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The Daily State Journal from Alexandria, Virginia • Page 4

Alexandria, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

droning 9 tote journal SAT! -VKNISO, VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE. Satvl'DAY, Jan- W-. Ilouse of I louse met nt 12 o'clock. Prayer by Mr. Campbell, of th' resbyterian church.

Journal of yesterday read; HIM.S RF.I'ORTF.I*. Senate An act to amend the char- tor of the City lias Light company Norfolk an act prohibiting the Mil" of Intoxicating li lunvs on the Sabbath Hay an art. to provide fur a redistribution 0 the county ol Rockingham into act to authorize the sale of tbe lan. scrip donated to Virginia. Viy the Congrcof the United States, and providing fo the investment of the then', if.

House bills bill to amend and relntct section 0 chapter 170 of the code, in reference to injunctions a bill to incorporatt the town of Dumfries an act to amen, and reenact sections 6, 7, 0, 13, 14, 15, 27. .11, 31, and 30 of chapter 1 0' '70-'7l, entitled "an act providing a chartei for the city of Norfolk an tut toameni. certain sections of the acts of 18TD, entitled an "act to provide for the general regtotration of voters;" a hill for the protoouon of sureties to suspend sale of property claimed as exempt under Homestead provision uf the constitution, until Ihe tmotitioi of unconstitutionality is decided hy the Court of Appeals. LEAVE OF AIiSENCE was granted -trotber ior two days. NIGHT BESBIO-8.

ofte-red a renohilio- reqairing nUht sessions to be held on Tuesday and Thursday nights of each week, commenting next week, for the purpose of disposing of private bills now accumulating on the ciileiuliir. oli'crcd to amend by inserting Monday and Wednesday. Mr. Bagwell offered as a substitute thai every night in th. Week, commencing next week, be occupied for holding night sessions, which was carried by a vote of 60 to 48.

Mr. Bagwell's amendment was reconsidered and rejected. Mr. Wall moved to lay the whole question on the table, which was rejected. THK LAND SCRIP FUND.

Mr. fiilman's substitute to appropriate the. fund to Kichmond College, Hampden Sidney and Hampton Normal School, was being reatl when Air. Irvine moved to dismiss the bill, which was rejected. Mr.

Hill offered an amendment to the bill, evidently intended to defeat it, that Roanoke College and llii-hmoud College should assign their charters to the State, and that hoards of visitors shall he appointed by the Governor, who shall have full control of these institutions, which was rejected. Mr. Ramsdell offerred the following amendment, which was adopted: Provided, that tlie General Assembly shall have the privilege of; or revising the trustees, if at any time the conduct of the existing board shall not meet with ihe approval ol Hie Assembly i anil provided further, that said hoard of u-nstet report annually to Hie General Assembly. The question recurring on Mr. Gilroan's bill, was decided in the negative by a vote of 31 aye.

to nays. Mr. Walker offered a substitute, naming Preston and Olive Institute, of Montgomery county, as entitled to two-thirds of the fund, which was ordered to be printed. House adjourned. Senate.

The in the chair. Prayer hy Rev. Mr. Deshiell. Mr.

French, from tho Committee for Courts of Justice, reported, with amendment, Senate t.ill to repeal an act passed March id. lSfiii, entitled an act to preserve and extend the time lor the exercise of certain civil rights and remedies. Mr. French, from the same committee, also reported, with, amendments, Senate hill to regulate and define the jurisdiction of the county and circuit courts; to prescribe the number of terms of the circuit courts, and to fix the pay of county judges. TII-LS HtBS-NTBD AND H-l-'-RRKH.

liy Mr. Nowlin Bill to amend and reenact section 1 of chapter 21 or code ofj 1880, concerning the Superintendent of I'ublic Buildings, which, on his motion, was read the fust and ordered to be read a second time. Referred to Committee on Courts of Justice. House bill entitled "an act to provide special Court of Appeals and to repeal so much oi chapter Kit) of the code as relates to special Court of Appeals," was taken up, on motion of Mr. Peini, and on his further motion, the Lull was recommitted to the Committee ou Courtrt of Justice.

The communication from Judges of Supreme Court ot Appeals, to the necessity ol providing lor a special Court of Appeals, was taken up on motion of Mr. IVi.ii. anil- on his farther motion was referred to tlie Committee on Courts of Justice. Massey, by leave, presented hill to incorporate ihe West Point Ferry Company, which, on his motion was read, and ordered to the second reading. TO OHM-ABIES AND KATINO HOUSES.

On motion of Mr. Lackland: llisolred, That, the t'otiutiiitee on Finance Iniiuire into the expediency of so ehangl-g the law on the siiiiic-et ot j-anii'i; lo and uiul other licenses rot ail spirituous eiliicrlobe drunk at the place of mile or elsewhen, to applications for ihe ceriiiicatis now required lo tie hy the county minis, to he made to the Hoard ol Supervisors of each county, insicacl of the comity court, and to trire to liie b. ard the same discretion in the lhat the now have. HOI-R Mr. Taylor, of Loudoun, offered the following: Resolved, That after Monday next the Senate will meet at 11 o'clock, A.M., until otherwise ordered.

Rejected. (In motion of Mr. Taylor, of Norfolk, the vote repealing Senate bill incorporating tho Blue Bulge Springs company, was reconsidered, and the hill reiutiiinittcd to the Committee on General Laws. RAIL-DAD AND ItE- ERRED. By Mr.

Wynne to amend the act entitled "an act lo amend and reenact an act entitled 'an act to charter the Kichmond and Peninsula railway which, on bis motion, was read, and ordered to be read the second time. Referred to Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation. BILL, ASSED. Senate bill, to incorporate the Bank of Warren, was taken up on motion of Mr. Ward, read tho second lime and ordered to be engrossed and road the third time, and being engrossed forthwith, was read tho third lime and passed.

RELIEF QRAXTSD. Senate bill, ior r-ief of Madison Allen, was taken up, put upon passage, and determined in the 86 noes 5. TIMF. Sena'c hill to extend the time within which James Fields, late sheriff of Washington county, may collect taxes for the years 18fii)-lS7i) was taken up, read and ordered engrossed and read a third time, engrossed forthwith, lead Iho third time and passed. FORTY-SECOND Session I'uihay, 20, MMMM.

