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New York Herald from New York, New York • Page 11

New York Heraldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SUN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1917. 11 OF PEACE SHOOT WHEAT DOWN losses of I Cents Bushel at One Time, With the Not. i to 2 1-0. 1IK.WY KXPOHT BUYING Corn ami Oats Also Drop, Knimcis Ueinjr Inclined to Dispose of Holdings. Thj wheat market developed a reactionary tendency yesterday and at one at price showed losses of four to Mx I rtiits a bushel under heavy profit taking ind selling on stop loss orders.

It wan thotiKht tnat after nn almost pcrpen-J'cular advance of about 30 cents a bnfhel a decline was only natural, as tho technical position had been materially ttealened and shorts were well covered. uAntlmpnt hnwevpr. WAS rtlll kulll-h and the market rallied late. with linn I ipioiaiiiHin iu tower nattier vague peace rumors were Sriely Instrumental In bringing about selllnc movement. The action of Ium cen on the Intimation that there still a possibility of peace negotta-don" led lo the belief that the market Jouid respond to more definite de-Xmenls this direction and In con-Zience tho trade was timid about be-Zing overxcalotis on the buying slAo.

Tbi cish po.ltlon was itln firm, how- Kfdeaialc. but hlle shipping Interest. tor th- transportation of grain. The buying l.y exporter! I. believed to i tern on Information of this llnJ received from abroad.

In the local cash market No hard wtats "wheat was quoted at 35.10: No. 1 Jrth nT nuluth. 11.16! No. 1 northern, iinltoba. New York.

rOBN'Ei porters were again bidding. 4 were stlmated at about 1.2S0.000 hell. The country was selling frcly. taint tr. and evidences that farmer! were iitUHfd tth present price levels caused Sich liquidation, and the market was Stler.

rlwlnc 1th net losses of 1 He. to ttic ltprts from Argentina Indicated improred crop conditions, but tho Buenos Iarres niarsri wan imii til cents higher In the local cash markrl I yeiiun I Tork. (UTS The market was lower In sym-Mthr tlh wheat and corn and under wont taking sales, due to reports of larger country offers. Export demand was active lottevcr, and sales on Wednesday and luridly wcro estimated at fully 3,000,000 kuinels. I-ocal cash market steady: standard quoted at sSUSSHc: No.

white. 5H N. 3 white. 4V45c: No. 4 white.

fancy clipped white. ordinary clipped white, 5H 04c, all cletator. BYE I'lrm; No. 2 Western, 31.53 c. i.

New York. B.IHI.KY Firmer feeding, 1.12 f. o. b. Ht York.

IIU'KWIIKAT Dull: good milling, ILIS aiked. HAY Steady; Nn. t. 3191.0S; No. S.

tivti'ic, No. 3, shipping. 109 CHICAGO PRICES. WHEAT- Wednea-Open, High. Low.

Close, day. I-''1 'WH 1M July 111 K.I 14i" US' Vntember 112 142'i ISIS 99 KV S74 July. 37'. WH OATS Star ST. BTH S.4 July MV, MS itH MT LARD Juinirr 22 15.1! 15.22 1S.11 Bw.

13.i 1A.37 15. 15.00 RIBS- JlMiry 1.1 37 57 13.9.1 13.9T 13.93 Hit II II :3 lt.33 14. a u. PORK Jmuut T. 27 23 27.17 27.2) 27.10 MJ n) Z7 W.S3 27.00 26.80 INTKUIOIt RKCE1ITS.

II. 'HI VI, I II TTlurklsv 1.150 O00 W.000 jit S17.W Lui )fr 1 Ks7.lJ SEABOARD CLEARANCES. Flour Wheat. Corn, rhundu 31. 'no 331.01)0 1.000 Ll erk U.noo m.Wi 1.000 Lui rear 19.000 1.464.000 171,000 CHICAGO'S BEST CATTLE YEAR.

CIIICACO. Jan. 4. More live stock sras Btrkrtrd In Chicago in 1916 than in any prrnous fev. acconlini to the annual report of the CIiIomo Union Stock Yards.

The rrport asserts that the marketin; durirur the yar valued at I3O9.620.IU. Tho year'a total raukctints vrrc I13.6S1,S7 rreater than In Mi arvl more than I1W.WO.000 In exoeaa of Ihe revord of tlic banner year of 1913. Nf pnc nvonjs in all classes of lire mere set dunm the year. Fa beef ra aicracnl a hundred pounds; Iliiv, hois. 19.60; slicp.

$7.45, and lunbs. S10 77. lrnpi nr.rszM In nricn rn a head War demand was an Important in tbe 1916 altle market. LIVE STOCK MARKET. REM Ks lterelpts, (90 head, all con-nsofd illrt'ct to local slaughterers.

Feel-let nomlnully steady. Dressed beef firm: "TOim.ii to prime native aides selling at HffliHc per lb. CAMts-llecelpls. 272 head for ths rket KeellnK steady. Common to prime vul soM J1101C per 100 culls, J9M10: fed cale.

il barnyard J6ij7, yearlings, Dressed rltH sln anil steady, city dressed veals, ij'ylle iir country dressed 171 "IrissKil barnyard and fed calves, 12 VliC, Falti- -K i-ns Commission Company, 86 Ill ib averacc. 116 per 100 2. I'l 110. Ill, 5 culls. 131.

10i 2 isivis fs. jf, Handers. 18 veals, 3 1(0. 315 23. 112, 114; 3, 107.

11 10 eulls nil. 10; 1 vearllne, 50, 16, ill, if 0 Newton 33 veals, 130, I'l M.Phcrson 9 veals, SIIKKI ASH IMIH Ilecelpts, 1,714 Maa tl, irt, on sale, market steady. rlr heep olil at 38 per 100 In pr me lambs, Dressed ddj und 1514c. per -nio. sow at 1820c; some B'lce hug iiresseil 21c: country 'fie1 lambs, J10S12 per car Ne(on Co: 560 Ohio lambs, aeiace.

til. 25 ner 100 2. 160. HSU, K-Tiis Commission Company: 54 114.2.'.: 243 Ohio. 70.

lis" '9- 313.5"; 4 sheep, HlHis- lie, elnts. 1.534 head: car on init um hanged Medium weight "imjk at per 100 "sn lit 4u I'ountry ilresseU hogs iicinann. Heavy to ngni 1 at KlsWHc. per fit'. ir kn.

fc Cu-: 33 I'ennsylvanla averiice, 110.75 per 100 os. rouglu J9.40. Mlirr Cltlr' I StnrL Markets. 4 Hogs Receipts. I1J li 10 above yesterday'i 39 9-ii 10.46; light.

.50) 3 i5'i 10 65: heavy, 1100 JlOjf 0.16, pigs. He.eipt,, tlrm. Native SO'uiiSO, Western steers, i kir und feeders. 16 350 SOfflO; calves, 12.000. strong.

i0 lambs, Hogs necelpts. h.T Viulk. SlOfr 10. IS: henvy. i 'I Packers and butchers, 110.20 lt, 39 TOi 10.20; pigs, 13.15 wfhi.l''"."'"P"' MW, Includlotr 500 an Prime fed.steers.

310:50 beef steers. 38.50010.60; Uli: J'- "ockers and feeders. H'lUO 5'60'5()i cales, 18.60 "100: lower. Lambs, I tilt, I3 enrllngs. $1113, wethers, 10 jnS.26.

I l.ltfrKNilKNM. Manhattan. 1 ,) 6S wv KvtrU Macy .1 "alUs Jtoalty Cun.ln Co et i llroni, 131 7 v. LInwj. Kt LuiVMllV yst tig co et al (forKTiosuT! of mort- BIGGEST MANHATTAN LAND DEAL IN YEARS Tryou Hall, Abbey Inn and Shcnfer Estate on IMvcr-sido Drive Sq11.

$5,000,000 PRICE PAID 000 Lots in Estates Ituyer's Identity a Mystery Mny Never He Known. The deal for Tryon Hall, C. K. Killings'! estnto on uppflr rtlverslde Drive, the only country estate on Manhattan, haa finally been closed. Protected by all the secrecy known to real estate men, tho buyer's name li not to be known to the public for a lonir time.

This man or woman or group of men or women who have employed William A. White Sons to buy Tryon Hall haa also succeeded In acquiring the Hays property Immediately to the north of the Hillings acres and tho Shcafer estate Just north of the Hays property. These two properties have an area of 33 acre, or about S2S lota, reaclilnr from the Hudson Itlver almost over to Broadway. In the Hillings tract there are 330 lots, so that the combined properties comprise close to 900 lots, which with Improvements centring In Tryon Hall and the Abbey on the Hays estate are valued at 16,000.000. tt Is the largest purchase of Manhat tan Island ral estato that has been made In many yearn.

