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The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana • Page 1

The Timesi
Shreveport, Louisiana
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it OIJIT-MCOKMICK MVK COMPANY, II'D. M.iiiufiu luri is ni; kliula of PRESS and ORNAMENTAL BRICK Foundry and Machine Shop ilVf II it trial older. J. L. MEANS MACHINERY rhonei 18.

Shreveport, La. office Market, liionu 7U VOLUME XXXI V. SIIRKVEPOKT, I IUDAV, AIMIIL L0, 11)00. XUMMUl fi 0 0 lLi mm ffl I Fully Two-Thirds of San and the Entire City Francisco Has Been Destroyed Is Doomed to Destruction San Francisco, April 19 Thousands upon thousands of people are fleeing from the fire today. They are flocking to the ferries, to the parks, to the military reserva tion and to the suburbs.

Residents of the hillsides in the MAYOR CALLS TO AID MEETING STRICKEN CITY THE ENTIRE CITY VICTIM TO FURY OF THE FLAMES seemingly were safe from the roaring furnace that was consuming the business section. Shreveport, April 20, 1900. In response to requests from numerous citizens of Shreveport, and appreciating that prompt action is necessary, I hereby issue a call for a mass meeting of the people of Shreveport to be held this morning at 11 o'clock at the Board of Trade rooms, for the purpose of considering the raising of funds for the suffering and destitute at San Francisco and other stricken cities in that vicinity. I hope that as many citizens as can possibly attend will be present at the hour named. (Signed).

ANDREW QUERBES, Mayor. WaBhington, April 19. The Postal Telegraph Company, at 6 p.m. received the following message from its Oakland, office: 'The fire marshal of San Francisco advises that more than two-thirds of the area of the city of San Francisco has been destroyed and there is no possibility of saving the balance of the city. The following is the district north of Market street now devastated: Sansome to Market street to Sacramento, to Buchanan, thence to California, to Hyde, to Eddy, to Larkin, to Gough and to Market, the north side of Market street, and it extends along Market to Fourteenth and below the Southern Pacific tracks to the boundary." They watched the towering mounds of the flames and speculated as to the extent of the territory doomed.

Suddenly there was whispered alarm up and down the long watches and they hurried away to drag clothing, cooking utensils and scant provision through the streets. From Grant avenue the procession moved westward. Men and women dragged trunks, packed huge bundles of blankets, boxes of provisions, and everything. Wagons could not be hired except by paying the most extortionate rates. But there was no panic.

The people are calm. They seem to realize the calamity. They hear the city is destroyed in so far as business plants are concerned; they tell each other in the most natural tone that their residences were destroyed by flames, but there is no hysteria, no outcry, no criticism. Mayor Schmitz and Chief of Police Dinan have been forced from place to place by the on-rushing flames. Daybreak found them directing the municipal council, which is a committee of board.

Xo trains are running on the toast route. The Fairmount hotel Is surrounded on three sides by fire. Every man who ventures near the scene is Impressed by Lieut. McMillan of the safety, from the Fairmount Hill. But that caught fire and they retreated to the Cushing at Larkin and Sutter streets, then to the North End Police Station in Sacramento street.

Here the council, composed of the financial leaders of the city, decided 1o resort to the most heroic measures yet undertaken since the city has been in the path of devastation. The decision was to dynamite the entire section of the city lying along Van Ness avenue from Golden Gate avenue to Pacific avenue, sixteen blocks in all, containing the homes of many millionaires and apartment houses. The military was notified of this action and barrels of gunpwoder, the only remaining explosive in the city was taken from the Presidio, Fort McDowell, Alcatraz and other nearby posts. Hundreds of policemen, regiments of soldiers and scores of volunteers were sent into the doomed district to warn the, people to flee. These heroically responded to the demand of law and went bravely on their way, trudging painfully over the pavements with what little they could get together.

