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Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas • 55

Corpus Christi, Texas
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-PT Corpus Chris tl CALLER-TIMES Sun April 29 1931 (' vk a 1 sins FINAL Minn'Lv bsJirJ Tlu filth mill fliiil nn-i-lin In arrln ul riiminiinil) lur-i-Ini piHiMiri'J by Uh Nurrro (hihI) I unit lliirrau UI hi-hclil at lh l-oniUm XrhiHilliMW nlclil aifuriUng I lumur tan lh iirganlxaibiu tllrt-iiur nf Ilia iminly rmjnnr Salillll Tin nni-ting Km iirigliuilly M-hiiluli'd Im lul rliliijr iiikIiI bill KM HntHHli'il I'M ariiilllit IlM ItiM'oinriT n'-li brntliin 4 SCIII'IILHT IIKKI) Thi'sc Jersey cuttle are in the duiry herd of A 11 Schubert of near Kingsville Schubert raised mort of the cows himself and has some high pro duccrs in the herd He now has 24 cows in production I tv AV lilM-'(T OKILA KUl Cliri-iuv May and County Agent Kenneth Jackson with two of May's sons examine a young okra crop on farm in the Vattman Community May planted 45 acres of1 okra this year It is a new commercial crop for farmers fat the community FIICS LAHGK PLANTINGS Ground Alfalfa Keeps Herd Going Ormm-1 alfalfa liny mixed with'inent for hi lwril Hu hihl hull I ixu-ronl dairy lei-il plus prairie Irons Uu- Mil'umi-I Ikiliy iini-hay haa hoot tha tows In A II ui Jim Wi-lla (-'minty St'hubfU'a herd a Kingsville aon Alvin a wnliii priMlurmic il fairly hiuh KltiRNYlllA IIIkIi School nnc jurinir thr paat year ui apila of mail an uiiisliuiUlng rsrurtl in (ha druuKht dairying liu hss alum-n anumilH Like aU dairymen In South JnlHr Texan SrhuherTii mipplv of fw! Texas for aevertl years and lilx ownrifs at a -t 4 -4f we- Cr-- W'--' Tqr Yu LI ni im Riviera Farmers Experimenting With Okra entries have won many lop Last year Alvin's entry in the junior slate proluctton crudest was awarded thlid place in statewide kld irymjg a new crop this year Khlorg Oumiy farmes in the Vail man and riviem communiljes iheda on each alda iww afford aoma ill a boat plant to pink boUworm rdeclion wiml and tha plants will eomo Under compellllon wss rxhaunlil bsig a a tin druuglu waa broken amt ha hml to reviaa Ida whole leading pro gram to meet tlia new romlnnaia Normally ha haa an ample acreage of lagumo crops during the winter on which hie hard graves hut laat winter waa an exception Nnr waa ha able to grow amliin graaa for fall and apring grnxing Cnnaaqucntly ha had depend to karp hla production up on alfalfa hay and dairy rations Ha grinds tha alfalfa hay ard mixes it with the dairy ration Koi Voting Start Monday On Tux Hike MraMire WASHINGTON April (AP)-TIm House Ylaya amt Means Committee will begin vuing Monday the I'iM tax Increase bill by (lie admiiilHtution once iluiped lo boost lax revenue by tlu Appinxiiuiiicly 3(io arrea of ukra Iww- In-cii pLmtcil In tha two communities Tue is the find time Hist okra bus lmi-n plmtcd in tha county In Inrgn conuiteicial qunnlilies and Hiu new growers me watching with iiitcici't the progroNS ol the crop (larcm-e May of lha Vallinmi CVonniunlly plnnlcd 43 acres of okra whn enme no to a go stolid hut is tx-glnning to sutler lim-niiKo of tlie high Wimla that have rovubil In the area Slay May said that Hie okra Is being rniwn for a concern In tha Hie (Sratule Valley Dmler the cimtracl ngivement lietwven farmers and (he buyer It la estimated that a return of about 9H0 Inn will be realised on thut put of tha rrop which la sold hr Hie panning plant while tha return will he larger on fresh okra that la aold direct tn consumers Crews tn harvest the okra will ha supplied by lha Va ley firm Okra la closely kin to tha cotton plant May pointed out and It dHiuld grow well In the null around Vsllman id Hi viera