Not even the notable purchase of the Fort Washington syndicate of a quarter of a century ngo can compare, with the area affected by yesterday'K negotiations. The property which William White A Sons have secured Includes nearly all tho property north of 182d street west or Broadway and south of the turn at the north end of Itlversldo Drive. The property fronts over a half mile on Riverside Drive and third of a mile on Broadway, and Is of historic Interest as the elte of the earthworks, part of wiucn are still visible, known an Fort Tryon, which with Fort Washington formed part of the defences of New Tork city In the early fllaget of tho Revolutionary War. The prdperty summit Is the hlehest point in tho borough of Manhattan and commands a view of the Hudson to the Statue of Liberty on tho south and to a point twenty miles to the north, and on tne east overlooks the New Tork Unl- vernlty grounds across the Harlem River, witn a glimpse of Lone Island Sound In the distance. The Hays plot lies Immediately to the south of the Sheafer plot and adjoins on the north the large estate of Mr.

Billings. It Is somewhat larger than the Sheafer piece, containing over 290 lots, and prob ably Is best known as the site of the Abbey Inn. It Includes the steep road known as the Abbey Hill road, so often used as a place for testing the hill climbing powers of automobiles. The present sellers are the children and grandchildren of William Henry Hays, namely. Ella H.

Meyers. Mary F. Hays ami V. Blanchl Tompkins. The property was originally purchneed by Mr.

Hays seventy-five years, ago, and for a long time the building now known as the Ahhey Inn was occupied by him and his family as their country resi. dence. Ths Sheafer plot was acquired about twenty-five vears ago by Walter R. Sheafer, State Geologist of Pennsyl vania, who at that time believed so strongly In Manhattan real cwtato as to come herb and Invest the proceeds of some large tracts of Pennsylvania coal It comprises 23S lots, and Is bounded on the north and west by IUver-slde Drive and on the east by Broadway Including the point at which Riverside Drive unites with Broadway Just below Dyckman street. About two years ago Mrs.

Oliver H. P. Belmont contracted to purchase a portion of this property, but the transaction was never consummated Tho seller nf the Sheafer property Is Henry Sheafer of Pottsvllle, son of the original owner, and ne was repre sented In the transaction by the J. Ro- malne Brown Company, The city haa assessed the Hays and Sheafer proper ties at 31,200,000. About ten years ago condemnation proceedings wero started by the rity for taking n.

strip alonjf the westerly. side of these two parcels for a park, but after the awards were made the proceedings were abandoned by the city This park would have abutted on the easterly lde of Rlversidn Drive, Just before It takes its final turn to the east to Join Broadway. The Billings property Is considered to be the finest In the country. Mr. Billings has spent at least 32,000,000 In the purchase nd development of tho estate which began years ago as a lodgs and statbllng place for his string of fine horses.

John D. Rockefeller, was mentioned as the buyer of the proper ties, it being explained that he would erect there a memorial to Grace Dodge. The report, however, met with little support. So did the story that the properties would be turned Into a fine hotel. The big estato will be taken over by a iholdlng company on January 24., 92,1300,000 AIAHTMKXT TltAOR.

Extensive building operations of a ihlgh order will probably follow a trade closed yesterday In which 12s lots scattered-through the Dyckman section were given In part payment for the Northold and Southold, the ten and 'eleven story apartment houses which cover the west side of Broadway between 150th and 151st streets. Mulliken Moeller, who have built a of fine apartment houses on the West Ride under the name of the Eighty-sixth Street and West End Avenue Company, are the buyers of the Dyckman lots. The Dyckman Estates Company, holding company for Bradley Martin, owner of the vacant property, takes the apartments as an investment. They were erected several years ago. The block was formerly the site of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, Besides the lots the Dyckman Estates Company gavo the old McCreery homestead, on Broadway north of Dyckman street, and the six atory apartment house, known ns the West Point, at the south corner of Riverside Drive nnd 133th street, on plot 24.5x132x149.

The McCreery plot Is on the west side of Broadway, 240 feet north of Dyckman street, having a frontage of 268 feet on Broadway and extending about S00 feet to street. Tho Dyckman properties comprise the northeast corner or Hroacl wnv and 204th street, 100x119 north east corner of Sherman avenue and Thayer street, 50x360 lock front on the east side of Sherman avenue, between Thayer and Arden streets, 200x350 southeast corner of Arden street and Sherman avenue, 330x350: plot 100x130 on the south side of Arden street, 350 feet east of Sherman avenue; southeast corner of Sherman avenue nnd Sickles street! 200x250 plot 100x350 on tho -west aide of Sherman avenue, 80 feet south of Arden street. Part of tho Dyckman lots have already been sold to builders. The deal Involved about $2,500,000. now.vrow.v lofts sold, WHITE STREET The Charles V.

rfimnnnv. JoscDh V. Dav and William U. Walker's Kuna lmvo Bold (or all casta 90 and 93 Whit street. near Lafayette street, five and three story loft buildings covering a plot of 4,300 square feet, with a street frontage of 46 feet, The property will be held by the purchaser free of mortgage and will be Improved with a fireproof building.

The parcel Just sold Is directly opposite the seventeen story Hallenbeck-Hungerford building nnd abuts tho new Russell A Erwln Manufacturing building. The buyer Is a client of the Noycs company. HURLING SLIP Cammann, Voorheen Floyd hnve sold to Frederick II. Cone the four story building at 11 Burling slip and the five story building at 184 Water street, being tho northwest corner and forming an shaped plot. Llchtensteln Bros, were the sellers and were represented by I.

M. Levy. WEST 144TII STREET Bryan L. Ken- nelly haa sold for Daniel II. Jackson 232 West 144th street, a five story double flat, on lot 25x99.11, between Seventh and Eighth avenues.

The buyers cave in part payment ten lots at SheQleld Manor. Froderlck Fox Co. were associated as brokers. WASHINGTON STREET Horace S. Ely Co.

sold for Wolcott G. Ijtne to S. F. Zaloom A Co. 90 Washington street, a five story building, on lot 25x89.6, adjoining tho corner of Rector streL MADISON AVENUE Freldus Co.

have sold for Edward Wolf 2089 Madison avenue, five story flat with stores, on lot 25x96, near 132d street. WEST 71ST STREET Louise J. Mcr- rlam has sold 212 West Seventy-flrss street, a threo story and basement stone front dwelling, on lot 18x100.5, located three doors west of the Sherman Square Hotel, which occupies the Broadway corner. BUILDERS BUY I1HONX SITK. Max Klein and Ignatz Roth, under the name of tho K.

A. R. Construction Company, have bought the plot 80x100 at the northeast corner of Walton ave nue nnd Mount Hope place from Mrs. Lillian A. Wolff.

In exchange Klein Roth gave the northeast corner of Stevens and Lincoln avenues. Mount Vernon, frame houses, on plot 100x114. The Mount Hope place corner will be Improved with a live story apartment house for thirty-five famlllee. BRONX DWELLING BUYER. FOREST AVENUE Calm l'lttman have sold to Ida llernson the two story prlvato dwelling at' 1045 Forest avenue, on plot 37 6x96.

HUXLEY AV. CORNER WAS SOM). Tho property purchased by Alexander Baxter from the receivers of the American Real Estate Company Involved the plot 52x100 nt the southeast corner of 262d street and Huxley avenue, and not tho adjoining Broadway corner, as previously reported. BROOKLYN FLATS IN TllAlkE. Benjamin Tepper sold to Victor five six story buildings, on plot 0x100.

at 258 to 272 South First street. The buyer gave In exchange the six story tenement at the northeast cornet- of Division and Clinton streets. CASH FOR CONEY PLOT. Joseph P. Day has sold for Edward A.

Lyon of the Empire Trust Company a large plot, with buildings, fronting nbout 270 feet on Coney Island Creek and 300 feet on West Eighteenth street, Copey Island. The property Is assessed at 000 and was held at that figure. The seller bought tho property under foreclosure a few weeks ago. He was represented by Henry T. Stetson, attorney.

It Is reported that the sale was for all cash and that the purchaser contemplates ex-teivslvo Improvements. APARTMENT FOR L. I. CITY. Gronenbcrg A Leuchtng aro preparliic plans for a live story apartment house to he erected for I.

