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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 3

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SUN. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1911. IIAIlltl.Y v.VKII uiiex sut: stoppeii. NOTHING PROMOTES HEALTH LIKE PURE WATER POLAND WATER! I HAIL THE LIMPID GOWANUSli ril "oon anu ut on I llii- vi'nrM-s in an .1 mr i.iamcss 1 i Tiitest Water Natural Spring in the Wotld. II' Illirr llnllii Stipcrlalltu Comfort Hi Hill she Can tin Tno.

I fettled cnlv st the Sprint; i i ncer rcriect ond nm li i d.i i ti HIRAM RICHER SONS, Props ir tncro trumti I cul d.i. u.i 1 il .11 ll'l WIMIIU) IT1 1 11 W. mi ii enmis ii uue rutir I) Hi" f. r. I ur!-t.h.

ii'' S'P'' l.s?l fllOh 111'' 1.. 1 u'' Mf" -1 fl'l i i. whi. go: ino yinrttti in hefort I Jim oith.nM Iiniond were seeliing I fi rrvhot's Tli" i Willi til" O. lUtl UlitlltlVW I'll fVIMIII ni''.

Cilice. 1'olanJ Serine lliiilding, 1 110 Broadway (near JSrh St.) N.lVal ClI'Miieer Mill tt I hrgor Hum itkintiors V.MK-":!'. Cuter VMM Ulltl II. II. Trcfllll 11 me II" 1, liier wl.I, ii .1...

i surf.ic,, ol thoJUUhti. lot. Il. (lini Ipie will be UNI iilmtwl p.iK the on FrlUav ami Saturday to visitois J.a" lni wore lour skysor.ipiti" i 11,1 "dniisaion fee of Hi cents. Xext "1' 1 added digtiiu "he slutt duck to westward of tin- Dun or Mm runnels, nii, I i i MKt' ii Mii'ilii' from Hi" I fu' expended il lily I If ll ill'IO-S ihc II IK r.

i' i'll" of a hlnn. being rn; to carry ih ie 1 1 of th" gilli.y I Ulymtuo from Diun 'n lil iroo Iik'i'hIhii i li irs ntnl vi miritili'4, at an MIT knot 'I Ukm' llquri'-i I rniii point of tin' hi i ili'f. C'pt. V. J.

Smith, il- of the Slii win not -i dm for eoinlor! of thn on the trip, wliicli dv 'ri'm. Uiil th" nioi; Ii "V.ij;"r lhitt ho wn hi1 'ii I'l'" itnpri'Mon of i i- ho xa up vp-tonl iv i.l i. irm-il tin- urcat liip l.A ii 1 ri'l at I 3 o'clock ihi -'K1 till in tiintioti Tlin Nl.inil. tuoon-U in c. "i lli'lil olhi'rwivy wlii'ii lli" i.i ili''i to the 1 1.1 1 i i.

i if r-imiiy northern ik -h. hotir in (jiinnintinc i il t'f. iit Doty pit up to an' no MicktiOh of i- On" it tho cnliin il tiphoiii. which is a and lie popped ir in i lii ulnlf pt to work Min'li. wli'ipc orifiiniiUvinunanil 'lit Uepillillr and who i now tl.e conimodure of tiu line, of the;li!p, said -re Wii never a moment on the it tioin (Jurcn-riiwn the i-ecm to he praclicallv nt Ho put up lit some of the 'e' ill t'us town and nil felt us ii there he felt in hN fi liner on ttic linage.

IS'i iit'he, he Kiid, noulil uppenr tin at when i'iitra-ti'ii wit a the Mie also was a pioneer, hems ii. liner to nave lurl di iN'iiph I he White Star Line I 1 1 in l'hi'ie il 'Atritcltes ttit'iiiiErii mi Srs coriespoiuU'ii. between th" 'ViirK of Southampton and of New York: Tin lnit)r' 'iirniir, ipnl lluil'linqn, I I'e ami lii. ffllnvi townsmen of Mi-nil crctliiiTH mid to Hie Munoi nml liN fellow i itieii" of New ork upon the luhen! or Hie nljiiiiii, jinot lit-r liuU in tic clinln nf frleii'NIiip liluilitiu our two comitrlt-n tlll'I'tlier III It till of tilt HtllitV. ltM i Mas or.

I'-lnrc, Mmmr of jifo'i 'I tie lllytiipii- i iiiriM'd. nml the Mitt or of Sew ork li'luriw liU I'oiiKriiliilatloii" and thoe i the people of New York to von ami your entile Some tiny we ill in ii tli" I'ouiiillment liv ncmilnir over to you a Mill lil fee i liip V. .1 (iATNon, Mnytir. r. If ar.i r.

