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The Sun from New York, New York • 9

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 1j tli JYI rn rnTHE wrrr 1 rt rTHE THE SUN TUESDAY TlESD NOVEMBER 1 BEn 15 lfH 111111 II tm I BRILLIANT PLAY IS REVIVED REV1VEDint 1111 nirnnTAXCK or 1Irf HKI HKIi 1IrfI i tffwsr tffwsriiranta It ir IlrIsXTIu IlrIsXTIut 1 ST II IIIlral1la Drama Ttial al It Literature and P1a raaftl raaftla nl a i ihr 1 Iterant 1tlU In a Manner llrfltllns llrfltllnsII II High Htallnn In Theatrical Art ArtIts rt rtII II Its pleated llnea and 011 Pttrair Pttrairirlt rUM rUMurk rw Turk irlt thiMtnitoorii tA atregoera jlWIra own Charles Charlesj Charlr 1111 debt nf gratitude fI ludl for reviving revivingi i tr WiMi tllldet farm Th The Importune I lIrnn nf ofttng lUm 110 KiirtKiil latru et but night at th the Iyc Lycemn LycemnTi nin TrMlr Ti ire Ill Tits play pl i is All II hut ut unknown unknownrw rw Yorki Yo rknt ra are i Irovlrllinlly IrovlrllinllytrYrtnl provorhhallypcrrnt rnvorl iilly iillyI I fTfrpnt to revival hut the few fair jxirfoi fairroan foi roan i mi lIsM of the Ih play lit the Ih Kni Imliro ImliroT EntpirnTtwrre irnl irnlTr Ttwrre Tr rv in 11 the Ih curing of 1805 and Later latert1 11 i nhoiild not pr prejudice ju lic the th public publicn lhlll1 lhlll1n ar line of the Ih few great tJmlit tromwiiriof ix tJmlitof ini ilitt ilittof of if ly 1 Powuliljr th thof the prminmr prminmrI pre ntinnnce ntinnnceor of tit ilrituia limy not notgrin I Ile IInlur8toll1 undurNtoslacne I grin 1 1i ulv all Yet It Mill ill IKI I plain III BJWC BJWCutii easeut utii 11 rhnt nut IlIk the trouble to vmit tlni tlniLTlfntll tl tlLrulI thnTr LTlfntll LTlfntllMi LrulIWh1 Tr ltl ltfh Mi Wh1 Mr 11 Knilinmn gave 111 the pieta pimwJTH piwhO pietaIt hO It JTH in 111 fancy fll 11 MICI till I a cloud huu huuO hungI hung hungninif I mule of thi uiifortiinitH author nuthortta tta I wrld rlil vrsin our lilitnl to even VI ili iliUKHI Ihf the thenerd nerd of IIIH hi work It refuaml to share haret tarO tarOWI WI tlxiiry 1II lr exiurvniutl in len Pencil Penciltut iunt tut 1 lri Innut iit thai mans ratuhliahMl ratuhliahMlKUI KUI i iI IK 11 1 prisinter iriMin rtwr did not in Hi the least IWitIh leasta1 a1 iilnf rr i the Ih unlity of hi he pr iroM ro roI sImemory I Imemory memory of some 11I ozet xnllent lknt acting actinghr lllln llllntn nv Henry MiliVrniKl William ivprxlintn Favershamtv1bri vrIaHnI bv I tv1bri Mnriir nrel irtt Au Anglin lm and Muv III Itolixinan Itohnn ItobMOUasI lb lba KM I i ic a nf I he Ih hunches cif roovx 1 thit Mr 11 11rlIn Irbr Jrlinun br rlIn hnltlt distributed oil the th lIt nightre night re to II li Uv 1 all that survive un of thistt thiwx Ih tw twfir fewflea Wftrt flea fir performances rfn nrulD I The Th play had IMII IMIIr Iwetlrcls rcls iveil el nee 11 bvfuro I rr futlr at I hi his theatre when whenii 11t1i ii 1 nenilier a year alC ago Seorg rR Alrian Alrianilrr IsallIr ilrr In order iir er tu till his hi Bulge llnli afteri afb ra a failure failurehjd rll Hur Hurh1 Ilurehad had Hidilenly to tm I withdrawn wn unco uncoin 1111nnf tint tintIn in nf hr Ipiiight sight flInt The Th Importune Importuneti ti of lieing Earliest It hnit played for fnrnll1 farnine nine month London ehoweigreater shotted greater up lipprP itpprclatinn preoiattoii prP al1on of it its qualitiot than ever everih everWth lr lrh Wth ih no thought of th the author and hut hutfate hisfate JI JIfll fate fll to distract dll lct their approval al from thepec the thepiece Ih IhI piece I itself It aiidieocea audiD uudi iices delighted in its tx txjuiite lXqUI exquteue juiite qUI IIt whlinaical point of view and it itfljii its itsfnlehtrt II IIM fnlehtrt fljii hed phniM8 phniM8It phra phraII It I would lx I a 1 great credit to the th intelli intelliH inlllIIrtM intellitentw rtM ir of New York audiences if the play playmM pl4ymPI mM with nil the tame approval appro 1 here re It Ittjwrrr Itdprt Itdenerree tjwrrr the I xreAteat aucceMi It is one onecf OI1ef oneof cf ho Ih fi few brilliant oom eomedlee diea lee in our Ian Iantiutgf lanitwo bntuae tiutgf tuae It nu flay be urged that it la artlliUtI ariitlcull artitfi artitficiul cull UtI Rut nII1 it in I4 proliably proll hlr OH true to th thnnrlition the thevnnditi 4 nnrlition ms und IIndr which it WON IH written wrillt1Ib asthe as asth th the work 011 of the th second Carolinian ea rol ll play playwnRhto pin pinwnllhl playwnghn wnRhto nd it in just AA brilliant in its IIMm ir irI itssieeh sieeh It I II rather a part of the I item litemtu literntug itemtur tug tu of hu period riod than of the theatre yet yetHrar yetrsr et etCkrar Hrar rsr Wilde 11 1 nucc IIU sutreedei eded 4 in Imparting lIch suchtine nuchtnf lIchtin tine tin literary flavor to hw II drama Lamas thatthnr that thatih thlltIhplr Ihplr ih ir dwfictencien in thentricalUm may mayr dily ho overlooked for th the sake lar or orh 0 0hriric oft hriric erring nn literary iipeecb in the th playhouse playhol1JIh I Ih hi creation of a mythical brother hrothcriill brolhrlllpd brothert ill lllpd Jli Knrnrnt ff1rn to explain hi his conduct IlIllIel the therec Ih IhrcpIry thenecceeity rcpIry rec Mity ultimately of doing aWAY with withfhm withI withrho fhm I pernon and the Ih incident whims wlximnicilin whimsralltiee cilin ralltiee 111 that aru arise