State or Territory, to receive a vote; from a person not legally Qualified or entitled to vote; or intenere in any manner with any officer of said elections in the aiscbarge of his duties; or by any of such means or otherwise induce any oflicer of an election or officer whose duty it Is to ascertain, annonuce or declare the result of any such election, or give or make any certificate, document or evidence in relation'thereto, to violate or refuse to comply witri his duty or any law regulating the same: or, being an officer of an election, neglect or refuse to perlorm any duty required of him by law.

or violate any auty imposed by law, or do any act unauthorized oy law relating to or affecting any such election, or the result thereof; or aid, counsel, procure or advise any such voter, person or officer to do any act hereby made a crime, or to omit to (to any anty the omission of which is hereby maae a crime, or attempt to do so. every such person shall be deemed guilty of a crime, ana shall tor sneh crime be Haole to indictment in any court ol the United States of competent jurisdiction, and on conviction thereof shall De punished by a fine not exceeding S500, or by imprisonment for a terra not exceeding three years, or both, in the discretion or the court, and shall pay the costs of prosecution. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any registration or voters for an election for representative or delegate in the Congress of the United States, or for electors of President and Vice President of the United btates, or for inspectors, canvassers, poll clerks or other election officers who may, or shall be, or are chosen to act or serve, or whose term of office may or shall include or cover tne time of any such election ior representative or delegate in the congress or the United States, or lor electors or President and Vice President of the United States, any person shall knowingly personate and register, or attempt to register, in tae name of any other person, whether living, deaa or fictitious, or register, or attempt to register, at a place where he shall not be lawlully entitled to register; or register, or attempt to register, not having a lawful right so to ao, or ao any unluwlul act to secure registration for himself or any other person; or oy force, threat, menace, intimidation, bribery, reward or oiler or promise thereof, or otherwise unlawiullv rrcvent or hinder any person duly exercising such right; or compel, or induce, hy any such means or otherwise, any officer of registration to admit to registration any person not legally entitled tnereto; or interfere in any manner with any officer of registration in the discharge of his duties; or by any such means, or otherwise, induce any officer 01 registration to violate or refuse to comply with his duty, or any law regulating the same; or, being an olllcer oi registration, neglect or refuse to perform any duty required of him Dy law, or violate any Only imposed by law, or do any act unauthorized by law, relating to, or affecting such registration; or aid, counsel, procure or advise any such voter, person or ottlcer, to do any act hereby maae a crime, or to omit any act, the omission of which is hereov maae a crime, every such person shall be deemed guilty or a crime, and strail tie name to maictment ana punishment therelor, as provided in the first section of this act, ror persons guilty of any of the crimes therein specified.

SEC. 3. Aaa be it farther enacted, That if any person shall by force, threat, menace, intimidation, or otherwise, unlawfully prevent anv citizen or citizens irom assembling in public meeting to ireely discuss, or hear discussed, tlie claims or merits of anv candidate for the office or President or Vice President or elector thereof, or Representative or delegate Congress, or any officer or me government of the United States, or the laws or measures ol Congress, or any measure existing, pending, or proposed, affecting the government ol the Uniten States, or any department or olllcer thcreot; or if any person by anv such means break up, disperse or molest any saen assemDlage. or molest any citizen In or of such assemblage, every person so oiieudinc shall be deemed guilty of a crime, and shall be liable to indictment and punishment therefor, as provided in the first section of this act for persons guilty ol any ol the crimes therein specified. A SOTEL tiWSBIII.

A Hescned iroia Browning at tho Jersey City Ferry Brinsa Suit for $115,000 Ilaicaues. On the evening of the 3d of January last, about two minutes past seven o'clock, when the ferry boat had moved away from the bridge at the Cortlanat street ferry, a man named Lyons, residing in Washington street, Kew York, deliberately walked overnoard from the bridge and would have been drowned had not tlie bridge-tender, Thomas Tobin, and another or the employes rescued him. He was very thankful to the men for saving his life, bnt when he returned home and ruminated on the matter for a few weeks a bright thought struct him. He caught coid from the bath, as was quite natural, considering the severe weather just then, and was confined to the house for some weeks, as lie alleges. He then employed a lawyer, who in- stitutea proceeamgs against the ferry company ior $15,000 damages, la his affidavit he makes the ex- traorainary statement that there were no liglits on the bridge and that one of the employes pushed him In.

