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The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana • 3

Kalispell, Montana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tintrcii hit A NEW SPECIAL EVERY WEEK BREVITIES to lads Wolilwend go high through thu Mayo clinic teaching IW lire ANNOUNCING the Modem Upholstery Co 18 ESTIMATES REE Phone 964 335 irst Avenue East Third ll evening ptM' creek ui her rehi live of 50 Karnes for EICIENCY I' II I 0 Al i's tl it ion VE lnll: Gam vionslv planned TRY US OR SERVICE of 1st Ave and 1st St Covey Electric Service 1042 REGISTERED A ppli'i rices "Motors AT HIGH SCHOOL Phone (( what first mid in HKWMIW will READ THE CLASSIIED "ADS 3 BY WILLIAMS OUT OUR WAY whose DOG IS HE I RAIN OVER WEEK END tended DRIVING MRS MARY BEAULOURIER Own WHY MOTHERS SET mhskw li the the' I ill nd ECONOMY' EICIENCY COMPLETENESS Air thu Try Inter Lake Classified Advertising dianiatics teacher in the high school i there All i ha i lieu let Id file Nol'ihwesl Cuiiiitl'y club will meet Wednesday iil'lernomi Sept 7 al 2 o'clock al the home of Mrs Ed ward t'onsliiil riday September 9 COMMENCES 1:30 SHARP I vkiXH OY AVERY HENRY JEPSEN vinill orl Kiillspoll Werner 1 Tslty High Douglas pleaded reckless driving charge ERNA COOK ILES ACTION OR DIVORCE heldlit ioll of fi i'1 in which I oat i REC PAT? £0009310 ND SERVICE INC Anythin? for' Your Car Nev or Used ed with which any mat aveit tl nd rind a another lo krt oresuy fiiv over We are equipped to do the best work in modern up holstering furnit in repair reiinishing and rcgluing We invite you to investigate our work materials and prices Ie'lll in II Daniel I toe I wood from Great the Montana State the Kalispell called to THE CITY TAILORS 1'inesl Clothes to Measure CAMPBELL uneral Directors 525 MAIN ST PHONE 36 KALISPELL MONT Thoughtful luneral Service" will be a mission program and a All those wishing ttriH a tension cl imp on olio of the guy wires supporting the structure Ilickily the tower fell to the easl or it would have been directly who with Ujorne Mrs Margaret Branson wlm was lakeii ill while visiting tier brother al Chester was brought to While fmh Wednesdai by her daughter Mrs I McNabb cared for at the McNabb home is reported somewhat improved MANY OREST IRES OVER THE WEEK END BUT NONE SERIOUS Prairie area two on min one near Lime reached more than a acre ami all are repci One ol lake ci ew I tion 0 Charles I A ARMY GOODS STORE lb Main SI Kalispell Mont the long experience of the lhe utmost elTieirney in i Jlr and Airs Cm I Jacobson Werii jtliu parents of a soli bin Sept where Nd die Wright llodgld ll clinic Miss Jeanette been spending lier vacation parents Mr and Mrs by lelt yesterday for East Orange The A will me'et limit' hl the Masonic temulo at 8 o'lloeli for ladies Dorn Mary Carr second for ladies Mrs Mary Carr second broad jump James Sat ui day north and Idaho ili'oet Irvin DalTeiier was driving the viir and was at the intersection wlu'ii the mishap occurred WE KMOW WE SEEM HINA PASSIM' BY GOT IMTO A ARGUMENT ABOUT HOW MUCH WEIGH HOW MUCH WOULD YOU GUESS HIM 'file Ih'liim lats Mission society will meet Wcilneiiilay Baseball throw thy Carr first race Wells first SI a iidi ng first nesday or Montana: Partly cloudy to night and Wednesday looter soutli i ari portion tonigiit and warmer west and central portions Wedncs si Chicago Tile 250 foot steel lower of Station I I south of Marriage licenses have been issued Sunday to Oscar A Peterson ortine Bertha 0 Leighty Columbia alls op Henry I) Olson and Eileen Day' both of Kalispell and to Patrick Donegan Whitefish and Sue de Yong Creston dived I'l'oai Sunday mid SMURR