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The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana • Page 2

The Timesi
Shreveport, Louisiana
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1 THE SIIREVEPORT TIMES. FRIDAV, NOVEMBER 21. 3 913 Siireveport fish and Produce Co. NEW PHONE 95 609 LOUISIANA STREET OLD PHONE 1424 FOUR HUNDRED LADIES SIT AT FESTAL BOARD Friday and Saturday BY INSIDE INTERESTS FISH OF ALL KINDS BANQUET AT CHRISTIAN CHTRCn OVER 6EVE MILLION DOLLARS MADE BY SYNDICATE SALES TO FRISCO. Busy Shopping Days at Baird's Special sale offerings which appeal to the ludlcious buyers as real economy in buying Useful items that serve a worthy purpose are the kind and classes of merchandise always found on Baird's Special Sale counters.

MOST ELABORATE CHCRCH AF FAIR EVER GIVEN HERE, WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF POULTRY, BUTTER, MEATS AND VEGETABLES. DUCKS DUCKS DUCKS We Give Times Contest Coupon. MUSIC ADDED TO THE CHEER MM CHIEF BENEFICIARY SPECIALS FOR WANTS $4,800 LIQUOR HELD His Profit Amount to $300,000 Sle of Brownsville Road to Frisco Nets Syndicate $3,000,000 James Cainl. boll. Former Head of Frisco, Slake $331,000.

Men Are Highly Praised the Ladies for the Excellent Manner in Which They Are Entertained Music and Interesting Talks by Several Enthusiasts Followed the Supper. FOR LOST TOE i AT MARSHALL THE usual "week's end" enthusiasm will be prevalent throughout Baird's store today and tomorrow. Things mostly in need for Thanksgiving and the holidays will have special sales space on every floor. You cannot afford to miss the good things we have in store for you. Come end look them over, whether it is your intention to buy or not.

New Cut Glass for Thanksgiving The most complete line we have sftoyn in many a day VISIT our enlarged Cut Glass section today and see the I Wm. Brantley Files Suit Against Kan- Express Agent Notified That If He St. Louis, Nov. 20. The taking of TODAY Green Trout, Mackerel, Fresh Wntjr Trout, Speckled Trout, Redfish, Sheephead, Flounders, Halibut Steaks, Silver Salmon Steaks, Catfish, Crabs and Shrimp.

The banquet tendered the ladles cf Delivers It Even for Personal Vse He Will Be Prosecuted. 8a City Southern Railroad Chun. ute Succession and Will. the Central Christian Church by the gentlemen of the church last night was undoubtedly one of the moat elab Special to The Times. Marshall, Texaa, Nov.

20. Agent Braden of the Wells Fargo Express orate church affairs ever given in Shreveport, 400 ladles having Dean seated at the festive board and served with the following tempting menu: Olives Mixed Pickle 1 Company of this city is refusing to deliver any intoxicating liquors to any one since the Allison bill went into effecton )ast Tuesday night. He had orders from his companyto make de Celery Hearts Salted Peanuts Oyster Soup Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing, Brown Gravy cral testimony in the Investigation of the receivership of the St. Louis San Francisco Rallwuy by the Interstate Commerce Commission closed here today with the filing by the St. Louis Union Trust Company of the names Of the ninety-nine members of the syndicate that made a profit of $3,000,000 in the promotion of the St.

Louis, Brownsville Mexico Railroad and Its sale to the Frisco. By the. disclosure of a syndicate protlr. of $875,000 by the sale of the New Orleans, Texas Mexico Katlroad to the Frisco, the amount of syndicate profits through the promotion of subsidiary llnea and their sale to the Parent road was brought today to Several estates appear In the last filed by A. T.

