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Hinds County Gazette from Raymond, Mississippi • Page 3

Raymond, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


PEYTON is how tectKving Lis Cor itrsTsainp The tra rf Lena" Scharff is harjl n-jm thia dat to Sc Bitrr KaKraets. fcr llie j2iii'n cf Lis brother. DItANE I) Ul'REC, ItAYMOXD. i a viiirr-vn AONOUA CCTTtXU ncsaas, ncur the Acw Orient tW IS 01 F.

for th acooBiaioilatkm of Travelers. PoanV rs aud Ltxlxera. Thia tha iu4 pke.asant ot EntertainraeBt th lrPIE are associated to-! 1 at EU'MONO, f.w the rT I om.Wvtuig a ncral Slexchiadiii' Piui-1 oes. lunng its an.1 the on-1 dition of our connrry will admit, it is their itte thru -s to aa assertion of ARE XOW receiving direct fron I the tri. Lnr Brand.

r-rul-luB mat ohm -fesir-pi will vote en mass against rt.cvention 5taB hoHAtrr, The hu4nsss win be continued at the tUiUipnii and Jwew York a gui. rJ aort-meot of Spring and Summer Goods, ArrvcttvrrsT Nonet In IlimU Cirvuit court -Vvvwt Ilistrict. Auastos L. Pup J. Attathrcent 'PHiS StUu tililellt, IMiiKsI bv W.

A. Robin-1 Justice of the Pnre of H.o county, tot llii, with interest from June 1, being itunssl ou the Garni-shetiS and the Ietend.uiU Bot bein fonnth it oriW'ivd th it notice of the same be pnb-lUhed in the ILu IVunfy Oaartte for fonr successive wk, and that nuh ss the IVfend-ants apKMr on tlie first iIm June term, IV'7, of the Cirvuit conrt tV'T the lriit of linn's county, and phal to hhiJ at-tacknit-nt, jinlginent will tw eubred against the lK ten Lu.ts and GurnUh.s. Wm. O. Ciujhak, Clerk, april 0-4t-3() rity.

Surrior th trav-ehitg eomainuity and to permanent stock of spnug kad shuuuct Qood. It ill Urge and wt a.sirtnl, at prices that cannot fnil to give taliafai'tion. Thrrw will be no necsity for purchasers going abroo.1 for any Goods in hi hue on account t4 iirices. They are invited to examine the stock at all liins. No trouble to show Goods.

april 13 1 be roAHua aua tir caunut be excelled in to are sre vs the above in tie lit publican. rt of the State, and such city. mb lo-2m ii. U. KUTTU.

and win 1 pleased to have Uk-Jr friend, patrons and the public generally cull and eiani- purpose to k.vp such A fjfinji aa will iueH the gi neral waun of pnrchas rs. Tie gtaer.d supervision of the business, at this place, wi'J U- mul the spevul direc-tkn of GEtX W. G1BIW. They are ris-eirirg in store, and will continue to do so during the se.vson i nf SkHiKir l3iiBESs. The new mu-! trs tx mg to strongtrs to the pnrvhapuff community; having ba ivsiJonts of dy an srito fnr siitin years, the sassc cnnrtv i oris atb'ntitm, honvst dealing, and briter tMr- ipiins than tvor, jorinj; to the decline in prr-I cos cf all kiu3s of irO vnr Trv-tod mt the stoi k.

A they Uvj been hberally patronized heretofore, they hop by ftriet attenluin and tar dealicj to merit a continuance of the A. Ia. MeKAY Bolton, Mbsl DIALS! a DRUGS, DRY Q00DS, NOTICE. tame. oii.HKr.11-s, Hardware, w.iod wca.

siiri.r, dry rtK.ii, LAlUts' IK1 (XXU1H, Uirs 1K.NM.1S, OIXTS' CUiTlUN.l, THE firm of BOLSTEK El TEESOS has thi day been by umtiuj consent, (Mr. Epjvrson withdrawing.) The business ia coutinned by O. W. liolster. at Their stick consist in Staple Goods Ladies Iress Oocls II mlww Hats and lioi.m ts Groceries IUxis and Shoes, Grocvrus, SvflJitH, fev lit-nn anuiob sr Tonus bats, t.y the j-ntlic Th.uikful for tho pat-ronfti brwtofore bestowed, which envur-tgi'm to bring on the Iar.t stojt in this city.

I pwniLse the people that no tpinhle wiU lie spired by the new firm to continue the establishment not only as a ltavir of Fashitn, procuring importations of all the novelties of the so won, but to make it also a permanent trading plaee, a istitn-tion, as the cheivnurt store of Victstmrj. LOCIS St'HAliFF. VietKlmrg, April 13, 1S07. april 2C4w TEKSM CASH. Storage funuahed for cixkIs to Estate of D.

D. Mcluluth Insolvent Notic. Whereas, at the April term. Hf.7, of the rro-bate court of the county of Hinds, state of Mississippi, the estate id 1. I).

