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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 27

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Oakland Tribune, Sunday, June 26, 1949 B-5 Dedication Rites Scheduled at PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WILL ORDAIN OAKLAND CANDIDATE DR. RALPH BUNCHE TO SPEAK IN S.F. New Bethel Presbyterian Church the Jewish Survey and B'nai B'rith, the San Francisco Chamber cf Com mexce and-the World Affairs Ceun cil of Northern California. Tickets may be procured through The new creamed -cobred, mis Dr. Ralph J.

Bunche, director of the United Nations trusteeship division, win jpeak on -jhg United Nations, Palestine and World Security." at. 8 pjn. July 12 in the Scottirh Rite Auditorium. San Francisco, 'Dr. Bunche, who is retiring as Acting United Nations Mediator for Palestine, is being presented by the American Association for the United Nations, the Council for Civic Unity, sion-style buH? Bethel; Community Presbyterian Church, the sponsoring organizations.

Ordinand Called To Pastorate; In New Mexico 14235 Bancroft. Avenue. San Lean-dro, will be dedicated 'this after- i noon at 3. The church's young General Assembly Moderator Will Attend Ceremony By ERNEST M. FOWLER Church Editor, The Tribune The Rev.

Dr. Jesse Baird, Modera pastor, ex-Navy chaplain leonara Bovd. who has lea tne anve ior the construction of the church dur- fc. A. way.

Rev. George Warmer Jr The Problem of Pain," 11 ajn. ing the two years ci.nis pabiormc, announced that the following people will participate in the dedica Laurel Methodist. Kansas and Mc- tor el the of the! Gee. Rev.

Donald C. Smiley. "High lights from Conference," 11 ajn. tion service: The Rev. Gernt Verkuy trans Presbyterian Church, TLS.A- will First Christian, 29th and Fair- retain from world, travels and be mount Rev.

Donald F. West, "Blessed are the Persecuted for Right lator of the "Berkeley New Mr. Robert Macdonald, past vfce-moderator of the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church, present to assist at the ordination eousness "Sake," ill' a.m. 4 ol Roger ex-army lieu i Elmhurst SSth Avenue tenant and Oakland-born candidate and East 14th Street George R. U.SJV-; tne Rev.

r-aui mix, inmij Presbyterian Church, San Fran- for the ministry, at Brooklyn Pres Coleson, "God limited or i Un limited'; 7:45 aJOi, "Full Assurance." byterian Church, East 15th Street ciSto and the Bev. Lester ri Eisei, and 12th. Avenue, 9 pjn. today. I first CBlversalist, 491 Cheney business manager ef the San Francisco Prebytery.

A graduate of Roosevelt High Avenue (Grand Laxe District, Rev. One of the features of the open ScaooL, Wallace spent aix years with Bernard Ruggles. i ill -V Jzi Jzpvry JJ the old Farmers and Merchants ing worship for the church will be Piedmont Community, Highland Bank in Oakland prior to taking a I and Mountain Avenues, Dr. Holland the Bible which was used in the original Presbyterian Church at B.A. degree in Public Health at the University of California.

After F. Burr, The Strength of the Hills," Benicia, first organized 11 a.m. church in California. graduation from the University, to I First ITnltaxian. 6S5 14th Street.

Another feature will be the music. Rev. Arnold Crompton, "Religion 1941, ce wa inducted as a private I in the anriy. In 1942 he was as Led by Mrs. Catherine Seymour, Takes a Holidajf 11 ajn.

First Trinity Lutheran, 17th Ave former operatic singer, graduate in signed to Officers Candidate School, Edgewood Arsenal, -for training in chemical Warfare and was assigned to teach meterology there upon his nue and- East l5tn Street Rev, piano and voice from the Julliard Institute of Music in New York, Alfred W. Koehler, "God Wants and student of Madam Marcella Action," 10:45 ajn. Sembrich; the choir and organ graduation, Grand Lake Lutheran, Euclid and Van Buren Avenues. Rev. W.

G. music of the church has a bright He then went to duty at Camp The Key. H. H. Kdppek matin, assistant executive secretary of the 'Board of Foreign Missions of the Lutheran Church.

