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The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas • Page 3

The Iola Registeri
Iola, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE-IOIABAILIBEGISTEB, WEDNESDAY ETENHfG, SEPTEMBER 21, 1010. OUR FALL OPENING SALE OF ELEGANT Millinery, Suits, Coats, Dress Gjoods attfl Silks Begins Friday Afternoon and This Big Opening Sale Continues until Saturday Night, Oct. 1 we' pliico on cxliiliitinii iiinl MIIC oi iiiilliiii'ry in iill rreiitiono for fall IfllO, we wuiH in yMt i'wvU Xi-vir havi- Mf shomi hHlor line of Suits, Jiiokris, Dress (ioo(N and Silks. We aim for this season to 1 fur ahead of any previous teaAon. Each section of the store Is now repleile with its of new irooiN.

As (iresentalion of rorreel styles for this season this exhihitlon will I'e most Interestinfi: to you, and whether yon corneas a rlsitor or customer yon will he welcome. In addition to helnx a showlne of the new Koods this will also lie a.harirafn event. While in niarkef we (lickcd many small lots of at under value and these will be oil Role as lonir as they last. Also, each section of the store will offer snecial values in the new iroods to giTe isrrenter and special emphasis to oar invitation. This will he an sale fnclndlnfr i Saturdays and irlll he a very wpportnne time fur yon to do the liulk of yonr Fall tradluK.

It is a money savlnir oppor. and a chance to secure exclusiteness in many merchandise specials that we have honiriit in small qnaattties only. All throntrli the store this Is the most eonipiete In varlet.i that it lias eier lieen onr pleasure to present to the puliltr. Our Miss Trinkle. of St.

1-ouis. head deslitner in our neparfnient. Is anxious to meet every lady In lola Openinir Week, and see new anlunin modes with the last word of Aalnmn's Fashions Ap. protal in artistic The Place for Style, Quality and fjloderate Prices. We Pay Car Pare RICHARDSON'S 113 E.

Madifon RjiltDLrSPeEIIDING OVER THE WORLD And Its Reputation Is threat in This Locality. The knowledge of the wondprful mcrtts of Rool is rapidly spread ing all over tlie world. of nearly every state are publishing reports of the great good it is doing. Many local people, who have tried the remedy, are loud in praise oi" it. It eeems to be unexcelled for cbronio stomach troubles, liver and kidney liis orders, and when it cure, tiie cure seems to be permanent, as those who took the remedy when it was tirsi placed on the market rontlniie to praise it.

Root Is very healing stomach, bowels, bladder, liver and kidneys, and has a wonderful tmic on the blood making and blood filtering organs. seems to benefit every one who takes it from very start. It prevents feriuenia- -tfon in the stomach and bowels, ore- utes a good appetite, rids the system of acids and other poisons, by healing and toning up the filierins or- gaais. Many, wbot suffered with rheumatism a long time say thai takiOg a few bottles of Root they could almost feel tlie disease QieUlng away. OiIters wlio suifi -rt 'd intensely with iroiiliie say tije first dose oi Root mane them feel better and ihai i.iking a.

bottle or so of the great uii 'dfcine felt hungry all the time and r.iuld- eat anything and digest If. The people at the ilmg fitore are chiiek full f.f information coirrernlni; Hit- crojil "dy. MIHSK WORK (HKKI). Pacific Blacksmiths Vole to on a Strike. The hiacksiniths by Pacific railway have voted to go oit a strike in sympathy with the iiiachiuisfs, who have bpcu out sint-e Jlaj" '1.

lo from Sedalia. this is expected to prolong the trouble now on in a serious way and the railway will he unable to release the patrol which it has maintained about, the machine shops at division points the line. .1. Creed, formerly chief of ihe lola police, is rbief of the railway patrol- at Korl and Phil and Frank Towan. also former lueiiibers of the iiolice force here served under Creed for several They have lately resigned their positions and returned lo lola.

is tiow an of- iMcer ill this city. IN IHE WORLD OF SPDRT LEAGUE American Association, Minneapolis 101 Hl.tlOn STANHS I oledo Columbus St. Paul Kansas City Indianapolis l.iniisville sr. 74 7S 7S s.s 100 National League. Chicago f'l Pittsburg S(l York .78 Philadelphia .70 Cincinnati St.