Every available wagon was taken by the military to carry the powder for wrecking buildings in the path of the flames. Ill It WITNESS P. ANTHONY TELLS A THRILLING STORY OF ins EXPERIENCE. WAS III I StX STOBT BUILDING House Lifted From Its Foundations, and Inmates Fled Panic Stricken, and Momentarily Expected to Be Crushed to Death A Graphic Description of the Disaster. Salinas, April 19.

(By long distance telephone to Los Angeles.) J. F. Anthony, a business man of Pacific Grove arrived in this city today having made the trip from San Francisco by automobile. He left there at 6 o'clock last evening. Mr.

Anthony is the first eye witness to bring direct Information from San Francisco. His story is graphic and complete. Mr. Anthony says that he was sleeping in his room at the Ramona hotel on Ellis street near Macon, and was suddenly awakened at 5:23 in the morning. The first shock that brought him out of bed.

he said, was appalling in its terrible force. The whole earth seemed to heave and fall. The building where he was housed, which is six stories high was lifted from Its foundation and the roof caved in. A score or more of guests, men and women, Immediately made their way to the street which was soon filled witn people and a perfect panic ensued. Debris showered Into the street from the building on every side.

As a result Mr. Anthony says he saw a score or more of people killed. Women became hysterical and prayed in the streets while men sat on the curbing appearing to be dazed. It was twenty minutes before those In the vicinity seemed to realize the enormity of the catastrophe. The crowd soon became large and in the publtc squares of the city and In empty lots thousands of people gathered.

It was 9 o'clock before the police were in control of the situation. When they finally resumed charge the officers directed their energy toward warning the people In the streets away from danger. Pulldings were on the brink of toppling over. Mr. Anthony says he was walking on Market street near the Emporium about 9 a.

m. when a severe shock was felt. At once the street filled ngaln with excited persons and thousands were soon gathered in the vicinity paralyzed with fear. Refore the spectators could realize what had happened the walls of. the building swayed a distance of th-ej feet.

The thousands of bystanders stochl as If paralyzed, expecting every mo- ter places and especially to the ones nearer the ocean beach that the bulk of the homeless are seeking safety. Many Burned Alive. Oakland, April 19. A report of the Oakland Tribune writing from San Francisco at 10 o'clock a. says: "At this writing' th re seems to be practically no hope of saving any of the city.

Those who were most sanguine of the ultimate success of the firemen in controlling the flames have now given up hope und are fleeing from the flames in despair. Many people are being burned alive, imprisoned in the doomed bull lings where the rescuers could not reach them. The last big structure to burst into flames was Grace church, at the corner of California and Stockton streets. The entire district from Channel to Broadway and from the water front to Octavia and Golden Gate avenue was a mass of flames. The St.

Francis hotel which hitherto escaped the breath of the great furnace was one of the last big buildings to take' fire. The flames seem entirely beyond control. The firemen have destroyed block after block of residences with dynamite in the hope of hemming In the flames, but after each such effort the blaze would leap across a seeming impossible glf." Gov. Folk's Message. St.

Louis. April 19. Gov. Jos. W.

Folk last night sent the following telegram to Gov. Pardee of California: "Missouri sympathizes with Callfomia'in her great calamity and offers any assistance to the sufferers that it may be In her power to give." In connection with his message Gov. Folk dictated the following statement: "What seems to be the greatest calamity of modern history has befallen our sister state of California. Missouri will not be slow in giving aid to the sufferers. "As soon as I return to Jefferson City I shall issue an official proclamation asking help for the unfortunate victims of this appalling catastrophe.

"I recommend that the Merchants-Exchange of St. Louis, the Commercial Association of Kansas City and all similar organizations of the state, proceed at once to appoint committees to raise funds and to take such other steps as may be necessary to relieve the deplorable conditions." The Fire Ib Spreading. Xew York, April 19. The fire has spread over the crest of the Xob Hill residence section of San Francisco, according to a dispatch received here by the Western Union. The flames were traveling In a northerly direction.

It was 2:15 p. San Francisco time, when this dispatch was sent and because of the dense smoke which enveloped the city the sending operator announced: "It Is getting so dark 1 will have to get a light." Rocking Like a Boat. Washington, April 19. The war department has received the following Western Union bulletin from San Francisco: "Los Angeles says buildings rocked like a boat. Just lost connection with Los Angeles immediately after this report.

