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New York Herald from New York, New York • Page 58

New York Heraldi
New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBE 8, 1916. SKIDDING THROUGH FACT AND FANCY ON AN AUTOPED i THE AUTO-PF-D ELOPEMENT NN VVSZOf rlfSS and It soes on a. icl.ct expedition YBft 7 1 VVsC AsdL-' NJ at the ratn of twcnty-tlvc miles an Solo Devil Wagon Taken Up in a Serious Way Might Add New-Terrors to City Life What May Happen if the Haughty Descendant of the Small Boy'? Pushmobile Becomes Popular hour. There seem to be no limits to the The autoped. could ut The autoped can alio tie used us jn wnCM nn cjii equip coming homo from the v.

pern, MOTORING In the little la nomt sport. It Is Mud of motor-cycling, thin nutopedlngv that lovely actresses And that It is too cold to bo photographed uuto-peeling or pedmoblllng down at Lorn? Beach serious minded persons can take up tho sport and set some fine new Bensatlonfi. One can be nn auropedlst without bothering much nlout the orthopedist. I that one needs Is to have one's feet on straight nnd a keen eye und no ner-es. The autoped l.s pushmobllo that has acquired suitable hauteur.

You of courte would not be caught dead In the woods or maheil up nn IJroudway. for that matter, with your trur-gb-d frame twisted up In a plcco of -oiipli tii which were attached two boxwood wheels from a roller skate. That wotial be Indeed finite vulsnr, i iid rut? mi. Smi can rldo a i -liniiiW'le. but for father, eager tn "i lui.dii'--s la the morning, the autoped.

It prov'd a new ow of achievement, i mce a man mounts It he thlnl he going some. He goes ome more than ho wanes to go at hue. Iiilt that pass. The Inventor of the autoped must 1 hud frc'kles and bare feet and a "oamlrg disposition long ago. I Is fcald to have miide one of those push-mobiles "iieli the youngsters of tho Kast Hide and the West Hide nnd all around tho town use li.

getting over the streets, and incidentally In getting themselves hurt at times. He felt that the pushmobile outfit to be a. self-starter nnd self-goer, and that Is how he finally developed thl Mrnngo little moving platform on which you sec even men with side whiskers and top hats scurrying about this town when the weather Is plena- mobile and nil those rontriyances, the ailtnpei likely to become an cstab- i llshed dissipation. The llrrt time yuii sec a man riding on one the Inclination Is to ask hint why he Is not at school and what he meant; anyway by going about the streets courting dlslntegrn- tlon. After one has seen two or three autopeds kiting along Plfth avenue or Illverslde Drive Waring their rldere serenely out of sight the sensation of disapproval wears off and one 'begins to wonder how It would feel to ride on one of the contraptions.

The other day a Stx lepoiter mounted one of the devices and started out to explore the great city. It seems perfiM'tly simple to run an nutoe(l The directions say that you ore to stand on tho pint form and turn the handle, and st Hiding lerfectly erect go forth to enjoy the scenery. It depends largely what kind of scenery one likes. I'or the novice astronomical views me the favorites. Th" consists of a narrow pl.itfiirm of thin rinsed about four Inches roni the ground and polled on two little front wheels and one hind one.

In front Is a motor -which starts the front wheels to turning, You stand on the platform, hop about a little bit and shove, and this stnrts the three horse-power foiirc.vclo engine In front, and presently jou arc sliding ilong. One twist of thn long lundie which up to meet your lingers in-i creases speed and another slows down. It seems perfectly simple. The learner finds that ho has to adjust his centre of gravity, which means that at first he mut not be too gay. If he happens to have learned to ride on a bicycle lie can get away with an nutoped, but If ho has not mastered the art of wheel straddling It were better for him that he "elected a ten ncre lot or a desert Island to get Just the proper eipil-llbrlum.

I You stand on the cute platfoi'm and Like the motorcyclo and the auto- get your feet neatly fitted on the ruh- MR. BROOKLYN WILL FIND THEM USEFUL her mats which seem to have "Welcome, little stranger." written all over tlem. grab the handle and away you go. first you careen like a lugger In ii typhoon und then you lurch over mitt! the lee scuppem are awash. You skim along the asphalt and say Just like that.

In our fieny you give, the handles twist and then full all over yourself and meet Jour spats Coining hack. The nutoped has the disposition of a bronco itnd the guile of an ie' However, take heart of grace and go to It. lor one has but 'one neck and two legs nnd likely tc conic away with some of them. Tliu HlW repoiter was doing very well in getting tho poise other tiiornliig when an leo wagon came up out of the pavement and from the other side hove In view an automobile. The dltectlons you remember my that ono may waft oiA-self alongside any motor car and engage the occupants In conversation.

