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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 2

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rr GREAT MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENT. -INDIAN VEGETABLE DECOCTIO PEOPLE'S BANK OF BAJj iMifKK, February 7th, 1859. The President and Directors fSpeeial Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. An Unconditional Pardon. the sun: Iscbkasf! Thfy Incf.bask.- Winners of both Frizts and Hits.

Yesterday quite a gather-ite at the Special Agency of Fortune, oldest estab-. liBhed. No. 106 Baltimore street, nearly opposite the Son Iron Building. To-day Sonn, tickets $1 to 25 cents; 520,000, tickets 5 to $1 5.

Supplementary tickets at all prices. For prizes oall on or address J. Clark, as above. Patapsoo, 32, drawn numbers: 35 60 20 52 4 3 5 51 26 3 37 34. Washington County, drawn number: 10 73 63 78 31 20 75 18 52 42 5 32 26 59.

Hollibay -Street Theatre. Engagement for Four Nights Only of the Celebrated Tragedian nnd Comedian, Me. Murdoch nnn nnnuiD der the najne and firm oi ELMhil elerB,) is tioa day dissolved py Feb. 7. 185P.

EZRA rn-Tie watch "i thelate firm will be conducted by EZRASU as the o'd stand. N. B. Orders for Silverware must be addfesssd to L. ELMER, No.

174 W. Pratt street. fc8-6t nHJl (JOODS DAMAGED BY TttK LATE i FJRJ IE AT THE KB TERN CHINA HAbL DRY GOODS STORE WILL BE EXPOS fciU FOR SALE on THIS (Tuesday MORNING, and oontinue until the entire stock is disposed of. jt vv unities 1 1( 545 West Baltimore street. JND1A SHAWLS, PEAL INDIA CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS AND SCARFS, AT No.

5 HANOVER STREET, FOR A f8-3tr FEW DAYS ONLY. KM OVAL OF THE NEW YORK LACE tsTORE. On th-Jl5tb the stock of EMBROIDERIES and LACE GOODS will be REMOVED from 223 to 189 BALTIMORE STREET, opposite St. Paul street. Ladies will find a handsome assort ment ol the Newest Styles ol ths above goods.

lilUS. ttHUH 1, fe3 2t: i 223 Baltimore st. DAVID 4i North Howard sc. neat door to the Crockery Store, near Lexing ton street, has jmt opened a case ot piapk tiiasric Jiiilj is. ior in cents, worm 23; io ivuwrei Combs, for Children.

12 cents; Pins, 3 cents; Hooks and Lyes, 2 cents; Needles, 3 cents; Cord 3 cents: worsted Braid, 3 cents a nieoe; Srtoekings, 6 cants; ten skeins Sewing Mlk torbcenis: anirc uosoms for 12 cents; Combs; Tidy Cotton, 57 per finB linon HunilkprnhiRlH for 12 nontfi: best transDa- rcnt Soap at 5 cents a bar, and many Goods fiom if 11 1 1 IJLJ UAVIU DAiUDDawniv 43 North Howard street, 18-tfr near Lexington iURNT GOODS, WET GOODS AND DY GOODS, will be exposed for sale at "THE WESTERN CHINA HaLL BRYGOO STORE." on THIS (Tuesday) MORNING mFtant. and CONTINUE Un'TIL THE EN TIRE SIOUK IS J-JJ V.J,. it. vv uauiniuraciiv, fea-ltj No. 645 West Baltimore street.

EXTENSION AND MATINEE SKIRTS. we have just received a lull supply ol the oest SKIRTS now in use. PERKINS CO fe8-5tSr No. 6 N.Charles street. FECIAL NOTICE.


WHITE CAMBRICS undressed, extra wide, from 18 to 50 cts. by the piece. PI.A1D MUSLINS. GENERALLY. ENGLISH CHINTZES AND GINGHAMS.


HOWAILD Sr No. S49 Baltimore stkebt. and A o.62 German Are now opening manv desirable styles of GOODS adacted to the best Citv Retail Tr-ule, such as Kiel-ard son Sons Owdon's superior Family LINENS Memmae PRINTS; Hoyle's 3-4 Fancy CHINTZ and 4 Purple Manchester G1NS-HAM8, with a full assortment of GOODS in their they are prepared to sell on a favorable terms as any other house, and solicit a call from buyers generally. fe8-itrt VI" Manufacturers and Dealers in GAS FIX TURES, 366 W. Baltimore st.

Gas-pipe introduced by experienced workmen and warranted free from leaks. Regildinr, Bronzing and Silvering done at short notice. tf lr HJ. R. CAMPBELL AVE OPENFID at their Store, at the southeast coiner of Baltimore and Charles streets, with A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES AND JKWELRY, f8 Str) SILVER AND PLATED-WARE.

T7 AN- FA s. Beautiful EVENING FANS, received by the steamer now opening oy SAM'L KIRK ft SON, Gold and Silversmiths, f7 tfjr 172 Baltimore street REMOVAL. EO. WEBB, GOLDSMITH and JEWELER, has removed to the new Buildinr on the R.nornnr of BALTIMORE AND LIGHT ODDOSite the Bank of Baltimore, where he intends lrpeninp a well selected stock of Watches. Jewelry and Silver Ware, everything indeed that is new and elegant.

ur OVAL. The LONDON WATGH AND JEWELRY STORE has been REMOVED from No. 159 Baltimore street, ahove, to No. 137, below Calvert st. JOHN ALEXANDER, 137 Eaitimore strset, tF13r? a few door below Calvert stre -t.

rf PER A GLASSES CANFIELD, BRO. ft 229 Baltimore street, have on haad, at moderate prices, a hill p-HRnrtmentof Paris OPERA GLASSES, mounted in Pearl, Ivory, Enamel and Japaned Cases, whole! saie anu retail. lirKia-sercurj nrj WATCHES. WATCHES. Fine Watches, fine Jewelry, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, to suit all ages; Sterling Silver-ware, Albata-ware, of every description; Table Cutlery, Fancy Goewis, Clocks, pera Glasses, ftc, all at exceeding low prices.

M. B. LARMOUK, Licht onnosite Fountain Hotel N.B.W etches and Jewelry repaired ia the best manner. tiri XiCH JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLAITED 11 WARE. fto.

A. E. WARNER. Gold AND Silversmith, No. 10 SORTH GAY has just opened a rich and varied assortment of fine JliW-FJLRY, embracing a variety of styles and patterns of Brooches, Far-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Chains, Pencils and Pens, Cuff Pins, Buckles, Miniature Lockets, which.

are onereu on the most accommonaun? terras, ur! KMBKR. LUMBER We have a lot of LUM- JLi BER, that has been usef, and is suitable for ScarTolaiue. Sheathing and Fenoing. which we will eP very cheap. Apply at our Yrd.

132 Light street wharf, or corner of Eutaw and German sts. ft-tf; BURNS SLOAN. SHOEMAKERS OF BALTIMORE, ATTENTION! I would inform the Shoe Trade of Baltimore that I have secured the Agenoy for the sale of "Witte-more's" Unrivaled DRESSING BLACKING, put up in pints, quarts, ftc, or on draught. This article has throughout the Eastern States a high character, and thers is scarcely a single Bhoe mnnufactarer in Massachusetts that does not now daily use it; and after the experience of twenty years and stands foremost as the best Dressing Blacking for shop-worn and mouldy boots as well as fresh, from he last. Call at F.

H. GRUPV 42 S. Calvert and 23 Grant street, f3 Str: Sole Agent for Baltimore and the Smith. Shoe shoe barbour's stand aru, Direct from the Manwfacturbrs, Ireland for sale at the Lowest Importer's Rates, Retail Finding Stores, Country Merchants and Boot and ShosManufactureis will find at my house tho cheapest assortment of SHOE THREAD3 in Baltimore, embraoing several of the best manufactures made in tha Lnited States and imported, to which I cordially invite your inspection, and would say that I can furnish any amount at any time, and pledge myself to duplicate New York pricei per bale on single paper. K.

H. SRUPY, VV4t1r No. 42South Calvert st. JOHNSTON BROTHERS ft 198 Baltimore Street, are purchasing BANK NOTES at lower rates than any other Bank or Bankers, viz: All Maryland, except Frostburg, M. District-Washington and Georgetown, Pennsylvania-Philadelphia, par; all other Pennsylvania State currency in good credit, 1-10, exoept Waynesburg, J4; Pittsburg, Brownsville.

Virginia All notes of the Exchange Bank, Farmers' Bank, snd Bank of Virginia, and their branches, Winchester, Chnrlestown, Frederioksburg, Lynchburg, How-ardsville. Berkeley and Alexandria tf: JNtB- S. G1TTINGS A BANKERS, EXCHANGE, STOCK AND BILL BROKERS. NO. 29 SOUTH STREET, Buy and Sell on Commisston STOCKS and SECURITIES in this and other markets.