Mclutonh, dis's- was by (aid court declared insolvent NoTici is thercforo hereby riven to tienta, bo'ys and youths Boots and Shoes Gents clothing variety- my care, at a reasonable commission. mhS ties as Lauderdale, Jasper, Chrke fcovton are considered part of ijlLssissippi. the assertion of the lican is wholly gratuitous and Cly misrc-prt-A-nta the opinions ttentions of the people. Three-Is of the white voters iu the ie3 named will vote for a Con-i)n, while the number opposed to fcization is diminishing daily. men as Judge Watts, Jud-e 'jock, Hon.

Sylvanus Evans, and, It almost without exception, every heretofore prominent, whether fressionLsts or Union men, advise iiaationand reconstruction uc.r acts of Congrey In this county, ill has a large population and will more votes than any county in I Mississippi, not one iu twenty ijvote against a Convention. job w. ao w. rorrma. ill is rsou having claims against said estate to come forward aud have their claims against said estate duly probated and registered in the K.dstet kept by the clerk, by the nmt laiij km, MoLEsaiM am cAxr (urruia, VlsdU oints, wits Axu Tvrnt saoia, CHIMA.

t'KiXKRaT ASK iU.SS WABS, TAIKTS AN OUJ4, BOOKS, STATl.lNtUY, AC AC. To all of which the attention of pnrchv sen is speeially Invited. jihowx, CUIUS CO. Kaymond, April 26 SPLENDID stock, or AT ROBB rORTER, JACKS05-. msa uucs kii.

eiiun, moicskin ana can u.uters Hooks and stitionerv Misses rhith and kui O.iiters Wood Ware all kinda Ciirjirnters' and tooU, ebj. etc. They will ri pie nish their stock from time to time a the trade demands thereby giving their customers the advantage of any decline ihat may occur in the market. Cayiuoud, may 3 lKf.s. otnerwiso Uietr claims will be forever lrred reoovery.

ff-Will attend reguhirly the ocsmly, probata aud circuit court, at Iiayuiond. mhlS A. Uallmah, Adiuiiiistrator. april 12-2H-5t Free to Even body. A large 6 pp.

Circular, giving informntion of the greatest importanco t'J the ymuij of both neves. It teaches how the homely nmy tiecome the di-spised rupoeted, and the loved. So yonng lady or gentleman should fail to send thrir address, and receive ti copy post paid, bv return mail. Address V. O.

Drawer 21, Troy, X. march 29- Cm. Estite of T. B. Woollcy.

as surviving partner nnnE celeuiiateb Scrapers. WttU Ci)ttM of tlie lute tlrin of Stubtsi oolley. Insolvent Notice. 1 ami ttftVAfi-; ftote are offer norrox depot. as.

Davis Ixantation. A corrcs-tent of the Weldon (N. State i 1 Whereas, at the April term. 18C7. of flio Probate court of the connty of Hinds, tte of MissisHipoi, th estate of T.

K. oolley. the same place, where he will lie pteaseit to see his friends and endeavor to give full satisfaction in all respects, as it las been hu desire heretefore. Gooibi will I sold cheap for cash. Persona cuing accounts will please settle as aoon as possible.

Claims will paid on premutation. O. W. UOLSTEU. Kaymond, april 4 G.

AV. BOLSTER, SCIVBSSO TO BOUtTEB MTEKaoN, XAGS01U HOUSE, 31MX SWEET, EAYMOXP, MISS. Yoi i.D iiifonu his friends aud the public that he will continue to keep ou hand a large and varied assortment of 1UY GOODS, GUOC'EKIES. which he will orTer at gnatly reduced prices to cash buyera. Auioiitf the ti.wds will be fonud Bonneta trimmed in new stylu.

Dross (nsnls, Silk Manillas, Trimmings. nil kinds, Hoots and M1.108, SUmut War, Plated Warn Hardware, Cutlery, and a largo assortment of EEADY-MADE CLOTH IXO, man ufiu lured expressly ht this marUt. With a lare supply of FAMILY OUOCER1ES, AND msTATios si rruia. Kaymond, april 13 W. 0.

TON I) t'EALCKS deceastsl, aa surviving partner of the late firm of Stubbs A Woolley, was by aaid CX'urt divlared insolvent ed for sale by axm Uaxlitt. of and Okj. W. QmBtM, of Edwards' Depot We th tmdermjrnul citifni of ilind comity have nsed the Ern. Wclu Ccrrrow Heiui'iB, and take pleasure in recommending it to the public as a Nit.

1 ttaraper. Geo. llarrel, W. E. Herring, 8.

namens, Jo. Fni kaou, 1 Clem. Davis. niarch 2'J-tf. Notice is therefore hereby riven to tlie Dry Oioils, Groocrioi, Tinware, creditors of soul estattf to cjme torMinnl mid have their claims against aaid esmtc duly lrobatvl and registered ill the Register kept .1 1 .1.