Mr. Morton introduced a bill to ha thiio at or near KvansviDe. The consideration of adjournment was esumed. Mr. Schurz's amendment 'nngrcss don't adjourn until the Civil leform hill is lost by a vote of 32 to Sumner's similar amendment regarding lie Civil Rights bill was also lice, Spencer, Sumner and Tipton being Republican members voting for it.

Cleared of these amendments, a resolution adionrnin- on Sfl-l of May was 30 nays, 12. iiiiiv. OF After the passage of some private bills, ne consideration of the appropriation bill vas resumed, aud the legislative, executive, udieial and pension bills passed. Makkied UN On last I'hurstlay, as one of our town ministers vas travelling on the road between here Jackson, he met a couple who inorined him that they were on their way jo town to get him to marry them. The I thy minister told the happy pair that it was hardly necessary for him to return town in the cold for so small a matter, out that they might come OB here, gel he license, and on their return he would neet them and accomplish the pleasant lasign.

'litis was done and in due lime the preacher met tlie reluming party, and then and there, in the middle of the road, horseback, the happy twain were made Fincaslle Herald. This couple have a fair start to go galloping through life, unless the man is too young to be ruled. David Perry, residing near Hermitage, in Augusta county, while engaged in felting a tree Ml his place, on Wednesday last, was killed, it is supposed, under the, following circumstances: The tree lodged in the fork of another which he cut away, when he was caught and crushed between the falling tree and a stump. His family, being uneasy, went out to hunt him late the evening, and found him dead and lying as described above. Mr.

Perry formerly resided near Harper's Kerry, Jefferson West Virginia. Crist, who resides about six miles south of Staunton, on Christian's creek, entered on the ninety-ninth year of his age about the first of this month. He cuts his own lire wood and attends to his own stock, and bids fair to live many years longer. SHIPPING, pm new yonkr The VIRGINIA STEAMSHIP and PACKET COMPANY'S elegant steamship GEORGE IS. IPTON, Obtain Pahkkk, will leave her wharf at Rocket's on TUESDAY, January Soth.

at 4 M. Connecting with slmmem for Fail River ami litis ion from same pier. Close connections and through bills of lading given to all southern, eastern, and western places; also, to Europe and Australia. Fare, meals and state-rooms, extra. For Freight or passage, apply to 1).

.1. BUIIR, President, 1214 Main street. Wasiiinui'iin tIV, agents, Pier 12, Worth river, New York. ja YORK. J'HKOLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP elegant side-wheel steamship ALBEMARLE, Capt.

Waikeu, will sail on SUNHAY. January 2Sth, at li o'clock A. M. Freight received until Sal unlay night. Through hills ol lading signed, ami goods forwarded with dispatch to all south, east and west.

Close connections made with Ountird line for foreign ports. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Fare Steerage Bound Trip SO 00 For freight or passage, apply to JOHN W. WTATT, Agent, ja -21 No. 3 Governor street i i SALE OF VALUABLE REAL, ESTATE IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY, VA.

Pursuant to an orJer of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, entered on the Both day of December. 1871, in the nuttier of George Walson Scott, hankrunt, I shall, as assignee of Scott's estate, sell at public suction, on the premises, on FRIDAY, l.iru DAY OF FEBRUARY, comencing at ll u'clock THAT VALUABLE TUACT OF LAND, rendered by said Scott upon his scuedule in bankruptcy. THIS TRACT CONTAINS 280 ACRES, and is situati about two and half miles from prospect depot, on the Sou.hsiae railroad, end will be sold lice ol all liens, except the contingent dower right. third cash; the balance on a credit of 6 and 12 months, etrani instalments, the purchaser to give bond with approved security, and the the title to.he retained until the whole of tliH purchase money is paid, W.M.DAVIDSON, of G. W.

Scott. RIiAL ESTATE MEAR JETERSVILLE, IN AMELIA COUNTY, FOB SAfcE AT AUC- to the provisions ol a deed of John H. Neal to T. H. Campbell, trustee, for the benefit of creditors, which deed bears date September 13-li, and Is of record in the clerk's office of the counlv of Amelia, and of an order of ihe District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, in the matter of J.

H. Neal, bankrupt, the undersigned will, at public auction, at 12:30 o'clock P. on FRIDAY, MARCH 1,1872, AT JETERSYILLK, sell the TR4CT OF LAND, conveyed in said deed, lying about one half of a mile irom Jetersvilie, oil the Richmond and Danville railroad, in Amelia county, ami containing, by estimation, 27.1 ACRES. It is in a healthy region, and about two miles distant from the mclia Sulphur Springs. -One-third cash; the balance to be paid in twelve months from day of sale bonds with approved security to be given lor the deferred payments) ihe title to Be retained until the whole of the purchase money shall have been paid.

T. H. CAMPBELL, Trustee. W. R.

TAHB, Assignee of J. H. Bankrupt. ja riAHB SOUTHERN ASSOt FLE Tor the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of the Southern Slates. firsTKiHi'TioN No.

U-L F.vKs-ixo. Jan. Kli. 8 08 7g A3 23 3t) 44 47 4U IB IB 88 UISTMHUTIOK No.JJA_ MtiKiciim. Jan 27.

2 ol 03 21) .11) 78 47 eT-V 24 la" "Witness my hand, at Richmond, this 27ih TOMPKINS, Managers. Commissioner. CERTIFICATES OF RAFFLE can be pnr chased from Captain W. I. DABNEY, at the Branch otllce, No.

9 Twelfth street, doors from Main. 1471. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern Ha uli of Virginia. ln the matter of John S. Harris, bankrupt bankruptcy.