If' one had abfoluto serenity of disposition this might well be, but suppose you had sticking Into what ancient sporting writers called the muzard the blinders of a Perchc-ron and Into the right lobe of tho the pole of ice trust wagon and a eluuffeur was plying you heated language and the driver of the car of gelldl'y had numlier with co'd sin re, would yon feci llko kind of yacht tender. When .1 land ing Is made at some out of tliu way spot and brandy or "navy sherry" or something of that kind needed to replenish the lockers, away the stew- ard can sail over tho du-ty roads to the nearest quenchery. The little con-ttivaii'-e can stand some pretty rough going and iau be guided through the wood by bunt-r at a good rate If there Is the yemblauce of path. I'or the Joys of the open load It is himself Ids little journeys In tno world. lie cm glvo up part of his platform to a neat box In which he can storo tools and food and necessaries of various kinds.

He cju also convey on the side of the box a spare rear wheel which wdl be an ever ready help In time of trouble. Thus equipped and with a good tuiw-tnatid over his nerves, he can fate far Into tho country on his gliding tour. lie can have all tho fun of walking commenueu. me M.umiu in fcl 1.1 erect position, he can mvey the coun- I without a footman riding bcl there would bo no doors to op (i. haps ono would not need an att.

A man and his wlfo on an could Just waft themtelveri pr lobby of a theatre, and when ti Mine for them to go away from the male factor in (he slluati' Just Jump lightly on and s.ij lf "Home, and aw twain would slide. As for young persons, nothing be more comfortable than .1 Tan JO Into pi ittK aooat tnc 1 weathtrT The puh.iting Journalist g.itncrcd hlinslf up and looked ut the I rents In his clothing ami pondered. Still, whatever mi-dnps one miy l.avo at tlrt In getting started In the autoped line one soon nnsteis the de-tails of tills new method of progression and tlnds that it has many pleasant experiences. One feels all the of boyhood and the dignity and serious purpose of advanrlng age. After .1 wiille oiv will convince one-relf that one should autoped for health's sake.

The common tyi' of thl new Is fifty-one Inches long and weighs nlnetj pounds without accessories). As a matter of fact it Is ,1 -turned auto-mobile without any body and mostly running board. It can scoot at from twenty to miles an hour. A lli 1 board or on wMeh the tlder stands more or I- tleil.e, t'ie vibration of tin- li'tle engine Is tat, 1 up and tin re scarce! 1 Jar. WHY NOT A JITNEY -PED? If 1 has i innuen there is nothing easier than to skim along on till puslimoMle.

The enct position contdet ej by as preferable to sitting on an ansle as motorccllts do. A tit- platform i- only 1" Indies wide and tlv length of contrivance l.ttle mole than four feet, a skilful slander can In and oat traftic quite p.u-'.ly on tin- small Uis. The autoped is not Intended to take the place of anything. It has not coni" as a rival to existing means of nmu-ing the populace. The ttadltlon is that a trtul" form of it was once used in big Pv stock clerks who wiintid to urt around iwlftly and iioiele.sly.

In the last months It lie. tsrn greatly improved, so that it is now practical for many purposes. nvvinc to Its lig'itmss it can bo laslud b.liKiii an automobile Then win ti ui.e tro iMi eoini or the ilpp'S i L.lsulen. silil III) Cpire.s, til- little roadster tie unleashed try o'er as he l.s propelled on the main tiavilled way. If he admires nature he should bo In his element, provided he docs not make any well meaning Dobbins shy as he ambles along with himself.

As the rider has the general appearance of tall man. there l.s no joke at all about his ability to trundle himself tight along with an automo-1 bile going at a good clip, and Keeping out of the dust, to hold the said pleasant converse. It has been s.S2e.-ted that autopeds would be available for transporting cicet bodlt of infantry One of the little machine can. if properly bal-anciil. l.e carried by one man.