Sllvcrstcln, on a plot 50x100. on the cast side of Sixth street. 90 feot south of Pierce nvenue, Long Island City. Tho building will accommo date twenty-six families and will cost $45,000. MERCANTILE SPACE LEASED.

Lofts and Store In Many Sections Taken. M. A L. Hess have leased at 236 to 230 Wooster street, 39 and 41 West Third street and 48 to 52 West Fourth street, the store and basement to E. Elsman A Co.

the second floor to the Ostrich Feather Importing Company, the fifth floor to Buchstahl A Lewis, tho eighth floor to Lasner A Palestine, each covering na area, of 12,000 square feet. Tills completes the rental of this eleven story and basement building. Th same brokers leased at 9 West Nineteenth street the store and basement to Beno Guttman the third floor to the Broadwny Cloak and Suit Company, the fourth floor to the Arrow Cloak Company and tho fifth floor to the Lion Infants Wear Company. Porter Co. have leased to tho Department of Street Cleaning the store and basement nt 15' Old Broadway.

William D. Bloodgood A Co. have leafed space in the Astor Trust building, southeast corner of Fifth avenue and Forty-second street, to Moyse A Holmes Huberlh A Huberth havo leased to the Republic Motor Truck Company of Alma, the store at 1828 Broadway through to 3 Central Park West, In the American Circle building, together with a largo basement fronting on tho subway corridor. The M. Rosenthal Company has loased tho top loft at 18 West Seventeenth street to Morrla Ray.

Pease A Elllmun have sub-leased for the Schulto ClgHr Company to the Bea con Hat Company owning and operating. the Peter Rabbit Hat stores, tne ground floor ETiace at 2 East Twenty-third etreot, which will be extensively altered and occupied an a branch establishment, This is a portion of the largo corner spaco recently leased by Pease Elllman to the Schulte Cigar Company. Herman Waje leased from the 75 West Fifty-fifth Street Corporation the Hotel Vonglahn, a Ave story structure at the northeaat corner of Columbus avenue and Fifty-ninth street. DEAL RENTS HERE. Pease A Elllman have leased for Klein A Jackson an apartment In the now houso at the northeat corner of Seventy-second street and Madison avenue to William Levy, Mayor of Deal, N.

and vice-president of the Sunny-brook Distillery, for a long term of years; also have sub-leascd for Dr. Cleorge B. Wallace his apartment at 829 Park avenue to Mrs. C. H.

Work and have leased for Ring A an apartment to Dr. John E. Keller, of the MInturn Hospital. RlawBon A Hobbs have leased a furnished apartment nt 166 West Seventy-second street to Miss Dorothy Leeds. TRADE EV HOFFMAN RESIDENCE Hlng A Blng, who bought the residence of Charles 'Frederick Hoffman nt 620 Fifth avenue, Columbia College leasehold, near Fiftieth street, recently through Frank B.

Taylor, will lease the building for business. MANHATTAN ALTERATIONS, 2D AV, 31 and 33, two 3 sty tenmts, storo and stable It Lefkowlti, premises, owner; ltelssmann, 147 4th av, archi tect; cost tJl.UUU MADISON AV, 323, 4 sty dwlg II II Collins. 22 74th st, owner, Lowlnsnn, 316 6th av, architect; cost 315,000 Bronx Buildings. SOUTHERN BOULEVARD, 74.3 Westchester av, 1 sty brick stores, CO.lx 125 Olsrance Davles, 520 Willis av, owner, Moors A Landsledel, 3d av anil llllli st, architects, cost 35,000 MEW REALTY The P. A O.

Realty Corporation, Manhat. tan; espial, $600; directors, Ooorgs A. ailfeather, Charles II. Lunsmann and Benjamin Arnest. The Eskay Realty Company, 'Manhattan; capital, directors, Abr.

Frleder, Frank P. Walsh and David Kahn. Ths Veegreen Holding Company, Manhattan; capital. directors, Vivian Ureen, Fells Jellenlk and Nathan D. Stern.

The Cedrlc Realty Corporation, Manhattan; capital, directors, ltarry Harris, Henry O. Wiley and Harold M. Pitman. The Interchange Itsalty Manhattan; capital, directors, Charles Adams, t-'rmk II, Adams and Patrick Jons. The Property Maintenance Corporation, Manhattan; capital.

31,0001 director Willy Trlort, llhoda W. Trlort and David Wtlu-stein. Tti Itorway Construction Company, Brooklyn; capital, directors, At-fonson Constatitln, Domenlco Nusso and Satvalora Dl Nicola. Tha nay Hlilgs Dock Company. Brooklyn: capital, 3500; directors, A.

I'oshay, A. U. Thaanum and K. K. Hurley.

Tho Mystic Holding Company. Brooklyn; capital, directors. Louis B. Kent, Louis Lvy and Bamual 3. member.

Th Dry Harbor Building Company, Queens; capital, directors, John A. lloernlnc. llaary cnmUrraund and August II os rtilng. RESULTS AT AUCTIOJI. AT 14 VESEY BTIIEET.1 By Joseph P.

Day. PARK ROW, 133, 34.4xl0i.7x Irreg. prior mtg taxes, also 134.126, ad, :txll.7. 3 sty bldg, prior mtg taxes, Ac, withdrawn. WILLIAM ST.

363, S0.6il5.2x Irrer. 7 sty bldg, prior mtr taxes, Ac. A I Stewart agt A Stuart et al: due on three parcels, withdrawn. WHITEHALL ST, 29-37, 81.11x27.10, 3 aty bldg with sirs Mutual Life Ins Co agt Century Realty Co at al; dus, tases, Ac, adjourned to January 11, LUDLOW ST, It, 19x17.6, 6 aty tnt and Mrs City Real Estate Co agt Hutwlll Realty A Trading Co et al; due, taxes, Ac, to tbs plaintiff $15,000 By Henrys Brady. 94TII ST, 63 20x100.8.

4 sty dwlg Shepard agt I neck et al; due, taxes. Ac, tJ99.60; to the plaintiff $21,000 By Arthur C. Sheridan. 120T1I ST, 124 23x100.10. 6 sty tnt Hebrew Orphan Asylum agt Max Ilorck el al; due.

tlt.599.Ci; taxes. Ac, 3346.30: to the plaintiff $16,000 By Herbert A. Sherman. PARK AV, 113. 25x30, 5 sty tnt and strs Reuben Isaacs, trste.

agt Main Realty Co et al; due, 314.tl4.3C; taxes, Ac, 3393.34; to the plaintiff $14,500 CAT 3208 THIRD AVENUE. By Joseph P. Day. 217TII ST, 1015 60x104.3 Chas Men-gello agt Emllo Hohwlller et al; due, taxes. Ac, to the plaintiff $2,000 By Bryan L.

Kenntliy, GRAV ST, 250 McOraw av, 60x100 A Kavanaugh agt Kmelle. Ochsner; due, taxes, Ac, 3710; to the plaintiff 31,600 By James Donovan. LONGFELLOW AV, 1421, 26x100, 2 sty fr house Hy Wendt, gdn, agt A Ilenson et al; due. 3S.Oiil.47; taxes, Ac, to the plaintiff 34.500 UNIONPORT RD, cor Van Nest av, tl.2x21.4x lrreg Isabella Realty agt John English et al; due. taxes, Ac, 31.200: subject to tax lien, 8234.91 to Arthur Slocomb for 3125 over prior Hens.

By James L. Wells Company. EDENWALD AV, cor Seton av, 60x100 Smith Williamson agt 8 II Klsher et al; due. taxes, Ac, 1479.48. adjourned to January 11.

SATISFIED MORTGAGES. (With name and address of lender's attorney STII AV, or Abingdon Square, a s. known as all of lot and part of lot II, map by Bridges, dated April 13? 183t, contains front on 8th av 23, on ill, cm It.l, on 20.3, on a a 44 1, the of said lot being U7.1 from Bleecker st Louis and dlertha Sroka to Louis Marks. 103 Tark av. a'tys.