Men probably left building." central portion of the city that stood on the top of Nob whole. The United States mint escaped almost unscathed, owing to Its isolated environment and the peculiarly fireproof construction. Across an alley from the postoffice which was badly damaged, stood the Grant building, one of the headquar. ters of the army. This was gutted.

Opposite the Grant building on Mai-ket street, the ruins of the Hibernian Savings Rank loomed up, its former beautiful frontage transformed into hideous aspect. This was the great bank of the middle and poorer classes and its loss will cause possibly greater sorrow south of Market street than perhaps any one Institution. From this po'nt down to the ferry the same story coild be of each successive hlcck. Last night at 11 o'clock the north side of the street had been untouched and hope had been expressed that the great Flood, Crocker Phelan and other buildings would be spared but they are today Included In the list of destroyed property. The handsome, gigantic St.

Francis hotel on Powell street, fronting on Union Square, is a ruined shell. Chinatown at noon today was a fur nace and the denizens of that quarter earlier in the day had their simplP possessions bund ed for departure. Or. the farther western side the flames cut a wide path to Van Xess avenue, but here, owing to the width of that thoroughfare and there was a weak water supply in the mains it was hoped to check the ruin at this line. There Is still much confusion concerning the loss of life.

This fore- noon there were twenty-seven corpses lying in I'ortsmouth ouare, gatneren from various sections. It is said thai elsewhere bodies are lying In the streets, there being no means avallabla to remove them. In his travels down Market street, the Associated Press representative saw three bodies lying in the debris some rude covering hav ing been thrown over them. At 10:30 o'clock the flames wer sweeping up Russian Hill fanned by a brisk wind. The most lamentable feature of tho conflagration Is the utter absence of cans to stay its progress.

There is not a sound water main east un Xess avenue and west of that street the supply had been made scanty numerous breaks In the continuity of the pipes due to the earthquake. Yet nt Van Xess avenue the firemen, though exhausted from overwork and lack of food, determined to make a desperate stand. Should the fire cross Van Ness avenue and the wind continue its earlier direction toward the West, the destruction of San Francisco will practically be complete. West of Van Xess and north of McAllister constitute the finest ltrt of the me tropolis. Here are located nil of th finer homes of the well to do.

and wealthier inss. and If It should fall before the conflagration there would be little left of the city exvept a fvv scattered submbs. It Is to I hew bit THE CHANGES SLIM EFFORTS TO STOP THE FIRE AT VAN NESS AVENUE PROVED UNAVAILING. FUR5T0N GIVES UP ill HOPE Message From Ilim Says lie Is Almost Certain That the Entire City Will Be Be Destroyed Sub-Treasury Build ing is Entirely Destroyed, but Cash on Hand Is Saved. Washington, April 19.

The war department has received the following from Gen. Funston: "Fire cross ,1 VanXess avenue to the west at 3:34 p. m. Almost certain now that entire city will be destroyed. Have ordered trofps from Monterey and everything is going as well us could be expected, owing to the confusion it has been impossible to locate Individuals inquired for, but attention will be given that mutter as soon as practicable.

'FUXSTOX." Another dispatch from Gen. Funs-ton tonight says: "Official reMrt at police headquarters this date states that the sub-treasury is entirely destroyed by fire with the exception of the vaults which contain all cash on Suitable guards huve been ordered to protect this money. "FUXSTOX." A Western Union bulletin received nt the war department tonight says that efforts to stop the fire at VanXess avenue were unavailing and it is now believed that the chances of saving any portion of the unburned district bounded by Union, VanXess. Golden (late, to Octavla, Hayes and Fillmore to Market streets are very slim. Efforts Unavailing.

