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News-Press from Fort Myers, Florida • Page 5

Fort Myers, Florida
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JFJfE 2ft, 1925 the rosT ama pms, toet stirs, nomi srrz DENSITY OF LUMBER Personal Mention LAFAYETTE COUNTY HAS STEADY Gil Robert Lee Cronel of Everglades is a visitor here today. (By The Associated Press) TALLAHASSEE, June 20. Is a H. G. Turnbull of Eustla guest In Fort Myers today.

The following statement gives some of the results of the 1925 farm census CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES RATES IN THESH COLUMNS VARY FROM le TO Bo FOR BACH WORD' IN EACH ISSUE ACCORDING TO THE SIZE OF TYPE YOU SELECT. In counting the word include the words "For Rent," "Wanted," eta, ind Include also the 'name and add rem or box number, l-pt type lilts this. 1 cent a word for each day. 8-pt type like thli, 3 cents a word for each 8-pt type like this, cents a word for each day. 10-pt type like this, 4 cents a word for each day, 10-pt type like this, 5 cents a word for each day.

MINIMUM RATE No advertisement will be Inserted lor leas than IS cents tor first lnser ALTERNATE DAYS Y'. Advertisements ordered to run on alternate days will be charged 1-1 cent per word, In addition to the regular rate on point type, and 1 cent -per word ov outer slses. TERMS 1 Cash in advance oJotlce No "Card of Thanks" or "Resolutions" inserted for less than 'For your own protection, bring adertlsing in correctly typewritten. This paper is not responsible for mistakes In advertisements telephoned In. of Bartow J.

Forredt Caldwell spent last night here. for Lafayette county, Florida. The figures, made public by the United States Department of Commerce, are prellmfnary and subject 'to correction, iosities of the scientific world, as It Is intimately contained in end around the fibres of Florida Dense Long Leaf Yellow Pine that neither great heat nor old age can ever drive it out. It is claimed that no artificial method of preservation can give such thorough impregnation, eves ot a spongy, porous lumber. That the public 'in Florida Is becoming aware of the Importance of choosing the right for the right use is Increasingly apparent, according to reports from retail lumber dealers throughout the state, who claim that the demand for Florida Dense Long Leaf Yellow Pine lumber is growing greater every day for use In the building ot Florida homes.

Interesting literature on Florida Dense Long Leaf Yellow Pine has been prepared, and the manufacturers state that they will gladly mall copies to any prospective home-hnilder in Florida. that ants can damage to any material extent. Florida Dense Long Leaf Yellow Pine, the manufacturers state, is the densest, hence the strongest and most durable lumber commercially available for building purposes in Florida today. Many railroads, after experimenting with porous, quick-growing, light lumber which they had to treat with preservatives, have decided to use Florida, Dense Long Leaf, Yellow Pine almost exclusively where great strength and durability are required in timber construction. Artificial preservatives are hardly ever used or necessary with Florida Dense Long Leaf Yellow Pine, claim the manufacturers, as this lumber is thoroughly Impregnated with a natural preservative gum which completely surrounds each fibre and promptly seals any wounds In the surface of the lumber.

This natural preservative gum Is one of the cur tr, and Mrs. Earl A. Rabb of Arcadia are guests in this city. it is state. Comparative figures for 1920 are W.

O. Johnson of Eustis Is here. Lumber used in building Florida homes should be of the dense, long leaf, Florida grown variety, is claimed by the Florida Dense Long Leaf Pine Manufacturers, who are con-lucting a statewide educational campaign from their headquarters In the Mason hotel, Jacksonville. Climatic conditions in Florida, no matter how pleasant they may be humans, are such as to render porous lumber grown in ither states almost useless after short periods of serv-ce, it is stated. Attention is called to the vast.dif-erence between Florida Dense Long deaf Yellow Pine and other varieties tt pine as well as the non-eslnous wood grown on the Pacific lope.

AH of this lumber has definite, ipecific uses, to which it is particu-arly well adapted, but for giving Q. C. Johnson of Everglades is a guest in this city, IF YOU WANT to buy any land, or sell FOR SALE ACREAGE any ianu, or rent any lana. see Fann, P. Box 773 City.

