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The Vicksburg Post from Vicksburg, Mississippi • Page 8

Vicksburg, Mississippi
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C. WILL GIVE ALL POSSIBLE AID will soon be the desirable-thing to do! Sleeping Under Blankets An Important delegation from the' V'ouiig Mi n' IIitHiricHH It aKue ap-1 perid before tiie board of gupervls-l DAY'S PROCEEDINGS IN CHANCERY COURT PREPARE now, get out your fall clothing send them to be MODERN CLEANEDl urn today to outline an Intelligent praelh able, simple anil workable plan for completing Warren county's good roada ryHtein, The nuggestloiiH mt forth by the coimr.iltee coincided with the viewa of the Kiipervlsorn, exept Mr. I I LITTLE BY LITTLE! PHONE '1100 wlio thought that the people of the county ought to be asked lirst whe I) The longer They ThsMiroWe Clean Th)m ther or not they were In favor of hav-Ini; Hie roa (Ik built before cstlinutes he Kci ured regarding the cost. Itilcf talis were made by different members of the kii pervitin and th. DID At the meeting of the chancery court today Chancellor K.

N. Thomas handed down the following decrees: in the suit of (Jeorge Anderson vs. ('. A. Nichols.

J. J. O'Ncll was appointed commissioner to sell the lands. Fielding L. Wright filed an application to practice law.

In the, Hull, of Leo I'ullings vs. Ker-ni It fallings, J. I). Latighlin was appointed guardian nd litem. In the case, J.

Laughlln was mimed commissioner to sell the'bnds. The will of Hattle Gaston was admitted to probate and no of ap-prn'sement will bo issued. Notice, to creditors will he given by posting. The inventory of Ml). K'ninic Cani-zaro, administratrix of the estate of Vincent wan approved.

The following colored were WE CLEAN ANYTHING coiiiiiiiltcemen. Those eompoHiug the commute wailing on tho hoard were Any Hum Unit III' run wive a little, ami "lilll iy lillli' your having grow." ive louts wived a iluy will net you In live years, not counting Interest, 00 cents a liiy iiikiwih $912.00 In flvi! years. Hut i) ho iiiiiiicy ft savings hunk where you will nut Im tempted to hii'inl II, where you cannot lone II mid where It in it It i 1 1 i i through Interest. We pay 4 tier cent on Savings AcronnlH, $1.00 t1opn.ltod today will start yon, Peoples Savings Bank Hardy Joneti, .1. Martin, John A.

K. Hsilicl, II, C. McCnhe. The views of the Young Men's Ilusi-m-Hs League relallvo to the road pro gram were set forth as follows: If WHCN YOU OO SHOPPING, II. c-veal THE MARKETS AND VQUW.

POCKCTBOOHj 3 VNDERPKICGI), 'nnsiatlsfac. tory food products -iut pata producing dent in your dlge. tion and your dollar. The i. ly economical way of replenishing your pantry is to boy groceries yf a proven value.

The pleasing manner in which we will serve you will nuke yoa feci friendly toward us, Phones 1003-1094. HUDE GROCERY CO. Clarence Hude, Mgr. SMITH TELLS OF MONTH'S WORK MOVEMENT OF BOATS granted divorce decent: Monroe Cnn'kelt from Hat tin Crockett. Agnes Spates Sadler from Edward VV.

Sadler. Lucy Hrown Williams from Edward Williams. John Young from Annie Young. 1). T.

Hawkins Loin Annie Hawkins. lien Harris from Ida Harris. Henry Clayton from Virginia SEW Y0UK COTTON Open. High. Low.

