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The Vicksburg Post from Vicksburg, Mississippi • Page 3

Vicksburg, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE VTCTCR'RTTPn- p. uPVTMa TnG.T? irrrvA ppvitrtt a va i RIVER STEAMBOATS. shall be held at the citv vt Vioksb urg, lei Fast Freight Line. TRI-WErXLY TRIPS. gi.naj service Report Tbe Wettb.

erRlver.Gtiet, Etc. LOCAL WiCATHER REPORT. Siowal Orrics, Mi? Feb. 3 1886. riJ(, Bab.

Hum Winn W'theb 5,7 30.19, C5 91 Cloudy. 9 37 i m. 30.17 76 8. 62 NJ I X. Cloudy.

9-57 p. UM5. UJfUi .40 .79 24 .52 .27 06 .00 jiaiiniuiu tlmrBionieUif Minimum thermometer yen temperatur. SrAOE OF. RIVERS.

Was DiPAETMiHT. i Office Chief Siohal Offices, Fttb. 3 2 p.m. WashinRton time, River will be recorded in feet and Untb. feet.) water.

Rise. Fall. lOths. ft. lot's, ft lOt's 4 0 0 0 2 0 13 0 0 3 0 0 2 4 4 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCO 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 9 6 1 0 0 4 14 0 0 8 3 0 0 7 0 5 0 0 0.

0 0 0 0 li 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gulf and ih-nce by steamer ti 1H. Mr Sl Lou in tbia busines. for several yars. Memph US ldfer 2rrl the river II ihu inchee II th hirik I the rise Ourinr? thp i.rssi..... qj beinv Line Ancnr earner Cry Vick.bur,-, frm St.

mornme a A. added M'iui-i itf inir. C'tv of. VioS.k.... .1 i Tbe nirht.

andw.l Me fr St. IttV flt II Saturd and dlschaig ai the Carroll having decided ti Pn it. The crew will ha elevn utor ur. vj.auu, engi- rank Dni, fireman, nud, prub-iscott Philips and Oias. ablv.

slerki Florence Oil 6t aUj extra Wicks tir sane. S-P23 LEE RiCHAi'DaON SO y. Plant Less Cotton. Again we desire tn n.l.l nni. ingto the Southern planters concerning the DoliCV to be thio I k.

result of last year's cotton pUnting cau-not be said to have been bv any means satiafactorv. IMpm haa ru.i the great staple, and the bulk of tbe crops uwii uuiu mi raies wnicn anoraea little or no margin of profit. The statistical ble one at the opening of the season, and mo ury guoujn iraae was in satisfactory condition, but the tn advance rates failed in the main. The 5 ui coiron constantly pressing iur saie iroul iiuenor aepots Kept tue seaboard marketH dnn.Plantra ammm: bla to hold and sold freely at current quotations. The effect has been feit in every department of hiisinns Th.rn.rh Mm nma was not a vary large one and below what was expected during ire latter part of tbt sumraei, it has left but ii.ttle surplus uuucjr iu tue uuuiuiy.

Will the planters continue to devote so much land to thn stanU ti.w or.ri i the question noW being asked on all sides. Will they continue to open up new fields and in so manv cases risk on the cjtton market? ith a five million bale crop nearly aa rrllir.h mQilflV rjllll I llA ruativail iu Mdditt. ed for six and a half millions, the labor to produce the dinereuce being employed in supplying th necessary articles of food for home consumption. Thfl iwillnp nf Plirrailinrr nrnrlnnttnn Mn. ding a general revival of trade throughout the world ought certainly to have been impressed upon tbe minds of Southern Dlanters dnrinr thn turn iinrii.

The absence of any great improvment in ins prospects or. tne cotton trade ana tne fear of a vreat Knrnnonn wir nutrht ut. lnaflt. tn ht nfnin pnlliirl tj. t.h attAtitinn ni farmers and planters by the rural press.

n. v. ricayune. CHEAP UOL.UMN. WANTED.

