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The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana • Page 11

The Timesi
Shreveport, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

11 THE SHREVEPORT TIMES SATURDAY MORNTNO. By Stanley HOUSES FOR SALE I AM'otfirma- my homo at iit Hlontr fur to lea Iban cost iAijioTiCE I yE OLD HOME TOWN ox mews CtrfTal term. UhN liiiiwi-m ttrirnU. fttnee'is K'J" SIIIhiii ll Hi phmma. tlAVti lour by eM'srt uen.

ii, Kiinc ami 1. t'iltiou shade I HOUSES FOR RENT rttlVAHC III'MS all Turmt, ball, tl. anil r. alMtpint pirch.

Kullr kuui nicely furnianed, eeillna- fane, i-rae, le.fplione, In Kuclld Ave. fail al lot: lluilKrford tuiM fur In- formanon. iifiusa. wlih bath. Nprasue.

Araa In-iWNIWN cuttase. roema, bath. J.H. ucar Apply aeutlwrn HI Teraa rX'H hKN'r i-ruwm end tialh.

Appy All'n iv.nin.. rllt HAI.B New flee-rooin ho wltb new furniture, in ilellevue. Prloa S.OO, Inciudiiiii lurnltur. Tkrms. V'A telerhoae KO.

FOR SALE CfTJlADE and Lcete Buy Refinery In Homer Field lo. I'll'Hir 413.1, rillHT class ml.ul:ri im: reflnishlns, n-i I rlntr larue.i Hrk tuK.trlaa lu oil, riiflun (Ihuilu t'o. I'liolm 4 1 33. llAMMEk, "etc Al-tllluilaC Brenner Co. ROOMS FOR RENT OSK iH TWO UiV rwom'i furnihei unrurn 11.

lijuMawp privllrcra. flir i ncightMirhuoa. iu tr Un. cr Tim-. THKKK lurui4iti room (wr Hutu hou NH'K trout ruon for fni.fttnan.

rrifo en car Un. APPl HOT Tnu. OU fhoiw iuii, Nlt'KUV lKlriKim, Mtljoinlruc i in pri Uuine, cJom In. i'hot 14il. ltKSlll VHUi; itouih rwiu uttl nv4- (m boru, tu conveakmu u.i I'noa liK-irTlFri'lTurnh'Sd JUiinin batii: pftrat homo: VArac If antmt thr doora from Hitih.and er 4.1 SlIH.TI.AMi iiele or lrd ooa mlik cw I nine ii- NKW niT lcaM in au'rl bol' fr LU.MBER-Tin long and short or Inde fjr cr.

ii-oi Kiuuca. Luannn, i rr- Homer, March 1 1. -A. C. livery t(.

any part Ot City, l.T- uii h. c. i.ectn shrHvcpnrt, whoiprc.3 and red cedar shingles hvb ih kito of oj all f.rades. Urine your W11, ue Homer Oil arnl Ki'fuunir com- 1 A V. v.i in Ut WC S3VC YOU 0101.

I FOR KENT (lx reome. balb anU aiecpirji pored, bac yard fenre.1 1m fine mil f'ir garden. No. illlj irtreet. Vuioa fcaaare.

Manrla Tirwir. l'noni I7T, t1u Murehall rtin 111). lis 317 I'onianJ aenui me XS SIS Vierre avenue, roimia ii On til Pierre avenuti, ruurue 6D 00 J. VtlZAK A rn.

t'hone 4 Hi Street SlX-ltll'M furtitflie.1 huure; hslf bin-k HKblane aeenue: prke fall 4. oinur, tmluy let Ilia contract to Leilloine, Old nllOtie 4236. New MeCl.nnli.n, luctil contractor. I 795. fit a i XI .1 adioioi ri for unw or two Knnie.

iTK tq burnt, 2i Wkttl atrfei. rCRVLSHFJ ruom iriVaia" bath; reawaOix. 217 rot ton furTinhcl outn-'n ruum, buth: 3 MUlh potofr.te, 710 Trails. ruon irmuurii nt inv piitiib aim 1 J4 I tnt plnnt aim p.acim; LliMt HjN caoinct worn, LOTSFOR SALE froni; Cuionlal Hill. inie lleifhta, prtced cbea far lUM.k aie Owner.

UTOH 11. WKNV. 13 MiHtn street Uif feet on Jlardy etreei; aeveral oi. trees; will for 1350. at.

Spen.e. Jt CoinnHTcial Eaok BaiiAlas. j'hotie LU'l' 50x110 Fifth street, near Marshall, Sam Chatwin, phone 3Jti). KIFTT-rXkrT lot; near ilihUnd; ea Klrby. and rtaauii-o.

terms. Pbos A 1 KJ-' I A lot, naif block car line; lot 4I)1H. from TnaneTle f'r Htore. Oneejneborourb An t. for any Infortna-IKn.

rln uld J'hvne 150. in opi'intiDK condition at once. Tlie Homer Oil and Kefming corn-any was orLraniietl lump time tttfo by HOUSES FOR SALE Marshall. We make and door frames, and special mill work. l.OOK I n-iSeaWO a eaalae arek a I i a Pk a 1 Poealital, unl iicconlinE to slnts-I K'nj Jo by Mr.

