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The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana • Page 3

The Timesi
Shreveport, Louisiana
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lSi dMHOMM. IHtnW Hfc. If TIIK SintKVErOltT TIMES. 8U5fT)A JULY 21. 1010 3 1 at.

Via ij-jh 'if i hi ii in T'lnrrrit ni'-'-T-T i ni i 11 ir -i 1 i 1 rr. CHI RAPS 10 LEADERS JULY CLEARANCE SAL ONLY ONE MORE WEEK OF THIS -jmmmm tA A rT if mMmmmm Plenty of goods and bargains left. Our entire stock reduced from 25 to 50 per cent. Come, let us show you, then you will be convinced. at time handling Ropke's trades.

Ono jay about two Wfteks ngu a Hhortaga of wan accidentally discovered by one of Ropke's asHist-antK and tliu mutter was reported tn his Hupcriors. This rcsuited in Jf'Pke HrreHl on the charge of em-Nzulement and he has bonn in Jail ii0 taku. hl Jail life stolidly and has refused to make any statement. John Btlles, chairman of the board of directors of the 1'lUillty Trust Company, made a statemont tonight In which he said he believed Ropke alone was guilty of the alleged defal. cation.

Mr. Wtllee said bIho that no quarter would be shown the former asslHtant secretary and bookkeeper. Ilopke, unless he manages to secure bull, will probably remain In Jail until the grand Jury meets In September. He waa absolutely unruffled tonight when apprised of the shortage and declined, as usual, to have anything to say. GREEX IX NEW YORK.

Will Devot Himself to His Mother's Intrw Now. New Tork, July 23. Col. Edward H. R.

Green, Hetty Green's son, is back from Texas to make his home henceforth with his mother. He is not sure whether that will mean New York or Chicago. "I still think Texas has the greatest future of any of the Btatts," said Colonel Green today. "I ltft a great many friends down In Dallas, and I admit that I did not tell all of them good-bye, for you soe I expect to drop In on them now and again some of these days. You can't transplant a tree of my weight overnight.

(Colonel Gren weighs 2C0 pounds.) "And I've lived In Texas a good many years. I am here to be of aid to my mother. If she wishes me to make my home here I shall do so, but mother has Interests worth between $12,000,000 and 18, 000,000 Chicago, and I don't known but what I am needed there." "mA iff 71 "Majeetlc for Woman REFRIGERATORS ENAMELED WARE HAVILAND, Open. Stock ICE BOXES TIN WARE GERMAN, Open Stock HAMM0CK3 FIBER WARE PORCELAIN, Open Stock CREAM FREEZERS GALVANIZED WARE FANCY PIECES i COOLERS i BROOMS HAND-PAINTED II FILTERS GARDEN TOOLS FANCY PITCHERS RUBBER HOSE BRUSHES TOILET SETS LAWN SPRINKLERS BASKETS DINNER SETS SCREEN WINDOWS BIRDCAGES COMMON CROCKERY SCREEN DOORS CHINA, PLAIN WHITE ALL GLASS WARE Tmmm iSBSBMBM SMSSSSBISMSMSM Whether style or comfort Is sought, every 6hoe bearing this famous name D. Wells Co." assures Its wearer the greatest dollar for dollar value possible look for it.

If you want shoes that are correct In style that fit better look better and wear better than any shoe you have ever worn shoes that are conscientiously made by expert workmen made of selected leather all leather throughout no substitutes soles genuine oak tanned insist on your dealer supplying you with Well Shoes. If Shod in WELLS' SHOES You Are "Well Shod" TJ We have 'laid atide a Very intereiting booklet for every rr6 reader of thie paper, entitled "Mother, Father and the Children. Your waiting for yoa tend for it today. If your dealer can't supply you with Wells' Shoes, yott will be rewarded by writing the M. D.

Wells Chicago No goods charged or exchanged during this sale at reduced prices. You must bring your pocket book in order to get advantage of this sale. n. H. Davis, Kepresentaitve Headqnarters Hotel Bentley, Alexandria, La.