It haa yield ed heavily In gnnlena and May recalled that several years ago ha used to Imy okra In amall quan Ulles and acll it tn consumer Rlnca it Is memliar of the aama family of plant aa cotton okra Um aama plow-up raguiattonn an cotton next fall Tha a talk daatruo-lion deadline In lha Coastal Bead in usually Sept 29 Ilia okixt In Um Vattman and Riviera arena thin year wan planted In alnndard width roam with standard grain planting equipment May said lie put about ftva pounds of seed to tha acre Slay who la one of tha largeet farmers in tho Vattman Community normally plants a largo cucumber acroago but tho nla camo oo lato this year that ho did not plant cucumbers at all Ho haa about 490 acres in cotton While the rest of hla land In In grain sorghum with tho exception tho 49 acres of ohm Ilia cotton looka good hut ha said that another rain la badly at this tlmn while he waa also pulling out Ifalia hay for the cattle lo eat between milking periods blit that berama too expensive and be began using prarla hay Bchuhert haa been operating a dairy farm near Kingavllla since I Ilia herd la eompiiHd of Jer-aeya most of tham raised by him He rarely ever htiya a replnre- Most estimates among committee members on Hie site of the bill they exieet to he approved ranged said that he is afraid to rulllvata from 99 billion to $7 liillon lha young crop now because In The voting agreement was an-'dirdurhing tha anil there la a dan-nounced last night as tlm of Im rcuning the damsge tksie tea wound up three and a half by blowing mind He planted tha weeka of closed door discussions roki a in the furrow amt lha high Finest PREPARING DAIRY A II Schubert Kleberg County dairyman includes alfalfa hsy in rations for his dairy herd lie is shown grinding baled alfalfa which he mixes with protein feeds for his cattle and Car! America's Largest Low-Friced Santa Gcrlrudis Cattle Feature'1 In A atnry on ftinta Ccrlrmfix rat- waa roughly tliree-elghfhs Rmh-tie Is featured In the current issue1 five-eighlhi Shorthorn Put I the tmporaut fart waa that he of fortune Mngxrine bf characteristic Kfltltlcd '8nntA GAitnMifl: ft Lol fvlrbrcr hud brwi limklnff for pin of Oftof'1 ttift ittory dAl not nnly'i-nonh Tmlimnn M'xvf to hr with early development of the1 hardy plus prepotency He was ths futurs of tha bed calls inhlN rnVC4 Wirf outstanding and in diixtry I Ur prepotent "On tha sparse Texas plains" bean the labyrinthine! It was slated In (he Kortunt atorv pmreas of inbreeding and line "a Santa Ortrudis calf at eight breeding lo Xbrnhey At that time! months will weigh Am pounds against Ron for the Itrltiah breeds know-bulge of animal genetira wa less advanced and (he King Ranch Ike StyfeilM De Use I-Dew ledee (CesffsiM dee ef Wewderd eoWaswiO end Me Mum It dearodesl ee ecmlet'fcl ef leefwMJ Only Chovrebf In ffte lowr-Frko NeU Can Say I Meeting Attended By 350 A Farm Bureau meeting fourth In a aerire of community meetings sponsored by the Nuecee County Farm Bureau draw a crowd of more than 390 people Thursday night at Moravian Hall In tha Kos torys Community Tha program featured local entertalnera who presented a varied range of entertainment Plano solos were played by Fatay Kosarek Theresa Mokry a Ilwdcnger and Rosa Mario Benys Vocal hum her wars given ky Mart geret Ermia Allen Shannon Thar-esa Starry Tommy Foyt Jerry Ann Migl and Ruse Maria Benys Shirley Starry played several numbers on the accordion Malcolm Pollard guitarist Norma Van Luh accordionist: and David Van Lob vlolinsl played several selections Mrs diaries Foyt and bln A Benya were chairmen of tho social and muxirnl port am of the program while on lha food commit-tea were Mrs Jurerkn Mu A (1 Klcchmever Mrs Victor Penys Mrs Kmll