Km' Miles till I of Polson oci lhe wiek tmd has her throughout the 'd Hie dance hi Id in I ho Lake Blaine 'Die Neighbors of Woodiriil't will eel tonight In Lodge will be primpl ly ii 7 it Mr mid JI rn JI 11 Nolan have as their guests JI Nolan's mother Mrs A 1 Nohm of Cluirilon Iowa and Alls mint Miss Edith Sowers by of Los Angeles 2i IS'OSlSiSSHiHBSMIHB PUBLIC SALE! ivwcit ur Ktjtrz i ALLS: LOOSE GUY i WIRE RESPONSIBLE I Several water sport events weredropped from the program because of (lie cold eliig 14 ton of Mr ami I icing received minor and bruises when he war a car while I id i ng a bicycle avenue IICGII IMUGLAS PINED OR Girls under 6 year: Phyllis iy tii'i J' mini He Maylo seemid MORE THAN 1000 1 ATTEND LABOR DAY PICNIC YESTERDAY Mrs Dresen week in Spokane They Saturday accompanied by ii Walki who will visit ia couple of weeks Tlie Westside JI aid will meet fliur day fternooi i at lhe home of Mrs red Rogers 21)5 ourth avenue west north Twenty seven forest Ares oecur Mr and Mm Cecil Saturday for Spokane will spend I his Week 1 1 1 el i 1 1 1 1 the races ut Pliiylalr The Baptist Mission society hold its annual orget me not party Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Grubb northeast of the fair grounds There APPAREL AND EQUIPMENT OR TIN GREAT OUTDOORS Illgs 11 Winners of fiini races and other urday large attendance was registered at the meeting witli many out of state: speakers being present Among guest rank Hogan American Bar Brand president association: president of I lie I 'ou Senator GENERA TAR I'ER MIGNi it) SER i Speidmneter Itepmrii amt I'al'ts (All Makes) amt ront tieel Alliiemcnl SUNSET AUTO CO 127 Jlalii St J'lrnt Na iii'o is improvi ihtireh dltrim Mr ield's absence Mr Carlson mid his family will THE DAILY INTER LAKE KALISPELL MONTANA DIIAKE LINING TOOLS GEARS AXLES RINGS GLASS hd'i Salur James Lang left Saturday she will re Rochester Minn where he will I ho onwlele Line A son was born Sept 7 al i ami JI rs Ieomird Hopper nghl 1 1 olgk in cliuie her She is lieing and tion during the diiiil'lo holiday Au 11 nr re fire nt the head of Canyon on the North ink i lopoted now ider lontiol with crew iiien ii oppiiig up mi il burned Ou the above date at the Rask place I'h miles west of the airgrounds I will sell the following described property tit public sale One team black mares weight 2900 lbs 8 years old 1 team black mares weight 2800 lbs 3 years old 1 black colt weight 1000 lbs 16 mcnllis old 1 Jersey Guernsey milk cow milking fresh in January 1 heifer calf 3 months old One duckfoot 1 disc 1 springtocth harrow 2 seis work harness 1 farm wagon 1 DeLaval No 12 cream separator and other miscellaneous machinery There will also be some household goods CASH flower contest Iransportal ion Im at Hie church at 2 or call 33K2 guilty to a on his ar migiment before Magistrate Eugene McCarthy Sunday morning and was assessed a $10 fine in lieu of which ho vas to I he custody of Chief of Police vi Gaustad Ilnlny lileb hci In early I'ulhd Io dlimpen till' ent himlmui I'm the fliif nlflHtil oh rervnnci' of Day by local labor crgmilzat lomi amt Hiiiu 101)0 porsoIlH II 1 1 euiled the lit ik Blaine by (lie hi I Imiiil mitral Trades anil Labor Coiim'll Ei'iniil Burna of Wlill idish Hliili'i giiduior mid prominent In labor ircles was the pr I uel pa 1 spi'alciT ni the nil'll lug hi'ielly out lined lhe progress made by orgi iil'ed labor in bead I'ouiily during lhe pant two yours and oncmirn'ied fiirtlicr ciinienlral Ion of labor's efforts tlie direction of Zi ff le'ny of hilii in PI a alls uel Ing ns iitriliH' of eeremoilles the program oneiieil ATTORNEYS ATTEND STATE BAR MEETING Special This