The case is under investigation oy the ferry company, and the evidence thus far reflects great credit on Tobin, the bridse tender, who has been instrumental in saving six lives within as many montlis at the rerrv, ana in some cases he receives only abuse for his reward. In no instance did the rescued party offer aim even one dollar. The lesson to be derived from the present case, should a jury award damages, is that it Is much better for the ferry company that a man would be allovred to drown, putting aside the question of hn- manltyor the priceless gilt of human life. There would, in such a case, be no suit brought, and, as aead men tell no taies, the employes would not be accused of throwing a man in for mere diversion. This is certainly a curious sample of gratitude.

It Is anaiagous to the case or tue man mentioned in "Currau's Recollections" who had his eye hooked out bv a man who was in tne act of saving him from drowning, but who was rewarded with a prosecution for the loss or theeye. THE BROOKLYN UWYERESS IN ST. LOUIS. the St. Times, March Judge Knight yesterday travelled a long distance in the path oi progress by issuing a license as a practising lawyer of the St.

Louis bar to Miss L. Barkalo, a stndent of the St. Eouis Law School. This, we are pretty reliably informed, is tne first instance of this kind that has occurred in this country, which is nndoubtedly the most progressive of all civilized nations in tne treatment of the woman question. The Missouri female suffragists should certainly take encouragement in the success of their colaborer- iliss Barkaio Is a native of Brooklyn, N.

was Miss Bates--and Is a woman of more than ordinary ability. Two years ago, after having read Blackstone and other elementary law books, she maae application for admission as a student at Columbia College, Jfew York, where she was peremptorily refused. Nothing daunted, however, sac came out West and settled in St. Louis, whero she was ad- mittea without difficulty to the St. Loins Law School.

For eighteen months she had been assiduously de- votme her energies to the study ol tbe science, and her fellow students all agree in declaring her by far the brightest member or the class. That there is no question of her ability was shown yesterday at the examination, where she promptly and correctly answered every question propounded to her. lodge Knlcrht, although overflowing with gallantry, gave the lady no quarter. The moat abstruse and erudite were propounded to the applicant, but not once did the wise Judge catch the fair student trip- Miss Barkalo is about twenty-two years or age, of a buxom figure, amiable and roaliy Intelligent face and a large and expressive eye. (This is a agnre or speech--she has two.) tane is now a member or tlie St.

Louis bar, and considerable interest la waulfeutca to nor maiden eflart. THE PUBLIC DEBT. The April Statement Compared with That of I Last Month and with tha April Statement of 1869. foilowlnc statement ol the public debt on tbe 1st ot April nas just been- issued. We compare tho flsnrfa will those given in tbe corresponding montu DBBT BRAKING INTEREST IS COIN.

April 1,1889. April 1,1870. Five per cent bonaa $221,589,300 $221,689,300 Six per cent bonds 1,886,277,350 1,886,352,800 Total beat'g coin $2,107,942,100 1 DEBT BEARING CCBfcENCTT INTEREST. Three per cent $54,605,000 $45,565,000 Fund 14,000,000 14,000,000 Total bear'z cur'y Int. $68,605,000 $69,505,000 Matured debt not 6,003,403 3,914,336 DEBT BEARING NO INTEREST.

TJnita States $356,065,154 $358.109,621 Fractional currency 36,675,830 39,568,079 Goldlcertlflcates 21,572,500 38,848,500 Total bear'gno $434,526,200 1 RECAPITULATION. Deoli Bearing coin $2,107,876,650 $2,107,942,100 Debt bearing cnr'y 68,605,000 39,585,000 Debt bearing no lut 414,413,485 434,526,200 Matired debt not 6,003,403 3,914,330 $2,596,898,538 $2,005,947,637 Bonds to Pacific KK 56,852,320 64,457,320 Grand total $2,653,750,853 AMOTOJT IS TREASURY. Coin $104,203,385 $105,413,745 Currency 6,802,628 7,472,729 SinKing lund, coin int. bonds and accrued interest thereon 30,047,042 Other purchased bonds-. 75,181.665 Total iu Treasury $111,005,993 $218,115,783 Debt less cash in 2,542,744.855 2,452,289,175 Decrease of the national uebt since Aprill, 1869 $90,455,690 VARIATIONS PROil LAST TEAR.

