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The Sun from New York, New York • 6

The Suni
New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Il IlII11i3 II11i3 41 y4S 1 11Wi4Ye 1Wi4Ye 1 I TifEsiJNPRiDAYMAncJ1 19O I II III Luibt I IlI1 IlI1r uibt mt mtI I I WILUA11 LAFFAV LAFFAVFRIDAY LAFFANif LAFTANI LAFTANy if mIDAY FRIDAY MARCH 6 1803 1803Bberltliu 1903hl 1003I I Bberltliu hl by Mall Pottpald PottpaldJBAIMr loua4JuJ PotpaldJ JBAIMr JuJ LI1 Per Month ontb MT oI 10 10ILY I ILY LY Per Year YearFDAT Yf GOO GOOtuNDAT CVDAY tuNDAT VDAY FDAT Per er Year rar 3 3DAILT 200 200AILt 2tML1 DAILT AILt AND SUNDAY per YW YWDAILY far crDAILY 1100 1100DAILY DAILY AND SUNDAY Per itnnih itnnihI 0 0i i I Ixuc Ui forelcn countries DOualrl addnl addnlTan edasTJI sdd4Tx Tan TJI Km New Nt ew Vo yok City CitytUaa Ctl CtlI C1tPAWIV1osas I tUaa Pi PAWIV1osas rtlosa KtoaqUl No Jtar It I near tr Grand Hotel 101 i iKloaqu a114 a114f 1 110 aJoaQIIfD Kloaqu Ko 10 10 DAulrvard At Cspuelnrs Cspuelnrsif rapucl a aIf 4 if cW cirjrRn4a trttndi irto loro ator ut trttli Itll rrtDnllcn1 mtinvscflpffbIIctgo inv rrtp tlt JptiMffttteii rlcaWfl ptiMffttteii lcaWfl MiA I1S to Mr UI rtftctttenMtt rMCUd rt crflciii eI returnill returnilltivM rtIlIns1rU fl fll tivM OicU tsea tend stamps Ijmp amp 10 or iiof purpoi purpoiMr pUPOkl pupiMr kl Mr Aldrich on Ilevenuo Rciluctlo RciluctloAn UelluctlonAn ReductiotAn An Incidental remark tho other day I Ithe by bthe I the distinguished chairman chl nnlln of the Soua SouaCommittee Sonl1to Sonl1toI SunutCommittec Committee on Finance IB I interpreted Interprot 1 tsome by byeomo bI I I some eomo Ofl1 of our contemporaries OH a aor pled pledor pledgu pledguor or promise of tariff revision undur Rpublican Re RepubUcian ittpubIitn publican auspices at tho next reguli regulisession regular regulareeM1 rcgulnelonofCongres3 session eeM1 elonofCongres3 elonofCongres3Mid of ConRress ConRressMr Cong CongMr Mr Alonicii speaks little but hwords his hisWOrdl hi hiI I words have hnvel1nllsunl jmu5ual unusual weight when the theconcern theconcern thcy thcyconcern concern Republican policy poll about tl tlprotective tho thorotcctivo thprotectivo protective rotcctivo tariff tnrlt Wo have according accordingwaited accordinglywnltcpr accordIngwaited waited wnltcpr for tho official ofcnl record in order 1 1Mcerfnln turtlnexllty tuceraIn Mcerfnln urtlnexllty exactly what ho did say oi oiiubjct ctbia on onubJOt tbia subjectThe subject ubJOtTieg1 1 The Tieg1 ThefdlagMI lege prediction predicton by the Rhod RhodIslanl Rhoe RhoeIladJSenntor IthodIIan Islanl IladJSenntor IIan Senator occurred oc urrcd while hle Mr lr TEILElt TEI TzLLEfl LElt LR was ya dificusftitiK dlfCUlnJ the socalled 8ocnled Aldric Aldricbill Aldrch Aldrchbi AIdrIclbill bill bi for th the safe Info keeping of publ publmoney publo publomonc pubIlmonc money moneyMnAttjRicnWIll monc moncuri moncMn MnAttjRicnWIll Mn ALOICIWI ALDHJCIIWflI the Senator Snalor allow alo me meUk I Iaak 10 uri I Iuk IP IPm uk a qtiesttoiit qtiesttoiitair itlllf iiettoii iiettoiiMr I air Ir TrtUARCertalnl TrtUARCertalnlUr 1LItraIDly 1LItraIDlyUr Thu ftCer1tDJr ftCer1tDJrc Ur AtDUcnWllI ALDDIC11 the Senator a aere aeree re at tti ttibelt lh lhlU tbI tbe1t I belt lU e1t 8slOI fasten ot 0 ConireM OllertM to cooperate ct rDle with wlh thmajority th Ihe Iheorlr tbiLtlorIty majority orlr to rtdsce rdlC dUte thr Ihr revenue ntnUt ol the th Govern Govennenltj Otm OtmDlh GovernI I nenltj ttoII Dlh I sop kop opI be will wi We certainly CrI4Inl nhall FhUI hal mall mallthe makeI I the I eftSrt ind nd hope hop the le Senator nAlor will wil be foun founeooprriUnr tounelnr founI I I eooprriUnr elnr with wlb ui in that Ibl direction directionUr direcion direcionUr I Ur Tiuis1 TaalI hope bo the senator nAlor from frm Hhod HhodWand RbOe flhotI I Wand iid 4 apeaka pc pah by authority aUlborlr ot lili bi party rr fa ta a aW ar ari 2 i I Ilao know II I rreatl rtal dUlurbrri dllurbf on that queitloi queitloiOne quelloDOe qurItonJ One Oe Senator Snlor ttlla el us that bi you ou rnuit mua stand pat rl patj an anot AM 11 sot ot do aiylfclnr another Anole one of 0 the financial noancla or 01taaa OrI I taaa Illa of 0 the he Republican publc perth rr said Md the other olbt da daIkst dar daral daV Ikst al the tariff larl did need otemt acme revision but he said aaliH ula ulala saidJ It5OdI Bwdi la rtvlalnf mIairrupward upward Upwlr and not nodownwan ilownward ilownwardUr donWIrdMr Ur AuiaicBl ALaIC was WA talking tlklne about the quntlui quntluif Qu I1 I1t I ii the te Ui revenue rvfUC of the be Government OOYtmfol and not a tbow to tohw tobow bow their should be rrduced rrducedIt mue mueIt rr4ucdis is It will be observed obned that nt Mr Ir ALDRlcrpromptly ALDRICH ALDRICHpmpy ALDRcflpromptly promptly checked Mr Ir TELLERS TELLS attempt attempito attmpt attmptt pmpy to put putlipon upon ipn this remark rm rk tho constructior constructiorto cnstrcton cnstrctont to which we havo just referred rCcrred What Whalhe Whathe llat llath I he had hd promised promid waa V8 that tht tho Republl Republlcan RpubU RpubUeprty RepubilJ 4 I eprty can fl party would outd make an effort elTor at the thenext thonext thenext next session alon to reduce rduc the revenues rvenue In irorder Inorer inA A order orer to prevent prent the accumulation accumulaton olan ol or ora off a an excessive eoeh surplus surlus i3i p1uL Mr TKLLER TL as asurned I Iume asI I urned ume that tat this meant tariff tM11 revision revielont revisionMr rviion rviionMr Mr ALDRICH ALRIC promptly corrected crrecd the theunwarranted theunwatd theunwarranted unwarranted unwatd interpretation interpretationA itrrtton itrrttonA A reduction rducion in tariff tlt rates rte short shor ol olfreelisting otfrltig offreehating1 freelisting frltig does do not necessarily necsiy mean azductionoftbo a areduction afducton reduction fducton zductionoftbo of the th revenues rvenuel On tho con contrary conlowr conIrary trary lower lowr tariff trif rates may produce prouc an annormoua annorou anI annortnous I normoua norou increase Inc of unneeded unneded income incomeFurthermore Incme IncmeF IncomeFurThermore Furthermore rmor the customs cstm are ar not the theOnly thetnly thenly Only tnly nly nouroe ourc uro of 9t revenue rvenue they are a not notvon noteYn noteven eYn even von the tgr greatest ttt source Murr For the last lastfire l8t l8taY laste fire aY fiscal fc years yar the Governments Govrmentl re reeeipts relptCrom reIpta eeipts elptCrom Ipta from internal itr taxes tes have exceeded exceededfey exced excedb7 exceededby fey many ly millions mUIon those thO from frm the te tariff tariffon trll tariffl on Impr Import Excessive Ec8ive revenue rvnue cannot cannotrightly ennotrightiy not notrbty rightly rbty be attributed attibutd to one source lourc to the thoexclusion theI I i exclusion exclulon of the te th other otherMr otherH otherlift Mr ALDRICRB remark rmark therefore therfor com corne committed cm cmmit i mitted mit him In I no sense IM to tariff tll re revision tai i vision IIOR as a a method meto of revenue rwnu reduction reductionIt rdueUon rdueUonI It I committed co lttd him to no particular ptclar method methodOf meUo Of decreasing dculg tho inflow Infow Into Int tho United UnitedState Unitd Unitdftt UnItedStateft State ftt Treasury TMUI His Hi promise prml might be beredeemed beI I redeemed remd effectively electvly without touching touchingsingle touchingIlglo touchinga a single Ilglo item Itm Item of any schedule Ichedule of the theDingloy theDlgtey theDingloy Dlgtey Dingloy act actTho a actTho Tho Th distinguished ditngIshed Senators Sntrs remark remarktherefore rmark rmarktr 1 therefore tr or is without witout the special lpca signifi significance slglf significancewhIch cance ec cancewhIch which hasty interpretation itrrtton has hasattached baaattached attached attch to it in some re quarters quartersWill quar quarterswLl Will 1 England Fdlland Stick tck to Turkey TurkeySuppose Trkr TrkrSupp Turkeyt Suppose Supp that tlt the schema Icheme of reforms reformsformulated rConns rConnsforultd reformst formulated forultd by Russia RUII and Austria Auatra rec recommended rc 1 ommended by the th other groat grt Powers Powersand Power Powersand and ostensibly Mt lbly accepted a ptd by the Sultan Sultanhot Sultn Sultnht Sultantj1 tj1 hot ht only for the three thr vilayets vlay named namedbut nmed nmedbut namedi i but for all 111 the six ix vilayets VIRyts of European EuropeanTurkey Europan EuropanTrky EuropeanTurkey Turkey Trky should not be carried red out in inpractice Inprclc inpractice prclc practice That Tlt Is not nt a violent assump assumption auumption tion in I view vlewoC of the fact that tht AnnUL ABDUHAUJI AnnULHuu AnnuzHaitiri HAUJI JI has ha never kept his hi word wor when whenthe whenth whenthe the th fulfilment flent of It was WI Intrusted Intrlte to toagen toqn toeT agen eT appointed pplted by himself hlml and wu wasnot wuDt wunot qn not Dt taken ta en out of his hl bands bnd as alln In the case caseof ie ieof of Crete1 CI Let Lt ui suppose supp further rurhr that thatthe tlt tltth thatthe the th promised prlMd reforms rCorl having hvn proved proveddelusive prved prveddluf proveddeIu1y delusive dluf Russia RUI should Ihould decide dlcde one onc once more moreto mor moreto to interpose Inter for the rescue rll of her co corellgionUu coreliionlats rellgionUu rUlon1 in the Balkan Ualum Peninsula PeninsulaWould Pnlnaul PoninsujaWould Would England Eglnd for or tho fifth fCth time tme In Inseventy Inlyt7 insrnnty seventy lyt7 years yer do what wht I Jr lord ord BAURBURT RAUItBUBYhas BAURBURThas 8ALRIUR has admitted adltd that tht six hi did on one coca occaslonput cocasloni slonput sloni lo Put her hr money on the he wrong wrn horse hor horseWi TW Wi ar a atetempted tempUid to ok Ik the question quoton be because 0 bemuse cause UN the Paris Parl correspondent toItpndent of the theLondon theLadon he heLdon London Ldon Timri fil Tim glv Idvf glvei prominence Ilroclnno to a apis aIor aplea pis plea for or a arlvAI revival of IC tl the traditional trdltonl ami amiswbls arniiaM rl rlbt swbls bt relations rltlon between bet1n England tlltnd ninnd and andTurksy andrky andTurkey Turkey TurksyHow TurkeyMow rky rkyJow How Jow long and rid how unwavering unaennl tho thoMRtaUtU thO those thoseadbii MRtaUtU uL relations rllon liave Ille linen tln I some somMM Im sometenvrooked tenvrooked MM nvsrlookfd rlokl No fewer lew than four fourMM 10lr 10lrlld 5 I MM MN kins England lld snvnd Mvl thai Ottoman OttomanPower Otomn OtomnPwf OttomanI I Power Pwf run im ruin rin In IMJ ISlh lit Treaty Tlly of ofUrtkU ofV ofVpkIm UrtkU 8kelf Rkel1 jcnv Ituuln lull jjj not no only onlyUt nl nlu Ut 1 right hL lo tC Inlorveits In li II tha ltrn11 ltrn11I lsiternuI lsiternuita1e InUrrml InUrrmlafaif afaif I of the ottoman 0101 ftii I1IIJIre lpll ln hut hiI nUo nUoImndtlt a aMfl nIqlegad I Imndtlt Mfl legad the Port Jor wt whatnnr er rlu Huisla 111 la should shouldat IlllJ IlllJat at ear to ilMM dl Ih llrnell lardsnlLta srdaiH Uis In II IIHr 11 lh lhii1aiiii Hr ii1aiiii hll ilM of 4 1 all oiltttr tUlr nations IU01 It I was wasrtMiarlly WPrlly WASprissrtly Prlly prissrtly rtMiarlly rtti fl diii lo ljuiu IKlnd uliliotiKh uliliotiKhnin ilihoiigljYnines 1 101 Ynines nin 11 ittWii iwljsrihd IIlflll fitt willi wl iW Ilr iluii wI HIM HIMInuty I ilalivity hi Inuty IIY wbldi wlkl would mlll In It asun aa14rud rl trait irmun 11 traitulI1ity I ully ulI1ity 11 1rollily 01 10 ii 111 Ilta hreIjz hreIjzuIieta uIieta 01 iI thu HI ulieu I 41 MUM liil IKVIT IM IMMmUd 1 hisIij4 MmUd Imf HI ftj MS eara laur his 11 TuiiUli TuiiUlisVmy fliII tMIUshigHr Amy sVmy gHr aitnfhlUl 1IIIUald II sti Kull Ntlh hi 11 lU lUKglHkU iJiYiyj4iatst I IJ1oll I KglHkU J1oll fwrwHi I fiii Illtilur IUtr IIIHAUIM IU jASIU jASIUsWl IIUIA JAaISA JAaISAiW1 I sWl iW1 If rJigUiJ I i iwl WI I MIU siiisd 14 II UirtM UirtMMton 1 Utske1ajise4 ke1ajise4 Mton 111 Ih tJe Oilwiidii UIfUI tI111 htsgirs viiiiirw infill infillHtai 111 1 Ian jiuJseiI 1 h1 Nh sIaSy siusilsia siusilsiatI IIt I It Htai tI II lb UI UNAUM tttiu4ji lrlel1 IrlhIIlla of 1 SlJlia SlJliaSI SI aisI 1 A AittIt II Il IiirIiy IiirIiyII lmll IIY II 1iIofluiiauilly tite it itr Ins NAUM wf 4 Ml HfHKT ur Au A limn 11111 II Its II has Un UnW 1 1I laia I a e4r I ii IIXIM Iis 1 of OlHHaV lfUUI IIIUAW A for 111 I MM Frli harsia Wisi II ij 1 I jH 111 WM 11 kai4wi44 Is1 sod sodI I seisi44tsa1 an I 111 Essgblii 111 suw 1 4 al an fl lntrmti i4J rslii