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New York Herald from New York, New York • Page 1

New York Heraldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ABEND, VON SDTTORF BBI NEUSTAD Jfonigreich, Hannover, Maurer Hem von Mockeu bel Hannover. Ihreadresse H.Arend couatTifenniitlvanla, reatantc QHAHLJE--CAN YOU SEE HARRY 2IST JNStf ON THE TERMS MEM 'Uoned in your letter. You may call perfect safety at onr place, or If you prefer a private interview, address as TjUa-TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT. JlMJflE. IK H.

WEEKS (HARRY HAZLETON) WILL at Nassau street, tie will confer a favor by so doing and oblige William II. KIT. AD MUST RETURN'TO HIS NATIVE CITY AND ALL will be right. HUT. ARIE-YOUR LETTER OF TUESDAY RECEIVED and I waited for you on the corner of Suth avenue Elchtb street irom 3 to 4 o'clock.

Send your address and say why you did not come. YOUR DARLING JIM. PARTRIDGE, TWO ABE YOU? Letter for you In Union square Post office. Address to flew York Hotel, riIBB LADY THAT RODE UP IK THIRD AVENUE ar cn Tb ire ja -y, 6 P.M., (basing bundle) and alighted at Thirty-siith street, can receive information by letter ad- C. L.

No. 2 Amity street. A. SPECIAL NOTICES. COLLINS A A in.) JEWELRY factory.

Tbese superior Emoting Lever Watches only S15 and $20 each. Equal in appearance and for time to ones costing $150 and 200- Jewelry and Chains of tbe same -metal. Every watch warranted. C. E.

COLLINS 4 335 Broadway, corner of Worth, up stairs. A -A -PERSONS WHO ARE INSURED IN GOOD lire insurance companies, and who do not desire to their policies by an absolute sale, can borrow the surrender value of their policies ny applying at Insurance Agency, 71 Broadway, room 23. A AT YOUR BUSINESS TILL 6 O'clock, and at half-past 6 be seated at your dinner at EV James Hotel, Marion (Went End), N. first class table; furnished rooms, en suite or singly; all modern improvements gas, baths, hot and cold water, New Jersey Bailroad, foot Cortlandt street, at 6:30, and 9A. U-; 10 and 11 SO P.

16 TolnutM from footcortlandt street. A A. IS SUKPKISMG, YEI jCt. true, Urwm A- Albert's Auricomus did quickly impart the desired change in my hair. It is not injurious, A -ITALIAN LOTION POK THE COMPLEXION PRE.

vents sunburn, freckles and pimples. For sale by Dr. ZAOHARIE, 760 Broadway, and all druggists. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS, SHOES, Trunks and Valisea at the Great family Shoe Emporium, KO Bowery, corner of Bond street, selling 20 per cent Broadway prices. W.

D. BIGELOW, ROBERT IKW1N. A BYNARD'S STORAGE ROOMS FOR FURNITURE and Baggage, SU2 West Fourteenth street, near avenue. Trucks 10 move experienced men to handle furniture. A --OFFICIAL LOTTERY DRAWING-- FOP.

LOCATION or HclNTlR'8 offices, seo advertisement on eighth 1 NOTICE--THE UNDERSIGNED WILL APPLY 'MMe'ropolilaii Board of Excise, on the 15th day of fora license to sell ale and beer only, at 744 Jbtevenlh avenue, New York city. H. HENRY AfSPEROH. I -TO BOXMAKER8, CABPENTERS, THE advertisers, being desirous of obtaining a mc- i of making wooden boxes so that it will be impossible to epen them, either by ton, bottom or sides, without showinc they have been tampered with. Invite samnles or nlann TS.jioUIW*l» BOI-BNION Jicourse, SstnwhTi July 17, at 3 P.M.; match for 32,000, beatipV harness.

M. Rodin's b. m. American O(r7; b. Mountain Boy! Cars leave South, Wall, Fulton and WilEunsburg femes every five minutes day for course direct.

WILLIAM 8HAW, Proprietor. ASHION COURSE, i. L--MONDAY, JULY AT a o'clock P.M.; stake, C. CtapW. g.f'w.

H. Taylor's W. Borsl'a br. OW Pnt; A. i p.

Mace's Locust. 8:80 train to Aewlown. Front Si' trance only. J. CHAMBERS, Proprietor.

EVERETT BBIOHAH WILL a. speak; before the Society of Progressive Spiritualists, today, ttlOJg and o'clock. Conference at ZX P. M. pOOLS WILL BE SOLD AT O'CLOCK TO-DAT ON the trot between Mountain Bo; and American Girl at Shaw's hotel, near the track.

BJOHKSON. all, come every one, neb. and poor, saint and tinner. Pealmg sung. ISHOP SNOW WILL PREACH IN THE UNIVERSITY, Washington square, oa Sunday, at 3 P.

M. Seats free. Manner and Time of the End of the World." I A U. OP PANCT DOGS AID BIRDS FOR -O- for all dlncajea. Prepared Food for mockingbirds, at B.

COVEY'S, Ho. Greece street cornel attended by Mra, Dovev. A BREEDS CHOICE DOGS AND MEDICINES-- jfl FRANCIS BOILER, No. 3 Peck Blip. Butler's Infallible Man Core ana Flea Eilermlnator, Me.

Butler's new work, 82. Biura gioct and Trained Import tricolor Geraninms. Dog OH for conaumptioo. THOB SALE--SIX YODSQ 8PL1T-NOSE BULL at street, New Tort A BARKER BTAMLIN'S CITY AUCTIOH HART, MAJOR C. W.

comer Broadway and Thirty-ninth street. AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Gentlemen's private Establishments disposed of at -pEV. H. A.

BUTTZ, OF DRBW THEOLOGICAL IN- XVttitnte-, will preach in St. Lake's M. E. church, Forty-first street, near Sixth avenue, on Sabbath morning, at 103rf o'clock. Evening services are impended for the present, ILLIAM P.

CORBIT, PASTOR OF JOHN STREET Methodist Episcopal Church, between Nassau and Willia-n streets, will preach on Sunday at and the evening at free. Strangers cordially invited. ION CHURCH, MADISON AVJBSTEE, CORKER OF Thirty-eighth Services to-morrow, July 18, at A. M. and8 P.

M. OUND-- IN A BROADWAY OMNIBUS, A SATCHEL, which the owner may obtain by describing contents ana paying for tbis advertisement. Address Sense, box 4,018 New York Post office. OST-ON THE 16TH, AT 8 O'CLOCK P. IN XJ Eighth avenue, a Pocketbook, containing money and papers.

Return tb.e papers to Jno. S. Young, 61 Broadway. at public v. all classes of purchasers, constantly on hand.

Orders promptly executed. Twenty-four hours allowed for trial on every horse sold under warrantee. Good stablinu for horses at pnblic or private sale. The onlv oart Jn the city hating a driving ring for showing horses oh sale. Carriages, Buscies.

taken on storage. -S-SiSS S53K Bay Horse, hands, 8 years old; warranted gound and and in all harness; can trot In 3 fine family or coupe noree; also Top Wagon, Harness. Blankets, the property of a gentleman who has no further use for them Splendid pair of matched dappled gray Ponies, 14 hands, 6 3d 7 years old; warranted sound and kind in all harness and warranted to trot verv sharp together; one of the most stylish and elegant pair of matched ponies this city; perfectly gentle for ladies or chjldjim to drive; they are also veryBnesaddteponies; tocetherwith stylish pony Phaeton ith scat behind for coachman, double Harness, sold ou of owner going to Europe. Celebrated bay gelding Mac, 16.3 bands, 8 years old. war- mted sound and kind in every way, ana warranted to trot 12:60 or no sale; this horse is gentleYor any person to drive jry stylish stepper; together with city made Road Waeon.