Hardware, Crockery, D0K011, oy me ciera, oy me urst lfttW. otherwise they ill la) forever Uured IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES AyE have in vtore, and will coutamly 1 1 keep on baud lJt-st quality family Flour Superfine and eittm Flour Maekerel, in kits and half bbb White Hsh, Lard, IVkles, soili, allspice Sugar cured hams, plain and canvassed Tea, pepper, ginger, sinip Starch, rice, nail, sardines, cruiers of Lemons. WorcosWrsUir Fowih khot, gun cius, oyster i'asting, molasse vinegar Kerosiue oil aud Uiops, taUu mustard ld port and e.itawba Winn Corse-shoe nails and shoe pegs Flow and riding lindles liacon sides and sli.uil.lers. ALSO-100 se.cks com, white ami mixed 2j bbls. kiln dried meal Aud various other artieU not mentioned.

All of which can bo hud low for cash. DliANE Jt DITKEE. Kayuoud, rnav 3 ncoverv. 11 W. Stick noise, J-2S-51 Administrator, Ac Wonderful but True.

MAPAM EKMTWrOX, the wurM imown-ed Astpilogist and Somnaitibnlistie ('luiivov-ant, while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an in-trmneut of in-teuse wfr, known as the l'-iythomntroni, guarantees to produce a perfect and lifelike pietnre of the fntnn- hnsband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriagp, oecupation, leading traits of character, Ao. This is no imposition, as testimonials without nunilier can assert Py stilting place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fitly cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, togethur with desired information. TAdilress iu confidence, Maiume Gek-tki'hs litiUKoTuN, P. O. Box I'roy, New York.

inarch 23-17 DR. S. ALEXANDER, or cuxton, una HAS eonstabtly on hand a freali supply vt llotaulo Mediciuea for sale. Having devoted much time and for many years, to chronie disease, he prepared to cure Ihsix'psia, rosiicctfally inform tho I public that they ate in receipt of a EsUto of T. 11- Woolh y.

Insolvent Notice. Whereas at tha April term, 1SC7, of the Pro new and splendid stoek of GOODS, embracing every thing usually found in Dry Goods and Grocery Stores, as well as every thing chronie Disease nf th Lnnga, Liver, Spleen and Kidneys Dropsy, Asthma, Scrofula. bate conrt of the connty of Hinds, state of Uterine Durangemuuta, Ac, Ac, Persona reeiding at too great a distance to' Mississippi, tli estate of l. it. Woolly, deceased, was by aaid court declared tu aolveut Notice is therefore herebr riven to nil consult him in persou, ciui do to by letter stnvesshilly.

I'utilic patronage respeetniuy aoliclted. Chnton, march i persons having claims against said estate to tsutie forward ami have their claims Against said estato duly probated and registered in thu Register kept by the clerk, by the first MomUiu in IH'iS, otherwise their claims needcj in Families and for Plantation use. EMRIIAITNG Staple and Fancy tlisids. Ladies' Dress (Itxids, Irish Linens, Gingliania, Jaooneta, Cambrics, Honnets, Shoes, FOR OEXTt.F.MLN lUwly Clothing -in variety, Hats and Caps straw, jmlm and fur Hoots and Shoes line and heavy, rnder-clothing of cdl kinds, With Trunk, Cirja sacks, Ao. DENTAL HURGEIIY.

Dr. Riser SmntiFK Salk. S. S. Hiard, t-t.

aL 1 r.i,i7;i als. fl. fa. J. L.

Hairston, BY Vlltin: of the ahove stated writ will be forever barresl Sial, writes ironi jnvumippi 3 mentioned in my letter below Jjdmrff, tliat I had passed Joe and 1 Davis" farms. In speaking of the 4er, in conversation with a resi- i citizen, he told me that President and his brother's farms had a confiscated by the Ciovern- and sold to a "negro, a former ci of Jeff. Davis, lY-r ton iri' time, and that he would clear I Venr on the land. The tp is saiil to quite an entcqiris-; liaan, and is working a force advantage. I do not find here on whole trip one man iu ten of atSern birth or sentiment The 01 country seems to be' in the uJf of Northern men and foreign-fc illvtn the negroes talk a lingo I I can but poorly understand.

From the Richmond Whig. Policy is this Ciusih. AVe call Xcuticm of our readers to the fol-i. 1 "platform of principles" a dissenting voice," by i ijass meeting of white and of Petersburg, held last Srfflay evening, on Court House That wc agree to accept and pertain good faith the terms and con-iorj ireseribcd by the Congress of i Tjfeited States as the terms and tdions upon which Congress has ed to restore Virginia to her place ih-Virion. we recoguize and accept as essential part of wiiil terms and iditions the proposition that the iU5al power of the State, which has tofore been wielded" by white men Mihhall henceforth be possessed I elercised by whito and black men t'That we will therefore insist that STOVES! HOUSE lTllNISIIIXG I a aV 1L W.

