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The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana • Page 33

The Timesi
Shreveport, Louisiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SHREVEPORT TIMES MARCH 24. 1929 WW WWW WW WW WW WW WW WWWwV SCHOOL NEWS FOR TIMES READER SUNDAY. MORNING Allendale School OUT-OF-TOWN SOCIETY Gladys Klllen visited relative la Slmsboro Sunday. Mrs. Gordon and daughter rial led In Calhoun Sunday.

Mrs. Zelma Boone spent the past week end In Monroe. Hoyt Klllen and Harry ThruaV of Stmsboro spent Saturday here. Mr. Zeffle Patrick spent tna past week end In Wlnnfleld aa tha (vest of Miss Mlttle Belle Cocherhem.

Mrs. Schley Roden visits fee parents in Wyatt Sunday. Ths Misses Lonnle anel azalsa Owen visited Mrs. 8. 8.

Phym la Jones boro Sunday. Arnold Marbln visited In Shmafoit Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8mltB tUttcd Chatham Sunday.

Alexander School KABL WILSON Th A-6 grad et th Alexander school hu an exhibit table. Th teacher had each child to bring soine-thing that they hl mada at noma. Soma of tha thlnga that wara brought were alrplanea, a aeppcltn. nigger-ahootara, boat, glaaiaa, nlllows. dressed dolla, a bed mada out of card board, and a little laundry bag.

The article were made In connection with our language ohapter In Home Indus-trie and Occupation. The A-6 grade haa organized a Reading club. The club la to meet every two waeka on Friday. Tha pur-poaa of tha club la to form good reading hablta and to create Intereat In currant to pica. Tha offlcera of the elub are aa follow: Stuart Da Lee, preildent: Otway Denny, vice president; Adeline Burrle, secretary; Jeff Newman, treasurer; Bteve Levee, gesnt-at-arms; Jaok Culbertaon, chairman of program committee.

HONOR ROLL 3-A Grade Fred Rusa, Eugene Simpson. Mary Katharine BlackwelL Ann Burdette, Pat Simpson, Juantta Tyree. B-3 Orade Lorraine Bast, Mac Murray Kite. Aline NorrU. A-3 Orade Ethel L.

Shoopshlre. FAIR PARK HIGH SCHOOL1 TEAM T'f w'S 1 J- 1 ill 11 1 if 1 ((7J 4W j) jj .7 )J hill 4 A A I 1 Fairfield School SUSIE PATTERSON The following pupils deserv honorable mention for makuig 100 per cent in spelling for the month: l-A, Kathleen Batle. Lewi Lively. A. O.

Walton, Llllle Allwblte. Louie All-white, Marguerite Baker, Marilyn Dumas. Helen Dwine, Mary Hostetter, Mary Frances McGowan, Alberta Norman. Winifred Pasoou, Jack Bailey, Harold Burns, Thomas Carpenter, Leonard Dees. Charles Elktns, Jene Hartfleld.

Marshal Keeling. James Long. Paul Roper, Ottla Sayea. Semon, Preston Tullaa and Leon Roy: 3-B, Edwlna Bennett. Bobble Beckett.

Tracy Deas, Yvonne Gaulden, Margaret White and Clarence Harpen: 3- B. Alethea Augusta, Clarence Semon, Novalene Campbell, Freeda Fraaler. Lola Janet Garrison. Dorothy Jean Garrison. Betty Jean Goodwin, Mildred Taylor, Ella Wlllard.

Juantta Whitfield and Helen Carson; 3-A. Lavem Bost, Willie Mae Fletcher and Elolse Vanhooser; 4-A, Eugene Elder, Osste Campbell and Orace Ellard; 4- B. Amogene Baker; 6-A, Thelma Smith, and Victor Hart: 6-B. Marie Howard, Jessie Davis snd Elva Bew-ley; 7-B, Delia Mae Faught; 7-A, Evelyn Abbott. At the flag raising exercises last Friday Mrs.

Johnson's room, grade 6-A, occupied the place of honor for having made the largest percentage of hundreds In spelling for the week. The 4-A and the 3-A grades, Miss Hancock's room, had a percentage Monday afternoon taken from their language class. The former teacher of the 3-A class, Miss McKlnney, and the 4-A class In Miss Hanson's room were Invited to attend the program. Our school has been selling candy to make money for our new mimeograph. On Monday the sales from Miss Hancock's room beat those of the other rooms, clearing 13.73.

EASTER DAY. When Christ was crucified on the cross His disciples were sad and at a loss, Because Ha who had been worshiped by them Died on the cross because of sin. But when He arose on Easter dsy The disciples were glad and knelt to pray. For their blessed Master who arose From the grave His Father chose. So we set Eatser aside In honor of Christ, who died On the cross to save us pain.

Let us sing His praise over again. Grade A-7. VIVIAN HEARN. A new entry for ctge honors in the oca field this season was fAe Fair Park high school basket ball team that had a very good team considering the limited time the players performed together. In the picture are, top row, left to right: J.

R. Weiss, coach; Orvil Justice, guard; Woodrovr James, center; Harvey Teasley, guard; Isadora Horowitz, forward. Front row: Sam Cangelose, center; Loyt Wagoner, forward; Walter Kelley, forward; Joe Cangelose, guard, David Middleton, guard. Albert Via, who played right guard for the team was not present when the picture was made. Photo by Mitburne.