Miu.r.x a si hi Itiprenutntlie of tirape Ice t'linipiny Ullleil llliiKrir at Antnr Home. t' Milieu, one of the New York the Frank Milieu A Hrox. i drape Company of Wiitklns, with an o.Vice at 1 Hiidiou street, wan found d'U'l in Ix-d at the Astor Hoiibp yesteiday 1th a bullet wound In his head. Mr. Milieu reuNtcrod at the hotel late on Monday afternoon im E.

Miller of Elira-Instil. and wa miipied to a room on the second floor. He wai not neeti adoiit the hotel on Tuesday, and when a tnaid UtKK'UeJ at liN door yeterday there no answer She reported to Manager Thurston and he with the houne detective droit" in' i th" room A revoWer. ap-pn'cntly new, lav beside Mr Millen, and on a table near the lxd were letters sealed, HLiimped and nddresseil to the Milieu, (irapo Company at Walking, to I'rank I. Milieu at 1 Hudson street, and toMix.

V. Milieu nt l'enitnore otroet, Hrook-lvn '1 he (iiroiier took charcn of the letterf. and oaid that he would oeo that i II thev were posted llnrrv Sfilleti .1 niitmlii nf V. Xfillon i I njs iiiiiu ail its sntp w.tli the i ami rwsooiuted with him a the local rep--. pl.i'.ed.

tin comliinu-1 rcM'tilalive of the company, said that he vroia'tm; and turbine enRino Unew of nothitiR in Mr. MillenV huBineei n'-mpic, nccorduiK to the expert or private affairs that would account for is more economical than re- hu uicide. HU cousin travelled about ur engine alone. tn(. state in the interests or the (lrtn and "ft 1 ivorpool witli fi.nnu toim of nlfiht had called up the office i we have very little sa.d at Hudson street and talked with II tilth "In pleasant weather th" Milieu alxiut mine business matters or no iMti easily knots, 1 particular importance.

There had been i- not lh desire of my r.wnct to I nn reason for Millen to visit the office a if vovai'es. The scheme is to on ferryboat hedule early on liv iiioruinRs, and blow hiKh or 'i 1 beliue siie will acuoniilish 'live no doubt I rt over the short s'l'i would lio utile to dock on lr ft. di not srek lattrels for sicd." if'! Mnith concludid. "The idea in si ri( tion ilu.s ship was the tue of comfrrt. I think the pss- will tell you tha is what -h" Of course she has lift Wen tistf wtiittifr.

but I have no (truit nnd hN alienee occasioned no comment Milieu lived with his wife and an eight-year-old daughter at the Hrooklyn atl-ilress He wan about to years old When lie teRirterrd at the hotel hn carriel only a small prip. In Ins pockets was found CS rents. Mrs. Carl Millen and her -year-old daughter Vivian left their home in VS2 I'VtuuiQre street at noon yeMerday The iviRhliors say sh has pf to her mother's home in New Millen had lived in I'cnininre street for more than ten vears. UN four brothers and father sold their nu so mom: i.x rmrtur.F.M tiolililih May Tnliikle In IVIhulil ItcplliH I'arl.

Mtipi'M llnee cnln to SnllT llctnrn'4 Mlinli-siinie Mi'tl Mlnil sinutli llriiuMyn linM) Crlrlirnli'. There was Jitliil.Vioti in Soillh lirooklyn yestetilav over the ollicial oieti-iliK of the il.iMM.miii Oov.uniis Canal Mush- tI(S I'liMIt on liltlter street, Will. Il is lo sweep sewn'" into the bay mid lenitive the crttiiil lepu-tutieti Klii's ami liiinlini! eie dis- (ilaved all over Hint pari of the boloilKh i uinl residents ioiileil with much heuitilless III I'l'leliiatitig the OVelP I he tiowaniis anal for many years has various unwelcome oilots and th" to the anal. The waterway wr.s hefoiileil wilh as lar and chemicals from many mauiifactiititi works along its There was but a slight oiirtmt in (he I'aiiul and il hud the appearance of a reach of utmost black water Il i fur the purpose of producing an iirtillcial eurieiit, purifyiius the water and doing uwav with the complication of smells that the rlusliing plant lias deen installed lu the foietiooti the oftlciul party made an inspection of the plant and Chief Engineer I'mt di'M'i ideil its details and gave that the rtniibliiig of the ma-chineiy. which had caused some complaint, would boon stop.

In the absence of Mayor (lavuor, who hud been detained ut the meeting of the Board of Estimate, Commissioner of Citv Works Pounds turned c.n the power. "Within few minutes thy Mayor with Comptroller Pren-dergast utid Tax Commissioner Wall arrived, and the flushing operation having been stopied the Mayor again turned on th' ower. After this second inauguration of the Mushing plant the Mayor was tirtwnted willi a large bunch of lilies by Miss Jennie Haviland "as emblematic, of the puritication of the tint rid waters of the Gowatius Canal, as her father, W. Haviland, explained to his Honor. After the inauguration of the plant there was a ride through the ratiat on a big cayly decorated barge provided bv the Morun Towing Company, Mr.

