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The Vicksburg Post from Vicksburg, Mississippi • Page 4

Vicksburg, Mississippi
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THE VICKSBURG EVENING POST. MONDAY, JULY 20, 1914. PAGE 4. It. I I'l' nil till' Wilier, lli other Wlfll lliMll'S Ill III ing the loads in SputixjIvMi'm coim-ly Kaved he farmers of that county II.

'Kill a yeur. In the past two years the traffic studies of the feilerul exicrts hIiiiw that uiinroximali'lv an iiv era'-'e 'of Alamo Theatre I BIJOU DREAM The Vicksburg Evening Post I'ulilMiPtl I tail)' i-it Hominy ill till- Post (III nnvfor'l NlriH't, ly J. G. Cashman's Sons 'T 0 DREAMLAND i "Shorty Gets Into Trouble" Two Kwl Ilronrho Drama i The Adventures A CHEAT SEKIAL COMKDV of of a Girl Reporter" A Drama with a Gripping Plot, Plenty of Action and a Thrilling Wlnilup, Featuring Ktliei (irumlin anil Mr. Craven, In Two Pans (Imp.) 'Lame Dog's Treachery' A Htirrinif Knlem Urania "Hearst-Selig News Pictorial" All the News 'izzy the Detective" A HcreamliiK Helianee Comedy two oTiiKit rVoVoWANfoWoVoMfW STORY NO.

4 I.V THK Sophie The Films" This lteing the Last Story, He Sure and See What Happens to Sophie. (Nestor Comedy.) FIRST REAL STORY OF FAMOUS FRENCH TRAGEDY CAILLAUX TELLS WHY HIS WIFE MURDERED MAN WHO DEFAMED HER "SHE DIDN'T WANT TO KILL HIM; SHE MERELY SOUGHT TO PROTECT HER DIGNITY AS A WIFE AND MOTHER," EX-PRIME MINISTER TELLS MARY BOYLE O'REILLY IN AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW. j. At tunc, the iv 1 1 i viliL'ii mill I lie i'l tlii'ii laiii-miK ri'jiiiih iiiiuli' li dm ipiifi' I inn ill' I l.i' i -J Irl Aii.l nil they Ml fur in-J -1 1 i.I rt ill. ill lln fill oi-ra-l'ilial ill-i'lil'l jil i lln- i'ii, Tlii-y iiM' i'f Hi'- luiiiian ivl nun' ol' a in.

hi hi i'li 1 'i'' in i.i-li in mi I' li. Miiil'li j-'ii'i-'lily a li- hull'. I. Il l- H.hij lllwill I'll! IhT hi- fi'l'l I i followers, fur till' n- .1 M-HVi'Tiyi'i tlii-v l. I uleis I'li'H ii.

nini' ill' it. ft ilnn'l l.liiiW 1 I i.unl mi' "I A Contrast in Grafts Ki ihi ihtii llie ii-liil i rt iini'iiv-, ilui hi" I'll i-iii I'ily uliT li'al lilinlli', ami Ma In lii'iin inlier v. illi i luil Imri ur ki'l'l 'i'iii iriiol'! if llll' Hlll- III lllllll- lltt'IH'lsllilt ii'i n'l, il il uns i a nini ew-iitx iiiiivp tiii-i' ilfn. liiil if vnii In ilii all iiistriiilive -iiiii in a i il liiiiel in I limil it netm- ii.i'i'i" iiie. up mi lliusi' jinslal Iramls, iiniiil what I iii-le Sam liisl i a II ii'T iinl a lew I mi.l eniiiiaii' il wit li tin- U.

1111.111111,1111 in llie jiriviilely nvni'il New Haven liiili'unil, smaller IlllNl Miiv lie llllll uill set ymi In lliinli- In iis if I'lain Imneslv iric Hie liesl i-ine fur luinl limes Hie nililieil. 1 1 (iflen lieen saiil llial Hi'iile I'm' nil limr. I'erlias il uniilil have been I'm I iinnl fur Inver. urn' liiener if l.e liml slinlieii Slinki'S-neare's ilnH liel'iire lie liml; llll Snni-I'le et al inin liis roll tii 1 en cc. The fnl-1 1 i 1 1 ir is IVnm the Winter's "Anil inilei'il, sir, there lire eiieners ulirimil Tlierel'iiie il ilielmnves men In lie rv.

