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Darlington Record from Darlington, Missouri • Page 1

Darlington Recordi
Darlington, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


I Geo. R. Ham-IB was at home Yester DARLINGTON RECORD, New Furniture DARLINGTON BY- JUST RETURNED FROM MARKET day. Mrs. Leona Adkisson is on the sick list.

N. F. Yankie made a business trip ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. AND Queensware JUST ARRIVED I CASH BARGAIN to King City Friday. HOUSE! News of the Week.

M. N. Cranor of near Stanberry was in the city, Monday. Fred Thompson was up from King City two days last week. Caleb Canaday, deputy sheriff, was down from Albany, Monday, on court business.

McCurry school will open next Monday, with Prof. Louis R. Haight The best place in Gentry county to do your trading. Big bargains in Mulls, Pongees and all summer goods. SDeeial drives in nnr ntir cfrv Underwear.

WITH A NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Call and see the prettiest line of goods in Darlington. If there is anything -called for in our line that we fail to have, we will order at once and furnish the article in two days. "We will supply your wants at prices that no one can sell it for less money. We carry the largest and best assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Shoes in town, and sell at bottom prices.

We are now closing out our Odds and Ends in Wool and Fur Hats, at 50 cents on the dollar. See the Bargains as principal." Additional local on 4th page. Be sure and read Yankie Go's ad. Darlington public school will open September 17. M.

M. Whitton of McFall was in the city Friday. Band festival to-morrow night. Go and have a good time. Mrs.

Thos. Bazzel is quite sick with fever. Dr. Dyke is attending. Mrs.

Kellogg and daughters Zella and Anna visited at Stanberry, Sunday. Miss Josie Quigley of Bethany visited her cousin, the Doctor, here, Sun Top prices for Eggs, Butter, Poultry, and all kinds of Produce. Your Cash and Produce will hnv For 80 cents you can go to St. Jo KbV you can get for it anywhere. Try us, and be convinced that we are seph and return via C.

B. on Sunday, September 9. telling the truth. We want Ten cents admits you to the ice honorable inducement to get it. We are not Kellincr fiVfVTvfMnor "TWIrtor Krvcf on enma nrn.4C,.

cream festival to-morrow night. An enjoyable time is anticipated. We keep a large stock of all kinds of Furniture, Picture Sewing Machines, which we will sell as low as any dealer in ther county. Will not be undersold onithe same quality of run clown other men's goods to get your trade. Pictures framed, and repair work done to order.

A good stock of new QUEENSWARE, Which we will 'sell very cheap. Undertakers' Goods a Specialty. We keep in stock white and black cloth-covered goods, gloss walnut and oak. Burial robes, gloves, etc. We also carry a fine stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Lemons, Bananas, etc.Lemonade and Milk shake at all times.

Produce taken in exchange for Thev will soon so. In them and be satisfied. Call for Mae cheap hats. .7 rw.wv. vuuv, oJLl WJ do, but we offer you the best goods on the market at a very small ad- a 1 a 1 -i ,1 Martin Mervin of near Union Grove was down to mill, yesterday.

day. We have a few pairs of Boys' heavy shoes at 25. cents on the $1. We will sell them regardless of price. Take a pair or two at your own price.

Don't fail to see the and favored this office with a short Mrs. C. G. Amos was very sick a vttuuo uvcr uciuai cost, ana we Deiieve tnis is the only safe and honest way to do business. Don't fail to visit our store when you want anything in the General Merchandise line.

call. few days last week, but is much better now. J. E. Farthing brought his wife NEW GOODS, AT Jas.

C. Sager, the Stanberry and daughter over from Albany, Tuesday, and they are spending the week with W. Bentley and banker, was in the city Monday RESPECTFULLY, family. H.A. Ruasellof Burlington, is Rev.

Burks preached to large con visiting his uncle, M. B.Pr ingle, this week. C. G. CARMAN'S.

gregations at the Christian church, Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. Geo. Hughes came up from Chilli- goods. cothe this week to work in the handle When you need anything in our Dr. M.

