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Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan • Page 4

Lansing, Michigan
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4 THE STATE JOURNAL TUESDAY JTXE 3, 1913 THE STATE JOURNAL heavier, nor th toad more valued, than today. Women want "things," thea get aervou prostration taking ear of them. Our Idea of life Is MtMBtK Or ASSOCIATED fUM OMIe. Nnj WakwiM largely baaed on material possessions: th chief ambition of th majority Is to equal or excel the who have more. The thing thst cost most are th superfluities, and the idea la that must have them la quantity.

The automobile haa become as much a Refrigerator Tl of luucurnoN JOCRN AL Is served rifrtui Mail. mt iw ad vase. ROBERT SMITH PRINTING CO. household necessity as beefsteak snd a is not enough for a well regulated family. "The best is th cheapest," is pernicious doctrine, because we asswetata "best" with "most expensive" and thus make price rather than excellence or suitability the standard.

Uzarus And Dives. Despite much that has been said and written to the contrary, health conditions In American cities, as elsewhere In civilization, are Improving, if diminished death-ratea are a criterion. And yet health conditions in our great cities are not good enough to satisfy the humanitarian at any rate those conditions which accompany or follow the gravest social and economic diseases of the body politic. At recent woman's industrial exhibition uere placards showing iltsease-engen-dertng conditions, obviously insanitary sweat-shops, in which consumptives work un underwenr, shirtwalxts. bed and table linen, lace collars and other garments, to be sold on the bargain counter, and to be Introduced with all their germ-content into other homes.

A plecard bore a dot-tor's statement: "I have found 182 families. 179 with contagious disease, doing this Nicely bottled pecans are sold hs titbits for the well-to-do: In this exhibition were photographs of a mother and two children In a squalid room cracking the nuts, one of the children facilitating the work by using its teeth, uv such r'T women and little children also often illecally kept from school) are bristles put into hair-brushes, artificial flowers made and paper cigar- meaacAN state niMMM Braaca firms 1271 Living, save In th matter of renta Hfcorl.1 Rao. and the enhanced price of meata due BaaiMa. OOlc to shot-tag rather than the beef Made of Hardwood and Exactly as Illustrated TERMS: $2.00 Cash, $1.00 Weekly TTEMD4T. JUXE t.

trust would not he so unreasonably high were we content to cut out th superfluities for which pay exorbitant prices, getting nothing but frills and fuss In return. A Safe Summer For Bifres. Now all this would not be so repre "Being a baby." says on jocular authority, "may be classed a a ha- hensible were It not the practice of the who cannot afford It. who aro ardous occupation." Thara la mora grim truth than living up to the laat dollar of their incomes, and ho. in case of a finan humor In the remark, however.

"Be. Ing a baby" haa bean exceedingly has et tubes rolled and licked. One of the most melancholy aspects of our clal disaster or loss of position would be practically penniless. They ardous In Lansing until laat aummer'a civilization, says The Journal of the American Medical Association, is the have been planning how much they cay for sweat-shop work: SI a dozen could apend and taken no heed of campaign against Impure milk forced dealen to safeguard their product and bring It up to a proper standard. With tha new milk ordinance saving.

for skilled work at gloves for which the retailer charges $3 a pair; 30 cents for four hours' crocheting of a It is nor the extravagance of nand-Dag which sells for 11.60. In backed by vigilant authorities who women: It Is the extravagance of everybody. It is a microbe In the 204 inspected homes. 13 per cent of the workers were between five and 10 years of ale: nearly half were under will ace that It la enforced, this should be as safe a summer for the little ones air to which none of ua la Immune aa public law-a can make It. and for which no counteracting serum 14: a fourth of the children worked five hours or more a day after school: ha been discovered.

Economy, fru It must not be forgotten that there I a large measure of reaponalbillty gality. once watchwords even among well-to-do people, are worda likely to three-fourths of three home-working families earned lean than 10 cents an hour altogether. In the end. however, the consumer not Infrequently must pay an awful price In sickne resting on the moth era. Milk may be aa pure aa It la possible to keep It when It Is delivered and within an he classed as obsolete in the dictionaries.

It is Impossible that the present era of money getting and ana in death lor bargains Dreuared hour, through careless handling or ex under such pitiless and often pestilent conditions. Well Indeed has Dr. Solo poaura, be contaminated to a degree money wasting shall go on Indefinitely. When th end comes, as It must. It mon Polis-Cohen- observed that w-htch will make It dangerous.

If not fata), to the child. If the common poverty of Lazarus makes ltfelf felt In the house of yes, and his will be as disastrous to our nation as Redan was to France. infections also: rulea which your physician will give you for the care of milk are observed you will heve safeguarded your child's health to the best of your ability. Insofar as danger from tha milk la concerned. The hot weather la coming on rapidly.