FAIR PARK HIGH REPORTERS ATTENTION A number oi interesting reports are being sent in without giving the name of the school which the news tomes from and so cannot be used. Please put the name of your school at the top of your report. 1 0 Louisiana Avenue School Mr. Charlea Odom of Centenary college kindly consented to talk to the parents and teachers of the Allendale school, at their March meeting. He gave a most Interesting and helpful lecture on the pre-school age taking for his subject, "Making and Breaking of Emotional Habits." The circle decided to buy a football for the boys.

A good one haa been purchased. Tha boys now have a good football, basket ball and volley ball, The girls have a basket ball and volley ball. The teachers of the school are to give the program for the April meeting of the Parent-Teachers' circle. Miss Nell Dormau Is chairman of the program committee. We hope that more of the mothers will be present Mrs.

Peyton's room won the banner again for having the most mothers preaent, Some of the other room worked for It but this A-l room seems to have a successful scheme of Its own In getting mothers out. The school lost two good pupils last week, Roy Milam. went to the Parkview school and Dorothy Jackson moved to the Queensborough section. Little Joy Belle Stlggauld came from Texas snd entered our B-l grade. Our school attendance Is very good.

We are glad to know that Charles Peters, one of our former pupils, is keeping up his good school work at the Barret school. Broadmoor School INEZ BELL All ths fourth grade boys are going to gather up all the Junk they have at home and call the Junk man and sell it. The money they get they will give to the school to buy books for our library. At the last Parent Teachers meeting the fourth grade won the party for having the greatest per cent of mothers. Last Friday, Marhc 15, at the noon hour, the fourth grade had a party.

Some of the mothers came over to help serve. They were: Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. W. C.

Coolldge. and Mrs. Georgs Blckham. The teachers were our guests. We had a lovely time.

PEARL BICKHAM. The pupils of the fourth grade arc collecting coat hangers to sell. We are trying to get books for our library. SADIE DELANEY. A-4 Grsde.

WHEN THE SPRING COMES Now I know that spring Is here, Every day the sun shines clear, In the trees robins are singing. From the ground the flowers are springing Very gently the wind docs blow, As the farmer his seeds does sow. Little ereen lrav. And everywhere are the busy little MARVIN FRANCES KAYSER. A-3 Grade.

The second grade boys have or-eanlzed them.Aiv Pjf baseball. They had a real game uor isacner ana the second grade gtrls were guests. Swing on a leaving at 3:30. TElL 1 iat thelr euPPer on the Harts Island road and expect to have a good time. Dalzell Kindergarten HELENEVn.VG.

We spend most of our mornings out of doors now snd it's so nice after montlls. although our school room is full of windows and we eet tha i 4 lucfs is anv. a l.i- ji eiery otner day. couldn believe we had learned so nnh. Vnv U1h shon tlme- We miss Kobert he has gone to the country We vlsn Hamilton mother would coma back Wednesday morning we had a love- visit to the farm.

Jane Llndley 8.Jme ln her car- Miss Helen took the rest. Mrs. Forrester went uch eod time and chickens and a calf, and best of all the little colt. His name is Nuwaka and he Is very fine. The way he xroiics around It is hard to believe he Is only five daya old.

peacock has grown a wonderful tail since we were down there and seemed to feel so proud to show it to us Albert and Susybell were sick ana couldn go. snd Bill Burgin wasn't along either. 6 ul We have a new pupil named Jacic Geary and he lives on a farm on Red river and he has Invited us to ills plantation home for our Easter hunt Carolyne Weiner from Nashville la witn us, too, while she and her mother visit ln Shreveport, and I hope she enjoys kindergarten as much as we do her. Nancy Scott vla-ited us the other day and was so delighted to be with a lot of little children. Lide-Dupree School ALLEN DICK WON.

LLBOY SCOTT (Reporters) This week has been reading at the Llde-Deupree school. Tin means that reading 1 stressed in every grade, and each pupil tries to read as many stories as he has time for. Quite a number of worthwhile stories have been read. Each morning one student gives to the school the story which has pleased him most. Jean Flowers told a beautiful little story illustrating the virtue of obedience.

Otis Dyer held the un-divided attention of alt when be gave a story retold fron Old Folk Tales Jodie Emily Regglns presented the Summer Maker. Elaine Weldon was very clever ln her presentation of a dance song. "I Walked Home From the Buggy Ride." The pupils are all looking forward to a happy time at their Easter hunt to be given soon. A list of honor pupils Is being prepared now by the faculty and will be ready for publication soon. All the boys and gtrls are eagerly awaiting this selection.

The Llde-Deuoree arhml hu secret now. It can be given out next honor roll pupils are: Shirley Hend-r'ek. Annie E. Beard. Marie Oray.

Evelyn Eaddy. Lucille Howell, Joe U.ay. Milton Patterson. Jessie Oray, Ruby Oray. Mary Blanche Walker.

WUlace Blum. Harold Harry, John Wilkinson. Billy Patterson. The pupila who made 100 per cent In spelling the sixth month are: Evelyn Eaddy. Marie Gray.

Inec Mai-Icy, Lucille HowclL SERVICE. Miss Luclle Gresham of Csmden.i spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T.

N. Oieshsm. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hotlli of Monroe visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs.

J. B. Hollla, Sunday. The Misses Sadie Carroll and Kitty Kilpatrlck spent the week-end in Marlon. Mrs.

Y. 8. Fuller, accompanied by her daughters. Miss Hilda Fuller and Mrs. Dewey Landers, apent the weekend ln Shreveport.

Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Scott ot Wlnnfleld spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss Fay Bauchman wai the weekend guest of Mra. J.