Haviland acting as commodore. The Mnvor and some of the other officials were unable to join in this part of the celebration, but there were more than guests aboard the barge, including the Itev. James Donahue, pastor of St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church: the llev. James M. Karrar, pastor of the First Keformed Church, and Kabbi Alexander Lyons.

The barge was joined at CJowutius" Hey bv several bouts and there was a sail foil the shore as far as Sixtieth street. The water parade stopped at l'ier of the Hush Terininul Company and the company warehouses were inspected. Luncheon was furnished lu one of the buildings by the company and severul uddresses were The Mayor, who hid arrived by land, told the South Hrooklyn men tint lie liked their manifestation of "a willingness to work to do something for the city and not merely sit back nt long range und throw brickbnts and rocks and snarl like the Hearst nowspapers." He continued: "It has gone abroad throughout this whole country through the newspapers hero in tho city of Xew York and carried by telegraph from them that we have not a dock in the city of York long enough to receive tho Olympic, wh'ch came in to-day. They had' better come over hero in south Hrooklyn nnd look againsome of theo wise "editors and wise newspaper writers who are disseminating things about tho city of Xew York It so happens that wo have right hero two city piers and sit piers in private ownership lotia enoilch and more than I long enough to dock the ()lymvo. If the Olympic nil come in Here tins morning and docked at one of the docks here she would have brought her passengers about as near to the centre of the city us tuissengers arc brought in any European port of which I know nnrthing, except some minor ports in Italy anil a tew otner places.

"ion Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth and imparts Eunty and fragrance to the i reath. Mothers should teach the little ones its daily use. CRAM'S CATHEDRAL ALL GOTHIC mnx'T ir.i.vr to pplast MU IIIVIU'T IA t'MWE, Rill the TrtMleri SalilTlirj nnnlrltirt a FnrelRiirr If He lllttn't Institute tit ConOiler the Ethics or It All St. John's In lie llltriTciit I'rnm ISow (in.

The report that almost subversive changes are to be tniide In the plans for tint completed Cathedral of St John the Divine on Morningiilo Heights followed yesterday the unno.incement by Dean William flrosvenor, chairman of the huitdini committee of the hoard of trustees ot the edltlce, now less than one-third completed, that Itulph Adams Cram hud been retained as consulting architect in the place or C. (Irant La Kurge, who with the late (ieorge L. Ileitis designed tho cathedral. News or the changes that are to bs made in the original cathedral plaus by the architect who has Just succeeded to Mr I Forge's place divided Interest in the offices of architects with the report that the ethical status of Mr. Cram's acceptance of the post from which Mr.

Kurge was ousted without warning will be prerented before the executive committee or tho American Institute ot Architects, now in session in Washington. Breck Trowbridge of Xew York, a member of the executive committee or the institute, said in Washington yesterday that the cose cannot be discussed at today's meeting ol the executive committee becauRe or lack or time to present it. Mr. Trowbridge said that he understood it to be Mr. Cram's intention to lay the mutter before the executive committee und possibly berore the board or directors or the institute before finally accepting the appoint nient Mr.

Cram, Mr. Trowbridge added, would probably wait for Mr La Farge's return to this country before laying the matter leforo the committee. Mr Cram said in Boston yesterday do not Mr. La Fargo as architect There is nothing in my office tha prevents, with the consent or the trustee and or Mr La Farge, his continuance during his lifetime as architect Tor the Cathedral If the trustees should want that arrangement and ir Mr. La Farge Is willing to work with me it would lx ierfectly possible." Mr.