Increase. Decrease. Debt bearing coin $55,450 -Debt bearing currency $9.040,000 Dent bearing no .20,112,715 -Matured, not paia 2,039,067 The followine table compares the April statement of the public debt with the previous one maae on the 1st or March, BEARING COIN INTEREST. March 1, 1S70. Avrtt 1, Five per cenr.

bonds $221,589,300 $221,589,300 Six per cent bonds 1,886,350,300 1,886,362,800 Total bearing com lnt.S2,107,937,650 $2,107,942,100 DEBT BEARING CURRENCY INTEREST. Threo per ct- certificates. $45,555,000 $45,505,090 Savy pension lund 14,000,000 14,000,000 Total bearing cur'y In. Matured not paid $55,581,600 3,973,340 $59,565,000 3,914,335 DEBT BEABING NO INTEREST. United States notes $353,109,973 $356,109,621 Fractional 39.568,079 Gold certificates 44,382,840 38,848,500 Total bearing no $440,442,851 $434,526,200 RECAPITULATION.

Debt bearing coin in $2,107,937,650 $2,107,942,100 Debt bearing cur'cy mt. 59,565,000 Debt bearing no interest 440,442,851 434,526,200 Matured debt not 3,972,340 3,914.336 Total 32,611,910,847 BonOS to Pacific RE. Uo. 64,457,320 64,457,320 Grand Total $2,676,365,173 $2,670,404,957 IS TREASURY. Coin $102,400,739 $105,413,745 Currency 10,280,285 7.472,729 SmKtng FUUd 27,870,529 30,047,64:2 Other purchased bonds.

TotalinTreasury $213,340,318 Debt less cash In Tre'ny. $2,452,288,175 of the national debt since JUar. isio VARIATIONS FROM LAST MOSTII- Uiareafp. Decrease. 54,450 'Debrbearing currency mt 3,639,310 Debt bearing no interest Matured debt not paid 61,004 this statement no mention Is made of accrued interest, and the bonds issued to the Pacific Railroatl Company are calculated as part or the public aebt.

According to tne report of Secretary Boutwell, who adds accrued Interest and ignores the bonds issued to thai road, the total debt exhibits a decrease during the past month amounting to $5,700,349. The debt of tha United States, less cash in the Treasury, was as annexed at the undermentioned AUff. 1, July 1,1861.. 88,498,070 Sapt.1,1S8S..2,535,614,313 July 1,1862.. 502,921,404 Oct.

1, July 1,1863. .1,093,464.090 Nov. 1,1868..2,537,129,552 July 1.1864..1.781,847,934 Dec. 1, JulySl, Jan. 1, 1809..2,540,707.201 Sent.

1,1805..2,757,088,571 FeU. 1. 1869..2,550,205,658 Jan. 1, 1866. .2.710,851,638 Marcill, 1869.2.545,336,904 Aug.

1, I860. .2.633,0211.276 Aurll 1,1809. .2,542,744,865 Jan. 1, May 1, April 1,1867. .2,623,428,070 June 1,1889.

.2.521.825,532 July 1807..2.611,800,013 July 1, 1869..2,509,160,773 Oct. 1, 1867. .2.495,277,443 .2,508,708,533 Kov. .2,491,504,450 SCDt. 1, I860.

.2,493,003,032 Jan. 1,1803..2,503,125,050 Oct. 1, 1863..2,485,598.695 Feb. 1, Nov. 1, 1869..2,469,511,773 Marchl, 1S6S.2.519,S29,022 Dec.

1, 1869,.2,473,237,102 Jan. 1, 1870..2,462,418,783 May 1,1868..2,500,528,827 Feb. 1, 1870..2,475,714,275 Marchl, 1870.2,483,027,855 July 1, April 1, 1870.2,452,289,175 EOWBEISffl IS BROORLYS. Attach by Rnfflans on Hie Police. police of the Forty-tlnrJ precinct were rousrhly handled again last night oy the South Brooklyn rowdies.

It appears that a man named Patrick Kennedy, who was intoxicated, was acting in a disorderly manner in Court street, near Hamilton avenue, when officer McKeuna attempted to take Him into custody. Officer Donahue, wno happened to be in the neiffhborhood at the time, assisted McKenna In maKing the arrest Before they could get away with their prisoner a number of rowdies made a combined assault on the officers, usmc sticks, stones, bricks ana other missiles. Officer MeKenna received a severe blow on the baclc with a stone, while officer Donahue had ms shoulder nearly dislocated with a brick. Officer Steadman, of the Forty-third precinct, ana officer Utter, of the Forty-eighth, hearing of the affray, went to the assistance ol tnelr fellow officers, and the contest appeared for a time to be pretty even. Finally the rowdies left the field and the prisoner Kennedy in tne possession or tne police.

