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The Vicksburg Post from Vicksburg, Mississippi • Page 1

Vicksburg, Mississippi
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WIM11 ll jJ iMDJ RESTORE UK AAA AAJl AU AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AU AAA AU United States Plans Building of 3,000 Small Ships to Feed the Allies SV3t v. TEMPERATURE THE WEATHER ML ftfo feHfr 4ft life Tniipi'mline l'i iiirniliiit' Ml i a. li i i s. lloi'll. I'd degree.

iBiSiR Vi-ksliiirir ami Vicinity Nlmvters I 11 p. ii'urcc. Tempt ml i til tind tlmmlerslorms. Friilny cooler. Nil SS.


I Ilia' 'i" 1 iiLiiiiuii UHL.W ATLANTIC AS ANSWER TO MAN U-BOAT CRUSADE LOOKING TOWARD PEACE; BULGARIA WOULD STOP Expert Visits Nicholson's Place-Will Talk to League (By United Press.) Washington, April 12. To smash Germany's V-boal blockade the I'nitecl Slates will virtually bridge the (lly nlied I'icsii.) lllanlic. Plans for Hie construction of three thousand small CONSERVATION, GORMAN WOULD PRODUCTION, IS TRAIN MEN FOR k'ooden boats have been completed and have met the pproval of President llson. Thev will be used to transport food supplies to en- REGULAR ARMY bnle ports and will call for the services of a hundred and tl'lv thousand lumbermen and woodworkers, who will Copenhagen, April 12. Reports are current in official circles that the German foreign office is making overtures to the United States looking to the possibilities of restoring diplomatic negotiations.

Official circles manifested the most intense interest in the )vn work at once. Movement Explained Many Have Wrong Idea About Patrol Cential and Southern States Being Urged to Help in Preparedness Move Congress has authorized (illy thousand million to start the program. When the boats shall have been rmed tliey will cost three hundred million more. The first tlmtmnml shins will hp fin- 6 Lt I in Bl'ee" months, ami iinme An interesting demonstration of pruning and spraying orchards was given this morning on Will Nicholson's place by Prof. L.

G. llerron, under the direction of the I'. S. Department of Agriculture. Prof.

Hcrron also gave information as to how vegetables should be arranged in a garden plot. He showed that a very small area could be made to yield wonderful results if properly managed, lly careful planning, a small piece of ground can furnish vegetables the year round and materially reduce the cost of living. While seeds are expensive the yield Is so great that the difference to the average family could easily be noted. The advantage of a small bit of ground is that plants can be covered ami protected through severe winter weather. Prof.

Herron will address the ladies of the Civic League this afternoon at the library and tell more about home gardening. Tomorrow afternoon at 1 he will give a demonstration at the Jeff Davis Academy. Later in the afternoon he will demonstrate spraying and pruning near Walters at the Albert Axelson place. The hour is 4 o'clock. The Axelson place is easily accessible to those who have cars and it is expected that a large crowd will witness this demonstration.

Those who heard Prof. Herron this morning were delighted with his talk and his illustrations. Will Nicholson's garden is far advanced and proved an ideal place for Prof. Herron's purpose. Nicholson's tomatoes are blooming and ready to form.

His canteloupe vines were also admired. I'rlilnyi diately (hereafter two thousand more "The meeting to be held will lie ordered. n-lll 1m tlii'rto llinnciiml Inns BOATS OPERATING night' at the City Hall has nothing whatever to do with the Home Patrol i movement." said ('apt. (iorinaii Induy. There.

seems to be some con-j (By United Tress. Chicago, April 1 2. The greatest food lirive in the history of the country is on in the middle west today. Conservation oi supplies and the speeding up of production is the slogan adopted by tin: of a dozen slates. The duty is being brought home the central and southern states.