Leu und M. Leete I uiliA Scry effort will bo uiado to 1 tartayrrations within the ncut R)WM. nwlr fum'henJ. Cot. In; two Mtr(J 9t t0 pr mouih; from voatlemon prtferrea, Je thm at 1417 Ut l0 tach: Half prlrs.

I ned i th eab. Cocksrham, Kat TWu qnfurniiihw! ronms; xnntscL.n b-ilh. lrt, and "nurolilU iiraut, Cedar Crora. GENERAL, repair carpenter; no job too small. Old phone ji.onth, with on initial capacity of 1112 Hun by.

J'how ii49. Uauiaiana. .00 barrels. Hemrles easoline they 2665. I.

Ill I. rii uiau ill niiuiitL kriunrnu. HT OWNKR Real barKaJii In well-built 7 -room home; or term. Ua-A. car Th Tim and fuel oil.

Their loea- CKANK tiUKUfti, mxS Nli'KLV furrtlihftl Nlruumi wtth or without priTale bath rent ronabl; Mar-kH ftrt Aparrmfnii. 100 N4arntt atnpwt. CNKfrVNfsHKP to a 9-Ing ptrh, nU modern r-oiiTenloveii, top on tno L. Ii N. W.

railroad in onHidercj one of the best in this FARMS NKW 1UINUAI.OWS KOfl SAI.K Judscn elreul attractive k-roora bwna-aiow lirt bAth and a.i moilern conv- cetlon, and with tholr increased jcwelers and engravers, tine clock repairers. Moved from Bird Bldg. to 211 Texas street. Old Plume 3W4 2452. ucilitiei for handling crude oil from FUOST rrnMii; conenitn.

two ywun menrea. an paved atreei. In tjunaboroueU; utUM.U. 1 l-Ul 0.. eH( CM.

I hit Homer field, it is expected that I'l: ihey will furnish much of the gaso- -754 Feuer avenne Heaottful 6-rnom I bunsaiow with bath and all modern -emencee: nrice Sk.Ck0.S0; oa teruu of l00 I each; balance like rent. i ztii Alabama avnoe I in. and fuel oiU consumed in this wi unfair a. makw Piy nrinifv Planoa; Pinno tuning. 14 Dcinily.

Lri.ili d.n bv tjwrt. old mm 12SS: Nw Phon J. AauiroUo Miujtai mr. ijv a was lormeny Funmn I and lante aeeplnr porch: price S4.70: Iuf Shreveport and Mr. Lecte ia man of 'wide experience in the refining of ''gasoline.

Associated with them THE PARADISE OF AMERICA LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY Tr? tr.P with a days motor trip ovr the Valley; w.U ieave Shrvtort Monaa.y, April -rd. Tweuv or more with venwit.e t-rop some with but Id intra, Improved aid irryrated, to be said at oe bunrired doiiar pr M-T than land tn tlvn bruah. Th finest Ora-wfrutt, Lemons ard Otnt': one bale of cotton or 80 to 100 oorn to acrt-, followed by a w.nter crop of trues, ahhare, Toraatoes. etc. No fertilizer ever needed, labor cheap and plentiful; no malaria or fmrers.

summers rool and winters LEGAL NOTICES balance month. M. C. REAI.TlTt 11 t'Jmmec-iat Batik Bolidlnjr PlKtnes: Huglneea. iJ70; I7f TWO rof-me witli p-arcii.

over grae-e. fitter er pa-lly furnuhed inr llrnt honeekeepinc; rtnt r-a-tja bie. f'one t-Oi'J. TV.1 unfurnished Monib. kuc.henct'.e, Tcpe elreet.

NK'KT fnrfuehed Bleepme- room; privhte family: aanca; 110 mown. Phone S1. TWO 1'nhl ho'K-krer'Hi. with b.itll. t)M Sl Hormg etreet.

TWu utifunii.bed rooms for rent; modern enliven of telepbcne ainj aa- lblarden street. t'llK-IN front ruum; roll, conneelliuf reasonable. 627 Travln street. Of UM "The rular annual ntla In their new enterprise are C. O.

KerguHoo and W. A. McKenzie of i Com- ivWh(lrr of Uie ftli In lh lll Vt hlri AT lt I Homer, 0 Wild Wells In i 'ominernlal linn umiuiiii ia w. Sbrpan, l.ouiniana, on Monday. ln Ihfrd day of at llin boor of 11 o'clock a.m..

for U.e purpoe of dlrtst-ton and for th iranaaclion fwh buain. iu may properly come foro the mertlnff. T. IxlNOOiri'R, Praidnt. CIARK.NCIS HA.I.U IDEAL modern 5-room nicely furnished cottage, built right, all conveniences, just completed, large magnolia in front yard, garage and garden in rear.

Piedmont street. Magnolia addition. See La. Feed Products Co. Call Old Phone 14451.

New 534. ROOMS WANTED Monroe Field Cease Blowing LOST AND FOUND FRUIT SALESMAN WHO COVERED warm. crop raftures irom arousntj or rain. Write or cull for complete description of the farm- to be cold and let us know as as poib.e 90 to can reaerra tions fo- you. C.

