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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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(i the weather; I' Probably fair to-day: nsettled slightly lower temperatnro tomorrow; southwest winds. I7FW tii we that report eaa Page "All tho News That's Fit to Print" KEW YORK. MONDAY, JULY 10, 191L SIXTEEN PAGES. ONE CENT ta aJia i xw i Jersey Ctty. aad Newark.

TWO CtUtT VOL. 13,225. ATV700D AGAINREADY TO START AT DAWH Machine Wrecked in YetttrrJay's Atttmpt Repaired from 'Plane Thtt Fill Into Ocean. TEST SHOWS ITS ALL RIGHT Beat Aviatse and Mis Pa-senger, Msmlltea. Dtegueted Over Mlshsp, hut Not Hurt In W-Fact Tumbte.

jmi rw Xf ra. atlaxtic crrr. n. ir -t- giatad dcur4d avar the 13-taet. attend tktr affarte te rr freae Aliaatta CWy Weahingtew, Urry K.

Aled aad Caarle K. Jlaattl-la are r4r I atari WMUtfVi asaUa as a-sTeiaa wta for Atweod im efTarad Taa Jf sw Io Tims pr ike aeetea te-Trehgoa f-mt- Tier g4 started la-da lUmmoa'a gieahta. bat atar eaiiiag ekowt a ar ed a au frem LKl llegh WO-e-kys tmtM fUH at Teataae. Ik kmum a4d rapidly, sad artar fir eae fifty (art. a.

Ike groand aC Back aaJ4a vara wrecked aad an St fUM itail The aviators irara Mi; harrad, eecape-X aarWaa Tka ataanteo waa repaired promptly. kad a tkeesaak Ua laila U-eidkt Ml- axe tkas la ta as imt e-jrte, a a a inrt, Aftar tha laat tie ae.iaaie saw tk hi -tee aa extra ever. Tm averkeaaag. Atw Was swraZy a atelier at aatra aad did a4 aweas there waa la saaievs the the aiacMra wee weak I aay respaet. Wa aaaU start at A I a'gkl -aad faal list wa wUl have ach aad Iked wa ta WuV trWA.lL ta marrow at tka let- aavar area aa eUAgsated la say lit aa whaa that an ate etepeed ea aa skis saarsfsg wt 1 stepped aU tka asd aa wa eeald aa waa ta taaa It aa a pfiUaCy aa aaaattia.

Wa ka4 sfaaaat ta atart Vatwara 4 ad alack UUaaaorJa ajvd wara aa la Old ta Uava. bat sat waat a taaa aay aaaaaaary chaaaa. sad so ww Mt tkraa aaww, taatla avary tart af aarwplaaa. CtrafytUrc S3 rt. aat.

at 9 AO A. ML wa ainaid iu ata lofcUac taa tall af maetuaa ta lm rx Wa afeV344 aJoac for aaoat forty yaraa. a4 tlaw taa acrvalaaa waat lata 11a air. Thaa. aa tack wacU kaa H.

taa ra awpp. ta fixat af a waa a tt craak sad I trtad a Cum tsa avdchlna aa aa to art4 atnktes tha wtr. tunMd a.t rtaat. Vt la ao(a aa m-wataa wabal- aAcwt aa4 rut alk wttk a fcaary 13 l. On af taa taaa waa tay 4t aM a4 Wt! akMa wara wrackad.

WU wa wara ta a fis. aa4 taaa ra-sianbarwt tKat aaena parts af my awa wkirk waa wrack4 aa Friday wkaa lUaaUtoa aa4 1 tankla4 lata taa ar la tha car. Aa lark wovll kaa n. Ika aama-4 parta af Kamtltaa'a wra tba Uml parta af io wa wara aka ta affart rapaire ttut roJ rfti of aar a- ja.r fr Vm tfoht llamllioti a. Ma virtxi til aar.

and Uu tkia art ma avfci a it it rt aii fr'ctir. Wa a Uft a call fir 1 A an-t lw ta la r. ht a rkx ta-mofToa atorata aa btaL liini a r-" ak1 hta apa fca ij lwea of rrviar ar4 tra-dar. aiuat tkrva." to aatl. "fc ara aU TtaM aao a aat wa aa M'-t to on way bofara Ilia rwoai a.r ItaratTtna mrrtfA at tlw a rui.1 at arrVMrk tkla aonU.

