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The Vicksburg Post from Vicksburg, Mississippi • Page 2

Vicksburg, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 VIOKflBDKG EVEtnlTO POST; IfABOH 5. 1CS3. Qenml rvtifSi uav i i TPE EEHIKG POST. 1 S.l SFOLEB. ktli sash, Doors.

Cilndt, Mo cm. Ings, Brackets. fori tail Interior FLij LULII3X3R Laths, Shingles FLrOOHlAG and CEILISQ, Having secured tbe price of a we are now Drtn.IT furnLhallkindaof ipare, Building Materials. One of the paf cs of Safaytl ajwe of the New York Herald a "Fin Lee page." I headed, "Major General Fiuhngb Soldier, and Diplomat," and presents a biographical sketch of our Fitt," aa it termf the Conaol-Generah, togethef with nores oo hit ances ry and picinret of the subject as he sppears oow and as he appeared as a Confederate carahy leader. There are also pic lures of General Lee's father and grandfather, Lie, and the con nils building at Habana.

Ia introducing the sketch the Herald wyt tbai Cuban situation, proroca tive of apprehension as it has been, would occasion vast deal more cob- cern were it not that we bare oar representative ia Habana a magnifi cent type of American maehood in the person of Consul-General Fnz hugh Lee. Then io emphss sing is contents that Lee is the man of tbe hour, the Herald remarks that it is not that the hour and the place bave made the man. but simply, that we have a conspicuous example of the right man io the riht place. Great oppor unities, it continues, c.jrn- only to those who are great without ihem. OASTOllIA.

Mattreaa Factory. TtTATTBKHSM ta ord. of an alae. jU klD(1 or Jienoratingorremakiugaapeoiatty. Feath- ccin, bet'er than new.

E. E. DtCK, 4m Crawford Htreei' nolH Byyenloc ooet SPRINQ COSTUMB WITH TTJWC Among the new fabrics shown by importers for spring are all-wooL softly falling materials, fine and light io weignr, i ana appropriate to tbe clinging folds which are coming into fishion again. One of the novelties is biccilienne, a nlk and wool with a liny silk cord crossing it, and resembling silk in softness and lustre. The trimmings of these dainty wools are rows oi machine stitching, bias folds of the material stitched, bands of silk of a contrasting Color, and frills or bands of black satin ribbon.

There is also a revived fancy for milliners' folds in clusters of three or four. An imported Sicilieaoe gown of attractive simplicity in the pew bunt silver gray is made with a tunic over dress. This tunic reaches exactly to the bottom of the nodertkoi tn front, in accordance with tbe present tend- eocy towards long slender effects, -and slopes gradually upward Toward the back, where it forms an open bot pleat, falling on either side of the folds of a areolar 1 underskirt The latter is new three-gored mod el, measuring three and thKeyoarter yards at the loot. Tbe old faatnon of nsing two materials. one for tbe onder dress and the over-skin, Is coming into vogue again in Paris, aa for instance, cloth over silk, and nuns' "iliog, grenadines, and other trans-pare ot tissues with a skiit of novelty silk beneath.

Such models afford a With HromptneHavDd Dlgrjot Pian and Bpeeincation, Forniabedbr J. W. GASKILL, Arehiteet 4TEAUBUA1 YI.KSBOiiG YAZOMiHl PACKET COMPANY. KAIN 8nrjHntJiZl 3. C.

M. Steamer MEMPHIS, and Barges Leave vickahn. every TTJESDlf at noon for Yuo river, grjiaa Office 822 South Levea Htt Telephone, Old 182. aa JOHN J. DONOVAN Supt.

barf boat AmnL K. FLaTT, dec Paaeenger Agent Vickbiirfc Packet CAEBYINO TJ. 8. HAH. Steamers UUTH and ABUTS: LAURIE, FOR GRERfiVILLIE 8temer RUTH A.

F. Simla VaL Leaves every MONDAY and THTTPe DAY at lp.m. y- Steamer ANNIE LATJKIB. De Le Hunt, Matur rr.w?!eJ wr! KDSESDAYandBAI. UROAY at I pm.

5 First-lass passenger and freight aooosv modations. Boat brilliantly lighted throughout oi electricity. Light io every atateroom. Cuisine unsurpassed. The right is reserved to pan any uudna deemed unsafe by theoaptain oommandiat Office 822 South Ltryoe street Telephnfe No.