WANTED I would like to purchase $1,900 of five ier cent, comoromise bonds of the city of Vicksburg. jan r. it. USlliK. WANTED General agent to hndle William's copper-plate map of the United titates, Mexico, size 0ji6j inches.

E. W. SMITH 20 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. j2-2m FJR K.KXJT, FOR BOARDEI'vS Two nicely furnisu-ed rooms, whhboa.d, convenient to busine and in a puasant locality. Ad dress Vicksburg, Miss.

fel Oil RENT Tbe two-story brick bouse on Washington street, near the depot bridze. Suitable for store and dwelling. Possession given immediately Apply at ja31-tf BON ELLI KES A AiN RENT I offer a part of ray place, including pastures, and from 1 to 50 acres if desired, VA miles southeast of the city for rent. Nice comfortable house of 4 rooms and all necessary out-bouses good land and two tine a da 1 1 pasiures lor ouiuuier nun liiuici use, an under wire fence. This place is reraarka-blv well situated for marketing, garden and dairy purposes.

To a eood tenant will Dt) rentea 10W. rossession niyeu av uutr. oply to M. GENELLA, or John K. M.

O'Reily on premises. ialf TOR taA-I-iffl. yvwAArvvvvv'V'WrrWir FOR SALE, CHEAP A larse and nnmfnrtiilila rvaiHenrs on Harrison street, with 9 noma, 2 kitchens, outbuildings, 2 good cisterns, with yard and fine garden. Apply to A. F.

PIAZZA or J. H. D. BOWMAR SON. ja4 Loniavtlle, New Orleans Texaa Railway Mississippi vaney Route.

Grand Regular Hailmad, Ylckabnrc a.irl imaoo racact, LAKE WASHINGTON. Tbv. Yot sii leaves Vicksbnrg every MONDAY. A and FRIDAY at m. Return- ifiir tftxti'M V.u.

Cirv every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and 1 1 miA i at i in. Yazoo and Tallahatchie ltirera Steamer, HELEN MEAD, Ofs. Mutter Fbark ecs sb clerk eaves Vicksburg very ii r.aiiAY at 2 p.m. This line runs in connection with tbe liOtiisvMle, New Orleans and Teias Railroad, issning through bills of lading to and from all points. Special attention given to way and plantation business.

For all information applv to P. WIMMKR. Agent Yazoo CI17. R. F.

REYNOLDS, Oen'l Agt. N. O. A T. Railroad, til St, Charles street, New Orleans.

GLISSON, Contracting Agt. N. O. A T. Railroad, 11 Monroe street, Memphis.

Tenn. A.H. JAQUITH, Agent, L. N.O. A T.

Railroad, Vicksburg, las. T. M.8MKDKS,Sup't Wharfboat, jnlO Vicksburtc. Misa Regular Warrrnton, Newtown, Davie Iteiid and all Way IjartdlnRs racket. Steamer L.

II. SAKGEXT, Geo. Erri.E Master. i aii-i '-ACSa Will leave Vics. Tt HSBi- burg promptly ParisotLlne, Anchor Line aud New Orleans packets, Vlcksnurg Me-Mlan Rail-roid and N.

O. A T. Railroad at Vicksburg. Patronage respectfully solicited from tbe Vicksburg merchants, T. M.

SWEDES. 8up't Vicksburg Wharfboat and Klavator a 111 II 1 SlWf I BranumtloBofl 111 TkMipMnA ftnnllokUani for twUui la III III th VBlud HUtM m( Vaif mn. Ill III trial, IIm puklldim el tfe H-lnHM rVw Am.rld.o oontina 14 Mi ollCTtot- inr pwnu, ok, mmmmih rit- 1 rif bu, for ih, Vnltaa SUM. Aim to obum ixwsu la GuuwU. Bnlml, irranra, ((raitBr.

m4 Allothnr MantrlM. TBlliprt-mji sad thnr bellitlM are maur bnvlns and tnMlflMttnnt prpu4 and 81l lBth.l'il.nlfflnoihortllotli. T.riM rkannilil. KoohrtfunmmUovIll rtr.wlnn. A(llc br mH 'r.

