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Jackson County Banner from Brownstown, Indiana • Page 8

Brownstown, Indiana
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There Is Merit lledora Melange Water melons are in our town. Mrs. John Plowman is on the tm HWs Srapaurilla. I know ttbeeaoM It dm dona mo good. I wu In a bad eomHttoa sick Hczstonj Haps snd Uishaps.

Lots of cknes among the children. Hot days and cool nights are causing sickness. Mrs. Canzada Cross has-been in poor health for Several months past. The Christian Sunday School here list David Hughes was at Leesville, on voted to attend the celebration at Rat- cliff Grove next Saturday.

If 0k VXVvV.VlXN. A full delegation of school teachers business, on Wednesday. William Holli way, of Bedford, was visiting friends here Friday. G. W.

Zollman went to Bedford on Saturday. He went on his wheel. -Mrs. C. V.

Weddell visited at Mr. Morton Weddell's last Mr. and Mrs. G. H.

Greene were at Leesville on business last Wednesday. Tom Barnum and wife visited at the latter's parents, -Mr. and Mrs. John of this township are attending tb for Infants and Children. ITT ywV observation of Castorln.

with th patronafcg of County Institute this week. George Greenlee, the noted photographer haB pitched his tent iii town and is ready to make good pictures. Born, August 4, to Curtis Zike and a fine girl baby. August to ill 5 mCUons of peysoas, permit ws to spes Jk of it withwnt gwe ing. Eck.

Mrs. Mary James and her little Dan Brock and wife, a girl, i Next Dr. Albert May and Prof. Payne, of Thousands of both, men and daughter Minnie were at Yallonia on Friday, John R. Lochary, Roxbuty, Ohio.

whose daily lite Is making severedrsfts oa the Crothersyille bailiwick, were the guests of tr. Cummings last Saturday. G. W. Zollman, Trustee-elect, was over at Seymour on Friday.

George is their vitality, require something that will bring new material to the worn oat nerve centers. This Is Jnst what Dr. Miles' Be- Mrs. Kiah Strutton, aged 79 years, is a hustler. very sick kit the residence of her son-in- storatlre Nervine does.

Mrs. George Relnboldt and Mrs, Effie "I Had boon Buffering for years law, John W. Cummings, of this town from headaches, neuralgia, sleeplessness. ship. I It is wnquestlonably th hoot remedy toy Infants and Calldrem 'Qto wwrM has ctct known.

It is harml Chlldron like It. It dvee thorn health. It wffl ss-vw their lives In it Mothers hnvo ooMothing; which is nhsolntoly safe and praotloally perfect sia chOA's medlclno. Cstori destroys Worms. li 1 Castorin sJlays Fererlshncss.

Cnstorln prevents vomltfaig Sonr Castorin cures Diarrhoan and Wind Castorin relieves Teething Tronblos. Castorin enros Constipation and Flatnlcncy. "i Cnotorin no ntrallses the effects of cnrhonlo ncld gas or poisono air. Castorin does not contain morphine, opium, or other nnrootlo proper t. Castorin ojsfaarintes the ood, regnlntos the stomach and bowels, giving honlthy nnd natnral sleep.

With Qmr llMuuh, Bmuft Iadpltis, Bsc Flaskes. Since taking Hood's Sarsapa rills I tm as wen ever. I gjTe Hood' 8ar spsrflls tbm I took no otbef Bedieine. John Lochaxy, Eoibnry, Ohio. Hood's5 Cures Hood' Pills are rapidly taking the load.

and general nervous prostration, unfitting xne for social, household and hoslnesa Wm. Owen and family, of Helton- Dare are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gray. John Dowling, and wife, of Sparks-ville, visited Bud Croucher and family tonville, Were visiting friends here and duties, and, periodically, was Completely prostrated voith pain.

attending the big Sunday School cele I tried several physicians and a great many remedies, but received no benefits until I bration last Saturday. The parties that were racing on our Timed. Zr. Maes' Bestoi tUlveSercine, Freetown Facts and Fancies. streets last Saturday will have to settle when I found almost immediate relief, and have become quite my former self and am Again able to attend to my business, bv the term of the next Grand Jury of Mrs.