3 Wo "Doable Eagle" for Men Mr. Rawn was known to his family. Johanna Solberg, a maid, who slept on the third floor, declared she wis awake at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday morning and that she heard one shit hred. The two detectives declare the alleged "Jimmy" marks on the screen door of the Rawn home, which the Intruder was supposed to have made when gaining an entrance, were on the inside of the door. STATEMENT ON NORWAY'S ACT Chklsttana, Norway.

July 23. It was stated at the foreign office today that the action of the Norwegian Government In regard to the right ot the steamers of the Blueflelds Steamship Company and other vessels flying the Norwegian flag to enter the port of Blueflelds, declared under blockade by President Madriz of Nicaragua, followed the receipt of a communication from the Nlcaraguan government. This communication which came to Norway through its legation at Havana, set forth that the port of Blue-fields had been closed to foreign commerce in consequence of the conditions prevailing In that country. Thereupon the Norwegian foreign office; through Its consulates on the Gulf of Mexico and in Central America, called the attention of Norwegian shipmasters and ship owners to the risks incurred by vessels running into Blueflelds. The statement of the foreign office was called forth by the report from Washington that the State Department there, following the appeal of American shipping interests at New Orleans, had declared Blueflelds an open port.

As the shipping between New Orleans and Blueflelds is chiefly done in Norwegian bottoms, the actions of the two governments, one in recognizing and the other In Ignoring the asserted blockade, ran counter. COMPANY denounces Ai-nnirii axd tax. A ON AS TKAITOHM TO Til Kilt IDIJiOWlXd. DISCUSSES RAILWAY BILL Iow Senator Declares It Was Direct Kepudhiiios of Ula Ill-publican Platform Wheu It Came from Attorney Oneral People Paying ltutea llttwU ou Watered btock Peabody, Kansas, July 23. Senator Albert B.

Cummins of Iowa In his speech before the Chautauqua here today asserted that Senator Aldrlch and Speaker Cannon were traitors to their tallowing when they gave their support to the WlcKersharu railroad bill as It came from the Attorney General's office and demanded that It go through Congress. "That bill was a direct repudiation of the Republican platform of 1908 and It was directly in the interest of the railroads and not in the interest of the. great common people of the country," said Senator Cummins. "Speaker Cannon, senator Aldrlch and members of their class seems to think the Republican party waa formed to make men rich. I think it waa born to make men free.

They think It was born to make men millionaires; I think It was born to drive misery out of this country. "Senator Aldrlch has vigorously opposed all regulation of the railroads by Cotigress ever since the bill to create the Interstate Commerce Commission was Introduced in 1S87. I was born and always have been a Republican, but I can not and will not follow the leadership of a traitor to his party and the people. Watered Stock. "I am not opposed to the railroads.

No man who values -the public welfare can be hostile to the railroads, but Justice to all means to pay the righteous dues as fixed by the laws of trade, by competition or through society. "You have to pay more than you ought for the service you get in order to pay dividends on this vast capitalization. There Is nearly nine billions of dollars of impur and adulterated water. "The first legislation to regulate railroads came in 1887 with the passage of the Interstate Commerce Commission bill. Speaker Cannon was in the House then.

He made no effort to restrict the growing power of the railroads or to enact legislation in favor of the Nation. He was silent then and he has been silent ever Not a single instance can be shown in the Congressional Record when Cannon lifted up his voice in behalf of the common men and women." o- ROGtS CHECKS. r. HUl Arretted Here and Re turned to Huston. Detective Price yesterday returned W.

P. Hill, an alleged bogus check operator, to Ruston, where he is wanted to face charges of passing bad checks. Hill, the police say, passed as a member of the Odd Fellows and Is said to have worked the checks on the strength of this. He is also said to be wanted in Vicksbwg. and is said to be known by another name, SHORTAGE GOES Coutlnnrd from Pace One.

the books make their report. He has been in the employ of the bank eighteen years and it is understood the investigation will cover the entire period. Ropke was Influential with a large German element In Louisville and he had only to suggest an Investment here and a venture there to them to bring out their money. But over it all burned the resistless impulse to speculate and one or two Douisvllle houses were kept-busy NINE MODELS. Runabouts, Victorias, Coupes, Roadsters, Broughams, $1,600 to $3,150.