181 J. DONOVAN, Agent E. PLATTv raaaenger Ait POWrBJ cupv ZOO JiY KANvNHO -J ATION CX STEa MEBS lteea Pritchard, Ashland aty, Rescue and Maggie. CAkTLKMAii uvau.aaeeaeteeee Saperiatendcst Steamer BIO PRITCHARD leaves Vlekiburg TUKSDAY a at 8ATDBDAY all o. m.

for Yasoe and Tallahatehie Rivers, going through Tchuia Lake whea water permit. 1 J.J.DONOVAN, "upt. Wharfboat. Agent Improved tsrvlcaa On and after SOHDAT, FEBEDAB! 11, -Tbe- Yazoo Mississippi Valley R. R.

will establish a Parlor tar Service on its train between Memphis aad Vicksburg These car will be run oa traioi leaving Memphis daily at a.nv and Vicksburg 9:10 a.m. In eonnectioa with this improved service IMPORTANT CHAN6 li Will take effect oa the aame date, which la matter of detail can be obtained from any local ticket agent of tbe Minis, ppl Valley Route. The train formerly leaving Hatches at 2:30 p.m. it now changed to leave tbst city daily at 8:30 a.m arriving Jackson, at 12:30 p.m. Retaining tbia train will leave Jackson at 3:36 m.

after arrival ol Illinois Central trains from tbe north and arrive Natches at 7:35 p.m. Train for merly leaving Harriston at 10 80 p.m. now KmK3 ai arriving atones at a.m. Returning tbia train leaves Nstcbet instead of 8:00 a.m.. arriving rlarrlsion 3 60 D.m..

marlnir Alnaa AnnnA tions with train for Vicksburg. W. A. KELLOND, Amt.Gen'1 Pass. Agent, Louisvilie, Ky.

A.H.HANSON, Oen'l Pag. Agent, Chicago. lit When Traveling Make No But See that Your Ticket Beads Via THROUGH TICKETS1 TO AIJiINTS. Solid Vestlbnied Trains, rmn lime, ClomConneotaoii, Throogb Oteoper, For fall information, call on ywarnear ff.aen CrwoB Ticket or ad- W. 8TOMS, P.

New Orleans, La. GEO. H. smith, 9. A-, New oeatia.T- iii-anfcj; 2 An Important Cane la tbe Fe)d eral Court.

la tbe ctee or J. D. Fulnur, (raeicw tt vi. 61. H.

Lovinggood it to tbe I'. t. Court, In wbicb a deeree bad beet reodrnd lo btotlf of for 12 aa order made W. li Bank a (peeial eoaaaiatlaBer tll certain property in Bolivar eoaaty, Mialippl, aed bytlitireof wblcbed-vtr i-etneuu bid been mide forlbeeale of id prnprrty on tbe 7th day of llarek WJH, a piluoo for rebelling ooe bl'l ol itvtiw waa granted by Hon. H.

0. Ni'e. Judg of tbe U. 8. Dit'rlet Court fur MitalMippI, oa tba applleetioa of Webter and Allao Iiovlnggood, minor, and ld decree waa suspended and teid pedal commiMioner ordered lo tefrala and fr making aeld sale.

MeMrt. Chta. Bcoit and E. H. Woods repretata the complilnanit io tbe bill of review, and Fontaine Jonee the de-frodtnu therein, aa well ae alto eonV pltlnanu io tbe final decree lo tbe Orlgt nil bill.

The final drcrci wst rendered io this cite a yftr or two ago, and the caae will be hetrd in tbe bill of ryjew, at Ihe Di-xt term of tbe Court, Jnly Congrawinaa Taku a Hea1ee, A (uwwich aaetu toaraber we aaked ever a tuaoup tbo other day bow feela to to a ooriuroMQian. "It'a portly a question of teofrapby," tald ho. "on me native Daau a mat) It, aa one may tersely eiprees It, 'tbe whole lo Weahlogtow be la only an Inflnltaalmal fraction. A tew weak! ego I wat ealled bone to attend to aome Important botlaeaa, I waa too naeh oe-cupled for a few daye to tnd time to reed the import, but wben I did befta to toad them again I eaw that tbe country wot Darning through an Important oftate eev- eral critue, In fact the Cuban qlietlrav the Hawaiian qooatlon, Inaaae. AtssM were aerloua.

I felt that my eonntry iaeo edme. Mr ibwnce bad erlpplad my ftwtf In the boute. I felt that I wat ahfcklof seoredduty. Ily oonstltDents wbott I att eyed me woroaenfttU. Tba nattoal tt eogr and I not at my poet-1 1 was ashamed ti bt IM the awott, deeply dldlfeel tbatlwU tbjfklnfr ibajrled through tnybutlntos andoadll I want to tbe oepltol dlrort froia the atntlon and bortUd rote tbe beuee de- tormlned to save tbe eonntrf gresl at Use eleventh boor.