San Francisco, April 19. All efforts to check the flames at VanXess avenue by blowing up a mile of buildings on the east side of Van Xess avenue have proved fruitless. The fire spread across the broad thoroughfare and from present indications the entire western addition, which contains the homes of people of the wealthy class, is now doomed. The destruction of the western addition of the city practically completes the work of the ravaging flames and marks the devastation of the entire city. Will Send Laborers.

Xew York. April 9. The Xew York building trades union voted last night lo send an army of their unemployed members to San Francisco to aid in the work of clearing the city ami helping Its rebuilding. Suffering for Food. San Francisco.

April 19. There Is suffering from lack of food already. San Francisco needs help and needs it quick. One train got in over the Valley route from Iais Angeles last night with the Supreme Court on cruiser Hear. This young officer has a fool eye and wicked looking pistol and the way the men obeyed when his gun was pointed was interesting.

McMillan was everywheredireetingopera-tiotis and his energy earned the admiration of even those whom he forced to work. The new post office building at Seventh and Mission streets Is gutted and there are no mail deliveries. The telegraph and telephone companies are still out of commission. Fully three-fourths of all the buildings of the city will be destroyed. It is Impossible to estimate accurately the number of people killed or the property loss.

A noticeable feature of the past two days is the calmness of the people. Perhaps they are dazed but In any event they show little emotion. Tents to Be Sent at Once. Washington. April lit.

Secretary Taft early this morning sent the following dispatch to (general Funston: "To Gen. Funston, San Francisco. "All available hospital, wall and conical wall tents will be sent at once by express from Vancouver, Douglass, Logan. Russell. San Antonio, Monterey.

Snelling and Sheridan. Remainder will be sent from Philadelphia depot. Little definite information thus far received as to limits of burned district or conditions. Wire details as comprehensively as possible. Signed.

'TAFT." Gen. Bell on Duty. Washington. April 19. At 6:30 m.

no further word had been received by the government from San Francisco. Gen. Hell, chief of staff of the navy, remained on duty all night, sending from the White House offices detailed telegraphic orders for supply San Francisco with tents and rations. Southern Pacific Loss Small. Xew York, April 19.

E. H. Harri-man last night received a dispatch from his representative in San Francisco In which it was stated that the loss to the Southern Pacific railroad was comparatively small. Patrick Calhoun, president of the United Railroad of San Francisco, from his office tried in vain all yesterday to get in communication with his offices in San Francisco. Mr.

Calhoun, while greatly worried over the railroad properties and their possible ill fate, was warmly congratulating himself-upon the recent return of Mrs. Calhoun from San Francisco. 300,000 Homeless. Xew York. April 19.

William H. Raker, vice-president of the Postal Telegraph Company, nt 10:30 tonight received the following from the deputy chief of the San Francisco fire department: "Fire heading for residential district. The efforts to fight the flames futile. Three hundred thousand will be homeless tonight. Ity Saturday San Franslco will be an ash heap." Resolutions of Sympathy.

Chicago. April 19. At the weekly meeting of the executive hoard, of the Chicago Federation of Labor, resolutions of sympathy were adopted for the trade unionists of San Francisco and steps will be taken to render them financial assistance at once. Hotel, the beautiful structure a million dollars. It is a beautiful structure of white stone, visible from almost every point of the city, and the horror was- universal, when its.

destruction seemed inevitable. Steadily, but surely, the fire ate its way up the slope the homes of the late Mrs. Jane Stanford and the Hopkins Art Institute, built by Mark Hopkins of Central Pacific fame. At this writing the hotel could be seen occasionally standing in the center of huge clouds of smoke, and if it is saved, its salvation may be regarded in the light of a supernatural interposition. From the upward slope the fire also took a direction northwesterly into the district that had been left untouched last right.

In the Mission district to the south of Market street, the zone of ruin was extended further westward toward the extreme southern portion, but. was checked at Fourteenth and Mission by wholesale use of dynamite. At this point are located the South, ern Pacific hospital, the St. Francis hospital and the college of physicians and surgeons. In order to save these institutions, buildings were blown up all around them and the danger threatening them had been averted up to noon.