Nearly all the officers had their uniforms more or less torn, and officer Donahue lost his shield. Kennedy was to tae station house and locked up to answer. HOW THE ERIE RAILROAD STOSK IS HELD. ALBANY, March 30,1870. To THE EDITOR OF THE reply to the article in your issue of this morning, permit me to mlorm yon that I own 5,000 shares of Brie stock, and am authorized by holders In England, wbo are interested to the extent of 52,000,000, to protest aeainst the "protection" scheme of Raphael Co.

The only thing which la "too thin about this is the insinuation that the "Brie wizards" bad something to do with my appointment as representative of tnls stocK. From what 1 know or the gentlemen reierrea to I am convinced they are much too acute to resort to any such contemptible ruse as taat hmtea at in your article. The interest I represent is as distinct Irom that or the Erie man asters as it is Irom that of Mr. Hurt's clients. GEO.

OKOUCH. SCIEHTIFIC ITESS. A new safety bnoy haa been tried at Tonlon, France. It is of the ordinary life-buoy foroi and contains a composition of calcium, which ignites aa it Is thrown Into the sea, and burns the more bnzhtly the more it Is tossed by the waves- Yet the name will not incommode the person clinging to the buoy. Dr.

Jules Delbet has been named Knight or tne Legion or Honor of France, in recompense lor his interesting scientific researches during a mission Into Asia Minor. Tbe new therapeutic agent, chloral, which we owe to tlie nnited efforts or Dr. Demarqnar and Dr. Liebrelch, appears to be an excellent remedy lor That distressing affection, whooping-cough. The Agricultural Society of France Has announced a prize of 3,000 francs, in 1672, to the proposer of the moat efficacious meaca ot destroying the white worm aud cocKchators.

Professor Tyndall lias succeeded in trailing a diamond la oxygen by the concentrated rays ot tne electric light. He has no doubt or bis aoillty to Ignite it by the purely invisible rays from theaann source. In order to encourage tbs observation or cometa tbe Imperial Academy of Vienna offers eight (tola medals ror the discovery or as many during the next three years. M. Pnileux, in a paper "On too Effects of Frost upon Plants," tiaa shown that if the thaw is conducted gradually the plant will always revive.

M. I.enormand has ihown, from a study or tha sculptures, that in Egypt, dnnng tbe time or the shepherd kings, three aistmctsjieoiea or were domesticated. THE COMING WOMAN. Victoria C. WoodhaU, the Balmoral Broker, to Baoe for the White Honse-What She Will and What She Won't Do-Her Views on Home and Foreign Policy- Hew Ideas on Government 44 BKOAD STKKBT, NEW YORK, March 29,1870.

To THE EDITOR OP THK disorganized condition ol parties In the United States ai the present time affords a favorable opportunity for a review of tlie political situation and for comment on the Issues which are likely to come up for settlement in the Presidential election luiS72. As I happen to be the most prominent re presenta- live or the only unrepresented class in the republic, and perhaps the most practical exponent o( the principles of equality; I request the favor of being permitted to address the public through tlie medium ortheHEHALD. While others of my sex devoted themselves to a crusade against the laws that shackle the women of the country, I asserted my Individual Independence; while others prayed for she good time coming, I worked for it; while others argued the equality of woman with maa, I proved it by successfully encasing in business: while others sought to show that there was no valid rertson why woman should be treated socially and politically as a being inferior to man, I boldly entered the arena of politics ana business aud exercised thu rights I already possessed. I therefore claim th3 right to speak for tlie unenfranchised women of the country, ana believing as I do that there will be SIORF FEMALE OFFICEHOLDERS THAN FEMALE VOTERS for some time to come, and that the Drejudtces that still exist In the popular minu agains; women In public life win soon disappear, I now announce mysell as a candidate for the Presidency. I am quite well aware that In assuming this position I shall evoke more ridicule than enthusiasm at the outset.

