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The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana • Page 5

The Timesi
Shreveport, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SHREVEPORT TIMES SATURDAY MORNING APRIL 1, 1912 SANK TO PAY COAL STRIKE HAY AID CITY lake," could "verted the flour" supply centers for the burners that run to tt I into oil burners in verv short order southwest. From Shreveport thse poinu. wi'l if the crisis became acute. centers are all reached by oil barn- Of course. i Cndoubtedly the strike will mean ling railroadv.

no business to with-! Shipment of cotton can hardly be I Shreveport. Tn few i out discomfiture of any kind. This I Influenced in advent of a long strike, for fuel ean a eiiilf turn to tue city will in peculiarly benefited Large, centers are reached by oil 1 us of wood. THE DOLLAR posiiion the strike becomes serious. Ktnsa City and Kort Worth are strike were to s'x months, according to Information received )'( 'terday.

The reporter found thut lie eoulij not buv coal in Shreveport even jenterdny unless he went direct to "tho railroads. This is due entirely to natural jr supply. A report to the effect that Urge Chicago factories had placed orders lere for eorsideralilc oil supplies eould not be affirmed, but it is known to he true that many Chicago com-i panies have been converting their i furnaces into oil burners in anticipation of the strike. The process is not complex and is believed that 'even the coal burning lake boats on Thomas Gives Depoaitora of La. Savings Bank and Trust ilCo.

of Mo nroc Assurance HKt.FKIt HF.R MOTHF.R WOMIKKFILLV I In tl.ese dsya of "flu." coughs, colds, 1 croup and whooping cough, it is well to know that every year there are used more bottles of Foley's Honey snd Tsr than of any other cough med- i ieine. Mrs. L. Hunt. SIS IV th I ucts coming from eastern centers eosld without difficulty be shipped frsm the Atlantic coast to New Or-lesas.

J. Wslker, general agent for the Knnsss City Southern railway, declared that in his opinion the whole situstion in regard to Shreveport seemed to be "an ill wind that biuwi nobody good." Shreveport. in his opinion, would be benefited by a long strike, where the majority of eitiea In the country would be at a disadvantage in every way. tie declared that 76 per rent of the engines, both freight and passenger, of the K. C.

8. nre oil burners. This road, he declared, has at that enough coal on hand to keep coal-burning engines running until they could be convtrt-ed into oil burners, was found that at an average, every railway company in the country has a coal supply sufficient to last 90 days. Plants Not to lie Affected. Where fsctories in many of the largo cities would be forced to close down investigation proved that production in Shreveport docs not rely upon coal.

The new United States rected. This notice also applies to time certificates sad savings accounts. Asked aa to whether depositors would lik'ilv Kit1 their money, even If the property is not taken over by the nher two Monroe banks, Uank Examiner Thomas said that he believed it was probable that depositors will cet at oust 75 cents on the dollar. Mr. Thomas spoke of the bank's -suets, including the building in which thii institution is located, which is valued at possibly $35,000, and the market house property In UeSisrd street, fur which tho bank paid 0U0.

At the direction of the bank examiner, a atstement of resources and liabilities whs submitted for the bene. Tit of depositors, snowing that at the lima of the close of iness Wednesday at noon fhere were deposits of si.ionoo. Mr. Tknmas said that about In deposits had been withdrawn from the time of the close of of the Ciuiiranty Bank and Trust company ut til Dorado in February up lu the time of the closing of the Louisiana Savings Iiank and Trust company, depositors having withdrawn their deposits at Monroe because of the connection between the two banks, both having been established by A. ('oilman, of Monroe, who was at one time president of both hank.

PRE-WAR PRICES Ha increased our business over lOOi over last month. U'e will continue to recharge Batteries for $1 00, and repair work in proportion. Service calls for Batteries Free. Columbia Storage Battery Inc. S.

P. WALLIS, Managre 408 Spring Phone 782 Monro, La March si. Confer. faces are being held by officials of Louisiana. Savinc Hunk Cincinnati, Ohio, writes; "Foley's Shievcport fears no coa! sink.

In fsct, an extended eoal strike would attract wider attention to this thriving community's independence. Rsilroad officials pointed out that due to the fact that the msjority of the rosds running through the city burn oil almost exclusively, railroad service Into Shreveport would not at any time be seriously impaired. Several railroad! officials declared that in their opinion the strike wouid bo a stimulant to business hero, due to the fsct that the strike would cause advances in prices for Shreveport's principal product -oil. Crude nil and fuel oil probably will advance in rrice if the strike any length time, according to business men here. City's Fortunate Location.