WRIGHT Hotel Colonial PaIjK. or tnko ogsir.g outfit as part pa.y. tmail farms, 15, 1, 140. 2" v. il.

M. O'Bannon, Alexandria, La REAL sTIflTOlALE-" THIS TERRITORY LAST SPRING, WENT flawHal to Tha Tlawa. No. 11 fur SO shares and No. IS fur 19 re xpctlyeiy.

of Cnntral Tumbnr Inc. Fluder wiU ple. return to Vine jitraot. Monroe, La- March "1. As TWO or thtve unfumxahed room.

Muni be clan anl reasons bl Give price and T8-A. care WANTKfi Hoom and board witb private famiiy wiio vi'A liwk aftr two children parents work. r-A. rare The Times, WANTKP Tbrwe unfurnlnhod ltht house' ket)nK roonw: all cnnrveDiencas; Hdfhland nK'tion priferrtd. hone 39) jjt VANTKr Koom with use of Harare, by younit man.

216-A. The Tunew. KIGirr-IttltiM Iwo-atory -THROU0H TCWN TODAY HE PIP NOT STOP- th adjo Tvzys Phone 12'il. near Hemitno; natural forces all of the wild wells xn the Monroe gait field, with one ex null Colli imp. a LOST Black and 'bono 23I.

11 Cotton. NKW 7-room bungalow. uO-foot lot; Highland: I6.7i0. Phone tiOI. mnntha oid.

ception, are now under thorough con MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES trol, and there is practically no gas FOR S4.I fine rntf-irrp and i TWO desirable ious only one o. from OAIJ yjUC COtiage anU Teias ros4. oa Jackson street: ibis siree- llenard. LXKTrirwn doubln" Martin ebokmr, oo Allnridale Jitney line. Botnm to 30! Simon Bids.

Jleward. scaping from any well, with the ex MAM with llmlled rupHal to In APARTMENTS FOR RENT mannfacturtn rmea, torn, park ridea. caption of Smith No. 1, owned by the two two-stories at attractive pavB)i 1 pence, ivl Commsrciai Bank etc. a.

Carruthera. 1J17 lark ave. prices. Can make terms. Cen SODA KiL.

STAIN We nave eeyeral bar-talni tn 19-, 1-. ni 80- fwi outfiis; bo'b new and uaed: ren ata Jnolude drus and confectionary fixtures In same contract; small cash payment; balance eaaf monthly pay man ta. Write or wire aoMA-N roLNTAiN CO, Dallas. Texas. Ouachita Natural Gas and Oil company in acetion 27-20-4, according to LOHT Turwiay afternoon two-ski- Stint Marten fnr nackplcca.

I-latnm to 1030 Marwart plaof. Old Phona and r- catvo reward. CNWRNISHBD 4-room spartment. with all conveniences: in Wood'a Kiats; over Wood's store. Jordan and Louisiana Call READ IT FINANCIAL officials of tua department of eon- tral Lumber 152? Southern avenue.

Phone 4525. Flirt KA UK Htanly htnaw r. f.ur-piiiwn- Kr tourintr; condttioD. It. M.

FUllon-oll. Ui. WANTK1 "rd tourius or roafisfer from nwaer; tnot be in cued condtfiort; and chpftp. Old Phrni, 1 3 7. cail it.

iZ. lopfcreB. FOUd'COTT'K. 19-1 inodl. flrt-da8 hap: five tood caa inrs rlro rea so n-able; oome terrriB.

Mr. Beck, 3-2 Ardia Telephone FOJ1D in uroud iftiaps4 foul near tirea; cash. 3718 or Phone SMI. I orvation. A new 7-room bungalow oa paved street driveway and garage: elegant new furniture used one month: nice neighborhood: wits furniture, can geu without; easy four-room apartiueriL Fbona TWO- or Officials nay that in the last few LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE HELP WANTED MALE (70.

months the oseape of gas from ail TJia ttnir plain note. Confidential. Call GARDEN tools, etc Alphonsc Brenner Co. AT.FAUAly7TnIota of 10 baJeo or carload. Thone except Smith No.

1 has been growing less and less, until in the last and aee oa cuanuara ureon ava aui- trell lldlnr. 1 HAVK available plenty of money for Jew weeks they have been "bridged over," and are now in excellent shape. WAKTCli Tla alao tbrea tie mills mllla. Vlrsin Umber. All year job.

Pay every twi weeks. Doner l.iod A I -umb-r Company ArtexArkaneaS; rtecietercd pharmacat; aintrln: IVii.OO a month, wltb board, room and laundry: coutrtry; must stay on prewilees: no alcohol users or dmir addicts need apply. Address 1-A TheTtnaea WANTKil Two miwnjtir bora for day lo time loam, an improved la in Lonlaian. Texas and Arkansas. Buy terms.