1 mh mim .1 an aa.RB....M a.iL.u- VnikrwMtifiiuaiinaMvnmiM of Iu kind publluiMl In th Th ulniilUM of nah a aotlso tint imUuuo ndmundi. Tim onn mimnnir innnnwa mwmjw totblbihMl WKKK Hl.nui fw 7--ar. man tm sninlUM hhmi Mat pupor amvwmt Mm mwhanloa, lannilon nIOMrln( wnru, nd otbar d.DartnumU ef Indiutnul pinsiw-i. irab-ilahed Tn an, li eonulna the oamae of II patentee, and title of erer, Invention patented each week. Trr It fonr muullia far one duller.

Sold br ell newedeelare. If roa bare en Invention Ut patent "Trite Mnna A of SeieauOe AserleAa, fel Hroedwer, Raw York. JiaDdbookatwntpaUntf mailed free. NERVOUS DEBILITATED 'MEN. Too sre sDewed a Ae frfel of fcfrf eViiM of tb of Dr.

Pro's Oleliratwl Vulteki HvU wll felertrle aaapenenrf tor the rpm-it relief end nemieiirnteum if A'eremj. lJthOUu. Inei of Vitality end AfanAovif.end aU klmlreit tn.uli.ea. aim for menTftuier aiaeeae. imiiii-ir rrnt irw tlon to ftraJtn, end Manhood nuaranio-it.

bo new ta wiourren. iiiiietretHirNimiietuietH tUMkP mallMl free, ht edlmwlni T0LTAI0 BELT Marshall, Kleh, Arrived this Week t-- THE BEEHIVE A FULL LINK OF, Boucle Jerseys, In all Colors, The Latest Novelties of thn Season. PRICE $2.00. Also, a Quantity of Black Ostrich Tips To be sold at 23c a bunch, worth 50c. Remember the Mather Self-Lacing Kid Is always preferred to anv other.

We are the sgents for it. 1KS. J. E. LEWIS.

187 WasbingtoD St. 8IIEU1I F'S SALE. 8. Sl'EHOLEB VS. Sabah J.

Miueb. Fr. Fa. AED ALL roa I9172 COOTS. BY virtue of a writ of fieri faci a in the above styled csose, to me directed, I shall expose tu pnblie safe at the esst door of the Court-house of Wsrren onnty, within the hours prescribed by Isw, to tbe highest bidder for cash, on Monday, the 7th Day or March, 17.

all the right, title and interest of tbe above named defendant 8arah J. Miller, in Aii.I to the following described property, to-wic Part ol lot 113, tn sonare 19 of ihe original plat of tbe cily-of Vicasburg, Mississippi, eommencing at tbe northeast comer of first East sad Farsaes streets thence north along Fa.m er atreet 100 fcet; thence east at right angles lflo feat, more or less; thence south to Fim East street nm I 1 I I 1 a nverv iai I Vfnii THURSDAY t-V" o'clock s.m.. with mm 9 Missisaippi, on the second Wednesday, in the month of Ufay, in each and every year commencing with the year between the hours of nine clock a.m. and four o'clock p. m.

in pursuance ot such notice at may be prescribed by the bv-lawa. and at such meeting the stockholders aliall elect the Board of Directors for the en-suing year and transact such other busi ness as may be lawfully brought before it At all stockholders meetings a major ty of the voters of tbe stockholders present in person or by proxy shall govern except as herein otherwise provided. In rase of a failure to hold the annual meeting on the dav herein prescribed, the same may be held on stu-h subsequent dav as the by-laws or Hoard of Directors shall appoint, and the said annual meet ing may be adjourned from time to time, and any business may be trtnviclerl at such subsequent or adjourned t.i. i. ii might have been transacted "a i.

-find herein for tbe annual roe. i.e The by-laws shall prescribe the of holding, and the mode of calling regular and special meetings of tne Board of Directors. article 7. The corporators herein named shall meet in pursuance of a written notice to that end, designating the time and place of meeting, signed by any two of them and delivered to the others at least one day previous to such meeting, and when duly assembled shall pioceed to organise this corporation by the election of the first Beard of Directors, and for that purpose, any three of said corporators shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE, The stockholders of this corporation shall not be individually liable for any debt, loss, damage or liability, contracted or incurred by said corporation.