ijte ijteI 1 I K0 IMU 4ij4oralii 4orsl 4 in its nH solhw I lIIttqtftir lIIttqtftirI ii Uf i fwa I wa SUW a aa fI ty VAI blunder dr numtiiilU HIII i 11 11a hy Ixwd jj jjaIvNt iu iuSUW aIvNt siks a Li ut titil Treaty Traty of San Stefano Strlo negotiated negotiatedCount negttd b1 b1Cut 1 1Count Count Cut IOKATIEIT IONAmrwhn IOArIE when the te Russian RU1 tu tuwas amwaa 1 1wa was wa in I sight of Constantinople CnltUn pl should shouldabrogated Ihoud 1 1abrogated abrogated abrogatd by Lho ho Congress Congr of Berlin Brl TCongress TbCongrese Congress Insisted upon restoring to toTurk ti tiTurk CongrM iit upn rtri te teTurk Maocdon Maocdonwhich Maoedoniwhich Turk among aong other oter districts dlstc 1loonl which had been bn included icluded by IflNAtn IflNAtnin IONAIn IONAInIn TONATTEIIn in a selfgoverning JgoveriK Greater Gratr Bulgaria Bulgariais Buga It ItII is II true tre that BEACON8FIELD BECONSFEL and the oil oilstatesmen other otherItatlmen othi othistatesmen statesmen Itatlmen who cooperated clpratd In inflicting Infllotinigrievous Inficting inflictinggrievous a agrievous grievous wrong wrng on the Christian Christa subjeof subje subjecof of the Sultan Sulan pretended prtnded to safegua safegunithorn safeguathem 8Cegard 8Cegardtilem them against the atrocities atrocites that had bo boinflicted bn bnInflcled boInflicted inflicted Inflcled aan on the Bulgarians Bulgarian by Attic ArtieXXIII Aricle AricleXXI AtticXXIII XXIII XXI of tho Berlin rUn Treaty Taty the te pu puport pur purpor puport port of which was wn that the te same sae admin admlistrative adminitrtve admitfatrativo istrative por itrtve improvements Improvment should be 1 1troduoed In Intoducd it ittroIuced toducd troduoed into Int Macedonia Maodonla as 8 had ha bet betagreed bn bnagrd beeagreed for the island of Crete CreteAlthough CreteAlthough agreed agrd upon upn th islnd rte rteAlhough Although Alhough nearly nelly quarter quntr of a centui centuihas centurhM hM lapsed olpfd no 10 attempt atempt has hn been bn madto ma made madeto 1 to enforce enCor the provisions provl lon of that artlclso artlcl aricl articLso so 10 far an Macedonia Macdonia is I concerned cncrned ar arit and andIt anit it has required requird tho threat thrat of a dospera dosperauprising desprt dosperatuprising Upri uprising on the part of the victims victm i ibring tbring bring about abut the despatch delptch to Constantnoplo Constant Conltnt Constantinoplo noplo of notes nots substantially substntnlly identical Identcal ctho on onthe otho tho part of tho Christian Chrstan Powers Power the thitook that thattook thetook took pr part in the Berlin Berln Congress Congr Thor Theiis Ter ThorIs par whle whleBulgaria whiciBulgaria hich hichBulgnra is not ono of tho horrors horrr with th Bulgaria Bulgnra was wn stricken Itrcken In 1876 wit wittho with withtho witthe tho recital recitl of which by Mr OUDSTON OUDSTONEngland OLnsToEngland England rang rng that has not nt boon bon para paralelod pn parni parnilelod lelod for many a year in Macedonia MacedoniaThere MacedonliThere Maconia MaconiaThere There Is not 10t the slightest slghtest ground for bHaving be believing Having lelng that ABDUL HAM HAMI IIAMID ID II I now ir irtends In Intnd intends tends tnd loyally to carry carr out tho reform reformwhich reCor reCorwhich reformwhich which at tho eleventh hour ho has bee beeconstrained bon bonconstrined bootconstrained constrained constrined to promise If not this yea yeathen yer yerthen yeathen then next year tho pledge plego is I certain crain to bbroken bbroken broken brkon Nor is II there ther any practicabl practicablremedy praoticableremey prnotlcablremedy remedy remey for tho woes woe of the Rayahs Raya ex exccpt excpt axcept ccpt cpt the expulsion of the Turk fror frorEurope trm trmEurop fronEurop Europ That expulsion will wf requir requirforce rquire rquireforce requlrforce force and tho force will wf have to com commainly cmo cmomnlnl comimainly mainly mnlnl from Russia RUSia though it is proba probnble probable probabin ble enough that Austria Austra with wit an a eye to toshare toeharo a aIhar share Ihar of tho spoils sols would cooperate coOprate i ithe In Inthe it itthe the crusade crusadeIt It is duo to England primarily prmaly ani animainly ad admainly ancmainly mainly that the Christians Chrsta of Europeai EuropaarTurkey EuropeaiTurkey Eup Turkey Turke have not been ben free fr and hoppfor happy happyCor happyfor for the last seventy enty years yea In 183334 183334in 1834 1834In 183334In in 183940 1S40 In 185253 18253 and ad again agan ii in chance of de deliverahce doliverarico 187778 they had bright brght de liverahce lveranc On each of these tho four coca occalions oa oaslof cocaslons slof lions Russia would have saved save them thembut tem tembut thembut but England barred bar the way It I appean appeanincredible appar appeatiincredible Incrrible incredible that a mistake mistke now univer univertally unlversnlly univerzdly tally recognized rgize as criminal crminal should hfor befor for the fifth time repeated repeatedNo tme rpte rpteXo No State Standardizing Bureau BureauSenator BureaulSenntr flurcaulSenator Senator Senntr McEWAN is I the putative father fatheif tatheroC fatherDf oC a 1 bill bi now before broro tho State Stt Senate Senateroviding Senat Senateproviding pridlng providing for the creation craton of a Stat Statiilectrlcol Btt Statelectrical elcctrcnllaborator electrical laboratory which is to under underake undertake underlake take the standardizing tdarllng and ad calibrating colibratinjif ot if electrical eletrica meters metr and other electrical electricappllances eletrca electricalippliances applaC ppllances and apparatus appratu and suet suetndepcndent luch luchIndepndent suchndepcndont Indepndent ndepcndent investigations Invctgations and nd experl experlnents expr experinents mcnt nents in electrical clcctrira science scenc as 8 will wi furiish fur furilsh furnish ilsh accurate and impartial Impartal data for th thople the thepople theeopIe pople ople of the State Stte in the settlement ettement ol olllsputes or ordilputc oflisputee dilputc llsputes arising arslnj from Crm tho development developmentind developmentad ad tad use of electrical eletcal power powerThe pwer pwerTe poworThe The Te bill bi creates cret a board bard of governors governorsrho gveror gverorwho governorsivho who among aonR other things thng are a to furnish furnlslcertificates turlsh turlshcrfcat furnishI I certificates crfcat of conformation enCoraton to the thitandard te tetnda theitandard tandard tnda and ad compliance empllanc with wt the rules ruletif rlc rlcoC oC if tho board ba which shall shal bo prima prma facievidenco facie tace taceevden fadeividenco evden videnco of the facts rnt therein therin stated statedTho ttte statedThe The To Constitution COJttuton of tho United Unite State Stateelegates Stt Stateselegates rlegatM elegates to the Federal Feera Government Governmentho Goverment Govermentthe the ho solo power pwer to fix fx the te standard stdard ol olreighta of ofwelght ofreights welght reighta and ad measures melur In March Marh ol or 191 901 moreover morvr the National Natonnl Standard StandardUK Stdalz StdalzInR StandardizDR Bureau created by Congress Congressurgoly Congresssirgoly InR UK Bureu was a create Cong urgoly at tho request rquet of the great gt alecdeal alec elecrlcal ele deal companies compnnlc of the country cout Both Bothn BothIn In the United Unite States Stt and ad in foreign torlg coun counries cun cuntre counrice tre rice the decisions deciion of this bureau buru will wU txcceptod tx betecepted acpte cceptod as final fna and ad results rult In the theitato te teStte theitato Stte itato electrical eletc laboratory labratr can hardly hardljcqulre haly halyacquire hardlyicquire acquire equal equa reputation rputton and ad if the thelid they theydid theylid did lid wo should again aan have hlve two standards standardsnd stda ad nd tho need nee of another aother final fna bureau buu ol oltandards ot otstdar ofitandards stdar tandards tandardsIf If I Now York may create crat properly proprl7 an anlectricol anleetrical elclrca lectricol standardizing stdardiing standnrdizingburoauwhy bureau buru why hy may mayiot my mynot maymt not iot Ohio and Massachusetts Mlchuett in each eah ol olfhich orwhich ofirhich which there tere are ar large electrical eletc InterestsShy interests interestsThy Introt Thy might not every ever other State Stt under underake uder udertke underake tke ake the standardizing Itadarlzing ofsome orlme of Its itiiroducts It Itsroducta prouct iroducts and ad decree der that the te result resultif lult resultsf or if its It own bureau buru of measures meur be prima primaacie primaacIe pr tale acie evidence evidenc In Its It courts courtsIn cour courtsIn In short Ihor the te reasons rUn why the te expense expensei or i the Empire Empir State Stt should not be ln lnrcasod I inroasod crc rcasod in the Ue manner maer prOposed pr pe benator by byRnatr byenator Rnatr enator McEwAN are le too weighty ani anio ad adto and andoo to oo manifest malct to require ruir discussion dlulon It Itn Il Ila Its ItsIn a In old scheme and Ad an a absurd aburd one onePsychology onerlrholo onePsychology rlrholo Psychology and Theology TheologyThe Teolol The Te papers fpr addresses adr and ad discussions discussionst I at Lt the Episcopal Epllpa Church Congress ConKr held heldt I Iat at it Albany Abn last October Octbr have hve been bn pub pubshed pubihed I lhe shed recently rnt They are a interesting interestingnd IntrNtne IntrNtneand and nd significant lcl ct showing Ihowlng the tle Influence Influencef Infueo ot if scientific Ilentte discovery dllYr conclusions concuaon and andipthods ad admrthoa andnetliods mrthoa ipthods of analysis on contemporary contemporaryullglous contemporaryeliglous rlhloul ullglous and Ind aay theological thologlc thought thou ht Moreartieulsrly More Moreftrtlcularly Alor pariclaly ftrtlcularly Is this thl made mae apparent Ippant In Into inIto Ito to 0 report rprt of the discussion of What WhL Is IserHonolltyr I Iserusona1lty lrnaUlr lrnaUlrChe erHonolltyr erHonolltyrTho erusona1ltyfite Tho most f0t striking contribution cnlrlbuton to I the thediulon theILwuealon ho hoUruulon diulon Uruulon WM WA a wjer Ilper by Prof WOOD WOODIBIIHJR WOl WooDIeuaE IIOIr IBIIHJR of Columbia Clumbia University lverty In which whichiu whlcbWW WW 5115 iu priwnUxj Jrntu the view of 0 Uie Ul Lb subject subjectikon subjectabets abets by iho lo ho now scientific aleuUfo or Ir rational rationaltio rUolw rUolwIUo IUo tio Mychology ytIIIOIY Of If old Mycliology MycliologyM IIUM iiush 11 up uJ of 1 JwlurtiDiMi cUurUI from lrm steou steouill sojutivt 11 laU ill tivt VI prliidplM lrlldlt or from rol eianilimtioii eianilimtioiif lllalon 01 ili4i IlI litillvrJuiil IUv dl4 oonsolousiuMM OIIUIIU afu after Cwr1IIIth11 a aiiilu asititptyeiuid 1IIIth11 iiilu sititptyeiuid li uttJ fnililon 111101 lb ilis study of UM UMsoul II IIIU listsSOUlb soul IU SOUlb uixl In II lists 111 ouunlry olllr morn pe pelallXi polally lallXi ly II I was ftiiimoiily Iloly taught laulh as a man manil len lenII assessia II il uud mt nitrsl IUIooiiy IUJI MM sa sa111st 11 ou ount 111st If nt wild wlh I I that In IhiwIoglcaJ 1IIIIujlca Uwrx 1001 and andt AI 1 iits IiiaIwrs ltl ttitil III UwJton Ii Wa15 itr usually usuallxiHinKUii uual uualIhlIIJI IhlIIJI iHinKUii Tl Ihl iiew now ytholojry mm mml om corn1taiy 1111 i IX ujyursui Jlvwr JlruItl 4x frum Iul purl viwouUUya viwouUUyaliiliNfHihXMJitl sgsseulaiivhisImjihsy IMIIIe IMIIIelhlhIh lhlhIh liiliNfHihXMJitl wd 4 trout roui tlt thIi ullivil aMump aMumpun Hm un II Its lul atoU at basis sU faoU I fait nbUJ tsblalsssd 1t dtut 11 11unlhm hs hsiitieit1u iitieit1u unlhm t4is VmIiHi ateS ulI isa llwlJII llwlJIIlt lt istst tut II I I idliMi II iu 1luCI itiyiMiiy sitd 1 IU IUmullii Ie IL ILujiaiatii ujiaiatii I mullii frum luI suits iJsi4gy MIDIIIX I total totalx HIlus Ilus 0 tilt I isititsiti 111 dris frmuu ssssuiisi1 Hulur lit litUI ulur UI rlJul sbulWIy rIUI I so I ii super 1 1U 51445 al MslsslipUWi MslsslipUWiIt UUJUUI I It was iausslsst 1hI sssskbI the theIf I tutu tl gistifsir Iu Ihi IhU Ill SWW IM WVll sltS sltSsasiaslsl sasiaslsl jybuioty loJr louluI oll hn hien hiensf1114 11 sf1114 Vll I Jiseseht im OM ItS Jt It IKXwJlMlMM 1ul utuusLiisse aiMJ aiMJKiMiwIrnlli sseuj sseujeieimtraliuups eieimtraliuups KiMiwIrnlli is iu 1 I diUiv 4iMiniUly ty Uvlx Uvlxliu is isgtua gtua liu I Ibudy