It Is probably not so heavy us some of file rapid tire guns which are toted around I)) the ih rman. As two nun can be transport! on one machine quite ea-liy when the rear rider clasps the fueling person mound the waist, there- would be two men to carry the In region where it could not be put in commission. Tnder the tratnc regulations, auu ac not equal to that afforded by auiopeus. unving wim one naii.i. i.ot nil lo.

the rider gets could drape themselves noo uMrh him 1111 other sympathetically and conservatively and does good tou th" 'oVP u' ria in, his Innards, according to the physl- elyslum. Let the I they will such aiitopedl-t- The anttped is coming into use among j-atcsnieu who want to get over city territory in a hurry. Kventually. after ihe price lais come down otno-what it may be fomal uvall.ible for tho worklDcman. Many persons who live at some distance from iheh work are aole t.

employ the bicycle and there n'cnu no reason why In time quickly moving little plat form- should not be adapted to thell needs. The nuilum- is also highly to It may be left In charge of an attendant at the door, or s.nce It is so compact It might le drawn into the shop, it would thus MTve the purpose of the bargalu promenade excelloutly well. As the I shall yovi in vain. As yet the nutoped ha- used for elopement purpo-e-. well might be.

The Looh.m conceal one under his spread iw coat and, suddenly grabbing i the hat rack after the llrst lid the lady step on away tliey would hie across Tho autoped has had Itse graphed In ti.o support of pi and millionaires gaining a great foothold. It 1-predicted that it even among our bert little utilities no home will be without on so small. It can be substitute. vv.ary lope with which I -1 1 i the iloor with Precious and same time the dear child erect position permits gowns to Is shown to their lull advantage it should 1 of. night can hear the vvuei be very popular, although on rush days around and mound.

Neither is there ar.v tfl-e-1 1 1 sttnfo t'tte the mitolted must carry a license numler and it -oUlv a I held to In the same cl.i.-s with I What wear and tear 0:1 shoe leather the motorcvcie. It Is a footmublle or would save as they gilded up PMinioblle in the sense that It must nnd down U-tvveeu counters, and per-ineet all the requirements which tho 1 milled the fair ownem to collect dress statutes lav down for the big road- samples ai will Then the Poms might 1 It tu carry two lights In iron', and oti" behind. The radiance for the conn from dry cell lot usii.riy on the of the I larae rear wheel. ho trained in 1 at on them fur airings, and if the 1-tie (Pars fell off tiiey ltd iv- illy,, to go and there ivh-jM I no danger at of the.r t-ei-g burr. maid's knee, for It would with an able nutoped ami cleaner Bridget or healthful exercise while i latlng up and down the anci All tlleS" s-llgceMiotls 111 lic'pful.

nnd again tin all the same the new vc longer a pu-1 ruo'ol tlon. vvM- NEW RIVAL OF THE X-RAY IS OF DEEP IMPORTANCE TO SURGERY IT Vit physician or surgeon could tional. being founded upon the ptiml- look inside tho body of his pa- Wc thc niimnn body itself, so long 4,. as It is alive, generates currents of tient will, the same ease that ho Tvvo elcc.tru(lc)(, rlich tnil. ban examine the exterior of It he m(f perforated zinc plate or zinc fcould be less likely to make mistakes, wire screen, are employed.

These are to dlagmosls. That lias been itnpoasl- connected In the usual way with but- s. -1. 1 i .1... 1-1 1 teries, but are ot brought Into direct to do heretofore and physicians hn u(iy Qf mlpnu have made mistakes and patients havo 0no j.inced upon a stand In died In consequence.

The British ilcdicnl Jnurnnl now announces a discovery which Is expected to extend the vision of the physician In this direction. Tho discovery Is of a method of photographing the in-terlor of tho body, and it was made at one of tho cnsuulty clearing stations in France. It Is claimed for this proc-tin that It goes far toward ho work thus far done by the X-rays, and that now- It will be possible to take photographs of tho interior of tin- body of a vatlent so tht It will be known precisely what l.s the matte-, where to operate If an operation nccrssary, what organ is r.ffected and to what degree. The announcement has aroused much In-erest among physicians In New York. 1 Tine of the nio'ut highly skilled X-ray ihotographera and ph)slclans In tho I Ity wild: "The llrlthh Journal Is an -gan of siueh lUgli standing In the X-ray photograph showing a that waat it says mu-t bo cachet of bismuth in the credited ns authentic, mid It i u'd not present the mutter If It were 1' of some leal value to the profes-011, have re.ul the account in the iniirnul with great Inteie'l mid hope oesophagus.