But each stockholder shall be liable for the amount or balance that may be due for stork subscribed for by him, according to the statute in such case provided. ARTICLE 9. This charter shall not be altered or amended except by the assent of a majority of the stockholders of this corporation expressed at any annual meeting, or at any meeting called in pursuance of a notice stating the purposes of the meeting signed by the owners of at least one-third of the capital stock, or by the President and Secretary of this corporation or the written request of at least one-third of the capital stock, and published at least once in each week for two successive weeks immediately preceding the date fixed for said meeting in any newspaper of general circulation published in the city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and the said assent certified to by the President and Secretary of this corporation shall accompany the application for the proposed alteration or amendment In case any alteration or amendment is made to this charter a notice thereof directed to tbe stockholders of this corporation generally and clearly disclosing the nature of the alteration or amendment so made shall be published once in each week for four successive weeks immediately following the date of the meeting at which the same was made, and such alteration or amendment shall be binding on all the stockholders unlesa those dissenting shall within thiny days after1 knowledge that the same has been made enjoin this corporation from acting under such alteration or amendent. and it any stockholder or member shall fail to do so, hs shall be estopped to deny the validity or binding effect thereof fel3 Notice. SFBt 1ALTKBM OF THE WARRKR COVSTT (CIVIL) CIRCVlTCorRT.

Vicesbdbu, Jan. 29, 18S7. IN accordance with an order made by the Hon. Ralph North, Judite of the 11th Judicial District of the State of Mis sissippi, there will be a special term of the Circuit Court for the transaction of civil business, commencing on the 21st day of February, 18S7, that being the third Monday of said month, and continue as long as tbe business will require. Given under my band and seal of said Court this 29ih dav of January, 1887.

ja29 2w HAS. LEHMAN, A. H. GRIMES, Constable City of Vicksbnrs; and Warren. County.

bill COLLECTION and Detective Business promptly attended to. oc25 The Star A Newspaper Supporting tbe Princi ples or a lieniocratlc Admin. titration. Published in the City of New York. William Dobweimeb, Editor.

Daily, Weekly and Sunday Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, Aa Eight-page Newspaper, iasued evsrjf Wednesday. A clean, pure, bright and interesting Family Paper. I It contains the latest news, down to the hour of going to press. AgriculturAl, Market, Faablon, Household Financial and Commercial Political, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Departments, all under the direction of trained journalists of tbe highest ability.

Its columns will be found crowded with good thines from beginning to end Original stories by distinguished American and foreign writers of fiction. i lerius of the Weekly Star to subscribers: Free of postage in the United States snd Canada, outside the limits of New York ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE Clubs of 10 to the same P. O. Address. with an additional copy to organizer of Club, $10.

For three moi tbs, on trial, 25c. Special terms and extraordinary inducements to agent and canvassers. Send for circulars. THE DAILY STAR. The Daily Star contains allthe news of tbe day In an attractive Its special correspondence by cable from London, Paris.

Berlin, Vienna and Dublin, is a commendable feature. A Washington, Albany, arid other news centers, the ablest correspondent, specially retained by The Star, furnish the latest news by telegraph. Its literary features are unsurpassed. Tbe Financial and Market Reviews are unusually full and complete. tebxs or the daily stai to rcBscaissia; Free of Postage in the United States, snd Canada, outside the limits of New i York City.

Every Day, for one year (including $7 Daily, without Sunday, 6 00 Every Day, six months- 8 50 Daily, without Sunday, six 3 60 Sunday, without Djiiy, one 1 CO Address "THE 81 Alt- Broadway and Part? Plac. New Yicksbarg Greeniilla Packet Co. CARBYIKO U. 8. MAIL.

ij i' Steamer 1SSAQUEXA, Hibrt MAatORiraACi. H. Smith Clerk eiteamer PHIL. A KM UK, W. H.