from rain thin situation ilunliolla are a Mill capable of Amusing AmWlin audiences audieniei audiI audiencesthat lILAI i lull may lay perhaps prb4f mia Mime of the rh other otherin olhrmrlt othermerits in merits rltn in ihe play Po ey It i III moreover for forilrnirr foradmlrrll foradmIrera ilrnirr of The Importance of Iletne LlUnt rne i njt II delightful to listen to th tharkling thparkllnR the thesparkling sparkling and flmthed tl hd language lan IJjIIl of tn tnch Ineh tnrt rt ch ches aa it ever fir WAIl That th the chari chariJKierH char characters hilI hilIatr JKierH all alllalk talk like Ilk the Ih author and not like Ilkeiemeeivee likehem Ilk Ilkm hem iemeeivee eve lv is no detriment to th itiiior itiiiornce 11II11r 11II11rne trntoranceuf anceuf nce ne of the Ih dram an IL a literary hIPrllr elurt elurtTlxi orl The characters of the Ih HeMoration rome romeInes comI mIa lien Ia all talked tatkt in th wholly hollr artificial artificialmanner arl artificialmanner f1lal f1lalnnnfr manner of the Ih conientinnai conn nuoll world in inrhich illeh inwhich which eh they IhfIItd lived Th fame of th the great JUarw greatwriters writer of 0 that period Itl hoe never been dimmed by thin fact factA A Jtthewi4 hpwtl th the young olln English Knpliihcomedian EntlIhcomfdlan Englishcomedian comedian who hi his not Mr far fared well 11 he hereptirwred re appeared in the Ih leading rAe He II IK IKin I Ian ti titn in eaay finished actor with an 11 evident evidentf evidentsense ld111 ld11111I4I sense 11I4I of comedy and a very quiet 1111 method methodof of acting It i ill unfortunate that he heroweaeea hlittle roweaeea tut little personal rtOnal diftinotion diftinotionHI distinct Inn Inniii HI iii gait haa the th aimian indecision that thathare Ihalh thatbare hare become the mot Important hlll orrani chance charncteri chanceteristlce hara haralriUCtI teri lriUCtI tlt of George 1 Ifbhn ohan and his hieimltatom hi himUalo hisimitators imitators mUalo Hamilton Revelle had nil the then th thf1 f1 ceaary ry i seriousness erlou neo to the th cornct corn ct im imhe 1mollh impreselon preselon ollh of he humor of the lh creator of the theKarntnt th thlltitloll theflrtitloue lltitloll Harn Karntnt arneaf He knows that th thtun the thefun fun of thin play of Ownr Wilden Wild de defends defendslike nii niiiPe like ilk the Ih humor of the th Gilbert comedieM comedieMon IOIIIdirJII on a complete absence of all II contCillllII consdonsrwesof conrcioui contCillllIIof nifi nifiof of what ht the Ih character are ar dome Ioin in the thenrtorn I theartnrs II nrtorn 11 Then Mr Ir Revill han hll a certain eertauidtrrlnctian Uaw Uawriltlnctlon Hiiiinrtlon of manner which wni more moremportant adoremportant nr nrmptrtant mportant than ever er last night ni hl sinew met he hesupplied hlpr1ifft heMippliM supplied all that in necessary nfOCf Mllllry to I thel thellliifion Ib Ibllu the theIlfsinn lliifion llu ion of the tb two young rio aristocrat aristocratTh Tiit TiitThe rlllTh The Th play wan Wi admirably arimlmI acted through throughnit I nit Fthel Hinthrop IM Meetne IIIK to liaxe IL ILItrrhf luivearrived liaxern arrived rn ed at I the th pftycholociril inoinent ntouientShe She Hh IM i the Ih real rfA grand rnnl dame rJun that the theV II IIorlc York orlc utii stage has HO Inn needed neededH de tH Hr overemphasized izefl worldliness wu wud was wnArllI rllI dlighttul liihtful hlful in UK II lack of self 1trontICjunEdnpy 1trontICjun tottscinusnssFlorence oni ciouMn MHorence Florence Kdney delivered d1 the I incifc incifclichf Indlh incteesp sp lichf echs of the th governess rt with such suchduellt eh ehnOI duellt iiit lliCnrJtliat not a point wa miiweii tnlieelSiy Id Idy Siy BUyney HH the Ih youthful wand arti of ofth otIh ofthe th the heir ir atoned RInf for an excessive iruitunty tV her obvious und understanding mUindinK and de delivery 1 1hpry le leluery livery of her linen IIn and Jane An Oaken lout loutnone Inlnon lostnnne none non of the humor of her speeches speechesThi aleh alehTh The Th union of thin RCHX Iood art acting Actin and Mr 11 11ilri Wllrlea ilri play remitted in a brilliant revival revivalof of one on of th the few clawiua in the con contemporary ltJnIAfnIOnry cuttemporary temporary drama dramalHK drunaI drama1U1F lHK 1t1l AMI 11 It ItI PIIIT iIILITIs iIILITIs1nnrtshtp I IltIlrhhlp I iiuruhlp at National t1onal Republican llr Und UndIuartm Hradg0artrr il ilquarter I quarter Followeil li by Illtoree 1laorreiapreme IlltoreeMipreme UhorlfSlrrllmtt Mipreme Court Justice Iu tic ireenlsiwnrdered Jreenbniun JreenbniunMer rnhlIl1nrrlrfO rdered Mer i a verdict for the Ih plaintiff 1PMIr yesterday ye ter terilny day 1 in a suit for divorce oIlvr brought IJrou ht by Ida Idnn 101 101lln1I ftanzlfrer lln1I against a alnt Adolph Dani Danziger Danzigerwh er erh rh wh was a i secretary for th the Repub Repubii RppuboJln ii oJln in national committee in the Ih tool toolininpulgn 111I11rnINICl lastranitnlgn ininpulgn and nd court courted i lh the plaintiff trhle trhleMI tht 1 1It one MI It was employed an a stenographer at atihr ath atthe the Repiiblicnn headquarteni Danziger Danzigerhi why hi Wit vireconail nt Madrid for some Homrnr ImIr somet rnr Ir I now in Hpnin hut was WI1 repre repretl rprfllt I fllt tl the Ih trial by counsel cou who wh con conl COIhd I ndel hd