Prepare to take these simple precautions. Don't wait. Do It now. THE INCOME TAX XX. TAX DODGING AND DODGERS.

By FREDERIC J. HASKIN. Needed; A State Building. more tlmn 750.000. and of these, the bulk of the incomes, (according to the English experience, four-fifths), would The creation of tha sanitary live have little opportunity for tax dodging It Is probable that a system ot stoppage at the tource would reach a larger proportion of invnnv.m in stock commission haa created a now demand for an Increase lrith quarters provided for the state depart, menu.

How many more such de the I nited States than In any other country. Including Kngland, since a laricer proportion of the wealth of the I'nlted States is corporate For mands will be necessary before the legislature will admit the absurdity of Instance, the corporation tax returns Its stand this matter? Ko matter what the policy of th The man who can frame a tax law that will not evaded by many people haa not beon born. This applies nut only to Income taxes, but to property taxes as well. One of the principal objections urged against the Income tax Is that It would make us a nation of liars and put a premium upon perjury. One does not have to go very far to find that if we regard undervaluation aa lying and failure to list property as perjury, we are already such a nation and auch a premium already has been placed upon perjury.

To what an unimaginable extent tax dbdging haa been carried on is shown by the records of the Census office. In 14 the unexempled property in the United States was valued at a little more thi i 100.000.000,000. thla valuation being given in by the people to the census enumerators. But when the assessors of taxes went around listing tlthables a little Inter. thee same people placed a valuation of lass than I3, 000.000,000 upon that administration may be, whether It be snow a total corporation capital in the United Ktates of J60.oo0.u0o.000, which is probably more than half of the total wenlth of the country as it win oa revealed when the census economical or liberal, the legislative session always passes without an appropriation being made for a new atate building.

Bureau finishes its tabulations of wealth In 104 the total national wealth was placed at $107. 000. 000. oou During Governor Osborn'a term the cry was "economy," and the addition in England many methods of are retorted to. some legitimate "no otners clearly unlawful.

Many corporations which aro In reality Knglish corporations with branches in to the capltol was side tracked. During the past session it was claimed that the Osborn administration had other countries assume to be foreign corporations in England. (Some cor pinched down so hard on expenditures name property. Th worst evasion, of course, comes with personal property because such a large percentage of that Is Intangible and can escape assessment. It i sr.

bad. Indeed, In many states, If an income tsx law could make It worse It would be surprising: so had that It would be necessary to make the appropriations heavier than usual nnd that no money could ba spared for new quarters. So long as these arguments are held to be good there will never be aa addition to the capltol and no new department building. that one authority declares that few Aa a suggestion we bring up the Wouldn't You Prefer a Refrigerator of this Type? A Gibson High-Grade Michigan-Made Refrigerator Let your mind wander back to the hot, sultry days of last summer; remember how rapidly your ice melted in your refrigerator, often causing tainted food, and how you had to lift heavy pieces of ice up high to place them in the ice chamber; and remember how hard your refrigerator was to clean. You said then that next summer you would buy a Side-Icer Refrigerator that would do away with all this waste and inconvenience.

The time for you to select your refrigerator is now, and remember your past experience with refrigerators when judging this refrigerator that we are presenting today. Why this "Side-Icer" Refrigerator in Particular Tinned Wire Shelves possibilities of a tent. Cannot on be raised on the capltol lawn for the but th Ignorant do not nouge personal property taxes: so bod that an Illinois commission has branded it a school for perjury promoted by law; so bad that In West Virginia they say people regard the payment of personality taxes to be just about as volun-fsry as a Sunday school contribution. How extensive th dodging ot pn son property taxea ta may be shown by th figures from many Mates. The census inquiry of 104 valued the personal property of Pennsylvania at 14.RtS.000.

000 and the tax returns departments that the state legislature creates but will not house? A Ttue Artiste. valued It at New York No more will the billboard be adorned with the pictures of MtM Frltxl Scheff. And street ear passengers, pedestrians and lovers of open air art are undeniably bereft. Tha comic atar characterise the billboard aa a hideous city horror, a defacer cf the landscape, an Intolerable eyesore and not an increase of bog office receipts.