But tins is an epoch of sudden changes and startling surprises, What may appear absurd to-day will assume a serious aspectto-morrow. I am content to wait until my claim for recognition as a candidate shall receive the calm consideration of the press and toe public. The blacks were cattle in 1SGO; a negro now sits In Jeff Davis' seat in the United States Senate. The sentiment of the country was. even in 1863, against nesro the negro's riant to vote is srcknowiedged by a majority or the Slates, and will soon be recognized by the constitution of the United States.

Let those, therefore, who ridiculed the negro's claim to exercise the right to "lite, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," and lived to see him vote ana hold high public offices, ridicule the aspirations of tne women of the country after equality with tlie blacks as much as they please. They cannot roll back the rising tide of re- lorm. THE WORLD MOVES. That great governmental changes were to follow the enfranchisement of the negro i have long lore- seen. Tvhile tne curse of slavery covered the land progress was encnalned, but wneii it was swept away in the torrent of war the voice of justice was Heard, and it became evident that the last weak barrier against complete political and social equality must soon give way.

All that has been Eaul and written hitherto iu support of EQUALITY FOR WOMEN has had Its proper eftect on the public mind, just as the anti-slavery speeches before secession were effective; but a candidate and a policy are required to prove it. Lincoln's election showea the sti luigln of the leelmg against the peculiar institution; my caneidacy for the Presidency will. I confidently expect, develop the fact tot tne principles ot equal rights for all nave laKeu deep root. Tiie advocates of equality lor women tiave, besides a respectable Known strength, a great undercurrent of unexpressed power, which Is only awaiting a fit, opportunity to show itseir. By the general and decidert test- I propose 'we shall be able to understand the question aright, or ac leaat shall uave done much toward presenting: THE ISriUE INVOLVED in proper shape.

I claim to possess the strength and courase to be the subject of that test and IOOK forward confidently to a triumphant issue of tne canvass. The present position of political parties is anomalous. They are noi, inspired by any great principles ol policy or economy. Political preachers paw the air; there is no live issue up for discussion. The only seemingly distinctive icature upon a complete and well dellned diversion exists is on the dead issue of negro equality, and this is to tne political leaders A HARP OF A THOUSAND STRINGS.

The minor quesuons ot the Hour do uot atfect parties as such, and no well aetiued division of sentiment exists. A great national question is wanted to prevent a descent into pure sectionalism. The simple issue whether women should not have pohu- cal equality with the is the only one 1,0 be tried, and nono more important is likely to arise before tlie PiesidentuU election. But me question of equality others ol great magnitude are ue- ceasaniy included. The platform that is to succeed lu the coming election must enunciate the general principles of ENLIOHTENEI) JUSTICE AND ECONOMY.

A complete relorni in our system or prison discipline, having specially in view the welfare ol the lamilies ol criminals, whose labor should uot be lost to them; the rearrangement or the ss stein ana control of internal improvements; the adoption ol some better means lor curing for tlie helpless and indigene: the establishment of strictly mutual and reciprocal relations with all foreign 1'owers wuo will unite to better the condition of ihe productive class, and the adoption 01 such principles as siialt recognize this class as THE TRUE WEALTH OF THE COUNTRY. and give it a just position beside capital, thus introducing a practical plan lor universal government-these important changes can only be exuecteu to follow a complete departure from the beaten tracks 01 political parties and their machinery; and tins, 1 believe, my canvass ol will euecr-. Thac the people are sick of tue present administration is a proposition, I tniuk, that does not rcuuire to be argued; but as I have now taken a decided stand against us continuance lor another term of four years, ana oneieu myself as candidate ror the Presidential succession, a iew preliminary observations on the general management of OUtt HOME FOr.EKiN POLICY will not be on; of place. The 'admmlBtralion of General Grant, then, has been a failure Irani the beginning; weak, vacillating and deficient in moral courage, it commands neither the respect uor admiration or loreign Powers nor receives the active support of its party- The general management, of our foreign and domestic alTmrs does not seem to me to nave risen to tne dignity or a policy, though it allowed to have been consistent in its various parts. It has been destitute of that decision ana firmness mat characterize tne victorious soldier who is now President, A decided Cuoan policy would not only nave settled at ones the inevitable iiestmj of mat island, but would also nave given repuDlican sentiment in Spain an Impetus, strengthened tlie South American republics aucl exercised a nealtay niun- ence in Mexico and Canada.

instead of this we have to submit to the consequences ol A POLICY OF CuWAltlMCE. American citizens abroad are murdered by Spanish cutthroats, our consuls are insulted, our Hag is This is unworthy ol the American nation, and the people will hold Grant accountable. A giant who never snows his si.reugiu is neither leared nor respected. On the important questions of taxation, the tariff and tlie public debt the administration seems to have no' settled policy. Taxation, whether for the support or the government or the payment of tho debt, should in all cases be general and never special.