nml Jol Lbol tiT Ci4 a aar. Tka pavtra tat of IN w-a- n.iu aMm-t ta Uvi that tl wa la arv tMlttlMa for IM ks( rrma tr la Wat5ak tmmHt tra Mrtv idr a kl rrawi waa at I ft WlW kma.ia-r kanaar la Vaarnor to wltaoa 1 oort Po f'ntr iwoura th rrawl. jr W(t' aa I f- art wota a-tanr uul tkatr saocaaaura ta( tka aiOarvaah at o- Atwwt. a brtof eoa- fiaano wtta I i m. uo.

laaoiacol tkt raulr A lw miuio I Atat aat Itamilt-Ma attl tra vm aaata. a- tka aarrtata aiart4 IIm wif Tka anaptt taor ooir. aa4 wta prft i AlaM h.kj hta a4 aa a ifl ta ta anoa koi.f taa BM-ta vl fi "pU ar tka fkkt aM t'aa aa(vt-t 'o im ar ta a aaikt af ataat t.tlf a. Ta mt waa ta at taoa tfeaa wka tka oaaUvo rtt to anu-ro far a a a rLt tnata-4 a IVa rrk la ftoat af kMax ta trTlo tanv a-at aa aanul ta rr luata-t. an I aa Iko ni a roc a at.

aa aboat waa ISal tka rr4 fa4 ia Alar-Mt aat 11 aaiaat mrUmmlT kutt. T-a wa a ra ft iv aroaffata aarrrva. AtwKt St i Umpa ar il waa I ot fcwrt." ka aak to a a-ia a -r4 "1 aaa a4 kart; I ana 4i.t twtn. a I tani''ia arowtpt'r rIUt Haa ai4 lavot r-4 a-t ta wa. tl waa aar a 4 tSt ta kas ir a aarr lko waa wia ta rm mr haxira a-wa Ika p-'n (,, (AtA ta oa waa at avao n-jr-w 1 ta IV pac a aa -r fr rv) parta aa wwa ta ka.

-'at al foUw ta aa r.n iaH, roMf prtat4 ta tk-a Tiaaa rta kro. A two-! a4 Ikam.aaj attort to ol- trutt ttK kM Jar A aor Ha'lroa i. Haa LaMtut. ta 4 tktrtr 1 i aoar. tara avrro o-atfT t.

Mta-ua Krr to faaU4 a p-t a-r ranr. ftm wr iar au rr- so wt aMr ira'ka. aa-t laaaa ia a. ra roofttr-. TY wij aaala aa ar- cwwaTry 'a rnatrt kr-tr, at l'a a4 tt.a tfaa tka rtrr ta W'i- a.

rnm WOl4tl tka rooto t'-Taia trafca ta Hattu a t.t vra a at aapot Ba'rnvr. an a rkt a-rr tkat n't Tkr apt t'f 4 ftalt-nora. rrvta tr t6a raa a t.mor a tia tracks, aad -w tikoa T- a fut wt3 ka At a iu(t fr dart to wta Tiaaa Trapkr t-r a rruoa aeaiitrr f--a t- Wi'sti-a. At "4 kiira ko aU wt- It tkia t'Soa. 4 aw

wka fn4 ta a rrra at for Taa a all a Ataoal aa a Mrrr ta Nalioaat aaaito iXJtS TO LONO DCACfL Wwltk Tskss Paasarsr. bat Is Farxad ta Rctora AJooa. Smt a TX, rm Ym Twmi, WllAAU HOCXTYAJIXX L. I Joly a- yv" iwaewak toak Mm ZaOa Makr ta Jl tW tkia araalaaa. "ft tka Artua) r-aS at SA T.

X- alaaUAXtaAjrULoV TAFT USES THE V1RELESS. Kaaps la Touch on YscM with Affairs st Wsshlnglsn. 5rr ta rv iV Taaaa. July Sl rraVmt Tart aa4 tka party af atkt- laaatora wttk kim. waa ara aa tka AOaatia aa tka yaekt MarRowar.

ara kaaplaa la to tick wlik WaahJastaa by airrlaaa. Tbr kaaw wltkta a ahort tlma aftarward af tka oaata o(a jraatartlay aafaatlns tha fraa aaoaf anvaa4aaat ta tka lUdpraelty bCL Tka Pra-Maat aa4 aaaatara wttk klai ap paraaUy loak aa tkat vota aa fnarklrxs iaUat fracroaa toward tka aa4 af tka rdprwu f.cac Tkia wtra'aoa 4'-aatri waa racotrad today from aocratarT ltillaa: kfarawr portr waa hr ta aaok wttk nn kr otril.aa M4Un raiiftat at mnai aao-a aoaa a rortr''tir. VBrtr aol aa -B aa aaiaaliakt aa-tl a4il. A krvaa aa kiaoiaa. TV ktrrr-r ao far anvta aa Coa Ht'r.