F.DRimvroir Master C. V. us. Clerk SCHEMLF. Steamer ISSAQUENA leaves Vicksburg everv WEDNESDAY and SATFKDAY at 3 p.iii.

Leaves Uies nvllle every Tlil'IU-DAY and SUNDAY at 12 m. Steamer PHIL ARMOUR leaves Vuks burg for Ureenville MONDAY at 3 p.m., and FRIDAY at 12 m. for Skipwith. Returning leaves Greenville TUESDAY 'at 3 p.m., and Skipwith SATURDAY at 13 ni. Tbia line makes close connection with the V.

A M. and N. O. A T. Railroads.

Special attention to way and plantation business. For freight or passage apply on board or to 11. SMSDR8. Superintendent Wharfboat, Vicksbnrr. J.

L. 8HJCRRARD, Gen. Ticket and Pass. Agt, Vicksburg ClTIZKNa1 WtfARFBOAT.Green villi New ifid Vicksburg Packet. The Steamer ST.

JOUN, Clerk F. Muse. Will leave New Orleans every TUESDAY at p.m., and Vicksburg every DAY at 5 p.m. Connects at Vicksburg with the Anchor Line for St. Irfitiis, the P.

Line fur Yasoo and Tallahatchie rivers and the V. 4 Railroad. This steamer reserves the right to pass all landings that the Captain mav consider unsafe. T.MfiMtCDEJi Superintendent Vicksburg Wharfboat and Elevator Company. LUKDIK SHERRARD, ov22 Passenger Agent.

New Orleans and Greenville Packet. The Swift and Reliable Steamer PAUOOUD, J. W. Carlton Master Cost Clerk i0 Will pass up for aS. (SjT Greenville J1 A7 jt-he bends every at 3 2 U3p.Di.

Return, mg, pasres down every SATURDAY at 12 sa. for New Or leans and all way landings. Connects at Vioksbarg with Anchor Line for St. Louis, and P. Una tor Yaaoo mnA Ta11aVarnrt iIuam fill tl fliWA mtA Deer Creek packets, andV, AM.

Railroad, This steamer reserves the right to pass ail landings that the captain may con aider unsafe. T. M8MK1)K8. Superintendent Vicksbnrg Wharfboat and jtievator uompany. wa LUND1E 8HERARD, Pass.

Agt, SPEED, SAFET7 AND COMFORT Regular Vicksburg nd Natcfaei 1 j. TJ. 0, MAO. CAltNEAL GOLDMAN. 0 I 8 JtAWseeefMee Bah Paucb.

eeeaas sssse eweeaeex eeee GlCfk Leaves Vlcksbur' elC tl every MONDAY Li? J.WEDNE8DA miu niuai, at at 10 a.m. sharp, or Immediately after the arrival of the V. A U. accommodation train from Jackson, Freight received until 9:45 a leaves Natclies eve TUESDAY and THURSDAY at 2 making a daylight run both ways. M.

8JEDE8, Supt. Vicksburg Wharfboat and Elevator Com pan v. mvl PARISOT LINB, CAKBYINO TBZ TJ. MAIL, For Yasoo River. STEAM EES WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS SV FoI "PPeV Yatoo mm nu isiianatctile every TUESDAY ant) FRIDAY at ft P-m'i going "ougn iciiuia Lake when the waterjiermits.

E. 0. T. M. 8MEDES.

Ageat SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY Regular Yickftbur? and Skip wltU Trl-Weekly Packet, The New' and FVst Steamer CUMBERLAND, Clerk i. Leaves Vlcksbura every MONDAY, and FRIDAY at 12 for Sklp- witn and all way landings. Returning makes close connec-t'on at Vicksburg with steamboats for all points south, and with tbe railroads for all points. Special attention given to way and plantation business. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Will commence her trips Monday, Jan. 3. Passengers and shippers csn rely on the Lea remaining permanently in tbe trade. Regular TIcksbLi Iitcfcu ui lev The fast and snagnlflosnt steamer T. P.

LEATHERS B. 8. Umtdmt T. P. Leatbixa, Clerk mmunm rm.