Cram said that it wan with reluctance that he accepted the He recalled the delicacy of tho situation and laid the whole matter before tho American Institute of Architects for its views upon the consideration involved When tho offer first, came to him ho submitted a counter proposition that an nrchite tural commission be appointed All Aboard! At Saks' From the man whose yacht tugs fretfully at her moorings to the man who tugs fretfully at his from the bachelor, smug in his selfish isolation, to the man who is happier in the responsibilities of a family from the plutocrat who chases happiness half the wide world over, to the modest bookkeeper who finds it at fifteen dollars a week for eggs and fresh air--from the great to the small from those who are hapless in the possession of everything, to those whose happiness is largely derived from what they have not got from those who rule to those who render tribute all are worshippers at the shrine of Summertime! Some to Europe go, some North, some West, some South-some to see the Old World some to see the old people all to escape the vitiated atmosphere of the steaming city streets all to seek that change of mind which comes from change of scene! And whether it be a grip for the week-end, or a wardrobe trunk or a steamer trunk for a protracted trip, or a simple little dress trunk for simple little dresses, or a dozen trunks for fifty glittering gowns, or fitted cases for the fastidious, or plain, substantial bags for plain, substantial people and whether it is an expensive thing or an inexpensive thing, and whatever the thing may be, and whatever the size, shape or color is wanted you may be just as sure that you can find it most readily and reasonably at Saks' as you are that this is Junetime and that rest and recreation are in order If and when you are going? away, the Saks' Travel Department is the Travel Department to tec. Brdiiway nks at 34th Street s- si.e eiiiouiiieih li sue win snow jM th" neichborhooil live vears -rs' I ically steady as a church jBO nu, moved to Watkm. N' fr.tii traveller tnaKlng her llrst t. i tht port ever came up the bay dr nii-i'V conditions Irom the, I U.I. It f.WAft left Quarantine, nt o'clock.

Cl' .1 ked at Pier M. exnctlv at iu. Mmmir Hart ttnrrlr.l Oier III i Mi'nioim salute was wnfte'd over Health anil llulne Troubles. lor the new transatlantic I fall from a rourteenth storj window nifWS ti" 1ot Tr" nulMiUKt i return. (caused the death yesterday morning of liv p.issed the LusiUmia j.IohnC Almour, a public accountant who to sail at ft o'clock, jnst as bad desk room in the offices of Elon iter was n.icKing out mio I

a lawyer Mr. Almour came over from hi home to say if you want to go to I he said this individual, "was purely a clash I between the lay minds or tho board, which is composed exclusively clergymen and lawyers, none or them niulilitsl as experts in "architecture, and the trained architectural sense or Mr La Farce. 'lle disagreement was architectural Certain memliers ol the building committee round fuult with many of the details of Mr. La Farge's scheme us the were worked out on the grounds rf artlst'o effect and practicability. The interrcrenoe grew more and more mnrk'id as the term or Mr.

La Farge's sis und contrac. drew near an end "Though I know thut Mr I-i Farg" was keenly alive tothe spirit or criticism whleti had been growing in the committee with the change in personnel brought nbout hv dentlis and resignations, he was not expecting to bo droied at the end or his contract On April 21, uher the dedici- lion of the completed part of the rathe- dral he wrote a letter to the committee i saying it had been able to form a hide- 1 went on the merits of his work and that it would consider a renewal of his contract with the trustees. The only answer that Mr A Farge received was a formal acknowledgment of the receipt of th" letter and the statement that it would be laid beforo the trustees at their next meeting. I "A few d.ivs later Hislion (Jreer asked Mr La Farge tocall on him and result of their conversation the architect was toconsift or hiinseir. Henry Vaughan of i hhnse and tho mimibers of the nuildlni; Hcston ami i-i Mirge.

tie trustees would be settled and that he reiterated their desire to make Mr Cram might expect to continue as consulting inn consulting nrcmieci nun wireai-i areniieet iii nuiim mr r.iiin"i mi I I I I I I a i i i 18 8 I (9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 over here have been advocating ened in th event or his declination to go Jl been expecting to see wheif abroad for an architect I Sr7SrlTl. 1 '(: i ini h' Ill it and Americans nboard cheered the bigger boat Hie nn ed majestically toward her I' rieen tugs were necessary to warp into her berth. It toon more than nn hour to do th" it'ie apt. Smith and the pilot, (i r. who btought her up, were p-i'i i.irn an i his that there should i i.s,.ip did nearly upst ne iiriT'ng away the tlagpole, 'i lugs came to the asdlstnnce 'irluikv towboat und got her out Ill', nK up the bay tlie ISD iialoon p.T-en a ininiber of wrvoiii had the city before, crowded t' to at the towers of the Il renuirked by some of the -u w'o had reid all about th" i she could hi -'Odd on end I hie propel! she undred Iff, uglier than th" view None of th" ml sisi th" r.rcct galleries "ii ti-" tops of tho tr.ll build-tv there neverthelcFS in i i'i noting the progress of up the bay.

sion of those who fh" had doek'd was tint ntie hotel, equipped even to gymnasiums golf links, it conveniences r.nd coni-' erise hotel does not of .1 I' A Co. said iv w. he could desi tho 'i 'o ill her floating hotel In" elevators, but In n'rended thn' a I tin- it (irelerp'l to 'ilti'iuite Ui ok in the U'-unl i ii, n.idevr and loir-est i 'o ly all the iee.s i i l. curved nnd p.ui' lli'd i hi ol the C.ibinet mel-er's "i i Mi persons A I hit" Star rrchit vture is forward of 1 'mg "Ui'i'is There i plays while iho "it iloon The swimmiiic i'i ish court were popular "iriin up aloft on deck ii-. I d'-ck, differs from the in In iip; tinNhi'ii in i wo pursers necessary i'f tli" i innov.ition They ore'i ly of th" Adrir-tie, ii ster.