H. 1L Miller. SI l.esy Balld)e. SLEEPING porch, bedroom, living room, breakfast room, bath and kitchen furnished. 1708 Fairfield avenue.

jfCRSisilKJJ a par. men ground Coor. IZi 8toner! KTGHT-ROOM flat; modem improvements: In town. Inquire John Piatt, S17 Texa street. FOR SALE Beaatifoi room Aeroplane biinralow.

2T1 Dalzell fftrect. 000.00. tTe4y 7 -room bmuLow, Prospert; U. oo 00. Iarc-e snd-a -half br.aIow.

of 14 rooms. Jrl Prospect; arranged for two aprtirfiis; upftaira 7 rooms, and rooms downstairs; Sll.OCe. Oo look them over: Sl.t69.Sft cah ud the remainder tike rmt. IIAMITER MABRY Owners Lobby First National Bank Phones 10L4 and S41 It will bo impossible for nature to Kuerced in stopping the escape of gas from what was originally known as AUTO SUPPLIES, REPAIRS AUTO PARTS -We Wreck 'Em." Most Any Part For Any Car--Harf Prion DE GENERES BROS. LIBERTY Bonds bought and sold.

First National Bank. SKiXM-HAM furnitnre; Just received a car stoves, refriserators. beds, dressers, rus. and many olher thlnts. at bargains.

Himmotie Kurnituro Successors to Berry Kurnititre 113 Tex street. Old Phone 6330. SKCONL) hand Plnaer sewine machine. In perfect running order; drop leaf and ball Good as new; cash or term. John Dolan, St Henry Rose M.

AM. Co. iHmith No. 1 well, as this has formed a mammoth crater, large enough to work and two mesaenaer ooya for after terms. R.

S. WIT ITT EN 4:0 11 Ham Etreet Pbowes Residence 4STI PR ACTI CA LTlOM ES REDUCED PRICE 1 Ianre 6-rom modim bunpralow; pared street: near ca- Una, school and churrh: excpilent neighborhood, $,400.0. Tour terms. 2 8 ix -room new cot'-ajre. driveway.

nar car on'l street: screem-d porches. $7,250 Oft, Keasonataie terme. burwralow, on Highland avenue; CTicellent location, Jft.TBU. Easy term. i bunsaiow.

on Histhland avenue; modern un-to-he-mlnute, 7.2"u. lrm3, balance 75 monJa. Ilea! Estat Priors SJtJl MUam Street bury a skyscraper. school work. Appiy at.

once. Western nion (. 0 Stars Banks of New FOH HAI.K 2.000 bushels solid sound ear mm free from weevil. KenteJl variety WANTED $5,000.00 on close in high class business property. Address 222-A, care Times.

13 moaths. 7 per cent: Shreveport Tlulldlns A Itn necunty. lll i. care Times. located on Free State plantation.

half TWO-ROOU tnmjihfj apartments: wwr, light and gas furnished: close In; $.00 to SIS. 00 per week. App'J 733 Travis street. ilTRAmvE room and kitchenette la private home: everything furnished; rent reasonable. 13 Samford avenne.

HMA! furnished apartmont; possession now; room with connecting tmth vacant April 1st; ateo garage. 413 Fannin; Orleam Flourishing, Shows Thomas' Report mile from ShreveporL W. I'aylor Com. pa nr. WHITE CKKSTKD China chickens.

Si per trio; main birds, SU; fine MhastPr daisy nlatits. Si per dosen. post paid. Addresn 'By VratuO ir Orleans, March 24. Tae 10 OIL STOCKS AND LEASES Mrs.

M. H. fipilker. Keatchle.J. PHONES) AN'n 55 lit! JORDAN STREET jeveporti NE RE LA CE EN PARTS Springs, Ring and Pinion Gears, Axles.

Connectine Rod and Main Bearings, Pistons and Piston Pins for all models and makes of cars in general use. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS CO. 109 MllH STREBTT Phone 4127. Shreveport, fnrnished 3-roora apartment for rent; with or without garage; possession WANTED BOYS WANTWD boy i to sell tb ftm8y TSm: rxi uii-a trrttor mast rat boy who are huBtlrrs. Apply City Circulation Manacr.

TriiiMj aftertjooa cr yaturtiay. TYPEWR1TEU dosk. fiat top desk, iet'er HERE is something better. Seven rooms, hardwood and edge grain floors, beamed ceilings, built-in features, best of bathroom and electric fixtures, finest imported English paper. Must be seen to be appreciated.

Beautiful terraced lot, drive and garage. Price $7700.00 terms. 319 King's Highway, on car line. 713 Creswell street. by April 1st.

Apply file, chairs, russ, bargain for muck sale a Simon Bide. Old Thono isiuTur.MT. 2 rooms nicely furnished, FOR SALE RIBBON CA.NK FTRl'P. down stairs, spleralid locaUon. one-half PKR OAI.IX?N.

V. O. B. SAM- Worll Higbland r. on Boulevard.

Phona Pl.R ON RKQUEST; SOI.n tN 4C41. FOR RkTNT 6-room apartment, bot and cold water, private batb. OlA Phone 1S33. Jllgb- n'W banks in New Orleans have January 1 experienced the-most liquidation of out. tills pnyaMe and rediscounts hftTe eujoyo.l in the last five iri.

ii'-ccr ling to the statement of K. 5 tat bank examiner, In'fiis review of the period from l'veoinber 1921, to March 10, i The report shows a reduction of payable and rediscounts for hoiowed money from $16,762 B3S.2H to 77, and a reduction of 1'isns and discounts from to $111,812,037.09 during the 70-day period. TWO-room apartment, furtilshed. land section. Phone 447.