JX llk 1 like Ills III tiurdi ureh CwngSM CwngSMa I a raewrvstlws VMMM vallvii Cbuh 1iur li I a4 al list lht bis bisijn ti tip Id Idper ijn per bQUW ul i hart isv Unm tVard llboH llboHjectioit hl idwushjectien eJ8C jectioit or tjMMt desest II ia4l 14 IdItN MM I bov 555W great ct are a the te uncertainty uCrtyad and oonfus oonfusof otulon otulonof confuilsof of the thetelogccattf theological mind at this tune tuneThe tie timeThe JT The abul oul or those to states ltt stateof of min mfd mfdI mu muin think or feel feelwillas feell feellwUl or orwl in I which whc we are a said to tik rel willas wl wUl as defined defed by Prof Pt WOODBRID WOODBRIDconsists WOODBRDB WOODBRDBCMft W000BItIDOconsists consists CMft of nothing notg but peculiar peculiarrangoments pcu ar arrmnt a arangements rangoments rmnt of elementary olment sensations sensationselements anlton anltonelemen sensationsa a elements in combination combiton united uniteda unltd na I Inothing but butnothm bi binothing real and Important way a very ad Imprt ver nothing more mor Ho reached race the to oelusion con concluion cotclusion elusion nothm cluion therefore trtor that tt the soul is I i ia not nota ni nia a power a creative catv force tor an a Independe Independeexistence Indepndent Indepndentoxtno fndependetexistence existence oxtno pwr separate lpt and ad distinct dItct from trm I Isensation Ii Iisensation sensation IIton elements elmen in I flat oontradlotii oontradlotiiof cntrloton cntrlotonot of the theological theory tor He discardevery discard diced dicedevr diacardeevery te every evr teologc assumption aumpton of entities entte hoMe behlithe bhid bhidte hoMethe the te facts tac as a opposed to scientific Iclentfo tru truand trutand and ad fatal fat to opp its It its progress prgr Perha Perhathe Perhathe the day has at last Jt dawned dawd said Id PitWOODBRIDOB Pit Pt PtWOODBBID ProWooDnarnolt WOODBRIDOB WOODBBID when wo shall shl no long longlook longr longrlok longelook look lok to theology tolog to some sme supposed suppd i isight i isight ir ireight sight into Int the Ue plan pl of a divine being bing fan tor tora tc tcan an a explanation explnaton of why things Ulng happ happas happn happeas as 8 they tey do but we shall shl look lok simply simplythe tthe the te things thig themselves themlvs and ad seek sk the thenatural tei thainatural natural ntura onuses MuS To the te professor professormind prresorl prresorlmind professormind mind it I is i not the doctrine docrine of the to natui natuiof natur naturor naturof of JESUS of Nazareth NaU or of his hi origin originthat orgi originthat that tt is I the te voty vry essence elnc of Christie Christietheology Christlatheologywhich theology tologwhic theologywhich which to i important iprnt but tlfact tl te tefact thfact fact that tat men hare hav neon In revealed rvald in I Hie Hiein Hi HIxrin in i a genuine gnuie human hua experience exprienc whit wtutheir wht whtthir whittheir their are thir moral mor and ad spiritual Iplrl1 posaiblHtic posaiblHticare plbUtel plbUtela areIn a In this thf there tr la i nothing notig new to an anone ay ayone anone one acquainted aCuintd with wit the te oontemporar oontemporarpsychology oonternporazpsychology psychology pycholog The novelty novly la I in i the to preientation pros prosent4tlOn entation entton of it to an a assembly 8mbly of theo thoclegions theologians legions logln whose who supernatural suprtura theory theorydiscarded teor Is Isdiscaed I Idiscarded discarded discaed by it with something smeUln like lke con cortempt contmpt contempt tempt tmpt as a a childish cldih construction cttrcion an antheir ad adteir antthoir their teir listening litning to it without wtout protestDomestic protest protestDomestic protst protstDometo Domestic Dometo Economy and Davenport DavenportEver DaTeDIOrt DaTeDIOrtEvr DavenportEver Ever Evr since sinc the formation foraton of the te Ni Nitlonal Na Natonl National tlonal tonl Housewives Houwivs Association Aoclton of Ch Chcago Ci Cicg Chicago cago cg that tat city has hl been bn the te hoadquai hoadquaitors headquartr hoadquartore tore tr of the te political poltc economy ecnomy of domestic domestica domestc domestca a branch brach of science sceno it is I confusing conuig to ca cadomestic cl cldomesto cal caldomeatlo domestic domesto economy and ad that tht might belt beltfully help helpfully fully bo called cled helplore hlplor More Mor Intel Interestlng Intelesting Intr Intrestn esting estn and intimate Intat problems prblem in trw trudomestic te tedometo trwdomeetlo domestic dometo economy are a discussed dicUd ever everweek evor everweek week wek or of oftner oftenor tenor by some sme of the innumer innumeiAble innumerablo innumerb1o Able b1o womens clubs cub the real ra and ad greate greateUniversity greatotUniversity gtr gtrUnivrity University Univrity of Chicago Chic For example examplethe exaple exaplete the te proceedings prcdi of the Irving Irn Park So Sorosls Soreals rosls II the other day drip with wit practice practiceand pracic practiceand and ad valuable wuable suggestions suggtoD The Te theor theorof teor theory theoryof of Dr RHODA RoDA PIKE BARSTOW who la I un unmarried unmae unmarried married in regard to marriage is mae rga maa cape capedally espedaily dally caly informing InCorlng She InsUU IMlt that ever everwoman ever every everywoman woman wma should be a wage wa earner eer befon befonmarriage bror brormaa befortmarriage maa marriage Her business bulne education eucaton ant anttraining ad adtanng and andtraining training tanng will wi teach teah her the value vaue omoney ot otmoney ol olmoney money teach tach her to measure meur her domes domestlo dome domestie tie to services erc in dollars dcll and cents cont and ad shi shiwill shtwill he I wi will no longer longr feel rel that she is 1 a depend dependent ent Sagacity Saacity shines shine In this thl view ye yewe yet yetwe yetwe we must mWt not forget targt that some Ime doubtlee doubtleemeanspirited doubtE doubtEme doubtleeimeanspirited meanspirited men or fogies hold that thawomen thatomen thatwomen me plrt roge women are a altogether altgether too independent independentalready indcpendenalready Indepndent Indepndentary ary already and ad deplore deplor tho loss 10 of the cling clinging clng clngIng clinging ing vine typo typ Woman Woma is more mor of the thiiturdy thestrdy thesturdy sturdy strdy oak oa at present prnt and ad some timid timlcmen tmd tmdmen timidmen men folks fear ter tlmt tlat she will wl become bme stelfsupporting 1 1Ilsupprlng so soselfsupporting as to scorn the inferioilex Inferior Inferiorsex Ilsupprlng telfsupporting a scr te Inreror Inrerorsx sex sx lexBut to Dr BARSTOWS visioi visioif risIonof I Ior But we return rtur BASTWS iion or the virtues TruO of the te wageearning waal woman womaijraduating womangraduating I guatng graduating into Int marriage marriagea mari a Se She win wIen cue botterinr bttrllr about abut the t1nl Itttl thtnt tIDC tlttntlibell I Ihell hell bUIOI not na and harp bar on OlltD thing She Se wont WIt eter eterlallr elerlar 0CC 0CCnail lar nail lallr bUma ble btr te husband bua for the Ie ritravacanre utraver oiarlnf ot otpor ciparing por paring MO 1 40 for a set lot ot book bk boo ShfU Sl forget lore th thaddent tbIddel the theIncident Iddel Incident The Te woman wmU who WD bu never frt cirned rned he hewd he heOW hetewe OW ewe wd UrfUhood UUho but who baa bell been flren an allow allowor ae ael showme me or all a her life It cannot UnDt appreciate apprclale the vain ale onone of ofmOle 01money mOle money none It 1 cornea tmt to her bf eaally eulr and ah Ie she pant pr wltl wltlIJuatueullr W1 w1uIt It IJuatueullr IJuatueullrA Just am 11 euUy euUyA A wise wl woman womn cant cnt learn lar too to soon sooihat lon lontt soonthat tt hat her husbands husbnds luxuries luml a are orenecos orenecosiltios necs neces necessite site If he 40 0 for box or orca ofcigars sltcs I pays py say IY a bx oJgars ca cigars it is because bcu he is I a thinker Ulner one onecorker ad adworkr and andworker workr corker and ad his hl poor pr brain brin needs ne res resind rst rstad rest restand ad and fumigation tulaton Besides Bsids the to dog raus rause mut mutb must mustbe be kept kpt in good humor and every eer pru prulent pr prudont lent and diplomatic dlplomto wife wle will wi try it itceep to tokeep kep keep ceep the to critter crttr from trm acquiring acuiring that thaiasy thateny thateasy eny easy lordly masculine mcle habit hbit of UM tl sulks sulksIs BulkAI aulkeAs AI Is to the relative of the th rltv economy wag wagarnor wagesarner ear arnor and ad the woman wom with an a income incomelerhaps Incme Incmeprhap incomeperhaps prhap perhaps Dr BARSTOW BURTW speaks lpao with wit mon moreconfidence mononfldence mor cndnc confidence than all a of us can cn justify justifyfo juUry juUryNo No fo general Mral rule rl can be laid ld down but butrdlnary butoria butDrdIflSrY oria rdlnary observation obraton observes obr that Uat most moslwrsons mot motprn mostpersona prn persona wrsons who have hav been bn in the habit habitf habitof hit hitor or having hvi money mony have hv acquired acuird the thelablt te tehit thehabit hit habit of being bi careful crM in the use of it itts ItUI itfts UI ts your yur poor pr man mWe manwe we dont say woman womorthat womanthat that tt is usually uuy the most mot extravagant extravagantVho extvaat Wo Who will wl buy most mOt of the te seas IU of cham chamagne chm chmp champages pages that tht swell wel in the restaurants rturt of oftils ottl ofLhis tl tils town tonight tnlh and ad every ever night nighten nightln nightIIen IIen ln en of doubtful doubtulor or limited liit incomes incomesion icms icmsmen men ion that cant ct afford ItNobody it itNobody It i iNoby Nobody Noby will wi dispute dlput Dr BARSTOWS BARSTOWSssertion BAIOWS BAIOWSueron lhasrowsissertion ueron ssertion that a wife wle is just much a arage awa awage wa rage earner eer her husband husbad We must mustave mut mutleve mustsave leve ave It to a jury jur of experts epr to decideshether decide decidewhether dede dedewheter wheter whether she ae Is I right rgh In calling clne house houseeeplng hoU houseceepleg keplne eeplng the hardest het work in the world worlddrudgery worlddrdpr worldp drudgery drdpr There Ter Is I no work said saidhe uldthe saidIIe the he doctor dotr for lo which whh I would demand demd 1 10 0 much pay as a a for or housekeeping We Welave Wehive Wesave hive lave suggested INt more mor than tla once onc hat tht this thisrudgery UIIIdrdler thisIrudgery drdler rudgery ought to be done by machinery machineryiy Oahlnery by iy automatic autmlto servants srat The Irving frvnl so soon 1 soores ores on will wi not admit amit that housekeepinga housekeeping houkeplne I a 1 drudgery drdsorr According Aclrln to IA the Chicago Chicagor CACo CACoTriune ChicagorMne Triune rMne iune report rpr Dr I BiBrrowu PAlow char cliarcu charscterizstloo awrxotlon scterizstloo cu dxalon of housework louMwark as drudgery drudgeryrMinet crdlr crdlrwimet drudgerywuinbt el wimet rMinet with wth a volley vole volleyotproleets of proUnU prINt Mm MmAHb MrsAab NCA CA ugari ugariII AHb BMITH fMITh MITU uttered ullrUI these words wOr of ofugari 01uau ofugari II 1 not tntiHf Nr1 II pUni Ampuwcv AmpuwcvWtf A Am4 oimItaa imItaa 1 kI Isd I Is vetes 1 1 lisp lispv4 Wtf v4 hope h011 that Mn Nh 4r HWITH itisg will wi not think thinktt IMlk IMlkIL IL I tt liberty Ilry If I wa MX 57 thai alts Ih has I retestk retestkihily niark niarkNX ltrk ltrkahlyaua ahlyaua NX aomul iwlJDiw WUOI lie tmiiMrvAllvH tmiiMrvAllvHOIIMMJ vwsservallvvosean rUv rUvI OIIMMJ I inuy mi itoitder le lisr rmiiark luak wad wadilvaiiUge itni4tislage U11t 11t ilvaiiUge Not nverx sry womsu OII tasushitui a aubaiidr ubaiidr 4 woman 011 lltal due dO KU gut ut wiw wiwf Ulwul sis4Sr ul Sr tliMMi I lJ ia ttinl 14 i iMlow 1101 artiultat rMUlwlld rMUlwlldL nhould nhouldik houldak ik Ifd pride tdd jad nd Ilur 4 aur lr In iluniii iluniiiMn uluiijtg luIUI an anIrhII awl awlrJhLlisg IrhII rJhLlisg I ibIiiet IIt anti fl hi hi1tlr 1111 Mn 1tlr WI I ttiuui pobs of IVivxI IVivxIil Jld JldN 41 il rliisiM fln Vijiliijiis uf 4 lU tl ha HOHMI 11 tux yMr yMrMil yussriisid 1 iisid Mil In 11 atuwmvr 111 Mdl ll abe 1 your ftuiunw ftuiunwMltss euaiitur1l IIr 11 Mltss hiss al lUwid tl he situ 11 wfinjiiiiiMK of eWHSJIaf II your flU wlnl winter winterutJe4 hll hlliul rMM iul utJe4 MM at Ih end 4 uf if wittier wil ti maui 1 yuur yuurixl yuurual lr lrNI ixl