Perkins, representing the St. Louis Union Trust liveries to any one having shipments Bake Spiced Ham Pickled Tongue In his office when the receiver would make affidavit to the effeot that the liquor was for personal use. How Cranberry Bauce Mashtd Totatoes Green Peas ever, County Attorney Reuben Hall Gelatins with Whipped Cream Assorted Cakes notified him that if he did he would bi violating the law and would be prosecuted. Mr. Bra'den has notified the company and will not deliver any Cheese Crackers Coffee Prior to.

beinor seated at the long liquors -until the attorney-general gives tables which covered every part of lb larae Sunday School room, in addl- an oulnlon. There are vet aulte a TRIED INDIANS TO LONELY SPOT tion to the large dining room of the number of packages of liquor In the church, a most excellent musical pro office undelivered that will be held pretty new Cut Glass sparkling in its crystal beauty. Useful and ornamental pieces here for your choosing NAPPIES, COMPOTES, BOWLS, TRAYS and DISHES', WATER SETS, VASES, TUMBLERS, PERFUMERY' BOTTLES, TRINKET JARS, ROSE JARS, etc. HAVE the lady in charge show you through our very complete line of Cut Glass pieces, ff-f -f ON SALE at. Jll? Table Linens of Special Interest Your attention directed to our very complete collection of Table Damask and Napkins to match WE OFFER Thanksgiving discount on our general line of Table Linens, Towels, Doilies, etc.

Buy today while choosing is an easy matter. $2.00 Table Damask offered, special $1.79 $1.75 Table Damask offered, special $1.39 $1.50 Table Damask offered, special $1.19 $1.35 Table Damask offered, special $1.08 $1.25 Table Damask offered, 98c 90c Table Damask offered, special 72c 75c Table Damask offered, special 59c Towels Reduced For the loss of one toe land the stiffening of two others, Wm. Brantley yesterday filed suit against the-Kansas City Southern Hallway seeking to collect the sum of $4,800 for his injuries. In the petition, which is filed for the plaintiff by Attorney T. Alexander, it Is alleged that the plaintiff was in a pit under a locomotive of tho defendant company repairing an air pipe.

Whllo thus engaged, another employe of the company was working above the pit on the same locomotive, driving a heavy pin from some part of the machinery. No precautions, it is alleged, wera made for the safety of the plaintiff, and when the pin was detached from the machinery It fell Into the pit and upon plaintiff's foot, resulting in the Injuries complained of. The accident happened August 25, this year, and plaintiff declares ha has made amicable demand upon the company without result. The Cltanute Succession. Attorney Sol Weiss, of New Orleans and McDonald Herold, local attor neys, acting for the brother of Leoi F.

Chanute, the roving Socialist who recently died here and left a will, naming the national Socialist party as beneficiary, filed papers In the district clerk's office yesterday for a rule on the executor here to show ouuse why the order admitting the will of Chanute to probate should not be s4 aside. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTO I A Dr. McCracken, Osteopath, 423 Commercial National Bank Building, MR. DAMON TELLS HOW DAMON MOUND 1 WAS FIRST LOCATED BY WHITES. gram was rendered by an orchestra engaged specially for the ocslon, which was greatly enjoyed and served to thrill everybody present with a spirit of genuine good fellowship aim cheer.

The ladies were especially loud in their praise of the most excellent manner In which thr entertainment had beet: provided for by the men, and while not Just exactly willing to ad-mil that their banquet of Tuesday night had been eclipsed by their hosts, they were not inclined to rob the men of any honor which was their due. Following- the serving of the menu there was more music, and a number of short and interesting talks by several of the enthusiastic workers of the church. The occasion was one which will long live in the memory of those whose good fortune it was to be present, FLORIDA LAND FRAUD CASES until an opinion is given from Austin. Last night at Castle Hall, EureKa Lodge, No. Knights of Pythias, and the Pythian Sister Lodge, No.

97, cele. brated the golden Jubilee of the Pyth-lans and the sliver Jubilee of the Sisters, the Pythians having been founded In 16C3 and the Bisters In 1888. The large lodge room was filled to overflowing with the Pythians, their wives and families, and the evening was one of the most enjoyable that the Pythians and the SiBters have ever had. A program had been arranged, but several numbers were omitted on account of tho persons expected not being present. Hun.

