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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PACT FOUR BLYTHEVTLLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 15, 1949 aMlia Salibm, Society Editor i Phone 4U51 Miss Ann Meyer Becomes Bride In Naval Chapel Ifiu Jacqueline Ann Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

Meyer of Alexandria, became the bride of Ensign Byron Simpson Bartholomew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bartholomew of Memphis, formerly of Blytheville. -He is also the grandson of Mr. and Mrs.

S. of Blytheville. The double ring ceremony was performed before the altar decorated in all white In the Naval Academy Chapel in Annapolis. on June 4 Chaplain Roy E. Bishop officiated.

Soft organ music could be heard during the exchanging of WV'fl. Miss Joan Meyer, sister of the bride, was maid of honor with bridesmaids being Miss Ann Bartholomew of Memphis, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Alma Jane LeCompte. Miss Terry Nftdrileton and Miss Betty Lou Farbisher, all of Alexandria. Miss Meyer wore a gown of orchid mousscline de sol fashioned with a fitted bodice and off shoul- dere effect. The full skirt was worn traditional hoops.

She wore a bandeau of shirred tulle In matching color. The bridematds' gowns were identical to that of the maid of honor with two wearing yellow and two In green. They carried arm bouquets of mixed flowers tied with Btreamers in contrast to their gowns. The maid of honor's bouquet wjs of yellow roses. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore wedding gown of chantilly lace.

The tight fitting bodice featured a yoke of tulle with the long sleeves extending to points orer the hands. The full skirt was fashioned of ruffles of lace and tulle and extended into a Ions train. Her short veil wts worn over the face. She carried a white prayer book topped with white orchid from which fell showers of white In which were tied tiny flowers. diaries Bartholomew of Memphis served his brother as best man ushers being four of Ensign classmates.

Mrs. Meyer, mother of the bride a pale Wue gown with plnfc accessories and a corsage of pink roses with Mrs. Bartholomew, mother of the bridegroom, wearing coral chiffon gown with black and pinned a corsage of at her shoulder. yoiltnrinj'the weddinpr. a reception the Georgetown Hotel InfAlexandria.

ftecortUibns on the bridUaable were In all white wtth thV four -tiered wedding cake being topped with a miniature bride groqm. Johnnie Ann LeCompte was ta charge of the bride's book. After the reception, the couple left on a wedding trip to Bermuda before returning to Norfork, to make their home, where Ensign Bartholomew will be stationed. The bride wore for travelling, a Iteht grey gabardine suit with matching aceeosorteft and pinned her bridal orchid at her shoulder. Mra.

Welch Foster of Blytheville, of bridegroom attended the wedding. WED RECENTLY Mrs. Byron Simpson Bartholomew was before her marriage, June 4, Miss Jacqueline Ann Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. L.

Meyer of Alexandria, Va. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyron Bartholomew of Memphis, formerly of Blytheville. Wedding Plans Announced By Miss Jane Sheddan Miss Jane Sheddan, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. William Alexander Sheddan of Senatobla, today made known plans for her marriage lo George Grlndell Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Oalnes Hubbard of Blytheville. The wedding will be solemnized June 30, In the Methodist Church In Senatobla, at 5 in the afternoon.

A program of nuptial music will be presented by Miss Libba Pittman of Brownsville, vocalist and Miss Ellse Varner of Senatobia, organist. The bride-elect, who will be given in marriage by her father, has chosen Miss Puddle Eason of Tupelo, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. C. Brinkley Morton, Miss Joyce Roseborough, Miss Gloria Dandridge, and Miss Eone Veazey, all of Senatobla and Mrs.

Fred Jefferson of Sledge, Miss. George Galnes Hubbard will serve his son as best man. Ushers will be Jack Chamblin, Robert G. McHaney and Johnnie White, all of Blytne- ville, Joe Michie of Steele, and Herbert Klshbaugh of New Yorlc. Following the ceremony, a reception will be held at the home ol the bride.

Langston Hostess To Club Eight and Mrs. W. J. Wunderlich, Mrs. Jharlcs Criggcr and Mrs.

Venion Chomasson were guests yesterday with members of club Eight when Mrs. Charles C. Langton entertained at the Blytheville Final Meeting Is Held By Chatievoix Chapter The Charlevoix Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met yesterday for their final meeting during the summer at Hotel Noble for a 1 o'clock luncheon and business meeting, Mrs. J. B.