a vertical po-lllon close to the subjett Tin- other is hung horboniull) at right angles to the llrst screen, Thus mi) will be able to do some of the things electrical Held coining from tlv former at are claimed for it, but we must forget what we are nlri-ady abb-r see and to photograph by the use of the perfected especially as hey tiro now being used." The Journal suys that the new proc- screen Is ,11 light angles to dial of the second. The patient is so placed that the part to bo eviinlned Is cbixi to the llrst screen and directly below II, but at rome distance from Ibo second, ess secures photographs of structures Then thn current turned on, and hidden deep within tin- body. Piioto-! py thin acllon th'i third electrical ee-graphs may now be taken in broad tnent, the ciiri-nt from tin- patient's daylight of the brain, liver, kidney, own body, In brought into action. or any other organ in which it is claimed by the inventor that trouble Is suspected. The picture will "the results are primarily due 10 the show tho blood vessels In the brnln fuct that tho process Interposes such distinctness that a blood tween two alternutlng electric Holds of clot muy ho located precisely; or It 1 equal strength, nnd at the precise point will Bhow an abscess upon the liver tr 1 where they unit, a thin! electric Held, wounds or lenloris from accident or 1 the facultative poi-Mitlu! fori of vvhlc'i In any eirgan, fine picture tken this process showed a con-1 retlon in the appendix clearl), The process Is no means s'lisa.

Is thus released and can In- convene I Into dynamic n'-tlvil) Tills thlld Held (the patient's bod)) Is made to operate upon sensitive needle, which woik upon a revolving covered with 11 waxed The so-citlcd "hammer-needle" moves across the cylinder, tapping out little holes In the wax, and when later the. wax Is held up to the light a diagram Is presented which "ptechely resembles the outline of the living tissues, lying 1 vertically the second screen." The proce-s of changing this outline Into a photograph Is the one commonly un-il in the applied arts. It Is claimed I'or the-e photographs when finished. that they nre remarkably clear, as thev must be If. lis asserted, they show the small blood vessels ill th" briln, and wounds, but not the brain matter Itself.

The photograph" show difference-, such ns diseased areas, but not the normnl tissues. The uo of the Apparatus must he very exact, for it should be timed dlf-j ferently for the different organs or tis-mm The elecirlcHl force latent In blood l.s very Mllilll. and theioforo when blood vessel are to be pictured the ebvir.c alternations must bo very1 rapid. 1 (in the coi'trary. as the electric force In the heart muscle is great, the al-i tei nations should be slow if the heart Is to be pictured.

One special advantage claimed for this method of photographing Is that I when blood or juis l.s present in ntvas whore it should not Isi It appears on' the photographic plate nt onco as a or. does not stand out, but In this. wa lis presence Is proved. elei-trliit Is only tho aeconi-1 panlnii nt of ihe living organism lids piooofs i. it 1 loi I only mi long as 1 a pec-oti le alhe, or 11s molecular life -ontlinii -i in the it cannot be lIM il Upon dead bodies.

Tlie Inventor of this Ingenious p.UMlus ,1, inies a sergeaii In tlie inedli al corps', who received Ills degree of M. I nnd at the I'lllVel-lt) of YVllrdllllgtull, nltlioiiah he Is by birth. "To understand th" bearing of tills said tho New York ex pint. "wo must consider precisely what has been done by the X-ray and what iv arc iloiv able to do. Yon will remember thi 1 t'io so-railed tnoin properly, rays, as they were called after their dlrcoverer, Prof.

It entile who Hi-st foard .11 have tho power of penetrating and even thin ships of metal, I and arc stopped only ty more opaque bodies, aii'll as the bones of the bod), or metallic or ohil substances that have found the.r w.i) iiuo tin bod). "The r.irf ale brought abait by passing electrical dlschaige lllloilgli a tube exhausted so tin- glass of the tube Is bilghtly phosphon The inav be lillheil either for till eel olervnttiin that the ph.vei-clan may bsik through the proper di-vice and see the shadow of th- or ther mure opaque object VVit'liu the body, or thesi shadov, tiu 1.1 igl't 1 in- plate. K.wug 11- He- X-iay iihoto-'iaphy. "It would I- a fiial error, however, to sa that tin- X-rays show only the of the skeleton or a tnas.i of metal If swallowed, or .1 bullet If lodged In a human body. I Hiring the tvventv i(irs Mum tlie discovery of ti.r w- have learned bow i-' itv 1 1 vi-n i-xamliilug liol li stiilvitig i-ontrasts.

anil h.i.oi-s ui-l liy dueim. ceitahi met ib 1 the sislciu by 'iiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiV sssssssssssssssslsssssssssssssssssss X-ray photograph of the stomach, filled with barium tilphatc, shovt'ing its dilatation. w.n-.ii vv. can take actual photographs of rta a organs, ciich as the Momach. Intestines, If barium sulphate or bismuth be, introduced Into the softer tu-sucs.