R. Autry. Mr. and Mra. Nicholas spent Sunday in Monroe.

Dr. and Mr. L. Walnwrtght and Mrs. Cliff Carroll spent Tuesday here.

Mrs. Robinson and son of El Dorado spent Sunday with Mra. Ruth Still. O. C.

Black visited ln Shreveport Sunday. The Misses Melba Grafton and Loleta Cook of Athens spent Sunday wlt their parents here. Mr. and Mra. Sam Davis, Mrs.

O. A. Carroll and daughter of Monroe and Mra. Maudess Moore of Arkadelplua spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

M. A. Talbot. Mrs. W.

F. Grafton and son spent Tuesday In Athens with her daughter. Miss Virginia Wlngo was the weekend guest of Miss Allegra Phillips and Spurgeon Wlngo, was the of Wickllff Lawrence. Mrs. Minor Bennett was hostess to ths Bridge club Tuesday.

Mrs. Dora Stone of Shreveport spent the week-end with Mrs. J. T. Porter.

CHOIDRANT. Virginia Taylor of Monroe was the guest ot Mrs. D. F. O'Neal.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey O'Neal of Delhi spent Tuesday here. Mr. and Mrs.

Willis GoodJoln were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Frasler Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bhafner vlalted In El Dorado Sunday.

Claud Copeland, Truett Burnslde and J. C. Edwards visited ln Monroe Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Hedgepeth and Miss Ennls Denyl Sanderson were guests of their parents here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wade Emory of Ruston visited here Tuesday. STANDARD. Mibs Kate Bradford snd Mrs.

Bradford were the Sunday guests of Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Rouey and Ruih Roney. Mr.

and Mrs. John Groves, Mr. aiv.1 Mrs. J. L.

Simpson and Mrs. H. K. Parham were Sunday vlsitora In Alexandria. The Misses Bell and Dottle Lee Cotton were the Sunday guests of Miss Gladys Patton In Clarks.

Miss Sadie York of Tullos visited here Saturday and was accompanied home by Miss Ada Woods. Miss Pearl Kolloman left Sunday for Louisiana college. The Misses Betty Benson and Dorothy Minard of Monroe were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.

P. Minard. Mrs. Roscoe Whitehead and children returned Sunday after a two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. I E.

Wise, in Wlnnfleld. Mrs. John Hooper Is spending tha week In Monroe as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Haynes.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Logan were Sunday visitors in Rochelle.

Mr. and Mrs. John' Smith and family were Sunday visitors ln Monroe. The Rev. and Mra.

O. C. Dennis entertained the Senior B. Y. P.

V. Saturday night with a chicken gumbo supper. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hammock were the Sunday guests ot the Rev.

and Mrs. J. H. Brooks in Jonesboro. B.

L. Avery accompanied his father to J. R. Avery's home ln Jonesboro Sunday. Edwin Akin of Centenary college was the week-end guest of his parents, the Rev.

and Mrs. W. E. Akin. Miss Zella Hlxson waa the week-end guest or Mlsa Grace Kitchens of Shreveport.

Miss Shirley Wren and Mrs. H. P. Minard were Monroe visitors Saturday. Edwin Akin and Miss Irene Hlxson were Jena visitors Friday.

Mrs. W. E. Akin. Lois and Edwin Akin were the Saturday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Kermlt Humphries of Grayson. Charlie Booth of Shreveport was a week-end guest here. H. Hale ot Monroe was a Monday visitor here.

M. J. Hall of Houston. Texas, and Miss Irene Hlxson were Selma visiters Wednesday. Mr.

and Mrs. B. L. Avery were Mon day and Tuesday guests or Mr. auu Mrs.

R. H. Heacock ot West Monroe. Mr. and Mrs.

C. T. Woods and children wtre the Sunday ruets of J. Webb and Mrs. Msy Webb Watson of Webb.

Mrs. H. E. Winkler left Wednesday for Shreveport. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Hammock and son of Rochelle were Sunday visitors here. Miss Mildred Wleble waa the Sunday guet of Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. Wleble of Rlverton. Mr. and Mrs J. L.

Monk. Mrs. W. J. Benleon, Aenes and Mildred Wleble were the Krtdav night guests ot Mr.

and Mrs. A. O. Cobb of tiarks. Otis Hlxsou and Mlsa Besets Giant were the Sunday gresta of Mr.

and Mrs. A. E. Grant of Grayson. HOPGE.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Charles and daughter and E.

C. Wheeler and daughter spent Sunday ln Slueveport. Miss V'nnle Tipton and Maurice Foster visited In Saline Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Maxwell and daughter ypent Tuesday and Wedneadsy In El Dorado.

Ark. Miss Ruth Croe ot Ansley visited here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Aletha Maxwell spent the week end ln Ansley with relatives. Preston Brsdy ot Camden, Ark Is visiting here.

The Misses Norma Melons and Addell Varnell spent last week end In the home ot Mr. and Mra. B. L. Calahana of 81msboro.

The Misses Lcota House and time, but not lu this writing. It Is something very Interesting, and other schools may be inclined to follow in this lead when thla "said secret" becomes known. Barret School Barret tthool la very proud of 'ts highest honor pupil. Dorothy Etatiisr. who made an average of 89 lo her school studies.

Those ranking next were William Hays, with an average of 98; Pierce Plerson. 96: Charl retcrs and Henry Walker, each 9a, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.