kaaal a in tkr-xtak ta Om Mil aaa at aa ta aar. taa la aakiaa I lor aaaratoa ouHixi rx unxn Jtfa fvrifcar ward racatrad frara tka yacht waa ctroa aat tkia ou. NOPtrOtJC. Ta, Jttljr Tha Marflow-ar. trtac praaiJont Taft aad Boaa- lorui lunu.

mi ih irsiBw ttl-a froaa aaa t-dar wttk all ateard rt4 aad r'rrao4 iftf thatr trip from AtkasOa Otr. Tka tonm a knwiada4 Ik (ovaalaa of tka ITaaMant'a yacM tit ratnilattea aalutaa. Tha yarht prorao4d oa Ito way ta Waahtoctott. wkoro It wiu arrtra at a'eiock la-c-ar-ra-w noroisr- CALLER DEMANDS MO EX. Now Jsrssy School Prtaclpsrs Visitor WrKss to V.

M. for Hslp. Jaanal at TU Htm Yfk K. July a 1-rat Jaliaa M. Wtaalaw.

Xrtartpal of tka RrVUafVald rark IIicU Bakaat. bad aa loatual 0mprrttf tkia ailaraaaa wttk a Cood-laokia' aad wa3-draatn straega ywaa maa. wka saiaad adatlaaloa ta bis koea by toCtas Mra. Wlaalaw that aa wtakad ta aaa tha lrtactpai aa prtrats bwataaaa. am a tmvrf saaa.

aad tf yoa daart gte taa I too ta a harry satnathlBa la tra(a la hapaoo kara." Aaclarad tka otraacar whaa aloaa wttk XraC Wlnalow la taa parlor. Tkaask a pawarfal snaa ktmaaU. tha adacatar did. aat eara ta attack tha caBar. kaBartna; ka waa carry-lnr a rarelTar.

Ha karaarad tka etranfor aatil rou4 111 kla 4auklr 0oTVa ta purr mo ki. rran Bandborc. a Ulaca Troataa. kappoaad ta bo paoatas tho kooaa and cam ta FTnf. Win low a aiat aw-.

folira t'apala WUltam Xalla and fottcamaa aottkoff roapoadad ta a uniiiaM, and tka aranar waa takan tofora uat i Hoary T. Oncra. 1 am wuaa J. Norwood of Nrw Trk. aakl taa prta-r ta tho Joatica.

I Jot dAaadtnc 1 1' from Ma asaa. Ita aaya ko doaao kaaw mo. kut why did ha ronrarao wttk too for flftooa mn-atoa la kia twa homo I rafuaa ta maka aay furtaar atatataaat. but wtU aspiaia tar praaaca ta dua tlma. Iatr Norwood mad a atataraawt ad-aaitttaa; that ho oaanaodod tka moe-r.

lia mod a alrnllar aUmlaato-a to Trootaa KrltiTtr Juattra UrlSKS commltt-d Nor. wcxd to tna Jt a Jail a dafauJt of tl.i baiL Hkortly aftar binr la )ajl No wor.J wreta a rattrr to itacralary Hoot 4 th liowvrr Uranck af tha T. M. A. at lS lCTrr.

taiiinar of kla arraat and a-akinr that Mr. rtout raJi at owe a aad provvla a Law far for blat. Norwood was uaartrU. $4,000,000 PAY INCREASE. Psstmsstsr Osnorsl Incrsssss Wsjos of All Rursl Msll Csrrlsro.

WABirrXOTOr. July -Th saono add raraj fraa drtjrary camars la tha Unttad Stat ara ta racorra aatary torraaaaa. aa a r-a ait at a dadaloa raackad ta-day by Pcataiaatar Oaaaral Illtckcack. II will thus prortda for tha duburmaramt urine ttca carraat flacal yaar of t.W.0JU. which wtU roraa aa tocraaas af I lou rar tha prrarat aaiary af ftao for all carriers on ataadard rojta wtb proporttoaata ta-trraata In ahortr route.