GOOD ROADS CROP PRODUCERS. Thai an improvd riuul will increase list I Hie piniliicliveiiess nf (he urea lliiiiiih ivhiili il runs has hecu sat isl'arlui ilv ili iuonsl rated hy sluilii's I'liuilucli'il hy Hie iiloil Stales He parlnienl of A.nrieull lire in Virisiiiiu. Ciindilioiis in Spultsylvimia eoiinly vvi'i'e invest inali'il with part iciilar care and the resiills luive proved snrpris- titr. In II mil voted ni II I to iiiipi'nvf III utiles of mads. Tvvn yearn nl'ler Hie enmplet ion rd' this work llie rnilrnml look nvviiy in niniiUis 1'i'inu the eoiinly sent, Ions of iiurienll u-ra and lurcsl products limilcd over the liiylnvnys to tlinl lovvn.

Uel'ure the impriivemenl of the roads thin total was only lll.llllll Ions nnnimlly; in other words llie iintiilily of the eoiinly 's pruihice had risen inure than per eenl, Slill mure how-ever, is the increase shown in Hie iiiantily ol' Hie dairy prodiicls. In tliese iilltoiml oil In pounds, in IIUI to pounds, an increase of pracl ieall llll per in two years, lit Hie same lime shipments of wheal liml increased fill per eenl, lohaccn per and lumber and ill her forest products -IS per cent. In addition to lliis increase in quantity the ens! of hnulinir each Ion of produce was muli'i'inlly reduced. In other Honls, the I'nrniers not only produce more but produce inme cheaply, for the cost of transportation to market is of eotirse mi important factor in the cost of product inn. I' tniti this mill of view it is estimated tlial the spent in improv Inns of products were iiaiilcil ovi-r tlie improvi'ii mails in uic ciHinlv, an distanci: of 8 miles, or a total of "loii-iiiilo," liefnri; Hie roads were ill)- pinvcd il was estimated lint the av- ice cost of liaiiluiLi was 20 cents a Inii-iiiile after Hie improvement thin fell In )' cents a "tori-mile," or a saving uf cents a year.

The investment uf in "I her words ret urns a dividend of -Id per cent, I'ecause this in cases of this character, docs not lake tiie form of rash, lint direct I inin tho farmers' porki'i there is a tvidespreuil teinlcncy to believe that, it is lietitious pliilil, nhilc as a mailer of fact it is just as real a source of prolil as the in the price of wheal. In liinwiildie enmity, IViryinin, for i'mnpli', where peanuts is one of the crops, the load for tun mules on a luiiin mad was ahoiit pounds before the roinl was improved. After its improvement nveraL'e load was I'muiil In he III 1 1 i i in Ih mid Hie lime consumed ill hauling the larger hind to market was much reduced, In oilier words, one man with a warmi and two mules could do more than twice, as much work with the improved road Hutu with un unimproved road. This is the explanation of the extraordinary rise in the I ol al output of iwictilliirnl prodiicls in a county ith a. ynod road sv.slelu.

IN UAJREASURY Withcrspoon Was Absent and Did Not Think He Was Entitled to Pay UV (illiSOX (iAKIINKI! 'Wiishinijloii, -II. The most iislmiisliinv: niul sensational luippen-inr in W'lishinliiii 1 1 i'i ii vf Hie hut twenty years has just runic to lhul in the fact, thai Mr. Samuel Andrew Willici'spuon of Meridian, ineiuhcr of the House of Kepie. seiitttlives, has turned hack inin the l''eieral Treasury the sum of I he same beiiij; his salary for four days hich he spent, nvviiy I rum Washington on private business. This is the lirst happeniitir of lliis soil so far us known-in he history of Coimress.

iro home to 1 1 if 1 1 1 1 their political fences; they lin to Kurope to nii'ttd their physical condition; they tin anywhere or everywhere for recieal ion mid pleasure; and they on their pay. There is a law, to he sure, which says thai, members tiuiy not draw their salary for time when they are abseil! front their duties in Washington, but this law never has been ohserved and members were itiile astonished recently when minority leader Mann iiil'iit'iucd the House hut such a law exists, Mi'. Withcrspoon tried to keep the incident secret reoarditiy; it as a mailer between his conscience niul himself, and fearing Hint its pnhliea-lion iiiild embarrass his colleagues, The news leaked and fame will reserve a nilcli for Samuel A. Wilher-spoon of Mississippi. A surprise party was 'won Master Tom' iiml Miss Annie Cooper last Friday eveiiino; at their hump in lleliuoitt street.