Wm. Stoesdill has been on the this county. So look a little out and sick list for several weeks. on Saturday. Solon Wilcox and wife were visiting Mr.

and Mrs. G. H. Greene on Thursday and Friday. i Miss Jennie Dodd, of New Albany, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, D.

W. Holmes, this week. D. W. Holmes, traveling agent, is at home.

He manages to get around about every month. which is that of a brush manufacturer. I do betterl Our Sunday School turned out en have recommended the Nervine to others who have used it with the same good results" Mrs. Isis Keithly, of Heltonville, masse to the Houston picnic on Satur It Is not sold in hoTk. Castorin is pnt wp in ono-sfao bottles only.

visited in the family of her relative. day. Milwaukee. Wis." Has. Abba Pxoskb.

Dr. Miles' Nervine is on a positive Salt Creek' sends a full corps of Dr. Cummings, of this place, last Fri guarantee that the first Dottio will Deneus. All druerists sell it at CL 8 bottles for 15, or day. and Saturday and attended the teachers to the County Institute this Pont allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plesv or promise that it is "jnst as good" nnd "wfll answer every pnTpose.n Boo that yon get A-S-T-O-B-I-A.

Yr Several of our people attended the big celebration. week. ft will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. Dr. Miles' Nervine 5 big basket meetings at Ratcliff Grove The crowd of kids that made the i Our friend, John W.

Kindred, talks of emigrating to. Texas 'in the near night hideous at this place last Satur The fac-sfanUe signature of Restores Health future. day night by their drunken screams Xper. and black guardism will be dealt with Mrs. Tanner, of Clear Spring, visited promptly, so we are informed.

her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Manuel, over The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chica Mrs.

Frank Alexander, of Helton- Sunday. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. i Miss Minnie Sluder, of Leesville, was ville, who is a daughter of James O. go, says: "1 regard Dr. King's JNew the guest of Mrs.

B. F. Henderson over Cross, of this place, is very low with and Wray Church on Sunday. "Thomas Craycraft and W. Hancock were seen upoii our streets last week.

They were looking" for horses to purchase. Don Julian returned to Washington, last Wednesday. His. two children remained at Mr. and E.

E. Guthrie's. V. Wilson purchased a horse power elder mill of Mrs. M.

M. Hamilton. He expects to have cider by the wholesale. Misses; Phoeba and Maggie Goldsmith and Miss C. Morris returned to Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints Sunday.

heart disease and resulting dropsy. No hopes for her recovery are entertained Let everybody remember the basket- meeting to be held here on Sunday, by her friends; having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physician's preparations or other prepara August 18. As predicted, a grand and successful Spot Casli Paid for Wheat And Corn Sunday School celebration parsed off Auditor Matlock and Shannon Gray, tions. of Brownstown, aired themselves here Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, at this place last Saturday.

At an early hour people began to gather in town, last Sunday. -AT THE writes "I have been a Minister of the ana by iu o'ciock 3uuu or more naa ag Methodist Episcopal Church for 50 Miss Emma Tabor, who has been at Columbus -for some time, has come sembled in the beautiful grove near the years or more, and have never found anything so beneficial, that gave me M.E.Ch urch. Five schools, with gay El wood on Friday. They made a very lengthened.visit here. Thomas Fitzgibbon, Superintendent of Eiwood in company with I With oar increased facilities and thoronh equipments, we sre prepared to buy Wheat and Corf home to.stay.

Misses Holland and Butler, of rence were the guests of Dr. Manuel's family over banners floating to the breezes, marched to the music of the Elkinsville Mar- nmimiwa qannanea, ana iRrmers DnDgiDft tneir grain to us miiy db usurea 01 nt wn hishest market price and receire the 8 pot Cash. The such speedy relief as Dr. Bang's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles Free at C.

A. Branaman's Ewing Drug Store. his wife, visited at Bennie Henderson's tial Raid. The program was as fol- EWISG FIGURING IHIIX8 on Thursday and Friday. 'ihe Sunday School made arrange lows: lit Singing by the assembly; ments last Sunday to attend the picnic 2d Prayer by Elder D.

M. Beck 3d Mrs. A. Smith, of Vincenues, is on Miss Hattie Nicholson at this Pleasant Grove Gruei. at Ratclifi's Grove next Saturday.