P. O. Beard ws Introduced by Mr. F. S.

Fish and de-llered'the opening address. Reading by Mrs. J. I. Hey.

Vocal solo by Mrs. James Welsh, accompanied by Mrs. Monte Allen. Address on Fythianism, by Mr. Ches-ley Adams.

Vocal solo and rescitatlon by Mr. Postom. Recitation, Mrs. Allie Smith. After the program was finished the ladies and knights served refreshments of chicken sandwiches, cake, and coffee.

Eureka Lodge, K. of No. 2, of this city Is onu of the oldest and largest In membershln In the State, and their entertainments are always attended by quite a large number of members and their families. The weather has been very warm Ir. this section of the country for fall weather and has caused much vegetation to take on spring appearance.

Mr. McWUllams, who lives about five miles east of Marshall, on the Shreveport road, says that his pear trees ar In bloom and that his honeysuckles In the yard are also In bloom, and that oats that were planted a week ago ere already up and looking splendid. Messrs. Robert Addis of Fort Worth end John W. Addis of this city returned yesterday from a fishing trip down to Port Caddo on Cypress Bayou and say that the fish were biting COMPLETE new lines for Thanksgiving shown in a wide range of plain and huck weaves plain and scallop ends.

PLAIN Linen Huck Towel, hemstitched hem, $1.00 values. PRICED, SPECIAL 79o EMBROIDERED Linen Towel with scallop ends, size 20x36. PRICED, SPECIAL 49o GUEST Towels, plain linen huck with scallop finished ends. PRICED, SPECIAL 28c ALL "LINEN, plain hem and hemstitched hem Towels, 18x36. PRICED, SPECIAL 24c ALL TJNEN, hemstitched hem, colored border Towels, full size.

PRICED, SPECIAL 28c State Norrpal Notes Missourians; Indicted for Working "Skin Game," Claim They Were Misled by Officials of Florida. Company. Mr. Perkins explained tnw by saying that the estates were those cf men who subscribed to the syndicate but did so before the deal was closed. Among those who Invested In the syndicate that constructed the Brownsville road and the amount of Investments were: B.

F. Yoakum, chairman of the Frisco directorate until receivership, $300,000. W. K. Blxby, one of the receivers of the Wabash and a director of the Frisco, $108,000.

C. H. Beggs, $38,000. James Campbell, former vice president of the Frisco and president of the North American Company whlcn filed the receivership suit agalnstthe Frisco, $334,000. Robert S.

Brookings, president of the board of trustees of Washington Unlversfty, $159,000: A. G. Edwards Sons, $96,000. FrancU Bros. Company, $83,000.

(This Is the brokerage firm headed by David R. Francis). B. B. Graham estate, $100,000.

St. Louis Union Trust Company, $216,000. (Thomas H. West, head of this company, is one of the Frisco receivers. John Scullln; $78,000.

D. M. Houser, $20,000. Robert McK. Jones, $25,000.

J. F. Hinkley estate, $25,000. E. Hawley, $83,000.

F. H. Hamilton, treasury of the Frisco, $15,000. E. C.

Simmons, $100,000, Ppeyer Company, $100,000. G. H. Walker Company, $60,000. Edward Malllnlckrodt, $100,000.

Daniel Catlln, $40,000. Henry C. Scott estate, $85,000. American Central Trust Company, $33,000. John B.

Dennis. $80,000. Andrew C. Shanlon, $25,000. Phillip C.

Scanlon, $25,000. P. M. Johnson, $108,000. S.

W. Fordyce, $124,000. (Mr. For-dyce recently was elected a director toMhe Frisco). S.

M. Felton of Chicago, $10,000. A. T. Perkins, $22,000.

(Mr. Perkins was a member of the stockholders committee that recently waged a fight for proxies, thereby placing the control of the directorate in the hands of the St. Louis men). Thomas H. West, $131,000.