CLIMBING THE GREASED POLE FOR THAT $2 BILL HERBERT QUICK LIKENS IT TO THE STRUGGLE OF AGES FOR EXISTENCE, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM AND WONDERS IF LABOR WILL FINALLY WIN. (BY HERBERT. QUICK.) (Author of "On Board the Good Ship Earth," "When Glory Ceased," Etc.) We are old-fashioned, in our little village, and are addicted to Id-fashioned amusements. So when we bad a celebration, the commlttes nailed a two-dollar bill to the (lag pole in the grove, greased the pole, and tendered the currency to any boy who would secure it by climbing. I watched, the event.

It reminded me of the aeonian struggle of the masses of mankind for justice. Ever since the first Bbeplterds enslaved the neighboring tillers of the soil, labor has been climbing the greased pole. The two-dollar bill is justice, freedom, and the right to lead an unfearlng life. The pole Is the struggle for existence under better conditions. The grease is tyranny, superstition, militarism, false patriotism, graft, cunning, greed all those forces used by people who adopt the political means of getting wealth instead of the economic means.

Most of the governments of the past have bqen merely organizations ot the powers which applied the grease to the pole up which the masses have been bidden to climb to the two-dollar bill of happiness. Watch the sweaty climber as he struggles up the pole! He strains, he clutches the pole with legs and hands, he makes desperate pauses after seemingly disastrous slipsuhe seems to go up in French revolution, Spartsa-cus rebellions, Mexican constitutions of 1857, Magna Carta adoptions, peasant wars, American revolutions and the like, and then just as we thought the prize was his, labor slips back, bacfl, back -to the ground, an dall hit blood, tears and his dreadful pains, like those of woman's are lost. He Is defeated! Is he defeated? Has bis work gone for naught? By no Every climber, as he slips back to defeat, torture, slavery, and perhaps death, has wiped off some of the grease from.lfe pole. The grease is on those clothes which are so disgustingly filthy to ttfe eyes of the better clasesB who watch the struggle. Superstition was wiped off.

Tyranny wiped so that we won universal suffrage and representative government. The climbers who wiped off this grease died in the struggle--but they wiped off the grease. And still the two-dollar bill of industrial justice cannot be reached. Even where the grease is wiped it is not altogether wiped off. And now conies a new factor in the struggle.

'f 'i Slavery of speech and of the press were wiped off. 1 A new climber comes with a new scheme. His pockets are full of sand just good, plain earth-matter! It marks an epoch. He rubs the sand on the pole, and climbs. Whenever he reaches the unwlped grease of industrial tyranny he' rubs in the Band of free land, and his grip is restored.

He finally Is almost witliin reach of the goal. Villa in Mexico is rubbing this sand on the pole. Will labor finally win? I think it will. I think Its victory assured. Free land will sand the greased pole up which labor must climb and the ultimate victory will be won.

So thought I as I cheered the truly "gritty" small boy who" successfully scaled the greased pole at our celebration. HUNK I'. WNIIMW Unlcreil lit lie nl Uh-luirg, Sinmil lusi Mall it. 'snwi itii'iios in hv k- 1(11, K. Till' llrillll I'm! In llelUenil li) Hrilcr In lik-liiiiK Mini miitoiiihI-, INK Iumiii til niils un-k, or Oil n-nli mt ni'iiilli.

i n. ros I'Ain. "'Ine Veilr, in M'llull'C ll 00 HU Moulds, hi ili'it" MmilliK, Hilt uiif" I "'I DIM- M'llltll, III Hill Hill Wlial a lonelier Can feat' 1 1 llilil. 1 1 1 i i.f ii nviii.l mi. Jiri Ji-l ll'l Im.IiIiII'.' I I'V li.

tu I In' ihi eapitiil tlial I'lVIIK III'. I'f llt III, till' llll' the jiiivl M-iii'i' ii! yai- lui'l lii' ll llflrr dial lillleppc, till' lllllll till- cmil'l', niiMli 'I He nil In'! Il l' "0 I i United u'l tlir Hvlinll till lit' hail sin'ed 'hill, Hi. Then 111' lllllll'lll II ll.ll I'll! I. llll I'll a II I i II lllllll 'lurk "I llllllllilll-, IN'li ASH ii, jiiikiifii Hie hiin-i'ir, iiiiH'ii 1 1 h- I'uiii anil i' i 'l''li'' ''lei il In Ins in 1 1, inn-. on -'li'liM'i v.

