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The Clarence Courier from Clarence, Missouri • Page 1

Clarence, Missouri
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Clarence Courier VOLUME XXXVI CLARENCE, SHELBY COUNTY, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1916 NUMBER 24 The Meeting of Democrats and Barbecue Notice from City (iouncil. All persons are hereby notified In the Probate Court of Shelby Court ty, Missouri, August Term, 1916, Death of Mr. Minick. Wm. Thomas Minick ed at his home five and a h-df miles northeast of town Wednesday morning, 6, after fn illness of about two montrs, lie was George W.

Boring, a Pioneer Citizen Died Thursday. The death of George W. Boring, occurred at his hooie in this city on Thurs.Y.y. 7th. Ho was that the ruling of the City Council in reference to he paying of Ordinance No.

139. An relation to the construction of a new sidewalk on North end i lot No 11 in block No. 8 in Olarmee, Missouri. Be it ordained uy Hoard of Aldermen of tlie Ciiy of Clarence. Missouri as follows: 1.

1'hat the construe; ion and maintenance of a sidewalk along the south side of barn April 13, IS 41 ynd was held i one of the havi ng in the? highest esteem by who knew him. Mr. Minick wss a member of the church at Bacon Chapel and was a good christian man and will be greatly missed lived in CIkiv. thirtv years. Eigh'e'ii moi.ihs ngo he received r.

stroke of paralysis aud there whs c.Iy from 4 to 5 months after which that he was able to be up. During the few months that he was able to be out of the house he came up town two days and At Shclbyville. The Democratic County Committee have decided to have a barbecue in Shelby County aud Shelby ville his been decided upon as the place. Tiie date has not yet been lixel and will be announced Inter. T03 secretary of the county Dr, Wood of Lest ner is in correspondence with the ate Committee for speakers for ti day.

The speakers will be men of national reputation and the very best possible to ba obtained. The barbecue- bavin' become so old that it is now new and there are probably many people of middle nge and young wlio never attended ore but most everybody is anxious to have the onjortuni- light accounts will be rigidly enforced. Your monthly accounts will be duo and payable on the-10th to the L'5th of each month and after that tima you will be mailed 1 24 hour notice of the discontinuance of service, after whic tho collector MUST turn all accounts over to the electrician and you will be required to pay $1 00 extra, whether or not your line has betn cut. This ruling has iii en made for the protection of the city's best interest and we hope to have the support of good citizens. Do not blame the collector or the electrician they are simply following their instructions and aro in no way to blame if your service is discontinued on account of your violation of the rules.

Respectfully, Cl'IV BOAKD AlDEK.M KV. 1 1 til day of September, 1916, Estate of Martha A. Hyatt, Deceased. Order of Publication 011 this day come R.dmgs, Aumiuistrator of tne of Alartiiii a. llymt, late.

01 saiU County, deceased, Mnd pre seuts to ine Uourt Ins petuioL praying fcr an order lor tne sale of certain real estate of which saw Manna A. Hyatt died seized, de scnoeu as follows: Lot number Six (j), Block Nuuibtr Fifteet U5) in tlie City ot Clarence, County of Shelby and Stite of to pay the aebts of said estate; which said petition ii accompiuGu by the accounts, lists and inven tones as required by law, showing that said estate is indebted am that said debts are unpaid, anc that there is not sutlijient assets on hand to pay the same. On examination thereof, it is ordered by the Court, that ah persons interested in the estate said deceased be notified that as aforesaid has beet. maiJe, and that unless the coutrari be shown on or before the Ursv paid a short visit to relatives at Brooklirld and Cherry Box. On iast Christmas day he rccsived his second stroke of paralysis and has since that time been an invalid and received the constant and affectionate care of his only daughter Street the city or Clarence, Missouri and on the north ena of Lot Eleven (11) in Block Eight (8) oi the City of Clarence, Missouri be a a the same is hereby declared to be a nec3ssit; that said side walk b3 constructed jvithout curo-ing on the side thereof, shall twenty live (25) feet in length, foty (40) inches iu width urul sl.ail be constructed of granitoid material of the following proportions: Three -find one-half (3) inches of crushed rock, sand ana cement composed of lour parts jock, two parts sand and one I'or-iand comeni; to bo well tamp ed and completed with a top finish hflf inch in thickness compos P.xtund cemoat not only by his immediate fami'y but by his many friends.

He leaves to mourn their loss one son, John Wesley, one daughter, Mrs. F. Perry and one sister, Mrs. Nancy Jane Barr, Fcneral services were held at Bacon Chapel Friday morning at eleven o'clock conducted by Rev. Browning assisted by the regular pastor, Rev.