The water. and Paul Irwinger jof Moore Haven are spending today In melon man. 6-18-6tp, Fort Myers. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS concrete outfit. Consists of one.

one sack Jaeger Mixer. Ford Truck FOR SALB 'WATER FRONT PROPERTY Front West 1,600 feet on Orange River, high banks and deep water. Fronts East 1620 feet on Fort Myers-Palm Beach Boulevard. 46 acre grove. 10 acre park through center of property.

15 minutes drive N. E. from Fort Myers on proposed S. A. L.

R. R. --Also 6 acres in city limits. C. W.

CARLTON. Fort Myers. Fla. 6-10-tfc. -Harry Poe Johnson, well known Fort Myers booster left this after-noon for Pittsburg where be will visit for a week or so.

with Warlord Transmission, 300 feet hose, six barrows, 200 feet of canvass 5 ft wide, shovels sawa, etc, All In itrength and durability to Florida tomes, the manufacturers of Florida first class condition nearly new. A. Long, 118 Polnciana Ave. or P. nlyHviWiLJS F0URPD ElGHTk Dense Long Leaf Yellow Pine claim Miss Daisy Tipton, of New York City, arrived yesterday for an extended visit with Mr.

and Mrs. George E. Hosmer. Box 351. 8-19-3tp.

there is no lumber grown out FOR SALE AUTOS HI High Priced, Speedy. Six Cylinder touring car. A big bargain for (500.00 Box 473 City. 6-17-6tp. not given because ot changes in the county boundaries since that time.

The total number of farms in the county on January 1, 1925, was 614, of, which 505. were operated by white farmers and nine' by negroes 403 by owners, one by manager, and 110 by tenants. All land in farms amounted to 87,909 acres. Crop land in 1924 totalled 31.787 harvested 12,004, crop failure 417, follow or Idle 19,366. Pasture in 1924, 8,376 acres; plowable woodland 6,655, other 214.

Woodland not pastured all other 'land 3,9926. Value of land and buildings an January 1, 1925. was ot land alone $554,924, and buildings alone $136,376. Livestock on Lafayette county farms on the same date totalled: Horses 198, mules 408, cattle, total, beet cows 2,481, other beet cattle 1, 143; dairy cows 78; 'other dairy cattle 46. Swine, total 12,768, breeding sows 1,160, principal crops in 1924 were: Corn, acres bushels 75,721.

Hay acres 554, tons 227. Cotton, 680 acres, 102 Pecans: Young trees, trees of bearing age 1,037. SUM COURT ilde the state- that is the equal of NEW ST. JAMES HOTEL. Jackson vilJe, One Block from Hemming Florida Dense Long Leaf Yellow Pine.

1 I. E. McLaughlin and family and t-arK two diocks from Post orrice. Rooms $1.60 and down, June and July. Oarage HOUSES FOR RENT The native lumber, It Is stated HVHiiauie.

e-ZU ltpi Mrs. E. R. Thompson and children motored to West Palm Beach, Miami slowly, and slow growth al rjost invariably creates dense lum JTOTICE OF IWTENTION TO APPLY and other East coast points yester day'for a two weeks' pleasure trip. House Two Lots each 50 by 150 Just off Evans Ave.

Reasonably Priced for quick sale $6500 1-3 Cash George B. Hendry 24-30 Earnhardt 6-19-6lp FOR LETTERS PATEHT ber Florida dense pine, by the very 1 0D-fl nwiicQ is uciuuy veil UlUl lilt) un act of growing and thriving in Flor-da's climate shows its resistance to he humid air, the germs and boring un or reiii-Vdersigned will apply to the Honorable ell acreened. hot and cold water, bath, 'Round Florida of tha JOHN W. MARTIN, Governor sras. furnished.

$60 per month. Owner state or Florida, at Tallahassee, Florida, Insects, such as ants. 318 Hoople Street, 6-20-2tp. on the 26th day of June 1925, at three o'clock P. or as soon thereafter FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS as can be Heard, for Letters Patent in IcyUndtr Roaattr ia (By The Associated Press) 1 WINTER PARK Plans are under way for the re-establlshment of the Rollins College Club of New York Density in lumber is said to be one of the most positive Indications of strength and durability.

Dense 'umber, being more compact, has nore actual wood per board foot corporating under the following proposed charter, the original of which is now on file in the office of the Secretary of FOR SALE Good sized second Dime. Dated this the 17th day of June A. V. hand Office Safe. Apply Mr.