that the plaintiff was never neverto nevrdrrifft neverarrted drrifft to him htmnumber himnUIllhfr himt number of witnesses wltn for the th plaintiff plalntilf1tI1 plalntifrr plaintiffratified ratified 1tI1 hurt they were present lr lIt when whenIHnztcer whellr whettanstger IHnztcer un and i the Ih plaintiff were married mamiHlh JIUIrri her 1 home in May barn by llabln llablnI RrihbiIrdcker I I rocker Rabbi Dnicker Mtifled that thatlirint Ihlltlarnl 1 lirint remember the Ih ecc occinion ttdnn and anrllh th the i iii i ifnIlOt ir ii ftulant put in an affidavit in 11 which the thenmtiff th thunllll theauntiff i nmtiff admitted she I Kid 11 1 never marrieti marri marriIfnrlant marneldfenfdant I Ii i defcnilant The Th plaintiff nld she nhelompelled shew hnrnlIeod lompelled to sign Mi thin olatement at atilnt atInl att ilnt of revolver Hhe Hh said lit it wan wanil wasad il 1 in San Francisco in loot in connec connecii connecwith ii with A null for divorce Danziger Danzigermht Dnnzlgerrrsight r1I1tlnt rrsight mht against his wife there thereMx thermSirs Mx 1 Dan Ulnzller nicer named In her complaint complaintf MTimin lIln who IIh she wild Id was Wd lilt reduced roduCflIborn reducedS DinzizerM Uarizl rs born at Omit Or Neck I I Im II 4 4wile wife wifeirnnt WI WIIrllt wileErmu I irnnt Ilutrtie IUIll1l11on An Recital Rrpllalhrnent Rfalnt RecitalFFrnest hrnent nt Iliilchenon pianiix gave ICn Vf a re reUl r1llrtfllJhn rw rwlilt lilt Ul nt MenrieliMohn 1 rdlssahnHallyeitenlyafter rdlssahnHallyeitenlyaftertrvn Hall yentenlay fUsr afl4rn fUsrn trvn MJA Hi progrnmnifl ro ramme crimpriiMvl cam rixel the thelUrh tillUrh th thIt5rh lUrh funtui tllnl fnntay uly and fugue In minor LiHztn CIIMZIIInllmntl LiHztntirrnnRement eNR NR tirrnnRement nllmntl ngme lit IJMthoyenII tnovenii tnn mln tnlnrof a ma aor maoptM 110rI rI atA optM III tho Liszt trnruicriptlon trnruicriptlonHrhuberta tr lllClllJtlnnHrhulJet1lI nr Hrhuberta sang otr Du Wiit din dl Huh Huhtirf Hllhlr nr tirf lr of MaoOowell pieces pl Dohruinrin DohruinrinI I sharp Jtp minor rliafwody and other oth num numt numiwt iwt Mr 11 Hutchemn in I a pianist of flood floodtechnical goofhchnicnl ood oodtctmlcal technical equipment and nd hn al also alltoIbJlhtul A Athtrjghtful at thtrjghtful ha jhtfuI muaician Ilia tochnlo and andMi Mi 11 mulcUnfthip worn both well fln displayed diniilnynlthn the Ib Bach fujftie which wan flsqulllitely eoiilai ynio rear rhythmic nio and nd melodious meloilouni despite dMplNick despiteI i Nick lick tempo Clarity and balance Italancnw pro acaln aJ Aln down lowa In hi his performance performanceJ1 rformance rformanceof In J1 of hit Iht Beethoven nthf sonata but butj the tho reading readlnsC i Ii rfiMl depth of coaricUoa ylcUos I I I SCRIBNER BOOKS ON AR ART ARTA ARTA TA i I A Painters Progress ProgressBy I By WILL LOW LOWItith LOWII Itith II i lilt i6fU t6 fall jade illt ilimtritiint ilimtritiintMr illllllTlI l1I1 l1I1Mr i Mr Low succeeded succ ded the late Russell Sturgis and rMrJohn Mr MrJohn MrJohn John La Farge as Seammon Lecturer at the Chicago Art ArtInstitute ArtI ArtInstitute I Institute The six lectures which compose this volume volumewere volumewere volumewere were the most popularly successful so far delivered The Thebook Thebook Thebook book records the writers artistic life so far as this may mayilluminate mayilluminate mayilluminate illuminate the artistic record of past and present in this thiscountry thiiQuntry thiscountry country It is full of entertaining reminiscences as well as asof asof asof of instructive data and suggestive commentary commentaryx150 x150 150 net tt postpaid 165 165What 16 16r I65What i What Is Art Artfj I I SIIJi fj it tr tkt Ttthniqxt a faeaai 111 Crttttu tf PWlfl1lK PaistingBy PJt PJtBy PWlfl1lKi i I By JOHN VAN AN DYKE DYKEFxpounds DYKEI DYKEExpounds I i i I I Expounds the painters point of view as distinct from fromthat frumI I that of the connoisseur collector or the museum director directorwhich direclori directorwhich i which he thinks has for the past twenty years monopolized monopolicddiscussion monopo1ilCddiscussion monopolizeddiscussion discussion to such an extent as to obscure the consideration considerationof of art as art in in considering it as a a curiosity or commodity commodityIX ommodit ommoditI I 51 100 oft net postpaid pjl atJ 110 110CHARLES 110lit IloCHARLES lit i CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS SONSThe SONSI SONSThe I I I The best story we have bad ad from ro Mr Oppen Oppenhelm Oppenheim OppenI I helm In several years yearsI yearsPoston Boston ston Advertiser AdvertiserThe AdvertiseroS dvertlserTbe The Lost LostAmbassador LostAmbassador oS oSm Ambassador AmbassadorBy assa or orB I I I II By ByE I PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM OPPENHEIMThat I That masterful exponent of modern moderninternational modernI I international mysteryI mysteryIllustrated mystery mysteryRlustratm rIllustrated i I Illustrated in Color by Howard Chandler C1wz ln Christy 150 150LITTLE 150LITTLE 50 50I 50LITILE I LITTLE BROWN A CO PablBabers Pa Ilabers Boston BostonI i I TIDE MAKES SHIPLOAD WAITIIfJTIFflsO1 WAIT WAITi i iufnrKnso IfJ TlfitiEulh run TII iirrA 11 11I i iII 1l II I 1Irrxc I TO ItSII ItSIIOpera I Mof I I Opera of hit Kinds Ind Art 11 and an lltrratnrr lltrratnrrIn In Onr till