Purchase and Sell GROUN I RENTS. ADVANCF2S made on STOCKS, RFIAL ESTATE, NOTES and other Collaterals. Negotiate lime Paper and Stock Loans. MAKE COLLECTIONS on all accessible points in the United Stntes and Canada. RECEIVE DEPOSITS Bankable and Uncnr-rent Funds, and transact the business of PRIVATE BANKING in all ol it departments.


execute wiih promptness orders for the purchase or ale of Stooks and Secun-ties. No. 198 BALTIMORE ST. l8-tf)r COLLECTIONS MADE on all the principal cities of the United States, and funds advanced on BcetMint of them when des'red. IS-tfr? THO.

J. CARSON. THE DISCOUNT HOUSE OF JOHNSTON BROTfiERSft CO. dealsiTi Negotiable Paper ai Lends Mon6v on Stock Is. fb'-tfr No.


transact" lh3 Bmkine Business in all is de-pai tinents! No. 198 BALTIMO RE ST. fB-tff DRAFTS (in sums to bnrg, Richmond. Frederick sbjirg and A lexan-dria. Va ior sale bv THO.

J. CARBON. f3 tfr? FORJHIKK A SERVANT prriFr hiring in the country. MADISON AVENUE. WOMa.1"; would Inquire at No.

304 f8-2tt TVTOTICK OF DISSOLUTION ur rani i-IN Tpartnership heretofore ex is tins un rpHE MOST ENTERTAINING of the LIES DISPATCH. ENLARGED, and in its SIXTH YEAR! For sale at HENRY TAYLOR'S, and all ttaa NewsDepo's f3-3ttr ALENT1NES! VALENTINES'. Call at FISHER tc BRO'S. AMERICAN VALENTINE MANUFACTORY I And see the new stjle vaientinon tor tSa'J. envelope, gilt and lace Valentines; Cards, ki nttneR Writers, ail of our own manufacture, and fo? ile at Ttwenty per cent, less than any other EonR If vou want a good nsaortment ask for the SiO loV.

ItCntains nlsrly 600 Valentines. Eavel- nnBritT cents per gros-. -Cntordwi byinail or otherwise will receive immediate BRQ G4 Baltimore street, Baltimore. 8 South Sixth Philadelphia: 74 Chatliain Npw York; 71 Court street, Boston. Piices the same at all four points, Order diately and get a good assortment.

1w'r TvfATlONAL FIR INSURANCE COMPANY IN OF BALTIMORE. Incorporated by the State of Maryland, 1842. No. 30 SOUTH New Building, op. Second st.

This Company Insures Every Description of Property, in city or country, against loss or damage by FIRE Tbe'directoTs meet daily to determine upon applications ior insurance. JOHN H. SE1DENSTRTCKER, President rim mi nn nrfiE.rroRS. Allen Chapman, George (Jartlett, Adam Denmead, Jost ph W. Jenkins, Thomas S.

Banner, George Small, William Heald. Honry m. easn, John W. Roes, K. Church, Job Smth.

Win. Woodward j'OHN R. MAG RUDER, Secretary. TU.Thstfr TMHEMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, Office on the Northeast Corner uf SOUTH AND SECOND STREH'IS, INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE on all descriptions of property within th3 lu.uts of the city. JOHN REESE, President Board of Directors: John II.

I Ohn. A. Jamos Fields, Aug. J. Albert, Mendes l.Cohen, Garret 3rown, Chos.

M.Keyser.'Geo. S. ibson, JohnM. Gait, C. A.

Schaefer, iGeorge Rogers, Thos. Wi son, Edw'd Jenkins, J. M. Anderson, H.R.Lauderman iSamiifil S. laiob Parka, T.

W. Levering, Samuel Hart, IHenry L. Reitz, Nathan Tyson, Hugh Bolton, F. Littigfchaffer, Robert Talor, Joehua 0ryden, John G. Reany, lohn 4-iinhin.

K. K. Tvler. Joshua Jones. Isaac M.Denson, John A.


Open daily for the Insurance of all descriptions of Property within the limits of the city. JOHN R. MTJORE, President. J)j SO TORS' Jan. Getty, Mechar.

ical, I Jacob Trust, First Gtorge Harman, Franms Burns, United, Noah alter, briends'p as. Young, Frar.lciia, J. T. Farlow, Deptford, J. Pearson jr.jWashing'n, Allen 'ame.

Lioeriv, Sam'l Kirk, Independent R.C. Masen. Vigilant. Lancaster Ould.Pstapsco F. A.

Miller, Howard, J. A. Bruce, Watchman, W. A. Hack.N.

Jos. C. Boya, Latayfitte. C. Whu4.n.


Cor. SO UTH and SECOND S7B, ANORKW REESE, President, BOARD OF J)I RECTORS: Jns.M.Poudsr, Wm. G. Power, Saml. R.Smith, Wm.

Ortwine, jnThstfr Aaron Fenton, M. Benzinger, E. H. Perkins, Aug. Sh river, Geo.

P. Thomas, Chas. Hoilman. H.J.VVerdebaugh, i J.s. jenxins.

GEO. K. WILLIAMS. Seo'y JV1ECHAN1CS' SAVINGS BANK, Bank of if J. Baitimori Building, corner of Baltimore and St.

Paul strut, entrant on St. Paul street. Open daily from 10 o'clock A. M. to 1 o'clock P.

M. Deposits of any amount received from individual, c-eieties or assoiatiors, JJIKKUIURS: Wm. Harrison. Mile White, Jehn E. Yeates Reut, Samuel Kirk, Riohard B.

Botmt, John Morrow, Clark Cottreil. Dr. Wm. S. Woor'side, J.MurrayVuloanVv'ka,) George Rogers, JohnV.

Ross, Robert M. Proud, Dr. John J. Grave, RossWinans, GRAVESPreeidenL R. E.

DORSKY, Treasurer. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city, letters of administration on the estate of JOHN BOGUE, late of said city, deceased. All persons navwg claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on of before the 9th day df Angust next; they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th daT of Fe bruary 1859.

fe8 law4t! HENRY BOGIJF, Adm'r, BLAKEY'S COUGH AND WORM CANDY DROPS Having purchased from Mr Wm. Blakey his recipes for the exclvsive manufacture of his MEDICATED COUGH and WORM CANDY DROPS, which have been used by so macy persons with the most satisfactory results, we would respectfully call the attention of our citizens to the fact. ITJ WTe are now prepared to furnish them et re-taiiTor by the quantity to the trade.on liberal terms, CLARKE ft JONES, eot23thFrl No. 20 Light street. HAIR RESTORATIVE We are pleased to be able to reeord the satisfaction of our patrons, after trial of an article advertised in our oolumns.

We have the satisfaction to know several of our readers who have used Prof. WOOD'S HAIR RESTOB ATIVE.and pronounoed it to bejust what the advertisement says it is. We have several personal acquaintances who were gray beaded they have tried it, and now their hair is restored to its oririnal color, and tbey willinglv add their testimony to efficacy, and will give further information to others desiring it. This speaks well for the artiol, and we advise all who do not wish to appear gray-headed to use Wood's Hair Restorative. Weseern Patriot.

Sold by all respectable Druggists the city ana eountry. Also by J. C. Given, at the ChinamaE's Tea Store. ST and 3ti West rtoltunore st.


IF YOU HAVE PAIN IN THE BACK, TAKE HAMPTON'S TINCTURE, IF YOU ARE ALL WEAKNESS, TAKE HAMPTON'S TINCTURE. IF YOU HAVE HEADACHE, TAKE HAMPTON'S TINCTURE Sold by MORTIMER MOWBRAY, 240 Bal timore street; J. W. REED, corner Gough street and Broadway, and by all Druggists in Baltimore; Chas. Scott ft C.

A. Morris ft York: L. M. Schaeffer, Frederick; Purdfell, Ladd ft Richmond; Jones Petersburg; Dr. Cooke ft Fredericksburg, and by Druggists every-where.

81 per bottle: six for 85. fe8 tfrf IT IS NOT A DYE NOR DOES IT STAIN THE SKIN. NO INTRODUCTION NEEDED. New York, April 12, 1853. W.

E. Hasan, Esq. Dear Sir: About five months since 1 bought two bottles of your Hair Coloring, and am now desirous of obtaining more, and would inquire where it may be found here. My hair, when quite young, turned gray. 1 have used a number of articles for the purpose of restoring tt, but did not succeed until I obtained this, which has produced the desired effect, I have been requested by a number of my friends (among them several ladies) to procure it if possible.

I am fmuch pleased with it, for it has made a great improvement in my ser-sonal appearance. By answering this you will much oblige. Yours very respectfully, H. C. Goodrich, Steamer Bridgeport, Peok Slip, New York.

Price 60 cents per bottie. For sale fev SETH HANCE, 108 Baltimore street. W. E. HAGAN proprietors, Troy N.

Y. j23-lm! HASTINGS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF NAPTHA, NOT ON A POSITIVE BUf A WARRANTED CURE FOR CONSUMPTION AND ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS. This Medicine has decided the dispute about the curability of consumption; and satisfied the Medical Faculty an ail who have used it that consumption and all Teo-tions of the lungs cauiiot only le cured, but iaat they are as easily arid simply CURED as aimoei any of the disorders to which the human frame is liable. The operations of a single bottle, whiok eosts flfl, is sufficient to satisfy any ipatient if not already too far gone with the disease oi faot, and even a single dose gives evidence of its extraordinary influence in arrenting and eradicating ths malady "by the immediate relief which it affords. This is "no quack or secret remedy.