Matula Mrs Mm Ftssny Mrs Frank Sljansky and Mrs Krnest Starry McKsrhem and Rlrhanl Msrqiiarwdt of tha Coastal pend I'ink Pullwnrm Conlrol Division showed a film on lha control of cotton insects while another Mm waa shown by tha National Cotton Council which showed aoma of tha new uses for rottnn materials II Wrst of Plalwp secretary treasurer of tha Texaa Farm Bur eau Federation ami federation director from tha Coslal Band District isike briefly on efforts be tng mails by tha Farm Bureau In obtain for farmers their share of the national income and to pro vent the enactment of unfavorable legislation against agriridtura "Price controls in this country mean Hint tha Xtales will billow tin asms road aa England" Went sent "They ran mean tha end of our free economy" West said that tha Farm Bureau la opposed to freeslng farm price at parity and that tha or-ganlxatlun will do everything In Ha power to prevent auch actum He said that farmers want nothing lo do with autmidiea pointing out that Ilia nine for economic Ilia Ilea in prmliirtlon and Increasing taxes West haa played an important part In shaping Farm Bureau pot icy which In turn haa aaerted a foTeful influence on lha national policy toward agriculture Ha la one of lha oranliation's loading authorities on cotton problems Folkiwtng tha entertainment program refreshments of sandwlrhes cakes and rinnka were served A danca for Farm Bureau mam-bars and their families wars given afar refreshments had been served Musln waa furnished by Johnny Knaaak'a orchestra fioiu LONGESTI IWHI Four-yrnold Fonts Ucrtriiilis program was viewed skeptically wU outweigh their generation after generation counlna by 3u0 pounds or more" blood was gradually Diaeuasing early phases of the spread thromrhnut tha ranch Py rrueihreeding program on KingjMo the unique FanU flertrudls Ranch tha magaxina atory were sufftelentlv "Moat of the original King Ranrh proved for the breed to he officially emeses had Iwen made with Short jrpcogiilxed by the Department home sines they had been on iluvnf Agriculture and tha livestock worst pastures and needed the Vnrld In general Working with the1 Prahman Infusion moat Klehc-g Ini-gent purebred herd nnd derbled In ronlinua with tho Short-1 fnllnw-lng ssinl genetic pclm-iple horns because Uiev wet somewhat' Kleher? and Ihe King Ranch betier mothers Pul be knew that had aurreedrd In rreallng a new rrhrrfding wne only the first i heed In the sliort spare of 30-step A first generation cross 'ymra may be magnificlent yet produce I Miny catllemen aey that progeny ftdi of recewnve eharaeter- another generation 71 percent talira To ronstltute a new breed! of all t-ef ea'tle Isitehered In the Klelierg know Ihe chnrsrtei-wties dl have Prahman hlmrl: would have In be permanently fix-! if so (he largest number will pro This could he nrmmpMied ex- iiv he descendants of Monkey penenre Indicated only by drcov-i fr (he ginta Certriidls has got a enng i-mie girit Imbvldtiiil animal hends'srt over the other Prebend carefully Intensifying lie blond mnn crosses developed last by Una bleeding (mating dls'ant M-nx-h 177 Fanis (lertrulia broe relatives) and Inbreeding (mating prg foregnlhernd In Fan Antonio to loser relattVi-ai Ilnaiigiirate an Intematlnn-il Fnnia! "As It happened (he 'greil preedenT Association' dlvidiul' that was to sire lo PunUiund lo rronie a retjletry for the new' tiertrndis broed was not Ihe pro iirF ivi All memheis of Hie as duel of any scientifically wont nll'il uriitinn will gel scientific breeding mating htil a fortunate aceld-rl A gmdnnee from the King fl inch At Prahman hull which Flii'ithorn with a milk cow on the intention to Fintt Ocrtrudla' Isiurelea dlvtsUm Ktdl iwlng thi-irHs il I I as faille