Frederick gftnt Sunday ln Ruston. Harley Ie More of Liberty ts vlstting here. Mr. and Mrs. Wtlllam FreeJaftcis rpent Sunday In Jonesboro.

Mrs. W. 8. Hackett flsltaal la' Uatchltorhes Saturday. Mrs.

o. D. Hefltn and 4aBUr, Miss L. B. Baker and Mra.

lassie tew art of Danville visited relative here Saturday. Mrs. H. D. Cathy and Ufa.

Hrown visited In Wlnnfleld Saturday. J. T. Fredericks. Bennle Works Henry McClure are vtitttaf la Monroe.

OIL CITY. Roy McKenxie. who has been flatting his brother. 8. C.

McKenile. left Tueodsy for New York. He sailed February 33 for South America, vtatra he la employed. Mr. Hal Green entertained a tat Vanity Bridge club Friday afternoon.

The Misses Harriet Colquitt, and Virginia Knighton of Shravepott vera guests ot Mrs. H. H. Dlllard, faVur-dav. The Mesdames J.

F. Lamia. 9 Farquhar and J. E. Underwood were hostesses at a shower given 18) The home of Mrs.

J. C. Peddy to Mra, 4. C. Peddy.

a recent bride, Thuajday- Mrs. L. A. Dillard la at bom after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Count, of BooatOQ.

Texas. Miss Cleo Hunter waa hostaat at dinner Tuesday evening, celebrating her birthday. Boyktn Mabry. who ha been Tadt ing hi aunt, Mrs. 8.

T. MeKa-aie, went to New Orleans Monday te a3tn a second four-year term ot amca with the TJ. 8. marines. J.

L. Whttlock of Texarkana waa the guest of H. H. Dlllard Tuesday. Mrs.

W. L. Csrrolland son ef Shreveport spent the week-end vita friends. MINDEX. Mr.

and Mrs. Joe ClstoR knel children of Shreveport were fantay guests of Mrs. A. J. Goodwin.

The Misses Ruth Dodson and Cthet Burch were week-end guest (f Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Benton.

Judge and Mrs. Robert Robert of Shreveport came over Sunday a quests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goodwill. Billy Millers cf San AntonleV vaa the guest ot Mr.

and Mra. C. Bow last week. Mrs. Von Angltn of Kansas City nt the guest of her daughter, Jura.

Charles Lundsy. Mrs. Anna Webb Miller and Itls Dome Miller were Sunday fuaatl tT Dr. and Mrs. L.

Longlno. Mrs. Laura Daniels left 8uaey te) be with her daughter, Mra. tV sV Poole ot Monroe. Mrs.

E. L. Stewart and Hlal DaU Brown are visiting In Arkansas. Miss Juliet Hutton waa th week end guest of Mrs. W.

B. La of Shreve port. Mrs. James McClendon and aj of Shreveport were week-end gueaat of relatives in Minden. Miss Alma Mai Kobert Wtcd friends ln Hope, for tha Ja end.

Miss Louise Martin of Heffia teas) the week-end guest of her parent. sir. and Mrs. D. c.

Black or Wtan- fieid were guest of friend ar Saturday. Charles Sinclair of Bhrewpot spent the week-end with hi aartnt. Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. Sinclair. Mrs. V. F.

Culberson of JopiliL afo ta a guest of her dauchter. Hz. Howard Ousts. DIBACH Mrs. J.

W. Wlllard spent TB and Wednesday ln Monro. The Misses Carolyn Beekmaa and Lois 8Iayden were hostesa ta B- W. T. S.

club Thursday. Mrs. Arthur Frank of Dallas) Iftha guest of her mother, Mr. R. S.

fj Guln. Herman Meadows of Monro aaent Saturday and 8unday here. Allen O'Neal visited bis parent a Choudrant, Sunday. Mrs. joe Fuller had a Tier nest for the week-end.

the Misses Mattte Teddlle and Lucille Well of trop. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Ban Sundav In Alto. Mr.

and Mrs. W. 8. had as their guests for th weekend. Mrs.

Elite Earle Sheppari ef Mansfield. Miss Evelyn Oulley Marlon. Kenneth Carrol of Ijoulsltrus Tech. Verssl D. Town of Mansfield and Earnest Oulley of Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barhan Bad their guest Sunday Mrs.

Darts Woodward. Miss Minnie Ma Murphy, Norrls and Larkin of Strong, Aft. Rob Heury and Mis lot 81; den motored to Monroe Sunday. Felix LeGuir ot Shreveport flatted hla mother Sunday. T.

L. Smith. Emerson and Meft'n Colvin of Louisiana collage spent week-end with their parent. Mr. and Mrs.

W. P. Smith of Downsvtu were the guest ot their daughter, Mra N. C. Col via, Tuesday.

The Misses Mary Jo Colvta, Opal and Ines Hinki spent th week-end in Shreveport. Miss Kate Barham entertained wttn a bunco party Saturday. Misa Dorothy Ma and Cadi WU-liama left Sunday for Monro where thor will enter bus mesa eollea. Mrs. Frank Drigger aad Mis Mary William spent Friday and Saturday In Monro.

MONTGOMERY, Tha miasm Adeline Lockwood aad Meiodv Sutherland vlalted ta anrlrl lut BaturdaV. Mrm A wrmda SDMlt laat end in Alexandria vtalting her dawpi- ter. Mrs. W. I uucow ana mm.

m. Woods. Jr. xtr Mra. WUrt ft.

Jon son of Colfax were guest of tataar! nere last Burasy. Mr, snd Mrs. L. J. Harrison 7nt last Sunday in Alexandria.

