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Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan • Page 54

Lansing, Michigan
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Hospital Helps Doomed Children For Some, Loving Kindness Has Healing Properties C-8 TIIE STATE J01RWL Sim, Aug. 21, 1966 BELMONT. N.C. (AP) Sis Maria responded to care and attention. One day she smiled.

A to solicit funds. She enlisted a board of advisers. The nursery began to grow, almost entirely ter Marie Patrice bent over the playpen and lifted a baby girl few days later she made gur with blonde curls. gling sounds. 1 mrT' I almost dropped her," said Too Progressive? Oklahoma Catholics "Isn't she lovely.

My, what a big girl," the nun said softly, Sister Patrice. "We were all so through donations. There are children from seven states at the nursery. It's gotten so big, Sister Patrice said, she now must limit it to children from North Carolina. I SA Vx excited." kissing and patting the child.

-The baby is 11 months old Surgeons removed the tumor r-" 3 I She looks normal except for one feature. Her head is larger than A blonde girl with wheeled herself into the hall. usual. She is a hydrocephalic from Maria back. Her head, twice normal size, began to get smaller.

Later, she learned to talk. Though she remains in a wheel chair, she may some day Rebel Against Bishop "This," said Sister Patrice, "is Maria. She started it all. She Like most of the 69 children at Holy Angels Nursery, she will whose mother has never seen her. She simply can't bear it." "Some of the children have been abandoned," Sister Patrice said, walking out into the bright sun on the nursery's outdoor play area.

"Johnny, come here," she said to a youngster on a swing. "He was abandoned in a hospital. He will live. He probably isn't retarded and should be able to walk normally in time." Johnny is an exception. He and a few others who can walk or get about with help, are outside as much as possible.

But most must stay inside. Donations of more than have built two wings on the original building. Another building is planned next year. Parents who can afford it pay $125 a month for their child. The walk, with the help of braces.

live only a few years. was our inspiration." OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) tape recorders attending meet brie goes to school now. These children are bund or deformed. Some are both. Most ings, talks and sermons they felt might be off the orthodox "Others -heard of us and want Hard core Catholic conservatives in the Oklahoma Diocese have declared open revolt against their progressive are under six years old.

Modern path. ed to bring their helpless infants," Sister Patrice recalled. medicine can do little for them. The State of North Carolina has In April, the official diocesan newspaper, the Oklahoma Courier, took note of the Yellow oisnop, no place to care for them. Hos The conservatives, sometimes pitals cannot keep them.

Nei She asked the sisters of Sacred Heart to borrow money to build a nursing home. But they said they could not until they paid off a debt on the college. referred to as traditionalists. Sheet for the first time, de How do you do," said Maria, smiling. "It's nice to have you with us." Sister Patrice went on to say, "We have all colors, all religions and many afflictions here." She continued down the hall and into a room containing about 20 children.

Her flowing black habit gently, brushed the cribs. She playfully teased some children. She urged others to sit ther can parents, for, in most cases, they require around-the- scribing it as "a clandestine pub lication or diocesan ultra-con bave picketed the chancellery, which also serves as the residence of Bishop Victor J. Reed, and have sought to build clock care. Sister Patrice got permission servatives." The Courier dis U'JLts But Sister Patrice decided 10 years ago she could do some missed the Yellow Sheet's charges as "scurrilous distor a case to request his ouster.

They have established an or tions." thing. She was operating a day nursery on the grounds of Sa nursery also accepts welfare patients. There are eight Roman Catholics, seven Protes Education Week Sept. 25 Oct. 2 ganization known as "The PresJ A few weeks later.

Dr. Fran cred Heart Junior College and NURSERY FRIENDS Sister Marie Patrice, director of the Holy Angels nursery at Belmont, N.C., cuddles one of the 69 children at the institution. Most of the children, who are blind or deformed in various ways, require around-the-clock care. (AP Wirepboto) or stand, saving, "My, aren't Academy in Belmont a textile NEW YORK (UPI) Chris cis Kovach, professor of Medieval philosophy at the University of Oklahoma, spoke at a Knights we lazy today." 'This child's father is a industrial town 12 miles west of tants and three Jews on Holy Angels' board of advisers. 'There are those," Sister Patrice once said, "who suspect that this nursery is a seedbed of tian Education Week this year is Sept.