Therefor, not again will her fair face be a contributor to any such municipal delinquency. Vselesa to point out to Frltal that her features on a signboard are much more alluring than the profile of a pot of beans or a bottle of forty-rod whiskey, and that she has In her humble way done something to lift hlllboardlsm from the slough of des There are other refrigerators similar to this one; yes, many of them, but read over the accompanying description and see if you ever knew of a refrigerator that could equal this one in the following points: Dry Cold Air Circulation Tainted food caused by stagnant air is unknown in this type of refrigerator. The perfect circulation of dry, cold air is maintained as long ass. there is a pound of ice in the ice chamber. The scientific arrangement of the dividing wall and the slat bottom in the ice chamber, forces the cold air down and around, so that all odors are destroyed and food nn-contaminated.

The circulation of air not possible in any but the Side-Icer Refrigerator. Absolute Sanitation To clean this refrigerator you simply reach inside and every point is convenient to you. It is unnecessary to lean way over to get inside. Occupy But Little Room While these Side-Icer Refrigerators have a far greater ice capacity and hold nearly twice as much foodstuff as the upright refrigerator, they occupy a great deal less room and can be placed underneath windows, which is impossible with the other type of refrigerator. This particular refrigerator stands 43 inches high, is 19 inches deep and 32 inches across the front Has ice capacity for 70 pounds.

There are two doors to the food compartment and it is unnecessary to open up the ice chamber door except to fill. These shelves are usually found in only the most ex-pensive refrigerators. Not only do they assure a better circulation of air, but they are also far more sanitary. They are tinned to prevent rusting and can be taken out and easily washed at any time. ATI Hardwood Construction The finest of selected seasoned ash was used in the construction of this refrigerator, and the finish, while it has a highly polished surface that would do credit to any piece of living room furniture, it is able to with- stand the change in temperatures of the kitchen without affecting it in the least.

The doors and sides are all paneled. The top is smooth, and makes a perfect table top if you wish to use it for that purpose. The Illustration Authentic pictures, such as the above, help to give you a very clear idea of what an article looks like, but in the case of a refrigerator, it is absolutely necessary that you see the entire construction to be able to determine the exact valuation. Actual Valuation $32.50 We say this without reserve, or without fear of contradiction, for we have made a careful investigation and know that if you make a similar investigation that the truth of this-statement will be proven to you. Bear in mind that it isn't necessary to pay cash to secure this refrigerator at $24.75 $2.00 delivers it to your home, $1.00 a week completes paying for it.

pond. Frltzl is firm. Likewise she is adamant. 8he says: "Nevaire, or aomethlng that means the same. We sincerely sympathize with the porations which do business abroad, in order lo save their incomes from that buainos from being taxed, establish permanent brunches abroad and newr bring the income home.

The English liken this to the pollcy of American manufacturers who. in order to get around the tariffs which other countries levy against American goods, build branch factories in the countries where they desire to avoid duties, nnd do their manufacturing there rather than to make th'ir products in the I'nlted States and ship them Into the countries in question. Ktlll another way to dodge their incomes taxes, resorted to by English gentlemen, is to turn over shares In corporations to their sons, the Income therefrom to serve In lieu of allowances. If the father paid the allowance Itself, he would first have to pac his tax upon the Income It represents. Hut when the son gets the dividends from the stock direct he escapes such a tax.

But with all the forms of tax dodging that are resorted to in Ens-land in connection with the Income tax. If I estimuteil that onlv about $610,000,000 of income arises from source where a careful and persistent checking up Is not possible. Penalties fixed by law for dodging Income taxea ns well as those for dodging other tnxes vary in the several countries that have such taxes. In some cases a falsification of returns hy omissions Is penalized more severely than failure to make anv returns whatever. In some countries the penalty is made an amount double the tax evaded.

In others treble, and In at least one country the person evading any tnx Is liable for half of the Income upon which he dodged the tnx. Some countries aim to encourage men who have given false returns to act if anv pangs of conscience attack them as a result. This Is ac-complisl'ed bv a provision that if anv man riorlte his tax and voluntarily come forwnrd at anv time thereafter nnd cr.nfewes his fault and navs the taxes dodged no penalty shall he end he shall be absolved from censure. men t.refer tc suffer the penalties imposed fr fa-lure 1 1 mpke returns rathe than tc nU the tax jit nil They rir.iply allow the iifro-s-r U. make his own assessments and abide hy the result.

In one in Emc'and. for illustration, a eercnin c.i.t.try never-made a return. The swt-rois fixed his income tt r.f.O pounds year, and on fill basis he paid tax- for several years. Finally there came a new man iDf -i the beard of and when to countrv rentleman the old members of the board were going to- write him down for the seine amount. But the new member had better information about him.