Tin' (null! hr Mil liin-k inin Miir liiisnii'MS hi inin tin- 1 1 iniilili', lull miIi' ami lnuii'l. "Kill" Hrl'V llli'kl'l III' IhiiK ill III' UIIVI! mii iiirn i'iim iilrnl vim ImiiijJiI nr ll'I't lllulll', lull Mill IT IH'M'I' liinlrll. Ill limr liniM'ii' hail -in ril 1 1 1 1 1 It III II-II II kIiHI', Tlll'll III' I'lllllilllll'll IIM III' llllll lll'llll, Hlllkill', Mivniir. Hv nini liy In' lui'l two slnii's, nini liili'i lliri'i', Tinliiy iiiisi'in' is rii'li. i it jiliili', it i i 1 1 1 1 ymi.

IVrlmpH al iitn-li ciiiilil hlinw iluwii willi lint every ii'iniy of il I'limc im a iliri'i'l resiill n' Ins nun iniliislry, llil'il'l. nini Miniii' ih'iili tiur. He iiimi'I' Inn Tiivm'iI, he never inllaleil, lie never M'lit'lneil In yl I'ieli iiiirk'; lie just iirlvi'il ami wi ril nini yrew. (iiH'wt if even 'linily linil ilulie llllll Vim lint lie lieai ini; growls i mil HiiT Unsiness. II' (liiiwiie, I'lileiifiier," eonlil iln It tst lint like Hint, wi.

iililii 'I il lie Hniili the wliile nf a lul n' unlives In leill'll I lie snnie wlinli'sinne lessull? The Future of Villa Tii Hie imllins nf lives simlTeil nut ill Hie slum' nf a revnlnl inn in tifleii iiililnl the Irii'jeilv nf hnies ilisitiininleil when llie insj i-inls. It. limy he sn in Mexirn. I'rivilene is Weak irjmiisl a ieiile in iirins, lull liml resniireel'iil when llie linns lire p'l'iiiiiiileil. The n'un can llilil anil 1110, lint lunv eim he kitnvv vvliether his trusted leinleis an' nellini; him mil Hill line lluiire in the Mevicnn wel-U'r lias ili'isen In eiileh I he I'linev of A I'ieiiii ilenineriilM.

Villa 1111, snhlier, reinli'il man nf his vvnid, has seemeil, ii ii l-r sirnliny, In show lite int'l'il nl' ile)i'nilnlileness. Tn lirini; iiiiiirt unity In iinlliiiiis in virtual shivery is vision worthy nf soul niul lliis vision Villa lias. His lest is at hand, The lest not only of his roiii'iiLTo, lint of his nwer. 1 Can he iiihoh llie lianner uf real reform; mi he pri'veiil (he treasons of sltil'ly omironiises eau he euliese (lie forces thai want the Inml in Me-. ieo ilislrilmleil lor the henelil of thk H'nile of Mevii'n ami yivo no iiiaiier until that niul ilillinill tusk is in a fair way to lie done? I'atrinlisni, eiiiiiradeshii, oil a field nf liallle is easy.

Firmness, lidelilv, fnresiuht iimidsl the temptations uf ietni'v is rare. The future of I'taneisen Villa oimlit lie even more interest inm than his --H'etai'iilar past The Woman of the Future A liei nuin professnr, a hm helor, ImvI, says the woman of the future will he eold of feet, Hat of lisiure, rmkleil mid bald. ilad he put it so far away. (If eourse, lie doesn't know any tuoie nhoiil the woman of the future Hunt you do. All iinylindy can know of her Ls Hint she ill lie tlio same iillurinai, perverse, eaprieiotts, dainty yet Imskv, whimsical, loyal niainslav of man Ilia! lite woman of the pat lias been.