Harness, Blankets, Ac. Also other Horses, described at sale; Victorias, two-seated Oepot Wagons, 1 three-seated Depot Wagon, top and no too JUBgies, Rockaways, Baiters' and Express Wagons, Park: rbaetons, Harness, Sheets, Blankets, Whips, Halters, Lap Robes, in fact, everything in. the riding No postponement on account of weather. OST--IF THE DRIVER WILL RETURN SPRING Overcoat, left in hack at NewJHaven Railroad depot on Thursday afternoon, to Jas. W.

Bell, corner Fifth avenue and Twenty-second street, he will be suitably rewarded. OST--ON TUESDAY EVENING, A POCKETBOOK, containing one $2U bill, one $5 and some smaller ones, either Mr. lichen's apothecary store, on the corner of Broadway and Thirty-second street, or from there down town In a Broadway and Brodme street car. A suitable reward will be paid for the return of the same to Mr Haffey's ice cream 1,271 Broadway. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN," of beg announce that we bave accepted the agency KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY NEW SEVEN PER LOAN, FREE This loan amounts to FIRST MORTGAGE LANfTGRANT AND SINKING FUND BONUS, secured upon the extension of the railway from near Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado, a distance of 277 miles, of which are completed and the rest is under Is also a Mortgage npon rolling stock and first class railway, now running through EPHOPEAN' 8TEAMSIITPS.

EDUCED RATES. LONDON AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP LINE. s-tcainers fortnightly to London direct from pier No. 3 North river Passage at $90, and $30, currency: PARAGUAY ATALANTA 21 BBLLONA Angmrt? CELLA September 4 For passage to Hamburg, Bremen, Havre, Paris, Antwerp and Rotterdam, at cheapest currency rates, applv to ROBERT 5 a For MORTGAGE SALE OF 8 HORSE 3 COACHES, and double IvervtfiiDg will positively be sold. Goods must be removed mmediately after sale.

SAMUEL COBB, Mortgagee. A SSORTMENT OF CARRIAGES, Harness, c. HICKS, 82 Barclay street. OST-IN A TWENTY-NINTH STREET AND NINTH avenue stage, a Bundle. Some articles were marked "Journey ABucnbtm." By leaving it with chambermaid at Hudson River Railroad depot will be liberally rewarded.

OST--BETWEEN MADISON SQUAKE AND UPPER end of Central Park, three white Sacques, trimmed with colored striped satin. Please deliver them at police station Central Park and receive suitable reward. OCKETBOOK LOST-COMING FROM CORNER OF street and Th ird avenue to the address given below, containing several sums of money, a receipt for and other papers. Please return the pocketbook and papers (the money is not ercected) to Paul S. Brown, corner of J29th street and Fourth avenue.

"TOLSN--A ONE THOUSAND UNITED STATES FTVE- twenty bond, dated July 1,1867, No. U5.6?5. Any person it to Police olte, SCO Mulberry btreet, will be rewarded. (ftK REWARD--STRAYED, FROM 55 CHATHAM street, one small black Slut, with farce scar over one eye. Return to above number.

FINE ASSORTMENT OF CLAP.ESCES, COACHES HockawayB, Park, Pony un Basket Phaetons of all de- cnptions; Top and Ooen Wagons, Express, JaRger, Business and Side SonucR; new and second band Harnesa, from $12 p. Blankets, Saddles, Sheets, at GRAY'S City Repository, 20, 22, 24 and 26 Wooster street. A 65 EAST TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, NEAR THIRD XL avenue, to.doTM up the: business ot the late firm of OHM C. PARKER A fcw Carnages and Wagons om 00 eiy PTM ea An opportunity sel- amplemaybo accepted, we will pay toe sum of 825u casl Address HAW1KY 40 Gold sfrcet, New A PRETTY, WELL BUILT Pnce $75. Inquire of JOHN MILLER, in lumber van vr address EDGAR HUNT, Sing Sing.

lumucr yari TGTOB SALE-THE CELEBRATED SCHOONER YACHT Henrietta, 210 tons brden, old measurement, winner nf the great ocean yacht race to Cowcs, England, In 1868, (in which made the extraordinary run of 3SO miles in 24 hours), and vavcral other ocean races. The Henrietta has been on a cruise tofhe West Indies, but has returned to New York. her voyage from Key to Charleston she a run of 260 miles during rough weather, showing tha has lost none of her speed. The Henrietta has a commo- 4fouB saloon, handflomcly fitted up, with a large stateroom on the ctarhoard side, three other sta erooms and two state rooms forward for officers. The cabin furniture, kitchen utensils, are in complete order, and the vessel will be put to readiness to go to sea immediately.

The Henrietta will compare fatorably, lor speed and seagoing Qualities, with any yacht fn this country or England. For particulars address J. ANDERSON Herald offlce, Heiv York. OR SALE-A YACHT, ABOUT 20 TONS; FITTED UP in drat class style; price $1,1100 Apply to T. COLE, 70 Mercer street.

OR SALE--A GOOD FREIGHT PROPELLER, CHEAP l-i now running; economical on fuel. Address Boat, Herald oiDce. TEAM YACHT FOR FINE MODELLED steam yaclit, 5S feet long, llji feet beam, 10 Inch square cylinder, well found and in complete running order foi sale cheap, bbe Is very economical the item ol tuel. Address Dolphin, New York Herald olllce. TEAMBOAT WANTBD-ANV PERSON HAVING A good, substantial, light draught Steamer, can learn of a profitable route by applying to S.

S. NORTON i CO. Broadway, corner Thirtieth street. ANTED--A SECOND HAND SIX-OARED GIG IN good condition. Reply, stating particulars as to lencth, weifllt.

whrn built, by whom, to S. J. AINSWORIH. tox MS Albany, N. V.

JLOAN OFFICES. A 77 BLKECKER STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, UP liberally advanced on Diamrmds- Watchcs. and Jewelry, or tlic tame bought. Pawnbrokers' Tickets bonghr. WOLF BROTHERS, 5S9 BROADWAY, UP STAIRS.

formerly of Brooklyn--Money leaned on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Life Policies; partic ilarly on Pianos. Business confidential. Same bought and sold. A HIS JEWELRY STORE.

B57 BROADWAY, DAVID M. DAVIS advances money on Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry; business strictly private and no loan otllce about the store. A the same bought at the highesti market price, pawn broirere' tickets bought. 157.M BOWERY, NEAR BROOMfc, ADVANCES made on DumioiidB, Watches. Gold and Silver, Silks, A 120 BOWERY, NEAR GRAND STREETv-THE highest price paid for Diamonds, Watches, jewelry, Goods, Pistols, Pawnbrokers' Silverware, Silks, Dry tickets bought.

TTlIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY AND SILVER JL7 ware bought and money loaned on them by G. C.ALLEN. 415 Broadway, one door below Canal tu eeL OQ NASSAU STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Liberal advances made on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and all kinds of Merchandise, or the same bought Bust- HCSB strictly private. Room No.