In the Hayes Valley district south of McAllister and north of Market street, the fire was confined on the west by Octavia street; on the north by McAllister street. In these con fines the destruction was complete. Therein were located St. Ignaciu: school and church of which only the sidewalks remain. Of the Mechanics' Pavilion, the scene of hundreds of great political, social and sporting events, not a timber remains.

Opposite It was the St. Ntcholas hotel and It Is now simply a pile of ruined bricks, a ruin among many of a similar nature. From this point down to the Oakland ferry, nn Associated Press man made his way through the men acing wall frontages and climbinn over hillocks of masonry and Junk of all sorts In the middle of the city's greatest tlurroushfare. The Journey was heartrending, the scene nppalllng. On either side was ruin, nothing but ruin.

To the south in hundreds of blocks hardly a building remained THE WEATHER FORECAST. Wnaliinidon. April 19. Fore- f-l 7 rash Iuisiana and Mississippi: Friday; fair, cooler, light to fresh south winds becoming vfirinl'k. Arkansas: Snowers nnd cooler Friday; Saturday fair, warmer.

Fist Texas: Showers Friday; cooler in north portion; Saturday fair, warmer in the interior; fresh shifting winds becoiniii-? northerly. Oen. Funston is co-operating witn Mayor Schmitz, whose orders to all officers are to kill without warning all malfactors. When men have been needed to carry out the plans of rescue, they have been pressed into service. In only a few instances was it necessary to resort to revolver and drawn sword, after whlcn there was no hesitancy.

The Presidio reservation, the vast Richmond district of acres, Golden Gate Park and the surrounding hills resemble one vast picnic grounds. Tents and improvised coverings have been erected everywhere fire places built in the streets, beds and mattresses thrown down all over the section. There is only one danger and that is that the food supply will run out. lvv-ery grocery in San Francisco has lcn taken charge of by the authorities and each family is being sold only one article at a time. In many places the police and military prohibit overcharging. Funston announced this morning that rations would soon reach the city and then the people will be supplied from the Presidio. Hakeries have already been built within the reservation and the bread supply therefore has not failed completely. The govern ment also has begun to aid in the progress of the people of the city to Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda. Tug boats and steamers are being pressed into service for this service and there is a vast army on the way to tne ferries.

From the water front the buried city can be seen today In all Its smoky nakedness. From the Pacific mall docks to Vallejo street on the west side a distance of two miles, wreckage and ruin is the rule. The damage has been enormous. The filled In land facing the ferry building is a succession ol little fisures. some of them six feet deep.

The ferry tower Itsell is out oi plumb and the big building, is uaaiy twisted. Looking up Market street the city smouldering mass of ruin. ireat mercantile houses. banks and railroad offices buildings are all destroyed. The dav is blight and warm.

The sun is beating down on the tired workers mid rescuers. There is scarcely any water to relieve thirst of the suffering. The authorities aie doing all in their power to remove the bodies In order that a pestilence may be prevented. It has been necessary to move the Injuied from places where they had sought refuge for the flames were increasing with alarming rapldtiy. Water is the incessant cry of the lire- men and the people, but there Is only a scant drinking supply.

The wind changed this morning to the west and the flames rhanged tbir devouring direction, southward and be gan eating their wide swath from the water front on the north of Market street up to what Is known as Xoo Hill, an eminence that had been selected years ago by the miilti-mllUon-aires of the "bonanza days" upon which to eiw tin mansions. This hill Is surmounted by the Hotel Fir mont, just finished at a cost of over BASEBALL TODAY Game 4:00 P. M. Shreveport vs. Little Rock BAND CONCERT IN GRAND STAND ONE HOUR BETORB GAME IS CALLED.

ARE WE JUSTIFIED? Perhaps we ought to he sat isfied with present achievements Put yon know "the- more a man pets the more ha Wants." This being true, we ore then justified in soliciting new business; and especially so since wc are 9" well equipped to handle it FIRST NATIONAL BANK SHREVEPORT. LOUISIANA. Capital, $500,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, U. S.

Depository. Fiscal Agent City of Shreveport and Parish of Caddo..

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