Dr. Hastings, it discoverer, is one of the most eminent Physicians of the age. and has made a full disclosure of its history and all its component parts to the world, net wishing to incur the possibility of confining to himself, fer the sake of profit, a secret which was calculated to do such universal good. And suoh ha been the wonderful results of its operation that the London Lancet and Medical Times, and the most eminent Physicians of both hemispheres, are anxiously calling upon sufferers to have immediate recourse to it, and proclaiming that, of all known medicine, it alone has positively established itt sffioacy by undeniable proofs of curing Couumptios and all Diseases oi tho Lungs. Price 1 per bottle, or six bottles for S5.

For sale, wholesale and retail, by SETH S. HANCE, No. 108 Baltimore and SWEETSEP, A aornerof Charles and Pratt streets o31-2m npHE PRINTING OFFICE." A SVN IRON BALTIMORE, PoBuesses every faoility for the prompt execution, in a style not to be surpassed, of every description of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING, Comprising, BILL HKAHS, BILLS Of FAB BILLS OF LABTH, JJLAKK RECElfTS, CERTIFICATES, CHEOSS, MOTES, CIRCULAR 8, PRICES CURRENT, PAMPHLETS, ELECTION TICKETS, HANDBILLS, INSURANCE POLtCtH, LABELS, LSTTBB. HEAEINCSta DRAFTS, PROGRAMMES CLOTH TASS, CATALOGUES, We have recently ant in onenTon "FIRE-FLY" CARD PRINTING PRESS, which feeds, prints, cuts and counts K7" CARDS PI3R HOUR.Q wonderful facilities which this press offers' The eanoiea us to mrnisn a inbat Card the remarkable low price of 150 PER THOUSAND! MAMMOTH POSTERS? LARGE AND SM ALL SHOW BILLS, PRINTED IN COLORS, FANCY STORE BILLS, ETC. Orders from the country must be accompanied With cash, or cash drafts on city houses.

The public can always depend upon punotu-alitr and dispateh. and satisfaction guarantied. GENUINE PREPARATION FOR THE HAIRiand HAIR DYES, by BETH li-MV an'Dnsen's Whapene,'a Hair lire. Bachelors Hair Dye, x.oveit-s wnapene, Barry's Tncocerous, Lyon's a ths Iron, Jayne's Hair Tonic, Bogle's Hyperion F1hi, Tiirt'i Hair lira. Pnaforf a Hair Dye, Jayne's Hair Dye, fJifnmn's Hair TYr.

and PREPARATIONS fOR IHE HAIR, every deuerlption, too nu-maroua to mta'tion. no31-3ia l-v, i linv falser, i of this a-- ruirrinneri. linr.ondltiOnaUy, tuia wkiu" ii i YiutTiwif rnnvirtea OI assault and battery on J. M. Church, present member of the Legislature.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun Farlorr Girls on a Strike. Lowell, Feb. 7th. About four hundred factery girls employed bv the Massachusetts Manufacturing Corporation, In this city, struck fcr bigfcer wages to-day, and forming in procession, n.arcbedthrough the principal streets of the city. The girls were generally employed as spinners.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. The Great Boston Fire. Bostox, Feb 7. Tbere appears now no doubt whatever that the destructive fire in Commercial etreet yesterday was the work of an Incendiary. The insurance on the property is divided as follows: 50,000 on the bakery and machinery; on flour; $105,300 on the building adjoining thebakerv.

No further bodies have been recovered from'the ruins, and it Is now believed that not more than two perished. Conviction of a Msirderer. Chicago, Feb. 1. Henri Jumpertz has been convicted of the murder of Sophie Werner, whose remains were found, a few months ago, at the Hudson River Rallroed depot in New and pneked In a barrel, having4hnsbeen shipped in Cblcago.

Previous to the murder Jumpertz and Sophie had been living unlawfully together, he having left her husband and sought the pro tectienofher paramour. Blarine IMsasters. Wilmington, N. C. Feb.

7. The bark Exact, from New York for Savannah, with a cargo of merchandise, got ashore on the Frying Pan shoals on tfce morning of the 5th. The vessel and cargo are a total loss. The crew were carried to Smith-ville. The schooner Georte Harris, from Bath for Charleston bus put in here leaking, with less of sails and spars.

The Robbery of Adams Express. Attgtjsta, Feb. 7th. A dispatch from Montgomery says tfce preliminary examination Into the robbery of Adams' express was commenced before the magistrates on rlday, ana is sun progressing. A man named Marony.the express charg ed with stealing the $10,000.

Able counsel are employed on both sides. Sinking of "Western Steamer. Cincinnati, Feb. 7. A special dispatch to the Commercial from Kvansville to-day, savs the steamer "76" was sunk to her boiler deck at three o'clock yesterday morning, near Gould's landing, above Concordia, it is supposed the steamer lsa total loss.

No lives were lost, and a part of her cargo wes saved. Fire at Leavenworth. Leavenworth, K. Feb. 6th.

A fire broke outheTe yesterday. destroying the Shotwell House, a grocery establishment, and a lumber yard. Loss The remains of a human body were found in the ruins after the fire, supposed to be those of an Inmate of the Scotwell House. Another Lottery Grant Proposed. Wilmington, Del Feb.

7th. A bill entitled an "Act to benefit tae State of Delaware." passed tfce first reading in the Senate on Saturday. The bill grants lottery privilege for the period of 17 years to Messrs "Wood, Eddy of Wilmington, Del In consideration of the sum of $612,000. Respite Granted. New Castle, Dil Feb.

7th. Gov. Burton.ol this State, kas granted a respiie for one year to Alexander Robinson, who was sentenced to be hung on the 11th of this mouth, for committing a rape on Jane orris. The Texas Cotton Crop. New Orleans, Feb.

7. Advices from Galveston to the 29th ult state the total receipts of cotton at S9.5S0 and the stock on hand 3L190 bales. 1 Dedication The new Methodist Protestant church in Ctestertown, called "Christ Church," was dedicated on Sunday, the DOth fcv appropriate religions services. Rev. Mr.

As- pril. ef ifce M. church, offered the dedicatory prayer, and the sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. J.

Mcrray, now of Philadelphia. The Kent News says the sum of about was sub scribed on the occe.sion, being S300 more than required to pay off the debt due upon the building. Oot Ministes to China. Mr. John Wrard, our minister to China, sails this week from Boston fcr Europe.

He is accompanied by his family and Miss Maria J. Mcintosh, the aathor of t'Charms and Counter Charms During Mr. Ward's absence In China, Mrs. Ward and Miss Mclntcsh, It is said, are to travel through Europe. They will be absent nearly two years.

AGRictTTrRAX College Bill The Senate yesterday passed tte bill, which has been for some time pending In that body, donating public lands to the several States for the purpose of founding agricultural colleges. The vote on was yeas 25, nays 2-2. New Orleans Mixt. The coinage at this mint lest year reached 813,238,745, all in gold, except 8274,250 In silver. The gold deposits for he year amounted to ounces, and the silver to 8S5.950 ounces.

Drowned George, aged ten rears, a son of Captain James F. Taylor, accidentally fell overboard whilst playing upon the deck of hi fathera vessel at Chestertcwn, Md oa Friday last, and was drowned. Military Encampment. Arrangements are making to hold a great military encampment at York, In September next. The military of Baltimore will be Invited to join In it LECTrnxs Teis Evening.

The eleventh lecture cf the Maryland Institute eeurse will be delivered thi3 evening by the Rev. Charles F. of Loyol i College, of thi3 ei ty. Mr. King is a gentleman of fine powers of mird and ripe scholarship, and on big subject of "Right and Wrong" a discriminating and polithed discount may bs expected.

The tenth lecture oi the Mercantile Library course 1 also to be delivered this evening, at the Univer- aiitt church, Caivert street. Herman Melville, Ef i Massachusetts, is tke and his subject. "The South Sfas," is one ypith which he is familiar, both practically and as a romancer. Folliday Steeet Theatre. Tha engagement of Mr.

Murdoch, equally celebrated in tragedy and genteel comedy, at the niinve house, will be a grati. lying arnom.cenier to hi? iiun'erous admirers and public at large. Ha appears this evening as Bamiet, Conckrt. There will be a concert of sacred music thus evening at the Twelfth Presbyterian Church, Franklin etreft.west of Chatsworth. A large Lumber of amateurs will be piesenU Lathes' Frns.

Sable, Mink and others, manufactured, require and at ver prices. Davis, Baltimore 9 doors east of the Bridge. Lecture? on Gkoloi.v. Dr. Boynton respectfully announces thnt in eddi-tinn to his lecture on th Coal Formation, at the Maryland Institute, on Wednesday evening.