NI lit II Urn II ijuauliliM IIIUII inwl Isiwitist ll iil ad adNtllli 4 4ii ii Ntllli Htl 1111 wiaiix mlr tisati prsoits wsiii 1 hair iiXrjHiiiM her herUHI hairuNssisw UHI uNssisw jHiiiM flolluis i11 in is UM i In uunw 1 au ll is4 is4V i it to buy 1 iMr III fall II rlulltM MI at UM II MM MMt I awl 1 Vml umHr 154 1 toasty ssseil i Iul fauJlier fauJlierid id lu laiR qusanuules 1UI i4fii4 i4fii4Tb I I Idel Tb del debate urn 4 I Etxsismiy Etxsismiyuruggitl II I uruggitl mt lit sows flurlous foo4a as lo loTV a ahj4ruts lo I hj4ruts nsmasw4alioein 1Ulf ChimeR 8 I IC TV 9n Minmy wy wUa sim la Sp ws I 01 01 1 iaee is le lbs eases orrt OOTSTMNS Sof of on 0 lift ep i kpatttntnt ImUdlaf bl bnU4I ta i which le tb ter there ronlr a acn1 onlr olr cn1 two IWb bed Tfia Xt people pp steep ep la i their Uer theircomeet i icorner roter corner oter ea davenport 4lp An A trtlat a once one fpoloiIlo fpoloiI poloitzto lo me mfrbam for forbstng barlac sbed a la bU bI room roomU rD rootSIt I a poor pr Ides Ide Ide to coonomlM In i bdV beds tUn 14 14I as asMr Un I Mr PncaiB 11B sino alDo 1 we apend pl bait Idf of i iUrea olr olrIII Qi Qilives Urea III In bed bedI I can forflr lorn tb Ie OhS nan ma who o4oD doeant par pardoctor pr Sdoctor bl doctor dor bllla bil because bu hi I apendlat pDcI his I money moneyoak mOlle tmae I Imake oak mae bla family fal comfortable omtorbl but bUll I cannot UII fort fortU torln torlnl torglithe the man ml who WO economlie ecoom br miktnt Iklo niktn his bI fam famcet tmilgel al allei lei alooc aD stort without wlto beds aald a 14 Dr OiBarow OiBarowbreaka DAlow nBsaTOwbreak 1 break brat down do a penona pnD nerve le to aleep I on 01 ton ionthIef tonthlnjr tme tmetblllr thlnjr that I little 11th better bllr than Ia the In soft oft aide ol olboard 0 ofboard a aba board ba It 1101 Unt rood eo 4 to to 0 without wlllol a bedroom bedroomknow bm bedroomknow I Ikw know kw It Unt because bl I barenl bAeD say I ban bavdavenport ttavsdevenport a adavnpr davenport davnpr And I would wl rather alt up all al nl nllike Irb IrbUk nigi nigiIlk like Uk a tpook pk loan pull pt aU out ou thou to bedclothes bc I a amake a114 a114make so somake make that Uat peaky pl thing up II Into il a bed when We lom lombom con corbom conborn bom tired tiredWe tir tIredWe We infer Iner from trmte the artists ats apology aplog the thiit tat tatIt theIt it is the to custom Ctm of Chicago Cc artists at i isleep tsleep sleep slop on the floor Bor By the way what whata Is Isa I Ia a davenport davenpor that you can sleep slep on orWhen onWen onWhen When Wen we used ue to frequent rrquent Fourth av avnue ave avenue ave aveflue nue a davenport davenpor was wa a little Ito writin writindesk wtng wtngdek writinidesk desk dek with wit a big price priceIllinois prc prcIlnol priceIllinois Illinois Ilnol Ohio and the Wabash In IrJunction InJlncton InJunction Junction JunctionThe Jlncton JlnctonTo JunctionThe The To injunction Injuncton granted grted against againt th thWabash the theWabah tbWabash Wabash Wabah trainmen trnmen is I bitterly bitrl condemned oondemncby condemnedby oonderneoby by their tir immediate Immediat associates 8Olt as a an a ir irvaslon i inraslon vaslon vllon of their rights right Pending a finidecision fine fa finedecision decision decelon on it we invite attention attnton to tw twImportant two twoIportt twoimportant Important Iportt judicial Judica proceedings procding in I th thStates the theSttsotIlnolsMd titoStatesotllllnolaand States SttsotIlnolsMd Statesotllllnolaand of Illinois and Ohio which seem sm thave tu tuhave have hav excited oxcitd no comment cmment anywhere anywhereIn ayher In January Jauar the Grand Grnd Jury Jur of Coo Coolcounty Coocounty Cook Cookcounty county indicted idictd twentyseven com companics cm cmpies cornpanics panics pies and seventeen svntn Individuals Idlvldun a adealers al aldealer al aldealers dealers dealer in coal cal for conspiring cnpirig to rostral rostraltrade rstri restraiitrade trade These The parties who together constituted con constltuted ptes togther cn cnstttd stltuted stttd the Retail RtU RetailCoal Coal Coa Dealers Daer Assocla Assoclatlon Aocl Assoclation tlon ton of Illinois Ilnoi and Wisconsin Wfcnsl oonsulteiabout oonsultei conulted conultedabut consultecabout about abut prices prlos and possibly plbly about abut sup suppliea supplea supplies plies plea Almost Almot the next moment sties stiesbeing aftobeing atr atrbing being bing challenged chalengd by the te court cur the thedissolved they theydistlved theydissolved dissolved distlved their teir union unionIn uion uionIn unionIn In the month following tolowlng the te Attorney AttorneyGeneral Atorey AtoreyGnerl AttorneyGeneral General Gnerl of Ohio began bga similar simia proceedlegs proceed proceedings prod prodIng against six coal of thaState thai thaiState legs Ing agant ca companies compnies tht thtStt State Stt They Tey also were wer parties paies to ai aiagreement an anament atagreement agreement ament regarding rgarig tho wages wags the thewere they theywer theywere were wer willing wflng to work for or in othe othewords othr othrwor otheswords words wor regarding rgardi the price pric of the te good goodthey go goodethey they tey had hd to sell sl But when the hostile hostilishadow hostle hostleshadow hostileshadow shadow of the te law was thrown trwn over ovethem ovr ovrtem overthem them tem they tey submitted subitd almost on the in instant Instant instant stant They Tey left lef the to Ohio Coal Cl Producors Pro Producers Pr ducers ducr Association AsocIton and the th Hocking HockingCal HockingCoal HocklnjCoal Coal Cal Association Aocaton and the th Central Cntral Coo CooProducers ConiPrducr CoalProducers Producers Prducr Association Alclaton and the Hocking HockingVirginia Hockig HockigVirginia HockingVirginia Virginia and Pennsylvania Pnnylvani Association Associationand A8cton A8ctonad and ad the te Lake Le Shippers Shippr Bituminous Bituinou Coal CoaAssociation Con CoalAssociation Association AclRton and all al other association associationof 8oclaUon 8oclaUonor of liko lke character characterCan charactr charactrCan characterCan Can any sane 8M man ma doubt for a moment momenlthat momentthat momentthat that if tho law applied appled to those coal coalmen cal calmen coalinca men were wer applied Ipplod impartially Imprialy In Illinois Illinoisand Ilnoi Illinoisand and Ohio every evr trade organization organizationfound orgaizaton orgaizatonround organizationfound found In hose hO States Stt would be din disrupted di dinrupted rpted rupted and dissolved dllvd in the same man manner ma maner manflee nerOf flee Of course cur Illinois and Ind Ohio are a not notnlone not8tone notalone alone in their condemnation cndemnton of industrial industrialassociations Indtltrlal Indtltrlal10caton industrialaoefatLons associations 10caton or in their legal lg machinery machineryfor mahiner for suppressing uppr lng them themSince tem temSinc themSince Since Sinc WILUAM WILLM Cnuv Ct was wa first frt noml nomliatod nominat nornisated sated nat for Collector CUetr at Charleston Carlltn the sltua sltuaIon situstion Ituatlon Ion has been bn materially mr1y changed chg The ThiItlEens Te Tecltzenl Thecitleens ItlEens cltzenl of Charleston CaleUD have bae signified sigife un unUtakably unmitkbly Unmistakably mistakably mitkbly that they would greatly graty prefer prcfeme prter prterIme prefersome Ime some me other man and ad In that ta preference prternc the theITO they theyhvo theyhave hvo have ITO been bn sustained Ultane by the thl confirming confirmingbody cocfirmlnijdy cnfring cnfringby by body jdy the Senate Snae But Blt President Irldent ROOSK ROOSKBIT RooSBTLT RoossrELT TLT rELT BIT Insists 11t that tt this thi feeling te1n shall hal be over overIddon overrdden overridden ridden rdden and ad so 1 he nominates nomlnt CituM Ce again againit agan aganAt againAt with termination the thipluode theepOe theepisode and At it the te beet bt ad any ay teriatio epOe episode Is I much muh to be regretted regrettedThe rste The Te renomlnation Jnomlnalon of District Dltrot Attornc AttorncTRNB Attrey AttreyBYRNB Attorney AttorneyBTRNS BYRNB TRNB of Delaware Dellwar wears we the same me aspect aspecthe up aspectThe Te The he weight of authority authorlT pronounces prnounO BYRNE BTBNIiflt BYRNEuft BYwaunfit uft unfit iflt for the place pl The Te Committee Cmite on th thudlclary the theJudlclaT theJudiciary JudlclaT Judiciary of the Senate Sate has ha once onc rejected rejectedlm rejee rejectedhim hIm lm And politically pltclT BTRNBS BYREs promotion promotioniu prmoton prmotonmWt promotionmust mWt must iu represent rprnt reward ra of a piece plo of par parIcuUrly pr prticlrly particularly IcuUrly ticlrly disgraceful digratll privateering prvtenng in i the theervlce the8lc thoservice 8lc service of AODICXS ADIC8 agninit the Republican Republicanarty Republc Republcpry Republicanparty party arty Even If i BTBNB wu tho man ma of mon monor mntor znnfor pry for or the place pla and ad the two tw Delaware Dlawar Senators Senatorsinlted Sator Satorunit Senatorsunited unit united in asking aklg for his bl appointment applnimcnt the theirdlnary theorlnaT theordinary orlnaT ordinary Republican Rpublc partisan pri could culd hardly hardlyipprove haly halyapprove hardlyepprove approveTe approve epproveThe ipproveTha The Te postponement ptpnemet of the needed nee appro approrUtlon appr apprprition appropriatlon prition priatlon rUtlon for an a additional aditonal Post POlt Office Ofc ulte ulten sit sitIn Itt In this tbl town tow WM cot 10t svflBlently stmientlyexpla1ned stmientlyexpla1nedby lm lenty explained explainedy esp1ne by the pottponer Uncle Unce JOB CANNON It Iti ItI ptpner I 1 i proper to say that tht Congressman Cnlrm SDLZEB SDLZEBId SeuE Suizzadid did Id prpr bU hi best bt to bring brnl out the te facts tas and ad to toix tofs tolix fs lix ix the responsibility responsibilityIt rpnlbUly rpnlbUlyI It I I a pleasure pl ur to see that our Mteemed Mteemedntemporary Htfme eteemedtontemporary ntemporary the te Bol Boston ofon Qlobt Glw has eblUhed en enblinhed otmpra ublle blUhed in i Iu II column olun a school Ihol of Inatruc InatrucIon itc itctln instrucLIon tln Ion la I the nloetlM nlt of English Eill Two To aped apedneni peel peelHens pl plme me Hens show aow lufficUntly unelntT the delicate delcle and andIBloult ald alddUtollt aiidlifiloult dUtollt IBloult qUMtlons quelln asked ui by b7 th the Boston Doatonluratl nto Bostoniterstir luratl iterstirF luratlr ratl ratlE Forest ronlllll hits I have a friend rfa4 whom baa baafarm ba baa hisI a I farm fam I a MI correct crr Tb lbs forrect tr form ton la I I Iav Iiv bav av a friend frend who h0 baa a farm tanaJoux far farmJonil Joux JOUI reuSed ralt the I orflc om before I Incorrect UiacoreeIStill IncorrectBtill otret otret8tl Still 8tl oorreouien crrlU 1 not eerything eerythingrhere ver lftn lftnTher tlilng tlilnghere Ther here i I is a rare ra charm chu In the excu t1cluvely t1cluvelyBtl exclusively exclusivelyoateIsee lvely lvelyioatoiiM Btl ioatoiiM phrase phr a friend whom lias ha ha a sTli atan asite tan site Tli The liuTMtder IH TtMels mmetsro 1 rTo To 0 Tn ins nl KPITOS vnoa or TUB Him 511WRi iIRir A you youiy ro youIcy iy In your editorial mora on Jr 1allooa Jlo Jalto nnon nnonliaa rUon rUonh rmonI I has ba SMI la lit root rlt of lisa lit 1 matter Ina Anyurrntsniti Any Anyrvantmciil Alr Alror rvantmciil of lirlatUnlty nnIIIIY alibi hd Irnorra Irnorrai Inor morn mornIt li It i iiilraouluua Ilraclvu and nipernalural 11 rlulll rlulllnol leui Itswut iil 1 1ol Is Istel nol tel ol Chnlnlr cIi1iIaasIr rt tlanttr ol slli al boil I only CI refliod rrn tort tortr Irl Irlor or IManUiu nll It luKaruailua lu raII Ilk 11 Hie HieaurrHlou II itt ittI0i4ftltou 11 aurrHlou 11 and 1 Id I Auulu A or trUi trUia lrI lrII I I a nilrad Ilral stud aI II 1 tennot iinot no It tiilaln splaInd Ilaln Iu IuarUiillflo I Ia Insc4iuito a arUiillflo 1110 ay a villlioul lbo oVfllal dllalo of lli I IsiS IsiSh i4 i4i I i uMiiwllun 11 of tlirlal rl luual mud 1 bat ia i Iou lwnninaiiylat IouusuztauiII ninaiiylat ta ot II I roulJ 1411 not 0 liav I usa IMWU II A Ait a111 stfti tfti 111 Stilts lllt IisIne4 tpIsi Irrr ittirefur sijulil sijulilat 1 1au it au mod nu jui ju u1 dcliii i blil liu lo 0 trek llwlulriil lied liedI 1 I tissue 11 hut he fallu I is iriittei IIII tot 1nuLI 1nuLIJI tuietaiiis4 tuietaiiis4iI4sei ulriil JI itf lit I laW lialtlMwl aiitl nt II uu uuMl nithut I hut Ml wa