Clos Jan Ki.i;5 15.40 15.42 Mur 15.S2 15.82 15.56 15.57 May 15.115 15.117 15.73 15.7:1 Oct 15.41 15.45 15.1'J 15.20 Dec 15X5 15.C.2 15.33 15.34 Spots quiet, down 30, middling 15.50. Carliton Kniltli, county agent, today Hiiluiiittcil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lily port C6t I'd the Hoard of Supervisors of Warren County, Mississippi: (lentlt mi ii -The directors of I lie Young Men's lluslness Cluli having considered nt length the subject of the xtensinii of the good roads of llin county, most rmpccifnlly submit for your consideration their conclusions, uud they beg to urge the following: Kirst: That the title of the rlght-of-wuy of Hie Valley road from the end of Ihu novacullle road to Hed-wood and beyond lo the Yazoo river ferry, he cleared of all clouds, nnd that the roadbed thereof be raised above high water. Second: That a conference he hail with Mr. Henry lliake whom wn un-dcrsland Is to do his part, Willi a view of removing the clouds to (he title of Hie highway and of straightening the roadway. Third: That tho counly Immediately have accurate tstimatu made of tho lost of extending the given In-complcljil highways from the end of the novacullle roudH to the counly lines as well as the nortssnry Intervening culvorla, bridges, etc.

Knurl Ii: That the csllinutcR include die cost of these extension!) separalily out of various materials: to the hoard of supervisors: No. of miles Inivcleil No. of tlcuiniislruturs vhiltcd Clah incinherH visited No. of cattle vaccinal! OUI-EANS OOT'I'OS Open. High.

low. (TIor Jan. 15.30 15.42 15.18 15.1!) Mar 15.55 15.85 15.40 15.41 May 15.71 15.71 15.56 15.57 Oct. ....15.10 15.10 14.80 14.81 Dec 15.24 15.32 15.05 15.07 Spots quiet, down 25, middling 15.13, sales 80. Arrived, None.

1 Depart ur-n, None. Hue Toilnv Senator ('orillll (ireenvllle I.ciiyIiik l-'ihl'iy. Kenntor ('oldlll (ireenvllle Percy Kwaln Nulclioz Sir. Henulor ('orillll In due In tonight from Creonvllln lo lenve Krl-diiy nl ii in. for (ireenvllle mid wny

Hlr. I'erey Kwuln will he In port Vrlday mill loaves lit noon for Nut-diet mid wav landings, InrludliiK llmno on I Pnliiiyin. 81 r. Miirjorle lu being rained today liy her owner W. II.

Murium iid will he lowed to dry dock for fcpnlrs. Gasoline 20c per gallon. J. M. FRIED 1219 Washington St.

sept 7-1 1. thewe7ther NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Under and by virtue of that certain Decree rendered by the Chancery Court of Warren County, Mississippi, on the 7th day of September, 1916, in that certain cause styled on the Dockets of safd Court, "Lee Pull-ings vs. Kermlt Pullings," and numbered 8225 thereon, the undersigned, J. D.

Laughlln, appointed Special Commissioner by said Decree, CHICAGO GRAIN MAliKLTS. No. of Iclli rs written 22 During the moiilli just iu nl I spent two weeks In attendance on a meeting, or Hummer Hohnol, for the dctii-oiiKlrntlon K'ti( which was Ik Id at tint A. M. College.

At this mooting a Ki'iii rul wua followed which hriniKht mil discussions on practically every farm and livestock problem which I'ucch our mate. Three thlngH especially Impressed tiieni-sidvis im my mind In contrasting our county with Hie balance of tho Htalo. First our liniilni ss men show more Interest and do more to help build up our county. Second we rueolvu In tier and mine willing support from SliowerB have occurred along tho Unit nnd middle Atlantic coaata, in Open. Close.

WHEAT. Sept 1.50V4 1.51 Dec 1.53 1.53 CORN. Sept 88I4 8fl4 Dei; 75 75ia OATS. Sept 4714 46 Dee 49 y4 49 will, On Friday, the 20th Day of September, 1010, at or about the hour of 12 o'clock, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. 1 PRICLS REASONABLE 1 MILLER AUTO CO.