Feb. 8th, he will introduce his immense Iron Galvanic Baitery, and give a sorif-s ol toe most startling experiments ever presented in this city, or particu lars tpe programmes. Tickets to the coursa (our remaning lectures 5d cents. Single admission 25 cents, jcciure 10 commence at hall-past seven. IE7KEtwledge is gnined bv experience, and' tuough we have heretofore dealt ve'y little in medical preparations, we are compelled, injustice to the n.anuiacturFre, to say that Hofetetier's Stomach liitters has been the means of curing us of a severe atMck oi dyspeps? and has removed pnin la the stimtcch in a very short time.

Pittsbur Gazette. or tale by Druggists and dealers generally every-wiiGr Merchants Advertising, Commission and Collecting Agency. The proprietors of thisoid ettnlj is) ed House he ve located a permanent branch intiiin city, under the supervision of the senior member of the firm. Merchants and others can have t.neir advertisements inserted in any publication they may desire, at the publisher's prices. By calling at our omcf they cm examine at their leisure the largest assortment ol papers ever collected in this city.

13 ice ester Sasford, I San Iron Building, 2d story. Rkal iNniA Shawls. Wm. 11. Ryan, ZVo 5 Hanover Vp Stairs,) vv iil op.n on Monday, February 7th.

an elagant etorts cf heal Udia Lumel's itair Shawls and and Scarfs sn en tirs invoice from an 'mporter, to wcic the attention of the Ladies of Baltimore is invited. Do Yon Dyk Your If to, use Wilson's liair Color, which colors your hair to a black or jirown. Leaves sta on the flesh or linon. Only -o cents per bottle. For sale at Dobson's Vmsk Store, No.

2 North Charles st. ntsrsstins to Persons Holeiss HorsE for I our attention ir invited to the propriety of Insur-2f your House Rents. Females and persons retired from business, who depend mainly upon their hoiiso rents for subeiBtanoe, aro especially iatareate in tfeis matter. For a small premium you can be protected fro fcSVOB" rents siiould your property be destroyed We, at the National Fire In-tjrancb Coatujsx'j A.tthin Offict IS South Sttt, ais office, also. v(ses maT b8 'Esnrirt, 11 Kna-eho'd Furniture.

port 686618 took or a3oat in On the most week. JttTaDie terms, by tte year, monih 106868 are PIted and paid OEM RiMasebdkr. Secretin" President. Wilbor's Compound of Cod Livkr Limb. VJil- Ann Tfce great popularity of 1 his safe and preparation is alone attributable to its wortn-, 'n ''e core of Coughs, Colds, Asthma.

Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and all CoLsumpiive symptoms, it has no superior, ir equal. nuone neglect the esrly symptoms of disense, when an agent is thus at hand which will slleviate ail complaints of the ChfBt, 1 unes. or Throat f. hJ 4Jezanderr 2i Chemist, 166 Court JHreet, Boston-by J. Milhan, 183 and 92 Broadway, New ork and bv Co nmnn A- i-tq u.itl' WThenever anything is msoovcred that hsr.s th effeot to alieviHVJ ws hold it to be the duty of all journalists to dirrfct pubic attention thereto.

In this hcht we rrcf th9 invaluable medicine known aa the INDIAN VF, GETABLE DECOCTION, prepared fy Mrs, COX7of this city. The many curesit has mad attest its great rnedicina of theBa are of the most remarkablecliracMfr were elTeo ted after all other known remediesand the most eminent medical skill, had failed to 'afford relief. It la doubtful whether any remedy jot modern dayg has periorrpen as many ui uures in nie uisnaaea for which it is recommended, Asa remedial agent in dispepny, diseases of the liver and kidneyg, and diseases of the skin and blood generally, it has never failed, while it is equally efficaoious in many other diseases. We regard it as a blessing to mankind, andareglsd to know that its merits are daily becoming more widely known and appreciated. References of the most undoubted character, both in and out of the city, can be given by culling on Mr.

Cox, at residence, No. 158 East Baltimore where the medicine oan bo had. Itis also for sala at tho principal Drug Stores. fT-Nono genuine unless the name orjthe inventor isnlown on the bottle, and her seal stamped on tha CPnee 1 per bottle, or six bottles for 85. (vho'eskre Agents-Brown Brother, 4 S.

Libflr- tv st Thompson, vvoousa. K. Frey.314 Baltimore Canby, Gilpin corner Light and Lornpara sts. fj3-l AX AN crnf A 1.14 A Nil JtoTTT 12. 25 and 50 cents and One Dollar.

THE GREATE DISCC IN MEDICAfc HARTSHORN E'S CURE-ALL should be kepi ail families in case of accidents or sudden sioit-neas, as it frequently oures in less time than it r- mres to get a nhysician. HARTSHORN ETS CURE-ALL cures Rheumatism and Headache. HARTSHORN E'S CURE ALL ceres Crampa, Colie, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE'S CUKE-ALL cures Pains la tbe Limbs, Side, Back and Breset. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL enrea Sprains.

Bruises, Soaldn and Bums; also, Cuts aud Old HARTSHORNE'S CO KM-ALL cures Neural-jis Toothnche and Stiffness in the Joints. ilARTSHOK NE'S CURE-ALL cures Cholera. Diarrhea, and all Pain. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL oures baraoha snd from a Cold. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL onre Agae, or Chills and Fever, or Lumps in the Bra'ts from a Cold.

HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL oures Drspea-syand Indigestion; also, Cauker, and Sore nlouta and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL aarea all Spinal iTnct.ioriH and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL is greattonia to Wea Stomach and Bowels, and improves oiges tion. Thousands of persons whose Btomaon and towels were too weak to digest food, after using the Cvre-All, have had a fine digestion and appetite. As the freenent changes of the weather produoa a aad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and 3ody, also Stiff Neck, every person should gt a battle.

It acts upon tho nerves, muscles, sinews, blood, and bones, and, by its warming, power, expels all pam from ths syrtcrri. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at rts haEPX ii-oia Dy n. iiaimuc nn. d.iuiuui. street, and by all Drucgists ln Wasiiingon, Georgetown, Richmond, Norfolk, Petersburg and Win ehester.

eotfr NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned, under and in compliance with the provisions of the aot of General Assembly of Maryland, passed at December session of the year 1836, chapter 97, entitled "An aot relatine to limited partnership in this State," have associated themselves as Copartners the COAL BUSINESS, Charles Gilmor being the general, and Charles Buekner being the special partner. The Istter contributes Five Thousand Dollars to the caprtal of tha coroern. The business is to be conducted under tke name and firm of CHARLES GILMOR. The partnership commenced on the 12th day of January, 1354, and terminates on the 12th day of January, I860, CHARLES GILMOR, j20-6w: CHARLES S.

BUCKNER. Wn PROPOSALS ILL received until the TWELFTH OF FEBRUARY for the construction of 3.600 lineal feet of WOODEN BRIDGING on thelineof the Lynchburg Extension of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. The plans are now ready for inspection at the office of the Company, in Alexandria. Virginia. Detailed information will be nt to any parties deeiiing it.

H. W. VAN DKGRIFT, fe3-e23t! Engineer and General Sup't. VTOTlCETO CONSUMERS OF HYDRANT 11 WATER. The 9th'seotion of the Ordinance, relating to tha Water Board and the Works under their care is hereby published for the information of all parties interested.

Its provisions will be rigidly enforced. J. S. SUTER, Water Fmgineer. And be it Enacted nnd Ordained by the Mayor ani City Council cf Baltimore, That if any owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of any house or tena-ment shall let or permit, or suffer any Hydrant attached to such house or tenament to discharge mora water than may be necessary for the use of suoh owner or ocoupier, if suoh discharge shall, by tha freezing of the water in any street, lane or alley or yard in tlie city, or from any other cause, occasion any injury or inconvenienoe to the public or to individuals, such owner or ooccupier shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten $10) dollars.

jll-2m CAME NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That tha following law roes into effect on the 15th day of January, and will be rigidly enforoed: Any person rho shall trap, shoot, take, kill or expose for sale, or have in his or her possession, any Partridges or Quail, between the 15tH day ol January and the 1st day of October, shall forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars, with costs, one-half to go to tke informer. The law also applies to Pheasants between tha 1st of February and the 20th of August, and to Woodcock between February 1st and the 10th ol June. j8 lm STEAMSHIP BALTIMORE will sail -X ior hava ia on or aDoui sai ukua it "NEXT. mh instant.

For freis ht or ois- eace, having first-class State room accommodations, apply to FRIEND, f8 tRr or ROBINSON ft LORD. CHARLESTON. First-class Cibin -51 Through in 50 hours. The rew and First class fcteamship PAlAPSl'l), CAPT. L.

H. LAYF1ELD, will leave Spear's Wharf on TUESI'A February 5th, at 4 P. M. preoiseir. The ACCOMMODATIONS for passengers h-this Steamer are in every respect first-clnss.

Np Freight received alter 12 o'clock on the day Bailing. No Bills of Lading will be signed after the demr ture of the Steamer. For Freight or PaBgaeo applv to SAMUEL T. PEARCE. Agent, 11G Spear's wharf.

Agents in Charleston, J. W. CALDWEL ft SON. The PATAPSCO will leave Baltimore again a he 2nth instant. Punctuality in her departure may be reiied on.