they e.fter the iiroper reiletancc to the' X-ras, and we get very good and fairly photographs which show us v'vhether they are in the proper, position or not, and If they arc malformed 111 any way. "It should Is- e-peclally remembered that the use of th" X-ray und of this new method enn be only for purposes of to cKillini or disprove suggestion" which have conic from symptoms m- to give the physician Mil gi 011 more certain indications of tlie problem Iw-fore bint, "Ye can take X-ray photograph of the liver simply by tilling th" utr-toiindlng tiSMios with gas. which svol' make tii-in nunc transparent and al- low th-- bver to stand out in rebel. Hut tins photograph will not be sufficiently clear to show any nodule which might appear 011 the liver. If it were enlarged vie could see it, but this would also have been Indicated by tho touch.

"When we ,110 trying to asceitaln If a Is suffering with" tuberculosis 1 of the pint's wo may Und the lesion by the X-ra) when It would not li made unnilstakablo in any other way. Wo are actually seeing much of tho internal tissue of the bisly by inenme of the X-ray pliotogt-iphs or direct!) the IK-v method IllllH ho of great value unli-cd If can help us to sen more or to mo more clearly "When I was in (lermany, Jus! In-ton- the w. luoko out, I and studied the new Ducky apparatus, aiuih to concentrate the by menus of a s)stem of lines drawn In squans so as to help Hx the proper distance at which tliu pinto should be placed. Illtheito vve have been shown by thn cither too little or ton much, We have to take a eliscouiit for tin- shadows, or add sonn-thlnn, to make the shadows correspond with what vve know Is physiologically correct "Now any such method of addition or subtraction Is too Inexact to 1m M- entltlc, and therefore tho Mucky apparatus has been svelcomed bv the prole: large, serving as it doe to concentrate tho Just where tin should be and glvo uj th? clarity nnd Jurt proportion Mhleh ire rsejulre. "With the aid ot apparatus and the excellent machines! now pcrtecied the surgical and medical profession have a very certain method of examining the mtrrnal organs, especially when wc manipulate them, by using metallic solutions to make them opaque, and till out adjoining part? with to tiring them Into relief.

"It should bo" leniembered that tin greatest of ph) slclaus never re.ill) needeil or need now to resort to suc'i methods for making their Magnuses, genius like for Instance, vva us unerilng in his diagnosis as the clearest picture could make ,111 oidliuiry practitioner, and ir more rapid in leiehlng his conclusions. "Tno lait) an- apt to be mish'd by t-u machinery of th" unskilful and think that what they see upon photograph inuit be exact. I wish that this were true. I'n'due emphasis has been laid all too otteu upon the spectacular side of modem practice. The elaborate apparatus, electrical or p'10-tographk, does not necessarily mean expert handling of the disease, or even a proper reading of tho details appear- have the set to what it can do vv ci much tli.U is claimed for 1 stance, that it can in th-- brain nw 1110 apt to b-iieve until vve -own eyes that it can do t' thing nearly so minute." A PRIVILEGE TO BUY X-ray photograph of the large intestine, showing normal position.

tug 011 the plate it to be hoped the new method may ptove useful, and jit will receive 11 careful testing, but It will have to bo very Ingenious Indeed 'to add miicti to ie X-rav a un-d b' 1 1 11 r' "The xp.aiuiiioii -i in does, pot make iieax lbto.n ot thu technical prwceclui-s, aa.i uutU wc SOMi: exclusive 1'-imposslble t-i l.v tho Corsair .1. Pierpont Morgan fo 11. pie; but tin hav vvoild known lioues waiting years .11 1 tho privilege of lie-i oitling i-ustonier-. Th.s 1 or twelve u-tomn 1 has refused t--and Us inethis's of do, ii, amazingly nt. To lllurtnue: If goods you write and see them.

Then a date of ,1 salesman i.ilhng lice )ou p.u your lit'. Ilugland and take 1 Viaduct, London. 11- tho house carts to fore yon. You look leave, as suits vo'ir olt leu ou pa) I ut or que-' tho plico is 0110 la, ills uivariab i ll per ban- show 11 1 to ho le- there i.i noUilns 1 Im lieililiicd and iiav.ed an hour on oiu quii) ho expl.iiucd line the gooos, so 1 bade hill! good da; thing oer two givei; im opportunit" dislike the Tho concern th--! Syndicate, owners I can diamond nun inli-r nnd tlit of li.lies wt I and I I 1 1 1. I n' i- lO.fnio run 1.

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