Hosmer Fort Myers Press Of Miss Florence Bumby, member of the uore strength-giving fibres to give Council, wilt leave on. the CARL C. McCLURE, fice. 6-20U. HARRY J.

WOOD JOHN C. MUNOZ. rigidity and strength. Dense lum ler-has no porous, sponge-like struc twenty-fourth of. this month for New York where she will co-operate with We.

the undersigned, hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of be Frits J. Frank, publisher of Iron ure in which the germs of decay can jreed and feed, and no soft fibres RULINGS FOR SALE Office furniture, adding machine type written See Matters roern four Lant'ford or Brecht Post Office, Act quickly. 6--tf. coming a corporation under the laws of Age and president of the Machinery In recognizing the Rollins Col tne state of Florida, providing for the formation, liabilities, rights, privileges and immunities', at a corporaton for it lege Club. Mr.

Frank is a graduate ORLANDO ENJOYED LARGE pronu ARTICLE I. JWT' ur This great Eight has won the hearts of women drivers: Superb riding ease at high speeds. No unpleasant side-sway. No bouncing and jouncing. No steer-ing effort.

Just sweet, even, effortless going. GROWTH FOR BALE Piano at bargain. Apply 1031, Cottage Street. 9-lS-stp. of the class of 1898., Miss Marion Rous, formerly of Rol The name of this corporation shall be F-M HOLDING CORPORATION, and Its business shall be conducted at anv June 20.

The supreme court has reversed for a new trial the judgment of the circuit court for Marion county in the case of Seaboard Air Line Plaintiff fContmned from page 1) FOR SALE One Counter and show case. See Foxworthy and Lee, First Street. 6-17-fitc. Jolng saved the lives of others. lins college music who is now connected with a music school in New York, Will assist Miss Bumby pmce or places in me state or Florida, and in any other States of the United He was buried on the shores of states oi America, and in foreign coun tries as may be from time to time au in error, ves.

W. C. Grimes, defendant FOR SALE 1,000 gallons heavy Caloo-sahatchee Syrup. C. W.

Carlton. -10-tf ane of the nearby lakes and ever and Mr. Frank. In the work. in error.

Green recovered $200 bou- thorised by the Board of Directors. The principal place of business and nffina travelers would say, "Let On July" 9 the club will be re-es ble damages and $62.50 as attorney's ot said corporation shall be in Fort My is camp by the grave ot Orlando." FOR SALE One second hand Singer Sewing Machine. Apply across from V. B. Hadaock Grocery.

Office open 12 :00 p. m. 6-ie-4tp. er, iee ouniy, loriaa. fees for the cow killed by a train.

ARTICLE II. the cow, records, In the case showed) The general nature of the business to Summer makes some people stop tie carried on and conducted by this cor missing booze' and start missing beer, was between the main line and a side track eating melons dropper' porauon, snail oe FOR SALE Good sized second hand office safe. Apply Mr. Hosmer, Fort Myers Press Office. 6-20tf.

tablished at a dinner to be given at the Machinery Club in New.York,Clty. There are members of Rollins College students and teachers who take summer courses at Columbia University, it was and it is expected that the dinner and the club wfll have a large attendance. (a) To purchase, improve, develon. hold It is easy to see why skirts are and enjoy real estate In fee simple, upon round rent, or lease to lease, mortgage and sell the same, in such pieces or parcels, improved or unimproved and on ihorter again. where cars were being loaded with melons, and went on the track in front of an approaching train at a flag station where side trackg were ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM WITH BOARDIISOO per week, 128 Lee Street.

All Conveniences. 6-16-Ctp. men terms as to time and manner of Yau can't tell If a man is working payment as may De agreed upon. It has also been announced that the to; to purcnase, acquire, own, trans oo hard or has a radio. Rollins College1 Club of Cleveland; fer, convey ana dispose of stocks, bonds.

used for loa'ding melons. The supreme, court has affirmed decision of the circuit court for Orange mortgages, notes and other evidences of Ohio, will give a swimming and danc oi any person or corpora. UUII. FOR RENT Two room apartment large ol neatly furnished with garage. 118 Tournament Street.