I pot a qneetloa tsateti low member I met aaa I koow well. 'Why. have ton been away I' ae aakad. "I waa a trifle paloed, Hat MetNred tnat i nao. "Oh, said be, foo oeuUbi't ban oliMxns better time to be away.

ory thlng'e etaanatlog htra. liQthttff ate In-on dnno, nothing baa been atid. Why, It'a Iwen the dolleel fortnight of tbe wnele twtelnn. Yon wore lueky to be WoaUlngton Port. i rentlelont Utoratare It KtNeta.

Hook have boen called oompanlontv Me hotter doierlptlon oould be employed. And at bad oomimny with foal minds, bad book with foul oootenta damage Irreparably the thoughts of their reader tmprtr uato thorn with vile Idea and put traab the place whleb abould be occupied By tal-unhlo knowledge. It le well boovrn that an Inebriate perpetually InduJ.Ur In an vxcetaot strong aiooboi qteiaojra nia and oan appreciate no other loan strong drink, for which btalwaye eravoe. Tbls I aluillar to tbe reader of vUeaooksi bit taate Is deatroytd, and be oan opnraotats no other after he baa mltomed Ma taaas to and Maturated hi tuuU with nboml' nnble publloatlen. I'ernlolou llturatore appears tooonsnme the very Intellect of Its readers, aa opium inching dMtroys the Intellect at tbe inokor, for uchmdn appear to BMaW no hoowledge of matter wbtoa Qlreotty or Indirectly affect tnamatlvea or abeir lei low creatures.

They take tml UMla. tt any, Intoroet In tnattor whloh rightly MUaa tM attuntton of all mem ben ot the Ma rnoa, hut ooneentrete tbetr attantton tuyn what colled bytaafar too rulld naaM vnantlonal lltcraWi. WettmlMtar IU- View. 'u 1 TU OtVeer la Berth. With all their fine uniform and Drill legoa of preoedente oneoanDot help feeling orry for thea cAoera, many of whom an brave, noble men, for tbey are ao bound and tied by the oorda ot trifling eoaven tlonnlltloa.

They must not oarry nmbreK lu, no luetter bow It storms, for tba shut how tbolr endurance by a loo dJareffard ror tbe weather, whiofe in Berim peats and orlee all winter. Thtat thef never tuuat ride in an ordinary omajbnj, sot that Is beneath tbetr dignity. Owtag to tbe coranton etnte ef tbe late Bespat or FreoS erick, wtto waiie orown prlnea the uee of the (treat oan by offleara (be mmteir roae on tae nni one wuoi appearance In Berlin yean ago, taw army oan enjoy tnat oommen bleaalng, tea) If they tak a cab It moat be a aret elaae one, and If they go to aa Mtertalnmont they in tint occupy a place In tbe most aa-penalv part of the houee. Only boy wAeee families oan afford to eet atid a certain turn ef meoey tor tbetr ue oan outer the army, for tbe pay la tn-adequate lo meet the ttyle In wbiob an offiocr tuuat live. Tbluk of a mootk fur a lleutouatit! Sell ICnlturo.

The Holland Subnurine Boat Of the new marina "wander," the Hoi laud torpedo-boat, wbicb baa ueceded not only in going under water, but in coming up agtin, toe new Tort Timet peakt aa follow "A tobmarine boat that doesn't beetn and end iu career by drowning tie Bret crew ooia eooub to teat lu eapebllltiee iatenough onlike it nnmher'ets pre. deceeeor to deeerve very serious conoid er.Uon. The Holland boat baa riatn from the ware, as well as plunged be. oeaih ihem, and, therefore, compaiat ve-ly high hopes are en'cr ice1 tbt another conquest nature baa been begaa. That ia much different from eayiog 'baa been accompliabed but it ie saying a g.wd deal, and the progrra of tbe preot exp-rimenta will be awaited with eager and snxiou in tercel in mtoy airier.