Louis Brooklyn Boston American Leaeiic 41 i 7" xs rile. Can't He tion Cured Inlil Is Circiila- It is useless try to piles liy or use of salves or supposi- long as the lilood is stagnant, in the lower bowel, new tumors will; continue to tortu. Clear the the circulation. Then piles will leave for good. successful, scientific internal remedy is Dr.

Leonhardt's Heui-Roid. sohl under guarantee by Clias R. Spencer lola. Kans lleiii-Roid does its Work tluu-otiglily $1 for 24 days ireattueni. lir.

H. Miiffalo. Write lot hookliM. Philadelphia 42 Oetroit IM York 7S Itoston -77 Cleveland Washington r.9 so Chicago ri7 St. Louis 44 Western Lcairuc.

:.4 ti2 I BOSTON CAVAI.IKKI. Boston, Hept, Ca will 1 not be barred from singing at the Iios- Optra Company. Is auilioriltiiively stated. Not "only have the illrectors taken 00 move to bar Cavallerl fr singing here, biit, according to Ilaydeti such action has not even been considered. A illhpatch Iroiii Heverly says that President Tiiti is strongly in favor fortifying Panama canal with big guns.

Wliv noi send Cinnon down there when he is fin-d by -Lawrence Dr. O. R. Bushfield DESTIST. I Korthmp Block.

Otdre'Piinne US. Iff Sioux City Denver 94 Lincoln Wichita -82 Omaha 7S Des Topeka 41 St. I'aiil Kansa.s City 4. Toledo T. Indianapolis l.ouIsvl.He Coliimhus H.

4. Minneapolis 2. National Leairue. Chicago Brooklyn 4-o. Philadelphlfl 2.

Cincinnati SI. Louis New York Pittsburg HoKton 2-4. Anicrfcun Itoston St. Philadelphia Cleveland :1. Detroit Washington seven innings; darkness York H.

WcKlcrn Iieiiimc. Lincoln Des a. Topeka St. timaha SIoiix City 2. Denver Wichita 2.

1 .:.82 .409 Ilfi .412 .2 second I game I Chicago Kansas to Points in iogton where soil and climate combine for man's Low One-Way Fares in Effect Dally from September 15 to October! 5, 1910. OVER THE Union Pacific EleoMo Blook Signals Tlirough tourist dining car meals and service. Fof tickets and general information, call on or address H. G. A.

G. P. A. I Union Pacific fOl Wfllnut St. Kansas City, Mo.

ESC.M'K POLL Xeedn'l I'ay in'Oklahoma if Barred From Judge Knies, Tulsa. Seiit. C. A. Houston of tiie coriioraiion court sustained the contention of L.

11. Harvey a negro jireacher arrested for refusal to pay poll taN. thai he is not a qualified elector by virtue of the "grand- I'athej" clause and should not pay ilie tax. This interpe'etation came as a greai surprise to the officials of Tulsa I who were determined to collect pol tax. This interpretation came as a city.

It is claimed that at 2ii.000 negroes in Oklahoma can cscaiie the payment of poll tax on the groiinil. DE.ATH KIMLM LO.Xi^ K.WCJE. I 'M'ystery of "Noljioicss" Tniitedy In Los E.xphiined. I hns. -Angeles, Sept.

mystery 'of the bullet which, without flash or i report the weapon from which it wa.s. fired, instantly killed Itudolph tJastelum as he sat in an open-air moving picture theater Monday night partially was cleared today by the finding 'of the autopsy surgeon. The thieory that the bullet was fired from a "noiseless" rifle at range was dispelled by his report, which showed thait the rifleman probably was a hunter a mile away. I), rnnld Bony Ainiln. Mrs.

Annie Plburn and Elmer Daily were united in marriage last night at the hbnie of Daily in Conereto by B. of the probate court. Smith also issued a marriage license yesterday evening to Cora Kennedy, of Uniontown and Elmer May of Ida. They.vill be married in Uniontown today. I GAS cin IW A.