Ben Johnson, president of the Commercial National Hank, told the reporter that in his opinion a careful Honey and Tsr relieved me of a hack, i ing cough, tickling in the throat, wheeling and n-ams in the chest. It helping my mother wonderfully." Stop That Itching If you from any form ol wny uruggists recommend foleys. Adv. (Trust company with officials of the lluachita National Hank ami the Ceii- 'kral Savings Hank and Trust company I a viiiw to transfcrina all assets of tho former to the other two banks, to assumo all liabilities to de- and creditors. The deal has been negotiated, it was announced Louisiana Savings Bank mid skin disease such Itch, eczema, ringworm, tetter, or hands, or oid soros we iit sell fun a ju Blue bur lieaiedy ou a gurantee that if you are not satisfied with results obtained yuur money will be refunded, bur Remedy is a scientific prepsratlon which penetrates tii skin, going direet to the seat of trouble.

Will not stain your clothes sr.d has a pieatant odor. For sale DT Pevton Drug Co. Adv. EXTRA! window Conipsny will be able to start production on schedule an far ii fuel is concerned even if the DR. CB Ali I.bTeTrEW Office! Room 400 Hutchinson Bldg.

I I runt company, but ail arc hopeful, jand in the event that the other two 'banks tako over the property, dn-pttaitora will be assured of the safety ot their funds in the hank, whose 1 dooks were closed by order of h. E. 1 Thomas, state bank examiner, on 1 Wednesday at noon, Mr. Thomas is now In full charge anil has itannjl nntion a all EXTRA! Leather Trim med Shoos Boys' Goodyear Tennta Shoe Sizes to 8 $3.00 Special Shoe News for Boys and Girls Jff aiiatjBiB vi aiin-vrpuri silumiun in i advent of a strike was "merely another demonstration of the city's fur-tunate geographical situation." I The Kansas City Southern-railway I has a direct route from Kansas City to the gulf, thus tho meat supply would not In any way be impaired. Clothing from eastern manufacturers is even now shipped by boat from New York to New Orleans and a long Girls' and Misses' White Tennis Shoes $1.50 ALFRED M.TERRV.

71, IIES. Funeral services of Alfred M. Terry, 75, who died after a brief illness a.t the home of his son, It. A. Terry of Cedar Grove, Thursday night at 9 o'clock, will be held in Ravenna, Ark.

Mr. Terry is survived by two sonu. The body will be shipped to Arkansas by the Wellman undertaking company this morning at 8:40 o'clock, tomers to call at the bank without delay and receive a complete statement nr their annnt anI nil oanllat 1 cheeks and vouchers, so tliat these i i strike would not, therefore, even necessitate a change in schedule. Canned goods and other food prod niaj tm vcruiuu unci an errors cor Boyi'-GirU' Department Mezzanine Floor SATURDAY NOTICE The milk that's PRICES Pi land Guaranteed! ij' Today's Shopping News Toilet Article Special Guaranty for I Than Last Year' Prices rv 1 I IS WE Buy the very best makes of Children's Shoea on the market. Featuring Buster Brown, Mrs.

A. R. King and Acrobats. Our large Buying facilities enable us to sell for less than elsewhere. We Invite Comparison Djer-Kiss Toilet Water $1.58 D.

R. Cotv's Face Powder 75c As the Petal Cold Cream 44c De-Miracle Depilatory 89c Aycristocrat Manicure Set $129 Lazelle's Week-End Sets 39c Djer-Kiss Face Powder J9c Cutieura Soap 21c Harriet Hubbard Avers Cuticle Remover 29c Lazelle's Talcum Powder 19c VfV-V- You always know what you are gettingwhenyoubuyLibby'sMilk. Rich, pure milk from well-cared -for country cows' inspected cows. Tested milk from which more than half the moisture has been evaporated double-rich milk sealed air-tight in sterile cans. And what's more it's guaranteed! The guaranty is on every can.

Order a supply of Libby's Milk from your grocer today. It is convenient, economical, rich and pure. Guaranteed! Libby, McNeill Libby, Chicago ilVJ The milk used is pure cows' milk, reduced to its present consistency by evaporation. Contains no preservative nor adulterant. By adding one part of water to one part of the contents of this can, a resulting milk product will be obtained which will not be below the legal standard for whole milk.