Eastern District of Virginia. Notice hereby given that a last general meeting of ihe creditors of the said John S. Harris, bankrupt, for the purpose of declaring a dividend, will beheld at Richmond, at the office ol W. W. Forbes, register in bankruptcy, in said Tuesday, Uie luih day of January, 1872, at Hi o'clock A.

iv accordance with 'he provisions of the 87th and 2slh sections of the bankruplev acl of March 2d, ISC7. Haled at Richmond, this 2d day of January, 15 7 K. R. TURNBUtX, ja 6-M'Jw Assignee. 17IASHIONS FOB styles of BUTTERKK'S PATTERNS just received at the oifice of the Howe Sewing Ala chine, MS Main street.


nit Id 'publican party of Virginia, in tuuven- tkm uihlod, reaffirm their devotion to the principles 10 the National Kcpuhucan Party of ill" TJirt: (J States, as enunciated iv tbe I. plattorm at tin- last National Convention. We in favor of, and support aa national A uuiil, which, while the necessary, I hTll rive incidental, protection to American industry a national banking that shall give saW anrl uniform eurreney, niid absolute security to bdl-hoiners. The policy of extending government aid to the in Improving their rlv-rs and harbors. Tin 1 absolute of obligations of the government, and sufficient yearly reduction of the national drbl to convince tin) world of our determination to ultimately exUngnih it, while, it the same time, we carefully avoid burdening ibp people with onorous and unneeessarv taxation.

t'uat we heartily endorse the administration of President Grant, una are unanimously hi favor uf his nomination in is7'i. BTATB POtIOT. boiH'-i man ustiy the tendency of the legislation of the past yenr In Virginia has been to depress all the material pneresu of the people. Taxation has been mct'en-ted yond the of htimftn endurance, and the Democratic LjegWlauue itlt two-iliirdis majority, has passed and unneeessarv laws, which UlO Funding Jiill prominent. Under its provisions taxation on the 1 property of the State will be double what it now, or nut less than one dollar on oreiy hundred.

Wone slill, it is uilneeessary. they have compelled I lie people Virginia to raise money, either by their property I or products, or fay pacing rate ol interest to pay those ono.ons tuxct by the let dsy of September, 1 r.71, or forfeit rive per while we are now officially Informed by the Treasurer of the State that that the money so collected is not needed until January and July. 1872, and lying in Ihe banks of "the city of ttienmond only four percent. Interest, presenting the astonishing spectacle of a state i reing Its citizers to loan wealthy more than a million at the low rate of four pW cent per annum, while, at the same tune, under combination oi tauces. our citiKenw are thus compelled to I borrow their own money at the rate ol twelve per cent, per annum.

The psMsue of such acts in Virginia by a Democratic Legislature ts only in keeping with Democratic legislation wherever that party ob-1 tains power, as exemplified by that great leading I Democratic organization of the united the Tammany King of New York. This Legiaj uure has passed neutralizing and rendering void and of Be) effect ihe homestead provisions of the constitution; placing the execution of the laws establishing commoi. schools in partisan hud unfriendly handi, and have violated almost every pledge made by their authorized represen-1 tatlves when pleatjuig for the admission of the State to Federal representation. They have created a partisan judiciary, and given the county by caucus nominations, unprecedented and unheard of power. They have reestablished that relic of a barbarous past, the whipping-post, and by giving the judges power to select the juries in all cases, have enabled them to do, as they have done in a vast majority of instances, exclude the colored man from the jury-box, and deprive him ol the right so dear to all, of defence before a jury of his peers.

The Republican party invite the cooperation of all good citizens in correcting these 1 abuses, and do Resttve, That we are opposed to levying upon our citizens any further tax than is necessary to a strictly economical administration of the State government, and demand thai our representatives in the Legislature shall do all in their power pj the greatest extent the burdens or the people, and to decrease the expenses of the state. Retiuivr, That we demand the honest and scrupulous enforeeinent of the constitution of the State in all its part-, and such legislation as will secure the equal rights of all, guaranteed by that instrument, equitable taxation, the benefits of the homestead act, a thorough system of common school education, and an impartial and nonpartisan judiciary. Resolutions. Jit-solved, That the battle of universal freedom and Universal suffrage having been fought and won, and those amendments to the constitution of the United States, designed to secure in perpetuity the rights uf mop, accepted by a large part of the Democratic party, and they pledged to abide forever thereby, and these issues having thus solemnly and finally determined, there 1 remains no excuse for our natural and thetic. friends, the Whigs of Virginia, to continue 1 in any degree their cooperation with the party.

Jitsolot'i, That the Whigs Virginia, in standing by the faith of then- fathers, and agreeing with us in all that relates to our governmental protection oi American industry mid manufactures, iU(. system of national banking, ihe right of QDgross to appropriate money for the improwim nt of our rivers and harbors, and the our great water line and commercial art in all tnivt thr, name and this Convention, impressed with truths, and anxious that the Republican party of Virginia should avail itself oi the capacity, character, and love of country of this large element, is gratified in extending to them an earnest invitation to join ouce more in patriotic battle against their old Demo- oralis party. Krsolvnl, That whether these gallant allies shall at once become ihe foremost of Kepuhlicaus, standing within the strictest, circle ol our party organization, or but yield to us their cooperation afleaast the common enemy, we pledge then), cither case, the waun welcome of a Republican President, the tmceresL gratitude and fellowship of iheKepuhliean party, and a full participation in all the benefits to be derived from a common victory over their old 1 party. CLOTHING. 1871.

1871. Owtaf to Die of the our tery stock of winter goods (all of this reason's manufacture.) we will from this dale offer our larpo and varied assornnent of DKKSS SUITS, HI'SfNESS SUITS, and OVERCOATS, Tor men's and bays' wear, at a VKKY MATEKIAI, UKDUCTIOX IN' I'RICES, which will apply to our complete stock of HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR in fuinishiuK department. iH-YI-IN'S, 1007 Main street, opposite post-oilier. COMMISSIONERS' NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern Distiict of Virginia.

In the matter of John I. Saunders, in bankruptcy. fteorge E. Dennis, assignee of said bankrupt, thisdaj tiled petition in this matter, which being read and considered, the court doth order that Robert A. Scott, who Is hereby appointed a special commissioner for the proceed to take and report to this court an account Ist.

What lauds belong to tlie estate of said bankrupt, their value, and in whose possession th-y now are. 2d. What liens there tire ou said lands, their and their respective And Ihe court doth order that publication of the time and place of taking said account be published once a week for four weeks In the Evuxi.Mi Statu Jorasi.i.. Eoi-kv Mor.ii, December 20,1571. All parties interested in Ihn above decree, are hereby notified that I have fixed upon the Ist HAY OF KEBIiUARY, 1872, as tlie lime to take, at my I'fflcu at Rocky Mount, Virginia, the several accounts directed thereby, at which time and place they are required to attend belore me, mid do whatever tln-v may deem necessary to their intei-ts in the premises DENTISTRY.