25-Oct. 2, according to Charlotte. ervation of the Faith" and published an anonymous, mimeographed newspaper known as The Yellow Sheet," which has raised questions as to the mental health and sexual morality or Columbus awards dinner in doctor, a heart-lung specialist," she said, pointing to a girl. "But A doctor brought her a 3 the National Council of Churches, which says: Oklahoma City. After hearing the speech.

there nothing he or anyone Catholicism. They tell others it This annual observance of priests, often by name. is so. But you may tell anybody Congregations to Share Same Church in New City week-old girl he said would live ho longer than six months. This seeks to open ways for the else can do.

She has a nervous disorder and must be kept under constant sedation. which was sharply critical of modern developments within ihe church. Bishop Reed walked out who asks that we are too busy changing diapers." Christian worker to become child also was a hydrocephalic, They complain of what they call "un-Catholic" action by the diocesan administration in such matters as birth control, pac more efficient in his calling. It with an enlarged head, a large "This child's daddy works in the U.S. State Department," she of the dinner.

challenges men and women to You pay no overtime to a an Church in America, Missouri tumor on its back, and dangling, twisted lees. By LOUIS CASSELS United Press International The Courier has identified as Synod Lutherans, Methodists, personal daily reliance on the Gospel. The theme for 1966 is: said of a boy. "His parents come from Washington to see ifism and social action. State Journal Want Ad, yet it works 24 hours a day and makes over 74,000 calls on buy-minded leaders of the conservative United Church of Christ.

United 'Take her, please," the doctor said. Sister Patrice took In the brand new city of Co Our Lord, Our Faith. Our Presbyterians and Church of the faction Tom Costello, Matthew They charge Oklahoma has him as often as they can. "But, then, we have one child lumbia, 10 Protestant de- I the baby. She named her Maria.

Brethren. prospects. Phone rv 5-3211. Roden, Don Wade and John been chosen as a testing ground nominations are undertaking a pilot project in ecumenical co Eberle. all of Oklahoma City.

to determine the extent of tol Roden, a congenial, soft- operation that may have far- reaching effects on future pat ration for modern trends within the church, and that the Oklahoma Diocese has fallen victim to a "world-wide atheis spoken attorney, chooses his words carefully while talking terns of church life in America Columbia is an ideal la bora about the dispute, which he chooses to call "responsible dis tory for testing innovations. It is tic conspiracy for world domination" inspired and led by sent. a protected community of 125 It is felt the bishop has Communists. Diocesan officials say that all'given the clergy the unrestricted from scratch on a OIITH rural tract halfway between the noise is coming from a. right to operate according to small band of eight or ten "ex-i their conscience," Roden said! Iremists" who dislike the "up- in an interview.

"He has dele- Baltimore and Washington Developer James W. Rouse, a dating" of the Catholic Church gated authority to the priests to from the Vatican interpret faith and morals. resulting Council. Asked why the dispute is most Presbyterian elder, invited religious leaders to join in the planning of Columbia while it was still in the drawing-board vehement in Oklahoma, Roden 1 1 traditionalists in many areas of the country have said that "it appears the Okla-I stage. And he encouraged them been more or less vocal in their homa Diocese and one or two to think creatively to abandon more were chosen as an experi unhappincss about Vatican ment to determine the extent the well-worn ruts of the past and seek better ways of serving the religious needs of a com of toleration." Council reforms.

Nowhere, has con scrvative disapproval been ex Jim Bickham. managing edi 3YE TO munity. pressed with such vehemence tor of the Courier, described Bishop Reed's administration as The challenge has been ac and bitterness as it has in Oklahoma, where the Catholics constitute a rather small island one of "permissive autnoniy. cepted. When the first families He said the bishop "is careful move into Columbia next year.