Clark, Mrs. O. W. McCutchcon and Miss Cordelia Wllhite, were hostesses. There were 12 members and one visitor.

Miss Mary Fiances Oalnes present. The luncheon was served in the dining room at a long (able which was centered with a low crystal bowl filled with red roses. The placecards were a tiny flag, In keeping with flag Day, The business session and program were held in the Colonial Room with Mrs. George Pollock Jr. presiding.

Miss Gallics, who is the D.A.R. Good Citizenship pilgrimage Girl this year, presented the program. She chose as the topic of her talk "Flag Day" and also discussed the various flays. During the business session the following committees and their chairmen were selected: Mis. Fred Rutherford, advancement of American music: Mrs.

E. J. Cure. Red Cross representative; Mrs. James Hill Americanism: Mrs.

11. W. Wylie. approved schools: Mrs. E.

Woodson. conservation; Mrs. J. B. Cltirk.

good citizenship pilgrimage and manuel of citizenship; Mrs A. Conway. Bills Island; Mrs. O. McCutcheon.

geneological records; Mrs. C. L. McWaters. motion pictures; Mrs.

J. Louis Cherry, national Mrs. A. G. Little.

D.A.R. magazine; Mrs. p. B. Joyner, press relations; Mrs.

S. p. Martin, radio; Mrs. W. T.

Oberdst. flowers; Mrs. C. F. Tucker, girl homemaker; Mrs.

A.M.R. Hratison, scrapbook; Mrs. W. A. Affllck, student loan and Miss Cordelia Wilhlte, correct use of the flag.

Bits of News Methodist W.S.C.S. Meets At A. E. Lewis Residence The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Lake Street Methodist Church met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A.

E. Lewis with Mrs. Cecil Lust as co- hostess. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. Iverson Morris, after which a brief business session was conducted.

Mrs. wns in charge of the program and chose as her theme, "By His Light Shall the Nation Walk." She was assisted by Mrs. Lusk, Mrs. Don Lutes Mrs. Morris and Mrs.

James Strickland. A pledge service closed the program with Mrs. King offering the dismissal prayer. Refreshments of a salad Iced drinks were served by th hostesses who assisted by Mrs King. Read Courier News Want Ads.

NOT HALF SAFE Mrs. Coleman Entertains La Petite Club, Guests Mrs. T. Colonian was hostess yestci'dfiy when slie entertainer! the La FeMte Club and two guests, Mrs. Weldon Rainwater and Mrs.

Robert Warren, at- her home at 1521 Holly. The home was decorated with attractive arrangements of spring flowers. Mrs. Flainwnler received high score In the bridge games with Mrs. Ocan Atkinson, winning second high.

The hostess served refreshments of a dessert course after the games Circle Meetings Held By Presbyterian Women The Women ot byterian Church Groups Monday lountry Club. During the afternoon bridge high score was won by Mrs. Otto Scrape with Mrs. Langston receiving second high. Mrs.

Thomasson received high score Tor the. guests The hostess served a salad course in the "afternoon. Coming Events Social Calendar Wednesday Mrs. Elwood Dean will be honored at the home of Mrs. Who Barnes at 8 p.m.

Mrs. Gilbert D. Hammock will be co-hostess. Thursday 1'hc Gusnell W.S.C.S. will meet a't P.m.

at the church with Mrs. Jim Jackson as hostess. The Blytheville Rook Club will be entertained, at the home of Mrs. Albert Endcrlin. Mrs.

Earl Damon win be hostess io the Thursday Night Club. Tiie Avalon Bunco Club will oc entertained at the home oE Mrs Paul Mahon. Fulton Ellis will eiilcrtain tlie Thursday Ronk ciub. Krirtay Mrs- A. A.

Hardy will entertain tiie C.B.C Club. homes for their regular program Topic of the program was "The Public Ministry Opens." Circle One met at the home ot Mrs, T. j. Mnhan with Mrs, Byron Morse as co-hostess. There were nd one visitor, Mrs.

Bruns Tanner of Ohapel Hill, N.C. Jones was in charge of the program, with Mrs. C. M. Gray presiding over the business session.

Mrs. F. B. Joyner was hoscss to Two with 12 members and three visitors, Mrs. William Boni- filed, Mrs.