Missouri Synod will make Bay area appearances today at the Zion Lutheran Church, and Trinity Lutheran Church, (See ChurcheU Barfceiey, Texas. Duty- with the Ths crdincrtion' tenict oi Roger B. Wallace, Oakland-bom ex-Army lieutenant and graduate of San Francisco Theolcxjjcal Seminary, will take place today at 5 pjn. at the Brooklyn Presbyterian Church 12th Avenue at Tp 15th Street: future. -The building, designed by Oak' Ruehle, The Greatest 11 ajn.

86th Chemical Mortar Battalion, Camp Swift, Texas; participation in the Normandy Beachhead, the 8th land architect M. V. Mowbray, is modified Spanish Mission in style, Redeemer Lutheran, (1st. Arenac and Brann Street, Rev. Frank A.

Haedicke, "Love -or Hate," 8:30 and Corps occupation of Brittany and and has a creamy, exterior, while the 1st Army, assault on the West- 11 ajn. I the is painted a soft green with ivory trim, $10,000 of its cost was donated in the wail iouowed. After VE Day, wal. First CongregaUonat 26th and Harrison. Rev.

Dr. Clarence N. lace, who had been commissioned first lieutenant h-r ttm a form of materials and labor. Be-. Reidenbach, The Need for Rest' 11 ajn.

cent to Manila and shortly after-1 First Presbyterian Church. Santa side the sanctuary, the structure co-operated to make the new struc includes six class rooms, the minis ward was assigned to inactive duty.j Clara Avenue and Chestnut Street, New Pilgrim Congregational, 5763 ter's study, and a projection booth. aiterwara, wtth his wife fat ajn. Has subject will be "The ture a project in which -young and old have participated. Walnut Rev.

George W. Lindsay Sermons in Stones," 11 ajn. The congregation formerly wor shipped in an Army surplus bar This afternoon's service of dedica- the former Wanda Gowanlock, he Challenge ol These Times." moved to San Vnselmo to prepare alsley was well known in welfare for the (ministry at the San Fran- and civic circles during his Oakland Bay View Villa Community, 1624 ft racks, which housed not only tion will be the answer to their work and i their dreams. I 22nd Street Rev. Spurgeon.

J. May Sunday school, but also, sanctuary. field, "Planted in the House of the -Z3 iz3 ciscopneoiogicar minary. Since pastorate, and fostered a 500 per January of this year. Wallace has cent increase in the congregation of 1 Jli -a.

I Facilities for worship and teaching Lord," 11 ajn. oeen aif ecwr oi reugious eaucati on xne local enure n. Lakeshore Baptist, 351S Lakeshore were taxed to the limit as the -r- A A population in that vicinity began 1 TrVlAV. J. I ai ine isrooKiyn fresoyterlan A gronp of four Student Summer Avenue.

Rev. Harold N. Geistweit v-uuxcfl, wnere ne cas aiso oeen a Service workers of the Northern to mushroom. The Presbyterian denomination "The Church in Thy House," 11 8 pjn- "Are You Fighting Your memDer oi we session lor fourteen California Congregational Confer was assigned the area by self." ears. graauatea mis; spring ence Pilgrim Fellowship will take from the San Anselmo School" with charge of the morning worship at Lakeside Unity Temple, 1433 DR.

BEAUCHAMP REALIZES THAT A GREAT MANY PEOPLE HAVE NEGLECTED DENTAL ATTENTION because they have had to use their savings for other necessities of life, therefore, DR. BEAUCHAMP MAKES THIS DENTAL OFFER one SO LOW in prlee and so liberal In credit that a visit to his office should convinca you that DR. DEAUCHAMP'S OFFER OF TODAY IS BY ALL COMPARISON ONE OF HIS MOST OUTSTANDING. Come In this week and SEE for YOURSELF. Madison Street Alma M.

Morse oarag majorea in li B.m. in the Fruitvale theology. tional Church. Fruitvale Avenue at To tect the strength and durability of the Paravox Hearinai Aids for you. four aids rvccnUy were dropped COO feet from an airplane.