Thos. A. Edison made the best Electric better -when he invented his new storage battery good for 50,0000 miles. The only 1910 Electric having the new A-6 battery of Edison's. u-r2 Phonas WOMAN RAN CAR; 1 BOY IS INJURED Macliine Run Down Boy and lirealu Lr Police Are Investigating.

While walking In Texas 'Avenue, ear the nro picture show about 10 f'clock last night. Nathaniel Powell, negro boy. wan run down by an iutomoblle driven by a lady, and sus- alned a fracture of both bone of his ight i lie was placed in the machine and Ind hurried to the Schumpert Memorial Sanitarium, where he waa treated. The police made several efforts last tight to ascertain the name of the idy driving thenar, but It seemed to securely concealed. The officer HI make a further effort to find her uday.

io a nrnnnT Mint? i nnruni maun ON RAWN'S DEATH Chicago, July 23. The results of i secret investigation of the death of Va Q. Rawn, president of th Monon coute, last Wednesday morning, made lthln a few hours after his death occurred as tha result of a bullet wound known today. The investiga-jion was made by a private detective which had been employed In he Illinois Central investigations, and vo men are said to have made a ireful examination of the premises the servants without making lemselves known. There were four servants sleeping 1 the house the night of the death, ecordlng to the report of the detec-ves.

Of, three slept on the oor above the room where the moting took place. None of these eard any sound until the death of Empire follow were they to issue a call for such a conference. The new party It would have formed on the "Roose-veltian principle of the square deal ana the Bryanite principle of equal rights to all and special privilege to none." Proposal la The News does not pretend to have any authority from any of the forty-four men mentioned by it for its suggestion that they get together to form the progressive Democrats and insurgent Republicans Into a new party and alluded to its proposal as imaginary. Governor Cummins had been out of the city several days when the News story appeared and had nothing to do with it. Nevertheless the stand patters have tried to attach the re sponsibility for the News story to him.

because the paper local manager haa supported the progressive Republicans in this community and personally la a Republican who is delegate to con ventions. Embezzlement. Detective A. L. Rascoe yesterday arrested a man giving his name as Joe A.

Oliver, preferring charges of embezzlement against him. Oliver la charged with embezzling a suit of clothes from a fireman in the West End. The Momua Beached? Savannah, July 23. The operator at the Savannah station of the wireless company today learned from the steamship Alamo that the Momus was on fire. The Alamo had picked ud a message from the Momus to the station at Jupiter, Fla.

The operator on the Alamo understood that the Momus fiad been beached near Cape Caravarel. The Comus was still standing by. Union Labor Wins Fight. St. Louis, July 23.

Formal announcement was made tonight by T. Templeton, secretary of the Buck's Stove and Range Company, of the end 11 PERSONAL J. Black, manager of the Sears-Roebuck Lumber Company at Mansfield, was a visitor to the city last night, coming to witness the close of The Times' big subscription contest. Mrs. Josephine Mitchell and granddaughter, Ruth Wynn of Tulsa, are the guests of Mrs.

W. H. Mitchell. Miss Vivian Foru of Tulsa, the guest of Miss Vera B. Mitchell.

Mrs. Floyd Walker Raines of Tus-kegee, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lamia Anderson. Friends of Mrs. D.

E. Publes will be glad to hear she Is convalescing after an operation at the North Lou-iblana Sanitarium. DECISION LIQUOR CASE Chattanooga. July 23. Judge S.

D. McReynolds of the Hamilton County Criminal Court today sustained a motion to quash the indictment against the J. W. Kelly Company of Chattanooga, indicted for selling whiskey in Tennessee to be shipped out of the State in violation of the manufacturers' prohibition law, holding that so far as the law came in contact with the Interstate Commerce law it was unconstitutional and hence he dismissed the Indictments. The Judge, however, held the defend ant qullty in two cases of selling wniBKey io wnoiesaie dealers in Tennessee, imposing the statutory penalty of f50 and six months in each case.