-Write. Jilm down for 80.000 pounds a year and you will not hear a murmur from him." -quoth he, and they did ro. The erstwhile B00-pound countrv rentleman was glad to get off even nt that. That there will be tax dodging itn-dr nn income law in the I'nlted Ptates is inevitable A hundred wavr within the letter lut without the spirit of the law. will he found to evad- the tnx.

in whole or in part. But the same Is true of taxes on consumption, such as the tariff, and taxe on production, such a the Internal revenue taxes. It Is also true of land taxes, of corporation taxes, and of nersoral property taxes. Also a hundred nnd one illegal methods of dodp-Ing Income taxes will be devised snd carried out. but the moonshiner, the smuggler, nnd the tax dodger do the same on other forms of taxation.

absence of evasion were to be made the criterion by which a tax should be Judged is to Its tightness of principle, then the world would hav to live without taxes. Tomorrow: Public School small- very small portion of the public that Is competed to draw on the billboards for its art and literature, but we must, nevertheless, felicitate with Miss Feheff on her busi ness acumen and discriminating taste which puts the newspsper columns, aa an advertising medium, far above according to the census naa personal property valued at IS. BOO. 000. 000.

and according to the tax Hats It was worth only $500,000,000. In the I'nlted State as a whole the people informed the census enumerators that their personal property was worth 140.000.-000.000 and declared to the tax assessor that its fair value was l.000.O00.-009. Th dodging of taxes is by no means limited to personal property for in nearly every city and hamlet and farming district there Is a systematic undervaluation of real estate. Of course there la no chance of dodging entirely, since land ownership always and everywhere Is recorded. But there are Innumerable Instances where real estate has told for two.

three, four, and even five times the value at which It was assessed. 8o wide-spread has become the practice of undervaluing real estate In the I'nlted States that the tax honks show an aggregate value of only half as much as the cenaua records. In other word, the landowners of the country told the census enumerators that their real estate was worth twice much as they swore to th assessor it was worth. Property owners are not the only tax dodgers in the I'nlted States by anv manner of means. Even whole counties "Very frequently Join tacitly In a movement to beat the state In which ther are located out of the revenue that belongs to it.

For Instance, not long ago the auditor of Virginia announced that of the 100 counties In the etat TO took more money out of the state treasury for their purposes than they put In it bv tax collections. Some of them have deliberately, and with forethoucht. fixed a rate of assessing property at a fourth, or even a fifth of Its real value. This permits them to pay Into tha state treasury a very small share of what they ought to. nnd they pronounce It good hulnes policy, since they take out of the state treasury-funds apportioned on population.

From this It will he scon that the evil of tax dodging are by no means limited to Income taxes, and there cannot well be a greater tax npon the national conscience with an income tax than with a personal property-tax. With nn exemption of Income below la not probable that more than one man In 25 will have ro ly income tax. so that If every man who Is liable to tt strains his conscience it wilt be in no wise comparable. In the number of people affected, to false returns that are made in every stnte In the union upon personal property. But with a system of stoppage al It source auch as England has.

only a comparatively small percentage of the income taxpayera can dodge it by fals return. After the Civil war ther were leas than 100.000 taxpayera under the income tax law, when the exemption was as low a tt.000. vacant lot publicity. The billposter's brush will languish in the paste pall, but the perfecting press ill throb and pulsate aa never before. The signboard should be alarmed! A Spending Age.

This Excellent Make is Lined Throughout with "Porceloid" (not enameled) An indestructible lining of radiant white. Its surface ii hard and highly polished. It is non-absorbent, deodorant snd durable. What this means to the refrigerator owner is that the food with "Porceloid" walls will be kept pure and untainted and that Porceloid forms a most fitting protection and enclosure for viands which are to appear upon the dining table. Porceloid is costly to manufacture, but is far superior to any white paint or enamel finish ever devised.

Buy a Gibson and secure Porceloid lining. It cannot chip or scratch oft. This is a spending, not a saving age. Everybody wants money, not In driblets, but by handfula. and having It, spends lavishly.

"Come easy; go easy." The remark la often made that people "don't' care what they pay If they get what they want." Especially this true where physi cal comfort is In the question, and In what we call our pleasures, which are perhaps more refined than hey were hundred year ago -but cer tainly fr more expensive. Every body la supposed to have money to Kaltex Porch Furniture German Porch Shades A-B Gas Ranges 21 Styles Refrigerators i i i The store that every day gives greater actual values than the special offerings of others. 23 stores buying as one saVes you many a dollar. i spend freely and foolishly, and few hav the courage to Invite contempt by saying "I can't afford Amusements and social aspirations are decimating the purses of the American public and getting fain standards for the upbringing of youth, Assuming that there would be as Fifty Emerson wrote: many in proportion today who would hav Income ot 14.00 the total number directly affected would not be "Thing 1" th saddle and ride mankind." Th burden was sever 1.

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