6-16-5tp. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Ing supper at the beach in honor of the returning Rollins students from restful riding and all the assurance which a wonderfully well-built; well-fcdanced car lends its Drive it yourself today learn how wonderful a motor ST0RTER MOTOR CO. Fort Myers, Fla. (c) To conduct a general brokerage. agency and commission business for nth.

that state on July 1L ars for the purchase, or management oT real estate for others and to negotiate loans thereon to Purchase and sell for FOR REN Apartment, furnished adults only. Jerniaan. 320 Evans Ave JACKSONVILLE Announcement others personal property, stocks, bonds 6-18-8U). county In the case of Minnehaha Groves Chester Kdnniaon and Verona Kinson, his wife, appellants, vs. W.

Harper, eppellee. This suit was for specific performance of a contract to convey real estate. Part payment of the agreed purchase price was receipted for, and positive delivery to the vendee. During the Derlod of delay which ensued the has been, made that Robert Marshall ana notes anu to negotiate loans thereon tor others; and to act as agent for renting houses and lands and the collection will again coach and direct athletics FEMALE HELP WANTED oi rents ana tne payment of taxes. at Duvall High School during the sea WANTED Ladv or gentleman Pianls son 1925-26.

Mrachall has been coach who can read standard or Orchestra (d) To have such other and further powers and authority as now or may hereafter be granted to corporations for profit under the laws of the State of at the high school for the past three Nerve, Mood aJ KM Diseases of men sad women including- Ure-Genital and Pelvis At. factions. Pilessneeess-folly treated (non-sur- music at sight. Good position for right years. He has been of ath party.

Write or call Musical uirector, 143 McGregor Blvd. 6-17-6to, fffffffiififlfiliillllllllllllllllll.llllllIJjllllllltft,ll,llllt,(IIIIHtllliaiBes:! premises were conveyed to another, lorioa. ARTICLE III. letics for more than two years. the supreme court finding that time The Capital stock of this corporation WANTED Elderly woman for few aneau no paini tnseom- Coach Mrashall during his connec hours light house work and mending man oe ine sum oi wenty Klve Thou is not clearly shown to have been ion or detention from by the tion with the school has coached the dally.

Address B. Care Press. 6-20 i land Dollars, (125,000.00) divided into two hundred fifty (250) shares of the of the essence of 'the contract origin baseball, football and basketball par value or One Hundred Dollars notice to the vendee, to perform it, WANTED Woman to sew by the day, 'n- a. few dava. Address 1.

that were good contenders for state ($100.00) each, which stock shall be, paid ally nor subsequently made so "by freag 6-20-st nor that the vendor Before suit of teams. He has always put out teams High school football team under, his WANTED Colored girl to help with moat modern ana approved method. Practice conducted aloof the his bast prof anions lines. Privacy assuredCon-fidenes respected, Chasm raesonsbie Terms arrant-ad. Permanently Iscatsd.

BepntatfoB firmly established. Sixteen years experience. No chart far consultation, examinatioa and Na oaHsatioa taeurrad. For unbar informaticai call or sililises ll- PS-JA10! KIRKLAMD Ml t-a Twiae Tamp, ft. fered to and the vendee de lor in lawim money ot tne united States, it, in property, labor or services, at a lust and fair valuation to be fixed and Jetermlned by the Board of directors at i meeting called for such purpose to be had and held after the granting of the housework.

No hard work. Address championships and in 1924 the Duval Care Press Office. 6-20 tf. faulted in tne periormance. coaching won the state championship.

The supreme court has reversed the jnarter nerein applied tor; and which WANTED TO BUY The handling of the three major decree of the circuit court, tor Oka At The Royal Airborne Jieatre Some Very Desirable Presents A Given Awa Absolutely Free THE ROYAL PALM MEAT MARKET has donated a big 12 lb. ham, to be given FREE. Meats are always Iced and fresh at THE ROYAL PALM MARKET. HOYER GROCERY COMPANY The home of fresh groceries has donated a big basket of pure, fresh gro -apiiai biock snan oe issued, sold, as-ilgned and transferred only in accord- sports requires all of Coach Mar WANTED Small Acreage at or near loosa county In the case of 0 Burleson and Allle Burleson, his wife, ince witn such by-laws as the corporation shall from time to time make Naples. K.