wh'o conies from the I in M'-r said that the in- sldp involved covering rv (liv tnpuny consists of 4 men a- dep.ii irm iit. shty ight I. ur i iigliieui and lire- I I he a la cai to s-''I has chletlv Italian and I he i rte wards i iigcrs who had suilt-s Were llriice Umav. hit I'rnitt iniint 1 I i visoii, Edward .1 'lei lis Denny ol the Dum-I ng Hi Van 1 iiris'iun oilier is- Millen voyage wire I rri I is iiik slev, 1 l. II I) Audii'it -s i I I 'l'i ning Mi s' I i I II i 1 III" i.

I I Ii I' I i I i i Mi M' i.ii Major II 4 lu facril ricr, George. II ws the iteslcner ot fit i nomas Church in Xew Y'ork. the great Los An- I'nllicflrnl ictve in const rlll't loll, tho sonal qunlities and predi'eetiona of one Memorial Church at Far Hockawny, man, but rather the cumulative ability I Trinity Church in Hnvann and the First at n0 Hcrgen street, Hrooklyn, earlier than was his custom and got to his office a little after o'clock, before any one else had arrived A few minutes later Samuel Hess heard th" crash of Mr Ahnour's body in the court on which the offices of both are located It had struck on an extension of the third floor and had broken th" metal roofing Mr Almour had been ill for a long time. He was subject to attacks of indegestion clue to worry over business troubles. i ften.

went "to the window while in the office, complaining that he felt faint Onlv week ago he c.une to Mr llobbs with whom he was verv friendlv, ond told him that he had ust had a very serious ol hearl trouble He said he feared he mig'K die suddenly and he gave Mr llobbs a st.itemei't of his affairs to be psnd "in case anything happen I 11.. Mi. llr.mii. tieI 'II I ll-f ills'" hi p. wife were out together 11(1 she snid yes- I that he see-neo lit le nelter tl'iill I forthwith 1 i i It Is acknowledged bv Xew York urchi 3- ti u.

miK.i Ah to the reasons for his relecticn '-V th4t Mr Cram is' the strongest do-'the subways built the time when you IPOt I iLui, rout get on the subwav here nnd go a signer in o- iin. pin- nr i.nrAiii.i. mm won hint la k. He aid. howeer.

of ecclesiastical structures in I vmi wnnted to to. mid thiit is that as St John's is a ireat metropolitan I was the designer of almost about to be reilied. You are to cathedral it should express not the rs-r- lie uu i nil iiii in ii i.iii Him iiieii' is to bo a special subwoy built over there i i Church of Mr illsiiiuiii.Tiuiiiiiiiiieiiiiifisiill'. HI liruio ill mil mini I'lui'-nniii. to I ll.A inniinlilMnt Thn itoii'Ii nf tlie Cut r.l n-ns or I- 1 1 T.

I croup of new tun Irtlngs tnat Hangs cast iC' nally a fluid one, said Mr ram. subject like over the river at West Point, and F. II to mocuiicauon anu growtu as taeais unii tiarriman liousent Arden. conditions chinged rhe competition design wns strictly I'omnn. but tho part of the building already constructed has beep recast la-gcly on flotluc lines extent bv th imiToiement.

wil also as mv lnuiience is coiuerneii. have to get out nnd pay another fare 'd Mr Cram. when they take the hourth avenue subwav Hut as Seth Low s.ud this. Bronx or if you want to go to Queens you have got to get out and pay another fare. "And I am sorry to say that all those coming this way from Queens, from Th" Bronx and from Manhattan who want to come through this section or go to' th" groat seashore of Coney Island, the capacity ol which would be doubled in i 9 9 i 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CO 91 0 0 1 Wide awake Captains, Lieutenants and Privates on the firing line of affairs know Western Union Day Letters and Night Letters as quick, sure, economical business ammunition.