C. H. Werner. Daath of Marian Collins. Mr.

Marian Collins passed away very suddenly at his home Wednesday morning about seven o'clock af'er an illness of nbout a year of and child at home, Miss Emma, who gave up her position with the B.dsher Dspt. store at tho he received his first paralitic stroke. Geo. W. Bering was barn April 18th, 1838, in Greene county, nearGreoulield, 111., u'od in Clarence Mo Sept.

7th, HMO, aged heirt trouble. Although ha had vent a boot hi. work ty. The menu wiil ba roisted besf and mutton, broad, pickles and coffee. While it will be a great Democratic lova our Republican friends are not barrel, but ara especially invited to come and participate in the festivities.

From five to ten thousand people are expected. It will be a biu day for Shelbyville and the Democrats over the county are expected to help finance the affair. reeling as wen as iir.d sat down to thfl table to Chrsitian Church. Good audiences greeted the at both services Sunday. eat breakfast.

Just as his wif Come again. A good C. E. meeting led by Mrs. O.

P. Daniel, was day of tha next term of this court, to be held on the 13th day of November, next, an order will be started to pour his coffee he fell over in his chair as if to pick up Section 2 a. at the Stre. uiissioner of the said city i ence, Missouri oo tuu ne is by required, witlnu ttn duy trie date of this ordiuanco, io with the Citv Cle.k plans atd specilications for the construction of said sidewalk, include the kind of material, estimate of the cost of material and estimate of very interesting Miss Marie Snodgrass loads the meeting next something from the floor. Iinme Sunday evening at All diately she went to him and found young people should enlist in C.

78 years, four months and nineteen days. He was married to Augusta J. Reynolds in Waverly, April 5th, 1864. To th; union wero born nine childrer five girls and four boys, all oi whom survive'to mourn their loss with the exception of one boy who died in infancy. They are Mrs.

May Gh-ner, Leonard, Mrs. Clara Carroll, Dayvillo, Oregon; Mrs. Susie Taylor, Bethany, Mrs. Jessie Willey, Fort Smith, him and his death was a E. great to her, though she the cost of the work to be done Juniors at 2:30 Sunday after inplnrlmor u-radinff.

if grading be redized he could not live long. noon. The deceased was oorn in Febru Ralph Watkins Returns to State University. Rilph Watkins, after a short vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. S. Watkins of this city-returned to Columbia last week, where he is teaching in Dr. Mer-iam's Elementary School, (which Ladies' Aid at the church every required. Section 3.

That when said esti mutes have been tiled and approv ary 1S41 and was married to Miss Alice Cockrell and to this union fd bv the Board of Aldermen of made for tne sale of real estati in said petition described, or so much thereof as shsll be suflluieni for the payment of said debts. And it is further ordered tl at a copy of this order be published ir. a newspaper published in saio County of Shelby, for lour weehs prior to the next term of this Court and that a copy of said order be ser ved upon each resident heir of said deceased, who resides in Shelby at least ten days before the first day of our November Term, 19 1G, of this court. STATE OF MISSOURI, COUN IT OF SHELBY, )' 8Sl Rice G. Maupin, Judge of the Probate Court, held in ana for three children were born, one son dying in infancy, one daughts dying about ton years ago and the other son, L.

I. Collins resides in Thursday afternoon. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. The uastor leads. Come.

All the regular services next Sunday. Big Sunday School at 9:45 Let's reach 200 sure. The Pastor was called to Illinois last week to conduct the funeral of Mrs. S. E.

Cannon. Tho Hagers Grove meeting closed with 29 additions to the Vlscon. He joined the church at Miss Emma Boring of this city, J. E. Boring and Harry M.

Boring of Hartford, and Frank W. Boring of Novelty, Mo. He leaves one brother, William II Boring, of Boring, Oregon, twelve grand children and three great grand children. His wife preceded him to the great beyond is in connection with the University He teaches in this sc'iool three hours a day, besides this he teaches two classes in the Univer sity- He also spenls a pirt of his time studying and attending 11 1- the said City or Clarence, the raid Street Commissioner shail give notice in writing t. the owner of said lot that said sidewalk has been ordered constructed by the Board of Alderman of the said city oi Clarence, Missouri, and thai said owner be required to construct said sidewalk within thirty days from the service of said notice and that iu default of tba construction of said sidewalk, by the owner of said lot, within thirty days from the service of said notice the Board of Alderman of th.3 said city of Clarence, Missouri wiil cause said sidewalk to be constructed in with the ordinances of the said city of Clarence and the laws of the Union and later moved his mem bership to Woodville and was a true christian gentleman.