Singing by each of the choirs, which was ree with applause. Rev. Hall writing. Miss Hattie has been staying Hare, by fair dealing and honest work, established an excellent reputation among its patroa which are increasing in numbers every daj. Absolute satisfaction is guaranteed to all.

As hereto ore, particular attention will be given to the ens torn trade. KWING MILL CO EWING. IND. ROBERTSON BROS. PROPRIETORS.

Our Band did not go to Houston, but excellent music was furnished by the Here is for RatcliflTs Grove next Sat at Vincennes for some time. then addressed the vast throng, upon urday. All who go are assured a good The gravel road is nearly finished at sheepskin band from Elkinsville. the subject of "Teaching God's Holy time. the east end.

There are about six hun Mrs. Nichols and Miss Weekly, of Word-jthe Holy Bible." At the close There will be singingat the church dred feet yet. Over on dry creek is an Columbus, are visiting their sister, of his address the many hundreds par on Thursday evening at early lamp- other mile yet to finish. Mrs. Levi Acton, at this place.

took of contents of the many filled lighting. The "Indian Show" will be with us Surprise Sauce and Salad. Report has it that "we were married last week, but we guess not if we know The Wells threshing outfit cleaned up another week. They came to stay one Ratliff GroTe Gleanings. Pentecost at Hobson's is booming baskets' of good eatables that were upon the ground.

They were called to the speaker's stand by the drum' corps, week, but we presume they did better anything about it. If those who start J. B. iBrown is fencing the school the last crop of wheat in this vicinity last Friday. such reports were as attentive to their right up again.

i house at District No. ll. where soul-stirring music vocal and instrumental was discoursed by each Rev. W. J.

Stewart has purchased a own business as they are to that of Rev. Shutts filled his regular appoint Our community will be well repre others, we do not doubt but what the ment here Sunday. lot in Seymour and will buid a residence on it forthwith. sented at the County Institute. choir, after which Elder J.

M. Cross delivered an eloquent address suitable world would move on just the same, Miss Susan Hollon, of Columbus, is Miss Maggie Gilbert attended church Uncle Billy Allman was getting A large crowd attended the quarterly visiting relatives here. for such an occasion as this. Every and visited friends here over Sunday. than they thought, so they concluded to stay another week.

They will have increased force this week. Come all. IN ME MORI AM. In memory of HebveY Guthrie, born July 21st, 1883, died July 27th, 1895, aged 12 years and 6 days. Whebeas, "God has appointed that all must needs die," and that our worthy school mate, Hervey Guthrie, a member of Medora Sabbath School, meeting at Taylor's, Chapel on Sunday Don't fail to remember and attend emed to enjoy the exercises of body se R.

L. Isaacs and family visited in the along nicely until last Saturday, when he took a slight relapse. the grand picnic next Saturday." the day except the last hours of the families of S. J. Mahurin and Uncle Billy Nelson last Sunday.

No one should stay away from the A basset dinner was nela in connection with the meeting. The dedication of the new church was necessarily en it was observed that outside day, wh Miss Renie Holmes, of Medora, spent Sunday in D. W. Owen's family. of the icnic grounds and on the roads Elder J.

M. Cross was called to Kurtz Encampment, as the fare on the Jeff, road is down to a cent a mile. postponed on account of a lack of suffi at Little Trenny McCoy is very low therefrjo mithat several boys and some to the bedside of his sister, preventing him from filling his appointment here The attendance at the Houston pic cient funds to raise the debt. Rev older cm this writing with cholera morbus. es were somewhat intoxicated, of has gone to reap the benefits of its Henry Herrmann and.

wife, nic from here was extremely slim, as the Sabbath School received no invi on Armen, the Presiding Elder, delivered two powerful discourses to an apprecia and driving rather reckTess, and in more than one instance doing damage to Brownstown, visited here Sunday. teachings therefore be it resolved If there is any one who wants to tation. tive audience. Bob Hays purchased several fat cat property of others. We are creditably John McKinstry and D.rM.

Hays tle from Eph. Smallwood last week. informed that there will be some prose know why there is such a place as Honeytown, they should call on J. R. Lio per and get a prompt response.