Freeman Jernigan and Mrs. Arthur Cearly The business session conducted by Mrs. Vernon Thomasson. wns followed by the program with Mrs. J.

E. Beaslcy In charge. Circle Three met Mrs. Aubrey Conwav with 10 members and one visitor. Mrs.

O. P. Barber of Lawrence. Kas. present.

Mrs. H. T. Kidd nas program leader and was assisted by Mrs. Rodney Banister.

Mrs. Wiliiam Young was circle dinrimnn. Mrs. J. C.

Walsh wns hostess last night to Circle pour when they met al the church. Fifteen members and three visitors, Mrs. Donald Bobb of Greensboro. N.C., Mrs. J.

W. Dolen of Memphis a nd Mrs. Erwin Huffman presided during the business session with Mrs. Bruin Jones as program lender. Circle Five -et last night at the Louie Gurin of Memphis Is visiting here as guest of Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Hagan and family. Mr.

and Mrs. C. G. Redman went to Memphis today to meet their son, C. G.

Redman who will arrive there by plane from Lexington. where he attended the Virginia Military Institute. He will spend a week here with his parents before leaving (or Rnssellville where he will enroll at Arkansas Poly- technical College for the summer. Sergeant Elton Lawson arrived from Florida to spend a 25 day furlough with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.

Harry Lawson, He Is stationed at MaeUill Air Force Base in Tampa. Mrs. Ruby Henry and son, Billy have returned to their home in Paducah, after having spent several days here as guests of her mother. Mrs Rosa Kndsley and her sister. Mrs.

J. Jnckpon. Eva Lee and Marietta Graves, daughters of and Mrs, C. E. Graves, underwent a tonsileclomy yesierday at the Blytheville Hospital.

Their condition is satisfnctory and are now at their home at 1009 West Ash. Mrs. A. C. Becker arrived from Little Rock to be the gilost ol her son.

Richard Beeker and Mrs. Becker. She plans to visit here for a week, Mrs. G. O.

Poetz and children nnd Charles Laneston Anita and Mary Alice Wroten have returned from Long Beach, Calif. where Ihey spent a month's vacation as the guests of their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Cleo Langston. Miss Mury Ellen Stafford, "Mis. Blytheville of 19M." Mrs.

Gilbert D. Hammock, Miss Betty Nell Holland and Mrs. Jim Smothermon spent Monday In Memphis. Peter J. Laurnan of New Orleans, yesterday to join Mrs.

Launuin, who is visiting here guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Modlnger. He was accompanied here by his father, J. Lauman, also of New Orleans who will return to Memphis tonight where he is attending to business.

Mrs. T. D. McDermott of Dell, has seen selected to serve as Chapter Mother from Arkansas at the Teen Times meeting at the Ellis Audi- iorium In Memphis. Teen Times is the national F.H.A.

magazine. Miss Ann McDcrmolt, past state F.H.A. reporter, will serve on the committee with her mother. Delegates from Dell High School who are attending the Southern regional convention of the P.H.A. in Memphis this week are Sally Tale, Donna Rose Simmons, Marjo'rie Alexander, Anice Blair and Mrs.

O. E. Hunnlcutt, sponsor. Mrs. Nona Davis and daughter.

Miss Alia Davis, will arrive tomorrow from their home in Golconda. to lie (he guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. F.

Brewer. They are eproute to the First Pres- points of interest in the south, met in Circle Dr. and Mrs. G. C.

Sayre of Du- ftcrnoon in the rand, arrived last night to siiend several days here as guests of Drs. Carl and Edna Nles. Mrs. Sayre is Dr. Edna Mies' sister.

Junior Service Auxiliary Hears On TB Project Mts. c. a. Redman, executive secretary of the Mississippi County Tuberculosis Association, explained the activities of the association to members of the Blytheville Junior Service Auxiliary yestewlay at a meeting at the Country Club. The Junior Service Auxiliary recently decided to assbt the association as one of Its projects for next year.

Two other Division Street playground and the weekly story hour conducted at the were discussed. Mrs. Redman pointed out to tiie auxiliary that "health like freedom and peace, continues only as we exert ourselves to maintain and urged full cooperation with health agencies. She emphasized the fact that educating the masses about causes, treatments, preventions and controls of tuberculosis svas the Job of tiie tulipiculosis control at-eneics. According to the speaker, a reservoir of infection remains In Mis- fiUsIpp! County even though x-niys have been made for 15.758 this year ns compared to 450 five years apo.