He leaves a devoted wife and one son, besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Funeral services were held at Unio.i at two o'clock Thursday af said County and State, do hereby church. The church there has taken on now life. certify tha above and foregoing to Dec. 14, 1908 be a true and correct copy of the lie made a profession of relig Order of Publication as shown by Moved to St.

Charles, Mo. scnooi ana expects 10 receive Master's degree at the en 1 Uit-next summer school. He is of the best young men of Clarence and is ambitious and with no prov idential hindrance will make his mark in this world. ion at the age of 13 years aud the Probate Order Book at This week Rev V. O.

White united with the Methodist church ternoon, conducted by Undertaker, and family are moving to St. and lived a devoted christian life E. E. Hopper. u.ari?s, where they will reside until death.

He was a member of Death of Aunt Ellen Burton. Mrs. Ike Burton (colored) or as the Masonic lodge for 53 years, having been raised to the sublime page found in our Probate Of-liie at Shelbyville, Missouri. IN WITNESS WHLRI OF, I hereunto set my hand and allix the senl of our said Court. Done a' ollice in Shelby v.

lie, Missouri thif-11th day of September, l'JIG. rct. RrcE G. Judge of Probate. degree of a Maiter Mason in Greentield, 111., i- His membership transferred for the next year Rev.

White has been pastor of the Center Sr. Methodist Church for tho past four years and has done a splendid worn in Clarence. He a broad-minded christian gentleman, whose work is not confined merely to his own congrega tion, but finds opportunity an-: time to be a great factor in real service as a citizen and a man who to the Clarence lo )g. in 1875. He was a faithful number and state of Missouri.

Section 4 This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and ailer its pissage, approval and publication. Parsed September 11th. 191C. Approved September 11th, 1916. John' C.

Rickey, Mayor. H. J. Shekwood, Presi dent of the Board of Aldermen Attest: E. V.

RAGi.ANtCity Clark. Hollender-DeGmodl. Married at St. Josephs church, Louisania, by Rev. Walter Gleeson at 3 p.

m. on the 27th of Aagust, Mr. George Hollenler of Fruitdale, S. D. and Miss Florence DeGroodt of Louisania, Mo.

Air. Hollender is the son of Mrs. R. Holleruder of this city and a successful hardware merchant of Fruitdale. Miss is tho daughter of Mrs.

G. DeGroodt of Louisania aad has been for several years past a teacher in the pub was familiarly known, Aunt Ellen died at her home Saturday morning at 11:45. The deceased was born in Flavannah in 1841, being 72 years old at the time of her death. She was brought to Kentucky by Mrs. Charles Mitchell when seven years of ago and in 1855 she came to Missouri remaining with her mistress until 1876.

The remaining part of her life hti3 boon spent here in Clarence with her aged husband who with her 'three chil is left to mourn her depart In Honor of Mother. A surprise birthday dinner was regular in attend 21; wiici neaitn permitted. He moved to Shelby County, in March 1872 settled naar L3onard bat afterward moved to Clarence, making his home in Sheloy County for forty four years. His funeral was held at the Center Street Methodist church, Saturday, Sept, 9th, attei: o'clock a. conducted by Rev.

Yount, of Macon. The remains were in charge of the A. F. and A. M.

t.s.jr.uch joyed at the home of Mrs. is interested in the welrare ami happiness of his fellow citizens, lie wiil i.e remembered by tl.e citizens of Clarence for his go-. works, and their very best wishes for him and his family go with them to his new field of labor as presiding elder of the St. Charles district. Listen People This is what the Star Theatre Management lor you: i'ujrsday nights, every week.

id' Myra tne serial out of the oruinury ana one you wh. hlie for it keeps you interested al tne time. It has the puch ant Entirely Uifl'erent fron. anything ever attempted in a. serial Each episode contains a completi mystery story aud produceu ir.

such tx remarkable muuuor mat 1 mere ciaild can understand it an; it appeals to all classes, young an. old. With this serial we wil. show you 2 extra reels of tional, animated and cartoon pic tores tint are well worth jou; time and money to see this for 5 and 10 cents. Friday, Sept.

15, a Fox production entitled Fcol There Was' featuring Theda Wara iu five reels. lic sehool there and is a beautiful and popular young lady. Ttieir many friends wish them success in their new home. ure. Aunt Eilen was a good christiau woman and loved by all tiTiry Glahn near LeoLaro Sunday, Be pt.

10, by eight of her el- in honor of her (51th bi rthday. For dinner they had the fatted IsiVib with other kinds of meats, sayadi, vegetables of all kinds and the tables fairly groaned under its who knew her and expressed her self as being ready to meet her God and proved her love to her Meeting of C. W. B. M.

The C. W. B. M. Iield a mcetinif at the home of Mrs.