2 PHONE 151 for Instance, novacullle with hinder: gravel throughout with ns-phult binder; gravel us a base with uoviiciillto top and binder, etc. I'Ml'lh: That when these separate estimate!) are oblalnrd, they should bo checked and verified by compe the upper Lake region, the middle Ohio, upper MiHaisHippi and the Missouri valleys, northern Wyoming, northern New Mexico, and extreme wcHtern Texas. Tho principal depression in central this morning in upper Michigan. It is attended by rising temperatures In the Lake region, Illinois and eastern Iowa, and it Is followed by Higher pressure and cooler weather pver the northern l'lalns slates and the slopes of Ilia noon, expose for sale at public auc A "WHITE HOUSE" Laundry Commodious Modern Sanitary VICKSBURG LAUNDRY 714716 718 Crove St. rhones 3 and 4fl iiiic hoard of supi rvlsnrs lliau do the uiajorlly and third our people them hi Ives have a littler feeling of prog to the highest bidder for cash, at the East Door of the Court House of said County, the property describ Sept.

Dec. tent, authority, nnd (hen Huhnillteil to tlio people for their consldt ration, anil that until this is done, no bonds ed in said Decree, as that certain Lot or parcel of land situate in the City l'ORK. 27.77 24.1)0 LARD. 14.55 14.15 UIUS. 14.35 13.14 Sept.

27.65 25.00 14.42 14.07 14.27 13.10 Dec. should be sold for uny extensions of the present Incompleted highways. ii'mh and co-operation. (Inly one county in the Mate,, having domi moro co-operative work tlinn Wurren. Willie lit the college I wast selected us delegate from tlio Mississippi ugoulH to the mooting of Alabama Rocky Mounlalns.

Tne Indications WILL NALVAOi: MAW HUM'S. (Ily United Press) London, Sept. 7. Plans hnvo heen drawn for salvaging many vcbmcIh mink In the Ninth Hen anil the Channel. Tho worlc will iilurt when the war cuds.

Sixth: That, there are about sev are for fnlr weather In Vickshurg and Oct. Jan. enty miles of unineluled roadway on of Vicksburg, in the County of Wurren and State of Mississippi, as follows, to-wit: The North half of Lot Twenty-four (24) In that certain survey known as the "North Reading Survey" in Section Thirteen (13) Township Sixteen (16) Range Three (3) East, the the live roads In tiueslion, and that It Is the hope of nil Hint tlio estimates will show Hint the counly can reasonably afford to extend each one of tlio roads to tho county lino. Plat of which said Survey being of vicinity tonight, followed by partly cloudy Friday. Tho temperature is not expected to change much.

WILLIAM K. BAH HON, Meteorologist. Turtle Soup Tomorrow At Ed Hearn's Cafe. sept. 7-1 1.

cotton nr.i.ioN nn.i.r.'m. STOCKS AT 1:30 V.M. Atchison 104 Baltimore Ohio 86 Erie 37 Northern Pacific 109 Pennsylvania 55 Reading 1104 Southern Pacific 98Vi Hnion Pacific, preferred 140 Huldwin Locomotive record in Book K. K. page 234 of the Record of Deeds of said County.

J. D. LAUGHLIN, Special Commissioner, sept. 7-14-21-28-thur. licspeel fully submitted, A.

J. MARTIN, .11. C. M'CAHK, M. O.


FISCIIKU HARDY JONKS, JOHN HHI NINI. annuls. I found possibly a closer uily of action ami reeling among our men that Im responsible 1 bo-lit vo lor tlio fai that, in spite of the luct that tlio Alnliama force la the hi i K'r and Iiiih tho most money we aie getting lictler rosulls. After returning from these two Hips 1 spt nl one week In attending the Southern I'utllemon's Association in session Shreviport. It was my Inlt ul itui to iniike an effort to not die convention for VlcUsburg.

Ilow-evir, as we failed to net as ninny people to itttcnd us wo had hoped all wo were alile to tlo was some Komi advertising for Vicksburg nnd surrounding territory nnd shape iveuiucoii. v. upper al'rs Anaconda Copper 87 MOTHER SAID SHE HA1 TO DROWN BABE Atlanta, Ga Sept. 7. "He had to Mexican Petroleum 112 IT.