Hays, a A 141 Ilway. 14,205.65 b'lng letter V. same map. 101.7 i 12th st. contains In ront on av 22.

on 14.9. nn It 11 I i II, on i on i 87.3 to beg same to same; attys, ame Si STII AV, it Abingdon Square, 142.7 Illeecker et, being lot on same map, 6xl6.2xI5xl3.2xS5.2-Same to same; attys, same 34,205 65 3D AV, 1538 Louis and Emllle ltelss to Wm II Ilajun, trustee, attys. Theall A Ream, 45 WaJl st 120.000 LEXINGTON AV. 72d st Const Co, IS 41st St. to Soeurbee, Inc attys.

nullowa All, 32 Ilway 1 149.350 MADISON AV. 29th st George Hacker Realty Co to Vesetl, 317 39th st: atts, Arnsteln A Levy. 128 Rwny 3100.000 SAME PROPERTY Same to samo; attys. same 1 840,000 MADISON AV, 37.7 29th st Samo to Kath Penrose, 1720 Spruce st, Philadelphia, et al; atty, A Co. 176 Ilway 3107.500 MADIHON AV, 29th st John Addison to Mutual Life Ins Co, 69 Cedar st: attys, Cadwalader, A 40 Wall st 3135,000 09TII ST, 425 John and Pannle llruby to Frledrlch Wreden.

331 flth t. ntty. Adler, 150 1st av 16.760 1,1: WIS ST. S. helm lot 73.

man of Samuel Klckett, dated July. 1620 Knu uroaoecK to imogene Rolfe, Cleveland, Ohio; atty. Et- tlnger, 149 Ilway 37,600 ni, nin av Alex and Jane Moore to Ells A (lullford anil Ann attys 49 WaII st. rw, J4v sin av sclleiiina Realty Corp to Realty Mtg Co. 30 45,1 .1 Potter A Rro and Wolf, surviving partner Hellner A Wolf; attys, Stoddard A 128 tlway 313.500 HT, 10th nv Sara i.amnuen, no i.ioeny pi, vveehanken, J.

nnd Smith WtlMamintv Plains. Y. to Williamson, 112 North Ilway. White Plains; attya. Williamson A 304 Alexander av 1500 SAME PROPERTV Salome and tiara Campbell to Walter I.

Crow. 15 12lth st; attys, same IH.Ooo mti linn sx Aonipn and Charlotte. Drosto to North River Sav UK. 31 34th at: attv. Title Co, 1711 Bway 315,000 127TH ST.

a. 205 2ii av Emll and Llnna Link to Jno Guntzer et al. admrs; atty. Title Guar Jt Co. 1 70 Ilway 35.000 132D ST, 100 7th av Church of Ht Aloyslas.

City of to the Mutual Life Ins Co; address. 09 Cedar SAME PROPERTY Same to same: mty. Jno II Rogan, 145 Nnesau st 345.000 113TII ST, 21 and Abr Kutner and ano to nary Koley, 4th av. Mt Vernon. atty.

10 Schafrau. 51 Chambers st 31,750 4T1I HT, rrom av A Hcnoni sisters or xotro uame in state or to the Emigrant Indust Sav Bank. 51 Chambers st; attys. Amend A A. 111) Nass.iu st 310,000 MECHANICS' LIENS.

Manhattan. 67TII ST. 36 Charles Braun agt Malson Char n. ino. owner: Max Constn Co, contractor 3519.50 CHERRY ST.

246 Hyman Leventhal ant Jacobson Woolen Co, owner; Levy A Oreenberg. Inc, contractor $90 E7TII ST. 86 cnar es lirnun art Ilia beth A Goodnow and Isabella Blgelow, owners: Maxim Constn Co. Inc. contrac tor 31C3 6TII ST, 611 Rubin Jacobs act William Itntn.

owner: Boiomon a wuncn. con tractors til) 67TH HT. 8 tol Btilldlnfr Contn Co, Inc, agt Elizabeth Goodnow nnd Isabella Illgelow, owners; Maxim Constn Co, contractor 34R5.00 150TI1 ST. s. 80 Amsterdam av Brick.

Lime A Cenient Co, Inc, agt Parkstds Av Ilea tv co. inc. et ai. owners: unytreis Constn Co et al, contractors 1307.48 Bronx. 138TH ST, 666 St Ann's ar Plz zutlelln, Inc, act St, Luke's Roman Cath ce Church, owners: McDermott A Han Igan, Inc, contractors 31.246.(0 WEIIKTER av, iiu iS4th st Marcus Cummings agt weDsier Avenue Ilea tv Co and Theodore Stammler, Inr, owners: Theodore vi stammler, Jr.

Inc, contractor 36,300 FOX ST, 664 Louis Dlttelman agt Morris Goldstein, owner and 1162 80 BELMONT av, cor i7tn st I) I'lz-zutlello. Inc. agt Harknesa Hid Corim, owners; Raffaele Luongn, Joseph Bern, stein and Hnrkness Hid Corpn. con. tractors 81 CO 1S1ST ST, cor Morris av Mayer Mai-bin agt Infantlno Realty Co, Inc, and Infantlno, owners: Henry Schla ch korn, contractor 83,403.27 235T1I ST, cor Carpenter av Lawrence Bros, Inc, agt Realty Co and William Mnass, owners; Really Co.

contractor $460.66 MORRIS AV, 287 Standard Utility Co agt Jiou ziaven to, owners; lviwnnln Garaga and Cavanaugh, contrac tors 387 SATISFIED MECHANICS' MENS. Manhattan. LEXINGTON AV. cor 63d st Iirkln Lumber Co, Inc. agt A- SclMfer Brewing Co "I al, Nov 51, 1916 $341 180T1I HT, 712 Harlem Awning Works agt Orace Hutler tt l.

Dec is, 1911 $33.30 TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TRANSFERS. (With name and address of lender and attorney. If attorney's nam Is omlttsd addrMS party of first part.) Downtown. (South of Fourteenth street.) WASHINGTON ST, 393, a Chambers at uii-il, as.

SXI7.1XI6. 6X41.1 cephls Brnwer ta Thomas i Wood, 17 Boyd av, Jersey City, mtg Jan 3: alty, Co. 171 Ilwxv ls ooe CANAL AT, 31, 31.7X67.3 Abr Slegtl to amoir aieuicine 10. 97 st, all liens, Jan atty, A Co, lit Ilwav Una IUVINGTON ST, 21.3 Qoerck st, 7.SX7 5 Anna sruinvan 10 mrdle sn-vtrcold, Morris at. mtg $33,000, and all Urns, Deo 27; attys, Bnall A Rogers.

141 Bway 11 ST LUKE'S PLACE (or Laroy et), r. ivs.i iiuoson st, zi.sxiuo iiorenco fi Bryan, 111 Dowllne av, Toronto, Canada, to Gecorge riartholomsw, 10 loth it, mtg 33,030, Deo 38; atty, A Co, 130 Bwav 6100 AVENUE 37-39, 48.1x97 Thomas Ford. sir, 10 Israel Aiiman. zi 11 sin at, Brooklyn, two-third part, and Helnrlch Strauss, 309 4th at, C. one-third part, mtg 317,600, all Urns, Jan 21: atty.

a v. oc a o. ill jway I uvu SAME PROPERTY AUca A Farley, leg- atee itosanna Nagle, ratines and confirms sale by Thomas Ford, 989 Sterling-place, Brooklyn, as exr, to Israel Altmsn and Helnrlch Strauss, 0 and rel, all liens. Jan 3: attv. same It BOWERY, 358, 19.4x90.8x17x102.3, a ueorge a nerny ana ano, cxrs.

to catn Jackson, 674 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn. Deo 26: attv. A Co. 171 Hwav.llOO 8TH ST, s. 282.8 6th av.

2i.2x82.3 Anacieto sermouno to eamuei A uoid-steln, 40 118th st, mtg 339,000, all liens, Jan atty, A Co, 171 Rwav tl 11TH ST. 127 23.4x103.3 Josrph iiessenger ana ano, trustees Vfiii win Larmer, to Marlon Larmer, 197 Pearl st, Florence Larmer, 615 Macon at, Brooklyn, and Francla Larmer, 1438 President at, Brooklyn, as heirs, Ac, Wm Larmer; atty, Clarence A Spear, 179 Wall et $1 East Side. (East of Fifth avenue. Between Fourteenth and 110th streets.) 38T1I ST, a. 249.1 Id av.

17.1x91.3 ixiuisa i.Rwrence tcoiton) to Stanley Jones, 664 Washington av, BUlyn, Dsc 29; I attv. a A Co. 176 Bwav 1100 43D ST. s. 199 6th av, 16x23.2 Thos Htutges et ai to surety ina co, nit Rway, part, A s.