Irp fe8-7k, mZlW CBL KERING SONS' PIANOS. Head the following from G. Sailer: Dear ijijj) Allow me to thank you for the splendid PIANOS which 1 have used at Ullman's Con-ens in this oilv. 1 think it needless to repeat what ihe whole world nowa, viz: that Chickering ft Sons' Pianos are unequalled in evary respeot. and stami pre-eminent in this country.

For sMa by J. T. STODDA No. 4 South Calvert street. Second -hand Pianos for 'fe8-tf jv- PIANOS, PIANOS, PIANOS.

NEWMAN. BRO- Sr SO.Y. Ili tT'Maru'auure'B of the PATH NT DO UBLE SOUNDING BOARD PIANV-FORTES, which f.r fullness and purity of tone, delicacy and elasticity of touch, beuty and perfection of workmanship are unequalled. FTvery Piano sold by us r.taraDtied for five ygara, with the privilege of exchange any time wTihin six months, if not entirely satisfactory. Several good SECOND-HAND PIANOS for sale or rent.

Factory nnd Ware-Rooms Nos. 51P. 512, 51i and 522 VV. LOMBARD ST. Branch Ware-Room 235 BALTIMORE West of Chirles.

ft-im. NEWMAN, BRO. ft SONS. F. D.

BENTEEN, Sole Agent lor the sale of jKBNNS ft CLARK'S PIANOS. Ho. 10 NORTH CHARLES STREET At! 80 FAYETTE SI. Having had many years' experience In aelbcj Pianos from the most celebrated makers, tne be -dirBigned is confident that by the improvement made in Nnnns ft Clark's Pianos in the Inst tva years, thfcy are the best and most perfect pianos ia every respect now before the pulilio, and the fast is being iaiiy corroborated by all disinterest, persons. Also, Pianos frem other well-known makers, via: Sallfit, Dnvis Boston; Woodward ft Bron.

Boston; William r. jbmerson, itosenKrarut, A leo, Second-Rond PIANOS for sale, IQ" Pianos repaired, tuned and rented. MKlb'9-PfeONSfrom 45npwarcs. tftr fc.5SilgSv. carriages: carriasesi: r-Jy3 'i subsoiber ha on hand at hia tensive CAR KIilGE REPOSITORY No.

S5 South Gay street, the most extensive sna best afsortment ef fashionnbie CARRIAGES tha an be found in this citv. Persons in want ot Carriages will End it to their interact to give me acall. as I am determined to sell low for cash or tpproT4 faper. All work sold at my Repository warranted for twelve months. Old Carriages repaired or tutat is exchange for new ones.

Carriates reoeived on storape or held on comml ion. WILLIAM IVfcCANN. t- FOR SALE A very handsome BAY MARE, a fast trotter, kind in single or double harness. and remarkably pleasant undfr saddle, will be sold a bargsin.iho owner having no use for her. A prily at J.HF I NEK'S Stable, northeast oorner of Ch tries ard Monument streets, directly benind tie Monument fa-tftr CORNS.

BUNIONS. NAILS PENE TRATING THE FuF.SH, extracts pain, so thnt the boot om.M worn lmmedmeiv. without tii least in convenience. r.Il rjL'lAia i Ua urvirc, lui saie dj rAiii in, ourgeon LiuropooiBi. rvo- litf cents per irwr COM ONE COME ALL-To the great central LOAN OFFICE, where tae mort liberal advances are made on DIAMOD Gold -ami Silver Watches, Silver Plate, Guns, PistolB.Clothing, Heds and Bedding, Mechaa-, ji Tiuiio.

a. All irinrid of Merohandizn boagut and sold on th most liberal trms Opn "jtilfv Ajl husiness strictly confidential. LE I BEN AMIiN. Pawnbroker. No.

22 N. Gay neir Fayette. 18-3i niJNTISTRY. BALDER 8 TON ft SON JtENJ'lSTS, 21 Ley 'ton Stritt theCotiTt -iEs, NOTICE. DR.

WM. H. HOOPES has his Office to No. 83 TTTP EUTAW between Snratoea and Mulberry streets, and is now prepared par gym an operations the Dental profession. Tt hxff at ea bv tk Galvanic process.

la-am LOAN OFFICE This old respiyisi- sble office makes liberal advances on iiar Wnds. eold and silvor Watqhes, Stiver late, Jewelry; Clothing. BefiK. 2zJ Pistols, JACOB BENJAMIN jsi-tl. f.

w. corner oi "u.i i MAKDKN rhg STOKE AND FACTORY, tO SO VHt CHARGES Inventor and manutacturer of Railroad, Hay Live MOCK, XjUiLi, r- SCAhES, wholesale and retail, warranted euai the Fairbanks Scales, end at much less prtw. HOULDFRS. 50 hhds. Smokfd A CO do.

BULK. JOSEPH CARSON 4s CO. inos ot MLTSHORNK'S CURE-ALL, stJiMaHH AND WEAK BOWELS, vi -vi h. ii rtn. i ox j.

1,1 ISl lm. of this Bank hnve declareo a o'vinenu oi PliR CENT, for the last six mor.thp, payable on and Biter mo loin mBi. uicy Etatg taxes paid by the Bank ttLL'S POINT SAVINGS' INSTITUTION' Baltimorb, February 7th, he President and Directors of thispstitntmn haye this dav itinlo TiivmUMnnfTH REK AND A-HALF PER the past six months, payable to tho stockholders and weekly depontors on and after the 16th inet. JOHN w. itfl.rdiiujL.riiT 18-eoSf II 1 reasurer.

GIM RICHMOND MILL FEED. BUSHELS aflogtj ad f. f3-St; No. 4 Bowlys wharf. OSNAHURCS.

50 bates 4-4 Osnaburgs for sile. AliUKfe ADOLPHUS SCH S.EFER, feg st 74 Bowly's wharf. IJULK MEAT 200,000 pounas Hams Sides anl LJ shoulders, deuveranie f-or sl hT fe8-tf ilftPO A TTTTTS 100i)t0 Cosoa Nuts now landing from the brig Josen, RICKETT3 CO. fS-ltir TTtX'IRA FLOUR. -100 bbls.

very superior Extra JLa riour for sale ADOLPHUS C.SOHAKPER, 74 Bowly's wharf. fe8-2t5 hhds. SIDES. SHOULDiiKS and M- HAMS. JUSt reoeivea ami ior saie Dy 18-ti.

JOSEPH CARSUN CO. BUTTER AND CIDER. 20 tubs fresh Familj Goshen: 25 kegs ew Y01 State; 50 kegs and 1( bbls. of Glades, part strictly prime. 25 bbls.Olari fiprf Wnrnostnr Cn.

(Mass.l Cidor. For sale bv UR1.KILBURN, fe8- tf 45 South street. m0 SACKS FINELlVERPOOL SALT. Just landea and in prime order. For sale-in lots to suit, from store, byp MALCOW c(J fc3 Str Bowly's wharf.

CLOVEKSEED. 200 BUSHELS. tot sale by CARR, GIESE It, ,21 Spear's wharf. PIMOTHY SEED. For sale by CARK, GIESE Sc CO 21 Spear's whorf.

It ROSENDALE CEMENT, 1,000 in Btore, and for sale by-It, CARR, GIESE CO. CALCINED Vs PLASTER, 300 BBT S. For sale hr CARR, GIESE 21 Spear's wharf. It UMBER. All descriptions.

For Bale by oargo. Also, Sawed to order, CARR, GIESE CO. 'It AKUA1. 100 BALES, Boat Navy, For sle, Very low, by CARR, GIESE CO. 'It G.

SALT. In store And For saie nt CARR, GIESE CO. 1 1 OATS. 1300 BUSHELS, in store And for sale by CARR, GIESE 'It 21 Spear's wftarf. TEAMS-HIP HAVANA SWEEP ORANGES! k5 These are certainly the best and freshest that ever come to market, and with all at a reduced price.

They will be ior sale at mv store uritii the cargo be disposed of. Also, BAN A WAS and PLAN-TANS. WM. H. McLEAN, f81Ur 52 N.

Charles st. SALT AFLOAT 2,000 Eacks Liverpool GROUND ALUM. For saie WOOD, BRIDGES 13 2tfr 6 and 8 Commerce st. IRE FRENCH (Roohelle) BRANDY, from bor.d. 54 a gallon, a greit reduction; Cox's GELATIN Pj, with receipts for cooking without 18 cts a paper; Lisbon a.r.d Madeira WINE lir cooKing.

1 giim. j. ji fj 10 wuntini W. Balto. et, between Institute and Bridge.

fe8-tfrt RESERVOIR, FAMILY, EXTRA AND SU-FER FLOUR. The subscriber is manufacturing, and intends keeping on hand, a full supply of the above superior FLOU ft, which will be sold on pleasing terms by SAM'L DUER, tMhl6r. 38 Commerce street. TT'XTKA FINE AND FRESH TEAS Just SI opened, a fresh stock ofvery superior V. Imperial, tr.