She explained that to check tuh- crcuir.sLs, 100 per cent of tiic residents insist have annual chest x- rays to check the disease in Its es'rly In connection the Division Street project, it was pointed out that the Park Commission had set aee limits at the park at four to Two of the auxiliary members have been acting as playground daily from 9:30 to 11:30 at that location. The story hour lenders explained that nc ages to be covered by the first hour at the library on Saturdays were to be devoted to children unripr 10. and that from 10:30 lo 11:30 over 10 would be included in the slory hour programs. Mrs. Blan is story teller for the younger sroup and that di- After at least six women said to vision of the Saturdpv morning's me: "II you ever go such-and- prosram opens at 9:30.

Mrs. Joe such a shop to buy dress be sure Pride. is in charge of the older ask for Miss Srown," I was curious. group. Just did this one particular In the business meeting yester- clerk have chat pleased her cus- dav Mrs.

Alvin Huffman. was tomers so much they were const- named historian of the receuUv- antly sendin? her new ones? I deformed organization and Mrs. R. fcided to find I did. L.

Lcean named as assistant vcl- one. She takes her time with a fare chairman. customer, apparently is as interested Mrs. James Boy. vice president.

as the customer In finding the most presided at yesterday's meeting, in becoming dress In the store, not; the absence of the president, Mrs. just jomethins that would, do to the dress she is she.wmtt a good, practical dress, something for an Important, party, something to please her husband who may have definite opinions about women's cloihes, or whatever it may be. Seven. She Is as courteous and considerate to one customer as to another. Some saleswomen will fall all over themselves being nice to a woman vho is wearing expensive clothes and act as though they are doing another woman, not as well dressed, a favor by waiting on her, That's all I could Ilnd out about this siipeisaleswoman who keeps customers coming back and their friends to her.

So it must he I'm sure a lot of saleswomen slip up on those small courtesies that mean so much to a woman shopper. GREAT only paraplegic veteran in New Brunswick, N. J. Bob Hoetzle, 23, and his bride. Hie former Prances Elaine Noll, smile and hold hands as they leave church in New Brunswick after their marriage.

For a wedding present the paralyzed veteran received a $20,000 house from his neighbors. CAP Wlrepholo). WE, THE WOMEN B) Klllh Stall Writer Pleasing Women Isn't Easy, But This Sales Clerk Does It She Uses Psyocholojfiea! Approach Pour. She indirectly points out a customer's good points rather than her faults. Many a saleswoman has lost a sale by saying: "This dress is so slenderizing" when she could have said: "This shade Is so perfect with your coloring." Five.

She asks the name and remembers It. Six. She seems really interested in what the customer wants from Oscar Fendler. Borderline Swimming Banned by the Polish make a sale. Two.

She listens when the cus- tcmer tells, her wnac she so thac she doesn't waste her own i time or thz cuscumers cime bring- i ing out colors or styles the customer iff 1 has already explained she isn't in- NOWY SACZS, Poland Borderline swimming is out in Po- terested in. is. along the Polish- Thres. She doesn't insult the cus- by Czech frontier. Authorities say too many people are being drowned every summer in the turbulent waters of the Dimnjec river.

Portions of It form comers taste by arguintj that the customsr is making a mistake in: cumin? down a dress. Instead she builds the customer up by agreeing that TrhJC she doesn't like isn't I Baptist W.M.U. Meets For Regular Program Mrs. Wayne Moore was hostess to the Women's Missionary Society of the Number Nine Baptist Church Monday afternoon. There were eight members present.

Mrs. W. E. Bhoads, president, conducted the business session, during which time plans were made for the vacation Bible school to be held this summer. Mrs.

Bob itovall was selected as dean of the school. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Horace Caldtvell and Mrs. Hart. A social hour followed the meeting.

the boundry betweet Poland and quite right for her. Czechoslovakia. The Nowy Sarrzs fire brigades now has declared ''no swimming" long the entire course of the Dun- jcc except in a tew spots espec- ally designated. Authorities also have prohibited he circulation of all unregistered barges and ferryboats used for the transport of passengers. who feel to fMctitul Do you suffer from hot nerToua.

dim my due the runctlonAi 'middle-aRe' to women (38-52 1 Then ITT E-Plniham's Vegetable Compound to relieve aucri symptoms! aBo what stomachic tonic effect! 1YDW PINKHMTS eEI home of Ve-atrice Lovelace with 12 members and four guests present. Guests were Mrs. H. Ktdd. Mrs.