Deo 39) atty, A Co. 176 Bwav 8100 SAME PROPERTY Surety Land Co to unas ii Jacob, 563 i.inuen at, Borough or Queens, part, A a Jan atty. Title a A Co. 171 Bwav 1100 3D AV, 1038, 23.3x86 Robt Lambert to August in uentrai J'ara a A a Dec 20; attys, Handler A Haas. 42 Bwav 81 2D AV, 1271-73, 39x100 Leonore Meyer 10 uann.

zsz at. part, mtg 34O.O0O. a Jan atty, Arthur Kahn, 333 Bway 100 West Side. (West of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth ana liotn streets.) 10TII AV, 18th et. 184 to a a 19th st 10th av, 17tn at, runs 378,10 to Marginal st 197.8 to a a 18th st 450.11 to 10th av 184 to beg Consolidated Gas Co of to Stat It Co, 460 Lexington av.

A a Jan 4: atty. ft Co. 176 Bway. .8100 13D ST. 323 25x100.6 Leah Herttberg to lauiso fox, tzo ucean av, Jersey city, J.

all liens, Jan atty, A Co. 17S Bway 8100 SAME PROPERTY Louise Tox to Leah llertzborg, 27 95tb st, all Hens, Jan atty. same 8100 38D ST, a 332.4 Columbus av, 32.4x Mayer I weinsteln to Maximilian Welnsteln. 606 112th st (3-3 parti) and ano. Dec 30: address.

37 Naasau 31 103D ST. 165 W. 31. 2x101x31.10x100. 11 Josephine elnsteln to Maximilian Welnsteln.

605 112th st, et al, all liens. Dsc 20: attr. Welnsteln. 37 Nassau 81 104TII ST, 218 19.5x100.11 Hugh King snd Mte to iiugn King, as trustee, in trust for Cath King for life, all liens. April 20.

1909; atty, Thos Banntn, 83 Worth st Gift Uptown. (Manhattan Island, north of lJOth street.) 112TH ST, 244 33.4x100 Mlnnlo Clark (Allenberg) to Douglas Leltch, 170 Warwick it, Brooklyn, all liens. Dec 30: attv. Leltch. 34 Pin st 8100 LENOX AV, 54.

12.6x100 Leona Holding Corpn to Martin Huberth. 1045 Forest av, mtg 336,090. all liens. Jan attys, Stoddard A M. 123 Bway 3100 118TH ST, 603 25x95 Jacob Fischer to Kdw A iieinsor, zs ilway, part, rub to ot mtg $15,000, Dec 28; attys, Deyo A B.

Ill Bway 8100 MADISON AV, 2039. 23x96 Maurice Cohen lo Buttle Wolf, 5315 13th av. Bklyn. mtg 814.500, Jnn attys, ureenberg uevy, 53 Liberty st 31 MADISON AV. 2095.

26x93 (foreclosure, Deo 2 llv Pollock, ref. to Mary 1'ressly. at Woodmere, L. Jan attys, lMuard. O'l.

A G. 20 Nassau st. 316.000 lSoTH ST. 221 W. 17x80.1 1 (foreclosure, Dec 29.

1916) Richard Henry, ref. to Richard Arnold, 208 Cist st; Ludwlg Mandly, Valley Cottage. and Aug Kalkof, 161 91st st 'rustees, Jan 3: attv. II Goldmark. 60 Wall .1 .85.000 137TH ST.

286 15.6x99 1 1--Louis Kean, Inc. to Kenroe. ltealty corpn. 204 Man hattan av, Deo 20; atty, Tltlo Guar A CO, 176 ilway Bronx. (Borough of The Bronx.

TIEIIOUT AV, cor 180th st. 100x23 1 nornton isros co to Aornnam 1318 Flndlay av. mtg 822.000. Jan 3. atty, Abraham Neefue, 1318 Flndlay av 1100 I.AI'ONTAINE AV.

2021. 37.6x100 Clinton ltealty Co to Marie Boxberg, 1073 1st nv, Oct 31, 1916; atty, II Doris, 66 tiway 1500 ST ANN'S AV. a cor 147th st, 25x99.4 i.iDerai Trading uo. inc. to uronx Board of Brokers, inc.

4321 3d av, mtg 126,000, Jan 2, atty, Jos Kurzmann, 4521 3d nv 81 SIMPSON ST. 1003-7. 82x105.11x85x105.1, also Simpson st, 1017. s. runs 42x 104.Jx20.6x 40x 70.4 Hudson Trust Co to Longdate Realtv Corpn, 1411 Hay, Dec 28, 1916; attys, Holm, A 3 Nassau at 1100 COLLEGE AV, 1269, 20x86 Max Hlrsch to inns jvreuter, isax urand Blvd and Concourse, July 21, 1916; atty, Saml Schack.

299 Bnay 11 SAME PROPERTY Thos D. Kreuter to uozi urn nut. college av, mtg (4.500, Jan 3: atty. same 11 SPUYTEN DUYVIL RD, s. 200.2 s.

238th st, ouxi ji.iixsuxisi.s Katie Mccann to Edw aallagher, 131 136th st. mtg 31,000, Jan atty. a Co, 17 Bway tinn VALENTINE AV. 192.6 200th St. bus it iveny to aiary A I.nnge, 6 124th at.

mtg 87.000. Juno 19, 1916; atty, fc Co, 176 Ilway ltnn VILLA AV, 409.11 So Blvd, 25x100 imwiie oensner to Hy Barrens. 2107 Jamaica av, of Q. mtg 31,300, Jan 3, atty, Hy Barrens, 2107 Jamaica av, II of ji 1J0TH ST, s. 80.2 Boston rd, 22x 70.8x2.1.9x84; also Lafayette av.

s. 110 Prospect av, 20x64.3x21.1x61.1 Louisa Golden to Anna Welnsteln, 1337 Clinton av, mtr; 36,500, Jan 3: atty, Phillips. Bergen Bldg. Bronx Sinn SOl'TllEHN BOULEVARD. 12H.

33.4x100; wii-w on nouievaru, iJii, 3.1 ixiou Helen McCartney to Ohas .1 McCartnev, 414 121st St. mtg $43,000, Doc 2S, 1016; atty, McCartney, 414 121st st 1100 ST GEORGE'S CRESCENT, s. lots 656 una oDi, map ueo ana iiy opdyite, 50x36.4x60x93.6 Mario Hlldenbrand to Edgecombo ltealty Corpn, 2167 Amsterdam av, Deo 23; atty, Burdett A II, 28.1 Bway 8100 LOTS 2 and 38-39, blk 47; also loti 1, 2. 3, 5, 6, 7, blk 48; also lots 19 to 28, blk 71; also Bronxdale av, 118.3 Matthews av, runs 80.6x 161. lOx a 25x 50x 25x a 25x a 23x 108.4; also Mullner av, s.

160.9 a Bronx and I'elham Pkway. 230x100 Hudson Trust Cu to Longdate Realty Corpn, 1411 Bway. Ueo 28, 1916; attvs. Holm, A S. 86 Nassau st $100 LOTS 92 and 93, map part Downing Est.

30x100 John McAloon to Peter Buningh. 2460 Washington av, Jan 3: atty. A Co, 176 Bway 8100 COLLEGE AV. a. 152.7 169th st.

60s 100: also College av, s. 125 170th st 25x92.6: also College, av, a. 200 170th st, 400x92.6:; also College av. s. 190 4 169th st, 50x92.6 Gen Rlggs to Perry Bogue.

Greenwich, Conn (sub trus). Dec 11, 1916; attys. White A r. 14 Wall st 11 PRIVATE RD, as on map Richardson, 0 s. 85.3 Boston nv.

76x87 6 Marie Kahra to Emma A Mavhew, 1622 Pacific st, Bklyn, Deo 26. 191(1, atty, Marie Knhrs. 1493 Edgewnter rd 11 SAME PROPERTY Emma A Mavhew in Marie Kahrs, 1493 Edgewater rd, Jan 2 atty, same CEDAR AV, a cor Magenta 100x55 nlso Gray st, 300 McOraw av. runs lOOx 45.1 to a Wood av 101.11 to Gray st 25.8. also Wood av.

101.11 Gray st. 25.5x100x25x93 1 Emelle Ochsner to Chas Ochsnsr, 151 Luquser si, Bklyn, mtg 82,600, Jan atty. Chas Ochsner, 151 Luqueer st, Bklyn 11 CLAY AV, 1041, 25.U100 Amelia Neug-rnschl lo Herman Schumacker. 273 114th st, Sept 26; atty, A Co, 176 Bway FOREST AV, 1045, 37.6x96.3 Martin Huberth to Delta Holding Corpn. 217 Bway: intg $5,000, Jan atty, A Co.