M. C. Wetmore, $25,000. Whltaker Company, $91,000. Edward Whltaker, $62,000.

Alonzo C. Church, $126,000. F. Schafty, $25,000. Jas.

H. Allen, $33,000. Catherine H. Boland, $100,000. L.

F. Parker, former counsel of the Frisco, $37,000. In many cases cited the actual in "I was born at Damon's Mound, Texaa, 62 years ago. It was named-after my grandfather," said Mr. Li Damon, a prominent business man cf Angleton tot a newspaper man.

"My grandparents first found the spot by trailing Indians to it. They watched and saw them dig out the lava. Some that were crippled would wet It and 'bind it on themselves. Others would soak it in water in rude vessels and then drink the water. Still others would go away taking all they could carry.

After that Vltalltas belonged to the whites as well as the Indians. "My grandfather Darst settled there in' 1822 and secured a patent. Then my grandfather Samuel Damon followed and settled there. At the time I was born Vitalltas was being used by all the white people for mile nround. It was" their only medicine.

It was good for most everything, particularly stomach troubles, bad blood, ague, rheumatism and the like. I always knew It would startle the world some time." Thousands are dally finding new health and vigor In this wonderful earth product. It drives sway all de-rangements of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood. It la guaranteed. See the unique display and sample Vltalltas today at Saenger drug store, NEWS OF LONQVIBW.

f.lKlit Company Accepts Rates Named by City on Contract. Special to The Times. 1 Longvlew, Texas, Nov. iO. At a late hour last night the Clt Council and the Longvlew Ice and Light Company reached an agreement whereby ithe light company accepted the last proposition of the Cltv Council with slight Special to The Natchitoches, Nov.

19. Friends of the Normol School should note with pride and satisfaction that the Lyceum COTTON, linen finish, Huck Towels, white or with colored ccmmlttee has been so fortunate as to secure a recital by such a famous vio borders, 17x35. SALE PRICE, DOZEN $1.00 linist as Maude Powell for the night 'a of November 28. Since the first year of Its existence the committee has been so Judicious In Its choice and so fortunate as to obtain Only the besc Sheets and Pillow Cases Fine Grade PEPPERELL SheetB, full size, 81x90, wide hems'; worth 75c. SALE PRICE SCALLOP finished double bed Sheets, full size, 81x90, PEPPERELL brand, SALE 69c 59 entertainers, whether literary or musl- jv cal.

The committee is to be commend- ed for its hign Ideals It wishes to set before the youth that is In attendance I upon the Normol School, for nothing but the best Is fit or desirable for this school. President Roy has returned from Amite, where he has been In attendance tj. upon a Baptist convention held there PILLOW CASES to match. Priced 25o SPECIAL lot fine grade Bed Sheets, wide hems, seamless; size, 81x90; 65c values. CQv Kansas City, Nov.

20. "If my clients have misrepresented the land they are selling, it was because they were misled by officials of the State of Florida and officials of the United States Department of Agriculture," Herbert Hadley, attorney for R. J. Martin and J. F.

Borders, agentB of the Florida Lands Company, declared tonight. Martin and Borders, with six other company agents, were indicted by the Federal grand Jury here today on charges of o6nsplraoy to use the malls to defraud in connection with the sale of 180,000 acres of land the Everglades district of Florida. Judge A. S. Van Valkenburgh fixed bond at $5,000 each, which Borders and Martin gave.

The other indicted men were not present. Mr. Hadley said he would enter pleas for his clients In thirty days and the trials will be held at the spring term of court, Mr. Hadley, in his statement, says his clients consulted the Governor of F-rida, the Attorney-General of that State, a State drainage body and government reports on the land In question before becoming connected with the proposition. The representations the defendants have made, Mr.