MMAYLOR BROS-, DENTIST, 1110 Mils Stunt, RICHMOND, VA IN THE CO-XT OF THE IM. TED STATES lor the Eastern District of Vir- matter of William Miller vs. John T. Johnson, bankruptcy. To Whom it Mnv nuderisigued, Etuiuot Crump, of Richmond city, A irgmia, hereby notice of his appointment as ol the estate of Jno.

T. Johnson, of Richmond city. In said District, who was, on the 22ddav of adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court of said DU-lot. Dated Richmond, January 2, 1872. EMMET CRUMP, Assignee.

BANKRUPT NOTICES. DI-TRict 'i'lii: imiiji STATUS for the of Virgo.ia—in hriiikropii r. In matter ol Mont A Idingt.ui is. Fi 1 bankrupt A win-rant in lnui 1 1 I sued 1., against Ihe -la ii her SOUs of Sp. Ivania county, nnd Slate of who lon-1 uad.i oupetiiionot their tiii tin payment of itiui the delivery of belonging io said bankrupt-, to ortor tlu'-ir use, and the transfer of by in fornliide.

by law; A meeting of the. rediu of suid prove tin ir debts and one or more MStgnieus of tlieire-eue. ill be healat a com! of bunkruptc? to he bo'den ai ihe Register's office in Richmond, Virginia. W. Register, en the nib day ot February, 1872, at IU o'clock A.

iM. DAVID B. PARKER, ill it- II .1 4SS.I riMIIS IS TO RIVE NOTICE on the 22d day of Janu-irj 1572, a wan-atit in bankruptcy was Issued out of the District Court of the Stales for ihe lviMeni of Virginia, igatatt the estate Of H- 1' W. I'-ittntlrroy. ol Essex lonnty, and Stale of Virginia, vcho has been tdjudfred bankrupt ou his own Hint tlie payment of any del and Ihe delivery any propel tv belonging io said bankrupt, to him or for his iise, and the transfer of any protelly by him, are forbidden hy meeting of the creditors of s.iid bankrupt, to prove, their choose one or more assignees of his estate, will he held at a court of bankruptcy, to he holden at the ot lie register, In Richmond, W.

register, on the Mb of V'etirutirv, 1H72. at In o'clock A M. 'DAVID B. PARKER. -'I'2-v I S.

Marshal. 4322 qtIHK IS TO mV- NOTK 'Mint on the JL Pith day of wurranl iv bankrupt' issued out of the Disiriet i term the Culled State for the Eastern District ol Virginia, Hie estate of Gabirte 1 of Fauquier county nuel Slaie of Virginia, who been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition: That He- payment qf u'vy debts, and the of any belonging to said hank rupt, io him or for his use, and Hie transfer of (any property hy him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said bank-1 rnpt, to prove their debts ami choose one or more assignees of his estate, will he held til a court of bankruptcy, to he holden at the Register's otlice, ill Alexandria, before Lysuiuler Hill, Regisier, on Ihe loth day of February, A. IL 1572, at 0 o'clock A. M.

DAVID B- PAitKF.R, ja U. S. Marshal. rIIHIS IS TO OIVK NOTICE on the JL mill day of Jan'y, 187-, a warrant in bankruptcy was issned out of the District. Court of the Unitinl States torthe Eastern District of Virginia, against the estate of James W.

Darm, oi I.oudoun county, and State of who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him or for his use, and Ihe transfer of any property by him, are forbidden hy law meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will he held at a court of bankruptcy, lo be holden at the Register. olHce, in Alexandria, before Lysander Hill, Register, on the 10th day of February, 1874, at 9 o'clock A. M. DAVID B. PARKER, ja io--F2w S.

Marshal. 481J THIS IS TO GIVE on the 18th day of January, a warrant In bankruptcy was issued out of Ihe District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia, against the estate of Hough, of Loudoun county, and State of Virginia, who has been adit'dged a bankrupt on own petition the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him or tor his use, and the trimeter of any property by him are forbidden by law: That a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will bo held at a court of bankruptcy, to be holden at the Register's olllce, in Alexandria, before Lysander Hill, Register, on the loth day of February, A. D. 1872, at 0 o'clock A.

M. DAVID B. PARKER, S. Marshal. 4321 THIS IS l'O (JIVE ou the 6th day ol January, 1572, a warrant in bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court ol the United for the Eastern District, of Virginia, against the estate of Robert Sun th, of King and Queen county, and State of Virginia, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own peiition That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property hy him, are forbidden by law That a of the creditore of said bankrupt, to provetheir debis, and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will he held at a Court of uikruptcy, to he holden at the Register's oil.

iv Richmond, before W. W. Forbes, Register, on the 2nth day of January, A. 1572, at in o'clock A. M.

DAVID B.PARKER, ja 10-VV2W U. 8. Marshal. rtTHIS IS TO GIVE on the I. day of Jan'y, I-w2, a warrant in bauk.rupi.ey was issued out of the District Court qf the United States for the Eastern District, of Virginia, against the estale of T.

P. Robinson, of Orerncsville county, aud State of Virginia, who hits been adjudged a honkrupi. on his own petition that the payment of any debts, aud the delivery ot any property belonging to said bankrupt, to him in-for lus ami the transfer ol any property by him are hy law; that a meeting oi the creditors of said bankrupt; to prove their debts, aud choose one or more as siguces of his estate, will he held at a court of bankruptcy, to lie holdeu at the Register's office, iv Jtichmoiul, Virginia, nefoi-e Register, ou the day of January, 1572, at lit o'clock A. M. DAVID B.

PARKE-, ja U. s. Marshal. ritlllS ISTO-IV- on the 12th JL day of Jan. 1872, a warrant, in bankrupt! was issued out ot tin- District Court of the United States for ihe Eastern District of Virginia, against the estate of W.

P. R. Mathews county, and Suite of Virginia, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to hir.i or for his iise, ami the transfer of any property by him, arc forbkUen by That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, lo provetheir and choose one or more assignees of Ills estate, will be held at a court ol bankruptcy, to be holden at ihe Registers office, in Richmond, Virginia, before W. Forbes, Esq, Register, on the SSth day of January, A. D.

ltv'2, at 10 ovicide A. M. DAVID PARKER, U. S. Marshal.