Person and an Vrlur Ior niiu II IIurlftl Ha Haarrled a aarrlr I arrlr HIT lo Kill 111 lalaml Just 1 to lie lieIookrd lirI UI I lookrriltirr Iookld fl hr rr llelh Itrarlt Irr rrldnl rrldnlIrnnll lrnl lrnlA I I A 1 strong Mr nK chub hh tide with llh thxdnwn rh the down rnein rneincurrent rncing rncingtiirrfiit meinlllurr1 current of the rh Huiloon pushing behind behindIt It mn mad trouble for th the HamluirKAmrn HamluirKAmrnI famburg Ameri Amerir I i iiit un IIIMT mrilea ni riUa wht when xhi shecnrne cnm 1 up to toI rhr toater I hr I Hoboken pier ir yrnIY yr tftnLiy morning niorninRi i It was a question tion of lid tide lower jiow a against againstthat gaintMt mHt mHtthat that of fourteen hand working tugs and andfur anelrur andfur fur a tun Ii time it looki looked at though the th tug tugwiMiId tUCltI I would puff lh IhmlvIII tnt tnselvcs lvc om of power pow AtI At AtIon AI1111I i Ion I one tim the th Anifrikai bow ho sidled dld ov over ovru overagainst riiKmnot against alnlt the Ih Prin Kn Friedrich orit drlcli Wllhelm Wllhelminoortd WllhlmIIOfd Wilhelmnared inoortd in the th adjoining pi pier and thesailors the IhtI 1 sailors lInr on heard th the North nrman i roan Lloyd Lloyith Lloydbeat beat at had hu busy five minutes getting fend fendITH rfndne fendcyst i i cyst ne in place to save av th the lainl lainlI luttntAmong int intI I I Among monlC those Ih nn hoard who had lulpllnt1 lulpllnt1i plenty plentyof i of time to prepare for or the Ih chip hi news re reI 11Irtrlr I is Irtrlr rt rtNrs white hll watching the tugs light lightthf IIltbtUd fightthe the tide ti Ud wi 111 were Emmy Dfntinn Di tstinn the Ih operasinger opera operaMnRfr tII tIIillltr MnRfr Mr 11 and Mn I Van lInllrhlll VanderbiltSirs rhilt rhiltMn Mn 1 A 1 Vanderliilt I Hopkins Smithtrof Smith SmithProf 8mlthProf Prof William Bh Shepherd ph rd of Columbia ColumbiaIvan ColumblIvnn IoitrmbiaIvan Ivan Caryll ih the composer and Emmy EmmyVhlon EmmyWhln Emmywehlei Vhlon a Oertnan singer IIln tr who IM to have havelh havethe 1 the lh leading part in a anI new light opera operaMmn op opmIm ra raMmn Mmn Im rVftlnn tilin IM i to create the leading leadingrot leadingrole rot role in the Ih operatic tJ1frat vnolon vr ion of The Th Oirl flrlof Oirlof 0111t of the th f5old iolcln west She Mh will makeher make makeh makehpr her tlr 111 appearance thin in sPnson aMln in Alda Aldaat at the Ih Metropolitan Opera Mouse 1I0u on onThwrmlny onThUtI onThursday Thursday ThUtI IRY Mme Im feetinn IV 1 tinn hgan gnn herJourney her herjourney hfrjourny journey on the Ih Kronpriniwuln Cecllie Ceclliewhich Ceelliewhich cili ciliwhich which arrived a week P4k ago but becomingill becoming ill an thnt hip wan Hearing Cherbourg Cherbourgehe Ch rbourg rbourgh she landed to recu recuperate recuperatePnf rpcl1mlpPmf perate perateProf Pnf Shepherd wan 11 a delegate to th thPanAmerican IhfAnAmpienn the theran ran PanAmerican Anericnn Congress held at Buenon BuenonAyn Bupn010y BtuenaeAyres Ayres Ic also I0 attended the Ih Chilean Chileancentenary ChUIlinnlllUry ChileanIentetary centenary celebration making the rug ninover 11111ovr rugover over to 0 Europe and a I brief stay there hp before be befor hfort for returninfl Imf Shepherd Mid that thatnt nt the PanAmerican thetan American congress congr he hadbNen hadbNenetnick had lieen lieenttnirk lJffnll1lek ttnirk by the Increiine1 cordiality fwtween fwtweenth tIh the th representatives of the th I itinAmurirnn lnlinAmorIMIiland itinAmurirnnnnd land North orlh American countries countrieslowph countriesIseph unlri lowph 1 Cohen who in i the president of ofth ofIh ofthe th the Seth Israel Hospital wa was greeted at atth atIh atthis this th pier by I thirty member of the th board boardi of director who wl came to express Ifr their theirdelight thpird theirdelight delight IIRht nt seeing In him restored to health healthMr Mr 11 Cohen had been lhreeyears Ihre Ih 114111 ant in Aii Austria Austriatrking ulrialkin61 tna tnaLiikina Liikina the Ih wilh hsths for a nervoim rvOU trouble troubleF IIllopkitiaiin Ilophina Hmilli brought with hm hma a number numl of nnl finished canva can canvases fruit of ofn rII live inonthaKtay in Venice icoo and nn the theThemes Ih Ih11tsmftl i 1 Themes hjm i and at lunge IIru In Dncemlwr I hwill hiII he hewill will iII ihihit forty paintings He II 1 1IIrolllht also alsobrought lno lnobrought brought along th proofa 01 a I new book bookhlch honkwlilch jKjk jKjkwhirli whirli III i to run 01 a a serial rial Fraulein FrauleinSVeldens rault ulein uleinWehlena nflhl Wehlena flhl pleas agent Cent was present to ay saythat aythn yIhJI that stun war 11 a real Viennese VIPnI lieauty wh whhd whhd who whohad hd ma mastered tereil the tla English languam Intire in inthree intllre three month According to him rrati rratileln riu1ln raukin kin Welilcn wa diacoveriMl In Berlin Berlinby ISeriinhy Rcrlinby by one IIn of lh I h9 mrulra memlwrj of Liehler Co CoShe elHI CoShe She HI wa winging in The Midnluh lilrl lilrland irl ilrland irland and no III lmpr impreased lHd i the Ita mornber of th ththeetrical ththetrlcal ththeatrical theatrical firm that he offered hr an anAmerican anmprln anrat AmNrl American ean sr engagennent rnp Itag ItagEnglish emlnl arm rat if she would lean JBanEnglUh II IIy English Ih in six ix months Frtuleln Wehlenhad Wehlen