M. Campbell has been factory. line, give us a call. Prices guar quite sick for the past ten days, but we Mrs. Sol Anderson has been con Tor Clean, Fresh ALBANY are pleased to say he is much better at this writing.

fined to her bed with typhoid fever for a week. anteed. RESPECTFULLY, N. F. Yankie Co.

A. TJ. Jacoby is rejoicing over the J. A. Hook, a carpenter from GROCERIES, Clothing House.

Stanberry, visited A. W. Pruden here Tuesday. arrival at his house last Thursday night, of a 10 pound democratic voter, Dr. S.

H. Dyke attending. Goods and Dried Fruits, The best Flour on the market, Canned come to the Old Corner Grocery. Lanson Hamilton of Gentryville i was in the great moral center, last Small in size, great in results: De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best pill Thursday.

Farms-Fori Sale. AMBROSE GOODMAN. I. M. ROBINSON for constipation, best for sick headache, Hinton Gillespie and wife visited best for sour stomach.

Cummins Bros. The North Side Clothiers. Albany, Mo. John Plasters and family at Tarkio, last week. Andy Smith and family of Har MTHE palace rison county visited Airs.

mitn's sis Monday was Labor Day and most 01 ter, Mrs. George Baldwin, over Sun of our people observed it by laboring hard all day. day. They were on the way to Arkan We carry the best line of Men's, and Bovs' Clothinor. sas where they expect to locate.

Satisfaction guaranteed or money DRUG STORE I have several farms of 40 acres and up, for sale ot easy terms. If you want to? buy or sell real estate of any kind, it will pay you to list it with me4- T. A. CUMMINS. Darlington, Mo.

Rev. Hipes preached at the Chris Cent's Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, in Gentry county. If you want bargains that prove their worth in look bigger out of the store than they do in it, come and see our splendid 1: i 'n 4 refunded, at St. Joe Photo Car, north of Cummins' drug store. tian church Sunday afternoon, and at me iui iuc opniig ui tra.

the close of the service the congregation repaired to the river where four candidates were baptized by A STOCK THAT IS A GUIDING LOW PRICES THAT FEAR i STAR FOE HONEST VALUES. G. B. MARSHAL NO COMPETITION. I Mrs.

Edith Walker and baby re CUMMINS BRO'S, PUS AND We invite the people of Darlington and surroundinsr country to FricM loot: SMafer. Mo. turned last Thursday from a three weeks visit at New Hampton and Bethany. Her mother, Mrs. J.

M. Purky, returned home with her for a short visit. visit our store when in Albany, as we have got the goods, and are prepared to sell them at "Hard Times Prices." Darlington, Pants made to order, $4.00 no more, no less. Don't forget the place. Repairing- neatly nod quickly done, and cheaper tbau at any other shop iu Gentry county.

4 Where can be found a full line of Drugs, Medicines, Boots, Stationery, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles of all kinds. Also, a full line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Mr. and Mrs. S. R.

Staton left Monday by the overland route for their homestead in Oklahoma. They were accompanied by Calvert Garman, I. M. ROBINSON CO. who will spend a few months in the new country.

Old papers for sale at this office. Thos. McCurry of Albany was in the ciiy Friday. Ice cream eupper at Walker's, hall to-morrow night. Admission 10 cents.

W. E. Patchin; came down from Nortl Side of to Sonars, ALBAN7, Mo. Mrs. Susan Shoemaker and Miss Eflie Woods visited relatives near Stanberry the past week.

Whit Gillespie split his knee cap with an axe, Wednesday of last week, causing a very painful wound. Judge Hinkley of Albany was in the city Tuesday, looking up some pension in which he is the agent. Dr. R. A.

Millen, dentist, Albany, Mo. Office in Whaley building, north side of square. Front rooms up stairs. Chas. O.

Patton, candidate for prosecuting attorney, will talk to the republicans at Ford City to-morrow night Go and hear him. MrsW. -II. Patton and children and Mrs. C.