IHi THE t'OI'KT OF UNITED STATES for the Eastern Distiict of Virginia. Iv the matter of C. Ilev, bankruptcy. At the city of Norfolk, in Ihe said District, on the 24th day of January, 1h72. Before Mr.

Benjamin B. Foster, Register In hankruplcy. Eastern, Dish-let of Virginia, Upon the upplicati.m of T. F. Owens, Assignee- It is ordered, that a second general meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt be held at Norfolk, iusitid District, on Uieiithdav of February, A.

D. 1b72, at 12 o'clock at the olllce of B. Foster, one of the Registers in bankruptcy iv said District, for the purposes named in the 27th section of the bankrupt act of March 2d, 18117. And it i-- further ordered, that the assignee publish notice of the time and place of said meeting, on two days, in the newspaper called the JiuSsai, published at Richmond, at least five io said meeting. 1 Witness my hand at Norfolk, the day anil year aforesaid.

BENJ. B. FOSTER, ja 26 Register in Bankruptcy. I- THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of Peter Vr.

Hawthorn, bankruptcy. To whom it May undersigned, Wm. T. lilackwell, of Lunenburg county, hereby gives notice of his appointment as the estate of Peter W. Hawthorn, of Lunenburg county, in said district, who was.

on the 24th day of October, 1871, adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court of said dUI rii I. Dated December 28, 1871. THWEATT BLACKWELL, dp Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT CObRT OF THE DMTED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of A.

Urquhart, surviving partner of P. Henneberry bankruptcy. E.iMern District uf Virginia, ss Notice is hereby given, thai a second general meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt will beheld at Norfolk, in said disiriet, on the nth day of January, 1572, al. 12 o'clock at the ollice of Benjamin B. Foster, one of lipregisters in bankruptcy, for the purposes named iv ihe 27th sootieii of the bankruptcy act ot March 2d, 1867.

GILBERT ELLIOTT, de Aneignee. 3 101 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI. TED STATES for ihe Eastern District of Virtrinia. In the mutter of Joseph Pnryear. bankrupt bankruptcy.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The undersigned, John Ambler Smith, of Richmond liiy, Vnginia, hereby notice of his uppuiiiiiueiit assignee of tie estale of Joseph i.rvear, of Lunenburg coiini v. In said district, who' was, on iliiMih day of November, 1-71, admdgi-ti on his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated Richmond, Jan. 4,1572. J.

AMBLER SMITH, Assignee. BANKRUPT NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT CO CIV- OF THE UNITED STATES for tin Eastern District of Virgnia. In the mailer or Jacob S. Alice, bankruptcy.

to Whom it Mas Coneem-Th- Jin oh Col.n Emmet Crump, of Richmond. Henrico county, Virginia, hereby give notice ol their appointment as assignees of the estate of Jacob s. Atlee, of Henrico county, In said district, who was, on the 20th day of December, 1871, tnljiiilged it bankrupt on Ins own petition Assignees. J- THE DISTRICT COCRT OF THE for ll.eEasi. -I Distrlctof Virginia.

In 'be matter of Jackson 11. Powell, bankrupt bankruptcy. To "Whom it May Concern undersigned, James E. Heath, of North-rnpten county, Va hereby gives notice of his appointment as assltgnee of the estate of Jackson B. Powell, of Northampton county, in said district, who was, on the 16th day of December, A.

bankrupt on his own petition by the District court of said du.trict. Dated January 17, 1572. JAMES E. HEATH, ja Assignee, IN THE DISTRICT COCRT OF THE UNITED STATES for Ihe Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of Henry Miller vs.

John H. Walsh, bankruptcy. I'o horn it May undersigned, J. Ambler Smith; of Richmond city, Virginia, hereby gives notice of his appointment of Hie estate of John 11. Walsh, of Richmond city, in said district, who was.

on the Unli day of December, 1871, adjudged a on the petition of Henry Miller, by Ihe District Court of said District. Dated Richmond, Va Jan. 22. 1572. AMBLER SMITH, ja Assignee.

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UKTED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of Henry Massie, in bankruptcy. Eastern Dig tTi Virginia, ss Notice is hereby given thatalast general meeting of the creditors of the said Henry Massie, bankrupt, for the purpose of declaring a dividend, will be held at Richmond, at the olflce of W. W. Forbes, register in bankruptcy, in said district, Thursday, the Ist day of February, 1872, nt 10 o'clock A.

in accordance with Hie provisions of the 27th and 28th sections of the I bankruptcy act of March 2d, ISU7. Dated at Richmond, this lHlh day of January, 1672. JOHNL COCHRAN, Assignee. 4293 IN THE DISTRICT COCRT OF THE UNI. TED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia.

In the matter of Sylvanus Johnson, bankruptcy. To Whom it unnersigned, Ambler Smith, of Richmond city, hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of the estate of Syl. Johnson, of Dinwiddle county, in said district', who was. on the 19th day of adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated Richmond, January 4,1572.

J. AMBLER SMITH. ja 4312 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for I'm-Eastern Distnctof Virginia. In Ihe mailer of John S. Gnrihrignt, bankruptcy.

To Whom a May undersigned, J. Ambler Smith, of Richmond city, Virginia, hereby gives notice of his appointment as asslgsignee of the estate of John S. of Goochland county, in said district, who was, on the 7th day of December, 1871, adjudged a bank nipt on lus own petition by the District Court of said disiriet Dated Richmond, January 4.1872. J. AMBLER SMITH, ja Assignee.

4311 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI. TED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of T. 11. Ontlett, in bankrrptcy.

To Whom it May unnersigned, J. Ambler Smith, of Kichmond city, Virginia, hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of the estate of T. B. Catlett, of Gloucester county, in said District, who was, on the day ofllce, 1871, adjudged a bankrupt ou his own petition by the District Court of said District. Daieil Richmond, Jan.

4,1872. J. AMBLER SMITH, ja Assignee. 43tio IN THE DISTRICT COCRT OF THE UNITED STATES for Hie Eastern District of Virginia. In tho matter of John Spencer, bankruptin bankruptcy.