No special interest, nor several special interests, should oe singled out to sustain an extra proportion of taxation. And in regard to the tariff the same principle should be enforced. Whether the 'public debt be a blessing or a curse, it exists. Created to save the republic, it must be paid strictly according to both the spirit and the letter or the law. But there is no immediate necessity ror paying it off- By a proper policy its payment might be made to extend through a hnnilred years, ror even beyond thar time will the benelits its creation produced be lelt and appreciated, in older countries the pressure of national debt becomes a heavier charge and a more mighty burden every succeeding year, nut with us the very reverse is the ease.

The develonment of our magnificent resources will render the gradual payment of our indebtedness easy of accomplishment. ALL OTHER QUESTIONS, whether of a foreign or domestic nature, stand runs trated by tne Cuban policy of the administration. bold, firm and, witnal, consistent national policy, if not at all times strictly within the conservative limits of international law will always command the respect ana support of me people. the view of taking the people into my confidence I have written several papers on governmental questions of importance and will submit them in due time. For the present the foregoing must suffice.

I anticipate criticism; but however unfavorable the comment this letter may evoke I trust that my sincerity will not be called question. I have deliberately and of my own accord placed myself before the people as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States, and Having the means, conrage, energy ana strength necessary for we race intend to contest it to the cloaa VICTORIA 0. -WOODHCTLL. Indeed. Miss is not a "woman's woman.

Her lecture was replete with liealtliy, nest, common senac, satirical talk about the Innate lower possessed by women lor tho reform of all the loclal anil domestic grievances she so loudly com- jlaias of, and which Miss Kdgertoti is of an opinion be ballot box in the hauus of woman woula not annihilate. The lecturer does not advocate uni-' versal suffiwo either to man or woman. Shfl thinks a fitness to vote more important than the universality of voting. Siie says that the curse of democratic countries was tuo everlasting- arilllne of party. Bo stiomr was this party feeling tnat it had been said by a New York man that Tammany nominated the devil Himself the democrats would vote lor him.

The arena or politics was nnsuitcd for woman, because her nervous organization gave her affections an undue sway over her intellect, and she would necessarily be far too partisan to he impartial. on the want of woman's fidelity to her sisterhood Miss Edgarton was withermgly severe, and in a. passage in which she was greatly applauded she sala "the misfortunes and injustice of woman would not be so enormous or so liard to bear did. they find more friends in tueir own sex." A denunciation 01 the persecution by women of gins who haa been betrayed and t'ue coudoumg of all offenca on the part of the betrayer was graphically given and was well received. The moral ana domestic power of women to dress the grievances of which she complains and statement ot the prool mat there was no real antagonism between the sexes to require special legislation, and a statement of tho power that women possessed by her own moral lorce as exercised at home, and which she had full liberty to exercise in the two great departments for tne mould- ing of public opinion, the pi ess and the pulpit, received tlie demonstrative appioval of the auoience.

In healthy, high toned, noble thought of this kind tins lecture abounded, and it was delivered with; cousmerable grace and heartleit fervor. That it waa too practical, too rational ana too uear the reality ol Hie for many of those who were present, who were shining lights of the "Sorosis" and the Revolution, was more than could be expected; but thai whicB was expected of women who set themselves up as models for other women should be that thes should behave themselves with propriety when before the public. Mrs. aa leek, wbo is a great lutlomst," rose from her seat belore the lecture was more tuan two-thirds through, and audibly said, "3 won't stay any longer to near that fool." lecture by Lilliam 8. Edcerton--The Horace Bnsbnell Side of tho Woman's Question-- Rndonen of a Prominent Revolutionist.

To a numerous, intelligent, and deeply interested audience Miss Lillian S. Edgerton delivered a lecture last night, in the call of the Cooper Institute, on "Woman is Coming." If Miss Edgerton may be re gardcd as tlie "doming: woman," or the promise of what the "Commit Woman" may be ex pected to be, thon the Intellectual and physiea future condition ol woman will bp very hitfh toned BELLES OF THE BILLOT. Going for the Sterner Sex-- fflonthly ftleetins of ihe Petticoat Siifiragists--Another Snsaa in the anil More Wanted. The usual monthly meeting of the Woman Suffrage Association took place yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, Dr. Halleck, a lion mvant specimen of masculinity, presiding.