T. Adkisson and son spent a few days at the home of their father, Jas. Duncan, near Albany, last week. Dove flour $1.80, Gem 11.60, and Golden Rule $1.40 per hundred at C. G.

Garman's or at Darlington Mills. It's the best flour on the market for the money. The St. Joe Photo Car is the place to get first-class photographs. Price reduced to $2.00 per dozen.

Those wishing first-class work, should call at once, as the car will remain in town only a short time. Darlington Cornet Band' will give an ice cream festival at Walker's hall on Friday evening, September 7. Ad Prof. S. D.

Gromer was in the city last Sunday. He informed us that the total enrollment at the institute was 102; that 93 stood examination of which Prescriptions Carefully Compounded, DayMNight E. GALLUP1 -THE CITY his farm east of Albany to visit his mother, Sunday. Dr. Dyke reports a new 8 pound 29 failed, nine received first grade, twenty two second and thirty-three received third grade certificates.

McFall Mirror. baby girl at the home of James Hall and wife south of town. BANK The Record building is for rent at a reasonable price. Rent must be fmiturs mm um Is now prepared to make all kinds of furniture on short notice. All work guaranteed satisfactory or money" refunded.

Call at my shop and examine my work. Coffins in stock; will be sold as low as they can be purchased anywhere, Last Friday we enjoyed the pleasure of partaking of a splendid supper with J. E. Vandermark and family at their home south of town. Jas.

has 55 paid strictly in advance. John Magill moved to Evona, Mon day, where he has purchased property acres of corn that will average about DARLING-TON and will run a blacksmith shop. 25 bushels per acre. He also has about 50 or 60 hogs and shoats which Three hundred first-class envelopes with your name' and addross neatly will convey the corn to market for him printed on them, for $1.00, at this of in the best paying manner. fice.

Our citizens were awakened from Mo. Darlington, MEAT MARKET, PRICE'S OLD 8TAND. Restaurant, The cow-bell gang went over to P. slumber Tuesday night by what sound mission 10 cents. JLet everybody come out and encourage the band with their Williams' Tuesday; night and treated ed like the German band getting home E.

GALLUP. THE BEST PLACE IN- GENTRY COUNTY from a picnic at the New Ulm or Wicker park, and for a time it was presence and cash. A letter from J. E. Bethel, written TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS.

AND CONFECTIONERY. thought Kelley and his "commonweal ers" had arrived on their return from the capital. But it turned out to be a Fresh and Cured Meats constant few of our band boys out for a little TO BUY LUMBER ly on hands. Highest prices paid for Lard, Hides, and butchers' stuff. sport.

A fine line of Candies, Nuts, Lem after Michigan was reached, states that Mrs. B. stood the trip remarkably well. He orders the Record sent to them at Bay View, Michigan, where they will remain for a time. The following letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Darlington, will be sent to the dead letter office if not called for within 30 days: F.

C. Cooper, Sail Davis, G. W. Spencer, Eaton Randel, Carl Y. Stipp.

In calling for above please say advertised. A. Goodman. P. M.

O. E. Smith has traded a half interest in the Darlington Roller Mills Charles Baldock and bride to a serenade. Wm. Gloefter and wife came over from Middle Fork, to visit her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. George McMillen, last week. Rev. F. M.

Cooper left Friday evening for Carrollton to attend the annual conference of the M.E. Church, South. Little May Claybaugh of near Albany spent a few days with her Grandma Patchin, and her many little friends here, last week. i The infant sou of Hiram Hyatt died Friday, and was buried at the Long Branch cemetery Saturday. It was about two months old.

Mrs. Emma Pringle and son, Es-tyl, of Darlington, are visiting Miss With ample resources and experience, and confining ourselves strictly to legitimate banking, we feel assured we can serve you to your entire satisfaction. We would feel honored to have your business or a portion of same and believe the relations, if once established, would be pleas-ant, profitable and of long standing. Ed. Sager, Pres.

Jas. C. Sager, Yice-Pres. J. B.