ALL. were undamaged, and continued to function perfectly. BRYAN ISIS BROADWAY (oT.i.n.w.) speaker, "Christians After ordination, Wallace, together East 16th Street, today. The student munity council, a co-operative planning group sponsored by the major Protestant denominations of the Bay area when it was seen that the war-time community-building speed demanded a church- to serve it The people of the community, with his family will co. immediately wnrVen arm a tw; tww 11 ajn.

Central Lutheran, 215 Rid re way. Alf I.L Kraabel. "Deliver Us from Evit" 9:30 Trirle Imperative," 11 ajn. to New Mexico, to become Wocdworth of the Pacific School of pastor of the only Presbyterian Religion. During the week, they Church in that City.

will conduct a survev of the com. TW 3-5005 TW 3-4900 also seeing the need for worship and training of their young people, The Rev. Dr. I Herbert Booth munitv for the Fraitvsl church. in PM JVJ iSli SpSSJSI? 5811 rra2" A SingspirsUon, under; the aa- ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT UJiyjWk JV I the Presbyterian Church.

uAa i1w.w i xl on in nav irw 1 1 ii ijiin will preside at the ordination serv First Presbyterian, 26th and Broadway. Dr. Henry Marcotte, interim pastor, Is That in Thy Hand," 11 a.m.; ain. Forum, "Occidental Orientals," Miss Ethel V. Higgins, director of Ming Quong Home.

Park Boulevard Presbyterian Church, 4101 Park Boulevard. The Faith That Casts Out Fear," 11 a.m. I unity Church, according to Jim i Tt i HEAD NOISES YIELD TO DRUGLESS METHOD Brady, chairman, and Albert Towne, of the San Theological prty chairman. AU young peo Seminary and current ffloierator of SAVE NOW! PAY LATER! 0WL1 ill WAY IF El pie are invitedV the Gercral Assembly, will give the ordination address. The ordination SERMON TOPICS prayer will be given by the Rev.

various sounds, ear wax, stoppage, sinusitis, Catarrh, blood pressure. Filrrim Lutheran. 3900 J5th Ave Dr. Robert E. Cooper, retired ex pastor of the Brooklyn Church; nue; Rev.

Robert schermann, "The Rev. Dr. Stanley A. Hunter Test of Love, 11 ajn. or! etc NO MATTER how stubborn 'SL Panlns Lutheran.

Telerranh of St Johns Presbyterian Church, On approval ef your credit, at my OAKLAND OFFICE, have your aenta! plates made NOW and you art not expected to pay' one penny, until after OCTOBER -1st. THEN you can start small weekly or monthly payments. You may taka as long at 21 MONTHS TO PAY. No charge for asy credit. PROGRAMS Two families, recently arrived from Estonia, will be special guests of the Central Lutheran ChurcM 215 Ridgeway Avenue today.

Mr. and Mrs. Willem Moll, their two daughters Merle and Zilja and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Plakk and their two sons, Rein and Tomu, who are Berkeley, will give the prayer of Avenue at 41st Street Rev.

Wm. F. An amazing NEW drugless method has proven so successful in the care of head noises. RINGING and BUZZING in ears, deafness, catarrh and sinus trouble, that NOW a complete examination and fuS report is offered without COST or OBLIGATION to those suffering from any of these distressing ailments. To introduce and explain his system for improving HEAD NOISES, Dr.

Shepherd will give a personal hearing checkup, including test for worship. Also participating will be Peters, "Excuses Make," Divine Rev; John Lars Hamerson, pastor I Worship German; 10 ajn Divine chronic your case -may be, if will PAY YOU to have this done without If he feels he cannot help you, be will tell you so. Go this week! See Dr. J. P.

Shepherd, D.C, Ph.C 644 28th St. corner of Grove. Oakland' of the Centennial Presbyterian, who Worship, English, at 11 a.m. will make the prayer of Shattuck Avenue Methodist, Shat "Don't pay me AflY, MIEY the Rev. Ralph E.

Vandersall of the tuck; at 63rd Street "Conference making their new homes in the uroomyn Church who Willi make Reports," 11 ajn. Phone HI gate 4-5537. Office First Methodist, 24th and Bread-! Continued en Page C-B, CoL 4 the charge" to the minister; the Rev. 10 to 6. of Ernest z.