These 50 word letters sent by telegraph are revolutionizing even modern business methods. i i i i a 9 I I I I I I 9 THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY i I 9 9 9 I I i i i 1 a I SAYS PRINCIPAL SWORE TAUiS COMMISSWX. morning, in moving the adoption of the report, tho time will come when that will not be so. By a traffic arrangement. or, if not, when the city takes over the.

whole system to work itseK, then nt all events the one fare from end to end and I everywhere will prevail in this ity, mid 1 there is no reason why it should not I have said that if I had known the Tell llntinkrnltes That lie's KnllMril for It for ife. fiov. Woodrow Wilson of Xew went to Hoboken last night to help along the oiuse of tho commUslon plan of gov usual He was children 0 years old nnd had no MinvT rtmx. Tin-. Sf.v tlie rfflpt of Vi from Mr from Mr.

rnr.vfnccr for lierthn P-lsr iin.t I'fr tlvr ihil.tttn, vl.o wi-rf found stnrlntr In Third ll Wrrtii'vla)-, 'itl has eli en ih money lo Mri. I'rlrr. The iX'Cpii stcnnl.lii fninrn of SartnnAh his arpolntrtt I lor sld ltoe I'-ropefin uslfi' anncci wi'ti nt irrrt, V. Tile Heather. ine The arm of lUli rrure from the ientr.ll Sinus mneil torthfu Minril lnlo the ririons esirriia) 'i icniillne nnl upon the ilipris-lo'i.

which hd'l l.i'i-rrl mrr Ibe mcrlilrir ninilnris ami tlunhv ui'iMnr Men i'Oi iriiirs'i-r1' uiiitls nrr St i Tru'laml nral on IHI'l'll" Ml.lll'lr i r. nnil inojernic rnln fell In tl.e tinl' n'ul -o in AUmiMi' lint the tlrnrrsslon In-ltvii. rsiu. 1 he ptrtfiire low i'i Hie i nml uiihou! miv ileflntlr or in furn tioi, nlilMinirli shanris fell rlui; polnl west and oull iei el ihr Mltionrl Valley. Il iwi rnnlrr In Sew rnirlnnd.

S'rw I'rfin ivlvnnh nml Hie lower lnl.e irclons nml wanner In I he rent i el willev mn iiu north I'nilllr stntei. In lids rily tl.e itni vi i frir anil tooler. wind lirisli 10 ic noril.w-i niernje humlilli) I rent, liarum' lir, mrrritnl to rind to ten level, at A. in .) I'. lit The trmpi-rnture esteriay, as recorded the nitiilat ttifrrrjoinrter, Is hown In the anneied table.

Mill It'll) A l. "I H' fl P. i-i 14 )'. a i MU lllihest I. mi ernli re, at illffiMiliy of dealing whh private com- coinKinti'in r.nd i nstr tctmn nines tien we stnrteo out i wouut nave Wanf ndie und nsiist.vico of icen in invor 01 going to iinrt not botliermc i 1 anv more witn companies 1 peiiove political conditions here and political it will In.

used toward the furthering of the (lothic id'M I lwlieve (lip lli.tlne 111" lif.rfiu'' "vtiiesQInll tt Clulsli.mitv and nuts' be u-cd as a dais rnrtient. tho fate or wtucti in tiiai iu for the ade.iia!e e.xpir.ii nf theChureli will dncid'vl at a secial election on t.i.dav Th" I'rowtli an. I development of 'l uesdiy next. He aildrel nearly the a'hedrai so us r.ssociiHed I people at St. Mary's Hall, in Willow-wit I- it will be a ot of this modi-; avenue.

The Covernor said In part: fWtion th" ilir-i of not only "I don't want any man to vot for the in detail but 'n desi. u. the mas. commission plan of government because AXII THAT OATHS STAIITI.Elt VOUCH TEUWIIOXE MAX. Hepnrt of Alleged Profane Conirrsatlon Hear) In Court, but Mr.

Srhnrlilrr Driilrs That lie Snore anil Sas It's a tJajnnr Pint to Iterp Him Hcnrj' (5. Schneider, seci-etarj' of the Kleventh Avenue Track Removal Asso- "My laxryer, Theodore Baumelster, is not hero," said Hchnoidor, "and I want thiscasoadiottrned." lie chocked further efforts on tho part of the Magistrate to read aloud tho report. I want his caso sot for npxt Saturday I'm principal of a ptiblio school in The Hronx nnd I'vo been compelled to leer my children to bo dragged here to-duv. And four of my teachers are absent too." said Schneider. Tlie Magistrate adjourned the ooae as Schneider request oil, "Xow havo ten minutes left," said Schneider, glancing at tho cloak.