E. Edwards, 257 Lee Street shall's time and other men are appointed to coach the track, tennis and swimming teams of boys and the Atlanta, ua. o-io-xaip. change or alter, with a lien reserved in appellants, vs. Jesse French Sons favor of the corporation upon all Ita Piano appellee.

The appellee capital stocK tor any indebtedness which may, at the time, be due by the holder girls' basketball team. sold a piano to Mrs. Burleson on the WANTED Acreage on Estero Island for Subdivision. What have you? Will Subdivide for or tne same unto tne corporation1, and which shall be a lien sunerior to all installment retaining by con WINTER PARK No appointment other liens or claims of every character, and all assignments or transfers of atnrk Will Boy Southern Florida Property Acreage or City-Property. No agents S.

H. Hudson Terminal, P. O. Box 9 New York City tract, the title to the Instrument until the notes covering deterred payments has yet been made to fill the vacancy or mis corporation snail be sub as athletic coach at Rollins College ject thereto. share or buy owner must have Beach Frontage.

Address Box, Cj. B-M-tfc WANTED TO RENT should be paid in full, records showed. There was failure to pay the made by the resignation ot Coach ARTICLE IV. This corporation shall have perpetual ss cenes. v.

5 The two very desirable presents given away by the ROYAL PALM MARKET and THE. HOYER GRO- existence. notes as they became due and appel ARTICLE V. The business of this corporation shall lee asked return of the piano. Notes Gene Frank.

Mr. Frank was recently appointed coach to succeed L. H. Dyck and his resignation was a surprise to the athletic department. He wiMTPn TO RRNT-Small apartment and contract were forwarded to a rep be carried on and conducted by the following officers A Board of Directors.

or cottage not over two blocks From resentative of the appellants, It was consisting of not less than three (3) and Post Office oo oi mj. 6-20 2tp. not more man seven (7) directors, a President, a Vice President, a Secretary brought out, with a request tha? the piano be shipped back to. the and a Treasurer. The offices of Vice 5 TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE ROYAL AIRDOME THEATRE A WANTED gave as his reason that as Dr.

W. C. Weir had resigned as president of the college he did not care to be connected with the institution. His successor is expected to be appointed President and Treasurer mar be held by pany. After some aeiay mat party one and the same person.

The officers wrote that he had lost the papers and WANTED Some one to represent the original J. Watkins Company In vrf Mvora Ynu ran aunDlv dally neces did not have the piano. Suit was bfoughU In equity to establish tUe" lost shortly. shall be stockholders of the corporation and the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be members ot the Board of Directors. Until the first annual meeting of the corporation herein provided for, the following shall be the papers.

The supreme court holds sities to regular customers an3 make $35 to 150 a week easily. Write THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, that there was an adequate remedy officers of the corporation ORAL ARGUMENT CASES J-2, 62-70 West Iowa St. Memphis, Teun.

6-20 2tp. at law. CAKL u. mcvlukh, president. HARRY J.

WOOD. Vice President and Treasurer. Dade county. Hancock was con WANTED By young man, desirable room close in. Will rent for summer.

Answer Box 209 Press -20-ltp. JOHN C. MUNOZ, Secretary. and Carl C. McClure.

Harry J. Wood SUPREME COURT victed of assault with intent to com and John O. Munos, Directors. "THE BEST WAY TO JAKE MONEY IS TO SAVE IT The annual meetina of the corporation shall be held on the third Tuesday In mit manslaughter. Tuesday, June 30 Charles C.

Kll Union Carpenters wants Jobbing work. Prompt attention, Henry Harp, Hotel Rlverview. 6-19-6tp. TALLAHASSEE. I June 20.

Cases January, commencing with the year 1926, at which time' the officers of the cor that have set down for oral argument llngsworth, plaintiff in error, vs. The State, defendant In error, from crimi poration shall be elected, xam want AHRRAOH in your section The stockholders snail elect the direc in the supreme court follow: MR. OWNER: Maybe we can sell your nal court of record for Hillsborough tors of the Corporation and the Board of Directors shall elect the officers of the Tuesday, June 23. W. Asher, county.

Killlngsworth was one of corporation. The By-laws of the cor poration snau oe maae dv tne stockhold property. MR. rkaltuk: we win Send full LEGAL description, maps or goo price covering 10 percent commission and terms. THE JUNKIN COMPANY.