Black Teas, very fine, only 50 very superior do. 75 such as 13 generally sold at SI, warranted to please. Best Family, Extra and Sueer Flour, very low prices and delivered free. JOSEPH BARLOW, 46 North Paca sU fe3-tfr. OLD RYE WHISKY, many kinds, BRANDY, various prices, cheap SWEET MALAGA WINE, the best, RECTIFIED WHISKY, With Liquors of ever description.

Forealeby CLABAUGH GRAFF, S3 South R.Gercor. opp. Exchange Place. CHEAP SUGAR SUGAR CHEAP! Notwithstanding the advance in SUGAR, we are stall sell'ng PRIME N.O. SUGAR, 8 cts.

PATAPSCO FLOUR 25 cents less than can be bought of the Manufacturers, delivered free. 1 Trt ORANGE BRAND HAMS, xOXJ Tue most dehoious HAM cured, If oents per pound. C3 These Hams are the same curing aa last years, ana cannot be "quailed by any in the market, at EDMONliS fe3-tf Lexington and Pearl streets. FINE TEAS. AND NO HUMBUG.

75 cent Imperial, Y. Gunpowder nnd Blaok TEA, equal to any in the city; crop Oolong at very superior 50 and 75 cent Black, i.ned onlV a trial; Green Teas at $1, equal to any Tea in the city. Teadrinkers, judge for yourselves, and don't be hnmbuged. The Orange Brand HAM at Hcts. F.

L. LAWRENCE. West End Tea Store, eor. Green and Lexington sta. OT1CE TO FAMILIES WTe are felling TEA at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS, as good can be bought elsewhere for II7-ONE DOLLARTJ Very nioe Oolong and Imperial Xca ut 50 cents.

ORANGE BRAND HAMS. Every one guarantied good, or no sale. HOOK BALDWIN, feS -tMy2f S. W. Cor.

Lexington and Green. CINTO DK ORION CIGARS. We have received, per last steamer, an invoice of Codir.a's celebrated Cinto de Orion CIGARS, manufactured to our express order. of the same description of tobacco as worked up by Partagas, and to which we invite the attention of connoisenrs. P.

'HERN AN SON, tfr Importers, 12 N. Charles at. CPEAP SUGAR. TEA, COFFEE, Prime New Oriesns SUGAR, 8 cts. s.

Exoellent Roasted COFFEE. 14 cts. Choice Imperial and Oolong cts. First quality Imperial Tea. 75 cts worth SI.

Salt River BOURBON WHISKY, warranted the best in the citr. 100 ORANGE BRAND HAMS. In reference to these HamsvWe would say that persons buying them from us may rely upon getting them gord. We guarantee everyone, and in any case where ihey do not give entire satisfaction the money will be lefunded or another Ham given. HOOK BALDWIN, S.

W. cor. Lexington and Green sts. RIO AND JAVA COFFEE. In store, some very choice io and Old Government Java; also.

La -guyra, Maracaibo, St. Domingo and Mocha COFFEE, which are confidently recommended to the lovers of this delightful beverage. fnfl CKKSTS BLACK AND GREEN TEAS, fil of late importations, selected with groat care for this market. The 60 and 15 cent Teas are invariably guarantied to give satisfaction, or the money refunded, inest qualities of Teas imported at 1 the pound. BROWN AND WHTTE SUGAR-A complete RBf OTtment oonsianily on hand.

TT" A 11 Goods delivered frf-e Oi charge. THE CHINAMAN'S TEA STORE, Nob. 37 and 39 Baltimore street, feft 5trt comer of Frederick st. HAVANA CIGARS AND LEAF TOBACCO. fOK flftn HAVANA CIGARS, comprising Mfaiii Londres, Millar CJommune, Conohas, Kegalia Pipelines, Galanes Medianos, Regalia Loundres, ftrevas, Veguerros, VegueritOB, and other fsvorite sizes of popular brands.

BALES HAVANA LEAF, of different i I vegas and of choice quality, new crop. Joat received and for sale by CHAS. D. UEFK11 tfr No. 37 S.

Gnv Btreet. MANUFACTURED Rl AND LEAF TOBACCO HAVANA CIlfAKE, -c PACKAGES MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, of favorite brands, auali-tiee and sizes, reoeived from the best factories in Virginia and N. Carolina. BALES HA VAN A LEAF TOBACCO, various Vegas and classes, four impor 8,700 850 tation. CASES CONNECTICUT SEED LEAF TOBACCO, extra Wrappers 250 and Selections, trom seme ol the best crops.

100 CASES do. do. Filler. 125 do. PENN'A SRKT) r.RAT.

TO BACCO. Wrncnera and Pillers. Kf HHDS. MASON CO. LEAF, ohoice 7I( ftffft HAVANA CIGARS.

embracing vrvsywvr popular Drawls Of all sizcr niiH masses. SMOKING TOBACCO A new article manufactured at Havana, of the ohoicest Vuelta da Atwijo I'ooacco, expressly for the city retail trade, in lb yaytii dim utee. 150 liliLS. VIKVIINIA SMOKING TOBACCO, well adapted for the Grocers traae. We.

are receiving regularly enpphes of the above named articles, and invite the attention ci the trade to onr stock, whieh we oiler for sale on liberal terms. CHAS. D. DEFORD tfr 37 South Gay street, 1 ftlM DOZEN SHOVELS AND SPADE3, iiujiim sin i rjjjo oi AUiia. com prising a com Dieta assortment of solid Jt HAMMERED AND BACK STRAP WORK.

with Long and Handles, manufactured by the BALTIMORE SHOVEL and SPADE COMPANY, Eilirott's Mills. For sale at very low prices to olose, by the A gents, THOMPSON ft OUDFSLUYS. No. 67 South Gay street, ALSO, Qiyfr DOZEN GRAIN and COAL SHOVELS, IRON AND STEEL, aud Long Handles, Japanned. On hand, Galvanized and Plain W.

I. Tubing, gootch and American PIG IRON. Wilder'a Patent Salamander IRON SA VES. Antimony, Lead, Spelter and Gov't. Banoa Tin and other Mtals.

i8-2Ur ADVANCES MADE ON STOCKS and BILLS br Tiip, (2 ARSON, ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER ASIA. iereMln Intelligence from Europe More Warlike Rumors. New YorIm Feb. 7. Th steamer Asia from Idverpcol with advices to the aid alt.

arrived here tnts afternoon. The steamer Fulton arrived out on the -2it. Tee Asia passed on the 5th Instant, a steamer toound west, supposed to be the Kangaroo. War'ike rumors continued to be circulated, ana tiotwitistanfilrsftbe peace assurances, the lares Continental correspondence says that the public In the maintenance or peace was losing nrcucd. arlike preparations continued to be wane in France, and It wm again reported, nt not vllevtd.

tbat Count Perslgny would soon m-reed Walenski as minister of foreign affairs There bad been a partial recurrence of toe panic tte pari, Bourse. Tte three per cents, elesed 93 Tte London exchange. repoad-d to this declar but not to the same extent. It ws reroitfd that an ofler.slve and defensive alliance l'd been concluded between France and The British government, it Is said, has resolvsd totbkesefficient measures to protect English Invests in yiexiro. The Lrrdcn Times, editorially, denounces Gov.

NuEenf3 manHesto to Hie Americars in British Ks of IVeples was ill. death had --ported in ti London Post, but it fMfirn ed, ar on the follow ing day the si was not same pa- rer pressed regrt i ior us -rror. It is that tte Priree Napoleon was re-reived with enthusiasm In Turin. His marriage 'j sa'd to be unpopular there. Quiet prtTsilfd lit Lombardy.

A new Austrian loan of i. 0,000 ,000 sterling Is for tUe London market Tlf S-iss national council have voted half a mfliicn to lir meaiateiy improve au. me guns vporj tte percv.ssion principle. The fo'lowirir are tfce Items which was ahonld have arrived before the Asia. Anotcer peaceful article In the ConttUutionel Bays that Austria had issued a conciliatory note cn tte Servian question, which has had the" effect I calm the public mird.

But notwithstanding the pacific turn of events, warlike but contradic-lorv rumors are s'ill circulated, and many steain-ers'and transports are preparing fw sea. The Monittur announces the "entire abolition of a vise for passports. The British minister at astington Is to be in-a-rcted to urge the opening of the American coasting trade to British vessels, in return for a Hie concession bv Great Britain. jt was reportr d'that Parliament would asked for a considerable Increase ef the naval estimates Tfce accounts from Lombardy still speak of disaffection, but no outbreak has occurred. Austrian reinforcements were pouring in.

Tte amnesty granted to political prisoners in Naples has been modified so as require their banishment to America. The edict also provides that all persons taken in any flagrant attempt I gainst the safety of the State' to be immediately tried by a council of war. A telegraphic dispatch from Trieste had been embracing Bombay news to Dec. 24th, but nothing of particular 1 importance. The jagation of the disturbed d'strict was rapidly progressing.

IsmaeJ Khanate rebel chief, had surrendered. The details of tte last China news speak of short supplies and an advance in the price of teas. MARKETS. Liverpool, January 224 Cotton Sales of the week 44 bales, including 5X bales taken on speculation, and bales for export. The market closed with a declining tendency for Mobile and Upland.