To Whom it May undersigned, J. Ambler Smith." of Richmond city. Virginia. hereby gives notice of his appointment, as assignee of the estate of John S. Spencer, of Greensville county, in said distiict, who was, en the 4ih day of 1871, adjudged a bankrupt ou his own petition by Ihe District I 'otirt uf said District.

Dated Richmond, Jan. 4, lWi. J. AMBLER SMITH. ja Assignee.

IN THE Dl.TltH'- COCRT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of Isaac Lowenthal, bankrupt bankruptcy, Tv Whom it May undersigned, J. Ambler Smith, of Richmond city, Virginia, hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of the estate of Isaac Lowenthal, of Spotsylvania county, iv said District, who was, on liie 23d day of November, 1.71, adjudged a bankrupt ou his own petition by the District Court of Said District. Dated Richmond, Jan. 4, 1872.

J. AMBLER SMITH, j. SSw Assignee. IN SHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE CMTED STATES for the Eastern Distrietof Virgo ia. In the matter of M.

Latlbu, bankruptcy. To Whom it May undersigned, Emmet Crump, oi Richmond city, Virginia, hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of estate of M. W. Lai-ii, oi Lunenburg county, in-said district, who was, on the 24ih day of October, 1.71, adjudged a. bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court of said District.

Dated Richmond, Jan. 187- EMMET CRUMP, ja Assignee. 4303 IN THE DISTRICT COCRT OF THE UNITED STATES for Ihe Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of R. M.

Raine, bn nkruptcv. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Tin' undersigned, John A. Smiih, of Richmond I city, Virginia, hereby gives noiice of his appointment as assignee of Hie estate of R. M. Raine, of Dinwiddle county, iv said district, who was, on the 4th day uf November, 1871, adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition by tlie District Court of saiil District.

Dated Richmond, Jan. 4, 1572. ja B-S3W J. AMBLER SMITH, Assignee. 4302 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia.

In the matter of Joseph B. Quartos, bankrupt bankruptcy. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The undersigned, Emmet Crump, of Rich moildcilv, Virginia, hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of the estate ot Joseph B. CJ.iui.rlos, of Louisa county, iv said district, who was, ou the Ith day of November, 1871, adfudged a bankrupt on his own petition by Hie District Court of saiil District. Dated Richmond, Jan.

4, 1572. EMMET CRUMP, Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HIE CMTED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the mutter of J. R.

Uillett, badkruptcy, Eastern District of Virginia, ss: The second general meeting of creditors of tho above named bankrupt will be held at the otlice of II B. Foster, Register, in Norfolk, on lite 22d day of January, instant, at 12 o'clock M. GILBERT ELLIOTT, ja Assignee. 4297 IN THE DISTRICT COCRT OF THE CNITF.D STATES for the Eastern District of in ilie matter of Charles Spratley, bankruptcy. To Whom it Mat- undersigned, John It.

Cliainhliss, of Greensville county, hereby gives not ice of his ftpjioiiitment as assignee of of chas. W. Spratley, of Greensville county, in said district, who was, on the 4th day of November, IsTl, adjudged a bankrupt on bis own petition by lite District Court of said distrii t. Dated December 88, 1871, JOHN R. CHAMBLISS, Assignee.

WI.VI-U- Volcano, Wood county, West Va, SIX I-'IKSI CLASS MACHINISTS. Wages from to per day. Hoard ifcti per week, Address J. O'BRTE- BRO Lock Box No. 10, Volcano, Wood county, West Va or 22Hi Main sireet.

lie S3w BANKRUPT NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATES for tL.p Eastern IMstrict of Virginia. In the of William Blake, bankruptcy. At Yorktown. this 1-th day of TO WHOM MAY CONCERN Please lake notice, thai a petition has been presented to tho Hon.

John G. Underwood, judge of said District Court, in Bankruptcy, by Jacob Oohli, assignee of the estate of to welt the real estate belonging to said bankrupt, free from all Hertw find encumbrances thereon. This to (riVP notice to all persons interested that in the terms oi said petition on order has been issued by the Judge aforesaid, for all sons who may be interested in said estate, to appear before J. Waterman, at his office, Yorktown, on the lid day of February, 1572, at io oMock A. and show cause, if any they have, why shell ordershould not bo granted.

"JACOB COHN, ja AsMgnee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern pbdiict of Virginia. In the matter of W. 11. Rcspess, bankruptcy.

At Yorktown, this lflth day of TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Pleiiio take notice, that a petition luis been pre. en ted tothe lion. JehnC. Underwood, Judge of said District Com in bankruptcy, by Jacob (John, assignee of the estate of said bankrupt, to sell the real estate belonging to said bankrupt, fi'-e from all liens nnd thereon. This is to give notice to all persons interested, that in the terms of said petition an order has been issued by the Judge aforesaid, for all persons who may be interested in said estate, to before Register J.

Waterman, at his office, at Yorktown, on the 2d day of February, 1572, at 10 o'clock A. and show cause, if any th-y have, why such ordershould not be granted. JACOIi COHN, ja Assignee. MM IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In matter of William 11.

Rogers, bankrupt bankruptcy. i At Yorktown, this 15th day of Jan'y, 1572. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Please take notice, that a petition has been I presented to Ihe Hon. John 0. Underwood, Judge of said Disiriet Court, iv bankruptcy, by Jacob Cohn, assignee of the estato of said bankrupt, to 1 sell the real estate belonging to said bankrupt, free from all liens nnd encumbrances thereon.

This is to give notice to all persons interested, 1 that in the terms of said petition an order has i been issued by the Judge aforesaid, for all pori -sous who may be interested iv eaid estate, to ap-1 pear before Register J. L. Waterman, at his office, at Yorktown, on the 2d day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. and show cause, if any they have, why such order should not be granted. JACOB COHN, ja Assignee.

193ftJ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of Robert Warburton, bankrupt bankruptcy. At York town, this 15th day of Jan'y, 1572. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Please take notice, that a petition has been preset.ted to the Hon. John (..

Underwood, Judge of said District Court, in bankruptcy, by Jacob Cohn, assignee of the estate of satd bankrupt, tv tell the real estate belonging to said bankrupt, free from all liens and encumbrances thereon. This is to give notice to all persons Interested, that in the terms of said petition unorder has been Issueo by the Judge aiore.aid, for all persona who may be interested in said estate, to appear before Register J. Warterman, at his uihee, at Yorktown, 00 the 2d day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. and show cause, it any they have, why stub order should not be granted. JACOB COHN, ja Assignee.