4 N. B. First St. Miami. Florida.

i 6-S-tfo. plaintiff in error, vs. State, defendant in error, from Dade county. Asher was convicted of murder. ers but this power may be delegated to the Board ot Directors.

John D. Rockefeller, told this to his Bible class in New York recently. He knew he was right, because the basis of his father's immense fortune was regular, systematic saving. It is gratifying to see so many ambitious prosperous-looking men and women depositing money regularly at this bank. Joe Dunaway, plaintiff in error, vs.

ARTICLE VI. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which this corporation at any time can subject Itself shall be the sum position as 6-18-3tp, WANTED by young lady, typist. Box 412 City, of One Million- Dollars The State, defendant In error, from Escambia county. Dunaway was convicted of murder In the second AHWliU VII. The names and residences of the In Interested, in High Class Subdivision Lots at a money saving proposition? "If so write Box lift care Fort Myers Press.

v- 6-18-6tp. Wednesday, June 24 W. E. Eden- corporators of this corporation and the amount of capital stock subscribed for by each are as follows: Carl u. Mcuiure, rort Myers, Fla.

12 It Assures Them a Comfortable Independent Future. For Your Protection Like a great Recording Angel the big lire insurance, companies keep complete, detailed and accurate records about the property they insure. By doing this they reduce the cost ot Insurance to You. The companies represented by this agency help to protect your property as well as Insure you against its loss. Shares.

i field, plaintiff In error, vs. The State, defendant in error, from Jackson county. Edentield was convicted of manslaughter. the men implicated and convicted of participation in robbery of A. C.

Clewis, Tampa banker. Nathan Lowe, plaintiff In error, vs. The State, defendant in error, from Columbia county, liowe was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to death. Julyl Charles E. Sanford, plaintiff in error, vs.

The State, defendant in error, from Dade criminal court of record. Sanford, was of manslaughter. 4 Charlie Shumake, plaintiff in error, vs. The State, defendant in error, from Washington county. Motion to dismiss the appeal to strike the assignments of errors and to strike certain designated assignments of error in the case of Lorenzo A.

Wilson and W. M. Mason, Harry J. Wood, Fort Myers, Fla. 12 John C.

Munos, Fort Myers. Fla. 1 WANTED Dried Saw Palmetto Berries, and Star Grass Roots. See R. A.

Henderson Big Cash Store, Hoyers Grocery, KrsnoW Hendry, B. T. Shaw, The Barron seed Store, or Wm. P. Gouid, 'for particulars.

6-20-1'tc. ill Share. Fortune Ferguson, plaintiff in error, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this the 17th day of June A. 1925. The State, defendant in error, from Alachua Ferguson wbb convicted of criminal attack.

MISCELLANEOUS CAKL U. MCCLUKK (SEAL) HARRY J. WOOD (SEAL) JOHN C. MUNOZ (SEAL) Francis Hancock, plaintiff In error, vs. Tne state, aeienaant in error, State of Florida,) SS fry County of Lee.

Lee County Bank, Title and Trust Co. .1 The Home for Savins" 4 from criminal court ot record for Are You Sick? Dr. Adams. 40 years on the job. He knows bow for tne Office Lee St.

Phone 186. 6-5-tfc. I DO HEREBY" CERTIFY, that on ed the same for the purposes therein set forth. this the ISt day of June A. D.

1925, before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Carl C. McClure, Harry J. Wood and John C. Munos, all to me well known and known by me to be IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have McClure-Strozier Insurance Agency copartners doing business as Wilson-Mason Company, and Lake Butler FOR CLEARING ditching and grading, see W.

Ward. Boulevard Street, Lincoln ISM. 6-16-6tp. Bank, appellants, vs. Rosa C.

Duncan hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Fort Myers, Florida, the date mentioned last aforesaid. W. R. STROZIER, Notary Public (Notary's 8eal). My commission 18, 1928.

the persons who executed the foregoing proposed Charter ot the F-M HOLDING CORPORATION, and they severally acknowledged that they signed and -exact- If you want your yards cleaned. Address as executrix of the will ot L. A. Duncan, deceased, appellee. P.

O. Box us. City jis-eip..

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