All qualities have slightly declined staje circulars say l-16th on Uplands The sales of Friday were estimated at bales; tte market cksinff duil- Fair. Middling. New Orlesrs- Mobile, a. 0H-16d. rp.ands.

013-lvd. 6 9 16d. Stock in port biles, including 272.00 tones Americsn. Manchester advices are favorable. Cloths are firm- Yarns sie tut in little inquiry, and prices are weak.

Bread staffs Flour is dull, and quotations are nominal. Wheat is dall with a aeeilnins: tendency. Corn hss a declining tendency with, but little inquiry, and prices weak. Mixed 23a25s 6d; Yellow 29a29i 6d. Provisions Bacon is dull.

Lard dull at 56a. Sugar closed firm Cc5e is steady. Rise Is rm. Kcsin Is firm at Spirits Turpentine alcsei firm at 3i-s GdalCs. London Markets.

Barings' circular quotes: "Wleat is drill and Is'L'd lower. Imn clostd steady Welsh mils ri 10s: bars6a6 5s. Sugar clos bunt ant Spirits Turpentine closed firm at 4fs6ails. Bice generally closed firm at an advance of Sdttid. Havre $Iarkti.

Breadstuff have a declining tLdercy. Pork closed buoyant ard all quillties lave slightly Edvanced. Beef Is active at a slight derlire. Mow Marhri, London, Jan. -21.

Mosey is abundart acd tte market is genf rally unctang- eAr rred at a9o American se-enriries are slow of sale at unaltered prices Bullion in the Bank cf England has decreased id.000. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore San FURTHER FOREIGN NEWS New York, Feb. 7 Letters ppr the Asia say that political excitement on the continent hss assumed a more pacific ne, but confidence is not sufficiently restored to induce ar.v general activity in eemmerce. Endeavors are made to a'Jay apprehensions cn political subiects, but a vacme feeling of alarm tlll pervades' the public mind, and it would be forming too hasty an pinion Vi ay that the cf the peace of Europe being disturbed Is at an end. A cautious anion pervades all classes in manufacturing districts, and the Manchester market generally has lost something of its previous baot ant tone.

firriral of tlie Crcrland California Mail. St Feb. 7 Tfce overland California of the lith nit. has arrived, brinin-j dates from Victoria to the 10th. Ned McGowali ai.d a party cf Amtrk an rowdies had carried off a Brl-t sb justice and psid a fine got) for contempt.

The srrival of three clippers at San Francisco had cause some movement in groceries and provisions. Quotations, however, are unchangt-d. Fiiten lndisr.a In Eden Valley hid been killed fcy a party of whites In cocseq'uence pf stealing hrss. TfceSrrrerr Ccrtcf CaVfornia has decided tbt Ifce lg bas power to tax minion tieina; also detidtd that the law prohibiting CM nee emigration 1s nnronstitutional a ae pasenet rs report that the Gala mines are 1 early de-rted- TheCamai rhfa havesiolen eleven mules and iftv noises belpngini' to tbe settlers. Major Dcdge fcad jost returned from Pyramid Lake, and reported ifce weather as intensely cold, causing ereat suffering among the Indians, who lacked fcth food and clothinir.

Major Jctnso.witha detachment of the 6th Ir.fsrtry, was ei. rente for Ede Valley to look rttc tre Indians who were cpmii-lUlng depredation aesicrt the settlers. Partes California are rratuMng a proposition to trartpcrt tl entire letter and newspaper mails tfce oveilar.d mail to a point within the liml's cf tie Vr.ittd Ststea. ask'nsr ro extension of pay if they fjii to trarsport mails within the given time, ssd reuirirj; to special protection from the Indians. That roitlon cf tfce President's me33ge treat-tirg cf Kai sts wts net fivorabVy received In Oregon im the grouiirt ttat tbe President's policy would retard tdmitaion of that Territory Into tfaf; I'nion.

Tte Lerifitnre of Washington Territory hns te'opted resolutions lrstructing their delegates In Congress to crae tLe necessity of establishing a line of military pests from Walla Walla via the South Pars to tie Micsonrl river. The Mesit an boundary commissioners were at Fort Filimore and about starting to resume their ppratlcas. The Indlars had again obstructed the road with rocks and devil's canon. A detarfcment of cavalry under Capt." Palmer led left Fort Smith for ort Arbuckle. The mail coach was delayed 26 hours on the rotate, making the running tirnp less than 23 days.

Tfceoverlasd New York and St Lis maiisof Dec. 20th, and New Orlears mails of Dec. 27th, reacted San Francisco January 13th. From Ua hi up ton. Vxgton, Feb 7.

Mr. Forsy'h to-day st tk Siate as ii. Cas, assured him that ea bv innt5. was prompt willing to told tv. FoVth not being r.r Viv.lll)'.- Btinces, oirrgoveinrr determinatiol hVtb? rorr-e to an? Mexican aflalis.

Tfce 1q rerd t0 dent Is to await Inrftw e'Presl- country, rnd Is tot at prLent ln thit Size A of the governments As a mere item it Is staled tfcnt the IS? that tfce administrEtion shali c0nnC.a,,r" to tfee redncrd eppropriations, a they dtt'tBcy WLU that may 4e MkStS at tfce next session. Ior tha arrangements are In progrew for establishing an Independent democratic paper sim llVlT ork' and tbat 60 a capital S100 W.O hss been raised for the purpose. JVlessis orsyth and Pryorate Indicated as editors. The Ttevolntien ln Hayti. Flb- 7 Dates from Pcrt au Pnce to the loth ult.

have been received. The revolution Lad extended to all parts of the empire. There had been some severe fighting at St. Marc, both at sea and cn land, attended with considerable loss of lire. Soulouque was compelled to retreat The naval engagement off St.

Marc was between aix shifs. The admiral's vessel was badly damaged, and the whole Imperial fleet had returned to Port au Prince. Reinforcements were joinlrio-General Geffard from ail parts, and It was Ueved that Soulouque would be unable to force Ills way back to the capital, the city beln? surrounded by tfce republicans. The emperor's ciiiee had all been seized and fold at auction. Fprtau Prince was under arms and no mall were allowed to leave.

He will appear in the Shakspearian Tragedy of Hamlet: Hnmlnt. Prince of Denmark-- Murdoch. of Hnmlet's Father i.nrta Mr. Harrison. Kins Cjaudius Mr.

Doaaldsoi). Polonins Mr. Stodart, Ophelia Miss Jennie Parker. jZrTo conduce with a favorite Faroe. to morrow Weunesuay O'Keefe's oele-bruted Comedy entitled VY ild Oats Fnvr.

Mr. Murdoch. MARRIED. On 6th instant, by Rev. M.

C. Clayton, JOHN KL UtK to ELIZA JOINKS, both ot this City. -DIED. On the morriinsr of the 7th instant. ENRY the 51st year of his age.

Philadelphia ai rew orK papers please copj.j His relatives and friends are invited to attend his funeral, on this Tuesday aiternoon, at throe o'clk, ironi nis late resiaenca, ivo. sm i tray street. On ihe 7th iiiBtatt. Mrs. AMANDA VALUE, af ter a lonsr and tedious confinement of consumption, which she boro with Christian fortitude.

'1 he Iriends ol the family aro invited to attend hsr funeral, on this (Tuesday) afternoon, three o'clock, from No. 7 Rogister street, without fur ther notice. On the 7th instant, WESLY MELVIN, youngest son win. and Mary jaae flieuieiiann, aged months and 17 davs. The Iriends ef the family are requested to attend his tunerai.on this (Tut-fday) morning, at ton o'clk, ironi the residence of his parent), No.

149 Register btreet. On the 7i instant. JOHN WERN A RD, ased 25 Hioi.ths. son ot 'Phia3l and the late tienrv Muller His funeral wil! take Dlace on tins tTuestlaT) after noon, at three o'clock, from tho resideuco of his eianf'fMther. John Harman.

On the 7lh instant, afr.r a l'nserine i'lneas of three months, KDWARi), the tin a tan of Gdwurd hu1 Hor.or 'Unan, in the 0th year of his age. May he rest in peace Amen. Dot now the lamb is in the fold, And on the shepherd's bosom laid, His arms shall ne'er releiee their hold, His iove shall pillow his young hend. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the fu nerr.l, this (Tuesday) ai'ternom, at three o'olock ithout further notice. On he eth instant, THOMAS EGORY MUR DOCH, aged S3 years.

His relatives and friends are requested to attend nis tuneral, on this (Tuesday) mornias, at ten o'clock, from No. SJ Favette treet. near Holliday in the 6th instant, SUSANNAH MAR1 only daughter of has. G. and Sarah S.

Grover, 2 years and 11 months, We loved hr. yes, no tongue can tell flow much we loved her iiud how well; God loved her too, and He thought best To take her home to bo ut rest. The relatives and Iriends ot the tamily are requested to attend her funeral, on tms (Tuesday morning, at ten o'clock, from No. 190 East Madison st. On the morning of the 6th lhs'ant, after a short illness.

GEORGE M. U1R ES, aged 1 year, 1 month and 22 days, only child ot Joseph B. and Laura V. Ti oinas. Ou the 34 instant.