JXlLFAX. I.A. DFNTAL office for sale, an op-to-date office with splendid practice: in one cf th, best tittle cities In Lou-siana. Write 'Dentist." 2S4-A M. CASH and scales, new and used; big bargains. SaJes Vllm slrcet.Iai:as. Taa. SOME furniture cheap; leaving cur. 07 Lawrence. two ntceiy fnmishfd room apartment for ftf-u-at and steady; Drtrmanritt poaitmn Jtoeer-w lftaaaa -M royeltiea Townehtp 18.

Ranre 11, as up to the shallow producing territory ax can be bad: alao bae some cheap aceaga in nrtrthrn part of Boeetw: near Webeter parish line. Sfte me or Jhon 261. FTtANK AT.NnFHS First National Bank Baildiryc phrevporL Lft. iiilJb'r baTe money, HO acre, Boa-tier, north of production; will se-lt at a iTRiB Timee LEASES IN THE KOSSIER OIL FIELD KAI.MBACIf tll Ardis EnlldinB WAKTBh to aell M-50 "drilltiw contract. 40 acres Povsier shallow field, A.

T. Paris, Ardia. Phone S15. to rood man. Aldr 8 z-A.

rara Tim, AOOOD milk cow wanted, don't nsr If you haven't a ood one. P. O. Box J7. Disle.

La. HATCHINO ecES from Hlllvicw White esborns. Black Minorca or Uantams. it eettlnr. 7 Travis street.

TWO lumber srradtr, 1 aiatr frftl-rr. IS; stwTfr. 4 lnmbr aok-8, cber. S1.t: Notice to Stockholders There will be a meeting: of all the Stockholders in the office of the President, 306 Market Street, on Monday, March 27th, at 2 p. for the purpose of electing Directors for this year, and to transact any other business as may come before the ray-Dickinson Inc.

Leon J. Phillips, Sejey-Treas. 12 four-muia lQtzr. 12; tfrn boan for lfmrina-; 10 loc inttrs. 4f rnr thotutand.

HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES lonc iraf ttmbrr and tTcrythina- furnifthd counle or two sentlemeT-: all conveniences; Hirbland section, over saratr. $-S month, inclndinir heat and llicht. f'hone Old a Us. 1 TWO-nice larse nnfurnished rooms with priTste bath. Apply lft Gary i-eet.

TWO ROOM furnished i apartment ive-rooru un- furnished, for adults, walking distiance. Phone 2060. i FOR RENT Unfurnished i C. H. Orayaoa, 1cmi, Ala.

at i I'OR MMALI dairy. wnrVuur farmer, FOR BJOiB Cheavp, two Betters: fresh. W. a. Johnson.

Magnolia subdivision. nei to Jeweila church. jcOK-8Al7i -Thoroughbred 8. C. 1.

Tied ess.t 1 jrjrVmJW. Si young Single Comb White reborns: heavy layers. Old Phone 13-. 07 1'ravis. Dickson Syndicate Building Derrick for WANTED Acetylene "welders.

Wages $7 per day. Apply Southern Carbon Company, wartz, La. married, mnrt be icr.tJi wWimtork and AUTOMOBILES i will trie to follow taivtruetiowi tHng and car of ptm-k. or, wiUlns to fd'-H and car of etm-k. or, wiuins to 0mm uCOnd 1 CSt very particular with email dntaile and Wf! buy and aell secoad band furnlfors.

Simmons Firrnituxe il3 Texas street. OldPbooe JiJ20- 1-OR SALIv THESE ARE SPECIALS Poofold suiie. worth 1147.0: Fpeclni Price 4 Dnofold. worth 170 00; Srerial Price 43.0 Breakfaa-room suite; and blue; Spec'Jil Price 55 SO 114.00 Iron beds; Special Price S-fi co-operate with owner to make the bosi apartment, downtown; 500 1 MACHINERY eesa a anccHna. 130 per rooejth and of recerpts.

Hours, g-arden pe1al to The Times, Camden, March 24. A crew WE HAVE ONE FOR YOU. Ford Roadster $100.00 Ford Roadster S140.00 Ford Roadster, 1521 Ford Touring, 1920 spot and partnership posjllyy. Ad- Fannin street. furnished aprtment tih.Qt per month advance; Market Street Apari- dreise 10-A.

care Times. riegan the erection of a derrick on PIPB FOR 5.00S feet 60-Ib. caftng. 5 ne f.t s-lncb used line pipe at 3Sc; s'silO feet 4-lncb used line pipe at 23c per wienre. 1 08a Market etreet.