If nobody bid eer tried to make a boat of tola kind, tbe U.k would oremtobe one which any tkilled mechaale with a moderate amount of money at eoamaod could perform. Many tkaa equipped have aitacked tbo otoblem, bowever, and bitbertn the reward be always beta future, ntoally immediate, aad ia not a few caae the failure baa been emphasised by drath. It may be, too, that ereo wbeo a practicable eabmarino boat baa been constructed tbo navigttws rtorecf wilt Cod harder thin tbey tbi-kinee pec el revolotiooliiog of war a coat mere. The aoderwator world i dark ooe, and tba blind mora slot TEEATUEHT TP 111 1GFS TtTil inif trtatVO mmr lJ 1 1 m. a.jwiii.i back or aa4taaa givwa to every torooner ua uaaj.

amne dbpobwidm 5 tm 4 WAQABA ST. BjFFAIjO, ft. Y. -Thai Osfer $100.00 For uy Cue of Kerrons or Sexual WMkittt in lei Tbey Treat and Fall to Care. No fake rare, bat a scientific treatment administered by physicians in good stand-in, and SPECIALISTS IN THE1E LINE.

Tbe 8tat Micicil Company cures Lost Vi tality, Nervoua and Sexual Weakness, and restore Life Force In old and youog men. Tbey will guarantee to cure you or forfeit 1100 should tbey fail, where their medicines are taken according to direction. NO MONEY BEQCIBEO IN ADVANCE Dei posit tbe money with your banker to be paid to them when rouarecured not before. THI t-TATB Medical Com art it an incorporated company with a capital stock of and their guarantee is worth 100 cents on tbe dollar. Their treatment ia truly a MAGICAL TREATMENT, and may be taken at borne under tbeir directions, or tbey will pay railroad fare and hotel bill to all who prefer to go to headquarters, if tbey fail to cure.

Tbia Company doe not apply anything free; they charge a reasonable price if tbey effect a care, and nothing at tbey don't, and they will tell you exactly what it will coat before you take it. Full information on request. Write today. STATE MEDICAL CO. SUITE 918 BAMGEBLK, OMAHA tSl NEB Job Prlntlns; at Evening Post 0V8PvCTJtT PROM HARPSKf BAZAS means of freshening up old gowns.

A circular" bertha with graduated box-pleats iu front is open from the neck to the bust, where it fastens in. visibly, so that it may. be removed when one prefers the bodxe without it Tbe latter is drawn in pleats to a slight point front, which passes under a girdle of satin, made wi open bands in the back I he ck of the the bodice is cut round The berths Is made with oostiffenr iog es cept. the satin lining, and fits around the Shoulders with scarcely any rtpJ 1lesj like all the new models, the ton I of these perfectly tight sleeve have no tuioeis. They are finished at.

the wrist by a double turn-down cuff, with a lioy revers on etch The tunic and bertha are bordered with bands of panne," than which oo sat ismore lustrous and velvety proper Cut of the gown can be obtain ed from tbe cut paper patterns fur. nished by Harper's Bazar, where it appears. Approximate quantity rfl material wool, forty inch- widc 1 for entire costume, 'eight yards; silk or sttio lining for entire costume. sixteen yards, satin trimming, bi tbreeyards. k.i -I.

'l ai vi caiuuDoe siraw, in a round form, is one ol the new spring models wbicb are designed to be set squarely oo the fop of the head. The trimmings are an airy scarf in coral and gray, forming great bows, and a ouncn oi velvet spring flowers. mm.i aniM itswaaj 'X. kl KTO AUtt PUBLISHED BT J. 6.

CASHMAN Crawford Vlrkubura. VU. VlCKsHURU, MARCH 6. An Overworked Brain. from lb Kecor.l.

Plrrcetoo. itid. Dttermloed to ll ebnaed I femioo a bo ainctr, Krneat Kemper, of Pltr.e on, overtd himaelf aaantalle and obvaicellv. am- bilious, bis mind on hit wore. From early mem until lH el night bt eenllouelly pound over lil bw "Burned tb candle at both end-.

Few pereoo, wifi the rongwt 'eoDitltotloDt, cn keep up under tucb if "lo addition lo hi torn, Mr. hm- Mf we leeching school atim ibr 0 ill from bit bom. Finally, eeeslve tudy end the espwure of going and from school in ill kiud of Wt'Slh er eodermlned hi bulth. llwetikenthl bed with pweu-mooU aad bl overworked brain almo' ollipeed. For levml wecka be tertoualy III.

fjttiirrb bid Insen rot In bl ytrm and bU mlad In a delicti condition. tu Colnrido hrre month i bi-ut ic-e viogany fl I. Then a not rd tpeciil lit from Cleveland treated him without vail tnd OTtBHTt'DV. (ll(. pllal Id Chicago wa irU-d, Inn Sll sbao lately without bent-fit.