I lie bread basket of the nation, to IN PACIFIC; VESSELS LANSING RECEIVES OVERTURES, It is understood that Secretary of State Lansing has re fusion about this. The Home I'atrol ii principally for men who are not ARE GIVEN WARNING eligible tor ti.e r-miiur rue ovcrtuf cs through unofficial mediaries. company which nope to form to- morrow u'giii will lie for everybody The nrnnmirinn. ns rennrtea here, is for the United I I particularly those who greater crops trom the soil may enlist attached to No obligiilinu is Home garden campaigns win ue n- iin the company. We will drill, augnrated every whore.

Information Yet Available with a speed of eighteen knot and equipped with wireless. suit's sail i Commencing Xovember 1 three ships a day will sail in the service. Kadi complete will cost about three hundred thousand dollars. This plan of President. Wilson and the shipping hoard, it is believed, will overwhelm the Prussian scavenger boats mid break the back of the blockade.

rovrooN KKiniiE It is proposed to run the ships in such a fashion that they will constitute a veritable pontoon bridge across the sea. One boat will be placed every three miles. The tremendous number of vessels in the service are expected to ufing the army todies us guide. The hlect is to put (iviliaiiK In shape to States to send Colcncl House, unofficial representative of President Wilson, to The Hague for a secret unofficial conference. No terms have been specified.

About Number of Subs or Their Location Htnnd military service if suddenly i culled upon. When we have finished with the men, they can enter the: iiriuy and nut make monkeys out of themselves. We will have the men (By 1'nlted Press.) Sail Francisco, April 12. That U-ials are operating in the Pacific was Crumpkr Is Found a Corpse WAR WILL END IN NINETY DAYS-LLOYDS. New York, April 1 2.

Wall street has heard that Lloyd were writing policies at ten to one that the war will end in ninety days. he warning flashed to all vessels following the receipts of a wam-K from the navy department at pul through the foot movements Heat, find Inter we will try to get Captain Gorman also pointed out that the slips which are being signed by those who wish to join the Home I'atrol mention the number of duyh the applicant, is willing to serve. TbiH has been misconstrued by many. They think that to up for 7 days means that their obligation ends with ashington. N'o information is available about exhaust the most valiant efforts of the U-boats to cut oft the entente sup-plies.

I PROCEEDINGS IN CHANCERY COURT ff submarines, their orobnble loca- lons and number, their bases or otli- us, sn ft phuses of tlie matter. SKillT A I UK II. Ducnos Aires, April 12. A strange ssil, identified by neutral ships as a Rider, was sighted off the Atlantic the close of the week. 'The real is that the applicant Is willing to go on sciiard duty for 7 days at time, Those who sign for one day will only be called upon to serve one day guard duty at one time.

Captain Coinian and Mr. Alex, I'lU-lltigh Mill meet the men who are interested in the drilling movement at the city hall tomorrow night ut o'clor k. 'ist. The mysterious stranger was l'i) at a point between Montevideo, f.4 tea Us i BULGARIANS WANT A SEPARATE PEACE? London, April 12. The exchange telegraph dispatch from Lausanne asserted Bulgarian delegates were in Switzerland endeavoring to reach a basis for a separate peace with-representatives of the entente.

ZAPATISTAS ACCIDENTAL ruguay, and Rio Grande, in the PIIKSI BESTS Mllll ftK STAND IS ENDORSER The following telegram has been sent: la Vickshurg, April 10-17, His Excellency, The President of the United States, ftl Washington, D. C. ft In the present grave crisis of our history we desire to cx-f press our united approval and support of the noble stand you have taken in defense of the In the guardianship of Frances Jean Harris, et al, the guardian, V. H. Harris, 11 led his 1st annual account which was approved.

In the guardianship of Jack Ray, minor, Dora Kay. guardian, tiled her first annual account which was approved. In the suit of Julia Oreen, et versus Lincoln Savings Hank, the reports, exhibits and vouchers were approved and allowed. In the suit of S. Montelth versus H.

S. Wheeler, it was ordered that 11. S. Wheeler pay into the court the sum of $25 and 5 weekly thereafter. Fannie Adlor, administratrix of ptreme southern part of Brazil.