Wehlenhid Whlenhd hid the Ih language beaten IHst to fraiszle in injiurt Injwrt Ino1 jiurt half thn Ih allotted 1I11oU limn and went nl over overlo ov ovto lo o1 Ixmdon ndontopp ndontoppoliahup to polUh OIh oliahup oliahupheracantbysing up her heracantbysing heracantbysinging accent IICCOn by wing winging IIIIn IIIInInle ing in The Th Merry lplT Widow WidowWith Yt WidowWith Idow IdowWith With Kritulein Whlen wehl came ten olh rof rw rwa of thw lw cam company which la ItO to appear aI a In Mr MrCarylln 1 lr lrCarylill I Carylln IIa new ew ewCa light opera aariaR Marie rlsc A Ala la laCarte I ICarf Ca Carte rte Charles Brown who is i to 1 have havea haya a leading If nl part in the production was the theonly Ih Ihonl lbonly only onl member of I the company who hid hidever hJrIvr haulever ever been in America before 01 He If was wnibiiar washus a ahl biiar hl hus pointing out the th beauties of New NewYoria sYr NewTara Yoria Yr sky ky line lne when an immigration immigrationofficer ImmlerlonolBcer immigrationoNcet officer touched him on tho clrouldw and I Nrw ew rditson ediio el NcSliio Ve Venatica Ventlc Venalica natica and nd Good Sport Halld nd colored Jluiinlioai JluiinlioaiSpecial dlIIIIDIU3pecial IllutuatioaSpecial Special Display Displayof of Horse Books Booksof of all 11 kind Rite and ndM nd MocMrft MocMrftIhi rn rnth th wcrk 1r tl tlDuttons IIDuttons Duttons 31 Wet 231 Street New Yorknrdred York Yorkordr Yoru Yorfnr ordr nrdred i him ti to gi lelnw for transfer iEllis I IKill IIIi Kill IIi Inland InlandAfter 1landHrr After being herded with Ih nth other othercaes tltrin rcn Id IdAtrer caes cn in the theecrmd eotind cabin hm Brriwn rnlIlam rnlIlamtlll Ifarnml I ameil ameilthtt i ithtt thtt hf was in trouble beraute Ut1l he had hadhn hadhen I hen ill on tin tnyace 01 ner and 111 1 had hi I IIIl1m his hisname I Iname name entered in the Ih hIp htpi lual rermrt rermrtIt re ort lOrlIt ortIt It teems tint Brown had told th rhipo rhipoxtor hip siiictnr iiictnr I xtor tor that I hhtdaufferedfroina hard 1 suffered fTerf fro rota a ner ncrvain ncrvaintrouhle nu nutrouble III III1IIhl trouble when In a lx INY and the Ih fart Iint hieingchronicled eint eintohonlcled chronicled onldd in thf th mediral I i I log the Ih Kill Killland EllisIsland IIi Island land people wanted to know tnor nlnreabout tnorulwiiit 11I01alul I ulwiiit it The singer mger in didnt iny IA lone at atIJliM 1 IJliM Inland InlandTh IslandThe I Th lieu Ilr Jeremiah Xintinerman Xintinermanof I of Srraeu rraeuae Tniveralty way paM I tuaseenger tuaseengeron nger ngeron on th the Amerika He If made the th trip tll toNorth to toNorth Iniorh North Cape with hi has wife And then went wentfor wentfor lit litfnr for a tour of study in Europe lIrop colleting oollectinKmst colletingteamforhat IIpcl imc imcm mst I teamforhat for to Ht nrfarrf rlardltbanij n1n i ri i HIpctllrd iilectured nlectured lectured at Kiel on the religions of an ancient I Icient Ic cient nt India Indianrs i iVKirs InJri i Ii VKirs or irs n1 in rr U11li l1Iuslnlnlt tns tnsIn i iI lnlnlt In I Ing mace Theatre Inninany In Ming Ming4ew Xrw Operetta Tnnlclit TenlglitA nllslat nllslatA 1 A new operetta in three Ihr art arts willed willedTaHMufikantenmaedel ralleliDasahisikantenmaedel nlll0AlMlulkanlfnrnJI TaHMufikantenmaedel I The Th I he Mu Masicians MasiciansOirlI icianV I IClirli Clirli nirl by Bernhard Buchbiiiiiir endOorg and andfieorg IInelGfr fieorg Gfr Jnrno author and fompoHfrH of ofthe ofthe the Ih Foerfter Chrinfl will be II sung to tonight 10nl tonight I night nl hl by the th Irving Place 1111 Theatre stock IIluckcompany stockcompany ick ickcompany company for nr the first time II will hold holdthe holdthe the Ih board for or the Ih remainder of the tt week wwkAt wkAt weekAt At HatiirdayH Kalllrday matinee Hermann Sniler Sudrrmanns Snilermannit IIIr IIIrmann mann comedy mdy drama Dan Uluick JhJt im imWiikel 1milkl ImWilki Wiikel ilkl will be played at ist iilar far prices prircrtThe In InTh pricesThe The hhiiherlH Shuh rts announce that at th the therwtucet 1 rwtucet of William Collier they have de decided II IIcitld tieeidesd cided to II poHipone his New York ork opening openingn openings openingsn Til 1II 1 Be 1 Hanged Iflln cI If I Do from Monday November 31 to Monday November 2M sI 1 110 lo give dv Mr 11 Collier an oijw ollnlIIiIY rtunity toinalo toinaloHome ro 11I111 11I111110m rnalosome Home changes in lii tits cantArrangements cant cantArrangement lAIIArranjmllllh Arrangement were completed yeoler yeolerda yesterday da daY for a series ri of wage earners nlnhlo nlnhloat nIAh nIAhalthe at althe the circle Ird Theatre during llIrin the tI run of ofttother Mother which hlch will move 11I0 front th thHnckett the theHackett hIIl1ck1l Hnckett on Monday evening IIIIrI November Nrsvemler2N rHI HI 2 lo make way wayfar for iJotiula Umlrla Fairbanks Fairbunkoi airhankIn in The 111 Cub Ill ub The first of the I series 11 will III be given gl Iven vn on the I aliening night of the theCircle I theCirce It ItClrcl Circle Circe engagement engagementBeth en AIiImpnl AIiImpnlIlffh Beth SOIl a prernien mlrn dancer who Imo Imonot lall lallnot not ben een seen in a New York ork production praluctionsluce productionluce tlNllIl1lol1IIlnCf luce her appearance pJlaran In The Tit liitl liitlCherub Little LittleCherub