SiACEHousg, Adm'r. IS MOW prepared to oerate in all the va-' rions branchea of DtsTiwrar. VoloaniUi' npril 12-2H-CI to me directed, from tlie otHee of the clerk oi liul.lwr nsed as a Has ft ArtitlciiU Teeth, which la known to be etiuaLto Gold or any Estate of Wm. Merrill Letters Granted. other material used for that ptirpotw.

II L. 1 Whereas, at tho April term, the hun- aii wora wiunuiusi irivnmiuiaeuon. Will visit any portion of this oonnty. All orders fur work ihould be addroaaed (Jmcericsand riantation Supplies Raymond, MUa. 1 oral le Protiateceuirtol tno county limits aud stato of Mississippi, Letters of aduiin-istration Vitc granted the WidcrsiRued on tho estatn of William Merrill, deceased, late of said county and state Torso Lauj returning to Lor country home, alter a sojourn of a few molitiis in the city, was hardly recognised by her lrieiuls.

In place of a rustic, Unshed face, she had a soft, ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of tweuty-throo she really appeared but eighteen. Vpou uiipiiry as to the causo of so great a change, she plainly told them that she usod the Circassian ltalllt, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. Hy its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in it combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy iu drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion Ily its direct action on tun cuticle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as nature intended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price il, sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of aa order, by W.

L. CLA11K Chemists. No. II. West Fayette Syracuse, N.

Y. The only American Agents for the gale of the same. march 2'J ly Drs. 11 Land J.N. Bogle, thu circuit court of llnius county, I will sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder for cash, within tho hours prescribed by law, iu front of the door of tho court house of said county, in tho town of Uaymoud, on the Monday, the 3d day o'f June, WC7, all the rifjht, title aud il.terest the defendant, John L.

llairston, has iu and to the following described properly, to wit The west half north east qirter and south east quarter north east quarUr section 17, township 3, range 3, west, lying in Hinds county, levied upon as the property of (he defendant John L. Hairstou, and will be sold to satisfy the above stated case and all cost. 8. li. Thomas, Sheriff.

may HAYING assoelaUHl themselvei together in the rractiee of Medicine and Hnnnrr respoctfiiuy tender their service to tlie citizens of ltiiymond and vicinity. They mav tc found at the Draft Htore of rl O. MarshalV Notice is tliereforo hereby riven to all persons indebted to aaid deceased td come forward and make iinmudinta payment aud those having claims against the same aro re-quired to present them within the time proscribed by the statute, and duly authenticated according to law, otherwise they will be forever barred recovery. ICHAKD CHARLTON, thankful for past li favors and patronage, wonld inform the public that he is now in receipt of a larger stock of Goods iu his line than ho has ever before kept, and having en bought in person, aud for cash, he ca dispose of thcin at the lowest posaiblo prici a. In STOVES, he now hus a complete assortment, as follow Favorite, Nonesuch, Kitchen Queen, Here), Success, Oregon, Advance, ltlaek Oiik.

ALSO, extra Stove pots and kettles, and skillets anil ovens. -ALSO- Snioothing irons, andirons, frving pans A largo assortment of WOOUK.N WAttE, such aa Water Buckets, churns, trays, bowls, brooms, brushes, Ac. Als. 1, phiin and japaned Tinware constantly on hand. House Guttering aud all oul-door work at-teiuUMl to promptly.

Iiayuiond, ujril19 in the day and at their rosidenco in the night, unless professionally alxtent. June (J OF ALL KINDS. With Com, Hay, Oata, Flour. Meal, Ac. FLOWS.

A fill stock of Flows and YOST'S COTTON SL'UAPEKS, which will be sold at strictly Vicksburg prices wiihoct adding Articli that wo may not happen to have ou haud auch as steam engines, printing presses, Ae. we can order withtlispateh. Planters who may wish to buy Gooda at low pfioes, and at the same tiluo receive sum assistance in their business arrangement, are invited to call and sec us bpfore going to Vicksburg or elsewhere. W. C.

POND i CO. Bolton, april 5 J. U. UAWIINa. W.

O. CNAPlCAa. Hut ah 1). Mebkii.l, Ailm x. april 12-Ct-28 Estiito of Juroiuo Peyton.

Shuiut Sale. Sherard A Iligby 1 Vendi. Exponas. M. E.

C. King. IiiHolvcnt Notice. Know Thy Destiny. Madame E.

F. Thoknton, the great Eng. Whereas, at the April term, 1HC7, of the Pro- HAWKINS CHAPMAN, ATTOUSEYS AT LAW, RAYMOND, MISS. WILLnttcnJ to all btwincHs cntruHbod to their care In the various Courts of tha county and state, and special attention giv-en to collecting and oonveyanciug. GlUee iu the eyurt house.

Raymond, Jan. 13 BY VIKTUK of the above stated writ tiate court of the conuty of limits and state lish Astrologist, Clairvoyant and Psychome- to me directed, from the office of the clerk of nf Mississippi, the estate of Jerome Peyton, deceasoel, was by aaid court declared Insolvent 1 constitution shall be framed for Estate of. W. H. Oliver uas as on sueu ine m-ienunc tho cjK.u wnrt ((f nin(1)t I wU1 81.U elas-ses of the Old orld, has now located ftt mHi to lhe for herself at Huds.m, N.