1. BROADWAY, CORNER DEY S.TREJ6.T--NEWMAN LEOPOLD, having facilities, advances at low rates en Diamonds, Watches, Merchandise, Life Policies Pianos other securities, r-'oiinerly at 68 Nassau street A LADY OF 85, WHO IS AN ACCOMPLISHED JJL teacher ol Singing and Piano and an excellent performer, desires a position in a private family or iu an institute; speaks English, aud Is aote to teach French, German and Italian. Address Dr. Joseph Kammerer, 107 East ffwenty-thlrd street, for further information. A LADY WILL GIVE INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC AND Ji, the English Elementary Branches exchange for Board, within an Hour of the city Good references.

Address lor week A. M. Herald office. A TOWNSEND'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 186 BOWERY, -tX near Spring street-- Private Instruction, day and cren- gS, in Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Algebra, Niwic.aUon Reading, Spelling, Grammar. Ladies' department, i upils from other scfiouls received during their vaca- A BOOST AND JULY-- CHEAP LESSONS IN tkcc i Commercial EACH--BOOKKEEPING, ARITHMETIC, SPELL- pit German.

French to quallfv far hiuiiwWr lessons, 60. PAINE'S HiSlneMCollege, If always In iwilon throughout the year. Ladies' depart- menu. WRITING ARITHME- tic. grammar, spelling, day and evening; THOMPSON'S College, SO Fourth avenue.

Private intrac- Uon; ladies' department; preparatory course; French and IJEAUTY TO NKW JL Itau and Feathers. only place to find them, at Mma. t)NN8', 778 Broadway, itofe Ninth llrtet. Cut Ibis out. rflRAVKliLlNO BONNETS AND TRAVELLING HATS, 1 gun, all colon; I.

BINNS' In the world, 79 Broadway, up stain ictoria. One four seat Phaeton. One top and one no lop Buggy. A --FOR SALE, THE CELEBRATED TROTTING Horse reman Boy, hands, sound and kind and drive hv a lady. Can be seen at Tuomev's stables Hfty-thlrd street, between Third and Lexington avenues A TWO HORSE TRUCK FOR SALE-COST $800- WILL sell It for lees than half its cost; no use for it- it wS 1 Ca il 3t REWARD--FOR THE RETURN TO 32 EAST P'J Twenty-second street .1 black Diarv, lout on July in Sixth avenue, between Seventeenth aud Twenty-sixth sts.

CKI REWARD--DOG LOST; WHITE POINTER PUP iPJLv with liver colored spots; ears liver colored: small split in left ear- rhe above reward will be paid for his return to the oOice of the Irving House, Twelfth street and Broadway. flnn REWARD--LOST, A CAT RIGCED BOAT, 25 foot, painted green- The abovereward win be paid to any person givmer information of her. FRANK O'MALLEY, Club House, foot of Court street, Brooklyn J1 REWARD--LOST, IN RESTAURANT CORNER of Fulton and South streets, on Friday evening, be- twppn auct 7 o'clock, two Goid Chains rolled in while pappr. The above reward tv ill be paid to any one who returns the same to 28 Front street. questions asked.

A I SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOB 487 MILES Missouri river, and earning already enough to meet 8es and existing obligations, besides MORE THAN THE INTEREST UPON- THIS -NEW nrao'r'the to Ulte the oontl8 are teo secured by a first mort- BOVErJNMENT LAND GRANT OF THREE MILLION wtendtagin alternate sections on either side of the track, from the 39416 mile post In Kansas, to Denver. The proceeds or the sale of these lands are 10 be invested by the trustees ine7per cent bonds themselves up to 120, or United states Bonds, as a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds. Tbe tends embrace some of the finest portions of the magnificent Territory of Colorado, Including a coal neld a Toe company also holds as an asset another tract of THREE MILLIONS OP ACRES IN THE STATE OF KANSAS, and although not pledged as a security for this loan, their possession adds largely to the company's wealth and credit. vve estimate the VALUE OF THE COMPANY'S PROPERTY, COVERED BY THIS MORTGAGE, AT NET, WHILE THE LOAN MERELY The bonds have thirty years to run, from Hay 1. 1669, and will pay SEVEN PER CENT INTEREST IN GOLD, semi-annually, on May 1 and November 1, and are FREE FROM GOVERNMENT TAXATION, the company paying tbe tax.

The principal of tfls loan is made payable, in cold, the city of New York, but each coupon will be payable in Frankfort, London or New York, at the option of the holder, without notice, at the following rates bond in New York. (gold) each half year. On 81,000 bond In London 5s. lOd. each half year.

On $1,000 bond in Frankfort 30 krentzers, each half vear. The agents of tbe loan, before accepting tbe trust, had tbe condition of the road and the country through which It runs carefully examined. They are happy to give the loan an emphatic indorsement as a FIRST CLASS INVESTMENT in every respect, perfectly sure, and in some essentials even better than government securities. Tbe bonds will be sold lor the present at96, with accrued interest, both in currency, the agent reserving the right to advance the rate. The attention of is invited to these well secured bonds, which we recommend as one of the most profitable investments in tbe market.

Gold and government securities taken in payment at then- market value, without commissions. Pamphlets, with maps, giving full information, sent on application. DABNEY, MORGAN Exchange place- M. K. JESUP 12 Pine street, New York.

STEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND QUfcENSTOWN, ler No. 47 Worth river. A UGUST BELMONT A CO. issue letters of credit for travellers' use on Messrs. ROTHSCHILD, in Pans, London, Frankfort and Vienna, and their correspondents in all the principal cities of Europe.

Alho make telegraphic transfers on California and Euroue, -THE ABOVE REWARD 1VILL BE PAID TO the tterson who took a Lare Sliawl from the store of James McCrrery Co, hievcnth street and Broadway on Wednesday, July 14, by leaving at the store ot Secor Coffin, 345 Broadway, No ujicsiions asked. A HH EKI L0 1 OP WOBK AN" DBIVING A GENTLEMAN'S ESTABLISHMENT FOR SALE-Bay Marc, thoroughbred, half Abdallah, half Messenger, 10 years old, lOJj hands, rery handsome and fast; sound, gentle and reliable; speed 2 JO or less on road. Also Brew- Bier close shifting top Buggy, Harness, Whip, reluctantly sold for want of use: price for whola SSOtT Apply at No. 21) Exchange place, office No. 1.

A PAIR DARK DAPPLE GRAYS, 15 HANDS, SOUND and Kind, 6years old; Park Phaeton, Double Harncu, together or separate, very cheap. TAYLOR'S, 59 Cedar A LIGHT DOUBLE HARNESS FOB SALE-BLACK mountings: complete order; price S125. Can be seen at RUCK'S harness atore, 43i Sixth avenue. JULY 16, COMING FROM foot ot Barclay street to 60 Nassau street, a Roll of Bills, ronsistinr of nic bills; also a Check on First National Bank of Willinmsburg, drawn in favor of H. J.

Ubert; also a Receipt for $16 irom New York Gas Company. The abov reward will be paid by returniu" it to Ubert, 60 Nassau street. $200 WILL BE PAID (AND NO QUESTIONS asked) for the return of the articles taken from thp building corner Bowcrv and Bleeckrr street, or in proportion for any part of them. ROBERT IRWIN, 380 Bowery. REWAI 5 WILT, BE PAID FOR THE RE- covery of a large mncic ciuie Gold Watch.

Sneer maker, Chicago, No. 1,788, fort on Broadway, on the SieTht Jf December 26,1867. Return to or address General DetScUve Police Agency of Warrin, Whipple, Turner i 72 Broad- 8ECOND HAND FOUR-WHEEL DOG CART, BY Hain.onc by Wood Brothers, in splendid condition. Coupe RoclULwuy, Wagonette, top Buggies, Ac. Sellinc at cost to cluse them out HAM'S, Fourth street and Broadway.