The Misses Dori and dm" Harrison, Madeline William. I 1 Teddlla. Mslorl Harrison 1 W. O. Harrlaon visited la 1 last Saturday.

Bertha Crawford, Jo Ed Harklns, Hay. wood Stoer. A-4 Grade Harry Askew. Louts Culllck, John Irwin. Reet Lawhon, Charles Terry.

Bob Van Horn. Mar. garet Calhoun. Florence Hendrlck, Josephine Johnson, Annie Bandlter, Hazel Turner. 8-5 Grade Marlon Kane, Josephine Dally, Katherlne Newman.

A-3 Orade Jack Cultbertaon, Karl Wilson. B-9 Orade Edith MacDavlson. John Greber. A-6 Grade Theddts Gables, Kenneth Gulledge, Alton Sartor, Archie White, Lena Dickson, Margaret Aston, Eallle Her. Joyce Lacy.

Mar? Joe Sellers, Ida Vaugbon. B-7 Grade L. T. Graham, Mary Snider, Alvena Arnold, Peggy Ashey, Harriet Eddy. A-7 Grade Harvey Greber.

Walter Holmes. Philip Stagg, Moss Theomond, 'Tadd Tillman, Ed Trlckett, Files Wlngo, Annie Lloyd Clanson. Margaret Doggette, Virginia Palmer. Mary Alice Powers, Pauline Weltman, Hebeceo Willis. PERFECT ATTENDANCE B-l Orade Roy Fulton, Charles Hllburn, Jerry Hunt.

J. W. Ramsey, Thad Robert, Jack West, Jane Bost, Margaret Dennis. Hazel Gandy. Norma Lee Graham, Betty Huckaby, Patsy Hllburn, Jlmmle Culbertaon, Kenneth Gault.

Billy Mulhon, Gilbert Tierce, J. B. White, Clarena Ford, Peggy Mason, Adelarde Saucier, Ruth Veallty, Janice Roener. Albert Trlchett, Robert Hawkins, M. O.

Million, Harvey Ruppe-port, Ethel V. Mills, MoJeUe Jeter, Jannle K. Jones. 2A Grade Ben Carroll, Henderson Dawllng, Gordon Hargls, Charles Mll-wee. Mary Katherlne Blackwell, Ann Burdette, Emma Busbey, Mltehel, Pat Simpson, Margaret Smith, Juanlta Tyree, Florence Walker, Cecil Bland, Byron Doggett, Charles Earheart, T.

A. Golden. Jack Rush. Gwendolyn Bradford, Emma "Burlngton. Mary W.

Gandy. Sarah Beat OUphant. 3-B Grade. Helser, Jo Ellse 'Nichols. Bob Culbertson, Kyle Gsrver, Roy Hayes.

Allen Taylor, Mary English, Dorothy George, Elizabeth Gulledge, Mary E. Helser, Mary Bell Nichols. 3- A Grade Norwich Dickson, Joe Ed Harklns, William Newman, A. D-Rogers. John Rose.

Haywood Stoer, Hugh White, Jack Wilkinson. Margie Anderson, Bertha Crawford, Oeraldtne Hoyt, Dorothy Lowenberg, Jacqueline Lundy. Ethel Shropshire, Johnanna Sternberg. 4B Grade William Baker. Oonla Bernandey.

Benton Holt, Frank Lena, Bob McCraw, Ernest Ruland. Gonla Hernandey, Benton Holt, Dorothy Herrln, Dixie Hoode, Martha O'Neal, Shirley Roberts, Olive Walker, Lorene Wilson. 4- A Orade Harry Askew. Weldon Colquette. Louts Culllck.

Joe Elston, Levin Farmer, Gloth Feducla, Reet' Lowhon, Clarence Richmond, Jackson Richardson, John Stuckey, Edwin Tennier, Charles Tenny. Margaret Calhoun, Francis Davis, Juanltv English. Ztlphe Dlnton, Mannle Miller, Margaret Ollphlnt, Annie Bandlter, Hazel Turnnr. Melba Wilson. 8B Orade William Andreola.

Leon Bailey, Robert Francis, Aubrey Herrln, George Ktlgore, BUlle Philips, Carl Smith, Ella Carroll, Patricia Flts-gsrald, Mary Gene Fox, Dixie Holmes, Josephine Mason, Catherine Newman, Margaret Phillips, Corla Redding. Lund a Williamson. 6- A Grade Jack Bennett. Joseph Cottage, Jack Culbertson, Jeff Newman, Joe Peters, Carl Wilson, Howard Carroll, Grace Campbell, Julia Mc-Coke, Dorcas Rowls. 5- Jeff Burton.

John Greber, Morris Lowenberg. Samuel Plyler, Edwin Terry. Moulton Story, Edith Dawson. Jacqueline Frehner, Pauline Hearn, Madeline Moaley, Jane Shropshire. 7- Grade George Brandon, Harold Dickson.

L. T. Greham, Ally Hope, I Mason Jackson, Glenn Mason, Aiken NorrU. William OUphant, Billy Rob- arts, Murry Snicks. Alverna Arnold.

Laura Carroll, Harriet Eddy, Helen Joy Hoyt. Merritt Hunt, Edith Toung. 7-A Grade Lance Askew, Ben Wolfe. Herold Campbell. W.

T. Fred-ard, Harvey Greber. Oray MrCrew, Edgar Roberts. James Sandlfer, Phillip Stagg. Lyles Stern, Moss Thurmond, Todd Tillman.