C. M. Gray, Mrs. Zal B. Harrison and Mrs.

Kate ensliip. Mrs. Ktdd directed the pro- DANVILLE. VA. 1349-Lce Chikon of Danville says: "I like to travel- meet new people, go new places and have fun.

But I take no chances on beinjf half-safe. There's only one deodorant for one that stops perspiration 1 to 3 days. It's safe for my skin and clothes and it safely lulls odor on contact." How about jrout Don't half- wfe-be Arrid-safcl Use Arrid Htre. Buy new Arrid with Creamojren Arrid with Creamogen is Ruai not to crystallize or dry out ir, the What's more, if you arc no! nxnpletely convinced that Arrid ii every the finest cream deodorant ever return the jw with portion, and we'll refund the entire purchase price. Oui ia on every package.

Get a jar of new Arrid witl CreamogCT today-only tax CUSTOM MADE SUP COVERS -Mak your home more livable with these beautiful patterns of slip covers. They'll protect your set from Summer wear and tear, and give a new look to your living room. Our complete dccoraling serr- you the distinction of custom-bum furniture, quisile lamps, caroling, and wallpaper. "Patterns for Better Living" House of Charm Deal Whisenhunt 2021 West Main phone 4b21 At Irie Hosmtak BIjTlhtTllle Hospital Dismissed: John stokes, city. Wanda Faye Bowcn, city.

W. L. Hughes, city. MarrettH Graves, city. Eva Lee Graves, city.

Tim Breedon. city. AHorda Wood, city. Walls Hospital Dismissed: Mrs. Billy Bynum and baby gram which was preceded by a shori business meeting with Mrs.

Ebb Spradley in charge. Refreshments were served by th) hostesses at the close of each meet ing. Dycss. Mrs. Idclle -Lowe.

city. Mrs. Mary Hardesty, Armorel. Saves on Soap WASHES WHITER, BRIGHTER! Just the Thing for Hot Weather! Barefoot Sandals 5.85 at Last! Leather Slides Black Red Green 2 95 SONS SHOES til Mandarin Mo.od is fashioi news! Leive re to Piuk Brooks co mike Far Eut fashion yours a young casual with "Chinatown" collar. The tkin equally new with freedonv loving, inverted-pleat.

Famed broadcloth banded with matching eyelet embroidery! 8 to 5 doctors prove this plan breaks the laxative habit If you take bo YOU ran Stop taking whatever you now take. Every one take 2 Filbi. Second nigbl. Thirn every other night. nolfutif! Every day; drink eight ot Mi definite time (or regularity, Five New York doctors thjj plan can break the laxative habit.

How van a laiative brcik the habit? Because Pillj "unblocV" lower die festive traci and from then on let it make of iia own natural cocuia BO hibit. Break the lain live habit witb Pilts and be regular naturally. W.hen ft-orry, overeating, you irregula-r Cwter't t'illi temporarily. And never get the laxative habit. fiel CaxUr'g PUta at any (or 33f today.

You'13 be UM ol your THi MAVTAO CHItFTAM M24'J ADAMS APPLIANCE CO. Continuous Shows Box Office Opens 1:45 Show Starts 2:00 LISTEN TO KLCN a.m. 13:45 p.m. p.m Last Time Today Enchantment 1 with Xirln and Teresa iVHght Selected Short Thursday Friday aramount News a Selected COMING SOON TO THE TO THREE WIVES with Jeanne Grain, Linda Darnell, and Anne Southern "HE BARKLEYS OF BROADWAY with Fred Astalre and Rnficrs TIJI.SA with Harward anj and Robert Preston Box Office Opens 6:45 Show Starts 1:00 Opens Sondij 1:00: SUrU Continuous Shows Sat Jk San. Bargain Night Even Night Except Saturday No passes honored on Sunday a Rnxy Theatre Last Time Today Secret Beyond the Door with Joan Rennrtl Short Subject Thursday Friday.

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