CARRIAGES GREAT SALES nVERY DAY. Slightly soiled Carriages very low. Only one J'rice. Parties want of any le of Carriages arc Invited to examine the largest assortment ever offered. Pony Wagons, great variety; 1,000 Sets Harness.

CALVIN WITTY, tSS Broadway. OR SALE--A BOY'S PONY, WAGON, HARNESS, SAD- dle aud Bridle, almost new; sold separate or together, cheap; pony can trot very fast; very gentle. Inquire of J. 73 Cortlandt street, New York. OR SALE-- A LIGHT PIANO BOX WAGON, TO carry lour persons.

Also two lleht Road Wagons, one with nole. Alsu a light Gig. Inquire at 212 East Twenty.flrKt itreel, near Third avenue. OR SALE CHEAP-A PAIR OF LARGE BAY CAR- riagfc Horses, bands; ponycaltpd; been used for private carnage; kind, tc. Apply to ALFRKD PELL, 45 William street, or at FRY'S stable, Twenty-dchth street, near Fifth avenue.

OR SALE--A HANDSOME, LIGHT EXPRESS OR Business Wagon, with ton. city built and in perfect order. Apply at Thompson's stables, 136 East Thirteenth st. GUIDE. A LBANY AND TROY DAY LINE-CHANGE OF yi.

steamboats C. VIBBARD and DANIEL DEBW will, on and after Thursday, July 8, leave Desbrossee street at 8 aud Thirty-fourth street at 8:15. Landing at West Point, Cornwall, Newburg. Pouubkcopsie, Tivoli, Rfflnebeck, Catskill and Hudson. Tickets sold ard baggage cl board the boats to all points on New York laer and Saratoga railroads.

A SSESSMENT, IMPERIAL MINING COMPANY, $0, -O. coin, per share, delinquent 18th August, sale Sth KeptPm- ber. Payment can be made to LEES WALLER, S3 Pine A TLAKT1C SAVINGS BANK, Chatham square and New BOWPIV, June 21, liBS. Tbe trustees of this bank have ordered tee usual quarterly and hair yearly dividend at the rate of Sit per cent per annum to be paid on all deposits entitled thereto under tbe bvlaws. All interest not withdrawn-sv ill be added to the principal, and will be entitled to interest as a depoi.t.

Deposits made before Julv 21 will receive interrst as from Julyl- HARBISON HALL, President JOSEPH P. COOITK, Secretary. C. D. BAII.KY, Treasurer.

A DEPOSIT BEFORE JULY IM WILL DRAW INTER- est from July 1. Six Per Cent, free from Government tax. THIRD AY'ENUE SAVINGS BANK, 354 Third avenue, corner of Twentv sixth street. Open iliuly from 10 A. M.

to 3 P. anil oa Monday, Wednesday Saturday from 6 to 8 P. M. A 7 PER CENT, FIRSr MORTGAGE, FOR sale, due one year, discount 13 per cent, total interest 20 per cent; secured bv two Broadway stores valued at $150,0110. V.

K. STEVENSON Jt SON, 11 Pine street A --FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES ON GOOD city property cashed at the lowest market rales. M. A. J.

LYNCH, 72 Cedar street 'AND, Thompson, Saturday, July 17, at 11 A. M. BE 1 tu T'iay, July 24. aiS P. M.

Forbes, Saturday, July 31, at 10 A. M. or iueenslown-Cabin, $100 and $75; steerage, $30, currency. Steerage tickets from Liverpool or Queenstown, S37, currency. Apply at the company's office, 69 Broadway.

F. W. j. HUHST. Manager.

CTEAM TO GLASGOfr AND LONDONDERRY THE ANCHOR LINE, Favorite Clyde built passenger steamers, are intended to sail as Saturday, July 17 I Europa Saturdav An" 7 July 24 Aiuf 14 July311 AU" 21 and each succeeding Saturday thereafter, From pier 20 North river, at 12 o'clock noon. Bates of passage, payable in to Liverpool, Glasgow or Derry, $90 and $75. Excursion tickets, good for twelve months, $160. Steerage to Glasgow or Derry, $30; intermediate, $35. Prepaid certificates from these ports, $37.

Passengers booked to and from Hamburg, Havre, Rotterdam, Antwerp, at very low rates. Drafte issued, payable at any bank in Great Britain and Ireland. -For further information appiv on tbe steamers, foot of Dey street, or at the Company's offices, No. 7 Bowling Green, New York; HENDERSON "C10R LIVERPOOL AND LINE JL' of mail steamers are appointed to sail as follows OF BOSTON Saturday, JuIvW. 12 H.

CITY OF LONDON Saturday, P. If. CITY OP 37,1 M. and each succeeding Saturday and alternate Tuesday from pier 45 North river. BATES OF PASSAGE By the mail steamer sailing every Saturday, Payable in gold.

Payable in currency. First Cable Steerage ToLonaon 105 To London 40 To Pans US To Paris 43 Passage by the Tuesday steamer, via Halifax. First Cabin. Steerage. Payable in gold.

Payable in currency. Liverpool $80 Liverpool Halifax 20 Halifax 15 SL John's, N.F., by branch St-John's, N. by branch steamer 45 steamer 30 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, at reduced rates. Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates by persons wishing to for their friends. For further information apply at the comnanv's offices.

JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, New York. TEAM TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Every Wednesday, Thursday and Satm-tiav. NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 14.

ENGLAND Saturday, July 17. Drafts payable in any cart of England, Ireland. Scotland, at current rates of exchange. Apply at THOMPSON'S Passenger olllce, 73 Broadway, corner ol Rector street. HE HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S iron mail steamship ALLBMANIA, Captain B.

Meyer, carrying the United States mails, will sail on Tuesday, Jnly at 2 P. for HAMBURG. taking passengers for Hamburg, Plymouth and Cherbourg. First Cabin, Second Cabin, Steerage, iB23, gold. Payable in United States cold.

The HOLSATIA to sail Jnly 27. KUNHARDT C. B. RICHARD A BOAS, General Agents General Pasxenger Agents, 61 Broad Btreet, N. Y.

No. 6 Karclaj street, Y. TT1OR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA PORTs I 1 New York and Charleston Steamship Company's class lidewhee! st-atnsbln CHAMPION, Captain R. W. Lockwood, on Saturday, July 17, at 3 P.

Jailingfrom pier No. 5 Kortlj river. inir issued fn eoiv all points Soutti and Southwest, and with steamers to Florida ports. Oooda forwarded Irec of commission. Bills of lading fumisbed and signed on the pier.

1 this line one-half per cent. JuJ ll TTAN wU1 fo OH and OD SMnnlVt HENR7 E. MORGAN Asents, Boadway. CHARLESTON, S. Rnssia Wednesday, Aug.

11. Palmyra, Thursdav, Aug. 13, Java, Wednesday," Aug. 18. A -OFFICIAL LOTTERY LOCATION MUNTIRE'S offlces, eee advertisement on eighth page.