Ed Trlckett. Giles Wlngo, Pauline Weltman, Rebecca Willis, Stella Mse Sonaryrdyck. 6- A Orade Kenneth Bulled ere. Her-bert Hall. Paul Hugo, Conrad Man-dlno, William Renols, Alton Sertor, Sydney Turner.

Sam Vedlltz. Parker Wilson, Mary Bell Currte, Margaret Elston. Thyra Holt, Sallte Her, Joyce Lacy, Clarice Miles, Katherlne Newman, Mary Joe Sells, Elizabeth Town-send. Ida Vaughon, Annie Volota. B-8 Grade Language, Josephine Dally.

Scared By a Light One night was awakened with a start, 1 glanced at the wall. Then was scare stiff. I thought had seen some one in the window. Finally I plucked up courage enough to look agiln. To my surprise, however, 1 found It was only a street light shinning on the rose climber.

To help make It worse the wind waa making It way. 9 St Vinrent'v Srhnnt KATHERINE COl'NTILL, 2. Tuesday, March 19, the pupils of flf. Vincent's ntayinf aH try I lMfnn program In honor of Mother St. Joseph' feaat day: Hymn to St.

Joseph The school. Greetings Addie Trowbridge. Vocal selections. Judith and Anstse Scallon. French recitation.

Mary E. Roach. Piano solo. Miss Ines Hatcher. French recitation.

Mlas Velma Lemotne. Vocal olo. Judith Srallon. One-act play, -Rainbows End." by the following fresh Lynna Merrit. Dorothy Nell Quigles, Sophie Bosetto, Florence Tlerny.

Virginia Martin, Ruth Lynam, and Connie Marie Vandcgoer. Seniors received prtee for general tttfulapss la February. Sacred Heart School Pupils who made 100 per cent during the week ending March 15: Spelling. Seventh Willie Abood. Robert Hendricks, Harold Laborde and Alfred Ryan.

Sixth Florence Perrltt. Fifth Edward Theresa Haywood and Leonard Looney. Second Jane McCutchen and Alma Jane Raa-mussen. First Helolse Parker. Home Work.

Seventh Willie Abood, Joe Bro- cato, Rome Barker, Joo Gullo, Rob ert Hendricks and Harold Laborde. Sixth Mary Frances Becker and La! Roach. Fifth Edward Garland. Fourth Reggie Looney and Charles Peck. Third Joseph McManus, Mar-Jorte Schilling and Susan Stoer.

Memory. Seventh Joe Brocato, Paul Oateen, Robert Hendricks. Joe Gullo, Rome Barker, Fred Reagor, Harold Laborde, Donald Shaw. Seventh Joe Brocato. Rome Bar ker, Joe Gullo, Thomas Garland, Robert Hendricks, Paul Osteen, Alfred Ryan, and J.

B. Slattery, Reading. Seventh Robert Hendricks, Alfred Hyan and Fred Reagor. Arithmetic. Fourth Sara Becker, Dorothea Irlckson and Charles Peck.

ORANGES. The orange tree becrlna with the planting of the seed for the root-stocks. The roots toe ks are the seedling trees which later will be budded from good parent treea already bearing and set out In groves. For roo tatocks, seed Is chosen from some hardy citrus variety which is not readily attacked by disease. The seed Is planted In rows close together.

In a seed bed under a lath shelter. The young trees are left In tha seed bed until they are about 12 Inches high. They are then transplanted to a nursery. They are allowed to grow here a year or two before they are budded. The time elapsing from planting the seed to the setting of the trees in the orchard is three years.

The orange is a native of hot tropical climates but It does better in sub-tropical climates. The tools used in orange cultiva tion are plows, sprayers, heaters and tractors. For fertilizing a "cover crop" of vetch or clover Is planted la the winter and plowed under in the spring to add nitrogen to the soil. stable manure and commercial fertilizers are also used. The soil Is carefully cultivated before the young treea are set out.

Since they must be Irrigated during the summer months, when there is no rain, an Irrigation ayatem Is Installed. After Irrigation me son is tnorougniy cultivated to hold the moisture and. keep the soli loose. Oranges are picked very carefully In order to avoid bruising, which brings on decay. Each orange is clipped from the tree and put into sacks suspended from the picker's shoulders.

The crop are sold In a "poof with other growers and each grower receive his payment in accordance to his grade of oranges. oranges are used extensively as a food They are relished by the sick aa well as those in the prime of health. Robert Hendricks. Seventh. Creswell School GEORGE WALLACE.

Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Mac Kinnon organized a whistling chorus of boys. Many boys were at the first meeting and they got along fine. we nave juat put 03 new books in our library.

we are glad to have Alvln Meyer and A. B. Cos, Jr back In school. Alvln has been out four weeks from an appendicitis operation. A.

B. haa had a hard time from a spell, of "flu." We added two new pictures to our school last week. The Trout Stream by De Haven waa purchased by Miss Csrmlcal'a room, 6-A grade. The End oi tne -rrau by rrazier by miss Swain's room, 3-B grade. The two divisions of the A-7 grade of Creswell school met Monday, February 35, to elect officers.

Tha following were elected: President, Walter nee president, Webster Downer; secretary treasurer. Jane Wheeler; prophet, George Wallace; historian, Wendell Gordon: class colors, pink and lavendar: flower, sweet peas; motto: "Constant climbing leads to success." A milk drinking campaign was organized in Creswell school about a month ago. The teachers are trying to get all who are under weight to drink a glasa of milk every morning at 10:80. Each child la given a bottle of milk and two crackers for Ms nickel at that time. It was Interest ing to not that most of those drink- MIRIAM SMITH, REPORTER.