.1. Whyte of Vinton, is here to join his partner Mr. Sinclair and they will proceed moholize (he "Whyte-Sincniir Stock Company. painting of the scenery is about completed. Raymond Wilbur arrived yesterday from California lo join the I'oiniiany and others exjipct- to arrive this week are Flo Loretta, Wagner Oklahoma and fSii- bert Nichols, of Fairneld, Iowa.

Chrisman is moving to la where he has secured a position at the tola PortlJTnd cement plant. Mrs. K. K. Taylor and son Eugene have gone to Champaign, for a visit with friends and relatives.

Genevieve Taylor went lo Kt. Scott this inornug for a visit with relatives. C. A. Wilson and family are ppcted to arrive this week from Pot- wln, Kansas to visit Mr.

and H. O. O. .1. Shoemaker has sold the build ing formerly occupied by the City Laundr.v.

The machinery will probably be shipiied to Lula and Banks went to Ifumholdt tills morning spend the'remaiiider the week with frieiuls. ,1. .1. Weaver who has been attend ing the coiiniy Siiiiday school coii- Veutii a' reUiriied home yes lerda iiiid Orville Doty ot Clia- niite with his f.iflter ln're i es tenia V. .1.

visited with T. LJSII. near lliiiulioldt large number from ln'te alteiid- ed the the (Jraiid last evening. I ''red It. Itice of ()sa wiitoiiiie.

to the SUlierillteuileut of the his family. Ivii Itiie of I'rankfort. Kansas. and K. and Mrs.

Ledford and Will f.edford of lola with Mrs. (ioodiiiglii on North Taylor sirei'i. .1. Pates of Waverly. Illinois.

in the rilv yeslerdai nii loisi- is i.Tkiiig a Viicitloii from the Carl Hunter ami is nileudiiig the Kirenien 's nieiii ill Kiireka. lieu Shackleit is working ill the stori" during sein (I. K. Hurloii aiiil faitiily moving liom Coiicrelo to where Hiirtoii has secured a position with the cement comiiany. Harr Persyn who have beeu visiting Isaac Car) have gone lo Kansas for a visit with Persyn's father before retiiriiiiig to their home in Lamar.

Colorado. lioiuer left for Wliar toil. Kiin where he has a jioHiiioii in the railroad sliojis. The or and choir will hold their regular rehearsal in the church I') prepare for -i iiil uiiisii- for next Sahlialh. The 's" of the Melbodist church are uieeiiiig this afternoon Willi Mrs.

linker of Itose Hill. Do you want your money to earn 111 per cent? If so. address box Gas, Kas. Halm. M.

OcuHit. Kiiiistou. of hiUi. sup- eriiiiencleiit of the county SCIKIOIS. and one of ihe few women iillicu-holders of the slate, spent today in roiiferriiig with county suiierinti'iideiit I'litistoii, this fall retires from her seciuid term a-; counly eiil. a candidate at the re- i -eiil primary luit was unsuccessful. is introducing new books for Crane of Topeka In addition to lier wml. Dtlawa pe.llljl Chailie Wharton is here on a short with n-latives ani! friends. Me still holds the Pullman run froni Kansas to Hillings, and says the work iV pleasant', lie has Ilioiiglit of buying northwestern land, but says the prices have been advanced until land costs as much out there "as it does in civilization." O. Cox Oculist.

Porn. Tuesday September 20, lo and Charlie i'eck. living west of town a son. .1. 1).

Cope eiime down from tola last evening. T. of Krie passed through here today on his wav to l-'itnsion. of lola, was a visitor Post. You get three or four times the strength of ordinary spices wheYi you specify Tone Bros, import their OTvn pepper, ginger, cinnamon, mustard, cloves, etc.

Tones' spices are of full strength, last longer more economical. At Your 10c or Knd na a dime for (oil- size paoloce and Tone'! Spicy iwriMRlufauaiCtnH The Farmers Exhibit Premium committee met again Monday evening and finished making out the premium list the exhibits. President Smith stated that they would excel any given previously and that everyone should he pleased this season. The catalogue will be published in about a week. Mrs.

president of the Art department, stated that the ladies would arrange for a rest room for the visiting ladies. Other improvements of minor importance are being made for this year's fair. pay cash for ail kinds of poultry. agent for iola cream- er.v, William Newman.of the LaHarpe Ponltry Co. The football boys yesterday evening had their first iiractlce on the lots east of the O.