176 Bway joo SAME PROPERTY Delta -Holding Corpn to Ida Bernson. 1760 Washington av, mtr: 35,000, Jan 3: same atty 3100 BURKE AV, a. 200 Barnes av, 100x47.3 xl02.8x70.2-Hugo Wabst to flluseppa Mungo, 728 II 187th st, mtg Jan 2: ntty, A Co, 176 $100 MORRIS AV. s. 270 Whlta IMaln.

nt. 41.8x70 Cath Kingston In John MiC morcr, 7o Morris rara mtg Jan 4 atty, A TO, 171 $100 CITY RKAT, ESTATE. CHOICE NET INVESTMENTS Personally investigated and recommended In one of the best streets just off Park Avenue, a fine modern apartment house is offered for sale at a price which will show a net return of over 10. There are two apartments on a floor rented to very desirable tenants at rentals ranging from $1,100 to $2,200. The gross rents are about operating expenses about $20,000 including taxes and interest.

The property can be bought for about $100,000 over a very reasonable institution Tht particular of this and other cliotce inrtslmtnta yielding higher net returns than is possible from other equally safe securities tcf7! be furnished on request. PEASE ELLIMAN 340 Madison Avenue, New York Telephone Murmy Hill 6200 MORTGAGES. (With name and address ot lerlder anrl lender's attorney Downtown. (South of Fourteenth street CHAMBERS HT, 131. 35x73, leasehold.

Deo 30 Bertram Pike to Oustav Vlnt-pchger, 01 Hudson st, Hoboktn, due Jan 2, 1322, 6ft; attys, Davis, S. 83 Liberty st 328.000 SAME PROPERTY, loasehold. Deo 30 Same to same, due July 2. 1918, C7. prior mtg, attys.

samo 316.000 CANAL ST, 81, 21.7x57.2. Jnn 3 Amber Medicine co to citirens sav vanic. eg Bowery, due Nov 16, 1321, attys, Beall A Rogers. 141 Bwav 818.000 SAME PROPERTY, Jan 3 Same to Abr Hlegel, 31 36th st, 5 yrs, Int as per bond: attys. same ....38.230 SAME PROPERTY, Jan 3 Samo to same, prior mtg, dus as per bond; attys, same 33.250 AVENUE B.

37-39. cor 3d st (20S E), 4B.1X57. jan Israel Altman and Helnrlch Strauss to Title Guar A Trust Co, 176 Bway. due and lnt as ner hond.342.000 SAME PROPERTY, Jan 3 Same to Thos i-ora, 9S sterling pi, Brooklyn, exr, due July 1, 1322, (ft. prior mtc 342.000; atty.

AT Co, 173 Bway J17.E00 BOWERY, 338. I.2xi6. 6x17x102.5, a Deo 26 Cath Jackson to Ells A Benedict, 131 Everltt st. New Haven, Conn, due Jan 4, 1020. 6ti; atty.

Title Guar Co, 176 Bway 310,500 8TII ST. 814 E. 21x97, Jan 3 Loretta Colbert and ano to Jacob I'reslcr, 194 Mottat at, Brooklyn, 1 yr, atty, Trautman, 132 Nassau st 82.000 14T1I ST, 203 E. 19x103.3. secures undertaking on appeal, deed recorded as mtg.

Sept 14, 1016 Eugene Flood to National Surety Co, 115 Ilway. due and lnt as per bond, prior mtg attv, Wm Griffin, 115 Bway 31 East Side. (East of Fifth avenuo, between Fourteenth and 110th streets.) AVENUE 18th st, 100x120. Jan 2 The Shorers Co to Alfred Dougblll. 930 9th st, Brooklyn, et al, 3 yrs, 5 per cent, prior mtg attys, Eldlltz A Hulse, 31 Nassau at 310,000 38TH ST.

s. 243.1 3d av, 17.8x98.3, Dee 29 Stanley Jones to Louisa Lawrence, 141 39th st, due and lnt as per bond; attya, Geller, A II, 22 Exchange place 825.000 68TH ST. s. 33 -w 2d av, 20x100.5, half part, secures undertaking on appeal, deed recorded as mtg. Sept 14, 1315 Thomas Kelly to Nat Surety Co, 116 Bway, due and lnt as per bond; atty, Wm Griffin.

115 Bway i 89TH ST, 117 E. 27 11x100.8, Jan 2 Minnie Ooeltt to Ottilia Hauck, 117 89th st, 5 yrs. 5 per cent; atty, George A Stelnmuller, 1511 3d av 320,000 West Side. (West of Fifth avenue, betneen Fourteenth and 110th atrsets.) 26TH ST. 441 26.3x98.9.

Jan 3 Francesco Llcato to Lydla Sullivan, 210 123d st, duo and lnt as per bond; atty. A Co, 176 Blway." $12,000 41ST ST, 428 W. 25x8.9, secures undertaking on appeal, deed recorded as mtg Sept 14, 1916 Eugene. Flood to National Surety Co, 115 Bway. due and lnt as per bond, prior mtg 310,000: atty, Wm Griffin.

115 Bway 81 10T1I AV, sec E3d st. 25 2x75, half part, secures undertaking on appeal, recorded as mtg Sopt 14, 1915 Michael Farrell to National Surety Co, 115 Ilway. due and Int na per bond; atty, Wm .1 Griffin. 115 Bway 31 SOTH ST, 114 20x102 2, Jan 4 Douglas Realty Co lo Title and Mts Co, 135 Bway, 3 yrs, 6 -per cent 814,000 I'ptown. (Manhattan Island, north of 110th street MADISON AV, S069.

S.lxOO, Jan 2 Hattle Wolf to Maurice Cohen. Penn and Carpenter avj, Ynnkers, and ano, 3 yrs. ti, pr mtg attys, Greenberg A Levy, 65 Liberty st J.l.r.oo 137TH ST. 2H0 V. 1, Dec 21 Kenrose Realty Corpn to Chas Meyer, 42 44th st.

trustee, yr, STo. atty, Title Guar A Co, 170 Bway 85.000 1.18TII ST, .175 Bnay, secure unuertaamg on appeal, ueea recorded as rrton Sept 14, 1015 Wm Cahlll to Notional Surety Co, 11B Ilway, due and lnt as per bond, pr mtg 34G.00O; atty. Wm Griffin, IIS Ilway 31 HAVEN AV, 83. Deo 11 Emma and Hy Holding to Paul 1.1 st, and ano, exr and trustees, due and Int as tier bond, pr mtg 33,000, atty, Title Guar A Co, 17(1 Bway Bronx. (Borough of Tho Bronx.) ST OEOROE'8 CRESCENT, a being lots r.3D and Ml.

man A Opdjke. Edgecombe Rity Corpn to Marls Hlldenbrand, 26 Hamilton st, Stapleton, Staten Island. Jan 3, r. yrs. atty, A Co.

170 Tiway I4.0WI 1GIITH ST. 450 E. SSxIoO Clara Wottrlch to Herman Aps, 1507 1st Jan 3. .1 yrs, atty, Hoennlnger, 3 Reek-man st 144TU ST, 42.1 E. 10.8x100 Annie Baker to Francis Chedsey (trus).

Yorktown, Jan 8. 3 yrs, Sft; atty, A Rosen-blum. 320 Bway J1.3O0 CARTER AV, 228 a Tremout av, 113 Augusta I'cllegrlnelU to Luca Uc-cellL 37S Broome st. Jan 2. 1 yr, Int ns Ber bond; atty, A A Brugnoll.

way 81.000 GRAND AV, s. 100 184th St. two lots, each 25x75. two mtgs, ench 81,000 John Walter to John II Weriche. 34 Hicks st, Bklyn, two prior mtgs, 36.250 each, Jan 3, yrs, Ope; atty, Albert Franks).

165 Bway 82,000 TIEBOUT AV, 2243. 13. 2x67.10 Frank A Rchorcr to Lawyers Mtg Co, 89 Liberty st, Jan 3, due ns per bond; ntty, Co. 170 Bway 33,000 CASTLE HILL AV. 143S-7, 80x108 Raf-faolo Buonlcoro to Abr Seh, 301 167th st.

Jan 8, 6 yrs, atty, A Co. 176 Bway 33.000 SPUYTEN DUYVIL RD. tt. 200.2 23Sth st, 50x134 11 Edw Gallagher to Katie McCann, 34 128th st, Jan 3, 3 yrs. atty, A Co.