"I 1911 ff I'. Itta a wisntNOTis' "'f H'HU'ISI rnn TO II IT AMI TO MOhHOW iir en' -e nr Ynri lutr i'ij tiirrner ui 1 1 n'ul to ii'iinir moiUtut, nirnuife xevulti, I'e- Sew Cuiiland, fair nnd Mlihtly I'nrmer in dii.i' and In i-'iirpiw innderatt' inirlhwest to Hie in I I'll. nrljlile I or Pie lilnrkt nf i I'lurillilj eastern l'nin)l s.niii nnd Mur l.iinl. fair mid llKluly vnimer In ila In morrns. f'tlr, llitht nrlatde wlmd liei onilni; ent nml mhiiIi Kuf Sew Je.ev ami Pelaware, fall In-day and I li m.irriiiv III li.ililer.le

utlllK. me Iwlncli had written. Il was nil 1 1 i' i'si. i eu Nor mid dressed to Meyer Hecht of West Fin ii'l i i i ii. -in ''id morrow iIl-iu in mnihraie I Bt.

und askeil Ilecht to looknlterCiager's i in, mer wife and children hs the writer Win iinoiil ve.ii't I'ennntian ii fair and warmer, to kill himself becausn or limes It i t.iy and to mi.irow. Huht lo inudf rale srlnda. I direct el Hechl where to flll'l the kiy I hecomtns fo'iih'anfrly. I to a safe in which a will would be found, intelligence is not yet prepared for munic ipnl operation let wo operate our schools and our streets nnd our Health Department and our docks nnd our bridges and. dear me.

I guess wo could operate our wiliwrtys too if wc wanted to, and our surface cars also In the afternoon there was a buslneis men's parade, which started from Thin! avium r.nd Foitielh street and after best the doctriti" und ll'ur- gh of tho Church, of her' historical continuity, nnd which is in sympathy with a irm of i.rtistio oxprtfi-sinn which was coIvihI for tho putpese of most perfect ly muulfestiug theChurch'H I form Though Mr Ii Farge's partner, nen-' iatcin Morris, said ihat so far as he had Iron able to hear from Mr I.a Farge, who Is now abroad, no protest ngi.inst I elation nnd an assistant principal of a n-lll In VC. s. 1,1 I 1 want you to givo mo a summons ror one pohco court on to defend a of 0mCOrs or tho Now York Central elnrgo brought against him by l'olico rnirolli for running cars w. lle school Itiicfivifl nf tlm Uiut IVrl t.Lni. iieves me; I want to vote for it 'I on In.

believes In it This thing iv c- i sccuouu ou unu oi oi uio puuno service hec.illsi. Ii" lieuexes ill u. uui uiiiu, in i Schneider of using nrofane linunai-e over' i n.ln.iiful in llnliiitnn now lilt it laws. in. i in.

tciepnone on dune 12 last, wtten he is going to win sooner or later. I want to 1J)( sut int0 servo notice on tho people v'ho nro op- Boventh street precinct. Schneidcrwas in court yesterday, having been summoned by Capt. Hurfeind. Tho latter had a typewritten report sent him pood to it that I am enlisfed for lifo for it.

I do not fay this in pisslonato defiance. I'm spoiking from an opinion rooted twenty-five or thirty years deep. trcrhing Sixtieth street icturncd bv 1 Mr Cram's appointment will bo entered wev of Fifth I'nrk nlace nnd dv him from niiothon ari'liiteit it was Sevrnfh nniui. to I'roFpect piece, where jcarmsl that nisinti.ri-ti-l third parly Washington Irving Hlg the iiarrd'' tided. There wns a long will present th" to the o.vecutivo West Twentieth Hreet line of decorated warons p.nd other committee or the Infects' association -n vrhicles.

II. -I. Hchrceder wrs mrrsltnl for 11 judginent 1.1- i. i 1 1 .1.. ili-onneH tlinlr bookR smau.

iii.A.E ix man school. Teacher Ournrtird It While ann lrl He-treated In Cnnd (Irdrr. 'I lie hells in tho now branch of the High School nt 110 rang lor thn firo afternoon and girl "Whv not brine vour complaint to the Public Service Commission asked the Magistrate. "So that's the deal I get here! Do Igetthatsummonsordolnot?" Schneider asked. "If not I will file charges with tho Chief Magistrate." -iou'ii bo getting a warrant in a rain- from Polico Headquarters containing replied Magistrate Herrman, 'and alleged conversation between Schneider tint'of ducrotisGouli uui iie.iiiqiiiirii'rs openuor.

)0 informed of your conduct." Ilecker, tint day. Magistrate Herrman was nbout to road to Mr. Schneider tho charge. made against him, when Schneider interrupted tho i couit. Stop," ordered i-'chnoldor, nnd ho Tl.eie was also nn automobile parud- tud Members of the profession were in- dropped their pookr nnti tell into pm0(i stern finger at tho nil inspetnon 01 compieifci secnou Ol clini't yestenlay to criticise tl.e action ot neninii ineir us nun ihh iicis uo ou nrcilMMl ine lounii i inie siiuiMv 111 1 hi mi- tin nuiiiiing 'omtmiien in ine cainisirai no coomesn nnit precision 1 11 such uriiis, trustees in tno original nrdii- an held twin a month, hive, led and designer 1 lh great s' rucli; re .,..,.1 .1..,..

n. without giMiig him 11 hint of their in- .1.. lllth street. I'AIX 1 1 HO HIM TO SriClltE. Manufacturer Suffering lYoni Neuralgia Takes 1'iiltoii, F.dward Crager, 11 munufacturer or women's dresses at 805 Broadway, committed suicide in his oftlco yesterday morning shortly after he arrived from his home.