Mudmno Thorn- wjthiu hmm lttW in ton i possesses such wonderful powers oi sec- frollt of awr th. court ho-of ond sigh as to enable her 'to impart knowl- cmm, iu to nf lUymmlt the tftnee to tho single firht of Intjolvctit Notice. WORTH NOTICING. Notice ib therefore hereby riven to the crediturs of said entote to ooina forward and hare their claims against said estate duly probated and registered in the Register kept by Whereas, at the April term. 18(17, of the Pro tin, which shall pmviilo that nil Jhite or black, without reference Srlvious condition of servitude, perfectly ciiuul before the bbth in respect to poliiical privi- bate court of Hinds county, the citato of 17 If tl.

.1. 1 1 i IV .1 .1 a or nnvrrieil ot either ses. described pj.rficrty to wit ft lot of ''roum K. V. BEUTTEU, Statt Oppotttt JACK80X.

Dt altr in Walche, Cluck and Mugicat Irance she delim-ates tho verv features of the l-IISRMAX ami in east half south west quarter se tiou 211, ii. It. iii.ei-ii.iun, Ylivs I'Jf BHUltoeill declared insolvent Notico is therefore hereby riven to township 5, rango 2 west, described as fol the clerk, by the Sd Monday prtl, lm, otherwise their claims will le forever barred. 8. O.

Pl'ltYEAlt. Adm'x npril 12-5t-2H Jerome Peyton, deo'tL 28 Mid power, and of civil rights lows- beginning at the north east corner of Lwtru'menia. MOSS, said eighth and running thence south 250 feet, thence west 100 feet, thence north Estato of David If. EAols feet, thence east 100 feet, to the beginning me erouiiors 01 sain esiarn 10 come forward and have their claims against said estate duly probated and registered, in the Ueister kept ley the clerk, by tho llrst Mmuki in oth( rwis their claims will be forever barred recovery. S.

It. TiIoma. april lii-2S it Sheriff an-l Adm'r. in the town of Kaviiiund which haa ben 32 Wash Strttt, 'AA door from Clay, YICKSHl KG, Miss, land warruitoiL I Ut all laws creating distinctions I differences of any sort between of different races slmll be un-Btitfctional, null and void. TJiat wo will support no candi-9 1 the Convention who will not 1f: himself to carry out in good the foregoing propositions and ro their adoption as part of the Ic Jental law of Virginia wo will levied npon as the property of M.

E. C. King, and will bo sold, to satisfy tho above stated cttse and all fost. 8. 15.

Tuom.18, Sheriff. may 3-3w-31-S person you aro to many, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Fsychomotropo, guarantees to produce a litelike pieture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together witlulate of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character, Ac. Th is Is no humbug, as thonsands of testinio-niiilscan assert. She will send wheu deired a certified certificate, or guanmtcc, that the pietnre is it imrjinrts to be. By enclos-ing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, disjiosition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamieil envlop al-dressed to yourself, you will receive tho pic-tine aud desired information by return mail.

All communications Siieredly confidential. Address in confidence, Madame E. F. Thornton, 1. O.

ISox 223, Hudson, X. Y. march 21My. LetteM (Iriintotl. Whereas, at the April term, 1SC7, of the honorable Probata conrtofthe county of Hinds and state of Mississijipi, letters of administration were granted the undersigned on the estate of David II.

Echols, -ikwascd, late of said county and state Notico is therefore hereby riven to all persons indebted to said deceased, to come forward aud make immediate payment nnd SINCE tho return of J. L. Hkkmas from the East, we have received one of ''Vm. x. -t to 00 hU old tgtfjj friend and ousto-' Sheriff Sale.

thu finest assortments of iO0IS usiudlv mirj imfini James Ronner, Executor, and vicinity, oct l'J-tf. E. V. SETJTTEB. kept by us.

We leavo tho people of Hinds aud the uurrouudiug country to judge of the n. a te cordially with all good I. N. F-aker, C. V.

Heard. ue or black, vho honestly de- Estate of. Alexander Yates Insolvent Notice. Whereas, ot tho March term, 1fi7, of the Probate court of Hinds county, Mississippi, the estates of Alexander i'ates, decoas-ed, was by said court declared Insolvent: Notice therefore hereby riven to the creditors of said estate fc) eomu forward ami have tln iroLiiins against said estate duly probated and registered in the llegister kejit by tho clerk, by the first Monday of Mav, 111 the year li, otherwise their cliiims will be forever barre d. A.

Ji. WLKKS, march 13-Cui HI. A lmiiiistrlitor. experience of Mr. Herman as a merchant and W.