IGIII uueuseI iil llat ll I Jse look lo UM emit 111 la lal ItsasS I asS Hi 1 Him 111 ll 11 lied tl It I lie 5etst iU 1 ifaluiwl hll1 lu IiiIvIlt9 ttrln a dl IvIlt9 trln lkr eooalJ Ml lt test 0 loss imilMlH nul Klin fljsnIt KlinIf 111 If III JI ri rliA rictus lmlia4l e41oii fl IsIs 1 II I enulil iwl 11 la I Ih leairIt I irIt itt nil 14 eul llesisIuti 1 enulel 111 bc 11 4 lie uI tialw illl ou II 1lalu lein if IIMU IIMUMlt 111411lie1 l1 lie1 IOnUt 1 teui4 sI lie rueitstus l111 lieu lieu1114f hl tl 1114f III ISSISIS PIIJ14M pi tie I ti 1elista4 he hetoil toil I Ha a 04 SI lj I tall 1 till Ij Ijp 4u1 iIi ttJ 1 sa LtuLI1i4Iv 1r raf lr 1 iT uop uopI I whiegi I the jll I ietsui4i less IsisnI 1 1 I i fni fniC lit 544e 1 I I t1 4fle 1ualI lcmfIIIIIM liis a I lIa fuuir fuuiraIkiti ff I aIkiti 1 t4jlu1Ihs4ejSy 111 I 0th4 swttleu4 hI he heJ a gIc10I 11 elII5 11 qHtiouiiy iuut tN the I 91 Iu 4f t4q pe4 1 i I i 1 a 051114 I 1tJlrt1 lielieii atI1 etlicoul 114 iiu4Slhe iiu4Slhei i I II leeeIIcinu hetaqtseo iy nio it itAny I Any 1f lieluleI 5I5I I lItqi II 1155 ttI ttIrub rub il sets letufe s4a1m all iii ii Mutttlnti Ir il11 au lIes 4 i ioi I itulteal lhenwv lhenwvslIm I slIm I SI i I3l peee Illiuss I IS lb44SMp lb44SMp5541it 5541it mIItoa 115 Il f4 s44 teltient Jwij 1o1 1o14c 4c 11e9 4 iibls Ite jUseeIosta uta utat 1I saJe I wij Jr ns uII as asdiii fW ir diii II I Isoia I 4 45m 5m is MeliS I IWas I II Il Was N44 Me MeMi Mi Mlt IK Mr1 su4 4aM I IIBMtitM IMe I ImWbt Stss StssIt It IBMtitM i 144 4 a Mkl ekbeu 4 4tt5 1 Pee eaI I tt5 1 PAlNTIXaS PANTINGS BY BYNIS MSS MI8 CECIL CECILBEAVX tECL LiCIi4 LiCIi4atux BEAVX BEAVXA BB VX VXA A collection of palittlncs by Mist MistBeaux ML Cecil CecilBeaux I Beaux Bus clelon representing prntl ptp three thr of her lat latportraits ltet ltetprlU late latepertrait portraits as weU as her work during seve seveyear sever severyears year prlU years past pt la I 1 on exhibition exibitOn at Dun DunDuels Dud DudRuel DuramIluel Duels Ruel Galleries GalleriesThey GailetIMThey GaUee attracting already a great di diof deal dealof do doof They are aatrln alrY gt of Tey attention attnton and ad Justly JIty BO for MM Ml Beat Beals BUS BUSI Beatis ls I a very VeT remarkable rmark ble painter There Ter la lalady I no nolay rlady of the day In a acountry as ascountry the painters lady among te da7 i lay aon ptrot country cutr at least lot BO far fa as a could culd be judgby judge judgeby at tParia tho thoPar tI tIPart by a very careful caetut study of pictures pIctur at Part Par b7 vl Exposition Eplton of 1000 1I who excels esels her herplendor In InIplendor I Isplendor splendor and ad certainty of technique tebnlque ni niIt nor norIt no noIt crnty It may my be bado beaddod added BO very UT many ly male me pairere pair pait paiter painera ere Indeed Inde the character chacr of her brus bruswork br britswork bwork work er I virile virie betraying btraln not at all al the fen fennlna Ceml Cemlnln fernnine nine nln suggestion Especially EplaUy one notice notlcthis noticethis this thl In the ugeton breadth brtb of her method metho a bread breadof bradth bradthot breathof of conception cncpt a as well wel as 8 of execution exeution exe utlon 8 8feels Sbe SbeCel Sl Slfeel feels her subjects IbJel so admirably In the mae maigrasping mUI mUIIrNpln maegrasping Cel grasping IrNpln at atonc once the general genera aspect apt of tl tlpersonality tho thoprnl Us Uspersonality personality and of the costume cltume Wh Whcould What Whatculd Whecould could culd prnl bo finer fner in this thll respect repet than th tl tlMother tbe tbeMother Us Usflother Mother and Daughter Dlugher Quito superb superbthe suprb In Inthe i ithe the magnitude of expression exprlon are the lon loiblack lonblk Ionblack black blk mgnitude velvet veJet cloak cloa of tho one and the dovgray dov dovgra dove dovegray gra gray coetumo of tho other otherNor olherNor otherNor Nor oltumo are her portraits porralt wanting In tt ttcharm thchlr tbcharm charm of ar nuance ltr How tenderly antnl the the whit whliown whit whitgown chlr nlone 10w gown own Is I treated In tho portrait ot Com ComFulla Culn CulnJuUa CousilJuila trete prrat Fulla with what I1t a verve ene the white ooetun ooetunof Clum Clumor onatumof of a younger wit lady ldy In the portrait prrit No 1 1Observe it itObseervo I IObO ObO Observe too to thepUancy the plac pliancy of pl pose and eai eaiDenture eay eayI eugesture Denture of the hands that characterit charatont a arepresent al al althese I Ihe these tur portraits hdl In their vaiety variety the therprent thea thearepresent represent rprent prrll a remarkable rmaklble tnbnl freeuhnees re hne 8 of In Inagination Imaginaton lmagination agination Equally an attitude atttude of ver versweet ver versweet sweet aginaton wet regard Equaly toward the subject lubJet A Athese Al Al Althese these portrnltsof rpar ladles andperhaps eve eveIn lTen lTenIn evetIn the lalE andprhP In a greater greter prralilot degree delr the ones of chlldrei chlldreihave ch children childrenhave drn drnhave have a graclouwiffs of demeanor demtanor which vrhlcThis whichrtft whielreflects 6raclouM1 thorn rtft reflects tl the atlt1 artists maer manner ot obI observini observinithorn thlm thlmTI thornThis This TI again illustrate IUtrat the freshness trhn jlatter ot otMi oMiss Miss ileeuxa ImaKlnltlon Imagination Whether the thelater thulatter latter Mi later has US1 much range rago or penetration penetrationanother pnetraton II IIaother Ii Iianother another aother matter For my own ow part I canni cannifind cnot cnotfnd cannel cannelfind mater find fnd much trace tra of cither eiher of these the qualltli qualltliin qualt qualitleeIn in her work and the number numbr of portrait portraithero prrais prraisher parjrsRihero hero her exhibited only tend to Increase Incre th thImprecision the theImprtlon thiimpreeolon Imprecision Imprtlon exibie of their thei superficiality Iu rfclaty as charac character cbr character ter studies tudle It la I In the summary lummar of ex exterior extenor cxtenor tenor elegance or of those hol little Itt charms hal ofashionable ot ottahloMblo ol olfashIonable elllao fashionable manner in which Miss MI8 Beau BeauexroU Beauxexcl Beauexcels excels excl tahloMblo In manntr fact tat It I would ee Im seem that he heImagination her herImaclnlton betimagination Imagination Imaclnlton reaches rlachC just JUlt to 6 for ta as 1 to em embrace embrac embrace brace a very fresh and sympathetic com comprehension cm cmprhenlonot comprehension brac srpatheto prehension prhenlonot VOT of the general eneral aspect of he hesubject her hereubJet betsubject subject eubJet but that then thln It ceases cC up to operate operateand oprate oprateand operateand and Instead In her hlr mind becomes bme preoccu preoccuplpd preu preupll preoccupied teA confederations confederationsThin pied with technical thnlCal CnllderatOn pll Thin preoccupation upatlon In I the purely plctorln plctorlnqualltlea pictoral pictoralqualtl pictorlaqualities qualities Til pr of the portrait Immersion Imlr10n of the thipainters thepainters he hePnters painters qualtl interret InleHt prrit In the joy of producing pmducmicertain prucng prucngcrain producingcertain certain Pnters effect In a certain crtan way with wit war warrantable wa waralable warrentable crain rantable ralable efttl satisfaction Ntlstaclon In the suggestIve niRgestlvcleverneM suggestIveclevereru uUtestve uUtestvececml cleverneM of a stroke and ad In the masterh masterhoynthwU muterlyynth matdorlysynthesIs synthesIs cecml ynth with which a mass mal Is II rendered renderedsre rndfrt renderedera sre not I confined cnfne to artists ariltl of MM Beaux Beauxpex Beuxl BeuxllS Beauzupox pox lS Nor can Cn any anyon one who In II not a palnte palnterealize pInter pIntertalz paintetrealize realize the Intoxication which such poweproducra powe powetpmduccm wer werprUC producra talz unites unl Itoslaton by nome re remote tmot jinalom jinalomwhich snalogwhich prUC which hn hl may discover dllvr In his own line lne owork ot otwork olwork work Still such luch Intoxication Intoxlrtlon mar mi ms welormcue wenom wen wellnhicue ormcue SU the finer aim behind the technique trchnlquiof tlhnlque tlhnlqueot techniqueof om of which the tner latter later after all 11 should be bu buthe but butthe butthe the expression exp lon and ad aer that tht It has ha done don so 1 we winay wem wemay nay suspect In many of these thf portraits portraitsNot prrit portraitshot IU8Jt Not ot Always alwlY however as ni may mi bi noted notetn notf notedin in the he Portrait Porri of Mm MI Martina Marin Brande Brander Bmde Bmde1f Brandegee gee Here ler tho face rlr framed trmi In by th thrnnpparent the thetrnnFpatnt thetrnnparent rnnpparent 1f white lawn of tho rap anc ancIchu and andfehu andflohu trnnFpatnt Ichu and the th hands hanel ono grasping Rrlplnl th thinn the thear thitrm inn fehu of the chair so 1 firmly rrl thn th other lightly llghtljloldlne 1rbty 1rbtyholding lightlyholding ar holding the pincenez are re full rul of character characterno chaacfr chaacfrOno characterOno plrnlz Impression of actually actuallymowing actuallyknowing Ono no receives rlvl an Imption aualy aualyknowlnr mowing the lady 1adylntlmatel intimately With Wlh man manif may mayor many manyor or knowlnr if the others other It Is I rather rhlr as 1 If one 0 had met methem tet tetthlm wetthem hem under the ineffectual IDreual conditions neltonf of toctal a aMII atocial thlm octal function tunclon or had llae passed them In I thehail the thiiall theba MII ba hail on our way out Into the Ja world of fa tac tacbln eta etaWhUtlcr ciahIstler WhUtlcr bln hIstler Et Etchings chins at a Wnndrrllchi WnndrrllchiThe 1undflo 1undfloTe WnnderllehThe The Te exhibition ehlblton of etchings etchlnr by Tilstle Thlatlerow Tilstletow lter lternow tow being bing held at at Vunderllch Wunderlchl Callers Caller GaeT GalleryIs II Is of more than thn usual Interest Intert because bU oho ot otthe ofhe the ho rarity nrlty mor of many of the prints prt which whic It Itontains It ItontalO ItmntaIna ontalO ontains It I represents rprenle a number numbr of 0 ex eximplm eampl cximpke ampl implm recently rnty secured Ir en bloc from trm ai aiUngllsh a en enEnglish Elllh English collector coletor and 1s I particularly priclrly rid ridn rc richn In tho rarly figure fgro subjects BubJttl which are a no noo 10W now 1 scarce scarceThus scarceThus Thus Ti lar there are a first frt and ad third thir state Itate oLittle ot otLitle ofLittle Little Litle Arthur Arhur and an early state Itate and ad fins finsrlnt finalprint fna prnt print rlnt of La Mere Mlr Gerard Oera a trial trl proof proofind prt prtand proofmd and first fnt and ad second Ind state of Annie Annieme Anniene 00 me of the rare rlre first flt states Iate of the ang angOaterer 9tag 9taglatherers Raf RafJatherers several of the ran ranIry rareiry Oaterer latherers and ad averal very VeT dr Iry points pint I of the Leland Llad period prio The Thencludo Te TeInclude They TheyInclude Include the 11 portrait of Mr Ir Leland Lld oFanny ot otFanny ofFanny prrit Fanny Loland Lld and the first frAt and ad seoonc seooncitatrsraeh and andtal second secondutake utake itatrsraeh tRch cach of Elinor Leland llnd and ad Flor aFlorcnr FlorC Flornce tal Leland and Einor be1onIng to about the thoMmt theamo nce lali4 CUJ lfillnfflln WWW WWWmo abut cnr Lland blonplng and th theond the theInd theecond amo mo time a print of Weary WI ad Mmt Ind eond state llto of 0 rrlnt the 10 beautiful butul Model loel Rest Restiff Rt RtIn Restng In Others that should be mentioned mentionedr iff mentone ng lould Olhel tlat Greenwich Pensionerortratt Pensioner PensionersMaud Ore the Axcnfeld A nreld Ornwlch Pnlioner PnlionerMaud ar Maud 110 Standing Fo Fosco ad and Wbltels WbltelsPorri 1istlers 1istlersportrait portrait firM state statoAnother FtateAnothtr stateAnother Porri Another Anothtr rarIty fnt Is I the first nnt state tat of We West Westiilnster Nt Ntmlnltr tilnntrr ilnntrr Bridge rarlr before It passed Into the theThames theThamee I to toTham bfor paM mlnltr Thames Tham nrdle Sot 1 and lost much of Its I It delicacy delicacyFrlcen dplCac delicacyPrlres 8t Frlcen Candle Works Work Vork and London LondonIrldeo Lndon LndonBrldgo LondonEtridgo Brldgo Irldeo Pric are Cdle also Included and a print prt of otPnrl ofParLa 7 ar Incude ntA ane i I tH tHJalerle the theOallrle thelaIerie ParLa lie de 11 let Ci16 Cit etche etched trm from Jalerle Pnrl dApolIon In thn Ix