LeSTSS Vicksburg rf4' f-mr- TUESDAY rSrorlesns everv i M-SATURDAY et6 p.m. Connects at Vicksburg with Anchor Ltna for St. Louis, and P. Line for. Yasoo and Tallahatchie rivers, Sunflower and Deer Creek packet and V.

A M. Railroad. tuis steamer reserves tbe right to pf all landings that the Captain may consider unsafe. T. M.8MIDE8, SujMiiiitendeQt Vicksburg Wharfboat and tlerator Co.

LNDIEFIERARD Pass, Agi. i JWIfcffcll 1 rN ta.v Sf HAV-FEVER CHARTER OF INCORPORATION or thi Vicksburg Water Sopply Comp'y ARTICLE 1. E. 8. Butts.

John B. Mattingly. L. Mat-rnder, Clarence Delafield and Chester R. McFarland, and, such ether- persons as may hereafter become their associates and successors, are hereby created a body politic and corporate, by virtue of chapter 38 of the Reviied Code of 1SS0 of the Utate of Mississippi, and the acts of the Legislature oi said State, amending and supplementing 'he same, under the name and style of "Tbe Vicksburg WaUr Supply Company." ARTICLE 2.

The domicil and principal place of busi ness of this corporation shall lie the city of Vicksbnrg, in Warren county, Mississippi, but an additional or branch business ollice may be established and maintained in the city of New York, iu the Oountv and State of New York. Meettngs of the Board of Directors may be held and this corporation may transact any of its business or flairs at either its principal place of business or at its branch business office as aforesaid. artjcli 3. The purposes for which this corporation is crented are to construct, maintain and operat a system of works to supply the city of Vicksburg, in Warren county, Mississippi, the vicinity and the inhabi tants thereof with an adequate supply of pure aad wholesome water for all public nu private uses. ARTICLE 4.

The powers to be exercised this cor ion are as follows: To have perpetual succession to deter mine the manner of calling and conduct in meetings; to determine the cumber oi shares tbat shall entitle its members to a vote, and the mode of vo'ing by proxy to elect all necessary ofUcirs and to prescribe their duties salaries and tenure of ollice to fcue and be sued and prosecute and be prosecu'ed to judgment aad satisfaction before any Court of Justice in the State to hav a corporate seal to contiaci and be contracted with within the limits of its corporate powers to make charges for supplying water and to collect payment therefor at such rates and upon such terras as may be agrees upon with consumers; to maice all necessary by-laws not inconsistent with the laws cf the State of Mississippi to increase or diminish its capital stock from time to time to any amount by vote of its stockholders, as hereinafter provided to hold and own real and personal property to any amount, and to sell, exchange and encumber he same to borrow money and secure the payment Of tbe same by mortgage or deed of trust upon its property, revenues and franchises; to ifsue its bonds or other evidences of debt and secure payments of the same by a mortgage or deeds of trust upon its property, revenues and franchises; to sell, exchange, pledge or hypothecate such boeds or other evidences of debt This corporation shall also have the power of acquiring by purchase or otherwise an assignment to it of any contract which the city of Vicksburg may have heretofore entered into with any other person or persons to provide supply of water to the city of Vicksburg ana its in-habitants, and of succeeding to and exercising and enjoying all, and singular, tbe rights, powers, privileges, advantages, benefits, immunities, revenues and profits arising out of, or accruing from, such contract, which said city, by ordinance or otherwise, may have conferred and granted to sucb person or persons; and to have such other rights, powers and privileges as are necessary and proper to curry Into exec don the purposes of its organisation, and as may now or hereafter be conferred by the laws of the State of Mississippi, abticli 5. The capital stock of this Corporation shall be two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, divided Into five thousand shares of the par value of fifty dollars each, which shall be paid in such installments, and in such man tier as the Board of Directors may determine; and tbe said capital stock, or any part thereof, may be issued for mosey, or for property actually received by or labor br services actually rendered to this corporation on such terms as it may contract and deem necessary, and proper for the transaction, and conduct of the business, and purposes for which it is incorporated, and when so issued, is to be taken aad aeemed by all parties in interest as fully paid up at its par face value, and subject to no further calls or assessments-whatever end this corporation may issue and dispose of its bonds in like manner. Each stockholder shall be entitled to a certificate under the seal of this corporation, and signed in its nsius by its President and countersigned by its Treasurer specifying the number of shares to which be may be entitled, which shall be transferable as now provided by law. ABTin.E 6. The business and affairs of this Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of fire persons, a majority ef whom shall constitute! a quorum.