ICKSIU'IM! SOMHKKS ho com it Am: A FIGHT AHEAD OF SELECTIVE The remains of Douglas Boone, the rldier from Oak Ridge -who was M. O. Crumplo.r, for many years manager of the water works company in Vickslmig. was found dead in Xew Orleans today, according to a message received at 3 o'clock this iifter-noon by J. A.

Steele. A son of 11. Weil telegraphed the news here. Mr. Crura pier failed Chattanooga bis home.

He came to Vicksburg in 1901, and lie me Into much notoriety here through years of fighting between Use and the water works company. Aitar leaving Vicksburg Mr. Crumpler is said to have made a considerable fortune in oil and cotton. He was unmarried, and in many respects a most remarkable character. nnrl ritrhts of our coun illeil while on guard duty near Pas- CONSCRIPTIONj HOLD UP TRAIN, MURDER ESCORT EXPLOSION IN PENN.

ARSENAL' piRouIa, arrived today from Hatties- fii try as well as of humanity and civilization in general and to Jffl ffl offer the serviies of one and I. tlie estate oi tseny oe-j ceased, was permitted to expend $50 i urg where the brother of the young (L'y L'niteil j'ress.) lived. A delegation of the Vicks- i Washington, April IJ. The threat1 lot screening the old Gusdorler residence. The disabilities of minority were soldiers who knew and liked all of onr ineniliers in anyway in which they can be of use.

fcw The Ladies Confederate Memo-rial Association of Vicks-ite ATissif-'sinni. I of a serious fight over the general staff army bill grew in congress to-I day. lly press.) Laredo, April 12. Several paswn- gc-iK and the entire Carrnnza escort were killed when Zapataistas held up revoked from Miss Gussie Ikerd and Jell' Cockrell. 'one when they were closely asso-ated at Camp Swep Taylor were liting at the station and marched be Leader Kit in fuund friends of the 'selective (onsi ription bill dwindling I United Piwu.) riiiliidelt.iiic, April man wan hilled and another was Injured in an explosion of high explosives In the building at.

the Frank fnrd arsenal bite lasl night, It was learned today. say the esplolon wan acci Mental. Bn' The Vicksburg Chapter 1. naughters of the Confed- eracy. 1 nd the wagon which carried the but is confident president.

Wilson can a f'-dn near Cerelaro late Monday, force through I he jneasure. i according to the slorlet told by sur- NEW KRESS MANAGER REACHES VICKSBURG liy to the funeral parlor. The cas-t was wrapped in an American flag Ivlyors arrivirg here lodav. 'ft! ta fs 97 LUMBER COMPANIES "I beautiful floral tributes were sent IV I I.AIIKSIlAI.K. the memorial association.

F.Iks W. V. Trepe leaves this afternoon lib and other organizations of Hal- PAY BIG ANTI-TRUST FINES IN MISSOURI MRS. SOPHIA GOTTHELF DIES AT THE AGE OF 96 for Jackson. where he will take Ctarkgdale, April 12.

A big slinrg. The funeral will take place morrow morning from Rradlev's charge of the Kress store in that city. led liOV MOITS The boy scouts held a meeting yesterday afternoon al the city hall. Lx-aniiiiiition were passed hy ihe new boys. After the meeting the lioyn were given a drill on Monroe Moule-vard hy Lieutenant Arthur Klien.

lapel in Oak Ridge, Rev. Wells of- MIII.I MON IV. MIS n.AXT Illy I 'less.) Vasliiiigltii, Apii! West j-cls tlie. government armor plate rhuit. mc nas neen reneveo nere oy u.

derson. who comes pirade look place in tltia cUy tills and will be manager of tlie Kress fiernoon at with every man. died this Mrs. Sonhia Gotthelf "uic.g. is sifid that Moone was guard-K llrooMyii bridce.

near PaseneonlH store In Vicksburg. Mr. Akleram arrived here and assumed his duties. illy I'nited Preim.) Jefferson city, April lumber companies fined in tlie supreme court for anti-trust violations in la llld Saw tllP ll-nin r.nmi.r l. loft woman and child in the surrounding territory invited to parlicifialo.