Soger, Cashier. At a business meeting 01 tne republican club last Thursday night, it was cfeeided that owing to the intensely warm and the fact that Chairman Harris and Secretary Tener would be unable to meet with us during September, it would be best to ad ons, Oranges, Bananas, Cigars and Tobacco. Hot Lunch at all HoursI IS AT THE- 4UUim VMll TASlfc Where you can always find what you want for building at prices that are as Low as the Lowest. journ to the first Monday night in Oc Our aim will be to urnish the best tober, and a motion to that effect was carried unanimously. goods on the market at the very lowest living prices.

We solicit your patronage. Patchin, Thompson and his residence property here to J. L. Gunsolleyf Ravenwood, for a grist mill at that place, and he left Tuesday Headache is the direct result of indigestion and stomach disorders. On Tuesday afternoon at 550 o'clock, Charles A.

Baldock and Miss Clara Williams were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the residence Remedy these by using DeWitt's Little Mattie Cook Both Mrs. Horner and vith his family and household goods, of Rev. Jasper Shoemaker, in the preS' for Ravenwood, to take charge of his BUILDING PAPER, Paints, Lime, Cement, Hair, Sash, Doors, Blinds; also Alum-inite, acknowledged to be the best plastering material on the market A fine line of Screen Doors. little child are quite Bick. King City Chronicle.

ence of a few intimate friends. The All the talk in the world will not contracting parties are well and favorably known to many of the people of property. Mr.Smith has been associated with Mr. Wall in the mills here for six months, and during that time the mills have been thoroughly repaired convince you so quickly as one trial of Early Risers and your headache disappears. The favorite little pill everywhere.

Cummins Bros. A few of our democratic friends went to Albany, Monday, to meet Mr. Dockery and consult with him in regard to the campaign. Speaker Crisp is to make one speech in Mr. Dockery's DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for scalds, Gentry county, whom the Record joins in wishing them a prosperous journey through life, and may their burns, bruises, affections and piles.

Cummins Bros. S. D. Murphy of Stanberry was in the great moral center, Monday. For job printing you cannot do better at any other place in the county than at the Record office.

No griping, no nausea, no pain, when DeWitt's Little Early Risers are taken. Small pilL Safe pill. Best pill. Cummins Bros. Subscriber: Yes, the democratic party is certainly responsible for the drouth.

Jabe Watson says after the landslide in '92 the Almighty saw the democrats had everything on earth and to complete the job he just turned the weather over to them. It's an object lesson that ought to cure skepticism for ages to come. Grant City Star. It is an axiomatic truth that the newspaper is the best and most effec and remodeled and have given the best of satisfaction and made better flour than they had for two or three years previously. Mr.

Gunsolley, For some reason our efficient corps pathway be decked with many a flower, to cheer them on their way. district during the campaign, and it is of correspondents 1 is taking a rest. Read E. Gallup's ad in this, issue. McGuire Son have built a large ware room on the south end of their store.

Chas. V. Seeley will commence the publication of an independent local paper at Denver, Mo, in a short time. The ice cream supper at Mr. Thompson's Friday night was a very enjoyable affair, and the receipts were satisfactory.

"There is a salve for every wound. We refer to DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve, cures burns, bruises cuts, indolent sores, as a local application- in the nostrils it cures catarrh, and always cures piles. Cummins Bros. Last Cheap Sunday Excursion of the Season. At the residence of 'Squire Graves in Ford City, on Monday, August 20.

1894, Geo. W. Cline and Miss It pays to buy where you can do the best. If you want Lumber or Builders' Supplies of any kind, you can do the best at the Lumber Yard of W. CfiOW JarHagtca, HQ Lena Smith were united in marriage, probable he will speak at Albany.

An English paper gave the following account of the condition of affairs during the recent railroad strike: "A big revolution is going on in the United States of America, and there is little doubt that the government will be defeated. The dictator, Debs, has been driven from his palace and he and his mistress are now hiding in 'Squire Graves officiating. The groom is one of our blacksmiths and enjoys We need their assistance to make the best family paper what it should be a record of all the happenings of interest in the countyi J. M. Purky has purchased an interest in a flouring mill at Hunts-ville, and with his family has moved to that plaW Mr.