I Cherub henl ha has been engaged by UVrlm I III A Lu LUlS Lusuacher irlier her for Chritie 1IAdJllIIItM lnff onal rH pro production 10 10clucUon duction of The Hpring Maid aiel Hinit Hinither SiucMher ii II her last appearance ap larftll here MI Rise II Stone Oon li has hasbeen i ilx lx been en appearing In bullets brall abroad abroadMarie ahrunrMrl abroadMarla Marie Empress mp the Ih English iuciiiK eiugingcomedienne iuciiiKcomedienne IIIlilllCcomfldlrnn comedienne who came lo Anl Ainerici rtca la Inwrek last lastweek tweek week to ass for hcrnelf whit the Ih viiude viiudevilla VIIIJIIvIII vaudevilla villa audience here are 111 like IIk before 0 HKTI HKTIing lIilrin ug few fewing ing in to sign III In a contract ban Iwsu eeii engage engageby lbr by Ben 40n Harris the rb manager of Young YoungsPlay 01111 Pier AltantlcClty Allalilic fit lly tuapiiearal II toa a PI 1NA I rHlhielhratr rHlhielhratrnett It lil Ittl ihcuirn ihcuirnnett hllI rnst nett week She Rh says IllaT she III han ha found th IhudlenclfI thn thnaudiences taudlencm audiences here different I rnt from fru what the he hehad IIIhad had been lend AI to 0 think thinkMillion thinkMilton hinkliIlnn Million HUM nuixfedml Frederick Perry Perrvai ai William llnvard VTtltrriH errfAr ulllin rift In I Molhur Molhurat 11n lothOi1 they theylit at the Hackett last night Mr Ir Perry hat hatbeen licebeen been transferred to flrare OrA neorgew Gorl rnm rnmnany cnmpany 1m 1mpany pany to play the Ih role of Trarrm 1rtrrllln in Hauci Jiaucorlhn Saucfor for fortheOooae fortheOooaeSlwlfl orlhn the fuooe fuooeH Slwlfl A Cem Company mp nnYs Mk of Yreh ll beef In Inrlr Sew Sew1orVCityMrtheceeaendlnr8bbMa ewi Vorll 1orVCityMrtheceeaendlnr8bbMa rlr City ell for me rrH It 1lnr o1el1lm liirrta Votrm nsenl ffJI I bar li I aerated atr 1M 111 cent rni nl pry pound Ur I I rhrr Xs Fxjx st I i I rw FPIe tu slNielElL iL co Aberdeen South DaKota November 15 151910Seai 1910 1910SeiKonthly SemlMonthly Nonthly VCL VO af 9 fEF Jr YEARER ER 12I 12 2 2I 2W I IW I 1 1w ALLEN ALLENMr MAtAGCN AGE MERQCRT MYRICKPnenoeNiT MYRICKPnenoeNiTW MYRICK PRIICEPoT PRIICEPoTMGRrlIVCITO aaaioUT aaaioUTMFGeCCLVCOlrow Mr MGRrlIVCITO Giecuev eoiroo eoirooPROF ESTABLISHED 1881 1881v A AWHITNrVAo WMITNCV Aov OrBCCTOH OrBCCTOHOTTO CREcroRO oNccronPRor PROF RO THOS SHAW A3JO COITON CITO or YIIt uaHNUL uaHNULAffiliated OTTO HAUBOLD HAU OLD NW MCK MGSIAffiliated MCKThe MG MGABlllated Affiliated With Withi i 1 The he Phelps Del Publishing ubls sh in Co CoWhich eI eWhich I I I Which Publishes the Leading National Farm Semi SemiMonthly SemiMonthly SemiMonthly Monthly Farm and Home Home9500OOO 500000 Circulation CirculationOUR Circulationi i I I OUR UI NEW EW PLANT LAMT AT ABERDEEN DREINFORCED Di I IREINFORCED REINFORCED CONCRETE CONCRETEFiREPROOFMOST FIREPROOFMOST MODERN IN NORTHWEST NORTHWESTOur NORTBVESTi i i Our Plans PlansThe New Home of The Dakota Farmer FarmerAberdeen Your Trade TradeThe TradeAberdeen TradeAberdeen Aberdeen South Dakola DakolaThll The Dakota Dllo Farmer remain a tetnl tetnlmonthly ml The Dakotas Monltna ntaa acd Wyoming WTOmlll1lmonhl funiiir I monthly dated th the It and nth of each eachmonth the Ih bread liaxk bkt of the be La coTcrcct trorersllmonth coTcrcctmost i imonlh month monthrntlr most thoroughly br byline on mele rublloatlvn rublloatlvnth 1 I The Dnknta kol Farmer remaros mID Inlpn fnd Dend th the DAKorV PAltvnit PAltvnitTh FARM6lenllY lI rn rnnUr pd dated minneeil And prated rtJ In Inliikutt rntlr Ulan rr auu Th a lint DUtj 1 rsu llu1 tfi rnr i3t si Of 0 tvtf I mi miPI II I Dakota liy II Pikif 1 fi ing lOr the th Ira fnrmen rii of ulIn uu PI ununl iril Ibl itil to hri Dakota kol and andthnnIrhMnngslnle the Ib nirhbonntf Mate MateTh I ryr rnnrrn 1 k101 1 II uouA uouATh Th Dakota Iwnifr arner remain an a cx eclti I II 0 rdDr ri IlO ir a area a I IclneiY clti clneiY i Iy nnI n0rthwet vr I mMltntlon the th thcrtitrat 1 it a i for ro ronal fors forsDmnt 4 4Local crtitrat nal 1 finale tn nI l4 pi D1MtPAne ti nc ixjvr 1 I 10 theII the theIKkota III A Dmnt onn nr red ul 11 IKkota 101 kutas MunttDit and nil Wyoming WrommzThe oman Local Locllltcal dexter a wPtttu wellastbatgreat 11 a tbtal eon eonThl The Dakota akol Farmer rmr I not to be mprell mrg4 rtm rtmrllli I i Ptttu IUtuency l1opnr nry of poivtMToiM virous firm i ithe oar owner is isrub a alIh rllli any itb mbar rutilteatioa nor I it itaim its i the lltkola Montana and nnHkooar Womille WomilleOlDlP yomlot yomlotnonle aim trritnry territcryocauuourednonatman rrllnrF oc octtfetnrtil oloor dllo1 mn kooar loa tb I this It UAKOTA FAIL KAKIIEH IE 4 a as they theyagement he hem ttfetnrtil chanced I Iwlilh know kao other farm carer carerTbv paD paDTI DaperTh TI 110 Dakota Firm mpl ad rt TItlalr usmx ponce lie 110 II II Tey rlrttal I II a 1 uwhleh I wlilh ti ta ni mad it eo pnrnofninall tic ticiH Tea Tb nt lino It It It thlr ii YM K9 aiut frtnl I In lli Ihl Ihlul Dale Dalepnao lr lrDAllfA iH ewfm fui ul weal 1 li that of the lrlirlr Iub mNea pnao I i rrmisg ie nn or mJ on n2t IDfJl1uAo mrreYa jl lIhlne hlnc 1oarpaoy nip mlulJ b4 even hm brtlad il mar mnrllh eel briaq rewallrtleaIth tI ellb tat IblI b15 I llh IItMortl nod c1 farther ber rc reaching chm that Are hrmlofor 1 ramiirrMe laIntaelaaln 1 ot nI reRarn to i italon talon loforTh I lore I I fAlura1Aftila