About seventy-five ladies wera present, four of whom were comely to look upon. A resolution sympathizing with one Dr. Susan Smith, of the -Quaker City," who. It appears, refused from principle to pay income or any other tax to the government while she was reiused the privilege or voting, was passed. The resolution also in- c'uded any other woman who would go and do likewise.

A committee, consisting of Miss Norrls, Mrs. Halleck, Mrs. Tompkins, Mrs. I'oole and' Mrs. Tucker, was appointed 10 act as delegates to the May convention of woman's suffrage devotees to be held tins city.

THE FIKOT ADDRESS was made by Mrs. MAKY A. DAVIS, of Jersey, who spoke at length on the immense advantages to the country at large should her sex ue permitted to take hold of the Uoy symbol of citizenship and drop 1C the oallot box. She combated tne objections made to the belles of the ballot on the score that the polls and court room were undesirable localities for any respectable woman, and she drew a moving picture of the position in winch tne lailen ones or her sex, Hester Vaughn, auiung others, round themselves with none but horrid men on the jury, Wiieu once woman was enfranchised from the conventionalities of society aad iiad a soul above pin money the republic could be safe. As she has been the acknowledged guardian of home why should she not be also of tne State Under her Influence the polls might be trausterred from the barroom to tlie church.

The CHAIRMAN wanted to know, in an excited manner, what did man know aoout woman except as a strange bipedf He real a humorous extract from morning paper, wincti gave a glowing description of a belle of the ballot. Airs. BLAXE, who was gotten up in the extreme or ra-ihion. with a jaunty btt.e hat nestling among her raven curis. suggested that there saonld be "City mothers" as well as "cny fatuers" under the nevy Charter.

Mrs. LEGGETP, a brunette, with a profusion of ringlets and a sore ot uniform, nest 'Jtlrciwed the meeting on the momentous question of suffrase. The lueeimi; then adjourned. THE HOLY LAND. of tbe Famine in Jerusalem.

A letter has been received in Lonaou from tho Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, which corroborates' tho statement made on this painful subject by Sir Moses Monteilore. The Bishop in his letter A small donkey's load of water costs 6d. to tne ooor Jews, whose family income is Is. Id. per wees." Many Moslems and nominal Christians are in the same position.

What is most areadml to contemplate is tlie fact that the springs near Jerusalem are drying up. But there is another more terrible ca'amity still. The locusts are spread over tha mountains of Judan and Samaiia, in the valley or Jordan, and in the plain of Saaron and Galilee, having come to lay their eggs, which will be hatched belore the harvest; aud as the Arabs say that eacn couple lays 200 eggs, countless millions will appear. eating every green thing, pojsoninfr tlie jrrouud, and thus preventing grass growing tor the caitle. SSTAfB TiUSSFEKS.

Neti-York City. Broome Bt, OS 161 and 163,401.50, bouse and J.ckson si, Nos7'2, 74 and 7G 13,000 Lu.llmv at, iv 10U ft of itivington at, 18.9x67.9 14,250 Jloureami Water ata, corner, Iti.4x51.j 3,600 Sull'olktit. No 15, liouie and lot S.OOO/ IHJi No341 -Jl-Vxiij-tO, fiouseandlot 104.10 ft of av. 23x53.4 8.625 43d st, No 451 (West), 2jxl00.4 Nom. fit, It of Madison av, 24xIOO.a, house and 46th st, 1211 of Ifit av.

27.Rx7n 17,503 47lU st, i lOih av, iOjlOO.5 17.000 4fltli at, SfiofOt' 5tli av, 51st st, s. II ol' 8th av, DIiIlill.9.^xiOa.5 1,000 53d Bt, 6, 496 It ot 6th av. SSxlO 36,000 SDth 11,11 265 ft nf 4ih ar. illslllll 5 20,000 at and 4th av, cor, 6 a 1M ft ot'lst iv, Nom Madison ar. ws, and fiStli st.