Louvre une which whichVedmoro whlcbWlmor whichVedntnre Oallrle Vedmoro lAplnn drscrirxM dtrh as al of unsurpassable unsurpassableriler unlurble unlurblernly Wlmor arfty Oilier notble notable examples of th thpaler the thearher rnly riler period are Black Lion Wharf WharfPutney WharfPutney paler ro ar Bal Old OldHlngprror OldElungerford Putney BrIde Thames Police lolco Old OldlunRerford Tam lunRerford Drd BrlilRe and ad The Lime Burner Burnerf Bumerot Hlngprror ot the last Iat Irllle print Wedmore Wemor Te Lme says Iaya ys that It Itvaries Itale itvaries varies from an Ineffective Inefeho ghost KhCt to a thing thingf thin thinot In ale ot If beauty The latter Is the category In Inrhlch Inwhich Invhich latfr catojor which lUired lUiredOf taNdOf bauIY this tll particular paiculr Te Impression Impron can ca be belUired betaNd 111 Of the thf Venice YfnIM enke anN arles rie there thor are ar example examplef umpl umplof of Cf th thl the Xocturnp Sotuml Tim Tbf Little Lltf LagoonLong Lagoon LagoonLonit on onLn Long Lagoon Th Thur Rlva ra and The Thele Te TeRlar Theeggara le Ln eggara gar Laon and Id of the thf Te later 1r period also alI the thnalnty thl thelainty alnty Rlar raritlna rritll Old COtlM Clothe pro Shop thop and andFruit ad adFri andFruit Fruit Rhop But out of the two hundred hundrednd hundr hundrediui nd Fri fifty RhoJ prints catalogued on this thi occasion ocoaalonIB oUIOD oUIODthe ad calaloe the he IB above ttlY ni mnllone nientlorwd ntloned represent 1prnt but a hand handil hnd hndrul handiii rul iii il of aI some of I hn hI most mOlt buttul beautiful eautlf ul or scarcest scarcesthn tle hn le opportunity 1m afforded by this thl exhibition exhibitioni nhlbllln nhlblllnI I I i one opporuniy that KtudenU Itudlnt aore and collectors oletor will willelcomo wl wIllreicomo elcomo with rnthuitlaAm rnthuitlaAmTti rlhullam rlhullam1f Its 1f III Ils Big stiNt Thousand Thoeatndo To tnic HJ riilion or Tits Tn StixSir I wa visit rltdread visitr 0 read ad under tl tIe above ao mptlon your abort abortllorlal abortHlllllrial shortdItnrI1 Hlllllrial llorlal of to loiIsr lar Wllh every lot 10 10nalU nf nfitur oftUre nalU itur tUre nnil admirer adllllr of Oif tI the riinrtejirs of ott ottolIitrI euf eufNsw our 1OlIItrr 1 vrow row sorrowful and na in4lrnxit nll1 a ahi aus hi us tII ttefMiiIrtt Iraph In ruronll ruronllw Callfortiiiiiw Nsw Voitn 011 O5k March Marchi ar11 bcad lIt lI4oo lI4oo11Ir cad i 4 Tkr ThrssgS trr ipt p1II1I mil irr Ir I r7 rvr4 rvr4lir ur urIt viM viMIi It lir a laS 1M UwSir UwSirTo Uw er erTOT TO TOT TSP rwro roaros no orTHiiMit or TIIII Tss P1W 001 MI Your edIr0sj edIr0sjI 4lu onal onal104a rl l4aywilLi 104a I 4aywilLi diV 144 lit duIisbtlliy NllabUII li Wlliroliu4 ul a rlll4 lliruujli Cypress CypresshISS fPltu fPltuUtile Utile hISS 111 flllI uIIy eteif nulnl I sn4 54 spPlUbd spPlUbdW5 piutrd piutrdWfct Plltta Wfct Hi It lies reuilriir uStrlaia slit al Ikal Ib Ul Ulr Ie IetI letwits wits i tI ue uaaMluuualr 1111111 a aala sgiitst aU Ik II Ie juu 1 pluliel Ititf Ititfil lb lbIal Ial il dies 1Iall I II but I MU a 1 eec Arr ff am sad I bav bavv lienflee flee likes a ra a iiutIIai1 UUm a ayalRtl a itt Saul rjuml rjumlnr loILISaM Ia IaIoM IoM nr WnieII UU It wllliif 5 tIhU UW I tf Iea Hi ixUlkM ixUlkMMk lllI1I1uaI I Mk ea lltal I III dii Ma 5V11I Iii Me i I If if 511P1111111445I 511P1111111445II UWllBl 1I11f111eM 1I11f111eMI vdr lIU I IU I IIie tUHHiy Siellit iln II liels ul a ul 14it15 rui te telb i ir IPOnt POnt Hi 15c Wank aktl ud 1 ot4 I I lwslU SiIaiklfln UIII IU Iu lIne IUwil 11e1Utlo lIneiet iet il lwfiM Wi ues tlo try rr illj tI Uul II IaIt lu Ic In I Me4111s4 Me4111s4III ttw4 ttw4I III I Urr It Ur ele aiauttl aLlla a lmUU WW lwiiwviMt IIiPIV5UIdI IIiPIV5UIdIM5k411 iil iilM 111jWjI M5k411 jWjI I MMM MMMiaw UI I iaw I supIa 1 MI Is 4s 4eeI ll It I NUS Ni Ssdt sl Hlllt HllltMU IU IUula 45 I Iis IisUses MU Kwll Haul ula ttUtf Ie It as lk II el 611 5 of 4kM 4kMkit A AIII uss uss4tu 4tu III tk tlelletleit4 bl lii II rI PIeII as aseel I kit iu ul Hif ir toI i Ii a lied IMI Ik I 111 Ih ti lbs lbsci 111141 ci i Ual let Iu ilrUi Uat 111 li fIII 5Ists 4 llmr 111 ci Mill ill In UUI IdolS 10 IW lush Hlli II uey lluut lflii liutliMUl liutliMUli uh ii i icy Ik Iwrl issnIV IUMUI flU UI Mbirli lIis I rut I Into Intof lawisls lit fltl 4116 I IwllMl III It li 1t11 rl lit IU I loll in inI I4M I4MI 1411let let I dliii feU lUlfl II MUM en lutit sluh Ht I Iall 111 111U I Ilie all Ml ll 1111 lll II IU 1e MUir binuso binusoPHd II i Ml PHd in IU esuld lM II I4lss lr Ul II els 4il III lx I Itul nu etwj4ei mi 5 i tttl tul til i ils tMa IelaieIn fc4 ea II Isait4is 4M 4MIVUUM 141 ait4is 111 11oet I IIf sect idiets ci Il iHdai 5 5tt4 tt4 If 544 Id 1 III II14 14 be sIiu1 55aj44IU a ataWl 5 5a a IVUUM taWl UW i11 Ou Iuey IIH Ml IMi 44itleoe ut Mis i WI Mitutu WIIII WiLc III tutu Lc wI st iiul I nWulmn 0 u4 IIaIIMI leaSe Im ntun sieel eel tun umu aah4 MI MM 5sd iiunt WMI WIM llairt llairtl Issuitbig Nc big I lit islieb Utt uIt ll gio1s gio1sMeea5t111s114iIeesss4nSaeelloe tUMl tUMlb Meea5t111s114iIeesss4nSaeelloe It If ysj ysjllel llel 1 slut sM4 tfl4a tfl4aNI it44eI I Ml 4 ulll 11 4 el4 el4w 4 Siiiar 5 a5lS4 tu14 I4I I4IWbr Wbr sold 5 keia I at atH leti letiI I M4 iteld 14 amesw If a IeIlis IM IMItNllol upop upopsiti ItNllol siti stbd II eee II 4 iiiar ui4ala4 4i4 14 l4oeIes oeIes eesg LsMv 1 3 tI biou siss Ie I 1 01 5 keSi ea IN ITALIAN lr ALlAN CAr CATBOUC8 BoLicumNINQ BoLicumNINQad JfKAIUStfl JfKAIUStfltad IAFXNINS IAFXNINSad tad ad Mews eiel fr tte la Pel aJ Deteftat at atMeetlaB a atetthi a aMeet1D1 MeetlaB etthi He Ml MINEd 1IIIIHdFortT MINEdForty tForty Forty pastors of Italian parishes met metthe I Ithe ntbe the Boland Trade School yesterday at tcall the thea11 Utall call of Archbishop FsrUr to report to ai aiconfer and andconter anconfer confer with the plpsl dsle dlegate lepte te Mgr Ft Ftconloupon Fal Falconlo Fconic conloupon conic upon plans to widen the temporand temper temporal temporaland temperand and spiritual lrltuat work of the Church anion amorthe amonthe anionthe the Italians in New NewYork York But BlltnellherMsr BlltnellherMsrFaloononor neither MS MSFaloono MgiFaloono Faloono Faloononor nor Archbishop Farley Fule appears appearsEarly appeared appearedEarly appeareEarly Early In the morning mornfn they went to We WeCheater Weat WeatChuler WeCheater Cheater to visit the Qlthollo Protector PmtecthrThey ProtectorThey ProUcLoTJThe They The missed a train and did not roai roaiNew mch mchNew rc oNew New York until noon The meeting hi hithen had hadthen ha hathen then been adjourned Mgr Falconwill Falcon Falconlo Falconlowill Falconlwill will however visit all of the Italii Italiiparishes Italian Italianpariahee Itallaperishes parishes perishesAlthoUgh parishesAlthough pariaheeAlthoUlh Although Mgr Faloonlos absence fro frothe Crom Cromthe fronthe the meeting was a great dlsappolntmoi dlsappolntmoito to the priests their discussions were large largeinfluenced largely largelyInftuenoed largeinfluenced influenced by the wellknown opInion oplnioiand oplnfonland opInionand and plan of Archbishop Farley and him binsself hlosolf himlieU lieU solfThe The reports showed a Catholic repre reprientation representation representation sentation of 385000 Italians In New York Yorland Yorkand YorIsand and It was stated that many of these ai art arttaln arfLing 1 fLing taln away from their faith througInability through throughInability througiInability Inability on the part of Catholic parish parishto 1 pariahsto r1abea r1abeato to minister to their needs New Catholl CathollInstitutions CatholiInsUtutlons I IInatltuUona Institutions which provide largely for th thphysical the thephysiCAl tbphysical physical wants of the Italian poor ar arweaning are areweanln areweaning weaning weanln from the Church a large number humbeof numberot of the younger generation generationThe jttneratlonThe generationThe The plan Ia which hlch Is now taking form 1 110 110build Ii tbuild to tobuild build houses In in every Italian Itall parish to pre prcvide preTIde prtvide vide for the bomelefi bomeieeaand and especially eeve 1aJly the child children children childrca ren of ofthopoor the poor In intheae these Institutions 11111111 utlonll chlldrcof chlldrc ohlldrenat oblidretof of all ages res from babyhood to girlhood an anboyhood ancboyhood nd ndboyhood boyhood will be fed clothed and ani1IMtructecl ani1IMtructeclEniliah instructed instructedEnglish InstructedEnglish English will be taught and they will bcompelled be becompelled hi hicompelled compelled to speak It ItAnother ItAnother itAnother Another plan decided upon was wuto to havItalian have haveItalian havoItalian Italian or at least Italianspeaking priest priestsmakes priestmakes pleatAmaku makes personaloanvsi pcr onaloanvlI of theltallan neigh nolghlearn Delghborhood neighbarhood borhood and In a hOIl8tcho1M vIsItUon vIsItUonlearn visltaUonlearn learn the moral and financial conditions oondltiorof of tho parishes According to the seal sealof oaIoat scaleof of needs sufficient appropriations wl wlthen wl1 wl1then wIlthen then be made to meet the requirements requirementsDr Dr Dennis McMahon presided at th thmeeting the themeftlnjt themeeting meeting Among Amon the other pastors pres present prceoCt ree reeent ent were Father James Dougherty of St 81Gabriels StOabrlel StGabriels Gabriels Father James amea Doucbert Doucbertof Doughertyof of the Immaculate Conception Father ratheEdwards FatherLogan FathesLogan Logan prior of St Vincent FerrCri Fenuei Father Fathernastalll YathetAnastosa nastalll ot St Catherine ana Mgr MgrEdwards rEdwards Edwards EdwardsIt It It was said that Mgr MgrFalcenio FaJconJo baa ex expressed expreMed cxpressed pressed his intention of asking Rome tsend to tosend tcsend send to the United States a large numbe numbeof numberot of Italian priests at least one for ever everItalian every everylIaJlan everyItalian Italian parish parishA A rstnelto Thr I11Nlellaa leatui on the Deluge DelugeTO DdllleoTO DeceTO TO TRI EDITOR or TBI TB ScH SvsRIr 3r Mar Tfrom Jfrom Tfrom from the point of view of on one not unacqualntec unacqualntecwith unaeqllAlatedwith with Cathollo theology and ID beartr arm srmpathr armpthr srrnpithy pithy with the most searchlnt critical er1t1calllchol er1t1calllcholarlhlp sohol soholarshlp soholarship arshlp be permitted a word wordin In answer anllw ttho to totho tothe tho question proposed br your correspondent correspondentMr Mr Corcoran In Tuesday mommas fluteMr flute BcMlUr 8endHr Ur Corcoran erldsntlr a Catholic who hsj hsjben hbleD habeen ben pu puzzled by certain Biblical dlfflcultle dlfflcultlewants dlMoultlNwnll d1cultIeswants wants to know whether the th Delure Is I fact 01 01flnire or ornllUre orfliure flnire The elements of a rlcldlr scientific scientificanswer dentlnoaDswer clentifloanswer answer and as consIstent with Catholic Cathollifaith Calholloralth Catholicfaith faith a 11 with modern scholarship may thus thuibe thube thusbe be given givenFundamentally IrlveDFundarnpnteUy gIvenFundaxnentallv Fundamentally and substantially lIub tantlal1T the thiDeluce thllDelure theDeluve Deluce narrative cf Oeaesl Otll I Is one with the thiBabylonian theBabyloDlan theBabylonian Babylonian myth of QUffameah OUarn I and Fir Firnsplshtlm Plrnaplahllm Firnapishtlrn nsplshtlm This Is unquestionable Downto Down Dowtto Downto to the th detail of sendlnc a dove out of the Ark Arlthe Arkthe Arkthe the Judaic and the Babylonian flood account accountire ire alike The Tb evidence may be found Ir IrDr 111Dr inDr Dr Jastrows Religion of Babylonia and andAssyria andAaIYrla andAsayrla Assyria In Prof Delltrsehs Babel andBible and andBible andIIlble Bible and In the remarkable Dlrkabl work of the thiIllustrious thetiluatrious he heIIlIltrlOU Illustrious Cathollo scholar echol the Abb foisT LolsyLea LollrI foisTLea Lea I Mythes Bsbytonlen et lea Premier PremierCbapltres PremlpraeIIapltrell PremiereChapltree Cbapltres de la Oenrse IIe Furthermore th thHeneslao the theOfnell1lo theflenrslao Heneslao form of the story has been shaped shapedby bapedb1 bipedby by the Babvlonlan form of It for or th the relit relittous relIclou UIou Iou tous Ideas of highly dvlllred Babylon cer certainly Cf1talnlr esvfaintly faintly exercised a deep Influence Influ enes upon the thepoor theJlODr thepoor poor Uttl nomadlo band of JsraalItes Jaraeuoto Jaraeuototllpfrtfd IsraAlltMwho IsraAlltMwhostood who whotood stood stupefied before Ui