DAllfA 114 tI FAHVCU a4 4p rll rtea lll elsmnblh elsmnblhThe cotomp eOlcl eOlclTh bl ertnwswi It a ssrra orennur pr a ul 10 10h Th The Dakota Farmer rtnr will III confnan to toha I I wt ur QUle 1 nmranbn agave If DII1 tlr iNyllr bar ha ethartthe hurt Ihr weldor lfar and od intrrett otrrriIts of ofil yr na il Ito mtclicot IDC and wattht PUhr Ithr nnb OUbCTlbll crlh ctibrs rand Paa trmronrwr tb Saar bar uand ig igand and theateepesof the III mirrrxof tcretlablrWvertts reliable reUab drU 1 rti rTh Yj ma 1 enweauin tr po poTh paqu Cray CrayTh Th Dakota ak Firtn Farmer rm1 us laaucurMtnc laaucurMtncnrw Tai II Fone rntss nrr lay Tb TbII saw Mnew nwy I tea Oaa TDy Ittod 10 Tag 717t 7117Inrt Tagand new II rl plans IIIn for th further dolopmpnl lopm nt ntand and iwltltm 1 Unln nt I th Iba thattreat i rrat macnlDoent macnlDoentemolr II e1 et buo oil gig in tt i Iii Iiiempire kj kjt 04 In Inrmlrp empire which a rnrntb Prooo th thn norihwut norihwutTh Sena I 901 re itmrlf 1 mutt ermq 4rtr 4rtrA 01 ID IDThp I tn tnTh Th Thp Dakota kpta Farmrsdrrtletog rm i ltrtlfln rllla man manMmrnl I sa hl I nar naragementandrepreotauunwnlbestronger rrcmpnl agementandrepreotauunwnlbestronger Mmrnl and rrpr ra nt ti IJa jn will bot tron troncr fr moronrlpfnl mo moreelpfntcomptete camclrtt camPI Dakota PekntaFarm IInta Farm Farmrr alocllnatttutira A loeAl inMltntion ret retthe bro broad 4d ant moreptwerfulforthegood01thenorthweat moreptwerfulforthegood01thenorthweatsr more prflll rful for tb cood of lh the aort2iw aort2iwWrominf aorllutlld rr IlUbcrlpUon ub cnptloD and nd adrrtlrlnr srll loc rats Ial remain tbo Ib cam xrpt for minor detail detailNew I I the be a llikotaa Iakotaa lIakol Montana and 1 Wyoming omIIC la cartrular tartcularReachin cartrularReaching tart1cularReaching 1 Reaching Reachin Over Three Million Rural Buyers BuyersThus Ru ere i iThus Thus the two mo mOt powerful and influential semimonthly sem month1y farm arm papers in all America will be in future operated in harTnanlouscooperation harmoniousco co coD DAKOTA A 1 InE KOTA TA PARMER PARMERAberdeen rAR fr A IJI ER operation reaching offices rea ot 500000 gg icds ching in circulation i 90 the Farm country of and all every Home the and ei issue issuereaching poste post postoffices with withInE The TheDaktrta TheAb ThAberdeen si EA FAn I A5ANDUjO pMO iVl 1Ja Daktrta Da1 ta Farmer with 60000 cir circulation i Aberdeen Ab rd een 3 OTh culation cul t10n in the agricultural agriculturalstronghold grlculturaln Chicago ChicagoSpringfield Springfield Mass MassThe Maseculation Th Lmdinf Farm SiMonthl Stai iMoothr ol 0 lh the Northwest NorthwcitT stronghold fltronlh ld of the great Dakota DakotaEmpire DakotaNye The Leading National Nail 1 Farm Smi SaroiMonUJjr Monthlyof of Aracrica Aracricar AmeriaTblrllid1 Tblrllid1 ch Iriod roUn eI 141 sI MOOO lam la UMM la laOakcta I ii Empire and adjoining states Fnen0 3O Lnskametcaleulnnrlrht edHedlnth lr Oakcta 0 Meas Moalcaa sad r155 etorte re serdd by W5 awl Ihmr lmai oilift sa It pap oe I ti lie lieTHE la laTHE toTHE THE PHELPS PUBLISHING COMPANY COMPANYAberdeen Aberdeen Minneapolis Cbleago New York Springfield Mass ill it The Great Mystery MysteryAt MysteryAt MysteryAt At The TheVilla By ByA 6L A Mason MasonAuthor MasmVilla IusnnVilla Villa VillaRose I I Author of ofThe ofR ofThe The Four FourFeathers Fourose FourOse Rose ose Feathers FeathersAn An old woman fnunl nuMonotisK hrIlUiI lr1I1g1cd tr np1cd in her own villa villaher villaher I Iher her companioni a young oun lnMlishi I llsh1 man known kno tn have lost heavily heavilyat heavilyat at the gamin tables 1 lble promptlv accused Jw cd of the crime a 1 ealthy wlalthyyoung tvealtltyyoung ealthyyoung young Englishman openly espousing lspou in the young girls rs cause and andenlisting andenlisting andenlisting enlisting the aid id of the molt mo famous living Paris detective a atangle aln atangle tangle ln lc of circumstantial evidence an alienee al et of niotiv 1101 in and a ahafllmg abaf11in ahaflling hafllmg baf11in intrusion intru ion of spintiuliMU these ire only the superficial superficialand superl ial ialand and preliminary features of a 1 mysteryStaluls mystery rmstfryStuuN rn lery lerySI I II StuuN SI lI1ds out conspicuously from amidst the great mass of ofnutriler offittlonal I dlcmal nutriler mvteries 1I1 INil I he lloakntttn lloakntttnAn lVIkill lVIkillAn An al absorbing urhing IVM seller dkrV fifniin Sun SunIf titanIf If vuu ou care for a 1 well written myslen 11IIr set et aside Jiid an evtning evtningfur efmn efmnfor tnin tninfor for tins Ih one Iiiit because youill fll will ill have no peace ri Iicacr Icunlil until you ou have hIlinishcd hIlinishcdn finished finishedit it IrtliiiiJ lienni rnilri lrlrV Itlt ftlIWI ftlIWICharles ttim rn1 III 150 150Charles 150e Charles Scribners Sons New York II lIolur hrr rr Ulriiiliisliain Ulriiiliisliainlllniiiiii 111111111111 111111111111II ItlrinhiglmntII Ml 1 II I Irnrl Vn I lllniiiiii IIM a rr i 1 inr inrIIIH 1larei HI ei 1r I Um I Vlu hr Ira ne nIlill IIIH III Ml I Wll 11 I huip Illllfl I 1rllu Irlliii Irl I pr ir orIII hill I IIII III tte Vltitty ilreI erell nn I trrel tn i i i It ItIIr lira liraiIr IIr llllniii 11I1 1 llilliiinriM HIII lhngerV Hit tear 1 nrsdosl nrsdoslby ol ili lliy Jtty tty tin II Kx 11 Williuu It I IrnliiM Iron 11 nf urIt llrlio