Following the tfe'ade. which will form at '5 overcoat on the track and went S.UAI.M'OX t'ASK lIS((VEIttI morning after an illness of two days. She was 90 years old and only a few days ago she was doing fancy work and reading without the aid of glasses. She was taken suddenly ill and passed away before the seriousness of l(k for it. The train struck him on wn.

ouKniirs m-u. ttopay the which had been agreed the cty, en-lmg at he court lu iopf The tota, bead and he died 10 hours later pver having recovered eonscious- '(It 1 1WI UCIIMjf ir- ti ion 'Mil w- u'ji A rase of smallpox was discovered today and the victim was guarded by a tolicr in an alley- near the office of the Herald, until the ambulance 1 her condition was realized hy rei-il friends. FRENCH MAY COOPERATE IN BIG OFFENSIVE; BATTLE DESCRIBED AS GREATEST OF WAR; CANADIANS EARN NEW HONORS IN ATTACK Elevator drops in rubber plant three are killed niveU and carried the negro to the 'n i. lrninr- The funeral wm emergency hospital af ernoon at 4 ciock HERE'S APPLICATION FOR THE HOKE GUARD from the residence of hor snn-in-law Mr Jnsenh Hirsh at 1110 Soiltr south, BISHOP GAILOR COMES MILITARY TRAINING OFFERED YOUNG MEN HERE TO MARRY COUPLE street, Rabbi Sol Kory officiating Mrs Gotthelf was the widow of F. Gotthelf.

the Rabbi who dedicated the present Jewish Temple. She was the mother of seven children. Mrs. i ui-oh her flaiithter, is the 'Hy 1'nited Press. i Akron, Ohio, April men were killed and nine Injured when an elevator dropped three (dories today in one of the buildings of the Goodyear Rubber Company.

Mr. F. J. Bium. of Memphis, Rnd Sirs.

Annie Amis Sehoas, of Atlulali. (Hy I lined Press.) Hashing forward. Impetuously tli I'nris, April 12. Violent fighting on I Canadians took nearlv a mile of Ger-the French front indU ated a possible; trT.i.hes running south from the start of i French offensive jointly rm.j commandant bouse near with the groat Uritish spring push. road were married this morning at 11 her.

Mrs. only child who survives T'iP PM reiiieted to pi iiif the at inn form for cn-IKtinem In tiie Imiiir' nard, which should be lianiled in us ratly as posible. I dedrc lecfinic a mcnilicr if Hie "Matron County Home I'atrol," mi'l do my duty to my country mid fliijj; I c-n srrvf rhi4. (Sianed) A meeting will be held -it the fy hall at 8 o'clock Friday nieht, for the purpose nr-Wiizine a night school for mili-" chill. Hptain James K.

Gr. I.icutoiiuiit Arthur Klein ami I' itz.lliigli have ai-rangrri the nc-tmsj, all( an are 'eresteil in the tiioVcmrnt are re-'Miesteil to nt tend. MLKTINfi TONIGHT. Members of the Warren County Home Patrol and all those are asked to meet tonight at the city I A VUUANS I't Ml KlinVAKK 1 ATKM' liATTI.i: IS With the iiritisb Armlet; in France, i London. April 12 The? greatest Gotthelf had 20 grandehitaren ana u.oeir.

mi iiuij great-grandchildren. She came to op Thorns F. Cahor. of Tennessee fh, eountrv from Germany with her officiating. The hishop Is a, mhand in'lS40 and had been a re.d-jlar friend of both participants in the den of Vickshure for many years.

i ceremony and came to Vicksburg spe- aent cialiy to marry this couple, he left li'lian Howard, daughter of Johnjoa the east bound noon train. It is Hint anil I P.d II Will hall at clock. Matters of much, April 12. The Canadian earned new battle of the war on the western Importance j-III come up for ooitshl-j honors today storming a mile front; front is now in progress, according to the I ity cc-nietei intu k. Howard on leraMon, mid another large attendance Muth of Vimy ridge in today's advance general Maurice, director of military is desired.

of the allies. jopcrations. maKC lUCir liuiue 111 mumaii. is very sick with pneumonia.

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