Purky is a first class miller, ind -we wish him prosperity in his new location, -The Kin? CiW' Democrat began the confidence and respect of a large the new partner in the Darlington Mills, comes to us very highly recommended, and our people have already folind out that E. V. Wall is a man whose word can be depended on. The mill is running nearly every day now, and the new firm hopes to greatly enlarge their custom trade by giving the people the best flour that can be made out of their wheat, and as much of it as any other mill in the county. If you are not already using their flour, try it.

circle of acquaintances and friends. tive worker in any campaign either of politics, morals, religion or other re The bride is a daughter ol kour fellow townsman, Jacob Smith, and a young the mountains. The greatest trouble forms. It is also just as true that they lady of many admirable qualities, and has been experienced in the capital, of are the most grudgingly and sparingly well worthy the man of her choice. 1 Chicago, where Grover Cleveland, the remunerated for legitimate services COPYRIGHTS.

rendered of anv arenev that helps to ringleader of the rebels, has obtained CAW I OBTAIN A Vara King City Democrat. Change of Firm. complete control. The railroad at that place has been torn up and thrown For Sale. Corn crop of 45 acreB.

AI20, 5 linM rood O. E. Smith has sold his interest in the Darlington Roller Mills to J. L. into the-Mississippi nver, a stream Inquire at this office.

hogs. GRANT CITY AND CHARITON TO ST. JOSEPH AND RETURN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. On the above date, the Burlington road will run a cheap excursion from Chariton and Grant City to St. Joseph and return, passing Darliugton at 9:05 a.

m. Rate for round trip 80 cent, arriving at St. Joseph about 10:30 a. returning, this train will leave St. Joseph at 7:30 p.

m. Aa the rate for this round trip excursion is verj cheap, we expect everybody to tabe advantage ol it. See the small bills advertising this excursion. For further information, apply to ageut C. B.4.

J. M. Bechxel, D. P. A.

Borliug-ton, Iowa. inaugurate desirable conditions or puts men into public office. Albany Advocate. For instance, Mrs. Chas.

Rogers, of Bay City, accidentally spilled water over her little boy. She promptly applied DeWitt's Witch its third year last week by enlarging to a six column quarto. The editor says it has also addd a new press and much, new job material, all of which evidences of prosperity on the part of our neighbor we are pleased to see. Settle Your Account. Having sold my meat market I must collect "all outstanding accounts.

If you owe me anything, please call and settle at once. Respectfully, j- A. B. Price. considerably- larger than the Severn, and the stockyard, where the govern Latest Wonder.

One bottle Oil of Blossom cures in tiou strictly cenSdeatlaL. A Handbook of Information concerning: Patents and bow to Lbem sent free. Ao a r'-fiii nf mirtlii tea) and scientific books sent fro. Patents taken through Mann Co. reosrve epecul notice inthe f4rleatifte American.

aa4 thas are brought widely before the public wlta-ont cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Isaned weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by fartba lawMt cirealattoa of any scientific work In the woflJ-, 8.1 1 year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, roontlilr, la0 yesr.

Sibvl copies, eeuta. Kvery number oontsiaa beao tifui plates, colors, and photographa of new bouses, wltb plans, enabling biti lactate shew th uuert desitm and aecure contracts. Art Ureas MUHH tt Co, New Vokk, 31 BauAAWjtS. ment palaces are situated, ha3 been razed to the around. The trouble was Gunsolley, and' all book accounts due the mill must be paid to Wall Gunsolley.

If you are owing us, please call and settle up, as we need the money to restock the mill. We solicit your continued patronage. Wall. Gunsolley. digestion and constipation.

1 ou are started bv a man named Pullman, who foolish if you don't try it for one bottle has a stronghold in the mountains of cures. Price $1.00. For sale by Qazel Salve, giving instant relief. It a a wonderful good salve for burns, bruises, sores, and a sure cure for piles. CozUBinsBros.

Illinois, one of the most considerable Drujjeista. provinces of the.

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