11. CUEW, M. all persons having claims against th same are required to present them, duly authenticated according to the statute, and within the time prescribed, otherwise they will be forever barred rm'overr. samo result. BY YIltTUE of tho alove stated writ HAVING located at COOPER'S his profeJwionAl servioes to the' to me directed, from the oflico of the clerk of invite tho colored men nf experienced Layer.

He has been East for two months, nnd has taken ample time to make one of the host selections, and at the lowest market prices. That we haro con citizens of th surrounding neighborhood. urg, freedmen, and tho born ke. to ioin us. to nn R.

A. HoLT, Administrator, npril ia-2H-a. He will gv special attention to diseases of females. feb 8-3aa the circuit court of Iliuds county, I will sell at public anction, to the highest bidder for casli, within the honrs prescribed by low, in front of the door of the court house of said county, in tho town of Kaymoud, on tho first Mouthy of June, L7, all the riht, title and Administrator's Sale. I)Y YIRTXE and in pursuance of Decree of tho Probate court of the couutv of Hinds, state, of Mississinni.

made at the Sen- jt il meetings, to participate iu I'beratious and express freely ft. opinions and wishes; and we Guardian's Sale of Land. AUTHORITY of a Decree of the Pro--I) bate court of Hinds eonnty, rendered at I intent the nVfcntlant, C. C. Heard, has Estate of.

J. H. Sims. Insolvfent Notice. at tho March term, 1807.

of the EsUitc of T. F. Keith. Letters Orivntcd. Whereas, at the April tisnn, of the Pro-hate, court of Hinds county, state of Mississippi, Letters of Administration were granted the undersigned on tho estato of T.

F. Keith, docenscd, late of said county and state Ki myy and to the following described prox rtv, to r'l-t-The wcsthalfBouth rnirtcr 'and jtiem that they shall receive all Iteration and respect to hich f( entitled, aseoual ivn tir-mniita Probata court of Hinds county, statu of nitli west ijuarter section 10. south east south east cmarter section 17. east e.l, will proceed to sell for cash, on the prem- i-ses hereinafter described, and bet-ween half in ponucai power and legal north cast quarter find nott'u e.vst fpiart oy on WU.MiAl, Itie eorfh east oniirtt-r section 20. I souin easi quarter seciion zo, cast nail ana the April term, 1HI17, the nndiirsigiied, Guait-iliau of Petortteld Jeffornon, Rettie H.

Jeffer-" son, and John Jeffurson, will offer for' sale, tr) tho highest bidder for cash, on the' premises, on Saturday, tha Uth day of May, at 1'J o'clock, tlie following ds-cribi-d Laud West half of north went quarter of section 13 the south west quarter of south west quarter of section 18, all in town-. Notico is therefore hereby riven to all yon explaiued that these res- nitli i r- u. oTthe it' I north west on.irler and north half south west rights of the children ol said deceased under ti. persons indebted said deewtseel, to come mean, among other forward and make immediate payment aud Z. uZtlZll'l tio22.

all in townshipa. range at. at white men and black men Mississippi, the e.itati) of J. H. Sims, deceased, was by said court declared insolvent i.s hereby riven to the creditors of said estate to come forward and have their claim against the same duly probated and registered in the Itegister kept by the clerk, by the 1st day ol the April te'rm, ISM, thereof, otherwise their claims will be forever burred.

'UIOS, SIM3, Execntor. march r. ymS n. mums Co all. person having claims against the same are required to present them, duly authenticated according the statute, and within the TltbtTlt.

ote upon the same and equal l-and none other. crilad as dlows, viz Heard, and will be'eoltl to satisfy tho above time prescribed by Law, otherwuso they will orth west quarter, and west half sonth- hat white men and black men ship 0, range 1 west also tne east naif or north east quarter of section 'ii, township 'i west being about 200 acre. E. 1L fsrnnox. april 12-28-0t staiea case, coht.

S. It. Thomas, Sheriff. may west quarter, swtinn 31; sonthwest qniirter, section aud all south of Big Black river in le lorevur Uarre recovery. W.

J. Stackuocse, Adm'r, april 12-C1-2S ld ofhec upon equal terms other. ducted our business as it should be, our prosperity ill speak for that. Every one who has seen our stock says it is one of the prettiest and best' selucted ever brought to Vicks-bnrg, nnd what every one says must bo so. AVe therefore cordially invito all to examine our stock, which couits of some of the hand-omcst designs of Jaconet Lawns, Linen Lawn, Barages, Moscmba'pici, Esmeralda, Puffed and corded Cambrics and iasi.

ALSO a fine asjiortmcnt of Parasols, Linen Umbrellas, Silk Sacks, Falatots and mantles, Lace Points and Shawls. And all goods for Spring and Wear. Also, a fine assortment of SHOES, for men, ladies and chfl lren. hat no tax shall be assessed Attacumext Nonet Just Keceived- section 30; in township 0, range west Also, northeast quarter, section 25; east half and northwest quarter, section 3(1; north half, section 35; andsouthwiwtnnarter. section Il.T.

er. ATT.vcnitST Notice. Shuuff Salk. polored man unless a similar J. W.