S. Steel 100 Chandler Motors 110 Turtle Soup Tomorrow Highest tempe'ature ror the 24 1 hours ending at 8 a.m., 75th meridian-tune: llrookhaven, 95; Clnrksdale, 94; Greenville, 95; Greenwood, 96; Hazle-hurst, 94; Jackson, 94; Kosciusko, 95; Lake, 92; Meridian, 90; Natchez, 91; ed from infantile paralysis, but marked by withered UmBs, are being di-charged from New York City hospitals at the rate of between 2B and 50 a day now. It estimated that about 4,000 of these Uttlie cripples have been produced by the epidemic and of these- more tbitj0Oa muH look to charity for the treatment of be drowned and I thought I was the one to do it." This is the explanation Mrs. C. F.

Skinner, wife of a farmer living near COPIAH SELLS $50,000 B0'IS Hnzlchurst, Sept. 7. The board of supervisors of Copiah coun At Ed Hearn's Cafe. l'lnsli Lights ami llat-(erien. .1.

M. 1 111 I'll, I JI1I Wiislitiigioii St. Lithonia, made to officers when they came to arrest her for killing her ty sold SaO.OOO of 5 per cent bridgo things up so that II wo will work Utile wo can get the convun-tlou without a douhl. After having visited again the central ami eastern part of our own bonds Monday to the Continental Trust Saving Hank of Chicago for their limbs whiclT wTH" testore a measure of use. statu and guild part of two of our par and accrued interest and a premium of $1965.

There were nine 2-year-old son. The woman was declared insane. She carried her baby to an old well and threw it in, standing by and peering down until the little form ceased to struggle in the water. An older child told the neighbors, who summoned the authorities. bids.

a rouna oi me Dig noiem York showed not a 'child registered, although the usual number of adulU is here. Not a sinele case of paraly "Johnson needn't he bo mad ho-cause the teacher criticized his hoy's composition. The boy will Impnovo." "Vou don't appear to understand. Johnson wrote the -omiposilion Port Gibson, 92; Itosednle, 94; Vickshurg, 90; Ynzoo City, 96; Monroe, 94. Now It's Myriana for the 5c Smokers JONES SMOKE HOUSE CO.

Shrrlff F. A. Scott went to Eagle Lake today to enjoy a day's sport fishing. uiijoinniK mules, 1 am more convinced Hum ever of our superior possibilities ulnng the lines of live Block pru-iluciion in Warren uud niljolnluK ciu ncH dkdicatf.d McComb, Sept. 7 The dedi-1 We iru In Inn extremes In suit rus-tomcrit.

We ran mill Hie niiin uf lihenil girth Hell Hie llirhl weight rhiiniplun and lunc Hpcclull) Nclcrlcil patterns fur hath. Stripes fur the hit; one, chock mill fur I lie oilier. I iiili reur In hig range of alien, riimfiirt fur nil. Every Ih Hip new I all SIjIcm caiiic III, Illlts, SiiIIm iiiiiI IIojh' Clittliiiig, Warner Searles Co. cation services of the Sunday Behool sis has been reported from a New York hotel.

E. M. Middleton is here today from Port Gibson. counlles. CAU1.CTON C.

SMITH County Agent ltiport for AukiisI JUKi, annext of the First Baptist church IXFAXT1LE PARALYSIS CRIPPLES BABES FOR LIFE New York, Sept. 7. Babes recover- took place Sunday morning. Address Dr. W.

0. Klger is here today from KiirIo Lake. es were made by prominent members and a special song service was ren $200 PROFIT ON dered by the choir. The annex is a two-story brick building consisting of 25 GRADE HOGS a large auditorium and twenty-five large class rooms, secretary's room, baptistry, dressing rooms and pastor's study. There has hscn a lot of talk about azoo's prolits from hog shipments YOU WILL lull dure has been no single success The Mildred OH Well Is iinuu Business Property lor Sale HLIM) LEARN TO SWIM.

COME BACK to compare with that ntlulncd by FOR ANOTHER Prof. H. 10. White, of the Viuoo Ag ricultuinl high school. Columbus, Sept.

1. Boys'aUithe PA Hero's White's record: Foil and en red for 25 grade Duroo Jersey pigs Ohio Institution for the Blind are to learn to swim a'nd the girls are to take up roller rkating. Both these pastimes are new additions to the va 7. lor nearly eight months, rind ship I I A Down 2.000 Feet ping expenses and cost of attention riety of outdoor sports at the school. An outdoor swimming pool 35 by 72 feet, ranging in depth from two and one-half to seven feet, is being constructed.