OWERY SAVINGS BANK, NEW YORK, JUNE, Interest will be paid to depositors at the rate of per cent on all sums from SS to and on all sums exceeding $2.000 live (5) per cent upon such excess of decos- ith provisions of tue bv-laws free from on 'entral, Rensse- OR SALE--A FINE BAY HORSE, 1614 HANDS HIGH pony built fit for a cart or truck- Also a hne stylish sorrel Horse, fit for light work, 15! hands high; price S125 and sold only for the want of use. At 136 Perry street, in tbe stable. TYIOR BOSTON VIA FALL RIVER DIRECT. The world renowned steamers BRISTOL AND PROVIDENCE, Commander BKAYTON, Commander SIMMONS, will leave (alternate days) DAILY from pier 30 Ii orth river, AT p. Cambers street, BODWORTH'S CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA, URAND PROMENADE CONCERT EVERY EVENING.

7his is ihe only line running a SUNDAY SIGHT BOAT. PROVIDENCE passengers bv tbe above steamers will leave Fall River at A. arrivim: at 6-30 A RETURNING will leave PROVIDENCE at 5 P. nmkin-" direct connection with tbe boat, and allowing a good night's rest on board each way. To better accommodate the public the splendid steamers NEWPORT AND OLD COt-ONl, Commander LF.WIS, Commander MII.LF.K, will leave (alternate days) DAILY (Sundays exuepted), from pier 23 North river (foot of Murry street), AT 630 P.

M. FOR BOSTON VIA NEWPORT. FREIGHT received at pier 30 up to 5 P. and at pier 28 up to 6 SO P. M.

each evening. JAMES FISK, President, M. SIMONS, Managing Director, CHAS. H. VAILE, General Passenger Agent, H.

H. MANGAM, Freight Agent, Narragnnsett Steamship Company. draw interest accordingly Irom the 1st instant. The bank ia open for biiBinenq dally from 10 to 3 o'clock, and on Monday- Wednesday aud Friday evenfncu in addition, from 5 to 7 o'clock, at 130 Bowery. By order of the trustees.

THOMAS JEREMIAH, President. Q. H. COGGESHAI.L, Secretary. i' SAVINGS BANK, 58 Bowery, sooUjsvest corner of Canal I Six per cent interest, fiSm 95 to Assets $6,510,16331.

Money deposited now will imroat from July 1 1ENTRAL PAKE SAVINGS BANK, So5 THIRD nuc and Fifty second trustees of this bank bave ordered the quarterly and half-yearly dividend of six per cent per annum, free of tax, on all sums under the rules entitled thereto. Deposits made before July 20 will draw interest from July 1. JOSEPH O'DONOBUE, President. FREDERICK LOEW, Secretary. IME SAVINGS BANK, NOS.

3 AND 5 BROADWAY. Deposits made on or before the 20th draw from July 1. Six per cent on $5 or Jfi5 OUO. WELD THOMAS, 21 NASSAU STREET, ROOM NO 8, wants all classes of Southcin, Northern and securities. 1UARDIAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.

VT 187 Broadway, New Tort, July 14, IBbQ. The Board of Directors have this a dividend, of hve per cent, free of government tax, payable on and after Saturday, the 17th iiist WALTER K. PAYE, Secretary. OR SALE AT A SACRIFICE-EXTENSION TOP Phaeton, by Brewster; double Harness, by Lowdon; city made top Wagon; all in excellent order. 602 West street, corner of Jane.

OR SALE CHEAP-A SPLENDID STRONG DOUBLE Truck, in good wortlns order. Inquire at PAUL Forty-sixth street. OVERNMENT SADDLES, TENTS, Wagon and Horse Covers, Military Clothing, Klanteta! J.c. Send for circular. PITKlN A Np.oParfc place.

PAIR BLACK HAWK AND MORGAN MARES, EIGHT years old, hands half sisters; very stylish; WQ BROWN PENNSYLVANIA HORSES, SIX YEARS, 16J6 and 17 hands, sound and kind In all also ne gray road Hare, alx years, perfect, and two-seat Depot Vagon and Harness. Inquire at 329 South Fifth street, Jer- HE BEST AND MOST INNOCENT MEDICINES IN the world, for are Condition they cleanse the Urinary Organs, give a fine Coat mprove the Appetite, destroy Worms and. Dots; 25 cents per Sold by the Druggists and Saddlers- Depot, 10 Park ilace. ANTED--TWO SUBSTANTIAL SECOND HAND spring Wagons, with or without tops; capacity, ten an-els flour on end. Address, with full Wacons, 014,487 New York Post oOOce.

1 fc Qfk-BLACK HORSE, 8 YEARS, 16 HANDS, sound, kind; Canadian, 7 years, cheap ire. S40. Must sell; no use for them. Ml West Thirty first trect, near Eighth avenue. ATHE WANTED-A SECOND HAND 16 FEET 24 LJ inch swing Chuck Lathe, ingood order.

Address, with owest net caso price, box 3,829 Post office. riTANTED-A SECOND HAND OUTDOOR FOUN TT tuin. Any person having one will address COMSTOCK A HARRIS, Fulton Market, clly, or C. HYDE, boi I 361 Poat New Haven, Conn. $100 PER DAY DISCONTINUED.

Having obtained an extensile and widespread sale for our 2BNTUKY brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, we desire announce that we shall not pack daily $100 in the small nfoil papers after thudaie, Jniyl, its merits befnj; so favor- bly recognized that this inducement is no longer necessary, avoid misapprehension, however, we would add that ue iall continue to pack orders for elegant Meerschaum Pipes our YACHT CLUB and EUREKA brands of Smokiu" obacco. Tbe YACHT CLUB Is devoid of Nicotine and cannot in- ire the health, and la especially recommeuded to people of edentary occupations or nervous constitutions. The tra de are invited to send for circulars. P. LORILLARD, New York.

FUKNITUKE. A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT HOUSEHOLD FUR- niture for family declining hoiisckeopkeop TMi broeatel, cost ftfO for $178 ae, or $70; Pianoforte, Bookcaie, Etaceres Pamtinm Books, Chamber, Dinlnlnjt Furniiur? Sina SSwafl, nverware. 67 West klfieenth street, near Sixth avenueV EW YORK TO RUTLAND WITHOUT CHANGE OF cars. On and after July 1.1869, passenger trams will leave New York and Harlem Railroad depot, corner Twenty-sixth stree and Fourth avenue, daily (Sundays excepted), at 7 A. M.

aud 4 P. for Montreal, Ogdensburg and intermediate points. Tickets can be procured and baggage checked to all points north. I. C.

BUCKBOUT, General Superintendent. NEW YOKK, June S8, 18S9. EW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD LINE, from foot of Cortlandt street- Cape May, without change of cars. Through cars are attached to the noon train from New York, and run through to Cape May without change, arriving at 7 P. M.

Tickets for sale at foot ol Cortlandt street, the depot, Jersey City, and 944 Broadway. New York. F. W. JACKSON, General Superintendent.

F. W. RAN KIN, General Passenger Agent. TEAMER MARY POWELL WILL COMMENCE BUN- ning Saturday June 5, 1869, for Cozzens', West Point, Cornwall, Newburg, New Hamburg, Milton, Pmighkeepsle and Rondout, leaving pier, foot of Desbrosses street, everv afternoon at 3.30. HARON SPRINGS, N.

Y--PASSENGEBS EATING New York by day boat, People's line or New York and Troy line steamers, can procure through tickets bave their baggage checked direct to Sharon Springs via ALBANY AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD, and avoid a long transfer in Albany. Night boat passencers reach Sharon at 12 30 P- M. and those by day line steamer the same eucnmg. Ask for tickets and checks via Albany and Susquehanna Railroad. ROY LINE FOR ALBANY AND TROY--THE FART- est, elegant evening nver Steamboats in tbe world.