K. livery barn. The boys seem to take liold of the new ruies finite readily. They will no doubt be prepared for Redflelds attack on the 14th. There were fourteen candidates out, and there will he more each evening for the captain and manager to pick from, Brenna.

a player sustained a sprained ankle in the first practice and will be ooni- peiled to cease his work at the smelter for a few days but will he able for the game next month. Leroy Riinyaii arrived yesterday from Kansas City for a few weeks visit with old friends in this city. Jlr. and Runyaii just last.yejir moved from LaHarpe. Uiinyaii is still with the International Drug couiiiaiiy of ICansas.

.1. C. Darnell left yesterday a weeks trip north of Kansas City. W. Borders is exjiected to arrive today from Pleasanton viwi a few days with his son.

Hugh lioi- ders and wife. He Is on his way to Colorado and California on an e.vieiid- eil trip. W. of City, in on connected bis farm souib of town. I number from here left this morti- iiig for City to atfeiiil the loiia- ty fair held at liial place.

The I'ld- a party who left here early this morning: r)wen l.iiiie cieu Ijiw- rence Ftiidolph JIarvey Limes and Pert Patten. Mr.s. Kohler and .1. i.1 Mn- niade a trip to Moran as the Aid Ladies and gathered considerable paper and will have it liauled here to fill their car. Biisley and lluher attemled the C'oiiniy Sunday vention held In yesterday.

They report it a grand success. Mr. and Lloyd Wagner after a few weeks visit with old friends liei-e returned yesterday lo their home in Barker left ye.sterday for Humboldt, to enjoy a visit with her sister. Mrs. W.

I). Fonk of that idace. George Lindaniood and W. G. Pn.c- tor left yesterday for near Parsons where they have secured work and will remain probably all winter.

W. H. Donald ailended Hie Sunday School convention held in and Tuesday. Mrs. .1.

B. Bonner will leave tomorrow for Garden City where she will visit her parents. Karl ol Yates reenter was in Lallarite yesterday calling on friends. Mr. Ward of i-'alls, was a business caller in town yesterday.

and Claud Felkins today are moving from 117 Broadway to South Washington. I'red Bolen. who'for some lime has been visiting with friends and relatives in Kniporia. returned yesterday to lier home here. Tmohas Barllett yesterday two car loads of hay to the Kansas iiiarkei.s. Cora Kennedy, who for soiiii- time ha.s been acting as "hello" girl al the central office, has resigned her Iiosltion, and will leave today her home near liniontown. ('harliu Tire, who for time has harbering lor Harry Wilson left today for Burlington, where he has a good jiosilion in a shop at that jiiace. K. P. Green yesterday was called to near on account of the serious illness of her mother.

Akeds, the county clerk elect of Vernor county and daughter Louise, are visiting with and Walter Brockman. While i here Akers will attend to soiuej business connected with his property liere, I Dr. Kirkpatrick has returned fri.iii i Blue Mound, where he attended the Garange picnic and fair, and he states that he saw some of the finest especially there. Graen is rejiorted ill not ing able to perforin his duties at the' drug store. -Mrs.

J. H. Wooden arrived this week for a few days visit with her U. K. Wooden and family.

Mrs. S. Kirkpatrick, who for the past six montlis has been visiting in Illinois, but whose home is near Uniontown. arrived yesterday and will visit a short time with Dr. A.

Kirk- liatrick and other relatives here. H. Toby is now able to sit up. We will have hint up town in a few days. Itev.

.1. W. Hibbs. who for the few weeks, has been in the carpenter business at Centerville, returned yesterday to his home here. The Tri-City boys Sunday will cross bats with the Carlyle boys on the i)ark grounds.