176 Bway. .83,000 ELLIOTT AV, 100 8chuylor st, 25x100; nlso at, 100 Elliott av, 100x124.11 Elsie Hentz to Royal Bronx Realty Co, Inc, 1126 Walker t. Jnn 2, 1 yr, 0 atty, 11 1126 Walker nv 81,200 21CTII ST, being lots 457-458. map La-conla Park, 60x109.4 George W. Rllchls to Louis Brandl, 3677 White Plains nv, Jan 2.

due as per bond; atty, A Co. 171 Ilway 400 CANNON TL. 100 23Sth s- four lots, ench 18.9x100, four mtgs, ench 84.500 I'nnnnn I'l Constn Co, Inc, to Mutual Benevolent Society, 393 2,1 nv, Jan 3. 8 yrs, 6 atty, A Co, HO Bway 318,000 PELHAM IU), cor St Pauls av, lOOx 142 10x98.9x157. 2 Chas Miller to North Side Savings Bank, 3230 3d av.

Jan 3. due as per bond; atty A Gutsgell, 38 Park Row 36,000 OVERING ST, 70 4 Mncluy av. runs 94.11x v. 12 lo Tremout av 88.2X 24 9x66.0 Mary A Howell to Dollar Savings Bank, 2803 3d av, Jail It Would Cost You $20,000 to Bay tho services of the architects whose Country House Designs printed in "Modern Suburban Homes" make that publication the most notable addition of recent years to architectural literature. These Designs submitted In be Country Home mark anew era in the planning of out of town residences.

Price $1.00. Six cents extra for postage. Check or money order preferred. Address Cashier, The Sun, 1R0 Nassau N. Y.

City. CITY REAL ESTATE. HoraceS.Ely&Co. REAL ESTATE 21 Liberty St 489 Fifth Av NEW JERSEY HEAL ESTATE VOB SALE. A FLAWLESS TITLE If the title to your real estate la Insured, no one doubts Its validity.

If your home Is In Bergen or Rockland County, Insure Ihr title with ns. Write for Booklet K. North Jersey Title Insnmnre Co. Hnchrnsnck, N. J.

Rep. Glenn K. Carver. 60 Wall St. LONG ISLAND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.

forest Rills Gardens "A Forward Movement In Suburban Developments '3 Minutes from Penn. Station. Hsusea and Villa Plots For Bad. SAGE FOUNDATION HOMES 41 IV. 34th or Foreat Hills, L.

Send for Booklet S. WESTCHESTER HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR KENT. IQsffEatl and 527 5 Av. Nearby Connecticut Properties. REAL ESTATE AT ACCTION.

Real Estate in All Its Branches JOSEPH P. DAY 31 Nassau N. T. Phone 744 Cort. PAWNBROKERS' SALES.

7niiNTILTATfcTi Auctioneer. 133 Canal Street, sella jowelry at 11 A. 31.: clothing at 10 A. M. Jan'y I fly John Simpson, 164 Bowery.

All unredeemed pledges of pearls, dla-monds and other precious stones, watches, Jewelry, silverware, Ac, pledged previous to No. 18500, Oct. 1, 1915, and all articles held from former sales. Jan. 8 By 1330 Broadway, all unredeemed pledges ot pearls, diamonds and other precious stones, watches, Jewelry, silverware.

Ac, pledged from No. 1 In 1915, to No. 31000 In 1915. Also No. 22185 In 1915.

one pearl, No. 23271 In 191C; diamond pendant, diamond earscrews, diamond and pearl bracelet, No. 226S0 In 1915; diamond ring and all articles held over from former sles. Jan'v 9 ny R. Plmpson 500 Fulton B'klyn, Y.

All unredeemed pledges of pearls, diamonds and other precious stones, watches. Jewelry, silverware, otc pledged previous to No. 20000, Nov. 1. 1915, and all articles held from former sales.

Jan. 10 By Simpson A 19T1 Broadway, nil unredeemed pledges of penrls. diamonds and other precious stones, watches. Jewelry, silverware. Ac.

pledged previous to Nn. 20001. Nov. 1. 1915, and nil articles neiu irom inrmer sales.

JOSEPH SHONGOOIVS SONS, Julius ShOngooil, 9 4 Jloaery. sen to A Jin. 9 Fnredeemed pledges, diamonds watches. Jewelry, silverware, odds nnd ends nledced to Dec 9. 1915.

to No. 98400. A. Rhode, S07 Columbus Ave. Daniel Conn, 2.9 wnsningion uonoKen, n.

Jnn. li All men's anil women's cloth. lng, dry goods, furs, hoes, pledged prior Jnn 1, 1916, to No. 77506. Benjamin Fox, 72 sth Ave.

Also for M. Manning .6 Hons, 1670 3d Ave H. Sllverstone, 2S3 Broome Jas. J. Ryan, 149 Smith Brooklyn.

Jnn. 11 Unredeemed pledges of diamonds, watches, Jowelry, llerwnre, odds and ends, to Jnn 1, 191C, to No. 33300; Madison Ave. I.niin Office, Albert Freund, Prop Mnillon Ave. Jan.

12 Diamonds, watches, Jewelry, sllverwnre. r. Isaac A Davis. 1809 Myrtle Brooklyn. I.

riRt'SKt, Aurt'r. 70 Bowery, sslls 10 A unretieemeu pieage or every do-1 scrlntlon for unpaid loans from the follow. lng pawnbrokers, Including all diamonds, rubles, sapphire, pearls, emeralds, all other stones unset or set In rings, earrings, pins, links, chains, studs, bracelets, locket or otluT mounting, nil Jewelry, watches, silverware, puns, furs, clothing, cameras, nil other goods pledged previous to doles and up to numbers mentioned, both Inclusive, and all pledges held oer, Jan. Sobel 822 Columbus prior Dec. IS, 1915.

to No. 35167. Jan 9 M. Bruckheimer. 1970 3d prior Jan.

1, 1916, to No. 18025. M. A L. Bruckheimer.

2114 3d prior Dec 81, 1916. to No. 30902. Jan. 10 Jos.

Anderson. 307 W. 42d prior Jnn. 1. 1916.

to No. 44700; nlso Nos. 24171 and 35437. Sobel A Son, 1423 2d prior Jan. 1.

1916, to No. 43435. Jan. 11 Wm. Simpson, 91 Park Row, prior Nov, 11, 1915, to No.

64777. 4. due June 1. 1920, 5rt; attys. Mac- Keller A 41 Cedar st 187,000 LOTS 24 nnd 25, Mk 64.

map Morris Park I Alex Mnnson to Hugo Coolc. 2311 St Raymonds av. Jan 3. 3 yrs, 6cj: ntty. II Baochler.

1 ISA Walker av 37,500 LOTS 124 and 125, map Bruner Est Andrew .1 I'redrlrkson to Emella Hven-son, 316 Trinity nv. Jan 3, dun ns per liondi atty, Emoll.i It Svenson, 816 Trinity nv 31.3C0 FOREST AV, 1046. 37.x96 9 Ida Fernson to Slrinund Ernst. 28) Edgecombe nv. Jnn 3.

1 ir, atty. A Co, 176 Bway 8300 VERIO AV. e. 264 1 Mclean av, 37.6X 157 Christina Grant Garrett (Ind and exr) to Central Mtg Co, 60 Wall rrt, Jan f. 3 yrs, atty, A Co, 160 Bway 3.1.500 ST.

ANNS AV, 3(4, 25x90 Concrete Rity A Holding Corpn to Minnie Meyer, 27 l'lerrepont st. Bklyn, Jan 4, 3 yrs, 6: atty. A Co, 176 Bway 39,600 RECORDED LEASER. Manhattan. STII AV.

M3, SKxU.O, all, with over alley, rear, to 31M st El-EL Co to Mason Hamlin Co. Wi Unjlsinn st. Iloston, Mass. 1' yrs from Jan 1.1. 1917: atty, Alfred A Wheat.

13.1 llwiiy roMWIIU ST. P0. SRxTn, all ThrMlan Rehm to Rachi'l Rjpaport, 01 Columbia st. 0 4-1' yrs from Jan 1, 1U17; atty, Win Hecht, 135 Rlvlngton st Bronx. A 3inn, all-John Corbett (o Jacob I.

Kotrenlierg. "074 Belmont av. 3 yr from Jan 1, ll'lli. alts, A lluprei's Sons. bU St Ann's a .32,300 and 32,400 im.