Welborn C. D. Hamilton. 1 How. 171 sessed upon the hites.

20.42S Laac Titmey Wm. Thohipson. W. W.

Wardlo Anat not one dollar of public John Evans. Officers of Court, ty Circuit court 2d District of Hinds connty. muue appreciated lor the THE attachment in the above stated case. cept CI acres in the south end thereof; said last portion being in township 1, range 5, East. Also, northwest quarter, section 2, and east half, northeast quarter, section 3, township 13, range Eust, containing in all about iiM acrea.

W. D. SMITH, Adm-r, e. may3-5t-81 C) BrSHFXS Corn )U buslleUOitU 21 sacks bran 'IT, bbls choice Flonr bbls cirru i't bbls choice Potables KHEP.ARD, Agt. Raymond, feb I a oi a wnit child unless an-uar is apnronriatpd nlnn 1 for the srmi of $7." 0J, hich was Issued from the office of J.

Broom, and re U. aiiirchison, i fi- fa" John Evans. BY VIHTCE of the aliove stated writs he education of a black child. turned into the otHee of the clerk id fije. circuit court of the county ami district afore aat there shall be no differ- to me directed from the office of the clerk of said, levied real eststte in anil near Ctica, istinction between persons of Circuit court Second District of Rind county, state of Mississippi-Tut att ichnjent and garnishment in the above stated case, for $77 17, which imned from the circuit clerk's' effi; of said connty, having been returned bv the sheritT of aaid county served npon J.

R. White, adminiss trator'of Hugh White, deceaaerl a Garnishee named in said writ, and the defend uirt Wardlow not being found, and having no property in srud oonnty on which tf levy, as appear from the rettras of said sheriff on said wnt endorsed NOTICE is therefor harelr oivea to aaicf Defendant. W. W. Wardlow.

to and "ces, exccr.t such am the circuit court of Hinds comity, I will on the first Monday, the 3d day of June, lxt7, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, within the honrs prescribed by law. in said county, and the defendant, William Thompson, having departed th stile, as from tho writ of attachment, ao Uiat UnymrmA unil Uoltnn Mail and E-npresn Line CONNECmtO AT DOLTOX wrrn all PAssrxor.a rsvixs, bast asd west. ature has created, and such lea of politeness and front of the cbior of the eourt house of Sulriit S.UJi. I. M.

Quina 20,313 A. E. Green, Ex'r fi. fa. of D.

O. Ferryman, I deoeased. BY VIETUE of the alove stae.l Writ to me directed, from the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of Hindu cennty, I will sell and the unfettered com- the ordinary process 01 law cannot ie served njxn him, N'oti'w is therefore hereby given tu the said Wm. Thompson, to be aud appear before the circuit court of mud county, 111 tlie town ol Raymond, on or before the first Mon oi mankind, shall establish rca without the aid of laws. Clothing Fancy Goods, Pi-wengers having Itaymimd in the morning can arrive at llolton in time to bike the train for Vicksburg or J-vkson and return same 1L1T.

ILuk It-avcs Bolton for Ilaymond on arrival rrao a Gal's Hand. The Pike of all kinds hues, size and Jc-seription. HATS HATS. personally appear before said court on theft rst Sloudny of Jane, 1SC7, at tha eourt house in the town of Raymond, and plead, answer or demur, otherwise judgment by default will be entered against said Defendant for the nuoont of Phuntiff's demand and all Democrat is rpstvincihln said county, in the town of RaytnontL, all the right, title and interest the defendant, John Evans, has in and to the following descrilied property, to wit Sonth east quarter mxtion 11, south half aud west half north west quarter xectiou 12, all of section 13, all in township H. range 5 east rontaining 1(H ikw, more or lw, lying in Hinds county.

Which was levied upon as tha propert'y of iAia Evans and fill be sold to satisfy the ubove stated cases and all costs. 8. 11. TttJiua, SLerift may 3-31-3w43 day of June, I. 7.

and plead, answer or demur, otherwise judgment will be taken as eonlV sw.l, and the property attached will be sold to satisfy plaintiff's demand and costs Of SUit. Wit. O. CitAPMAW, april 12 5t-2S Clerk. of Hats we have one rf tic finest stocks ever 01 eacn train.

Ravmou'L hi front of Post Office, at 1-2 an 1 1 o'clock, making all connections with cars. R. it Agent Bolton PiTot- Aug. 10-tt costs. Wit, V.

CaUMak, apTil26-5tr30 Clark. ai puonc auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash, within the hours presented by law, In front of the door of the court house of said county, in the town of Kavmond, on the first Monday of June, 1SG7, all tho ri-ht, title and interest the defendant has in and to the following described property, to wit The south east quarter section 1, township 3, Tinge 1 west, south quarter of east half ionth west; quarter section 13, township 3, range 1 west, and so much of section 22, township 3, range 1 west, as lies west of the X. 0., J. and ti. X.