Parent-Teacher's meeting was held In the library March 14. Miss Llson's room had the largest number of mothers present. It was decided to give $30 to Miss Soape, librarian, with which to buy books for the library and $50 to Mr. Myers toward paying the baseball expenses. This money Is already in the P.

T. A. treasury and Is to be turned over the said parties Immediately. A popularity contest 18 being conducted by the high school and the money thereby obtained will be spent fir the good of the school. Beginning Monday, March 18.

the Hl-Y club of Fair Park will conduct ite "Anti-Gambling Campaign." Preparation for this Is being made by members of the club. During the "Antl-Gambllng" week the club Intends to have a prize offered for the best written theme by a Fair Park pupU, discussing how gambling is a great evil and bow it ruins the character of anyone as well the character of our school. A general assembly will be called and members of the club will give a short but effective play demonstrating what gambling in your youth eventually leads to In later life. Also a few talks will be given on this subject. Pledges are to be msde by the students who agree not to gamble and who will use their influence to the best of their ability to keep others from gambling.

If we want to make our school a success we must work I Watch the Hi-T set an example I The Fair Park HI French club, composed of members of the 9-B class, was organized last week and officers were elected as follows: President, June Mills; vice president. De-lores Howard; aecretary. Bill Jonest treasurer. Viva Henlngton; club reporter, E. G.

James. The motto of the elub Is "Pen a Pen," meaning "Little by Little." Our pen, a quaint, little thing of yellow gold, bears the Initials of our club and school. Our sponsor is our new French teacher. Miss Mary Holland. We appreciate her interest very much and Intend to do our best to make tlie club successful from every standpoint.

The Fair Park baseball team has been training hard the past few weeks. The team Is expecting to be a great success this season. George Monsour, the outstanding third baseman of the club, was elected manager of the ball club by the boys. Monsour Is to csrry his club through many hard games this season. Coach Myers gave out the ball suits Monday afternoon to those who hsd ecmed them.

The following boys received suits: Arthur Dunn, catcher: George Monsour. third base: Collins Trece, second base; Joe Osenbeck. catcher: J. B. Chandler, first base; Billy shortstop: Allen Whlt-tlngton, pitcher: A.

W. Kennedy, pitcher: Emile Monsour. right field: James Blalock. center field: William Rambln. left field; Chester William son, pitcher.

These boys are to carry the colors fo Fair Park high school. This team will be heard from all over the country. Fair Park will give Byrd their hardest battle of the season. Coach Myers will carry 13 men in the squad. The baseball team Is out to set a better record than the basket ball club did.

Pleasant Hall HONOR ROLL. Grade 1-A Julea Henry Dreyfuss. Jacqueline Lelber and Lock wood Wheless. Orade 3-A Carolyn Plcard and Francis Glassell. Grade 3-B Kathryn Bllsh.

Grade 8-B Jeannette and Xdwln Whlted. Orade 6-A Beatrice Force. Grade 6-A Rennle Zeve. Tom Richardson and Millard Snyder. Grade 7-B Virginia Doyle.

In the weekly oral spelling tet In the primary room the following stood up last: Jules Dreyfuss, George Haddad, Betty Dyer, Alan Schully, Harry Marloneaux and Lockwood Wheless. Betty Ann Caldwell and Verma Beach of the 1-B grade are working hard. The children In Mrs. Perkins' room have made Interesting posters on wool, cotton, cow, baker, lumber and health. In the 40-word written spelling test In the 3-A.

2-B and 3-B grades Francis Glassell, Carolyn Plcaid. Ai Richardson, Jo Ann Connolly and Barbara Ann Hall made 100 per cent. All grades are making historical posters in art besides the regulsr work. SAFETY FIRST. A child should not run from behind a car that Is parked on the side of the curb.

A little child should watch the police. If there Is one in the street. Anyone should watch the red If the red light is on he or she should stop. If the green light Is on he or she should go. A boy or girl that Is riding a bicycle should not hang on a car.

A boy or girl that Is skating should not hang on a car. A boy or girl under 16 should not drive an automobile. In this way there would not be so many accidents If everyone would obev. Grade 4-B. JAMES DEES.

Claiborne School EVELYN CRANFORD. We liad 14 mothers present at the Parent-Teacher circle last week. This was the greatest number any room had so they gave us 81.50 with which to buy books for our library. AH the rooms worked so we feel very proud that we won. Ruth Rushton, A-4 Reporter.

ROBERT LOUS STEPHENSON. When he was a little boy he was sick all the time. He had a kind nurse. Her name was Cummnle. He played with his leaden soldiers on the bed.

When he was a man he wrote poems. He write "The Land of Counterpane" and "Autumn Fires." He wrote a letter to Cummle. By Nellan Collum, 3-A Grade. The B-7 grade has gone together and organized the B-7 Reading club. To become a member each one has to have read three approved books in the last year.

To maintain membership he has to read one book a month. The members of this club are: Jane Mtze, John O. Murphy. Maxwell Hunt, James Pendleton, Bolce Manning, Frank Hay-den Harris, Joseph Tanner, Reginald Goodwin, Robert Wilson, Joe Stephens, Ray Sparks. Betty Jane Burge.