First, That in his death the School has lost a faithful member, his class a loving companion, his parents an obedient son, his little sisters a loving Pieasantville Pleasantries. Jacob Mundon, of Sullivan County, cutions of those who violated the law, went to Heighten Hill last Saturday on business and were guests of John is visiting relatives and friends here, such as boys forging orders for whisky Born. Monday, July 29, to James Goen's family. brother and playmate. Our neighborhood is almost deserted and for intoxication and for fast driving Hoffman and wife, a boy.

Jim could Miss Beuna Gilbert was visiting in the family of her uncle, Jonah Gilbert, The sudden death of Carson Cooley, from the effects of the Bedford be seen the next day traversing the upon the public highway. Second, That we extend to his bereaved parents our sincere sympathy of Brownstown, caused quite a shock on Tuesday. roadside with a solemn countenance. here, as his friends were numerous Misses Ruth Gallion and Erie Wed Some of our folks attended the pic in their great affliction. W.

H. and L. I. McPherson returned Lockman Lucubrations. throughput this community.

die, who visited friends at Heighten from book canvassing in Kentucky last Third, That a copy of these resolutions be given to the parents, and to nic at Houston, but we failed to hear their report The marriage of James Crabb and Hill last week, returned home last Saturday. I Both were reasonably sue- Mrsl Erne Waggoner is very sick at Tuesday. the county papers for publication. Our streets, groves and residences cessful. The latter sold 79 books and Miss Ida Claycamp, all of Surprise, last Thursday evening, was no great sur this writing.

i the former 91. v. a a Miss Emma Gilbert, one of our most esteemed young ladies, is visiting her Though his form is greatly missed, and his pleasant voice is still, yet in were filled with visitors from foreign parts last Sunday. xvery Doay irom mis vicimiy was at At some previous time we stated in prise to us, for their very nature of late indicated that they entertained a Housfc on Saturday. brother, W.

O. Gilbert, at Mt Zion. Prospects are bright for the largest Johh memory he will remain as one of the choicest buds snatched from earth 'ere Goble has returned home from the columns of the Banner that Daniel Walker took from his slash strong desire for matrimonial bliss. ixiward Utterback and family, of crop of corn in many years in this sec Illinois for a short visit. it bloomed to decorate the crown of Pleasant Ridge, spent Sunday with his tion of the country.

farm a briar measuring 13 feet He Sevfe iral from this place attended the Him who said "Suffer little children father, Lewis Utterback. Farmer Geo. Hughes is adding a new now says that at the same place he has dedici ition services at Taylor's on Sun- to come unto me, and forbid them not, Misses Nora and Carrie ac- corn stalks measuring 15 feet high. We predict this will be a happy union. Both possess genuine qualities loving, obedient, industrious, and best of all both are honorable members of the E.

Church. We bestow our very choicest blessing on them. May their addition to his residence, which helps the apperance very much. day. The Church of Christ at this place companietp-oy tneir nanasome young Phil for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Cubhs G. Shortrtdge, lip Brown, of is visit- Say, Dew Drop, why would not the friend, Miss Irene Denison, of New will celebrate their second anniversary ing bis brother-in-law, G. W. Wag- Albany, are visiting here. on the third Sunday in August, accom gonei title "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do to-day," do for your novel of this place.

wedded career be long, peaceful and Mrs. Katk Trautman, Mrs. Sadie Alter, Committee. Callie Bottorft, accompanied by bis panied by a basket dinner. Elder Thomas Jones has been secured and Albert Ma this and Miss Anna Mc- Many thanks for a de good looking cousin.

Miss Nuna Bot Owingjto some misunderstanding the Kinney, of Columbus, were visiting H. licious supply of cake. basket meeting here Sunday was a torff, of Cortland, visited in the family will be present at that time, commenc Cummings over Sunday. It is with much sorrow- that we poor success except in the attendance. oris.

W. Gilbert, last week. ing however, on Friday night before The Last Chance. learned of the death of Aunt Tabitha Miss Annie Applewhite and her little Elder John Cross held a basket at Rutan's on Sunday, July 28. We will ask all of our young friends and continuing probably for a limited After the 1st of August, $1.25 will be to attend Sunday School at Pleasant time afterward.

Let everybody remem Tb ere was a large attendance. required of all subscribers to the Ban- Cornett, which occurred at her home, at Surprise last Friday, the 2nd inst. She had lived to be almost 74 years old, and sister Josie attended the basket dinner at Pleasant Ridge, but we failed to hear the report Ridge every Sunday, and not spend ber the date and be on hand. Joseph Cummings, was seen in their time elsewhere. Three small boys, whom we do not neb, who are in arrears over one month.