Finally hit nhy aiotsn reenmrnenrii-d Dr, William' I'mk (or i'tlo Voplf. mnl from the I'm boi he began to improve When he hd taken nine be VtlRJtP. Thlt ftmmit Mood and uerve medicine hid what ill hla former expensive treitmeni lulled loec-eompliah. Mr. Kemper ttyi bit catarrh bM entirely left bim; he It urong tgtln m4 waigbt niii pound more tbio be terdld.

He gietthe pill the entire credit. He la merlin toiohing agtin and feel bnndntly ehle to cimiinii" the work. To prove that the ab ite it true In erery rexpfrt, Mr. K'inprr mtde an Blilavit a fiillnwn Hurncrlbed and tworn ti before me tble (b( lOtb day of N-ptembxr, 18U7. It.

r. Watt, Nomry 1'ubllc. Wt doubt If thraeillU liHVe an pqilnl Id ill tbe range of Dledlc.ine, for hilild-Inguptrut) down and dvbilititlrd ayn-t'Dl. New York's Lawyera. The praciice ol liiw rivals tin railroad a brntncirr of a country's f)roperity.

When the law business I such that cliciiti are niitucrouj and the people can uflud the busincis comlitions of the country may be said to bo prosperous. There re many hundred lawyers in New York, same of them the most famous i of the world's living men. The brightest legal minds of which the couDlry can boast have been devel oped by New Yoik practice. DtatatM of the Wood end Nrrvet. No on need mflVr with iK-urHlgm.

Tlili llttMW la quickly and periunuriitlr cured by Brownt' Iron HltU'r. Kvcry iliafaae of the blood, nrr'r ami ttnnnu'li, rlirnnic or otbtrwtae, auriMiniU llritwiia' Iron Known and need for nrarlv, a quarter of a century, It ttanilt trnlajr rnf. Dioat anineg our mml valued remedira. firuHDt'Jrun BiUors It toIJ by ull dealtrt. TflS Interttata Commero Coinmiatlou'a tatitllct of the rtautlliea to peranna In railroad aocidentt In the Untied Hitea for tbe year ending June.

30, were: Total of killed, 6.4 IS; of Injur-d, 48.687. For nine yean the avenge deaths were 6,444 a year; the average Injuriet were BJ.wu u. I'rout, editor ol the Kali, way Ottett, In cammeutlug oo tbete figure, tava: "The patengen killed In a fear are ass. nut the pawrnger trarel a wat mile, or it equalled one pa-arngtr trivelllng that dietinee. it iiinw that nan cm travel by rail -Id oo ort hif re he I kll el.

It othr rord. if he tratcln night and day aithiitr6femien hm be tnuat travel l.iO yean Ixfore be killed. TOCUKEACOlMi IN OSK 1AY Take taiativa llromn Uiiinlne lablrl.i All druggiau re I mi the money if it fail to pure, Tbe genuine It. on earh tablet. In the Bank of England there are cores of silver ingots which have been lying there untouched for aoo years.

Ytt if the free coiners are to be believed the mere presence of that Idle Junk in thesj dingy has omelhtng to do wi the price of trneatr WMkenftal DWanrr, The lart quarter ef a erntury record eaany woodwful iliaeervriea tn meilioine, bat tMne Ihal hare arenmpliihrd nmrn for bniuanitv ihau that trrlniK old heuo hold -tatweily, Itrovn' Imo Hilum. It mn la contain the ry vl.mcui of pwd hrallh, and neither man, viman or rliild tV It without deririnit the rrrntnt lrntii. Browna'Iroo Hitlrra I aold alldtlrr. Caoata lit turned down tilvrrsm. and Bill and Gore ao did tlii long Ttiw snaa are a power In their rrniw live atat.

Tbey know lb dtrertkin of ti p.lnicl curreDta. On Ihie wue thry unioutiily oice the vUw of an overwhelming majority of tbe Democracy in thrir locality. OASTOIIIA. Mailt 1 tin anry wlt Jfutait OASTOniA. tttfaf iau; tits wa The rim btweea Mempbit tod ickr bug will fell at nearly all polota for a 4i d.y.