The first Board shall be elected as herein after provided and thereafter said Board shall be elected by tbe stockholders from among their own number at their annual meeting as hereafter provided. Tbe said Board is hereby vested with full power and authority to do all things necessary, and requisite to carry into effect tbe purposes for which this corporation is crested. Within twenty dare after its election. tbe said Board shall meet in tbe city of Vir ksburg. or in the city of New York, and elect one of their own number President, and' shall appoint or elect a Treaurer and Secretary who i may be Directors and latter offices may be held bv one and tbe same person, and such other officers, seeots and employees as said Board may deem expedient.

Tbe said officers and Board of Directors shall bold oflice lor Out year, and until their successors ar elected aad qualified snd enter upon tbe performance of their duties, wticn snail be eucn as are ordinarily exercised by such officers, and as may from time to time be prescribed by tbe bv-lawsor the Board o4 Directors. The annual meeting ot the stockholders Augusta 8 Cairo 37 Chattanooga 10 Cincinnati -50 Davenport 'Dubuque 0 fort 1 Keokuk 0 Helena 3 UCiosse 0 leaven worth 0 Little Rock 2 Louisville Memphis -7 Nashville Sew 4 Omaha Pittsburg 10 8t Lotus StPaul 0 8hreveport 5 VicksDurg 23 Yankton 0 THE RIVER. arrived; Lake Washington, from Yazoo City. Carneal Goldman, from Natchez. Phil.

Armour, from Greenville. City of New Orleans, from New Orleans. 7 Pargoud, from New Orleans. DEPARTED. City of New Orleans, for St.

Louis. Carneal Goldman, for Natchez. Pargoud, for Greenville. BOAT8 DUE TO-DAY. City of Vicksburg, 8t.

Louis to V'burg. P. Schenck, N. O. to Cincionaci.

Issaquena, Greenville to Vicksburg. 1 L. H. Sargent, Davis Bend to Vicksburg. i 0, P.

Chouteau, N. 0. to Memphis. BOATS LEA Visa TO-DAY. For Cincinnati IT.

P. 8chanck, 5 p.m. For Coldwater Katie Robbins, 5 p.m. Fur Yazoo City Lake Washington, 2 pro For Skipwith Phil. Armour, 3 p.m.

For Skipwith Cumberland, 2 p.m. BOAT8 LEAVING TOMORROW, i For St. Louis City of Vicksburg. For GreenvilleIssaquena, 3 p.m, NOTES. The KitieR)bbini goes through to Coldwater this trip.

Tbe Lake Washington had a fair trip in. She arrived at 8 a.m. The through Anchor Line City of. St. Louis should pais down to-night.

The Goldman bad twenty passeugers md a good freight up, and did very well returning. The City of Cairo telegraph that ahe will leave Hempum Saturday, and will be here to return on Tuesday at noon. 'Pilot Frank Maratta, lately of the wag-beat Meigs, has accepted a berth on the (turner Cumberland. Tbe river roue 27J inches during the past 24 hour, and at 8 o'clock this morning the gauge reading was 25 feet, 6 Inches. The Vicksburg and Natchez mail boat Carneal Goldman, Shaw master, Parker clerk, was in and out on regular time morning.