(105.000 persons) surrounded by they'll find a unique church set to allow reasonable Individual freedom and dignity of con up, it is largely the brain child science." P6REBCTIOD of Dr. Stanley J. Hallett, plan Bickham said the purpose of a great sea of Baptists and other Protestants. The dispute exploded into the open last spring when the one-page "Yellow Sheet" began to circulate in the diocese. i ning executive of the Church the Vatican Council was to ini Federation of Greater Chicago.

tiate changes to meet new con Dr. Hallett believes that re ligion in America has suffered ditions. "And that what we are doing in Oklahoma moving The yellow sheet's volunteer greatly from an "edifice complex." Whenever a new suburb reporters roamed the diocese to put into effect the pronounce with notebooks, cameras and ments or we vaucan councu. opens up, each denomination rushes to erect its own church Since land and buildings are costly, the new congregations begin life saddled with debt, and a VnnvL'O TVmi it are so preoccupied with build ing fund drives that they have little time or energy left for i fSUf Iff viif Pastor's Anvil service to the community around them. The solution which will be tried in Columbia is for several different congregations to share the same physical facilities Each congregation will continue to worship according to its denominational tradition Episco parish, neither shall any man palians at Episcopal services, Lutherans at Lutheran services, The very nature of the worn emotion indicates motion, move Baptists at Baptist services, etc.

ment, fluctuation. No emotion, however noble or ignoble, remains static. Think of patriot They may worship at different Life's greatest values involve the whole person mind, emotions, and will. If you love God. is He has commanded, with your heart and mind and strength, that love will be steady and true even when religious feelings seem totally absent Salvation is not an achievement, gained by your brilliance, or goodness, or courage.

It is the gift of God. It becomes yours when you receive it by faith and hours in the same sanctuary, or ism, love, hate, fear, joy, sor maintain separate chapels with row. An emotion at Its best is in the same building complex. blended with sound ideas, reso Either way, they'll be able to lute Durooses. and with other share many common facilities.

at a tremendous saving. varying emotions, all giving rich oneness to life. If you are the Worship services for each con Lord's you are His whether you remains yours as long as you gregation will be conducted by a minister of its own denomi weep, or laugh, or sleep, or daydream. God and your soul stand desire to keep it by faith. Jesus said, "and I give unto them nation.

But many other pastoral sure. eternal life; and they shall never functions, such as counseling. youth work and administration, will be handled cooperatively, with each minister doing what 'Sacred Grove' Visit he best qualified to do. Perhaps the most significant feature of the Columbia expen Mormon Homecoming ment is a bold new approach to religious education. Land is the of Mormon members being allocated for construction of a religious education facility PALMYRA.

N.Y. (UPI) -I pageant audience. adjacent to every elementary "Please be reverent," ays the sign at the entrance to a stand school in the community. These interdenominational re The pageant, presented on Hill Cumorah where Smith unearthed the golden plates in 1827, dramatizes the message of silvery beech ana rougn- ligious schools, conducted by barked sugar maple not far from this Finger Lakes country of the Book of Mormon, that salaned professional teachers, will offer classes five days a village. week.

this continent was populated by Israelites who fled Jerusalem in 600 and that after his An artist takes a strip of glass with flaws and imperfections (something you and 1 would carelessly discard), and transforms it into stained glass of unbelievable beauty. And God makes possible another transformation although our souls are scarred, He can help us develop into creatures of inward beauty and usefulness. Through Him we can learn to overcome weakness with newfound strength. We can learn to have faith because we know the anguish of despair. We can learn to knre both God and man because we know the emptiness of living without love.

Through regular church attendance and prayer, we too, can transform our flaws and weaknesses into beauty of character and fitness of purpose. School officials have agreed The place is the 'sacred grove" where Mormon prophet Joseph Smith is said to have Sunday Job Monday Psalms Tuesday Psalms Wednesday Romans Thursday I Corinthians Friday Ephesians Saturday Hebrews THE CHURCH FOR ALL, ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. 'Without a strong church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church.

They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. resurrection Christ visited them here.

to work out schedules so that children may be released, at their parents' request for an seen the vission that led him to found the Church of Jesus Members of the cast most hour a day of religious training Christ of Latter-day Saints. of them about 20 and college They will be taught by pro students or young men present fessionals rather than well Sunlight filters coolly through the spreading tree tops. Fallen leaves carpet the ground. U.S. Department of Agriculture meaning amateurs.