CIt3lJOTOVU BoUt Um nwrtbod nd reanlta wben 8mt of Pin ia taken: it ia pleasant aartfroaAingtttht tMte, audi tvcti tiy ywtwroinptly on tbe Kidneya, Uttaf ssS Powels, deaiuea tbe) aya. efferjtaiuy, dupeli colds, bead chai and ferera ana euros babitnai ooatipatioav Syrup of Figa ia tbo only remedy oi iu Kind ever pro-fadwd, ploMing to tbe taste and ac eeptabt to tbe itomacb, prompt in iU action and truly beneficial in iu tStwta, prepared out from tbe moat aVttatbyMd atrweable rabtrtancxs, iU inairy excellent craalitiee commend it to all toad hare made it tbe moat popelar remedy known. Byrapof Pup bi for ale in 60 tent DOtuea oy au leaaing urug- An mHbKIa AmtmitA who wJL. v.r,;n Trf. F.

tt BtompttTIor anyone wno totJTlt DO not accept MT nbatitate. VCUTZZI F13 STRUP CO. MAM MMliaDQ. CL tr, mtw ran, r. 1.

1 1 EIILROAD SCHFDI i '80-j NEW OELEANS No. 6, Southern Kiprecil Leave Arrive New Orlean 11 a 2l(looal mail)leavVicKnburK 8:0 in Arrive New Orlean p.m (No. 8 aed 21 connect fur Nat bez.) No, 6 (Northern Express) leave lean 4i! pro. Arrive Vickiburt II :60 m. No.

(local mi) leave New Or'e 8:20 a.m.; arrive Vickaburg (Noe. 0 and No. 32 com ect for NhicIi MEMPHIS DIVISION No. 6 (Northern Kxprrr,) burg at 1:01 a.m. Arrive Mempbliat 7:06 a No.S4(locai mail) leaveVitknburg 1:10 a Arrive at Memphis at 7:80 m.

(No. Ooonneot for Helena, No 21 connect for Greenville and all Rivertiiile divixmr points. No. 6 and 24 coii'i" at It -with fast Illinoi Ceo nl In i point. No 86 (l.e an A )- I I.

Vlokuburg 4:80 p.m Arrive Lehnd 7:45 ni. No. 05 (Leland Accomniodxlion) Leland 0:25 Urlve Vickxburu 9:30 No. (Southern Expiean) vtriiipliit 9:06 pm. Arrive at Vickaburg 4:05 a.m No.2S(liHtal maii)lrave Arrivee Vioktburir at 7:00 p.

ru. All train run daly Not. 0 and carry J'alice sleeping- cara ihiotinh between New a- Kan nil, Mo and local tieeiiers between New Orlrana and Vlcksburg the latter ipen for naienne at Vlctaburnat p.nv Beware of Imitations JOMI DUNCAN'a uun. MW vow. Pelltion for Liquor License.

To the Honorable Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Viilnce of Srjmi'a Ad. ditioo: We, the undereigned qualified voters of UwVtllaa of Speed' Addition, in th. necona Hupervtaor't Districi of Warren county, MlaMppl. do beieby netiiion your nuuuranie nuur 10 arani unto IT 1 1 1 LOUI8 RUFFIN, Who a resident tbereof and annliont .1 Hiwriur, a itornit) in retail ino Malt Nrttoua ana intoxicating Lkju In tbe lllsMof Upeel'i Addition, in quantities We rroonimand ih. aald Tnl.

Rffi tbe applicant to be af cooJ sober aod soluble person lo receive ench Homea. and a in duty bonnd will ever arar, de Michael Joeepb Mulvihill, Werreo Henry Clark, Henry Bonk, Walter Albeit Burton. Emmet Nekton Reynold, Botoma Derdeyn, John Joseph itoooran, Jeflb Fulton. Frtd Adatn Wachter, Bamoel Feiblemaa, John Oafwd Hutchinson, Muse Feibleman, Devid Marcua. Jeff Davis Tanner.

Patrick Joseph Roche. mchl 4 HOTEL PIAZZA -SftlTTTI WlsmvaTnv am MHUW, OX. llUWtiUl wt to both rttilroada and ateara aatwusiei. Wltn all th. Med era Improvementa WfWtyjNT Plgt, e.ra.

The "MlAAlsatpni Home itnan. ranee Cotnpaa jH offera "Inattr aaMthattnanuree.1 The Cotnna. BT aa tha Aeuci tor a aamber very atresia: laaaranoe) organ! aattoaa, aad lavltea peraona who wtaa txwaraaoe ta caUl and nt a''-'? The falifnrnia i-wAaav vt UAIA Limited i a i tl ff unit i i Wtfl. sr ViaSaaUFeSABto. Tb perfect train Tbe direct roste Tbe tuickeat time to Lee Angetea.

J. W.TEDFOKD, Oaa: Agent, 10Slio.bta8vlwa(o...

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