he Hecker farm, three milea south pf here, for the eeeond teat well to ba drilled by the Pickson Oil fyndi- five rooms and (IVliYl foot: 30. S00 feet J-lncb nseo pipe st loc, s-unt driil casing, 185.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs; Spcl Price 1200.0 Wainut uinlnc-room KuiLe; Ultra Special Price 129.00 riressers, worth tZo; Special Price 12.0 20IMI MARSHALL street, bath: $0. Call 94. ete in Onaehita county this year. APARTMENTS WANTED i Sewing Machine: Special Price Ja.00 BT APRIL let.

younc couple desires nics Ford Touring, 1921 Dodge Touring Buick Touring Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Touring Pullman Touring Maxwell Touring WANTKD Ki noOKKKlCrKR: VtTST PAST AT FKHiRKS AT HANDt.fS AI'TO PARTS: MUST BE CKrl. I.IVB MAS AMI A-l RBWr.RF.N"'8 RKCJL'IRBDi Xll.PMS-AGFD MAN FRB-rKHRHD. tVl.NKLBR MOTVE HUNK1K. J.A. WANTKD -On f.rst-ciass ateajn shovel opera'or: salary one honored fifty dollars per montb; one cranenisn for steam shovel; salary one hmni-ed thirty-five per month.

Address I', O. Box 7, gareveport, lsuisiank. WANTED Good male cook (white) who has a little cash to invest in a good restaurant Do You Want a Home Like This for $6,600, $1 ,200 Cash and $40.00 per month on the balance? Two drilHre rUca, boilers, engines aw older sizes of pipe. Louisiana Irvn and Supply On. Phono J43.

lard. 2001 Tense A6)K vte sell, new and pipe and eu same to any length; also pulleys, shafting. I beams, angle lmn, babbitt, lead, solder. fe relnforclnr Iron, pipe fittings, bearings, one McDonald Pitlesa Scale.

V. Karon 1S2S Southern avenue: Phone 3M Eoo buying. FAIRBANKS M.insn,, IVi- to X-ho-epower snd repairs In stick. Farm Machinery '71 Crockett street. Tm Tnachmery has been shipped to Camden, and drilling must start with-Jn' the next three weeks to protect the leases.

The Dickson interests are. atls drilliPf a well in the northern part of the county near Chidester, and expect to drill aeveral more test wells in Ouachita county. Offices for the r-yndicatn are beinj opened la the Solmson block, American Cotton Export 1 room unfur-isbed apsrrmewt; prtrate bath; UUrhiand er Fairfield seetlo pre-- ferred. Old rhone -HHft. after ft P.m.

nTAPRH, 1 Refined couple want three rooms snd bath, furniwbed or partly far- 1 nNh-d: reaeonable rent, desirable loratitm, i close In; refer-nces. care Times. i FOR RENT I FOR RENT Brick ware- house 9,300 square feet con- Oldsmobile Touring Cane Rack Living-room Suite, Silk Velour I'plwiloterlng; Special Price 14. 0 Kitchen Cabinet: Special Price i4. Phonograph, worth Special Price 10.

Refrigeratera and Water Coolers: Speelal Price Zi off Oak Buffet; Special Price 15.00 Oak Pining Table; Special Ji.0 Oak IMning-ronm Special )Mce 1.70 These are a few of oar regular bsrgsins, taken at random from our stock: don't kid yourself into tlunkir.g you can buy cheaper KING FURNITURE CO. 11,1 Tens Avenue. Haynes Touring $400.00 Sport Model Chalmers $000.00 Ford W. D. Truck I for February Reported cretc floor space: centrally lo- cated on K.

C. S. tracks. Lou- now making good money. In city, Prefer an American but would consider any nationality if well experienced and a good cook.

If in Open Evenings Until Nine. HUGHES BROS. Liberal Terms. (By Asawrtaleel Pvewa.) StVashinirton, March American FURNITURE on new 'sales plan. Alphonsc Brenner Co.

Living room, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast room, bath and hall; front and rear porches screened in; kitchen cabinet built in complete; ironing board in wall, mantle and book cases with leaded glass doors, medicine cabinet with mirror, French doors; floors highly finished; all interior high class enamel; elegant light fixtures and wallpaper; garage, drive, back fence and paving. Located in Highland section, near car line. If interested, call at 306 Wilkinson street, and see for yoursrlf. Will be open Saturday and Sunday afternoons. isiana Refrigerated Products Inc.

Piojie 1406L IXirBlTlTTarageriui'ab'e for sanall ears; 70 Christian; children sewing a ape' fia'ty. Utd Phone liO' HOWARD MOTOR CO. USED CAR BULLETIN. five rooms, KOJl SALM Furniture for cheap. New Phone 111.

FOR SALE hxt boilers, fluyh fronts, s'd no stack. Knulpped with all benms and hana-rs n-cstFary for brick eettinic. iAr'-y art ford infMct'on lis pound- to 120 pounds s'raru pressure. I 12i Hrowneil Automalie f.onlne. 1 HO hifih spd eThaust fan, 1 loubt fa a speed Thaut fan, P.ODCAW LUMBER CO.

OF LOUISIANA, INC Ptamtis. Arkaness. ItySjCTiaLk Four tnrors drilling tools; siltsb.e for any oil f.eld work; 1 psr eenrt discount for cash sale. Henry M. Ray, Woortngsport.