Uiind the splendors 1n40re of Ur Uralld firand and nd Nippur And nd Harran HarranTher HnaDThJf liarTanThere There I IS a db dbhn dPf Qltlldon hOT hotewvr Ter Did Didthfl PMthe the hn Hebrew take I bodfly odD a nab Babylonian ionlaomyth ionlaomythabflon ODlan myth mythand mythand and neortlorslll It Into theIr fe religious lI101I litera literature uteri uterihire hire or had they alSo Independent of ofIIIIblon ofRebylon abflon their own traditional account a unt of a aluce adlu adeluiet dlu deluiet luce Both Babylonians and Israelite Israeliteert IarulltftWfre IarII5were were ert ot Bemllia rnltle stock and It looks now nowItlon lOWOunk cowlunkoi Ounk lunkoi admit III muchIII It the oboe tra tradllon tiaditlon dllon Itlon was a eemmen mmln semltio possession pnmessionnruries possessioncenturies OD ODCflnturl centuries nruries before rQre the BabYlonian and the Is IsAellte 1 1pUlp Israelltp pUlp wrote It down If It Is I thus thUlllllclent thUlllllclentbJvtbHn andent andenthere andantthere here may have been some prehtatorlo phliloriorol oatas oatasrophe catasirophe rophe rol which bJvtbHn thus USUTfd lived on In 1z the tb memory and andInally andnnJ andflnaflr nnJ Inally became enshrlped in tbs Iteraturf Jiterstursof jlleratu jlleratuot Iteraturfrobublr ot the peo peoples I who hd IIJlfri ezperinced need It Jlu Jlutblll Buthis tblll hlto histodeol cn1 basis for tb the tradition Uon we absU absUprobably ha haprobllbl probllbl probably riever never Ter be able either to amrm with withut withOllt withDOlt DOlt ut heslUtlon or to deny lthlf without W11 out temerity temerityWe temerltrWI We are meantime perfectly rf ctlylfree free to hold holdhst hllidthat holdthat that the he Deluie never happened hlpell No doanna doannaif doermaal al if fslth phllses lhllil UI to a literal IIttlll acceptance of ofNoah oftoith Noah end nd blellrk his cork The TitKbr tf Of th the he Oenesl OeneslJltlon OelllfllInrT Genesisitory InrT took 1 Semlllo tradition Jltlon threw It Into Intolisp Intoha 0 ShaDS ha lisp wjiioh which was ai an Imitation ImUf on of a Baby Csbyan IIbr10llan Babyoniazo 10llan an myth and preseni pNn preetflted It to the Israelites Israelitesa III a sre great rellrlous lIl1ou lesson paaon Tb The Biblical Dlhlloxfcuts D1bUMIlitO BiblicalitorT litO itorT cuts off the polytheism of th th4 Baby Babytea nab nabIonian Itabyontin Ionian account and ncI makes tea the incident inulcss In Innd Incult cult ttlll unl undy or God III bat hatred or sin sinmd In Inand and nd Ills surpnM surpnMsrrntlve urtllllllllni Ion for men Thus the theiarrMivic bnarrllllvlI srrntlve would be a parabl that Is to say sayn IIA IIAIIn sayon IIn imaginary event nt contrived for rellrloua rellrlouachlni relldoultfachn elIvIouscaching caching chlni and edification As such such It Is Isrorthy I Iworlh Iworthy worlh worthy of harlnv hayin been Inspired Inlpl by God Just Justa oupt the th Oldrestament Old OldeMamont OldTlament II 5 a other parabolic teachlnc both In eMamont and In th the Nw Whether ether the theeluee tharation theelue he he11I1rII eluee Is I hlstorioal fact or not tnPJIlraUon tnPJIlraUonflot tappirationipot ration rationIn 11I1rII flot atrctf and DO Christian dogma II IIendanrertd Isiion endanrertd endanrertdIn ipot In oonclusloo Nlnclu iion I repeat that Ibis bl solution of ofs orh ofhe he dlMcuUy lODJ perfectly conaMtsnt nNIIlIn with withCatbollo withathalio Catbollo Itrlh qrthodoxy oa tr I ii I a rent an anul1aeoer anpaccentabis ul1aeoer paccentabis abJ solution to nllllr nariy III Ihloll IhlollIn ltieol ltieolriens riens In that I Ii hllCllu theology I ins tb the domalI domalIaf doma a aIf af If Iiqtimate frH opinIon hat 110 not yet opened ajtnecSIt It 1 doors to criticism Horn of Or our scholars scholarsrsecuted Icholarare scholarsItS are ItS Jfreecutfd rsecuted for what I II I called CII Itd temerity temerityi tlmrllbut but ut i the nlt tt veneration nratlon will rlndloat them themThe thftmaad themnd aad nd It will be a hrpy happy dl day for faith whD whDmllM in innIlcit mllM or ImperUnPD thfOlo thnoioelc4 spieulsIon spieulsIonliii Pf ttllUoo ttllUoowill will liii be cast from Lb be neck ot real II da 11 Mi doo dootrln doe doerins trln rins Pastas ILI Su SuTIle Lass LassThe The RiiMlM 1Ute rirfcelar PtMlar55dps PtMlar55dpsTo nh1pa nh1paTo hlfM hlfMTo To TSK TB EPITOB or TMS TH BcxWr Bo much muchromlnenoe muchrromlnlIl11 muchrominemo romlnenoe has been flvo to 111 the letter ad adreaaed addluci adirreted reaaed by Karl Orey 0 Administrator of ofhodesls 0 0RhodlI ofIhodesla hodesls to th the rector ttor of the JEsuIt collar oolUrI aoIl aoIlal al it I Bulawayo that I venture nnur to ask a llttl llttlao IItI1peoa ilttlspad pad ao In Tux Suit to rviw with a modicum modicumr of If car cra th tiue hi ris riM of 0 the II news paragraph In Inundsys 10Bund1 houndsYa undsys Issue and captioned Win 111 Rhode RhoderhoJarshlp sbodHbolrahl Ithodeltolarshira rhoJarshlp Tti London Tiniit of Friday Fridayb rldrb ret I IKU I printed with lIh some promlono promlonoi Ih he i followlna statement aalmllrnI tt nf nfTTa TTa various noe alalemest rrcvnllr II ra4 ms that thathuun Utabu thatetiteisis huun bu ciii beti elected Is 110 houlhAMc ouslb AIr1 AIiIcs sad u4lte sadte lte te Oalle4 Uslt Vatted 4 Stair UIU sr a Inamirat Th The Iruft Iruftiv nsto nstoewe ewe iv sol ao yl awarded aad stir 8 scioisrsleIgt rtoU ablM lpe Jie Jien JlU JlUl Ia 0 liiat 1 lb trbolar ilola fleet 10 lCIe4 ih Iba it tap till Color ColorluTarul Co Co1aI le4yital ital luTarul 1aI a 554 lUtodttla wa Ular 1c Urled Is Urn to toW IlIe l1al4lMn1 rr J4 nr al II4 Jifardls OriaUr sail I 4 4Crel sfaa I IIii Iii Aril Mutfrnt from 1mm 10111 QerInsuly rtn noaa ar tffc 5a sr sre to toIftI tofrilid I IwUtf wUtf tiy IB Ill Utrna Koiptror rot but IB lilt eUi Dlllar DlllaroIIrtIIlJI othr4itirsliuI4 rU4 4itirsliuI4 oIIrtIIlJI 111 111II setsi ceisesace eeIae ucoi ucoiti II U4 II1e U4Tl Tl 1e ti Mil div III II folloln Mlowlnir lIUf I frouts roiu Ui Uillior nil nillor tiecube cube ol 0111 ili ii TMtf rwoJ rw ll4Mili uIdwp rdUl iil a VMklr nw nwiiwr as asalert ntI ntIlalf lalf alert slfrrlloiiaielr known 11II iVrdlflaJ iVrdlflaJunUiia srdinj srdinjusbsts IdI unUiia 111111 dturdi of waist i appeared pr4Tn pa its A IU IUA lit litf litAe UIINl IINl IINlAs A Ae IB lite Icjai l4Ut III d5 ic wtsslJet ftUii lot 0 a ststme ststmeiii uat Ilia iii at Ie ul III IB IUud iItIIM etslsiahI iilajIJ Ulllallll lid EtfOI EtfOIIlia hia4uid4 IIII a aiaiile iaiile Jo Is I anita UI liw 1 III atiI55 ft ar 5011 ny fcul allot ilWI I 10 0 Mr a MUI4 Yr Ii I II II ItlflllUl tJ I014 Ul I Ik tl1 It ItwI JMUIUlj JMUIUljLift sa i iItcIe wI Lift pI4iub wai In I eei ruluiuia 1 lW ib tieli 4itiJig 4uiol f11 Ui tt itt 5 IK I llkl II iw I ub wlwUlaUIW I iligpteI II Lot Wis a sasss4 sasss4Lt i4U i4Ui i tl lli 1 i liUiuMinu It Ifc 10 Lt LtV I UI HUIU44 HUIU44i Wlla i IU sulnailly I fl It I hWUi UlUr ler lerMI fJJir wj wjr inir it lla lI MI AsIaheleIewr wwiwijistoi IIt er rII uuki sI Jt i I Lcltif a a1i cltif 1i ulfllfn II III WitU tfiJ Utlft i UI 114 II Wl 0 I HtiuW stcit Ilk II IK Uiflt it I lb I4iii ioiiIuiaw i lull 11 a ci iL i itua It I tua a IU inauj Jllluiittl tJ UIII11oHI hIN luur Stttt iuJii rbATlH IN III kVli Ii uir4lb IIIta Ie tiMbifylAtftoXSi tiMbifylAtftoXSiulu4i 1111 ulu4i 1 st liubi laMk a Is ul d551JL nut 1 Lull It staz It Itr ttrlfI Jiffwjf a PM4 t4 t4lit rH lit I Ilell lell 11 NM 1 4 4IIa IIa II I It Utu4 Ir II Il IlI I frrJ taz IILIIf 11111 ar4 44 44t e1 e1ttI ttI ielv ie lHki 4 dl a lv lve1 0 111 lor lorof e1 e1AitIusu of lal It lit ar arAnltfllLII AnltfllLII Its pea 1 iiiif 1 ii iii ru Ui Ug i II iitnt tnt uul tii 111 I iii lit I i l4tne95oaiI ii iuulutluii iu iufl inst instp4t1 t1 p4t1 11111 hetiIlaalde4 1 1i4 4llll 4llllplLtd IM 1111t plLtd I lii 11 Slel ply ieitcIj 11 1 1SI 1 1tE SI Ii sIMil II A 4ds14 YH 1111w Iff 11t all alli4 i4 tE iInesll 1 II ii 1 1I 1 ff I 0 ciii II we ot4 pi a as utIIIl utIIIlIf I Irt rt If If lr1its oJlut II 55kt 55ktpala II IIfI fI rC a I pU 1 a II III a1 I 111ft 1 1I kIT I fZII pala iiIewI ie iet trl II 1It 6 JWr If fl Ut UtMMt If rres rressq IAC MMt MMtHMI4SH 1It Zr IIU4M kt141 tf HMI4SH II sq STUDY CULTURE Of TKRKAPJX TKRKAPJXMlsrisa 2BBBAPlI11III TRRL4 Ply PlyM1me Mlsrisa I11III of an Official OMcIMOC of the commerce commerceDepart cemmertertmtat Comme CommeDCprttflt Depart DCprttflt rtmtat meat ta Japan JapanWABHiNotoK JapanWAlmNOTon JapanWAemxotote WABHiNotoK March IDr Dr Hugh HuhM HuhMSmith MSmith letSmith Smith 6hlef of the Bureau of Scientific ScientificInquUy So1ntlfoJnquitT ScientifloInqutty InquUy has been selected Iected by Secretary BecrctaryCortclyou Cortclyou to be Deputy Commlaaloner of ofFish otI ofFish Fish and Fisheries in the new Department Departmentthis Departmenot I ot Commerce He wilL leave Washington WBIhlDgtenthll this afternoon for Japan where he will boccupied be beoocuplod beoccupied occupied several months in a study tud of the theJapanese theJapaneee theJapanese Japanese fisheries ftaherleslndllitty Industry with particular particularreference partJoularrerenoe particularrererenoe reference to the culture of otterrapln terrapin Fish FlabCommissioner FishCommissioner FlAhComm1l18lonor Commissioner Bowers speaking of Dr DrSmiths DrSmith DrSmiths Smiths Smith trip said saidNothing wdhNothlng saidNothing Nothing Is known about the terrapin In Inthe Int inthe the hNothlng United States 8t tcl but in Japan the snap snapsupport anaprlng manping ping turtle or terrapin known a the theIUPPOf thesuppoq IUPPOf support is found in rivers and marshesanti marshes marshescome manheaand and ill highly esteemed for the fine flavor tlnrof flavorof of III tlHb fm eoentl Recently 1 special 1a1 attention flU flUcome Asscome come to bo given to Its cultivation cultivationUnder cultlvaUonUnder cultivaUonWnder Under favorable conditions II the pond pondIn pondIn pondIn In which the turtles are raised has a muddy bottomiranglngln bottom ranging In depth from one to three threefeet threnfeet thrreet feet The line egg are deposited In the sunny sunnypart sunnypart unnyot part of the bank In the sandy area areaaround areaarol1nd areaaroiind around the pond which easily becomes becomesdry beoomNJdTJ becomesdry dry fences are erected to prevent the theescape Iheeloa theescape escape eloa of the turtles When the season seasonfor MOntor seasonfor for depositing the eggs Is over wooden woodenboards woodfInboards woodenboards boards about one on foot in height are erected erectedon on the lower margin of the bank to protect protectthe proteclthe protectthe the young from the attacks of their parents parentsand parentlland parentsand and other enemies Within the barrier are areburied arllburled areburied buried a large number of pots to afford affordshelter dordlIhelter affoivjshelter shelter to the newly hatched turtles turtlesNAMIXO turtlesNArfllO turtleNAMING NAMING NEW sonooxEn MASTS MASTSTbe MAstSne MASTSThe The Complicated Problem of the TtramM TtramMTT Lawson VIOn and Her Staten settled settledFrom 8ettlfdFrom senietiFrono From tAt notion DaUv Dal dUct GlobiThem 01011The dUctThere Them The seems to be rnuoh muobeontroversy controversy a is to tothe totbe tothe the proper name for th the mast of the six sixmasted sixmisted 11 11malted malted schooners and tho tb sevenmasted sevenmailedThomas sevenmastedThomas livenmutedThorn Thorn Thomas Laws Lawson LawlonThe LawsonThe on onTbe The suggestion that th the masts of the taw tawion La LaIon Tason ion be named for the days of the week baa baanot bnot hasnot not been accepted acceptedHow acceptednoW acoeptd910w How would It sound to shout such ora Drdllr DrdllrII orderaU ras as II these said one captain when asked his hisopinion hllopinion hisopinion opinion on the matter Furl Wednesday Wednesdaylowor WNinoeda1Iowor Wedneadarlower lower away tbe Thursday peak reef Moo Mooday MondolT lionday day and a lot of 0 stuff like that thatSome thlUSome thatSome Some seafaring men and nd shipowners ear lIythd earthat ay aythat that the mast should be designated a as fore torenaia forenyiln tor tortt4ID nyiln mizzen spanker Jigger driver and andpuaber andpubu andpusher pusher but bu the captains of tile only three threusixmasters thIMIEmuters threesixmasters sixmasters afloat and the sevenmaster sevenmasterLtwson lIfllamu sevenmasterLawson rLanon Lawson do not no concur concurCapt eoncurCapt concurCapt Capt John Crowley th the manastnc manastncowner mllllatrlllrowner managingowner owner of the hll Crowley fleet