he-natural inclinaMons Vinoiero an I rnme available The King Ranch's the Murries milk cow collaborated new breH Is rlearly not only here In Ilia production of a big che-ry- to stay hut la going places at a1 red calf named Monkey which jb-plng gallop" grew up 10 be Ihe great grandpa ol 1 all good Paula Rerl nrlia tv "Monkey waa bom In HttO hut hlai MrtllOfllwh iamr pedigree went hnrk Co 1919 In rlllinp rpaiilnn( Ihet year a Kng llanch n-t(rmtr 1 rrhllirill named Tim hadglvenj CRAMD paNYON Arl April tha Wrbergs a bilge 2 Arthur Miiore PrahninnFhortlvira hull that rame of Atlanta On waa fleeted Only Chavrolal hi lha lawr-Prfco FJe Cm OfFarl FISHER BODY QUALITY dltllngulihod by Ihe groat strength lading goodness ef Unldeel condruction by new luxury of fabric and appoint monti VALVE-IN-HIAD ENGINE ECONOMY letting lha dondardfcc performance at low cart setting the trend In angina design UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION SMOOTHNESS Integrated suspension that lavati out bumps for a reilful gliding rida WIDE-VIEW CURVED WINDSHIELD "opens up" lha read ahead of you with a dear wide-angle view Teamed with Chevrolet's Panoramic Viiibillty-large window all for safer more pleasant driving SAFETY-SIGHT INSTRUMENT PANEL wWl recessed controls distinctive Instrument grouping and shielded Instrument lights lo prevent reflections In Ihe windshield JUMBO-DRUM BRAKE SAFETY new more powerful brakes bigged In Chevrolet's Held lo provide smoother steps with up to 25 leu pedal pressure SOWBtiiA DRIVING EASE flrd and fined automatic transmission In the low-price fleldj with a continuous flow ef power at aB speed Billion-mUa-proved In owner eervire Powergllde Is teamed with lha 105-hp valve-lo-head angina optional on Da Luxe models at extra cod lint up ell Ihe can In tho low-prko field and you'll find Chovrotot tho longoit Look! longoit it longed And thin greater length mean greater comfort an lha read Chevrolet li a ootid value ovtwolghi ad other in Ihe low-price Held This greater weight help to give you a steadier more solid ride give you that big-car feel Full moaiure full value In every dimension including the widest (read in Ihe low price Field This greater width of tread contributes to exceptional roadability Put them all together longed heavled wlded tread They add up lo tha larged car in the field and underscore the rugged virtues that make Chevrolet America1 fled choice Big-car matiive look mod like Ihe mod codly Staunch iturdy conduction that make Chevrolet stand up batter a male valuer (how Solid roadhugging ride with big car deodinett on Ihe highway AD (hi it part and parcel of the larged and fined low-priced car -Chevrolet -t-vwi Wk ITS HEAVIESTI 1140 Us IT HAS THE WIDEST TREADI IlH tMlWi flMTWMld Goad Reasons Why MORE PIOPLR BUY CHEVROLITS THAN ANY OTHER CAR I rpsU' president of the 7S-memher Council of flshops of llw Methodist Church at tho ronrhulon of the flva-day session of the council her yesterday Announcement of hla lection waa ma la today lie surreerls Pi sliop Ralph to be known as lha O'Cisinor ull Ha was (limed In wih a herd ol Kirebred Shorthorns and all Ihe ill ralvea from this mating were castrated but one This hull fliem-mere waa later mated with all (he females descended from the tl'Cnroier Pull mother MrCee of Chicago in tha lop of descended from the (t 'Connor frP of the rhun-h Hull carried one sixteanlh Pran-j other officers elected era nishop men blond Ilia airs was an jrrPt tPree Cnrson Philadelphia Amar'ran Prahman three qusr-iaa vlra preshlent and Plshop ters to seven eighth Roe Indieiie IRromley Oxtiain New York sec-Ute rant Fhorlhom Thua 414 North Wator Strtct Phono 4-5216.

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