Competition FOREtTtOSTJIin BALED. mrpRBMB cotmi" mmrrT nie tnoW TORK. Abraham H. Levy, Plaintiff, against Cbaa. I.

Welnsteln Realty Com pany et Defendants. in pursuance of a Judgment or loracJos-ura and. aala mada and entered In tha 5bovs entitled notion, and bearing data th Tth day ot October, 1918, I. the under signed, tha Referee In sal Judgment pamsi, will sell at I'ubllo Auction, at tha Exohangs Salesrooms, Nos. 14-33 TstfT Btrwet, In the Borough of Manhattan, Oltr ot New Tork, on the 20th day of November, 3 914L Sit IS o'elonlr nonn At, that dav.

bT Joseph P. Day, Auctioneer, the uramlata uircciea or aaia juagmeni to aoia ua insreia aesanoea as ronows: ALL those two certain lots. TVhvce or paxoels of land, with the buildings and Im provements tnereon erected, situate, lying nd being In the Borough ot Manhattan, City of New Tork, County of New York and State of New York, on the southerly alda ot Nineteenth Street, and which taken together are bounded and described aa follows! BEGINNING at point on tha south-westerly alda of Nineteenth Street, distant one hundred nnd ninety-seven (197) feet eoiitheastcrly from the southeasterly corner of Seventh Avenuo and Nineteenth Street; running thence southwesterly, parallel with Seventh Avenue, ninety-threa (93) feet and six Inches: thenca southeasterly and nearly parallel with Nineteenth Street, forty-six (46) feet nnd three Inches; thence northeasterly and again parallel with Doventh Avenue, ninety-three (98) feet and three (3) Inches, to tho southwesterly side nt Nineteenth Street, and thence northwesterly along said side of Nineteenth Street forty-four (44) feet to tho point or place of beginning, be ths said dimensions mors or less. The premises hereby Intended described the entire lots and premises known by ths street numbers West Nineteenth 8treeL Dated. New York, October 23th, 1916.

FRANCIS W. POLLOCK. Referee. JEROME A. KOHN, Attorney for Plaintiff.

1400 Fifth Avenue. New York City. W. 19th St. 17 TP 40' 3" The approklmMu amount nf tho lien or chnrge, to sttlsfy which tho ubnve described iroperty la to be rold, Is 32,662.92, with Interest thereon from tho 24th day of October, 1916, together with the costs and allowance, nmoimtlnc to 3231.49, with Interest from October 27tli, 1916, tncother with the expenses of tho s.ilo.

The approximate amount of tho taxes, assessments and water rates or other llena which aro to bo allowed to the purchaser out of tho purchase money, or paid by the Referee, Is 11,750. 00 and Interest. Dalcn, York, October 19IS. FRANCIS W. POLLOCK.

Referee. The sale In the abovo tntltled action Is herebv adjourned to Monday, December 4th, 1916, nt the same hour and place. Dated, Now York, November 20th, 1313. FRANCIS W. POLLOCK, Referee.

The sale In the abne entitled action I hereby further adjourned to Monday, December 18th, 1916, at the same hour and place. Dated, New Vork, December 4th, 1916. FRANCIS POLLOCK. Referee. Tho ealo In the above entitled action ta hereby further adjourned to Friday, December 29th, 1916, at tho same hour and place.

Dated, New Tork, December Sth. 1916. FRANCIS W. POLLOCK, Referee. Tho sle In the above entltlod action ta hereby further adjourned to Friday, January 6th, 1917, nt the same hour and place.

Dated. New Torlt. December S9th, 191C. FRANCIS W. POLLOCK, Referee.


2. HAROLD SWAIN, Plaintiffs Attorney, 176 Broadway, New York. Pursuant to judement entered December 20th, 1916, the iinderslnned will sell nt public nuctlon, nt the Exchance Salesroom. No. 14-16 Vcsey Street, In tho Boroueli of Manhattan, City of New York, nt It o'clock noon on January 11th, 1917, by Herbert A.

Sherman, Auctioneer. th mortcaeed premises directed by said Judement ti, ho sold, situated on the southerly side of West 1 3 4 tit Street 410 feet fix Inches west of the westerly side of Amsterdam belti; 43 feet 9 Inches In width front nnd rear by 99 feet 11 inches In depth on each Bide, tho side lines helnc parallel with Amsterdam the side lines running partly throuch party walls. Said premises helm; In the Borough of Manhattan, New York City, and mors particularly described l.i innrtcage recorded In New Yorlc County Register's Office on Aurust 19, 1910. In Liber 235. Section 7 of Morttes, pace 441.

west uitn 43' 9" 480' 6" i 'J: Ji'J! Ptrpi No. 5i: Went ISUh Streat, New Tork City. rreo ana clear or nil encumbrnncei. Ad- proximate amount of tho mortgac debt, copt and Hllowancfn, $47, tuxes, ai- esstnfntn nnd rate, J47IMft. Uuica Dei pmnir 1SH.

JAMES A. DONIIGAN. Ueferet. in FonnrLosri-n. cnunr.

COUNTY OF NIIW YORK Th Mutual 11 tf ItiHUranre Company of New York. Plaintiff, ncalnrt Century ltealty Comuanv Htnl others, Defmriuntv I TPilerli I- Allen. Attorn for rlaln- tlff, 65 Cedar Htrept, York City. i'lipiiiint to jLiilKuu'tu date the nd day of NovpiiiUt. I'jIG.

(tio under- signed will nrU nt puMI' auction at th ileal itat lixclianRe noi, h-16 Vesey Street. HorouKli nf Man hut tan. City of New York, nt IS o'clock noon on January 4, hy Joseph l. tnyt Auctioneer, the niortKHRpd premises directed by aald Judgment to he hold und described hi follow All that certain lot. niece or narrel of land, Mtuat.

In the City and County New Yor4t, with the bulldlnga thereon hthI bounded und described ns follows, helnc the same premises Intended to ho ah own on tho annexed diagram; known und deidc-mited aa lot Number Twenty on a certain map entitled "Map of Part of the Heal Katwte of Stephen Whitney, In th City of New York. dated June 6. 1861, and filed In the office of th Ueclftcr of th fount of New York. June lSUl. hi Map Number which lot hounded nnd.

described as follow Ill'-ilNNINt at th Intersection of tho nuriherly tM nf Pearl Street nnd the easterly of Whitehall Street; and runnlr.t,' thenro easterly alone the northerly tlde of Peirl Street twenty-' even feet ten Inc he, thence north erly at rlKht nnptea to Parl fc'treet seventy-two feet eeven huh'- then-o tiortheaaterb Kirn. i oi wuu wnneiiaii Mrret. nx reet ten nches; thence westerly, parallel with Pear' Street, twenty-thre feet four Inehen to tho asterlv aide of Whitehall Street, and thene southerly alonfj tho winterly aldo of White Hall "tKhty-one feet e'even Inchei to the point of beginning The folio lnff Is a diagram of thf prop erty to be nold; lte street number are Pearl Street nni Nos. T3 to 37 Whitehall Street; "si i The approximate amount of the luortanco debt Is 339.072.92 Tbe amount or costs anl allowatica Is 3132.41. Tho jiproxlmai" amount of tuxes, nesessiuents anil wnler rates Is 31.532 and Interest.

Dated, New York, December Sth, 1311. JUHKl'll i' I.BV1, Hefrrer The sate In the above entitled action is hereby adjourned to Thuisday 11th, 1917, nt the fame hour and place. Dated, New York, Jnnuari- 4th, 1917. JOSHPH LUVI, Itoferee. IIKI.I" WANTED MALK.

IlAItN 3100 managing clean, legitimate mull order business; wn furnish right party need not worry ubout capltnli splendid chance for Intelligent employed person to control Independent business on Profit-sharing basis, beginning In spare time, eteulug nt horns, purtlculars free. Dept. Ol'l'OHTUNl-TIES lluffalu, N. Y. WANTED A first cla Job compositor, JOHN S.

HULIN, No. 7 1'ranklln street. New York, WANTED I'aper ruler, who tins knowledge of fortvurdlnc. Addrom The. Hyrucu 1'ress, Syracuse, N' experience nnd salary expected In first luttur, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE.

I'ltlVATK secretiiry (unliable (26), good slenogiapher, tjiilet, correspondent, executive ability. l.Vli:.- Telephone Audubon 340. SLTErtlNTIINDH.VT nzks ta make change! 9 )cur present rlncn. Address Lock Doz 233, Lambertvllls,.

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