Hadley declares, have been gleaned from those sources. He cited further that at an investigation of the methods of the company in January, 1913, Attorney General V. SALE PRICE, fine while they were down there at tbe club. On the first evening they caught thirty-five fine fish' and the second day they caught seventy-eight and yesterday up to the time they came home they had succeeded In catching sixty-five of the finny tribe, Special 15c PEPPERELL Pillow Cases, 45x36. all with hook and line changes as to matters of the contract 90-lnch Linen Sheetings 89c GRASS Bleach Linen Sheeting, 90 inches wide; semi-gloss finish worth $1.25 yard.

SALE PRICE Jn the district court yesterday the 89c following capital cases were set for to be made, but leaving xne rates ae-mandert unchanged, thus securing a marked reduction In electric rates foi' power and light for the people of the trial: Hodge Faught, white, rape, set for December 3, and a venire of 100 men last A. Davis and Miss Carroll spent tho last week-end at Mansfield as Judges In athletic and literary contosU held among the students of the high schools of De Soto Parish. Quite a large crowd attended the Latin play given In the school auditorium last Friday evening. The play illustated a characteristic dally session of an ancient Roman school, with appropriate costumes. The players knew heir pcrts well and the audience seemed pleased with the performance.

The concluding game of football for the season win be played on the Normal" athletic field on Thanksgiving Day between Normal and the Lafayette Industrial School While the prophecy of many a game this season has been badly upset by the actual game, wo have reason to believe that the Nor-rral team has sufficient ability in straight football, together with a sleeve full of tricks, to come out of the game with more than a comfortable margin of points. ordered. Beauregard Stevens, murder, set for vestment was several hundred or thousand higher than indicated. The total investment in the syndicate was $3,980,999.20. Most of those whose city, and (ha light company getting a contract to furnish power to the city and electrlo current for street lights for ten years.

The proposed municipal electrlo light plant Is thus eliminated. This contract will affect the charac-. ter of contract to be let tonight by tho city for power and lights, as all the electric power machinery will be cut out, and also boiler and engines for operating the plant, as the electric light company will supply the power for the city rumps under the contract made. A large number of contractors are here bid on the contract to be let tonight. names are given are active In the business life of St.

Louis. Klrby Makes Denial. Beaumont, Texas, Nov. 20. John December 8 and a venire of sixty men ordered, Pink Anderson, colored, murder, set for December 10 and a venire of sixty men ordered.

The new bank that ha been organized here under the name of the Guaranty State and Savings Bank has let the contract to Moos Rogers for the remodeling of the brick bulidtng on West Austin Street, corner Wellington. The building will be practically demolished and a handsome new front of plate gas put in and the foundation reinforced so that a three-story buldlng can made of It. The Texas Pacific Railway Company has posted bulletins in their big shops asking all their old employes to fill out and sign up Form No. 1400, Wickersham decided there was not even a point for a grand Jury investigation, and directed that the matter be not subjected to a Jury. This hearing was held connection with charges against Richard J'.

Bolles, an attache of the government in reclamation work. "The present controversy," Mr. Hadley continued, "was brought on by a disagreement between Florida Congressmen and Senators and officials of the State of Florida over the drainage of the lands. Tl-e matter was placed before Attorney-General Klrby of Houston, president and principal owner of the Klrby Lumber Company here, today denied emphatically that the transaction between the Klrby Lumber Company and the St. Louis San Francisco Railroad cotild have had any possible bearing on the Frisco troubles, as was conveyed In the newspaper reports of testimony given Tuesday before the Interstate Commerce Commission Investigation In St Louis by Benjamin F.

Yoakum, former chairman of the Frisco board of directors. Mr. Klrby said: McELWAIM "The newspapers don't give Mr. SHOE Yoakum's testimony In detail, only the reporter's Impression of what Mr. Yoakum said.