VASDERBILT or CONNECTICUT leaves pier 44 North river, foot of Spring street, every evening (Saturdays excepted) at 6 o'clock, and foot of West Thirty-fourth street at 6-15. Fare only $1 50. being $1 75 less than rail and 75c- cheaper points mont and western Massachusetts. Tickets sold and state rooms secured at DODD'S Express Offices, 423 and 814 Broadway, New York, and No. 1 Court street, Brooklyn.

Baggage called for at residences and checked through to destination also at 308 West street, above Spring. Passengers landed in Saratoga iu time for breaktaet. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF JV New York, office G4 Wall street, New York. July 9.185P-- The of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of five per cent, free from government tai payable on and after July 15,1869. Tbe transfer books will be closed from this date until the 15th inst, JOSEPH L.

TOWNSEND, Secretary. -VCECHANIGS AND TRADERS' SAVINGS INSTITUTION. 1X1. Bowery, near Houston street. Dividend Notice, The Trustees have declared the usual dividend of six per cent per annum, on all samaof from $5 to entitled, thereto for ihe six months and three months ending and also an extra dividend of one per rent out ot the earnings of tbe past six months on the above entitled turns, being at the rate of Eight per cent per annum, payable on or alter July 20.

Six per cent per annum, free from tax, allowed on all sums of from to 1Q.UINL Deposits made on or ueiore July 20 will draw interest from July I. German spoken. Open daily from 10 A. M. to 3 P.

and on Mondavs and Wednesdays from 10 till 7 o'clock, ALFRED T. CON KLIN, President. HENRY C. FISHED Secretary, UNARD LINE. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Between New York and Liverpool, calling at Cork Harbor.

Scotia, July 21. Siberia, Thursday, Ane. 5. Tarira, Thursday, JalytS. Cuba.

Wednesday, July 38. Tripoli. Thursday, July 29. China, -I. Samaria, Thursday, Aug.

19. RATES OF PASSAGE. Bv the Wednesday Steamers, Dot carryms Emigrants. First Cabin, $13(1, gold- Second Cabin, SSO, gold. First Cabin, to Bythe Thursday- and Saturday Steanerrs.

First Cabin, ffiSfl, sold. Steerage, $30, currency. Etcrrape tickets from Liverpool and Qnreiutown and aK parts of Europe, n.t lowest rates- Through Bills of Lading for Belfast, Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp and oilier ports on the continent, and for ranpan ports. For-Frcipfatand Cabin passage, apply at the Company's office, No. 4 Bowling Green For Steerage paseace, at 111 Broadway, Trinity Building.

CBAF. G. FRAJsCKLYJf, Agent. npHE NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS steamship WESER, Captain G. Wenkp, will Bail, carrying the United Statra mall, foot of Third street.

Hoboken. On THURSDAY, July 22, for BREMEN VIA SOUTHAMPTON. taking passengers to LOtflON, HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON and BREMEN, at the following rates, payable In gold -First Cabin $120) Second cabin 72 Gold Thirdcabln CMQ 0 For freiyli: or passage apt-Ir to OIiIjKICHS 6S Broad street. TTN1TED STATES AND BRAZIL STEAMSHIP CO. The clejinut Ecrew steamship MERRIM ACtC, 2,000 tons burden, Captain will sail for St.

Thomas, Bahia and Rio de Janelio on Friday, July 23, at P. from pier 43 Hortn. rirer. For freiiibt or passage apply to WILLIAM K. OAERISON, Agent, No.

5 Bowline Green, New Tort. DIRECT LINE TO PRASCE. The General Transatlantic ComDftny 6 Mall Steamships between New Yorfe and Havre, calling at Brest. The splendid vessels on trjla favorite route tor the Continent will sail from Pier No, 60 North Klver, as LAI'RluNT, Lemane Saturday, July 24. VtLLlS DE PARIS, Sunnont Saturday, Aug.

7. LAFAYETTE, Ronssan Saturday, Au 21. PEHEIKE. Ducbcsne Saturday, SepL 4 Rates ol Passage payable in gold (including Krest or Havre-- First Cabin, $140; Second Cabin, $75. To Pans (Including railway ticket) $146 ana $78.

These steamers do not carry steerage passengers. American travellers colng to or returnlnir from the Continent ot Europe, by takinc the steamers ot this line, avoid both transit by English railways and the discomforts of crossing the Channel, besides saving time, trouble and expense. GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent, ES Broadway. TEAM TO QtfEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL.

From New York onlv S30. steerage. MANHATTAN Forsvth July 21 IDAHO Cuttui(! Wednesday, Jojy 2S From pier 46 North river. Cabin passase gold. Passage from and to New York, Pans, Hamburg, Rotterdam, ic.

Drafts on Ireland, England, France and Germauv at lowest rates. Apply to WILLIAMS 6UION, 29 Broadway. Cr commander, a 2 1 a 3P. from pier No. North river, toot of Rector street.

Throngh bills of lading to all points South and Southwest. in Charleston (Ravenel Co.) forward a'l goods free of commission. ARTHUK LEARY, Agent, 13 Williarn rt. The SAKAGOSSA will sanjuly 28. EXCURSIONS.

A FOB THE MSHING BANKS DAILY, SATDR- days excepted, steamer KIP TAN WINKLE, Captain PecJt slip at 7 :50 A. M. Christopher street, N. at 8:30 and pier 9A.a.;andoa Sundays, from Bisbto street, B. at 7 A.

H. Bait, lines, refreshments and music on board. Fare, $1 ladies, 50 cents. 4 -SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO' HABLEB, HIGH Bridge and Karl's Pari S5TLTAN GROVE and SYL- STREAM wffl leave Harlem about every hoar, from 9 A. M.

to :30 P. M. leave Peck slip about every hour 9:15 A. M. to 7 P.

landing at Eighth street each way. A -SUNDAY EXCURSION BOAT FOR COLLEGE PomUWbitestone, City Island and New Steamer NEVEKSINK leaves Peck slip every Sunday at 9 A. rain or shine. Returning, leaves New Rochelle at 3 :39 P. landing at Eighth and Thirty-Eeventa streets each A HOY FOR ROCKATTAY AND SEA SIDE--THE SEAf JA.

steamer H. M. COOL wfl! nm to Kootsway on Sunday, JalylS. and every Sunday dunnr the season, leaving "Vesttst street, North river, at 8:40 A-MTand pier No. 4 at 9A.M.

Returning leaves Rockaway at 4 P. M. BATH AND CONEY ISLAND RAIL- JL road Steam cars are ranniaTM erery half honr: cars from Hamilton, WaU, South and Fulton femes connect at Greenwood. pHOLERA SEA BASS AND ELCEFISH. The famous sea steamer YANKEE, Saturday night, July 17, will go ram or shine, and be fishing at daylight.

Anderson Colwell, pilot, will be on board this boat, and on Coffee and chowder served free-TlBait, lines and refreshments onboard. Franklin street, 11-30; Christopher street, 12; Eighth street, East nver, 12 '30; Broome street, 12-45; Pecs; A. -M. Fare 82. JAS.

A. SCOTT. EZCffSSIONS STEAMER HOLMDEL. Captain James G. Taylor, vnli leave New- York, pier 26, foot of Barclay street, duriag the roontb July at 12 returuing will leave Keypors at 6 Saturday and Sunday eicepted.