E.ulma.L tTiff brought to tliis market. Also an eudlem variety of Perfumery, Soaps, etc. etc. Estate of Wm. F.

Dennhr Citation oticfe. In th Probate conrt of i county April Wc" elicit a call a. it. nAi.t v. shei.tos d.

chluspie. HALL, SH ELTON it GILLESPIE, ArroBXEvs-AT-Ltw, RAYM0SD, MISS. WILL practice in all the courts of this state except in those from which It. N. Hall is prohibited by reason of hi office in which tihelton Gillespia will practice alone.

term, The stat of To F.psa Dennis, HewiUl McLemure, ktaxtha CHAltLiKH E. MOUNT, AHirrney ami hun for at RAYMOND, MISS. HASrnntne-1 the practiitof his Profession, and ill attend the Court held here and at Jackson. Oct 7 from one and all, when we convince thetnoat fatidiona that our uovnng ance the other night, not a miles from Pitsfield, two struck with the same gal wjlhng to show special favor declined dancing mid seat-5. in tho baefc part of the ng chilly, the fair maiden shawl, and one of her ad-ncloded toshphi9 tand nn-v Rntl what effect her hand would have.

He ad succeeded. Lord! yh5Wi He squeezed, and ezed. He felt glorious all evidently felt glorious quite a joyful Umc spent I the UvJy threw back hr rerealed i i Estate of. S. Jouea Citation Notice.

In the Probata emit of Hirvls eoanryIpril trsri. The state of Missmippi, To Susan Jones, Fannie Jones, Ell.t Jones, Floyd Jon, acd Ap Fox Jones, non-n-si-d-nts, and all other pereorm inter estel in the estate of VA'm. 8. Jnea, deceased Y'OU are hereby citdl to be and personally appear befirrs the Probate court of the eonntv of Hinds at a term to be held on Stock ia one of tlie Fiacst tlirce acre, more or less lving iu Hinds county which was levkd npon as tlie property of the defendant, and will Ihj sold to aaUsfy the above stated case and all 8. JB.

Sheriff. May 3-3W-31-S3. Conors Yixrx. and handsomest tver brought to the City of rims. Uoodwir, non-resident and all other per' sous interested in th estute of W.

t. Dm-' ni. deceased: IOU are hereby cited to be and pet" actually appear before the Probata court of Hinds county, state of Misiassippi, at a tern thereof to' be held on the nrst Monday to Jane next, on the ftnit 4av said term, then Mid there to show camte. If any ye eaa, Wrfcy ARDERS for tho Plows filled at A- cents price, with fn-ijjbt from Vicksburg Just Received I kdnlrid bolted Moal lJ V) bbls extra Flonr 10 bbls extra Flour 3 sacks choice Rio Cuffm Fine chewing TuLwco. april li E.

V. FwLKES. added on. W. HERA UD, march 15 rpeca me now." vy'js- mig Owing to define In all gKa jK elasacs of Goods, and having iJPi Maa entirely new stock, we CITARLES E.

MOUNT, AmnitEi axo CorssELOB at Law, KAYyOND. the first Monday in Jane next, on the fonrtU day of term, thn and there to answer the petition of Mary Jones, alministrairix of i w. F. Jotos, dtrxAse.I, for the sale of reAl I Jmjzm his dicnt8 on.l fricRd that le roctivt an snthetttic coj IOV of lhe V. I estate bel-ammg to said fRtiit, at dcwrilwd in said and show caae if any yem in why said it-al estate should nA be A1 Bankrupt Law, and harinz hll fMr.

our two youths peez-! cxrrircc liridge Lcttintr ON SATl'KDAY. the May. I will ou! the bw est and best biddor the building if a ti Hri.lg over the rrtek in Fondren Law, miloa west of Raymond, on the lLiVonil nr. 1 Port Gibson tnvl. Ac, Vifl I on the orinod.

N. W. 1UXKSTOX. mav 3 l'-ilicemao. U.e estite of F.

Dennis, deceased, should not be dVlared Insolvent, and the Lands bo-' longing add estate should not be soU to pav dtbts due by said estat. aa prayed for in the petition of B. Jhomas, admmistr-' tor of said atsttte, now pencintr Mnr this court. By of court, April 8, IhfiT. W.

T. RiTUtfv, Ckria 8pr2I25if! are able to bell 2- pr cent, lower than any other house is Ttcksburg. HEE3IAX 4 MOS Vo. 31 Washington afreet, 31 lior Ihrm Clay, aprj i ricmni'xj. tnp receding act of 1-U.

Und. rs his at prared tar in and 100 Backs choice liio Coffee I 0V emisigament and for tale atriotly at Krw OiiaAa puices. Merebsnts and rdn get a Ku-sni ia this coffee. SHEARER A KEUX. marrh S3 prnf.sional to a uisv io say -s.

jueez" to eithc of liy order of court, April a 157. them. N. RThc act Like efiV-t jaae 1, may 3 W. T.

lUncrr, fWk. kit ZL I .3.

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