G. W. Willey Friday afternoon, with Mrs Lodge. Interment in Maple wood Cemetery. Three sisters and one brother The Home and School League will meet Thursday evening of at Willey as leader.

A lar.e crowd were not aole to ba hare to tend the funeral. This is another picture you mus not miss, it you do don olami was present and the meeting was one of much interest. Miss Stella Hiner and Rev. W. Pearson accomodated the gr.est by taking them to this home in their cars.

Besides the members cf the auxiliary there were eight visitors present. Tne hostess serve! ice and cake. next week at 8 o'clock at the school building. Every one invited to come. Prof Smith has been appointed chairman of tho program committee and we will surely be well entertained aud instructed.

Parents acd teachers are requested to report to this committee any one (especially the children) who will assist in the pro gram. We take this opportunity to thank all who in any way contributed to the great success of weigh, and was a dinner ana a time long to be remembered and may they all live to enjoy many more such hapny occasions to gether. Mrs. (iiahn his eleven chiLren and all were except three who reside in Oklahoma. The chi drcn an 1 guests brought with them presents with lov- and respect for their mother and fri.nd '1': OS? who tnjoveil an I to ihi "tc oi n-ueh plca for Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Glnhn and daughter, Frances Arnetf, Dr. and Mrs.

C. P. Glfci of Pibii.vra, Mr. and Fred Johnsoo of Mr aud Mr. Otis friends by asking them to meet her in heaven.

As a nurse she was trusty aud kind, as a wife she was loving and true. After the death of Mrs. Will Barley she. raised the family who are now residing in Paris. Dear old nurse, they will miss your kind words an I smiles, they will miss you but most sadly in the home by the aged companion.

May he lean on him who doeth all things well. A precious one us has gone, A voice we loved is still. A place is vacant in our home, hich never can be filled. A sad message was received here Sunday afternoon by Harry Tug-gle stating his mother, Mrs. J.

M. Tuggle was seriously ill at her home in Shelbina and to come at once. He was motored to that place by C. A. Powell and in fifteen minutes after arriving hi mother died.

She was 68 years, 4 months and 22 days of age and had been sick about five weeks. She leaves a devoted husband, seven children and seven me for failing to tell you in These high class entertainment; coat money to get them and tht price of admission on these Foi pictures is 10 and 15c. Shepard'i Orchestra. Sat. 10, a Gold Rooster entitled "The Bliss of Ignorance" and a funny comedy.

Always shows Saturday Dights 5 and 10c the reception given the teachers) at the opening of the school. Es-I Next Tuesday, Sapt 10 you wil Clean up Old Cemetery. On Wednesday, Sept. 20th, has been agreed upon ns the day to clean up and beautify the grounds in the old city cemetery and parties who own lots and have loved ones buried therein are hereby requested to and assist or to lshn and sen, (.. Mrs.

Robert pecially do we thank the orchestra see a Paramount picture entitle and those rendering the program, i One of our Girls" featuring Ha Ray and three children, Thelma, AJazoand Kenneth. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Glahn, Ed Glahn, God in bis wisdom has recalled To whom his ove had given. And though the body here slum A.

Siith, President, zel Dawn. Ihis is anotner grea-, I picture 5 and 10c On Tuesday. Gertrude Glahn, Dr. and Mrs. A.

Sept 26, Mary Pickford "In of the Storm Country." Don' contribute $1.00 toward defraying bers, The soul is safe in heaven. Funeral services were held at the the colored church Monday the expensa. City of Clarence. Miss Pearl Adams of Laclede Afternoon lea. The of Center St, Methodist church will give a tea at the home of Mrs.

C. W. Griswold Fri. afternoon, Sept. 15th.

Every body invited. Mrs. I. M. Minick and Mr.

and Mrs. Charlei Layne were Macon visitors Monday. Fair Warning to Bicycle Riders. All parties ara hereby notified and warned against riding bicyles on the walks in the city of Clarence. Anyone found guilty will be punished in accordanae with ordinance governing same.

J. C. Rickey, Mayor. Arnett and son, Gordon of Movol-ty, Mr ann Mrs. L.

C. Stover, Mrs. Neva Copenhaver and two children, Edith and Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glihn and grand-dauzhter, Lavena, Chas.

Garner and two children, Mary and Kenneth, Dene Priest and live children, Myra, Margaret, Eugenia, Joeanna and Tommie. afternoon 11, at 2:30, forget the date. Will tell yet. more about this one next week With the above nrogram be fori you you can readily see that Clar in a class with the best the atres of the country regardless oi size of the town. Nothing bette; to be had by any one at any price.

came Monday to begin her work as principal at the Holiness Col Miss Aretha Hart left Monday for Kirksville where she will attend the Normal school. lege which opened yesterday morcing. I.

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