1 STORE RKNT Inquira Miiam Caf 71 afCam Street. New Phonal OS. terested in a partnership of this kind and you have enough cash to handle, answer 4t-A. care, of Times. WVS wheels tn deliver te'ejrmms; can use one walker tVsalern Vnlnn Teleraph CorrolT.

WANTKIV Toune "man far eteveitTmphie work by larse anoiesaie konee: state ate and expe-ie H-A. care The Times. WANTED TO RENT Another 2-month-old sedan, lock wheel, shock absorbers, $425.00. 1921 Ford Cotipe, new paint, new tires, $375.00. ROOMS AND BOARD Tlr'" fron rooms and earace.

hoard If a- refernens. Old Fhor-e 11 17. HOOM and board at rednoed fates at the Victory Hons; table board snd sins; mealo: the best hnme-csokinir In the city. Two doors from Youree. Msrltet street, StO(M with boM.

also loreiy bofisekeep-. Insr rooms; mil ooDTonietices. 119 tAi-wards street, A TT A i 1 fTTroa it -mwTih board. 4ll rUnnr a-nn. Photie LAItOE front room wilh board; reference.

exports of raw cotton, including liters, durinfj February were 440 bales, mined at $31,113,090, corn-fared with 493,428 bales, valued at 942 040,115, exported ia February a yif ago. Exports of raw cotton for the right months ending in February were 4,521,672 bales, valued at compared with 3,741,019 tales, valued at $431,49 810, for right months ending in February a yar ago. "Treasurer of Ohio Oil Company Is Dead (Bv A-tvM Press.) Findlav, March 24. Geo. K.

'Marks, 54, treasurer of the Ohio Oil TYPEWRITERS WANTKO to rent. A-l Poard'mx and rooming house, rtolcg good buaiaasa. J. C. rtargls.

Hid Plione lii; rem 4- or booae; good location. cam The avm RKNT livA'T. dairy farm on COlAlltKri UKN-linn ao'o-fneehanicw TUCK THE HOME BUILDER (T. P. TUCK) 42 American Bank Phone 2399 Old Typtwrlier Kchsrg 311 Texas street.

Phone SS04. We rent, sell and repair all typewriters. il.bboni and Carbon paper. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED llreenwood road: dwelling tenant and no Into tb anto repaJr bnsinena f0e ynnrseSf iplte) course I4I S. Writs The luxle Auto and Tractor School.

711 Hlrod New "rjejna HELP WANTED 1921 Ford Roadster, new paint, motor overhauled, $265.00. )4 sprtna reef. house and dairy for per monm s. f. T.a.

Houses for rent- WAVTE1 Men ATd women It wo-V hours each evening; applicants most stell city; prefer popi wBo WILL, par cash tor aod eecond-band p'pt. oil wij and si ffood well ItUfhlliTT. Tmh rommnT 'jtiii Lorraine street, Houston. rr.A new two story ros.dence. I with ba'h.

sleeping porch and a'l sve- 1921 Ford Touring, A-l shape, $275.00. are employed, ttt foremen of rectories, etc JtOOM and board; lars-i rjom vacated. Alo piace for lady at tlZ Xu Mrs. J. O.

Hardr. and boarj for rne (a(ly; ow rnen. Mrs. S. J.

Afidrfon. rttn KpM' WITH POAIUJ 4' Fannin Hires ItftOM ard board: a so table board" rnti rren only ml" rspah'; biJck of rnnr! I'oUrW, ft? Tnt's 'rt. nietv-es: right flown in town; nirw wn3' TViae. borhoed: r-feeenees: possession at coca. I company died here Thursday after I it Ma can tmaiify will show yon where i.

v.lvoo cen make esc.1 Apply lo Hotel. fjtas bern with the Ohio Oil company j-n-me 417 from Sam, te 3 rr. ONVnew rancslow: fl-ve roc-ns. hall and bath: sTic'y modem: on roster most tav.

b-st refemnca. old ruore i 47i4. I Four 10 els to haul 19J1 Ford Roadster, motor rr p.rtlrolu wraio a.y 1 Surrsnt. i I A-l SI i WANTF.n -P AA" MIT J. APOVT rfe'rft I rATTT KR QT'ATKR fAWlNO nvK PK IN OV0 CONDITION.

POSITIONS WANTED MALE CLOSE IN 1311, hRS been treasurer for i.rec years. F.T-meri? he was -with ROOMC; mo RfKt V. HKR' 1. "r.l.M I. L.

nnwiBti motor rn Standard Oil rjmnany. He BT avedoaiw wucwirt. capsbe TJIE SHREVEPORT TIMES WANTKr Jo In gsrsge: will work free J' BOl-SBS ff rent. gas. lights, srs'ee, tit; FOR RKNT one f-irnh'd f.rt rvm.

i to pr rserth; don't miss sir tb a. 12 T-ee vvr-i: prfs $TS. Fhnne trir ff-t ftftth tt-t aod avenue, STOW x'drabV ron'rVoomTro'tv (, ftror tfttrr ba'V two i er(hrin i sVn pnT 4-room tn I 825 Texas Ave. Phones: Old! MISCEl LANEOUS FOR SALE fiOPA Ft '1 "NT IS. csrdy ce, nsr cse.