And there'll ly serving the traditional two years of unpaid missionary duty to the church act as be no problem about church-state separation, because the religious schools will be on pri markers attest that some of ushers before the free, open air these trees were standing long before Smith's birth in 1806. vately owned property and will be financed out of church funds. performance or 'America witness to Christ" TOO MUCH ZEAL The interest charges on the huge capital investment re For a Mormon, a visit to this grove is a homecoming leading back over almost a century and a halt to the moment when the Ancel Moroni told Smith of the They were advised, and reprimanded mildly for an quired to build a Sunday school plant more tnan offset tne sala Copyright 1966. Keitter Advertising Service, Stnubarg, Ya. occasional excess of missionary zeal among members of the ries of professional teachers a golden dates of the Book of fully used weekday religious audience, by Reed Bankhead Mormon buried in a nearby school.

president of the Cumorah Si2? S2? Si2? S2? Si2? S32? Si2? si2? si2? S2? hillside. The 10 denominations which ANNUAL CHURCH PAGEANT!" SSSi have already signed up for Co For more than 400 young livestock business in Nephi, lumbia cooperative ministry are me American Baptists, Mormons who have made a Dihrrimase here to act this OLDSMOBILE DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Quakers, Episcopalians, Luther- Utah, and his post as professor of religion at Brigham Young University to accept his church's call to serve as week in their annual church Brethren, EpiswaliansLuther- pageant, a visit to the grove aiso is a time for rededicatkm J. H. ALEXAN IAN RUGS 2521 E. Michigan Ave.

Phone IV 2-2122 LANSING DIVISION WHITE MOTOR CORP. 1331 S. Washington Ave. Phone IV 5-9172 mission president without pay, Church Women to their role as missionaries for "No one is here to force ourselves on anyone," Bank- Tour Africa their church. At a "testimony meeting" in LUNDBERG SCREW PRODUCTS COMPANY 2111 W.

Willow St Phone IV 4-4577 LINDELL DROP FORGE CO. 2831 S. Logan Phone 393-1330 KEWPEE SANDWICH SHOP 115 W. Shiawasse St Phone IV 9-8415 SHEPARD SHOES 326 S. Washington Ave.

Lansing 317 E. Grand River East Lansing a clearing roofed by the head said. "But you can encourage the gentiles to read the Book of Mormon for the NEW YORK (UPI) The rrhinff tree loos, the "sisters' United Church Women are sponsoring a tour of Africa by message of Christ on earth. and "elders" seated on makeshift board and cement block You can tell them it isn a 11 church women from six CURTIS CUT RATE DRUG Free Customer Parking 600 E. Kalamazoo Phone 4824634 states in September as the first benches asked earnestly for advice on bow to spread their matter of changing their religion; it's a matter of finding Christ in the Book of delegation of a new project of gospel to the "gentile" -non "international Christian under standing." Mormon." 'What happens to all those It is planned to mate sucn Paper Work tours an annual project Accord DIVISION Phone IV 4-9471 JOHN BEAN FMC Corporation CHICAGO A study indicates ing to Mrs.

Anima Bose of people you like to visit with but you have to go and get dressed for the pageant?" one MAURICE LADIES' APPAREL 312-314 S. Washington Phone 44455 BELEN'S FLOWERS 626 W. Kalamazoo Phone 372-5610 HAGER-FOX HOME CENTER 1115 S. Pennsylvania Phone 4824501 4- Calcutta. India, special consul LETT'S HOUSE OF FASHION Butler at Ottawa Phone IV 4-0944 CONSUMERS POWER CO.

THE STATE JOURNAL tant for the project, Africa was that nurses in major general hospitals devote 40 to 60 per cent of their time to clerical duties. Rain water contains no dis serious-faced girl asked. "Get dressed," Bankhead told chosen for the first tour SIMON IRON STEEL CORP. 1MM W. WiUow Phone 3724600 her sternly, "although I know it hurts to have to leave when the because "it has many serious problems created by changing solved solid matter and is there social patterns." fore called soft water.

going is good." 1 1 I.

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