From New York Satiny flay at 2 P. M. Fare, 40 cents; excursion tickets, 60 cents. XCELSIOR THE POPULAR NEW ou the Hudson for also Crossett Grove, -withr and Barges, such as desired. 552 West street, near Christopher.

H. B- CROSSETT, street. North river, 9:20, SaO; Warren street at 9:40, 12:40 and pier 4, Morris street, North river, at 10, I and 4 o'clock. The SYLVAN SIIORE, Captain E. T.

Wilson, makes regula? trips to Conev Island, leaving North Eighth burs, at 8 A. Broome street. New York, Ht 8:20, 11.20 and" 220; Peck slip at 8:40. 11:41) and Fulton ferry. Broof lyn, at 12 and 3 o'clock.

RAND GERMASIA EXCURSION SUNDAY, JULYI8. qne sail up the Hudson nver, landing at Ny5 ack oa the steamer R. L. Mabey and barge Rhinebeck, mg foot of Broome street. E.

at 8 Ai from pier No, N. at 9 A. from foot of Christopher street, N. at 9 30 A. from foot of 1 hirty-fonrth street, N.

at 10 A. M. Tickets 50 cents. Refreshments on board. Tickets to sold on board, oral 75 Grand Btreet, by JOHN B.

KAKCBEB- and JOHNSON, Managers. I ONA ISLAND PICNIC GROUNDS ARE THE MOST attractive on tbe Hudson river. For use of grounds address S. COCKCROFT, HI Broadway, or HASBBOOCK BtJSHNELL, lona, near PeekskiU. ORNING LINE TO STEAM EK! ANTELOPE leaves every morning, without from the toot of Harrison street at So'cloclc, landing at Thirty- fourth street at Yonters, Hastings, Dobbs' Ferry, (Tarrytown and Nyack byCferryJ, jSing Sing, Haverstraw, Grassy Point and Vet-planks.

XTEW YORK AND FAR ROCKAV7AY DAILY--STEAM- 1 er K. L. JIABEY, Capt. Phillips, leaves Eighth streeU B. at 8 A.

Peek slip, 8:15 A. Fulton Ferry, BrooiS A. landing at all hotels on the beach. Returning, leaves Rockaway at 4 P- ICNIC AND EXCURSION PARTItS CAN CHARTBK from us the best Groves, Steamboats and Barges, as Wo control the best. Satisfaction guaranteed.

BLOOMER 243 Front street. PEGOT.AR SUNDAY BOAT FOR, AMDr -TV after Sunday, June 6, tbe steamboat GENERAL SEDCJ- WICK wni make her regular trips between New York and Keyport, making the usual landings. Leave foot of Barclay street 9 A. M. Leave steamboat landing Kevport 4 P.

M. EGULAK Mn Point, Cold Soring and each wav. The favorite steamboat SLEEPY Captain J. Sherman, leaves Fulton ferrv, Brooklyn, 8 A. Christopher street, North river, Thirty-fourth street, North river, 9 o'clock, allowing two hours at Newburc- Fare 50 cents each way.

OTEAHEK THOMAS E. HDLSE LEAVES FOOT OP ChriRK pher street daily, Sundavs included, at 10.2, und tor Valley and Fort Lee, landing at fourth street all trips but the up trip. Music on board. UNDAY TRIP TO LOKS Branch via Pleasure steamboat HELEN wllfc hereafter connect with steamboat SEA BIRD on and convey passengers direct to Pleasure Bay. Fare on Sea, Bird, 50 cents; fare on Helen, 25 cents.

The SEA BIRD leaves Sunday morning, July 18, at o'clock. Returning, leaves Bed Bank and Pleasure Bay at 350 P. AX. UNDAY BOAT FOR GLEN COVE, LANDING AT Whltestone, Sand's Point, Glenwood and AHBOWSMITH will leave Peck slip, pier No. 24.

East rivir, Sunday, July IS, at 9 A. stopping at Thirty- seventh street each way. UNDAY EXCURSIONS TO HEWBUK3 and TVest Point The steamer SIJNNYSIDE. the finest dav boat on the Hud- three hours at Newburg. Returning will Icava arrive at New York at 6 o'clock P.

II. Fare each way oOc. NITED STATES PASSPORT passports of the Department of Slate issued bv A WILLMARTH, United States -District Clerk's office, 41'Cham- bers street. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. ACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA AND CHINA.

Through rates, New York to San Firtt Cabin. Inside. Second Cabin. $185. Steerage.

$75. A QUIET GENTLEMAN WANTS I BED- room on second floor; water and closets; good location away from stables, quirt, cultivated family: between third aud Sixth avenues, below Thirtieth street. Address Normand Herald office, stating summer aud inter prices. ANtED-A SMALL HOUSE, IN A RESPECTABLE neighborhood; rent not to exceed S800 per annum Address J. A.

box Port office. SAYINGS BANK, ITJ. 82 Nassau street, near Fulton, New York. Open dally from 10 A. M.

to 3 P. and on Mondays and Thursdays from 5 to 7 P. M. Six per cent interest allowed on all Mims of $5 and upwards, free from government tax. Deposits made on or belore July SO will draw interest from July 1.

TRUSTEES. John G. Llghtbody. Jacob F. Carlton.

Wm. Van Name. Peter Voorhis. P. Richards.

John C. Bishop. Jas. S. Carpentier.

Bart. P. Chapell. Thomas B. Coutant.

G. L. Goddard. Gersbom Banker. Conrad Wetteyen.

David B. Gould, Ellas J. Beach. Geo. M.

Woodward, B. P. Sherman, Amos P. Hawley. Chas.

W. carpenter. William L. Cole. H.

Conklin. James Dennis. George Jarvis. Eli Martin. UJl(k.

JKVO bteamers or the above line leave pier No. 42 North nver foot of Canal street, at 12 o'clock noon. On 1st, llth 2)st, each month, daJS faU lhen the da re One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free July CHAUNCEY, Captain Seabury, connecting with GOLDEN CITY. Captain Parker.

g'eanier leaving July 10 connects closely with steamer ORfcOONIAk, leaving San Francisco Au'-ust 4 for China and Japan. NOTICE TO for steamer HENRY CHAUNCEY received until 4 on Tuesday, July 20. All usual facilities afforded shippers in collecting inland charges, Forfreicht or passage tickets and all further information apply at the company's ticket ouice, ou the wharf, foot of Caaal street. F. R.

BABY, Agent. UNDAY MORNING BOAT FOR NEWBUKG. Fare 50 Cents. Tbe steamer THOMAS COLLYER will leave the pier foot of Warren street every Sunday morning at 7 Christopher street at 7:40, Thirty fourth street at $7:45, landing at Hastings, DobbV Ferry, Irvington, Ming Sing, Haverslraw, COf- zens, Cold Spring and Cornwall. Returning will leave Newburg at 1SC.

arriving in New York at 6 o'clock. Tickets to Newburg and return 7oc. rjlO THE CHOLERA BANKS--THE POWERFUL SEA J. going steamer PHILIP, Captain Sam Wallace, will make, lines and refreshments on board-' B'ait and chowder freel Schoonmaker. Ed.

Hope. Be at the landings early. WK. VAN NAME, President. BENBT H.

CONKI.IN, Secretary. 1JEGULAR LINE Xl For Puerto Plata, Samana and St. Domingo City, via Turks Wand, Tbe favorite steamship TYBEE, Capt. E. A.