1 lierhaps niade just a hit more eitpli-vuliii-j; hy il new Hole uf independence. What Ikwre slie will have isn't im-'portant. It will sullice if it shall be the coinpleiiient nf man 's. let Hie fiiline lake care 'of her. It's (he noiium of the pros-put that interest ns Gulls and Some Men In a meat ship's wake tie.v Hock of mills, now snarimr nlni't.

anon In sei -e a hit of uiii'haue. Mile alter iiule tliev pursued the Wiip, shrieking, snrn in; or litit intr over a I'ii Fur every one tu.1t tired the lonjr tpiest ami withdrew "At The Foot of The HiU" Fine l'lssanay lrama TWO OTIIKK KF.KI.S litical considerations were mixed up with private details of my sent iinent-id life. Their publication would have sliuht relative importance for me. But for Mine. Caillaiix it meant wounds in her deepest feelings, wounds to her dignity ns a wife and mother; we must not forget that my wife has a ilauuliter II) yeara old.

When political considerations of the highest importance blocked the publication of the (Ireen papers, liml told its readers "we shall publish tomorrow' a curious autograph of Joseph Cnillitux 'Ton Then we knew. I blame myself that I increased a nervous woman's anxieties. My wife's nerves were shattered, she was tense willi nervous excitement. The happenings of the Kith of March proves the absurdity of claiming premeditation. All day my wife made plans for the future.

tele phoned tor her hairdresser to come nt 7, she promised to be al the Italian embassy at 8, she drove to her dentist and made an appointment for the lath. faux (it is a lie), that I attacked my weeping wife in the police si Hon shouting, "Von have ruined my life." What happened is this. From the police station I resigned my portfolio, and my seat in the cabinet, announcing that I intended to retire, from public life and devote all my tune to my wile ilctenee. II is true I hat I reconsidered this decision. I was a candidate at the election and was returned to the Chamber of Deputies.

"It was a necessity. It was a duty. What the Americans cannot know is this. I am opposed to the three years' military service; I am pledged to making rich men contribute their share to our national expenses." SUNDAY'S NEWS. Tho city of iCachoeira, Brazil, was partly destroyed by lire.

It was amiouneceid that railway communication between 'Mexico City and Vera Cruz ill be established by Tuesday. It was announced Hint King (leorge will probably call a conference on the Irish problem today. Mine. Caillaiix, whose trial for the murder of (lasloit Calmette, editor of the Paris Figtiro, will begin today, was moved to a cell in the Concier-gerie. A hodv of Hindu immigrants re pulsed an attack by Vancouver officials with streams of boiling water and rille bullets.

Members of the United States Mediation Board reached Chicago, to be ready for the hearings which, it is hoped, will settle the differences between ninety-eight Western roads and their engine crews. The cotton crop showed. in most sections. It was announced that as President Wilson has recovered from the attack of indigestion which has been troubling him, be expected to meet several business men today and discuss conditions. Figures issued bv the Department of Commerce show that shipments of woman; denies even any premeditated effort on the part of his wife to prevent by murder the publication of fervent letters written to her when he was the husband of another wife and signed by the fond name of "Ton Jo." As he paced up and down his library, now calm, now tempestuous in his recollections of hatreds, eager I to shield his wife, Caillaux gave, for I the first time, this story of the events leading up to the shooting.

fAIIXAUX. I In an interview with -Mary Jiovle (I'Ueilly.) Special ('able. I'ni is, July 'JO, Xo, one more deeply reefels Hie ileal of (laslott t'al-nietle than 1 and my wile. In the police Htalion where she was immediately taken her first words to me were, "1 DO hope I did not kill liimi 1 merely wanted lo him a My wife was Hie tenderest, Hie best informed companion a mill) eoiild have. Her health was not ooil.

She was under medical real meat. I'eriod-i fill I we heard stories of an I'Hlrnntre-inent. We understood very well, my wife and that, this (lonlini; gossip formed part of a horrid eainpai.yn which certain origins of the press, ehielly the Kiiiaro, were carryinj; on auainst me. Many a lime this win ter we amused each other with the, tales which made me fulmcllo'g rival in love. Kvery day of the present year up to his -ile th Cnhni'tte vvtule in 'Hie Fitriiro a siisncd article "A lias, 1 was licensed of iffiift, of treason in ialions with tlernia-ny, of at the Financier lu-chelle's escape from justice.

I never gave Calmette any reason for personal resentment. He represented the party of property. .1 urg ed reforms for the poor at the expense of the rich. In March my fellow ministers, Messieurs Morieret and ('eccoldi, told nie that Huston 'alinetle had possession of my private letters. I was perfectly well in formed what was ro-itii; on in Kiyaro ollice.