1593 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES ior the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of Samuel S. Edwards, bankruptcy. At Yorktown, this 10th day of Jan'v, 1872 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I Please take notice, that a petition has been presented to the Hon. John O.

Underwood, judge of said District Court, in Bankruptcy, by Jacob Cohn, assignee of the estate of said bankrupt, tc sell the real estate belonging to said bankrupt, free from all liens and encumbrances thereon. This is to give notice to all persons interested, that in the terms uf said petition an order has been issued by the Judge aforesaid, for all persons who may be interested in said estate, io appear before Register J. E. Waterman, at his office, at Yorktown, ou the 2d day of February, 1572, at 10 o'clock A. and show cause, if any they have, why such ordershould not be granted.

JACOB COHN, ja Assignee. 2208 IN THE DISTRICT COUNT OF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of John 11. Eec, bankruptcy. At Yorktown, the l.ith day of January, 1872.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEI.N: Please take notice, that a petition has been presented to the Hon. JohnC. Underwood, judge of the said District Court, in Bankruptcy, by Jacob Cohn, assignee of the estato of eaid bankrupt, to sell tho real estate belonging to said bankrupt, free from all liens and encumbrances thereon. This is to give notice to fill persons interested, that in terms of said petition an order has been issued by the Judge aforesaid, for all persons who may be interested in said estate, to appear before "Register J. E.

Waterman, at his office, at Yorktown, on the 2d day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. and show bailee, if any they have, why such anordershould not be granted. JACOB COHN, ja Assignee. 2211 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Tin-: UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia, lv the matter of Nathaniel Taylor, bankrupt bankruptcy. At Yorktown, Va this loth dayof Jun'v, TO WHOM IT A CONCERN Please take notice, that a petition has been presented tothe Hon.

JohnC.Underwood, Judge of said DUirict Court, in bankruptcy, by Jacob Cohn. assignee of the estate of said bankrupt, to sell the real estate belonging to said bankrupt, free irom all liens and encumbrances thereon. This is to give notice to all persons Interested, that iv tlie terms of said an order has lieen issued for nil persons who may be inter ested in said estate, to appear before Register J. Waterman, at his oftlce, at Yorktown, on the 2d day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock A.M., and show cause, if any they haw, why such order not be granted. JACOB COHN, ja Assignee.

IN THE DISHUCT COURT IrF THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the maUor ol Robert in bankruptcy. At Yorktown, a this J.Hh day of Jan'y, 1572. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Please take notice, that a petition has been presented to the Hon. John C.

underwood, Judge of said District Court, in bankruptcy, by Jacob Cohn, assignee of the estate of said bankrupt, to sell the real estate belonging to said bankrupt, free from all lien- and encumbrances thereon. This is to give notice to all persons interested, that in the terms of said petition an order has been issued by the Judge aforesaid, for all persons who may be interested in said estate, to appear before Register J. at his office, at Yorktown, on the 2d day of February, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. and show catisn, if any they have, why such order should not. be granted.

JACOB COHN, ja Assignee. Stitf IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Vitflbita. In the matter of John Nettles, bankruptcy. At Yorktown, Va. this Iftth day of Jan'y, 1872.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please take notice, that a petition has to the Hon. John C. Underwood, judge tf the said District Court, in Bankruptcy, by Jacob Cohn, assignee of the estate of bankrupt, to sell the real estate belonging to said bankrupt, free from all liens and encumbrances thereon. This is to give notice to all persous interested, that in terms of said petition an order has been issued by the Judge aforesaid, for all persons who may be interested in said estate, to appear Register J. L.

Waterman, at his ofllce, at Yorktown, on the 2d day of February, 873, at 10 o'clock A. and show cause, if any they have, why such an order should not be granted. JACOB COIIN, T2w Assignee" MA. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES, for the Eastern District ef Virginia. Iv the matter of Daniel Robertson, bankrupt bankruptcy.

Eastern District of Virginia, Notice is hereby given that a last general meeting of the creditors of the said Daniel Robertson, bankrupt, for the purpose of declaring a dividend, will be held at Richmond, at the otlioe of W. W. Forbes, register in bankruptcy, In said district, ou Thursday, the 1. th day of January, 1872, at lv o'clock A. in accordance with the provisions of the and 28th sections of the Act of March 2d 1867.

Dated at Richmond, this hth day of January, 1572. W. S. OOODWYN, ja H-M2w Assignee. lIOR larve 1 with modern conveniences, near the A BANKRUPT I- THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Vir frinirv.

In matter of Joseph V. Ilural, bankrupt bankruptcy At Richmond, on the 22d day of January, TO WHOM IT MAY Please to take notice hereby, ihat a petition has been, to wit: on the day of October, 1871, filed in wud Dfattict Court by Joe. F. Duval, of Goochland conntv. in said disiriet, who has been heretofore duly declared bankroll under the act of Congress entitled "An arl to nni form system of bankruptcy throughout the 1 ne ted Slates," approved March i'd, 7, lor a discharge and rertillcate theteot all his debts and oilier claims provable under said act, and that the nth day of February, 1 572, at 10 o'clock A before W.

W. Forbes, one of the registers ol said cohil in bankruptcy, at his office Rich mond, in said district, is the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same, when and you may attend and show cause, if any yon have, why the prayer of the said petition should not he granted. You are also hereby notlflod, that the second and third meet tugs of the of the said bankrupt will lw held at tho same timeand pIRCe W. w. FORBES, Register in Hankruplcy, ja for the Cong'l Dist.

of Va. THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK U-l- TKD STATES for the Ens-tern District of Virginia. In the matter of New-berg HocliMauler E. Heller, bankruptcy. At liirhmond.on Ihe Kith day of January, 1872.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN Please io take notice hereby, that a petition lias been, io wit: on the 16lh day of Jan'y, 187' filed in said District Court hy 1.. Heller, of Farmville, in said district, who has been heretofore duly declared bankrupt, under the act of Oongrcsa entitled "An act to a more uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved March al, for a discharge and certificate thereof, from all debts and other claims provable unihT said act, aud that the 3d day of Feb'y, UTS, at 10 A. before W. W. Forbes, one of the of said court in bankruptcy, at his In Richmond, in said district, is the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where you may attend and show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted.