5058 and 5059 New 20. of wears to lesru busn ciasMiied iniormauon chei-. carortPAtnr, caj-b rear'? '-r ptt TrsTls fift per roorth. call Kron i The Times. M.

B. CAHN, a A)! Cla-si'ieo Advertising la atricUj r. i rJ or rlns or sppiy owner, comer eomoiets hinotome outi at once; can sell for bai- i Mt da, to M- I- Soto s-d Fs'ts irrnxt be mo POSITIONS WANTED FEMALE Mar.age.r Used Car Dept. iv due; frx by wees. Most coMiiiwmt iao ta Ut I Th-ee room bouse, 115 ijoaieiaaa strest, I montli tvrite or wir Onanist Koun- city; one bloea leoa pevtoffie.

rVWTaO.V sperieflced booxlineptr. I Swreve.l; oo1 shape: w'll teade pevaien Tstaa "'nffpinr, IIOTiU, BRLMONT hras. Loalr.ara street: Fo-d ox Dodae; cheap. sccrpt in or ojt cf town refer ae-nn. Fine location for a warehouse or factory; switch track easy to get; three lots.

40x150; alley in rear. Corner 5th and Market Streets. We are not in the real estate business and have all the room we need. I'd Msrsbail a treat i $:. mon'h.

KPPFR. Proprietor s't-room boom, til Ca4e rrt; 141 I) Will rcil M- BATi.dK Tves. car Keplntt small setvcf hiXe of eleett-al work. rw The Timea. pair pumps size 4 SonaMS.

Phone iraysnie in advance. 7k Times ArlverUsIn' Trate is two cen.s per word. Ad vertisements set 'B 10-pomt, 4 (cents per word. Minimom aaver-Itlsement recr'ved is fifteen words. Xh, Times will not be responsible lot (more thst one incorrect insertion (of tds ordered for more than on time to-'h.

hm-ew. ne. TWO rooms, furn iiai-i' modern cortveniences. 1474 Anna CANDY FACTORY FOR nu. Irt: month- i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTO OWNERS! Have your car repaired in your own garage.

Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge by hour or contract. F'or particu M. C. PFSrH, Rf" M.Tf'R. Jl rommt-fvisi Benii P'dr, Fbore SALE-Well equipped can- KR XT-Room with pri- btrai- condition fomr larse -KsfabilsH fTirnitors A.

rnr The Tme. dy.UCtory. enjoy ing -goo. out- at(, batll with or without Mtn; in 1 4 fire-r; ap-tty rhone mi and Ol U-mil Hd'JV, ryaraffc. Call Old liionc W-l.

rn Witm. WANTED DEALERS AND DISTRIBUTOR lars and appointment call Mr. rniixT nn.i.irs hedroerr onvnient modern conveni- CARD UMHAi T-ovirwish to thsrik our rcanv frteen for tl kirslness ar mpsthy a our grest sorro. the death of our twieve.t f- sn.1 moth, also for tM t7 ,1. and ut lines.

Oid Phone riVK room hungaie Hammond. Old Phone Quov-nsboreugli. er.ces. pes- '-if 7 47 I wept a nr. man or rm a l'fii.

ihi.Ion snei-fi- I drfSS 07 I laCC, Mircvt'- i front rm; uvn- ne nf an-omobiies A peroe.inoTi wTerebv I 1 "1" 0 p.iwe f.m-y: tcta frvta yon can ics. raeeoyv a.r s-sy ter. I '-l motlf.l, XCellf nt I ee 1 I.ien. KfrrrttA nnsM'. with vr.n.

blp yen. work yenr te-rPery. SHREVEPORT MATTRESS CO. HOTEL dishes, etc. Brenner irnm.

one bloci from Texas. Villi TT'tv Milt fi N'y for l.E?V-M L5 onnle: aim -tag r-ia for n. condition, new tp, rood tires, a bargain for $800.00. Cash and time can be seen at Down 1 SPECIAL NOTICE NOTICE LOST Large pink cameo brooch. Reward to finder.

Old phone 5526-W. (No In lis class. I will snd voa to th factory frw. Pmall Inve -w-ent, large returns. "oe'S to lnv'i-; -e frr-y man now.

270 Wall i street. Powe 41S. PI.KAsil!ta;vif.l.R'5ati lions- at.d seed I b-ach. 2 2 seres a-WPd. price,.

fla'f cash. This a aaleli money rn.ber. 4vo. tetton mnc smie'h muisa. A rood sns-n'v Town Auto ttararje.

lohn V. all siawa. aiwss on se. I or njr- tj-ik-' nir: a i rtnnirtn 47 cfrrf r. Jn-t iM-t -ie Market bkv.

yns. wnAjTo? Medium t'oBsnUntlnns Pally is a.m. to m. at my J2H Marshall Street and (tri E'' t-n 'j1 I'iood rs for anliing Ferry 1 Pwrter. Old Phone 4058.

1-RANK BETTS SON Vavrt-t. i.d toowi lot..

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