Week: $5950 Value Battery Set $3950 Also 25 Used Radios at $500 each Have your radio HtTvieed now before the ball games start! Now Showing the 1939 Models CASEY AND HALLEY 20 3rd St In Kalispell Phone 138 I'ine equipment and proprietors make lor Waggoner Campbell Service Ami who have Iren iimitl i 1 1 feme ilnii' nt tlie A Tiffany home left the last of the week for their bonm in Seattle tlie city fell about ifteriioon following Data for 21 hours ending today: Highest temperature 5S lamest last nielit 40 Precipitation 0U4 running race 'I'lie Missionary society of lle Presbyterian cluir' nieot rsda afternoon Sept al the homo of Mrs Chiwl er King instead Snrnli Ju in' llyi'iio of lleleiiu lle lulmr dll Willi mm tier Mrs Mm yarel Byrne TERMS: CASH Au I inoeers I'lilLII I'f t'K Clerk 1 Action for divorce district court against Charles extreme cruelty Mff Cook mk Korn Jr and returned last alls where A 41 Griffin and Mrs and son Arthur spent last returned Mrs here for I)'' mid Airs I Ihillois mid of Conrad urc here ponding rev' di's visiting Dr DuJJois' Hint her mid sister Mrs and JI iss Pai 'v 1 billots filed in him Cook Cook charging ind wilful! neglect for the earn' mid BREAKS THE HOT SPELL' custody of two minor children $il) I monthly for support of the children Itain and cool weather over the and $2r monthly for support of her I double holiday marked the end of self an erdor restraining the le unusually high temperatures in this fendant from interfcrcing with her! section I temporary custody of the children I Continued rain yesterday and attorney fees mid costs of action cloudy weather bi ought the mercury They married at Kalispell on No down to a maximum of 58 degrees vcmbei 5 1927 og occurred over file valley a morning lor the first time since spring 2 ft i HH Mr mid Mrs' I) loner and nm if Rmlwing Mimi mil Airs Jones' lisler Mrs Bern Davis of Win are in lhe city vidiiug oitl iricmls ami relatives All were fori mr residenm of Kalisp' 11 mid gelling much out of Isiling old 1)11111' Mr tom's who wmi mddm iioiH'1 hunk umni Girls over 11 Hazel Hamburg first Boys over 1 4 Jock Whiting firsi Janies second at ladies' race Mrs Clark first: Mrs Richardson second Wheelbai row race Bobby Lavoy and (Mu i Hill first Shoe tying and On the above date at my residence the Chas Ander son place one half mile southwest of town or the first house east of the Nollar fox farm I will sell the follow ing property at public sale One kitchen table with four chairs to match 1 ov erstaffed chair 1 Morris chair 1 phonograph 3 chil rockers 1 bed 1 baby bassinet 1 large cabinet 2 kitchen tables 1 couch 1 large dresser 1 Twentieth Century Windsor range 1 dish cabinet 1 cot bed vith mattress 1 radio table 2 small tables 3 rock ers 2 chests of drawers 3 dining chairs 2 book cases 2 beds and springs 1 mattress several dozen fruit jars some dishes 1 electric Maytag washing machne 2 gas engines 1 wash boiler one 4 wheel trailer one 16 qt pressuie cooker one 200 chick oil brooder garden tools 3 chickens and many other articles too numerous to men tion rV? Ai I LA fe REV IELD LEAVING TO TAKE POST GRADUAL WORK WAGGENER CAMPBELL itLZMv treetops 525 Mam 5b PHONE 56 mi i i i'c in izi tmtril I'l'mi lightning iri'ini ui' con: 1 Im lmlii''id oi st fti'iimcn i fin MATTEO MILANO Owner LINCOLN MARTIN Auiliiini'i'ix PHILIP BI CK 'J im Nuld'' Grand Gircli' will meet riday ia cnil1) al the hmim if Mrs Prrry Third nwinm Wl for a 7:15 ili''uml the files in the Ashley win extinguished ly a volunteers uud the diree J)r Sundelius and Lancaster Ander on superintendent of the State orestry deptai I nient re ported one blaze near Olney but it was immediately