-Pi West Klghty-ninth street. Ho drank some poison, thought to be cyanide of potusium, and died in an hour, being unconscious nil tho time, Mr. Crager had been a manufacturer tentlons 1 1I111 ibis drill was a little out of I he arge an for he 1 -( (llllimlrVi Tll Kiri, marched out I'ai ll'lllill mis 11 11 lll'l-u -iseij I'lllllllis, "Stop," 1 open fed Schneider reremptor-ily, still pointing lids index linger. The Magistrate was nonplussed hchtie dor outside tho court room declared that tho whole procedure In bringing him to court was a ruse on the part of Mayor flaynor to keep him away frnm .1 meeting to be held tho City Hall in thn afternoon. "I deny the charge in toto.

it's conspiracy to railroud mo to jail. They can railroad soino people, but not ine," hn said us he went awav carrying a largo bundle of evidence he had brough' to court but had not had the opportunity to exhibit. 1 1 11... i.tiii.i;..,. Dean (irosvenor wiitl nt his summer home in tiiat part 01 1 Mn ,11 on tl 1 a 1 1 I IK' til" Vttii it ni riiKin mim' 111 1 il" 1 stnctiire already crimp etc.

I there is 0(lworU Mim gns stove used by 1 single window whero it appears 011 1 on tll(, fourtll in New Cumuli, 'nun the structure already not a single winnow wnern 11 upjieurs 011 1 the original plnns that may lllustrato Nightingale wns the teacher the departure from the Heins-Ui Taigo tmPi H), sent one of her plans that has already been tiiaile. ror a fire extinguislier and had tho ftinire construction thete will be a still nr out berore it could do more thin mako wider departure from the La arge ideas. of BmoUp, some one hud turned in '1 ho completed cathedral will not look nt iin nlarm UH precaution, but by the time all as if decs the plans submitted by tho firemen arrived Iho gills were back Sir. Heins nnd Mr La Farge No one in Xew York for the last thirty years can now just what the changes will and business associates thought he was doing well, He leaves a wife und three duiighters. His wife says that he had sutlered from neuralgiu for 11 long time.

On Tuesday night ho could not sleep ut all and when he left his homo he seemed greatly depremed. Whi he arrived lu his office yesterday In spent half an hour writing a letter, which was later fbund dv the Coroner lerK, waiter Allen, for lie nor' how Iho cat Ins nil will look when it is completed 'Unit will be fifty years hence," One of the architects of New York whose r.nilialiinis with individuals on the board of trustees of St John's has put him in a position to know something of that body's ideas said yesterday that he believed lln budding committee would Imve 11 complete I'hingn of the Ileitis. Lu Farge designs l.evoni I the point of the tli" cliurcli lielow 111 thn school struggling witn tno con-uiiest of (Jaiil and the complexifies or r.uclid. I.AXiU'AdE TVTOll A SI ICIItE. Then Ii" Men! fi a glass or water and pouring 11 while I cross which ii' 111 powder in it ho drank the contents, tin.

tin cnoir unii niiar became unconscious and the clerk sent' Architects say dissatisfaction with Mr. for a doctor la Farge's plan and work is been Coroner Hellenstein re id the letter grow in p. in iV building commitlee fur sonic nine in" urciuiei'i 11.111-eir 1. this tail si il wu -aid vvi't'rdiiV 1 one i nn iws him pa or two there has lii-n con-sid friction between Mr Va 'arg and ceitnin members ol the lomaltlee. "The matter ut issue between them," Csrergues Wrote That He Couldn't SI anil Tains In III Head.

Louis tutor in fcrelgn languages, who taught many 1 hildn of well to lu piireuts, killed himself yes-tenia' atternoon in his upaitment on the ground floor 01 tit west Mmtieth street bv inhaling gus from a gas heater. He left will giving nil his proiwrty to hial sister, Mrs. William Diglln, with whom he lived and a letter telling her that he couldn't stand the niifTerlne from r.nd within the pnlns in his head any longer lurzergues was found on the subwav track near the lliooklyn Hridg' statirn 11 few days ago and wan near being run (FRZNCH republic propektv) ft. Nafui'al Alkaliee Wate? I Unexcelled for table use. Standard remedy for Dyspepsia, Stomach Troubles and Gout.

Ask yaur Physician Not Genuine without the wore! JiCtjt VCe- i VI.

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