The Phil. Armour came in last evening with 107 bales cot too for New Orleans, 14 for Vicksburg and 1,000 sacks teed for Refuge. The Little Je is to go out with some barges in a few days on a cruis to bring lot of staves out of the Big Black for Mr. Newburg. Tbe MulhoUaod Line steamer Lake Washington, Young master, is receiving it the foot of Clay street for Yazoo City od way landings and will leave at 2 p.m.

to-day. Natchez Democrat, 3rd The Leathers got off on time last evening with 2,151 bales of Cotton, 1,888 sacks of seed, 560 tacks of meal, and 300 barrels of oil. The Mulbolland Line steamer Phil. Armour is receiving at the city front for Eagle Bend, Buncb'a Bend, Skipwith tad way landings to day at 3 p.m. Capt.

J. F. Muse is ont on the Par-oud this trip, Capt J. W. Carlton having resumed the command of the Joo.

Howard. Mr. Lewis retains his position on the Pargoud. vThe Katie Bobbins returns to the Tallahatchie at 5 p.m., and is loading at the Local freight is uffering freely and she will endoubtedly go out with a food cargo. "The steamer Cumberland left for the barf-boat this morning to discbarge her ew Orleans cotton.

Later in the day returned to the lake for lumber, and to get away at 2 p.m., with a fine trip. The Vicksburg and Greenville mail Jteamer Issaquena, Marionneaux master, ath clerk, will receive at tbe foot of Way street and leave on Saturday at m. The Belle of the Bend has superior accommodations for passengers md get through on time. The old steamer John A. Scudder is to Mve a new mnf mil unii jewpstructed to receive cotton seed aniline? maKino t.

a.jw.Aii the Vicksburg Cotton Seed Com-Pny, which is having this w6rk done, wntemplates purchMing one thousand i weato experiment with. The Citv nf Vi.v.K.- w-oigUaod will probably discharge at and then come op to tbe FAST MAIL. KOBTH. Memphis A r. 9:30 a m.

Leland 4:07 Lv. 1:13 Ar. 1:00 Harriston 11:16 Baton Rouge 7:15 New Orleans Lv. XFBKSS. lfOBTU.

New Orleans Lv. 7:35 a.m. 8:4 5 p.m, Ar. 6:50 Lv. 6:15 Vicksbnrs: 8 30 am.

SOCTH. Lv. 4:30 p.m. 10:03 Ar. 12:47 a.

Lv. 1:00 2:44 Ar. 9:00 SOUTH. Ar. 6:50 p.m, 10:44 a.m.

Lv. 8:40 Ar. 8:25 Lv. 3:15 J. A C.

R. K. for Natchea both ways also, tor uooper veui xew vn-for points in Texas. H.malnn with the Little twiunw J. Railroad for all points east aad west, at 10:44 a.m.

ana e.zo p.m. 1U.M a.m jjj) WARDS, V. P. G. M.

A. M. Cooxs, Ass't to V. P. Q- M.

A.J.Kapp,0. P. A. K. Pabis.

T. Vcksburg.Miss. Time of Arrival and Departure of mans. Jf. 0.

4T.E.1. Arr'ves South at 6:05 p.m. Arrives North at 1.00 a.m. Closes South at 8 a.m. Closes North and South, 9 p.m.

v. a m. a. a. Arrives at 7:15 a.m.

Clones at 6:30 p.m. I r. a. Arrives at 7:1 m. -Closes at 6:30 a.m.

iirva WASfU reaves Monday, Wednesday and Satur day at 3:00 p.m. KIVEB SOCTH. leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday at90a.m. scaTLOwaa arvaa. Leaves Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.

(- yaxoo arvia. Leaves Tuesday at 3 :00 p.m. oax aiaoa ab icwillyillx. Arrivei-Toeaday and Friday at 5 m. riuIvWednee-sy nd Saturday -t open from 10 to 11a.m.

on Sundays. i St. Lonis this week no crew has engaged f.r the elevator, this not expedient until the ata beglv running regularly. Kersey was'io the city.yea-t the Jimmi B. to go suLm 'f Blwk for P't "I 4M.0O0 re.

Tbe poles, will, be aken to thence along First East street to the place of beginning, together with all tbe appurtenances and improvements thereunto belonging. Said property bavins been heretofore levied upon to aatisfv pUintiri a claim and all crwts. W. WORUfcLL, Sheriff Warren rnmiy,.

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