"It Is Inconceivable that the trans McReynoIds, and having represented Mr. Bolles in the previous inquiry he was embarrassed and decided because of his own position that the matter should be investigated by a grand Jury. We are not feaiful of the result when the case comes to trial. My clients are fortified by statements of representatives of the United States Department of Agriculture and officials of the State of Florida that will prove the are guiltless and acted in good faith." MOTHER! THE CHILD action referred to could have brought about the embarrassment of the Frisco. The facts are these: "About ten years ago the Frisco bought ono-slxth of the stock of the Klrby Lumber Company, paying therefor 11,616,000.

In addition to this stock LONG CLOTH, 98c One hundred bolts brand-new English Long Cloth, perfect chamois finish, 36 inches wide. flO-SALE PRICE, bolt of 12 yards 70C FLANNELETTE Bargain assortment mill-end lengths Figured" Flannelettes values worth 10c yard. 70 SALE PRICE I I'-CC CHECK GINGHAMS, 5c Yard Fifty new bolts Apron Check Ginghams; staple check patterns, blue and white, brown and white; worth 7 l-2c. ON SALE JC Fine Chamoisette Gloves 39c SPLENDID grade Chamoisette Short 2-Button Clasp Gloves, shown in black, white, chamois; special 50c values. SALE PRICE KID GLOVES, 69c Special counter Short Kid Gloves; 2-button clasp fastening; black and colors; values CQ worth $1.00.

SALE PRICE OVC LEATHERETTE Gloves Have the appearnce of doeskin in both weight and finish KAYSER brand shown In 1 f( black and colors. SPECIAL VALUES 4 I ll Vanity and Coin Cases 59c SPECIAL lot elegantly finished silver-plated Coin and Vanity; chain handle; worth $1.00. rn SALE PRICE DyC NEW composition ivory Vanity and Coin Case; shell and moire effects shown in colors and tortoise worth $1.75. SALE PRICE 9UV) OXIDIZED silver Vanity, Coin and Card Case; fancy carved design; leather lined; worth $2.00. (j ja SALE PRICE 91.17 TANGO leather Purse and Bag; unique pointed style, with single strap handle; chased, nickel finish frame; tf -f moire silk lined.

PRICED pLDV Brass Novelties at Sale Prices See the very attractive Brass Urn Hanging Baskets with Fern 59c BRASS CHIMES, 98c Special lot Brush Brass Four-Tube Breakfast Chimes, with cap and ebony finish striker; QQ very ornamental, equally useful. SALE PRICE sOC BRASS VASES', 59c Finely finished Brush Brass Vases, with flared top and base; 8 inches high. CO-SALE PRICE FERN SET, 59c Very attractive Brass Hanging Urn, with Fern and Mission Bracket; plant always green; set rn. worth $1.00. SALE PRICE purchase loans aggregating about $800,000 were made.

The loans were The manufacturing methods of the McEl-wain factories have revolutionized the shoemaking business. repaid with Interest about five years which the application for their annual passes by all old employes for the year of1914. There are quite a large number of old employes who are entitled to arnual passes that are Issued by the Texas Pacific Railway every year and It is, quite a big Job to make them out and get them Into the employes' hands before the new year is ushered in. NEWS OF JEFFERSON, Special to The Times. Jefferson, Texas, Nov.

20. District Court Is busy with the Jury docket and will take up the criminal docket next week. Some cases tried: Marshall Thompson, theft of hog, not guilty. State of Texas vs. Harper McLaugh-len, carrying pistol, fine $100.

State of Texas vs. Bunn Marshall, unlawfully selling intoxicating liquors, nol prossed- State of Texas vs. Red Kennedy, unlawfully celling intoxicating liquors, pleaded guilty, two years in the pen. State vs. I.

G. Wilson, burglary, pleaded guilty, two years in the pen. State vs. Archie Simmons, aggravated guilty, fine $25. State vs.