A rectangular roller rink for the girls, also under con The well located pntpcrty corner Wasliington mid llrhlge Htm't. i'rontN on Wiishlnglon (VI feel ami on Itiidgc 1511 feet. KiM'k line In hIhiiiI Iiiii ftel. HitH 1vo Klllettiintt'il liiiilillngy iiwlntf Ntcntly t-i'iit. The lorn-lion Ik ntlinlmlile for almost any ttiml of IniNliiessfi, anil NH'ially fur wlwdi-wnle anil rcl-iil baki-ry, botllinic work, general merchandise, uliolesale iintl cediil IMHillry and egg IiiisIikvw, iiml-Uctw broom fmliiry, c-tc.

it Miys fair Inleitst on invextini'iil, nnd If oil its found should reasonably Hell for ilouble. CiUK.XT HAIUIAIN IX The Barbour Realty Co. struction, will serve two purposes. In addition to skating facilities, it encloses a play area, 80 by 100 feet, free from all obstructions. IIERMAN FEITH SAY: and all other costs and derived from I the sale of the pigs a prollt of tiear-j ly $200- to he exact.

Here's how White did it: "Huring April and May these pigs were grazed on good white clover pasture." says Prof. White. "They were fed at night and turned to pasture during the day. In June, the pasture was not so good hut tiie same practice of feeding was followed. Huring July and August they were put on fall teed.

Self-feeders wore used for the corn, tankage, cotton seed meal and charcoal mixture. They were kept up from about 6 o'clock until 2 o'clock tho following day during the whole period of full feed. From 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock, they were allowed run the pasture. rrfrr ri "rViyMygyMVyvyvt NOTICE. "To Our Customers We Say Au Revoir But Not Good-Bye And what Herman Feith say is so.

0, WE HAVE FOR SALE ON THE PARK ROAD ADJOINING ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE, SIX LOTS, CONTAINING FROM ONE TO SIX ACRES EACH. ONE FIFTH CASH, BALANCE SIX PER CENT ALSO A FEW LOTS IN THE PARK ADDITION. i rr n.inj'.n.n I you will come in ami Rive us the proper time to lit you with the shnca your feet need, we will not only make a patron of Plenty or fresh water nnd a rubbing post, made of a gunny sack nailed to 4 Thtrn WhnlecnniA M.not A ft Kx, i Blkopt whore they could have access you hut a friend as well. Take us up on this come iu and rIvci us an idtvi of what kind of shoe you want. You'll Iintl (he visit iuit worth your while.

ki4. No inline! mei to them at nil times," The uudersigned hereby give notice that the partnership heretofore existing between them, conducted under the firm name and style of the "Hill City Machine Supply Company" has this day by mutual consent been dissolved. C. R. Hull is alone authorized to collect all out-standing accounts due to said partnership up to August 12, 1916.

AH open accounts owed by said partnership to be paid by J. H. Nelson and J. H. Foley.


H. NELSON. J. H. Foley and J.

H. Nelson will continue to operate the business known as "lhe Hill City Machine Supply Company" and I bespeak for them the same liberal patronage that has been given while I was a member of the firm. C. R. HULL, sept.

7. tilrictlv MnttJtrr. Ask llm In. f. when ll' Sentinel ro- mvtor or make us vlsli n.l porter what kind of an impression be con laced.

KUak and fjthnt this experiment would have on Rom Mil 22 lie 4 the farmers In convincing them that owing to quality and cut. SU-w 4 8 nrouor feeding was 15,, t( A. ine oniy proiunoie way io raise nogs, fochard Griffith First National Bank meats ji fror. White said, lhe experiment Shoes Slippers Hosiery 1404 Washington Street, VMtsbnrg, Miss. Zt would indicate that unless corn can Romano Meat Market aibe BOld for something over one doi- VKH 5' nusnei, ii win pay ne larni- 41 tr to market It through the rmKWKVroCVmMWl Vazoo Sentinel..

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