GEORGE WALTER, the only son ol Samuel D. and Emily R. Webb, aged 3 months and 9 days. No more 1 clasp hee my arms Or curse thy litt'e head: No more I watch thy gentle sleep, For thou, my bae. art desd On the id instant, ACHILLE B1ZOUAKD, aged 2 vears.

On the 2d instant ACHSAH, relict of the late Leonard Malonee, of Anne Arundel county, the 91st year of her age. She was for upwards of seventy years a member of the M. E. Church. Humble in her deportment, consistent in all her walks of life, and charitable towards her fellow-creatures, she died in the hope of a blissful immortality.

On the 21st January, in the 18th vear of her nge, MARY ELIZABETH MoCAFFERTYLIPPEY. Father, soon among the loved ones Then wik look for me in vain; Others rtilt will kindly greet thee. But the lost one comes not again. She -n ho, her dreaming childhood. Roamed with tnee through forest wide, In thy strong arms oft supported, Goeth soon from thee, a bride.

Mother, lay thy hand in blessing Onoe more on tity darling's brow; For no more this world will 1 with thee sit, As I am sitting now. Weak and trembling doth she leave thee. Never more to seek thy side; For the bridegroom cometh, mother, Ard thy child will be h'8 bride. Teachers, scholars 1 have loved so dearly, I must now bid you aii fureweil; I grieve not that I am gone, For it i a tnd in which the righteous dwell. Health Office.

Baitunore. Feb. 7. 1859. Report of deaths in the city of Baltimore for the last week ending on Monday mornim: Apoplexy asthma cancer casualty child bed colic coEEeatl'Hi ot the brain 1: congestion tf the iungs consumption 13; convulsions croup 3: droDsv 1: droosv in the head 2: drowned 1: drsen tery 1: erysipelas catarrhal fever scarlet fever 17; innammauon oi me Drain inuanimaiton "i tae lungs measles old-ajce patsy pieurUy 1: teething unknown ad alt unknown mianfiie la total Under 1 year, between and 2, 2 and 5, 15; between 5 and 10.

12; between 10 and 15, between 15 and 20, between 20 and 30, between 50 and 40, 10; between 40 and 50, between 50 and 60. 5: between 60 and 70. between 70 and 80, between 80 and 9, above 100, 1. Still-births 6. Males 5i; females 46.

Of which number 14 were colored persons 12 free, 2 slaves. By order. J. W. HorcK.

Commissioner of Health. NOTICE. Rev. J. W1LSO.V.

of Elmira, Ii5 N. will PR EAUH In thi Meetinr-house ofne LEE STREET BAPTIST CHUKCH on TH1S( rnesdav)andTC-MoRKOW( Wednesday! F. VKNINGS fcer vices commencing 7 P. M. Snbjpct this evening: Spirituality of a Church of Chrft.


An adjourned meeting of the K. VV. trand Encainn- mer tof Maryland will be heid at the ODD FELLOWS' HALL, North Gay on WEDNES DAY EVENING, 9tn mat at 7 o't-loei. By order, JOHN W. HUNT, f3-St Grand Scribe, NEW BUILDING ASSOCIATION A eetine wiil be he THIS TiJESlAV I'h'MXG.

ai 7J the School Konm ad- joimrg tlie Methodist Church, corner of Hiddio nnd Garrfen streets, for the rorposeof forming a NEW BUILDING ASSOCIATION, on etiuitabla principles. Persons disposed to take fcttck are invited to te present. 1t MEETING OF FACTORY OPERA TIVES. At a pub'io meeting ol the opera- tivpH Amnlotpjl in ths on the Patansco. held on Saturday evening last, at the Town Hall, Miicott'B Mil's, the following Reaolutions were unanimously adopted: lies olved.

That we consider eleven hours to be stilicieni; for one day's labor enough to satisfy the just ciaims of our employers, and to yield the a fair and adequate remuneration for the capital invested. Hesolved, That we remonstrate and protest agnst an increase of the hours of laDor, as being an invasion ol our rights as well as an infringement of the compact made between the employers and employed hve yerns ago. Such overt acts of injustice and wrong-doing jufrtiy merit ard will certainly receive both public ai individual cordemnation, he-solved, we consider the long hour system to be unnecessary, oppressive and-njusc injurious to the health oi the (especially so to women end children.) and therefore the system ought to be at onoe and forever hesolvtd, That the long hour tystein for six suo--otM dsj s) almobt deprives tho operitiveof op-I oitnnities for mental improvement: greatly lessenB hia means of social enjoyment; and thus the system well nigh dries up those pura fountains of pleasure which the beneficent Creator designed to be the perennial source of happiness to mankind. Resolved. '1 hat if the long hour system should be again forced upon us, we wll meet it with determined opposition by uting all the legal means at our command, and, if necessary, we will appeal to the next Le lulnture for thn passage of a la ar regulating the hours of labor, and thus secure to oursflves those just rights of which the avarice and seihshnees of men would deprive us.

By order, JAM ES HOLDEN, of Union Works, Chairmin. IDThePATAFSCO ENTERPRISE of Stur day next, will contain a fall report of the prooeedings of the above mei ting, besides editorial andothsr articles on the subject of this movement. Operatives at the Factories throughout the Stite will have copies sent them on remitting a three-cent stamp to tho Publishers, Kilicott's Wills, Md or a number can club togf tlier and have copies sent them in one package at three cents each. frf-lmJ nrSTHEHE WiLfc, BE AN EXHIBITION LL3 bw tae SCHOLARSof SPKIMiGUOK.N CHAPEL SABBATH BOHOObon WEDNESDAY EVKNlNti, February 9th, at Wesley Chapel, commencing at 7S o'clock, proceeds to aid the Sew-inf Society httactied to said school. Tickets 15 Uhi.cren Id cents.

to be had at the door. fe7-3t rYr SACRED CONCERT, There will be a LkJ? CONCERT of SACRED MUSIC held in the Twelfth Presbyterian Church, FranHin street, west of THIS TUKSDAY) EVENING, February 8th, commencing at 4 to 8 o'clojk, ior the benefit of the Church, by the Choir, assisted by large number of some of the best oiusical amntturs in the city. TK KETST WENTY-FIVE CENTS, to be hid of any of the members, or at the door on the evening of the Concert. fe7 2t MARYLAND INSTITUTE LECTURES. The ELEVENTH LECTURE of the ooureo will delivered on THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, Feb.

8h, at iy o'olock, bv Rov. CHA'SF. KING, of Loyola College, Baltimore. Kight and Wrong." Tickets 25 cents, lor sale atthe door. f7-3t.

rrrMERCANTILE LIBRARY LLg LECTURES. jTHE TENTH LECTURE OF THE COURSE Will be delivered in the UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, on THIS (TUESDAY EVENING, 8th instant, at 8 o'olock, by HERMAN MFLV1LLE, Ol PittKfield. Mass. Subject "THE SOUTH SEAS." fC7Dooig open at 1j o'clock. f5-3t) THE HON.

E. LOUIS LOWE will de-UvJj liver the First Leoture of tho Course before tlie Catholio Institute, at the New Assembly Rooms, on THURSDAY, February 10, at7 P. M. Subject "A G'anoe at the Public Spirit of Anoiont Paean Nations in contrast with the Civilization of Europe, as enveloped by the Church; constitutional Liberty in the United States and the Catholic Citizen." Tickets for the Course One Dollar; single tickets. 25 cents.

HEAD -QUARTERS: ORDER No. 1. The offlopra and members attanhnd to the iA 1 1 1.IRHT HP A at It VS mill mit at LIEUT. COL. HINTZ'S, Pca 1st, near Lexington, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 9th at Oiock, for the elecuon of a Cnptain.

By order, fs, G.J.ZIMMERMAN, Col of ist V. TTAMS, FLOUR. ETC- nice. 80 wh'ite Bams' 148-; N. O.

Sugar, 1J2Tlnbarr! Pftl tfrf l0eV LAWRENCE, f8-U(t Cor Greeil and Lexington sta. FOR HIRE A Negro MAN, suitable for a Waiter or Carriage Driver, having experience. in both. Good references ai to honesty and capacity given. Inquire at No 8 4IIANOVER ST.

itt LtJ LIBERALLY LOANED, ih amounts ts suit, on Diamonds, Gold and feilver atches, Sil ver Ware. Jewelry, Guns, Revolvers, Clothing and Merchandize generally, at the LOAN OFFICE. No. 15 SOUTH GAY' STREET, between Baltimore and Second streets. Private entrance adjoining.

-Transactions confidential. Open daily. 'tF8 ISAAC LOBE. B' ARJ-MAKT RS AND SADDLERS, fAKRMB ZAP0J AMD TRUNK MA-eSRS wM fM T3 BALTIMORE S'JMiEE. fresh and larga stock ef all the good thy at try rmes.

ROfl SKATES! SKATES! SKATES! OUU PAIR strapped SKATES, assorted sizes and pnoes, for sale low by UUER.NORRIS ft 13-tfl NO. Hanover ICE AND GUNNY BAGS en hand and for sale bv RICHARDSON ft CO.

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