Bradley, Concord, and the on yoar neiv Dental Plate Rev. Dr. John Barton Payne, who" is returning from taking his Ph.D. degree at Princeton. nn ni A reception honoring the newly- Mil ordained minister and his' family UkvlUJ wiU be given in; the lecture hall of until after Oct.

-1st" Your work Is COMPLETED AT ONCE en approval ol your cradif. Start paying approximately 12 WEEKS AFTER YOUR NEW PLATES ARE DELIVERED TO YOU. the, church following the service. RELIGIOUS RADIO The ministers ef the Bay Area Federation of Church, Councils, who wm speak on the Morning Watch are important to GOOD E-D A C-3 and MOB APIPEAkAnCE lit Flatcs FATHER AULLFOUHDATIOli PROVES DRUCLESS THERAPY CAN BRIIIQ RELIEF TO SUFFERERS FROM ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS, HE A I 1.1,1 ASTHMA AIID OTHER PAINFUL TOXIC ILLS! program, station KRE, 8 to .8:30 a.m. daily during the coming week 31 will be: Monday, Rev.

Robert Fellowship Church, San Tuesday to be announced; Wednes- day, Rev. Herbert Brooke, Shattuck ETrac Karcr AaU i Faanacr Avenue, Methodist; Thursday, Rev. A READ WHY ia i Day 1 CAN OFFER aaaialmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa t. Andrew T. I Armstrong, West If your life is shadowed by Constant pain if arthritis, sinusitis, minster House, Berkeley; Friday, Rev.

Donald F. West, -First Christian; Rev. Herbert Neale, Santa 0S8 YOUR TO COT YOUR i Both Good Health and Good Appearance are essential to social and business success 1 Clara Methodist, The program originates in fee 1 Chimes. Au-Aooara ior Aavenrure. a religious program designed for chil-t dren, will be heard this morning and every Sunday at 8:15 ajn.

en sciatica, hay fever, bronchitis, rheumatism, asthma or some other toxic condition keeps you from enjoying a normal, healthy life then this message is for you! Visit the Father Aull Foundation. Have a free consultation. Find out how the same spedalued drug-less therapy perfected by the Carbolic Priest Father Aull, and administered with such great success in Cenral, New" Mexico, and Tombstone, Arizona, can now be instrumental in bringing welcome relief to you. 1 WHAT THIS DRUGLESS THERAPY HAS DONE FOR OTHERS, IT IS DESIGNED TO DO. FOR YOU READ WHAT OTHERS SAY! a Hen Art Excerpt From j.ccal Testimonials KLX In co-operation with the Paci-j Cc School of Religion and the Oak- PAINLESS PARKER YOU CAM WEAR YOUR MEW; iana council or viurcces.


"I SHICEnELY THAIHC YOIT eo-operation with the Oakland Council of Churches, is. heard each Saturday -at 8:30 ajn. Ernest M. owier is tne reugious news re porter. GUEST SPEAKERS The Rev.

Dr. John B. Paine, for Ia writtae thU tct-tn I waat to thaak toa Father AaU Fafadattaa far r-HTiar my saffer-tar. aai to tell thaae saffartnr tram arth-ritia daa't ra a fca. Grva Father AaU chaaca te hl yam.

Mrs. T. OaUaai, Caul. BraacUal aatkaaa aaada aaa a Maal-taralil far yaan. Trtaa errtaiar I heard at.

Na reUef. After saaath af trtatneata at rather AaU Faaaaattaa 1 an maw mam. aaffariaa. CkakiB aiaaaaaaMa. Hr.

L. Oakland. Calif. Ha4 artlM aatkaas mMI aavia kardlr armtha. Aba, a laas ailtlaa.

DicJ-UUs keat alira. Slaca Ukiat yair traaUaenta asthma i ra ac riisitmlkm. rather AaU traataaaata aavca amy Ufel Mrs.A.T,S.V,CaIiL mer memberVof the Brooklyn Pres WHILE PAYING FOR THEM If you necdjdental plates, you can get them immediately and pay for them, on accepted credit, on weekly or monthly budget terms, arranged to suit your convenience. Modern de'ntal made with new materials all dentkb reammend, are lighter in weight, more natural in appearance. It is possible to get new; plates in one day's time, if no extractions are needed.

byterian Church, and recipient of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Princeton this spring, will preach the morning sermon at the 11 aju; service of the NOTE Anyone temporarily tmemplored dao aa atrikaa or Uyoffa on approral ol your crodit- you may have year dental work attended to now aad start paying any reasonable lengdi el tana after yoo are gainfully re-employed. church at the corner of 12th Avenue and East 15th Street. CdNSULTATION IS FREE MtMbers ef the staff of the Father AbII Foundatiea of San The Zion. Lutheran "Church win havf as guest speaker the Rev. Dr.