placed under control PUBLIC Tuesday Sept 13th COMMENCES AT 1:30 I Adele Buck tmd today will enter Nort west ern mil I Jlr mid Mrs Sylvester Tingley the parents of a daughter born Sul i urday at the Wright Hodgkin clinic Mor: than 50 rural grade school teachers were holding their first! i meeting of the year at the 1 I kii 1 11 MAll 1 orrest com no preparatory to the opening of all rural cliools tomorrow morning The Mimi roHd ration this ve'ir will nrob I Bar bv exer(d 1(300i Cou)lly Superin 1 i ml Wt i 1 1 tendent Lilian Peterson said Mr Korn stilted that al Giinmin ilireeior ofit St Malt livw's si'liool Sunday from bis home to r'iume bis City band followed by the Invo cation gl vi a I itm' Wall ll Smiily and tlie mbli'esr of welcome by Mayor (J Wlllimim I'luli rinnnienl I'l'iilnri'd 1 8 sport ew'iil'i for tlio youngsleri a pm lilg i mill st for the presidents of lhe various loi'ul unions a ween I lie I mhiT and it Half Alnon and was won by tlie siviiiiining ami ree liiiicb the aDei'iioim Dui'iiie Sack Bobby I Neil Burtleson second Pie eating contest for presidents of local unions Otto Schultz of Kalispell local lumber and sawmill workers first ie eating contest for boys Bobby LaVoy Columbia alls first Potato juggling Mrs Wells first Dorothy Carr second Tug War Kalispell lumber and sawmill workers won over Hie Half Moon team Jlr iiml Mr: Hai' linii'n I os who have been visiting Mr and Mrs Martin and oilier here left for home yester Radio More than 10()() high chool stu dents this morning attended classes ami is believed to have been the slipping at the opening of lathead county high school and up to noon today 1042 had been registered The freshman class is probably the larg est in the history of the school with between 280 and 200 registered vrhnnl of ficijils $111(1 Despite the huge weight of tlie This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock all tower it did not buckle and with students will attend their class meet the exception ol a lew braces in the 1 iVhich thev will elect officers iast lio feet of the structure can be f()t tl yeil The regular reconstructed without straighten routine schedule of the school will )ng jle taken up in ernc beginning to i The tower was erected about a morrow morning year ami a half ago and 1ms bad six steel cable guy wires supporting it MRS It was a coincidence that the 20(1 foot antenna tower of lhe Missoula broadcasting station toppled just a year ago last Sunday this! last RURAL TEACHERS I ARE MEETING TODAY HUSUM Dinners to 1 in Lubor Day ARM were president of tlie association: George of the Michigan 1 Van Bar nssoeia Wheeler and Major Lester of (bn ederal Bureau of In vest iga i ion i March 4 1939 will mark Mrs Korn anil Mrs Rockwood of express service in accompanied itmni to Great alls Unted States I taCMrtr I I Boy? iimiov 6 yars Hurmui fl I i rT1 occurred in co jn Giris to to years Jliirj 'Austin 1 Ill'll Caw iwcoid in Non l)ms to Hi years m'cl nlcl rn iomiy 11 1 nil u' sm om) uj Uf xjvjun out Girls IO to I years hit sy Zorzie rv bit I Boys Id to 14 cars ln first Neil Burtleson second i Dickey Auto Parts 'InMawi 1 I MAl I L'7Z ii 1 'i' A oOlWW1 MH I'M iiiii 1 1 1 hk iuWi I 7 7 W1' 'iu mm I I X' I I i 1 1 li 1 1 i 1 1 t' Id will l'iiv text Tm for New York' where lie 1 1 1 entor ('oluiiiblii I'lilviTsily lor a vi uf's pm'' gimluatii study In tlie in oh mil's I remiimry (( will Im imcompaitlvd by Mrs ield mid lll lio dliiigl tel' I'allli as I'm as (m moial low 1 wliei'n they will stay witli ri tat Ives Rev (' A ('iiilsmi will take over tlie work in Bel lili'tieni Lutheran 1 t4'wizvVi.

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