The Gypsies who were camping near here yesterday scoured LaHarpe, telling our people their fortune.s. The LaHarpe people are much wiser regarding their past, present and future. have lone big lot ot'shoes that we must clo3e out for 98c week. The lot consists of Shoes and Slippers, iraen's and ladies' Komeos jand liets with rubber in sides, and children's good solid school shoes In one lot for 98c Shoe Store 110 East Madison A DOG MITS It LETIER Or al Kate lie Avvails the mail Kn -ry Pool- Dogs are unlver acknowledged to be Intelligent animals, and inaiiy circumstances are died in iiroving it. bill the world is defied lo jirodiice a dog wliich awafis the iiiiiil man as regularly as a dog light here in lola does.

The dog in question is a sniall- black water seems to belong to ui in Kvery iiiorning lor the past five months this dog bus followed a regular morning program. First he lays himself down between the, rails of the electric railway in front of the Kelley hotel and goes to sleep. He always makes his bed in exactly the same place. Here be lie.s until the post- iiiaii comes along on the west sidi? of the street, then he arouses himself and follows tiie post-man just a blocjv. This i 'oni))letes the program, and the dog is not seen.again the streets throughout the entire day.

The few who have ohservi-d this daily routine of the canine have irieil to loriii theories as to why he does it. Smith, the i-lerk at the Keiley. has formed a theory whic-h has the advantage, of being ingenious at any rate. Here it is: The little black in question was a great cliiiiii of the Kelley Hotel dog. the two had some great times during their days of couipauiiuishi )i.

But some time ago was out on a farm. lo Siiiitirs theor.v the little black water -spaniel awaits the post-man in the hope of getting a letter fiom a month ago while ibe ifr was following hl.s daily routine of sleetdng on the road bed of the electric railway a car came along and knocked him off. Four days iiassed. and ihei-e was no sign of him. But on the fifth ilay he and once more itn ilie track and foll Ihe post-man as if nothing had liaii- pelied.

Manage Your Bncome IViiri b'l-your Income nian- Ige villi If you didn't have the money you wouldn't spend It. Then why simply cause yoii hare Open an account wilh this bank and save enough money to he your own Stale Savings Bank Capital Surplus from 7 to P. M. Saturdays and pay-nights. PHIL HEiGELE so cm STKEET.

Harness GEMEKAL REPAIRINU OF Afct KIXDS. McMillan. Phones ,12 and 'm A FEW OF THE NEW. Fall Books Ailsji I'aige. by Uohert Chambers.

Tlie Kose in Ihe King, by George Uarr The Bay of Soiiis. by Charles Tenney Tiie Window at (he Wliile (al. by Itinebail The Beauit. by Wilson- Woodrow The Voice in tlie Hicc. by Goiiverneur Morris The new bpoks are coming in now at the Book Store.

£vans Bros. EfectHc Shop Warren B. Bott Phone 76 111 W. St Sanitary Tripure Disiilied Water tcllTcrcd fn 5 i gallon jtr- htttles. Cool It with y' oifr "Crystal Malc I Dh A.

tofrmaB, Dr. J. e. WalkM ill Bes. Pbonci lin i COFFMAJT A WALKEi I OfBce 1M.

Calli made prompUj day oiflifc I cHy and country; Dr. A.J. Fulton, office 210 Jackson Made Candies daily. Come and give us a trial, iola Candy Kitchen. the 'Vacuum House Cleaning Company for fail work.

Phones .142 and 1388. money see R. M. Cunning- Uam." Consider Service Careful preparation amounts to little yon get what you you want It. That's why we think that service is one of the points worth considering.

Have you forgotten something? vou in a hurry? Did overlook any item? Then call us on the 'phone. We stand ready to serve you ill the most psoiiipi and efficient manner. Crdbb Morris Free DeliTery. Piioneis Prescription Druggists CHI-NAMEL I-s jast likir tlie fair.ou« Otinese ill beauty ami dnrcfjilitj-. doors, floors, picture frriOK'S, toys, I 'Coriven'ient becaurc if applic-d lodaj'il ti waJked on tomorrow.

I The only Liquid Knamel tliat can bc 'tXAni tut- every by auyUxIy. Our new patent Orainins givtsK a grain njitiinil in.all colors by The Ohio Varntjdi Compatjy T. B. SHAXXOX 'is..

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