H. H. Koppelmann, assistant execu Fraaclsce aad Oaklaai are avait- tive secretary of the Board of Tor ablo for coNsahafioa witkout eign Missions, Lutheran Church, mm U.UliLl i i i charge or obKgatioa. Father Ault KO AFPOMTMEHT NECESSARY FCa LOCAf.UllATIOir The first thing to do is to find out what dental work you oeed. Yoo do not need to make an appointment for this tion come to the office at a time most convenient to you.

Don't delay get this examination NOW! Missouri aynod. at tne II a.m. serv trtihnentt art eafv "UO so as ice. The Rev. A.

A. Levenhagen Is ta serve vaQ at a price all caa pastor nf the church which is at the corner; of 12th and Myrtle afford. Drop ia today. Or streets. er write for appointment.

Caution: The Rev. Dr. H. H. Koppelmann CATHOLIC PRIEST PERFECTS SYSTEM This therapeutic treatment was pioneered and perfected by Father Roger Aull, of Silver Gry, New Mexico, who, through authorized franchises, made his great discovery now available in other parts of the country, dudicg Oakland.

Xa permltUna franchiaed foundatioes la Baa rrandsca and, Oakland. Father AuH speclned that costs must always ba aaedect. ao that help to those whs nff er nlsht not be denied fhoaa who had little to aoend for relief. Therefor, consultation is free aad without ebHaaUoo. Ttaatmeata ara only Ut aaca.

(. Tktre onh' om Father AaU Ftm daHoa is last Bay, wmdtr the H-recHea ef Dr. A. CBriea, D.C. All Types of Dental Work on Credit Terms.

Convenient budet terms apply, to all branches of dentistry; Plate Extractions, Fillings, Crowns, Inlays, Bridgework, Plate Repairs while you wait. OH ALL DEHTAL FLATES -l Director. The Father Aall Foada- will speak and officiate at the 4 pjn. commissioning of the Rev. Vic-; tor Zwintscher as a missionary to Japan.

The service will take place in "the Trinity Lutheran Church, 19th Avenue and Barrett Street, Richmond. Pastors and congregations of about 12 Lutheran Churches of the Missouri Synod will partici-vpate in the service. The Rev. Kop it Asseiataent Ktssssiry laclsdiag UppgrSf Umn isa PirtiaUj ttea is iecatfi en the second floor ef the Ctntral BuiLding, 427 13th LATE mm mmm. mttt fa The Tribaae Tew or.

DR. PAINLESS PARKER. EP AIR ED Fhoaf GLtRteurt 2-0990. Hears: Daily aaU. to puat, Satarday, and REUJIED Fist Strrlct 3V Dentist i 9 taSa.auw, 1313 I Chr fc 1123 Broadway, cor.

12th Telephone GLtneeurt 1-3012 3252 East 14th Street Telephone AN dovtr 1-0267 Cor. 13th Washington ENTRANCE 450 13TH STREET 2ND FLOOR pelmann, former mid-West pastor, is now engaged in organizational work with the young people of the de- nomination. George Attwood, thec4ogical student and member of St Michael's Lutheran Church, Aleatrai and Ben- venue Avenues, will be guest speak-; tr at the church at 11 ajn. today. His sermon will be The Christian Commission." The Rev.

Dr. Frank M. Silsley, tot 13 years pastor of First Presby i -2519 Missle- Srreet 702 Market Street Offices Uf aaa TraaeJatax 1028 Market Street 1802 Geiry Srreet GLcr court 2-2424 terian Church, Oakland, will be Other Offlaet la Saa Jata, Stacktaa. Saeramcato aad An LaaiJac raelfJ Caarn OUes ot the riest speaker in the i 1.

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