Judge McReynolas held that the State had a right under police power to regulate or forbid the sale or manufacture of liquor within Its bounds, but it can not prohibit interstate sales. The Attorney General at once filed notice of an appeal to the Supreme Court and this action will result in all three of the indictments being carried up. PROSPECT FOR A SETTLEMENT Ottawa, July 23. The possibility of bringing about the settlement of the Grand Trunk strike by means of arbitration looks somewhat brighter tonight. James Murdock, representing the men, wired M.

King, minister of labor, this evening expressing a willingness "to refer our differences to arbitration providing a board of arbitrators, mutually acceptable, can be secured." Minister King is satisfied that Mr. Murdock's communication is a bona fide offer to arbitrate and tonight he Is trying to obtain an unequtvocal statement from the Grand Trunk railroad officials. President Hay9 wired during the day that he had nothing to add to his letter of July 1, in which he took the position that a board of arMtration should be composed Of "expert railroad men." President Hays was not aware of the changed attitude of the trainmen, however, and Mr. Kin? at once wired him a copy of Mr. Murdock's tele- Lgram.

in view or tne fact that President Hays has at no time taken a positive ftand against arbitration, the feeling here ig more hopeful that Minister King's persistent efforts to place the whole controversy before a board of arbitration will be successful. THE "SLEIGH-BUOY" The "slelgh-bnoy' the latiwt Iffe saving device. It's a life huoy that can be paddled like a cno. with a double-ended paddle. It tonka like a fair of aled ronnemi mde out of enormons hm atisags.

The tl''tnre shows the bnoy a it appears bvnft up waitlnr for the witment tn bf-gln, end th bnov in aimrn. wjth the life guard rowing It in with an exhausted bather clinging to 14 v-k f' X3! STORY OF NEW PARTY HAD ORIGIX IX EDITORIAL OF DES MOINES PAPER. Big Leaders of Both Parties Called Upon to Meet and Organize New Party Cunwiiiis Not to Blame. Des Moines, July 23. The story published broadcast that Senator Cummins was organizing a new party Is without a reasonable foundation, and probafjly had its origin in an imaginary call to the progressive Republicans and Democrats published in an editorial in the Dea Moines News.

The editorial, after quoting this Imaginary manifesto, asks, "Wouldn't it clear the atmosphere if such a call were issued?" Bis: Leaders Are Named, In an editorial it was suggested that Roosevelt, Bryan, Pinchot, Lindsay, Garfield, Heney, Tom Johnson, William Allen White, Ray Stannard Baker, Miles Poindexter, OUle James, Murdock, Norrls, Bourne, Bristow, Hughes of New York, Cummins, Dol-llver, Owen, Comer, Hoke Smith, Chamberlain, Newlands, Money, Champ Clark, E. II. Hubbard, Governor Burke, Beverldge, Gore and a number of other prominent men proceed to organize a new party at Kansas City, September 1. The paper says that If these men would join In a call for the formation of a new party It would "clear the atmosphere. In connection with Its editorial the paper suggests the line of thought which these men would be expected to mmm ppdijph General gents for Willi "We DELIVER QUICKER" In Town or Out The MAYFIELD DRVG CO.

ISEKIS JACOBS MIMES of the fight with organized labor. Thai employes of the plant are to be organized. The secretary, however, did) not state if the present workmen would be induced to join the union. The LltUe Things, "1 don't want to be nagging at you," Mrs. Marryat began, "but It's the little things that bother most "Ah!" interrupted her husband, sweetly, "I suppose you're going; to tell me you haven't a decent pair of shoes," Catholic Standard and Times.

Eastman Kokaks 214TEXSST. SHRLVtPORT, LA. "The Little Aristocrat" HOLDER OF WORLD'S RECORD FOR ONE MILE, CARS HAVING LESg 161 CUBIC INCH PISTON DISPLACEMENT. 54 SECONDS. 'v sr- v.vV Also Wholesale and Retail Stock of All Photographic Supplies tchinson Brothers ANDREW CURR1E, Agent.

ll ILS It- yjustUa.ekU 4 i..

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