llrlioII JIt JItII II I riio flo Pursue wu wuli II unR III utr uutrmA uutrmAL li her li 1 fulhIT I UN UNlliiiniu liiriiiinxliiiii hrllllllIIIlInllrtllIr Sip Sip1luoniss lr lrtrll lliiiniu 1 IlInllrtllIr irtiur Sn Sniiiatrnii Sworrl trll 4llt 1InI1 IHl II IItn 11nr nmstrnn iiiatrnii nr tumor mi I IHirn It Itr lirlf lirlfliiriiiinxliiiii 1Ir tn tnneliiin It ItII Urn Urntin II tin Hirn lteA fb IIIfRInlio Ilirn neliiin II Nr11 in 1 Kounxr Kounxrrl I nIlIrlllilhUI nIIIrnlltghMRi lllriiiliiirluirii Hare Harell en rl II IHII uuu tliiinl tliiinlntlnr rlnnuiFlbr Flbr ll dr horitiiUtid aslstnd NU NUKmri11 illanther I ntlnr a Lest in nian in an II I Illlriiiliiirluirii Thomas 1 nwrr Ir maid I ans ansii IU Kmri11 lfllC ii tiYtititl II HIHII I Irulbrnnt lloll i rown wn enlllan enlllanII I lint lintH rlIh dallhrxil lIh all Srw II York rk nn Mut I ffollin Jolla I I Il ol ilronnt IIr Ir of Ht 14 nn rllll ue ai AI artnd a ati no nobr auhrs ti uhrs her br After Atteratirt rl I Mr Ir IMriiilntflmin IIImlnllbllfflthl brides thl father gave a rereiifiun nail n1 upper Mapperat upperat 1111t at tl the Hotel valion where II lio II reside citf IISHI il niilil nnlrunle ilri II rrfnlur tol JIMIIMT Ik Ikt I Ikarrr I I arrr err uu4 iu Snl tlnii Or ll delfts tllP Vtnl UOII 11I I Multitrnii MultitrniiIll Malt ire Ill 11 VII tI ifli an nih Ioril Io 11 Jab II I 4 4li I I I 111 li hide MurifinTMi mt i ilululili ilululiliif fir if Mr PIII ti I Mr llnrniiii lIrll Hniniltim 1ate 1atewasmerriedInHunhl541iIFnrI mti mtinrii I Irl I wasmerriedInHunhl541iIFnrI nrii tunrrl rl In Iliirolil Sul nrl Ur Urilm brdac ilm 111 ifi ifiiTunoii 1rru runntts ill st sl I iiliHn 1111 i luirvli hllr rchi 1Ie 1IeCw 11 11lu I I lu I IT 1 ioorKU 00111 I It Ifan in Hr 1 I Vit later perGRnle perGRnlet rrorni i I tin It rrrcmonr nivl ni i r1 iiriilc Jrht UIK umn Ilh I tn tnmnrrtnee mmnrrtMa IIIrre mnrrtMa rre hr I 1u in I nrl MI I miti mitit 111I11un toe tt ttrnac I un rtnm tale 111 nrtemlyd fIn i nl her Hi I i Ir a 1 mm 1 1ononor I IMnonor IIIIDOr Mnonor IIIDOr niil oso i i 1 nutn rn ULII Ynnt rl I hrnthci hrnthciif hrI hrIj hrirttieiIf iIf if the brl rl tsirnem rr in an man HI I Ilanorn liner nri were ri re Hirnri I rJlr 1 I rl I ml 1 1I ni sflan i flan nr 1 nil Inrmonl Ford r1 hrotli hrolti hrnuerM hrnuerMIO rs rsi I Ililopr IO i i of tlio lirlJitrnom Ih hrl trom rollnwMiK Follnwngtheeldicg FollnwngtheeldicgI hr urildiri III1t I lilopr tti there ri wit it 1 rf rpMlon Ctlon rr rhe ih hr hrilal dnl farts tmrfnn fartsamt rll nn amt I Intlniit I trlen frl frlfnlo nU 1 at the Ih homo uf Hie II I I Ilrlil lrlil Lddee parents pI6 nlot DIXIE DIXIEHART I II IIHART HART HARTA rHART A Aevv Novcl 1VotC1V 1VotC1BY NovclBy OKC OKCWILL i By WILL HARBEN HARBENThe Th The Ctreai Southern Soth rn Author AuthorTR AllihorT AuthorvrR TR joooo 0000 eopici of lh the nnvels no ls of i I VM Will ll lIubca rbcn rbcnhive I hive been disposed of proud tndrrii 1 that 11 Inc trci ocorgtJ oKI oKIN riij riijhixiKf rhre hixiKf hre of Mr Ir llarhrn bate reached prrnunent prrnunentllrrc IrllllleolpupuJuil permanentpopularits pupuJuil pupuJuilIItr popularitsIhere I llrrc tu tutt publi publlthel hril Mr Ir jrben Ilarhens latent novel tlitc tlitclljrt nlI fhteIlart lljrt lI rt the th strung strulI mpjtlific hunumustor hiimcrou torv of jn in prmisti prmistiSouthern iiristu iiristuSouthern Southern girl who hu win lnl in 3 I fight fi hl agjm i advcr advcnity advcnityDuie ilv ilvPixie Pixie Hart is fry Tv far ar the rl bc hest nor novel Mr Harbcn lu etr eserwmten etrwritten nrIllen written Illen The lr hen xr i i is a I gntid i dnaturr shrew yun muni fellow who whokeep whnkeeps hell keep ell shirr in a little icnrgu i village illa Next Itl dOM mr lnr 11 fi laic laichart xic xiclljrt hart an attractive oiinq un fir girl who tines a I man work HlI rk in Ir itg itgtl ig liSIII igt III tl support SUPI hrr hlutlf elf and her hC vidourd wldu trd mother mill her Cnusaunsq I rv wiHji tile tilel theisfall isfall oall 3I1m in love Ihis his it the Ih rej real begmng hrqnp me 1 he I t3HARPC 1HARPER tHARPER I HARPER A anoTH BROTHEUSC anT1fIEnaThe nb 1 I The Provident vden Loan lo Society c0 eo i 1OF OF rac NEW lE Mr YORK YORKJl fmr yf loa 101114 nw rmlll Jl 1 to IliKr III iijK III0n 1 nof I JlILta dt OFFICES OFFICESKnnrlli OFFICESor of personal Jltnl prIlerty iro el cU 1t Ylltrra Ylltrra101Irl tl4r rFourth Fourth Avenue cur or illl Slrcit Slrcitl St 1 trcetINTEREST tI I UiridKuSiroci qu troutCuritlritgtonsttrect troutCuritlritgtonsttrectQoventh ct Itn ti UIKIOII 11 I0I1 street streetS trcc trccI INTEREST INTrR ST RATES RATESOut TES I I Omln nth trti fxr Wfth tutu Strreta Strretaor titrrt JIta t8 t8Otte Out 0 Otte IHr Hr rent I per JI I moil moilfrnrtlon iiIOtill1 or I2th si Stn ur IarU 1 iiic iiicJran1 rlo rlornrtIon I I frnrtlon Iht tlicnof tlicnofOnehalf rtot Jran1 fI teii lin intori on Strett StrettINTEREST Slr1fUIhalf tree tn I Onehalf ti IItr Mr iint iintupon ul Ii I I rht h3rgrol rR UUIt 1 utr utrupon 1 1Ilpon upon loaiu rr repaid Mti uitlitn twig VII Mn wet i Cirjlut acing tnlll cor corfrom Deievof A St Stfront from dat of iiiaUuit PitUin ilk In Vv tu apr or ltfH Rochawiir liI1 iwur 1tt 1ttNEW vc vcOPEN vNEW IJ NEW LFFICE tOIl OPEN 1481iSt 1t8t 51 SCourtlaiiJt Av THE ERJNX I 0.

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