Johnnie Rowell, unlawfully selling Intoxicating liquors, pleaded one year in the pen. ago, but the Frisco still owns tl stock. That stock today Is worth In IS COSTIVE trinsically 12,265,000, though on the rr.arket It would probably not sell for that. But since the Frisco still owns the stock, It cannot be said that tho Frisco has lost one penny by reason IF TONGUE IS COATED, BREATH BAD, STOMACH SOUK, DON'T HESITATE of the purchase of these shares or by any other transaction with the Klrby Lumber Company. The total capital of the Klrby Lumber Company Is They have also made it possible for McElwain to make better shoes for less money than was possible before.

Give "California Syrup of Figs" at once a teaspoonfui today often saves a sick child tomorrow. If your little one Is out-of-sorts, half-stck, isn't resting, eating and acting naturally look, Mother! see -f tongue Is coated. This Is a sure sign that it's little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross. Irritable, feverish, stomach sour, breath, bad or has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give a teaspoonfui of "California Kvrun of Figs" and In a few hours ouo, ooo, and its assets are more than J3.000.000 greater than they were when the Frisco bcught this stock ten years ego." BARRED "CHICKEN OATH." Chinese Witnesses Asked for Testimony Under Oriental Vow.

The many Chinese witnesses for the prosecution in a Chinese gambling case in the city court became suspicious of the reliability of the evidence given by brother Celestials on the Christian oath and demanded that the solemn "chicken oath" be administered to all witnesses and the accused. The court frowned, for the The merchants have agreed to close and give half holiday for Thanksgiving, November 27. Ernest R. Hick, the popular city secretary of Jefferson and Miss Bettie Lee Rowe, of Marshall, were married in that city at 2 o'clock p. on the 19th, by Rev.

W. C. Tardy, at $3.50. $4.00 wdKM. Bo'W.

t2.50udt3.00. IM, Ban thorn U.OO sad $2.50. Dntnbuted by I Whotesalen and Made by W. H. McELWAIN COMPANY the home of J.

B. Carter- Mr. and Mrs all the constipated poison, undigested vni, n' hmn thpir frUn. rrrm ann sour one iiiuvch uui at Mr. and Mrs.

J. R. Kay. of Its little bowels without griping chicken oath" was unknown. It was Boston vj -iter' v-i and you have a wen, piayiui cnua again.

Mothers can rest easy atfer giving this harmless "fruit laxative," because it never fails to cleanse the little one's liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach and they dearly love its pleasant taste. Full directions for babies, children of all ages A. L. Edwall, of Dallas, and Miss Linnell Brooks, of Jefferson; were married November -18, at the home of the bride's father, E. E.

Brooks, Itev. C. T. Cumminga performing the ceremony. They left for St.

Louis, Chicago and Rock Island, before they return to their home In Dallas. Mrs. George Annie Dawson died Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock after a long affliction from cancer of his face, aged 71 years. Mrs. Dawson was an old resident living here since 1870 coming to Jefferson with her husband, the late Col, G.

W. Dawson, at tht date from Marshall. The funeral wasjield nt the Catholic Church at 10 a. m. Thursday.

described soon as being the most sacred of Chinese oaths, originating In the past centuries and commanding the awe and respect of every Chi-1 nese. With the great solemnity, the head of a live chicken Is cut off and the witness dips his fingers Into the warm blood and swears to tell the truth. The police magistrate objected to the mess that would be made in tho court room by the killing of live chickens and of blood and the prosecution agreed with the defense to let the Christian oath stand. Mantloba Free Press. and for grown-ups printed on eacn SURD'S See Ad Last Page Home Caught Perch not the cold storage Btock.

Phone j'our orders early. Try our home-made Ribbon Cane Syrup best ever. Only six more days before Thanksgiving. Come see the De Luxe Fruit Cake and other specialties. WIENEE-LOEB GROCERY COMPANY.

bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrup. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of "California Syrup of then see that it In made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Don't be fooledl.

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