You are hereby notified, that the second and third meetings of the creditors of said bankrupt will he held at the same lime and place. W. W. FORHES, Register in Bankruptcy ja for Con'l Dist. of Vn.

1- THK DISTRICT COURT OF THK: UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Virginia. In the matter of William Jones, bankrupt bankruptcy. At Richmond, on the day of January, 1872. Tf) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Please to take notice hereby, that a petltlnhas been, to wit: on the day of Jan 1872, tiled In said District Court by Wm. Jones, of Petersburg city, la said disiriet, who been heretofore duly declared bankrupt onderihe act of Congress entitled "An act to establish a more uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United approved March 2d, fora discharge and certificate thereoi, from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and Ihat the day of Jan'y, 1872, at 10 o'clock A.

before W. W. F'orbes, one ot the registers of snid court in bankruptcy, at Ids office in Richmond, In said district, is the tin. and place assigned for the hearing of the same when and where you may attend and show if any you have, why the prayer of the said petition should not bo granted. Yon are also heroby notified, that the soconut and third meetings of the creditors of the bankrupt will be held at tho same lime and place.

W. W. FORHES, Register in Hankruplcy for the ja Con'l of Xn. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE U-I TED STATES tn the Eastern District of Virginia. lv the matter of James B.

bankruptcy. At Iticlimond, on'ihe 4lh day of January, T( I WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Please to take notice hereby, Iliat a petition has been, to wit: on the 4th dnv of January, 1872, filed in said District Court by Jas. B. Mc- Cullock, of Dinwiddio in said District, who luis been heretofore duly declared bankrupt tinds.r the act of Congress entitled "An act to estahl- a uniform system oi bankruptcy throughout United States," approved March 2d. 18UT, tcf: a discharge and certificate thereof from his debts and other provable under act, and that the I.lth day of January, IM-J, at 10 o'clock A.

before W. one of the registers of said court in htiuarnptcy, at his office in Richmond, in said disnrict, is the time and plana assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where you may attend and show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. You are also hereby notilh-d, that the and third meetings, ol the creditors of tlie said', bankrupt v. ill be holdiu the same timeand place W. W.

FORBEB, Register in Bankruptcy for the ja Cong'l Dist. of 3670. IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES for the Eastern Di-rid of Virginia. lv the matter of John I. jtilitt, bankrti' bankruptcy.

At Y'orktown, on this Mb. day of January, 1872. TO WHOM IT MAY CO-O-RN': Please to take notice hereby, that a petition hasbeen, to wit: on the lr.ih day of November, must, filed in said District Court by J. F. Hughlett, ot Lancaster county, In said district, who hatbeen heretofore duly declared bankrupt undertheact of Congress entitled "An act to establish more uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the united Slates," approved March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof, from all W.

debts and other claims provable under said and lllat the 3d day of February, 1572, a', hi o'clock A. before J. 1.. Waterman, one tihe registers of said court in bankruptcy, at office in Yorktown, in said district, is the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same when and where you may attend and show cause. If any you have, why th" prayer of the said pc tit ion should not be granted.

J. L. WATERMAN. Register in Bankruptcy for the ja Ist Oong'l Dist. of Vn.

I- THE DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES for Ihe LnslcmDistricl, Virginia. In the matter of George Jackson, bankrupt: bankruptcy. At Alexandria, ou the 18th day of December. A. D.

1871. TO WHOM IT CONCERN: Please to take notice hereby, been, to-wit: ou the 13th, day of Hied in said District Court by Jackson, of Fauipiler county, in said district, who been heretolore duly declared bankrupt under the act of Congress entitled "An act -tv establish a uniform system, of bankruptcy throughout the States," approved March 2d, 1807, for a discharge and certilicaie thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 13th day of Jan'y, at 1872, 0 o'clock A. before Lysander Hill, one of ihe registers of sftidl court in bankruptcy, ut ouieein Alexund la, ii.i said district, is the assigned for tie-' hearing of the same, whi-u and where you may attend and show eau-e, if any you have, why the. prayer of the said petilion should not be grunted. You are also hereby notified, that ihe setou and third meetings ot the creditors of the snhd will be held at the same time and placw.

LYSANDER HILL, Register in Bankruptcy lor de V2w tlie 7lh Cong'l Dist. of IM 111 DISTRICT COURT OF I 111. UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Air 1 ginia. In the matter of ftreenbury Grimes, bank bankruptcy. At Alexandria, on the 13th day of December, 1171.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Please to take notice hereby, thata petitiut- been, to wit: on the day of May, said District Court by ft. Grimes, of county, in said district, who has been duly declared bankrupt under the act of entitled "An act to establish a more system of bankruptcy throughout the approved March 3d, lse7, lor a disr' -nd certificate thereof, from all and other claims provable under said ml thai the 13ih day of January, 1872, tv 9 o'clock A. before Lysander Hill, one of the registers of saiil conrtin bankruptcy, at iv Iriii, in said district is the and place assigned foi the hearing of Ihu sar.ic; when and where you may attend ami sl-vv cause, if any you have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. You are also hereby notified, that the second and third of the creditors of said bank rupt will be held at tlie same time and place. LYSANIIEHHILL.

Register in Bankruptcy for the F2w 7th Dist. of Vn 1000. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Eastern District ..1 Virginia Hi the matter of James C. Birdsong, bankrupt bankruptcy. Eastern lUstrict of Virgioia, ss: Notice is hereby given that a lastgeneral meeting of creditors of the said Jas.

('. Birdsong, bankrupt, tor the purpose of declaring a dividend, will be held at Richmond, at the olllce of W. W. Forbes, register bankruptcy, in said district, ou Tuesday, the loth de.y of January, 1872, ut 10 o'clock A. in accordance with the provisions of Hie 27ih and JSth sections ot the bankruptcy act of March 2d.

ItST. Dated in Richmond, this 2d day of Jnnuiuy lt-72. TURNBULL, ja 8-M2w Assignee WEEKLY STATE Only (ll.fio per annu.

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