It is guaranteed to be pure and sterile. hly. On event can this guaranty Shoes for Children Sires 5 to 8 $2.00 to $2.50 Shoes for Infants $1.00 to $2.50 Shoes for Big Girls SI.P8 to 8 $5.00 to $7.00 Shoes for Misses Sixes lt4 to 2 $3.45 to $5.00 iT SATURDAY BALCONY BARGAINS Closing Out One Lot of Guaranteed Aluminum Cake Pans Packed in the Country IE 1 1 Infavt White Wash Caps $1.50 kind, closing- out on account of being slightly soiled, at, JZr each Something New in Women's All-Linen Solid Color Kerchiefs Hemstitched and hand-embroidered; all colors. Edcony Floor I I $1.00 kind, at 49c )z; ''Let your Men's Blue O'alls 'floe' Best standard make sizes Special. each 35c HsW7 up to 42, at, each $1.00 Evaporated Grocer be your Milkman' Men's Blue Cheviot Work Shirts Milk Natural Gas' Is a Commercial Fluid The best dollar garment, at, each Lace-Trimmed Dresser Scarfs IK Before-Easier Sale of Cloves Real cliamoisette and silk Gloves, in white, black and all colors.

A large assortment, worth regularly 75c to $1.50. JCf Special, the pair Franklin's Sanitary Sleeping Pillows High-grade fancy Art Ticking, size Af" 19x36. Special Extra Special, each 59c A Man and His Religion One Lot Cretonne Laundry Bags Prettv fancv colors with 59c 36-Inch Percale Gingham patterns, dots, stripes, checks, light SS: 19c 17x32 Turkish Towels The New Nellie Dan Gingham Wash Dresses On display here today will not only prove interesting but well worth your while. They conic in ginghams with organdy or voile combinations. Stylish, serviceable and good looking as a Special feature otter tdoav.

A good one. Eacli 19c 36-Inch Long Cloth Soft chamois finish. 10- Religion, like the subject of patriotism, is a matter about which a man is always very sentimental. Even dishonest men attempt to justify themselves in their own acts, anii un -Christian men have a sort of relgious code of their own. Which proves that all men are religious all craving some moral code that will set them right at least in the eyes of their neighbors.

A self-made religion is better than none, but it is not sufficient. The religion that is satisfying that sets one right with himself, his neighbot and his God is not from within. Such a religion is Christianity. It cannot be bought with merely fair dealing in business, or even with contributions to charity. Christianity is an education augmented by association with Christian folks and the study of the Holy Bible.

vd. bolt. Regular $2.50. P.oIt SI.85 It can be piped fairly long distances if the city at the end of the pipe is willing to pay the cost of the pipe. The fields of West Virginia have supplied its natural gas to cities in Indiana.

Leases, drilling, piping, connections all cost money. If the gas rates will not pay for them in one community, it will go to another community that will pay When that happens, a company that is bound to a town as this company is bound to Shreveport, has no future. It must look on and see the gas which it needs in Shreveport piped away to rival cities. Under the new rates granted by the Utilities Commission, this company will do its best to assure Shreveport a full supply of gas for domestic and Lot of $7.50 value? at $5.95 Golden Oak Stained Nursery Chairs With a ron front. Each $1.49 27x54 Velvetina Rugs Rose.

btu' green, tan patterns. $2.50 rcg- (J ular. Each I I 36-lnch Chiffon Taffeta Silk I ij everyone something that helps in the general scheme of the daily life. If you believe in a religion that lifts men up and makes them better parents and better citizens we want you in our Sunday School, where you learn of Christianity "the pure and undefilcd "That's the mission of the Sunday School. The Sunday School has always held nothing but the best of all things that are helpful.

No one has ever been able to point the finger of accusation toward the Sunday School. From infancy to old age the Sunday School holds for you and for In a range of colors. Yard $1.39 I i i Lot of 35c and 40c Cur- Special Price Today on Silk Brocade Corsets Front or back lace, clas- $4.50 Lot Cotton Crepe Gowns Orchid, rose, peach, flesh, blue, lavender, hand-embroidered. OQ Special, each A II-Jersey Silk Petticoats As fresh and pretty a the golden sunset. Every imaginable color: adjustable tops with embroidered flounces.

A IQ Special, each All Middy Blouses Klne. white, white with colored collars and cuffs. Speci.i $1.00 industrial I tain Net White and ecru. at use. 25c Rain Umbrellas Paragon frame Lot Fancy Colorsd Voiles L'p values; sat in stripes, embroidered designs: all colors; dots.

49c Southwestern Gas Electric Company Sunday School Noel Memorial Methodist Church Herndon and Stephens Avenue Sunday Morning at 9:45.

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