Lucille Ollehrist. Llllle Mae Williams. Nellie Kelly, Mae Bell Hawthorne, Evelyn Cranford, Evelyn Post, Nova Lee Laughter, Myrtle Mae Prudhomme. Artie Festervand. Lottie Rushing, Msy Merritt, Victoria Bo-vlllon, Mary Brock, Victoria Fortner, Theresa Kerry, and Yvonne Tucker.

The officers of this club are: James Pendleton, president; Joe Stephens, first vice president; Nellie Kelly, second rice president: Myrtle Mae Prudhomme, secretary; Miss Garrett, counselor-teacher. The purpose of thla club Is to make the members better acquainted with good books, to give them experience In managing club meetings, to give them practice In speaking before an audience. By Artie Festerwand. MY PET. I have two cats.

One cat Is black all over. His name la "Inkle." I have another cat. It la black and white. It is the cutest thing you ever saw, MAYBEL COLLUM. I hare a dog.

His name Is "Jack." He la black and brown. He can play ball and awlm. But best of all, he likes to run after rabbits. FREEMAN CONTEE. "Billy" used to be my pet goat.

He used to eat out of my hand. But he died when was two years old. PERCY LA COCR. "B11T is my pet dog. He Is blsck and white.

He will Jump over boxes. But best of all, he likes to run. He likes to hunt, too. FLOYD WIOOINS. My mocking bird sings and sings.

He sits up on the trellis. He is a pleasant little thing. He built Mm a nest In the trellis last year. KATHRYN Odom Bikes' came failed to be In the paper last week for 100 per cent spelling for the last month. Summer Grove School By Lt lLI Hon ELL.

The pupils of the fifth, sixth and seventh grades are having a spelling contest. They are divided into two groups. One side Is nsmed "Jefls" and the other "Mutts." At the close of the contest the winning side will be entertained by the losing side. Thirty-four per cent of the pupils of our school were on the honor roll for the sixth month. We are very proud of this large number.

The IRENE KIHN The honor students for the week were: -Grade B-l Martha Harris and Warren Hemperly. Grade A-2 Mary Ann Post and Koy bemome. Grade A-3 Julia Anthony. Grade B-3 Adolph Berrol and Hazel Wlnberry. Grade B-3 Billy Sentell and Edythe Middleton.

Grade A-3 Eugene Sentell and Frances Pickett. Grade B-2 Florence Lewis and Bobble Spencer. Grade B-4 Katie Lee Woods and Joe Rlnaudo. Grade A-4 O. W.

Gray and Gertie Mae Foley. Grade B-5 Lola Arolp, Clrlc Roque-more and Frank Duces. Grade A-S Lillian Monsour, Elmer Johnson and Henry J. Singer. Grade B-6 Muriel Geratenberger and Jamea Gorman.

Grade A-6 Louise Onea, Etaol Ashley and Archie Lindsey. Grade B-7 Denman Hill, Ansley Beall. Nesleb Nader, Glen Stall, Vera Mae McRaa and Mirra Felbel. Grade A-7 Ed Stiles and Juanlta Lindsay. Grade A-7 Juanlta Newaora and Leonard Greenfield.

The following program was given in the auditorium on Tuesday, March 19. by the B-7 grade: Music. "Dance of the Rosebuds," by Rosa Herold: play. "Making New Friends," first girl, Mary Louise Lancaster: a traveller, Dorothy Burns; second girl, Marguerite Beat: a girl from Africa, Lucille Force; first marine, Denman Hill; a history student, Minna Felbel; second marine. Virgil Cash; poem, "In Flanders Field," by Nina Mae Sutton; play, "Home From School," mother, Blanche Smith; daughter, Josephine Rlnaudo; friend, Vera Mae McRae; son, Nesteh Nader; boy friends, Glen Stahl, Jamea Cuth-bert, Onsby Beall end Charlie Lalena: language drill.

Blanche Moffett, Rosa Herold, Maxlne Robertson and Rosa Tumlnello; reading. Dorothy Kesll-man; leader, Rosa Herold. Belcher School The pupils of the elementary grades have entered a competitive contest In spelling for this month. The grade making the best record in this subject each week will be given a banner which they keep until some other grade wina It from them. The pupils or the honor roll this mdnth are; Jane Ann Gleason, Don Thompson, first grade; Miriam Walters, Mamie Covington, Henrietta Sawyer, Joyce Byrd, Theresa Wal-droup.

Mason Blake, second grade: Iralene Westbrook, third grade; M. M. Waldroup, Jr, Helen Storey, fourth grade; Jerry Amlstead, Robert Reth-ery. BoS Love, fifth grade: Andrew Covington, Cecil GUI, Lucille Jonee, Paul Lange, sixth grade; Gladys Tooke, Gladys Dees, Louisa Lynn, seventh grade. Those on the honor roll In spelling are: Mamie Covington, Jovce Byrd, Miriam Walters, Theresa Waldroup, Max Westbrook.

Henrietta Sawyer, Mason Blake, James Beck. Marshall Crawford, second grade; ft M. Waldroup, John Classen. Lllburne Me-Crtght. fourth grade; Louisa Lynn, seventh grade.

MARCH Prom sere brown leaves shy violet peep. With rippling song the stream flowing; The year is waking from Its Bleep Spring comes la with warm winds blowing. lng milk In the morning had gained from two to three pounds from the time they were weighed In February to the time they were weighed in March. Wouldn't It be fine if we could get all under weight children to normal by the time school closes. WON'T HKLP ANY.

"I am burning with love for you." Oh. dont make a facl of jour-self. "-Life,.

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