We have given all fair notice, our neighborhood on Saturday evening, Our secretary failed to perform said wish to personify, entered into T. was a sister of Uncle Carroll Richards. She has a half sister still living at the Mrs. Kate Wells and, her sister, Miss Caroline Carr, spent Sunday, at John You had better stay while here, Joe, Pennock's melon patch last Friday and and none need complain. Two weeks more remain during which our one dollar rate will be in force, and those until the ram is over next time.

J. -m Gallion's. duty last week, hence our failure to answer you, GrueL We don't believe you would know Gleaner if you were. comnletely destroyed all the small wmie returning rrom cnurcn on Miss Melissa Weddle is very sick. melons, cuttine them to pieces, then Sunday, Ben Taylor's horse became who fail to respond within that time to see Gleaner.

1 taking a quantity of them to a neigh unmanageable, but with the assistance will be required to pay $1.25, the regu boring corn field, hid them by cutting of some men the: horse was held, and lar price of the Banner. a larce amount of corn and placing It excepting a bad fright, no damage was After August 1st, the dollar rule will ripe eld age of 88 years. -These two are the only survivors left of 19 brothers and children. Aunt Tabitha was a loving mother and a conscientious christian. She was loved and esteemed by a large circle of friends.

She leaves three children two sons and a daughterto mourn her loss. The funeral was largely attended. Interment took place at the Pleasant Grove cemetery last Sunday at 2 o'clock. Geo. Newcomb is now selling medicines, etc This poor fellow should be patronized by the good people generally, thereby' making his affliction as light as possible.

over them. We have no desirei to done. only apply to advance-paying sub brine those bovs into disgrace, but scribers. Plainfield should be the place for such Since 1878 there have been nine epi- characters. My little boy, when two years of age, demies of dysentery, in different parts was taken very ill with bloody flux.

of the country in which Chamberlain's The difference between Pills and Sim was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy mons Liver Regulator, is just this Pills don't go down very "easy with' most Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and was psed with perfect success. Dysen- The threshing machine is coming In our neighborhood and we welcome its coming. Mack Boralay, who has been sick for some time, is not expected to live many days Ask our New Albany-girls how they like horse-back riding. Why Not Ton? When thousands of people are taking Hood's. Sarsaparilla to overcome the weakness and languor which are so common at this season, why are you not doing the same When you know thai Hood's Sarsaparilla tuts power to cure rheumatism, dyspepsia and all diseases caused by impure blood, why not you? Hood's Pilla are prompt and efficient 25c.

A. I luckily procured part of a bottle. people, and you feel them afterwards. teryi wnen epidemic, is almost as Six weeks ago I suffered with a very severe cold was almost unable to speak. My friends all advised me to consult a nhvaician.

TToticiner Chamberlain's Backlen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup-tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.

Price 25 cents per box; For sale by C. A. Branaman, Ewing Drug Store. severe and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. carefully read the directions and gave it accordingly.

He was very low, but Heretofore the best efforts of the most While Simmons Liver Regulator in liquid or powder is very pleasant to take, and the only feeling that you Bkilied physicians have failed to check Cough Remedy advertised in the St have afterward is the great relief that ite ravages; this remedy, however, has Paul Volkt Zeitung I procured a bottle, slowly and surely he began to improve, gradually recovered, and is now as stout and strong as ever. I -feel sure it saved his life. I never-can praise the Remedy half its worth. I am sorry every ne in the world does not know cured the most malignant eases, both it gives from Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. It is mild laxative and tonic.

1 of children aad adults, and Under, the most trying conditions, which proves Children Cry for ana after it a snort wnue was entirely well I now most heartily recommend this rem edy to anyone suffering with a cod. Wm. Keeo, 678 Selby St Paul, Minn. For sale by A. Branaman Druggist it to be the befit medicine in the world how good it is, as I do.

Mrs. Iina S. Hinton. Grahamsville, Marion Yallonia items reached us too late Pitcher's Castoria. for bowel complaints.

For sale by A. Branaman, Druggist Florida. For sale by C. A. Branaman Druggist.

this week..

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