I received vvnrttimis of what was foiuiiiir. I am told that t'alnielte read the Fabre document (which is the secret history of the IJochctte trial), to several of his colleaeiites. Me, I do not believe in the existence of the Fabre document. Certainly Madame, my wife, did not kill lieeause of a document which the public prosecutor has declared did not exist. Since 1 overthrew the Bartliou ministry, rt'almelte not only had these private letters of mine, he had also a sensational letter written by 1 Itarlhou, and also other lineaments now known as the papers.

These copies of letters and liileirranw deall with our neirotia-lions willi (ierniany, when I was prime minister. Spcakimr of documents relative to foreiun policies 1 must hold myself with extreme reserve. As far as I iicrsoiiiillv am concerned not only do I fear, but 1 should ardently wish that the whole be told. In such matters men are naught, France all. One must know bow to submit in silence lo the biles of calumny.

When time has worked its own, 1 shall be vindicated. These are the sacrilices one must make for the ood of country. Calmette was forced to uive U1 at the last moment the publication of lite (ireen documents. For three years my wife bad known we were threatened with the publication of intimate letters stolen from me live years asin. lbirinsr three years the secret of (hose letters was known to my friends and by them faithfully kept.

In tliese letters po raw cotton reached a new anil record breakinr total for the fiscal year end-im; June 3D. II. L. Dulaney of Tennessee accused the Pennsylvania and other railways with "boltlinjr up" Southern eoal mines in the interest of the coal trust. A.

M. Sinehiin, a drummer, was ar-icsled in Jackson as the first violator of the Mississippi nnli-tippin? law. Tentative plans for the Bull Moose eantpaiLin were discussed nt a meeting Urn tim.lin.p li'iicl'yi vpa nt Ifnnllin. The charred bodies of two men, believed to 'be those of the missing; mine guards, were found in the ruins of a hut on the liaehe-Penman Coal Company's property. Unusual crowds attended the services nrransred for Sunday by the Mississippi Chautauqua Association.

MAKING MORE MONEY WHXTCHAMEAN BV POSTKR? The gay colored poster that bangs in the college girl's den or in her brother's bedroom wasn't always the gaudy thing it is today. The poster is something of an upstart. Originally it was very plain, but very useful, and when tacked to posts in the streets of London many years ago It was not considered ornamental. The public notice was called a poster, simply because it was tacked to posts in the streets of London many years ago it was not considered ornamental. The public nptice was called poster, simply because it was tacked to posts, and posts were rather common in London in the early days before pavements were invented, the row of posts marking the plsw where pedestrians walked in the street and where vehicles were not allowed to go.

The business man who is making money is some times content to sit smug and complacent and say he is willing lo let well enough alone. The man who is Starvation In The Midst Of Plenty Many are actually starving, even though eating heartily three times a day. They Are starving because tho usual diet lacks cert Pin essential elements. In making white flour, the outer coat of the wheat, containing the phosphate of potash and other vital mineral salts, is discarded. Tliese mineral salts are absolutely necessary to nerve health and therefore to body Grape-Nuts FOOD CAILLAUX BREAKS HIS SILENCE; TALKS TO MARY BOYLE O'REILLY contains the whole nutriment of wheat and barley, including the mineral salts.

The malting of the barley starts digestive processes and the 20-hour baking breaks down the starch cells. Grape-Nuts food digests in about one-third of the time required by white bread. Ready to serve convenient, healthful and appetizing. making money can usually make more money and the most necessary thing to money making is an exact knowledge of business conditions. We feel perfectly safe in making the statement that those business men who read our Monthly Reports know business conditions better than the men who don't.

You can surely get something of value out of each Report. MERCHANT'S NATIONAL BANK VICKSBURG, MISS. HY MARY BOYLE l'aris, France, July 20. Sitting in his own home. Joseph Caillaux broke his silence for the first time since his wife shot and killed Gaston Calmette, editor of the Figaro.

The story of the former minister of France, who resigned his portfolio only to be returned the people to the chamber of deputies. Tlenies all gossip of love intrigue, of jealousy between Calmette and Caillaux for the affections of another "There a Reason" for Grape-Nuts sold by Grocers everywhere..

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