Deianoy, will leave for tbe above ports on Saturday, July 17, at 12o'clock noon, precisely. For freight or passage (having elegant to SPOFFORD TILESTON 4 29 Broadway: fflHE EXCELSIOR SAVINGS BANK, J. S68 Sixth avenue (Booth'n Theatre Building), will open on MONDAY, July 26. Sn per cent Interest allowed ou all sums from $1 to $10,000, Free from Government Tax. Money deposited before August 1 will draw interest from July 1.

WILLIAM M. GILES, President HORACE K. THURBER, First Vice President. HUGH MURRAY, Second Vice President. T.SAAO S.

BABEETT, Secretary. TRUSTEES. Herald olllce, with lull particulars. ANTED-A FLOOR OF FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, unfurnished, by a small family, would prrter a French house. Rent mast be moderate.

Adding, mating price, A. J. 36 Beekmau street. ANTKD-A SMALL HOUSE, IN A GOOD LOCATION to lease nr rent; price not to eireed small family and responsible tenant. Address C.

box 141 Herald olllce. ANTED TO LEASE-FOR A TERM OF YEARS, A Plot of Ground, comprising eight or ten lots, between LOTOY and Thirtieth streets, with bulkhead, on the North river. Apply to FRANCIS TOMES, or S. HASTINGS GRANT, 194 Broadway. WTANTED TO RENT-A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, TT In a good situation.

In ibis city or Us Immediate vicinity; rent not to exceed $WO to per annum. Address B. box 106 Htrnid ollict. iimiiblDc tbe'honn and Haling William M. Giles.

Horace K. Thurber. Hugh Murray. Henry S. Osborn.

Ehas P. Lawrence. Henry Welsh. John F. Pupko.

Henry. John VT. Bock'horn. Bernard L. Ackermaun.

William A. Hare. OeorRf K.Meyers. Henry Massing. Michael Connolly.

Daniel J. Coitar. Hpllry Harms. Frank B. Tuurber.

James Comi James S. Barron. L. AIcDermott. Edward Smith.

August R. Muttiace. Frederick A. Hiilaoock. Richard Field.

Vincent C. Klnjf. Charles F. Mattiage, NITED STATES MAIL TO HAVANA. Atlantic Mail Steamship Company.

Sailing regularlv, every Thursday, at 3 o'clock precisely, from pier No. 4 North Captain (). W. Palmer, July 22. COLUMBIA, Captain E.

Van Sice, July 29. EAGLE, Captain M. R. Greene, August a. For fi eight or passage apply to S.

5. WHEELER, Jr. President, No. 5 Bowling Green. CHARTER FOR EXCURSIONS--THE FINE SE4.

steamer YANKEE, Captain Andrew Hennessey. Thei YANKEE has just been thoroughly overhauled, oainted ants rentted, with awnings, ana is the beat steamer lor excursions, picnics, In New York- She can be chartered on reasonable terms of the Atlantic Submarine Wrecking Company. 62 South street. mO CHARTER FOR EXCURSIONS--THE STEAMBOAT General Sedgwick, having been thoroughlv overhauled and painted, will be ready to make excursions from New- York andvicmlty. For terms inquire of the Stephens CondiC Steamphip Company, pier S6 North river, foot Barclay street.

New York, or loot Centre street, Newark, N. J. TTONKERS FLORENCE i leases Franklin street, pierSS at 11 A. and Sundaysatfl.30A.M.,lJ)Oand6:I5P. It.

Freights received dally. 20 cream saloons, supplied from Prospect Park to Harlem river. Orders by mail will NORTH MOORE GOUGE, Orange county Milk and Cream. Hotels, ico EVlll receive attention. 4:19 finn --WANTED, A LOAN OK FOR two years, for winch in property will tie clven as security.

Address S. M. J-, Herald office, for two days. Llty property. --IN O.MB SUM, AND SEVERAL SUMS Of $5,000 and to loan, on New York WM.

CALLKNDER, 25 Nassau direct. fc! finn OR HEQDIRED, for one year, on Al gas stock worth at least double, or will sell out at a premium lor cash. Addreta II. Herald office. OST OFFIOK MAILS FOR EUROPE on Saturday, July 17, will cloie this office 10 A.

M. and at the Matlont and 8 and O. M. t. H.

AVANA, SISAL AND VERA CltUZ- New Vork and Mexican Mail Bteamshlp Line, sailini: every twenty dajs from pier 17 East rner, at 12 M. The splendid new steamer? CITY OK Captain Deaken, Wednesday, Julv2i CLKOI'ATRA, Captain Phillips, Tuesday, August fo. For treight or passage apply to r. ALEXANDRE 4 SONS, 3S Broadway. 10R NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.

MERCHANTS' STEAMSHIP LINE, comprising tie hrat class steamships GENERAL GRANT Caotnin Omck A -OFFICIAL DRAWINGS Missouri and Kentucky State Lotteries. MISSOBRl--EXTEi CLASS 457, JULY 16, 76, 21, 16, 56, 74, 59, 28, 1, 6. 31. 45, 27. MlBSOTJM-ctASs 458, JDI.T 16, 18S9.

04, 64, 40, 28, 43, 75, 5S, 11, 25, 61, 18, 8. KEMDOKT-- EXTKA CLASS 4.S, JC1.Y 16, 1S69- 78, 39, 57, 72, 6, 76, 33. 8. 18, 36, 67, 25. KEJ.TOCKY--CLASS 4S4, JOLy 16, 1S69.

65, 27. 70, 49 48. 30, IS. 34, 38, 10 67. Information furnished in the above and also Koyal Havana lotteries.

J. CLUTE, Broker, Mo. 20a Broadway and 153 street. TTEALING SALVE--THE ONLY SURE CURE IN THB. JJ.

world is BERG'S Universal Russian Healing Wo-inds cuts, bruises and aoresof ail kinds are speedily ruled. Lome and try it. without charge. Ollice S60 Bowery, New lore. Open all day and evening, also Sundays.

For sale by all druggists. Price 6t)c- and SI per jar. Captain W. P. Henry MBADB Captain A.

W. Sampson UNITED STATES Captain G. L. Norton The steamship SHERMAN, Captain Win. P.

Henry, will be despatched on Saturday, July 17, at 3 o'clock P. M. from pier 12 North nver. Freight received at through rates for St. Louis, Mobile and Galveston.

The GENERAL MEADE will succeed, Saturday, July 24. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to FREDERIC BAKER, Broadway. ver at 3 NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. The Cromwell Line. Steamships ofthis line will leave pier No.

9 North IT O'clock P. GKOKGE WASHINGTON, Gager Saturday, July 17 CORTES, Nelson Saturday, July 24 Freight taken for St Louis, Mobile and (ialvestoa at through rates. for panaue, and second rlass, or freight apply to u. B. CjjoijwELi, ca a A RTIES WILLING TO EXPERIMENT ON FIRE EN- gines to throw carbonated water; a continual stream six al'ons of gas with each gallon of water; very little alteration of present apparatus necessary; no chemfcaiti naed to fire engine builders a small sum would be sufficient.

for particulars C. Heiald ETER TOTAN'S, TURNER AND DEALER IN and mantltacturerof Billiard Balls, Cues, and imnnrltr of Billiard Cloth. Cues. Letter Chalk and Biulard rnercban- dise in general, Fulton street. mercnan A LARGE STOCK MARBLE AND with complete; Mantel, shipped, no risk chasers; Headnonti.

executed to Prices low. A A west Eighteenth between Eighth an SLATE, DECORATED MARBLE nd a at AND MARBLEIZED MANTELS, MONIT-.

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