1110.5x120 60,000 2il av and 5lM st, a comer. nv, ff 411 ft 1 In of 10th at, Nora av. a 107111 st, 6,0110 4tli av, ws, 67taat, sw corner, 86,000 LBASEb Greenwich st, No 132, store, 5 yr-ara, per yoar 500 2d nv, Ko 1,051, store ami liasemoru, per yoar 600 "rt Ko store and lirst floor, it years, per 1,000 Kltli av, 10yt-ars, per 1,200 Etlt av, Ko 487, second floor,, per year 1,020 at, XO35, 3 years, per rear 825 Kinsa County. Chamirey st, 250 ft of Lea-is av, 40x103, 2 and 1.12.000 at, s. 600 ft of ar, 231200.......

Court ct, ft! I of Livingston st, 26x98.8 20,250 H.ilapyst, 10J I Toaijitiaaav, 35x100 8,100 Lorimer at, -M ft of Powers at, iOi77 3,950 Marion st, a 325ft of Reid av, 1,500 Oakland at, 8,335 ft of Meserolest, 2oxll)0 116 yuincf at, 11 2:5 or Franklin av, 20x100, May, 18ta Fame property 7,001) SchermerWn st, 210 ft of Bond st. 2Ui85.7 12,000 Scliolps st, ft of Union av, State at. a ISO ft of Powers st, 211x90, and 1 8,500 Walworlh st, 160 ol Dekalbluv, 23x100 8,000 Warren at, 225 ft of av, 112.6XJ55.7... 4,500 Warren st, 3S7.6 of Schenectady av, 112.6i235.7.. 4,500 Woodltine st, 150 of Bualuvick av, SIIO North 2.1 nt, 125 ft of Leonardat, and 1.

6,250 3d st, B. of 7th av, 22x90 26.000 North4tlist, 125 of 4th at, SoxloO, hand 1 4,975 South Eth and 9th sts. a corner, 40x75 3,000 South 7tli at, 306.2 ft of 3d st. 2S.oxlO to South 6th 19,700 10th st, 297.10 ft of 7th av, 100xi block, and 1,500 18th st, 170 ft 7th ar, 20x74, and 1 1,425 70B av, 237.S ft of Myrtle av, 50x02 Franklin av, ws, SO ft of Lafayette av, 6,000 HarrliOD av, UK) ft or Locust st, MlilQO 600 ft of Hooper st, 44x100 Myrtle av, 295 ft. ot Throop nv.

20xlOJ. 7,250 Schfinoctady av and Sackett at, a corner, 255.7x309.4x 260.10x2211 Wyckofl av, 100 ft of Fulton av. SExlOa Wythe av, 40 ft of Wilson 20x70, and lot 8,000 7tii av, 120.4 ft a of Douglass st, 22.8x110...... 3,500 Kssea: Count's N. J.

CongrWE Bt, 8 289 ft of Ferry st, 2Ssl05. 0 Cocgreeaat Ferry st, 23x105.3 1U Ferry st, adjoining McDonald property, 2 33400 acres .....10.000 EutJIarketst. s. Kase to IV Whitty.42.8x100...50,000.; ilartet st, adjoining Garthwait's property, 30.6x124 2l.OUO Mulbcrrv and Einnevstfi, a corner, "eTtf a adjoInineVan Hess, 'jrt, 25x100 Pennsylvania av and Emmet fit, corner. 25x100.

l. Aster corner, 25x100. av, 375 ol Sussex av, 50x94 7,750. Thomai 2S9 of Austin st, 16.11x103.2 2,250 es, adjoining Sayre property, 16.9x51.6 OBANOC. Part ano N'ew sis, corner, 66x4Hx43x6x30 600- Essex, si, 350 ft of Main 10,000..

Hudstra County, N. J. JERSEY OITV. BOUOKEN. Ial3, block 42, Colter uute BXROKN.

pine 0 rt of iarareue st, JOiSS Washington av, lot 57, Gould Mtue. 25x100- 1000- INCIDENTS ATTENDING THE ISSUE OF TBB AWSND- HENT wag quite a gathering In the ante-room of the White House whan tne message ana proclamation were signed, hair of tho number, however, being newspaper men. An at- tache or a Washington newspaper Dogged the President for tne pen with winch the documents were signed, ana It was handed to him. A venerable old gentleman who was In the crowd cfled out when tlie announcement was made that the negroes could now vote everywhere, "Well, gentlemen, you'll ali be d--d sorry for this." Tho speaker was-Dent, the father-in-law of the corresponaence Boston Strain, Karen.

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