said IUd tbat the thsspanker thllpaDkfr theupankermaitis spanker upankermaitis mast Is the aftermost at nnOllt matt rnaatof of a vessel vesselno 1 1no no matter how many masts the craft mar marhave mapbave Save and he believe that the proper way to toieslnate todul1Iale todesignate designate the mast I II to number them be between btwn betwien tween th the third or mlzien mast and the last lastmsst laamnt lastmast mast msstThe mntlhe mastThe The matter has apparently be been settled to tothe totl1e I Ithe the satisfaction of those most Interested and andib7 IIIIdtb an anihi ib7 tb namesof names of the bll mast of schooners ar are as asfollows acfollows follows Twomatter fore and main three threemaster thtfemuter threemaster master fore main and mlzzen mzzen fourmaster fourmasterfore fore main mlzien and and spanker fivemasterfore fivemaster ft flvtmutrtore mutr fore 10 main mltz mlun No 4 and spanker all slxto allmnlr Sixmailer mailer fore main mitten No 4 No I and andPftnkfr endspanker spanker aeInmaatn fore ma resin 1 milleD milleDNo mizzeno No to a No NO6 6 No 8 Sand and spanker spankerHerbert spankerfltert pankerRtme Herbert Spencer Npio ea Party Ceverratieat CeverratieatTo OOTftllBlellTo To yes EDITOR or TBK Sow Smr8rl Sr On One of othe ofthe ofthe the he most Interesting Inle atlDI and sURrestlvs unIlIlU parts ot otlerbert otlIerbfrt ofHerbert Herbert Spencers latest and to be last lastlooks lutbooke lastbooks looks Is I the chapter entitled Party Govern Oovernaent Oonmment Governmoat moat Her I la a man at the ripe old a 1 irs ef efs orI3reara I3reara pars ar who baa devoted his hi lire and splendid splendidntellect splendidIntellect pleDdldIntellect Intellect to tile study Itud of this till and of kindred kindredobjects klDdredubJecC kindredsubjects objects giving us a last laa word a condensed condensedode COOdllDHdcode condensedcode code of 0 civic moral a word essence of his hisronderfully hliwonderfuUr hiswonderfull ronderfully comprehensive knowledge I Ihere III IIItbere Isthere here a living man more competent to advisem advise IITt IITton on such subjects For that matter If wrere wwere we werere were rere to name a greater thinker of any time timerould tlmllwould timewould would we not pause a long while before pass passn PUtIn passlag In lag over th the name of this till Intellectual slant slantiVay aianUWar viantWay War back In 1841 when Herbert Spencer 8 eneer waa waainly waaDDIT wasonly only years of ate ws find a series of his hisetter bllletters hisletters letters etter almost profound Jlroro nd In the Wanton WantonomM Noneon0rMfi4 flt fl flor omM or on the Proper Sphere of Govern Oovernrnent GOTernment Government ment nent and from that batUm tim time to this he has haslevoted hdllYote4 haslevoted levoted these tbe sixty year reart to th thtudy tudy of the theiroblemi those tllouroblfm thoseroblemu iroblemi which concern eon oem man and hi blu sodal sodalondltlon sodalnonditiona aodalcoDdlllon ondltlon Should not then hi his last ma matired matured maured tired thouiht thoughtbe be bI1Ten given unusual consideration considerationI I took the liberty of WritIng to Mr Spencer Bpncrshort Bpen SpencerLaborS rab ab short Um axe 1 0 Inclosing on one of my printed printeditter printedItlere printedsUers Itlere itter from TUB TK Bern I addressed th the Utter UtterHerbert ItterHerbert letterherbert Herbert Spencer England I might bar barollowed hi hifollowed haveollowed ollowed the example of Pitt Pittwho who upon re reelvtntr If IfoehiDIi retelving elvtntr a letter from our Franklin addrwMexl addrwMexlt In a that way returned turned th the compliment CClmllUm Dt by byddresslni b1adda byddresaInv adda ddresslni lnl his answer anwerBeltjamlD Benjamin Franklin Franklinhe FranlnThe FranklinLbe The he World Would the th answer I received receivedcf be of Interest Mr Bpenoers reply 111 reed as asollows utolloWII asfoIlows tolloWIIDII ollows foIlowsBats ollowsDUB DUB ma TOOT letter to Kr Spencer ftJIeDeItI th the thetovembf th thovember IbNovfmbtr ovember was banded In hen reoenuy by a apeela apeelaieuencr peelalmeuentlCl peeistneg3enger ieuencr of ti poat office As yoif JOaN pen at a br Ib Ibtrad ohs ohslrvulSr bJ lrvulSr on the 01 lef Mr Speneef Is oaabii to totired tired to correspondence Tour ro MI MIer ittor rnfr was how howver nfr ver er read to blm wben ten It 1 arrived and loterMted loterMtedm IIIerHWdhim him let sadld sa dl4 your printed Itttet I an Mr ToutS yonrtIthfully TOlinfallbtuIlJ ToutSiithfuhiy Ithfully wSaZOITOX TBOMBitMr TBOMBitMrB TIOtOlmJJBaloTO BaloTO ia TO Jan IJ not notI a 1503Let I 11 et me QUote a aJwparIIrtIIIb parasrapb from Mr Mrpencer MrSpencn Mrpencirs Spencn pencer chapter on Party Part UovrnznntPoliticil uoverament uoveramentPolitical OOYllrnmnPoIIUcai Political vices biT ha their root la th the astor ot otT 01tbltITitr oflos los peocle peocleThe tbltITitr The eaCuitr abiittr to find candidate eIIdd Who willbtad will bind them themlTM tltllltI tIeelveS elveS I to 0 party prvrrammes sod the tit wish to And Andich 4urb Sadorh ich andldate sr a are alike allkIIllli1IeaU iBdlettlr ot an srerac sreractaracter a arllt averpiebararlet taracter CandldaeJl1 not Oiled for only fre tree InaUtutlon but butlied bittlied r4ea r4eapullam lied only rllt tot tho those II fttrur lutllutfon uader which dec decttm doeottam pullam ttm la 1 from tOrn to llm tlJDI mlUcsud I br rrMdoaAbolish freedom fnoedcnaAbOllab freedomAbolish Abolish th 1105 he xltlnt ooavmUooal COOo man Ie Ielarb usai4tsob 11 11leb larb sob Uectolattve member reel that be mar up uprt ipns ipnsr zpr 7 him vote his hi advrn Ibe belief respecting Oorern Oorernent stDI OovernICQO rt ent taeaaara wtttout endangering the O0vrr O0vrreat QeverateOtI teOtI eat stability stabiUtysadths and tb Whole ol 0l1li tbl this vtetoMsysUrs vtetoMsysUrsould Y1et01lltanyouid youid ould disappear Oraatttatnu throngS tltroa Uirtrprweetailvf theIr tlterPrHelltatlVN theIrprraeittlne prweetailvf would nally naII eaa be tt Ibura Iburaof a wuSm wuSmt Bskfl BskflI of I the lb law ta they tile Ure II under underAt UlldtrU oaadrAt At preceat that ilia which 1Ft bout ot a si poBtle poBtletdem potltleal1rtt40tn p050111ivedem 1rtt40tn tdem eonalau 110M ta I tbs ability abIU to ehoos ett ieosa a dwr dwrs dPDt dPDtor or iroup ot oUsrareh sad SUiT loot mKbcbar mKbcbarJ IIbabaYlDr IIbabaYlDru produced dlauUitaetioa to chooM ett mother motheripot sootherNulot btr btrMpol Mpol ipot or 0 troop Toes of euiarctki bane DeaawbU DeaawbUn meanUmad neeawUeCs Cs mad subject lIbJ to Ia law sundry IlU tJ or wiot an anpujniant areo at atpugflaflt pujniant pujniantTie Tie Taoe wbo to Jlral tatsi a trade vsloa sIon I0Il nmndr nmndrletr nrrllD4artIItlt nrtidsrheir tIItlt heir freedom to Baa earaceaenU oa tlntr own ewarm 0 0Ie ownrrma Ie rrma rm and allow UKD lbI theotelives IT to be told br their taetrtd their44cm IItlrlead lead 44cm td when to work wo 11 SM wb vhsa a not l1li lo wark 0th barsd bar blYao ao 0 sd 14qata aut enae ena oa of that tundSRMOtal right J1 whlrt whlrttry wtietvery ltIs mall 01 tIDIIItad blm IIIIt IIIItaa4 lt ltAfter very try 17 man posfe to tk el best aa4 ad to dla diapol OM of bw shUttle Is sag wa war II lie pIaaHa pIaaHaArtr p1551Altar After some om remark rmarka a on tb Ute nil evils rll of sub subrvlene subervienos lIb lIbrIOI ervienos rvlene to party leader Irs he says saysFor IAnro saysTOT For the tit present rHHI tnr lb II no probability ot DrIb ser serin 55wblat Ib blat ro in better but but a probability of omethtni wori woriIIIVI nr nrIr 1 1tt Ir ii T5tIOS4C etoysmant I sow 1051 05 toeat4 toeat4he acr a he mUILiistoctal tt type ta issvllabtyaecompaolol issvllabtyaecompaololnLr 1101 pUlatloD 01 1 au satbonly i in bn br 111011101 111011101oil oil nLr oilArr Ar no theme thoughts very au uTln gestjva oil oilt atI Arr thu Urn thp epd ar are Ibt tb Mt worthy or deep dlfpII4Iralinn deeponsidrattnnl onsidrattnnl II4Iralinn Wb Why should oulli wo call a mall mall11lIor manratter IIckl A Sr Srricen rwn drif turneost ratter IIIVI rwv I i Miin wn iin fe II refuses refu tllmlly 1 JurnrOtt lo follow party liar arr wammf scro scrorSwmC ro roramtM ramtM ammf lil lh the world ever com to ri rii gle gleus du us i of orlllJ credit dlt I tq Ib nuts who wl0 Uf bss Id Idsaa si siilnlon pso1 pso1olnlons II IIopinion opinion ilnlon of 0 Ms own and vip lp la I apt np afraid afraidjisobiiitK fal4 10 10fr losprees sprees Ilsutt hllI AM wIll pit partItI all alsO 11 11ew tit fr 10104 ew Imul thamselvel final finally AartlI4 Jearn arn tq rHO rHOIt rooIs It Is In Chess Prsod ICItaOni tie iiJ mn 01 01lIIurII Siciiy lIIurII iciiy Iuou tIn tIntlaoo UsiwaIMItsoostys tlaoo Itsoostys jisobiiitK Mush WuthA tTo IpeerAase peerAase A NTo Wgeg WgegTo To tsP lla Knuoa or 0 Tn 7pp HiHMr 1IIIU 1IIIUIowt it itilovlM hdiowliof ilovlM Iowt Irsnalkiloa pf Un Iii oowinente oowinenter 00111 of of4ar45di fra 4ar45di fM ra sK UUliUtHkff MUIU on otIS of 0 IL 11 lat lacxtttUrio latdantfllo 1108 1108AUlio ttUrio AUlio iMriodlBtl rIIldIUIJ upon au Alls of 0 tit titMl4 uWI ILdwid WI Ml4 Anvtoul Au so4 114 Modern JIhllhs ul llti4 In I III te tein II in 4 Interior ut our country 1AI end 4 sold si 1 lsr tIlt tIltbay III III1IoI111t 1IoI111t sr Ulwrt slesle luaur AMterfrsltL Aiurr auerl II uiutouM tmdoulelhr uiutouMlly lly 1 i iprselIa irnis hl II lIe ttl4nInii liiliMi luu i4 KurH1 KurH1tnitl yllr yllrIId EUf14eSlSIti Iti isiad 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i jf of the thetot tot ezel ezelgtherte gtherte gtherteiaiprovment iaiprovment iaiprovmentof of I hio hioFirst First there thereto to lcI the thethe the prime oem oemMAsonic MAsonic liii liiiat at the iso isohard hard but to toat at the outset outsetbibitorS bibitorS On OnWhy Why do doa a Because Becausethe the theitause itause it woW woWawaid awaid prlace prlaceknow know knowII II cant see seeshrill shrill oios fBut But there weacog eacog them thempessidont pessidont and andSo So It wM ag agnonoxhibito nonoxhibito nonoxhibitoofficers officers and andassociation association associationLak Lak prominsa prominsawho who were no nooeeraI oeeraI hubb hubbI I strong alto altoAzid Azid just tbe be pulling pullingprize prize just justI I objeot objeotSo So did oth othtill till finally finallybuyers buyers coen coendry dry goods ho hohush hush fell osisiled sisiled The Themoat moat moatgowns gowns very rerjrmembsr verymember member in inUsd inused used to a cAnlmprov cAn Anlmprov AnlmprovJustioe An Improv ImprovJustice Justice ml mla mla a third thirdThere1 thirdThere There was wasmotion wumotion motion was wasthat wasthat that the Jury Juryfrom juryfrom from the clai claidetermined cdetermined determined wo woAnd woArid And all thesad the theand and toil us wh whshe wlihe she said An Anwomantohave Anwomanto womantohave womantohaveSllenoeollpi womanto have haveSilence Sllenoeollpi SllenoeollpiShes Silence folio folioIrins Irins oft oftShe Shes She a right rightThe rIghLThe The Bltuatio Bltuatioof0oers aituatloofficers officers who whobuyers whobuyers buyers or fore foreconcerns foreconcerns concerns be beben iu iuwith ben of tl Ju Juwith with cnthusJ cnthusJJurors onthuidJurors Jurors was otlons iiliens liens this mo moFlutter i iFlutter Flutter No Nocovery Nocovery covery that a aappeanxi aappesrrd appeanxi on th thpjrNew thby pjrNew by New York Yorklooking rldn looking ldn prove proveberafro I members berafro berafroNo from fromio No io said saidll ali aliwouldnt ll wouldnt wouldntstrong wouldntv strong laiius ian ianthey they have haveus us Just think thinktowners i itownen townen put In Inthen inthen then when we wethere I Ithem them In to ho hothose sthose those swell swellbow tb tbhow how shns man mamen manon en the skirt skirtAnd skirtAnd And tho spnal spnalK epea epeaNew New York gow gowfaclnatod gowfaeintod faclnatod inipr iniprI ins insI I knew It Itstraightened itstraightened straightened uright iirtaht right Well I Iafter Iafter after all allThe allThe The third fit fitdelivered Ii Iidelivered delivered by Mbut but had nothli nothliTho nothiThe The lecture do doof dof of Gowns and andaccount andaccount account of th thto thto to members of ofthat ofthat that the presii presiiyear preeLye year ye and nd brinj brinjseason bei beieasorsa season fashlo fashloconvention fashiconvention conventionhi convention I IThere hi Imported ImportedThreIaa There ThreIaa I IIndependence limIt Independence Protective ProtectiveTh Th The fuse 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