Micrwt pr Hd laat aaoatnn for tha of tbu aitra pt.i.J4 but lfl It ta tha dirrlloa of tha 00rai. lr. lu-arock ilacWad to-day lo u.a Ih full amount, liaa 4lr la ta mmponaat th carrtra for aay additional tM-rdaa whtca aa pLarrd oa tkm aarcala pet artm ka baa rtxrbm-rvaJd for rural routoa la approvrd by for rra. Sow that tha mow ara ta rarwtaa such gaavarooa lacraaaa ta pay." ba aald. I faal that Coaaraaa aaowld lo aa tlma la authortauna tka caarrylna af p.rwla aa rufal rata A parrola poat ayatvra eaa ba rwaductad without aay astra ttpaiua I tka Oervaranai othar thaa tka ti.UA..

taa aaiary laraaa. hick. In ray Juvdc Mt. woatd Baor thaa affaat by Ua rrala foot rttmiw." Lnartnfi tka rurrat yaar tka rural fair wtu eot th Uatrtramant about 'X- t-. tka ttnvata.i dftrit htna; about TV roaiman-f UnraJ th buif tbat tka paroaia poat arta aadar propar mawaatot wou'd Itvamra th ava-atMtaa-- aad prowar as-taa af Ih rural fro aJiry aarv-r aa a aaU-aupportla' braaca af tka SCOTTY IS RICH AGAIN.

Oaath Vstlty Msn Prarnlaas to Rsvosl swrso of His Fortuno. 5rMf rVr A'rar Ymh Ta-wa. WKXCX Mr, WaTtar tVatt. atk-rwtaa kaw-a aa IVatty af Dtk TaUay, tka ma a wka craaiad a aaaaataoa savaraJ yr as a wka-a ka kirad a apactal traia aad trtad ta braak tka rarard frora tka raclfla Coaat la Krwr Tark. appaarad ta OniaruH yaatrday laaSod wttk moar.

aitkouck tkraa taoatha ao ba was breka kara tf dlapUrod 111 cr ta curr.ary tM pr-uaod ta rovaai ta localMm 04 kia aad taauio-aa waaiia artar Aaf. i. ao(i a-a tataa-ia ahaktna aathr wfcirtwtad daaa a-raa th rottnat ta a ar-ataJ train. Tkia apoctal trmla trip ay bo ha laat ajpaaraac a for tha KtbUo. ka Sonar a.

Aftar tkat ka Will ati dwa 1 bar saora chaaia-aa aorks lata th atr t-taa aU tka Trad ta loo lawa War aad ray adocatiow kaa ba aajaIa," aald. haa Uaraod noma, aa-l arw 1 am falsa; ta laa oat for av-wtty it. dwclarod ka had ba srroatd thirtr-tht tu-a In con no-t hn witk hi minta tur. Ka adtd tkat ha had aar atoia aaytklng. and th-a aotarca af ka waita waaa raaaaid vnl asoa-arala kiat- DEPEW IN CEMETERY SUIT.

Ejt-wsnster Soaks to Prtrvant tubdW vision of thsrort Grave Yard. 5rrW fa Taa AW Ta-4 rt-aaa HOrroX. 0 La taa Saaa tor Cbaoacay 54- Dopaw af N-w Tark sad eOare ara fla-artas ta a salt now botaar trtd ta tha Orcralt Court braasht ta pra-roat fartkar aabdivtaloa) af tka VMS af tka KaaOwaad Camotary la Skaroa. Mr. tapaw awma taad ta tka carnatary.

Tha utt waa hcoa Marrk SI. At tkat tiaaa ta ara raa law aorardt to tha ahnrga of tka raapiunaata, ta a oortioa af tka land wkark waa aaJar-taod ta ba latndd for fraroa. It wao 1 rdr rrii taa aa af in ar- aty thai Mr. I-rw aad atkora wka had' orcaata.4 tka araroyard eaanaaay kad ra- CO ifM tka cwurta. Arrortiar ta taattmoay twtrwawe! ta ro-an nanwr rarporaiiaq waa a (AK aad la com raaa La ara doiac tkair tt ta racorvar tkia amauat.

O. baaar-Tiv at. T-rf. c-u T--a at a ad i-aaaa. JU Jk Ttckat a.4 Waa ta O.

aa a SEE PIHCHOT PROFIT IN HIS COAL FIGHT Van Kleck and'BaJIInger Undr-stand HIa Mother It lntret-d In Pacific Naval Contracts. QUICK DENIAL BY BROTHER Hss Nsvor Hssrtf of Allsfltd Coal Hsldlnga EUlllngar Thinks Control-Isr Bsy Inquiry Will Hurt Plnchet. Sftiml 7Vr Xtm TarS Tawrc. SEATTLE, Wsak July a What a 1 moat a moan tad ta charyas that If ford Pin chat's hard fltrht with tka Taft Adminls- tratloa arar Alaaka eaaJ flalds was baaad aa par aortal rataraat waa tha sahatAaca af tatamaats raada bara ta-day by W. XL Vaa Klack af Xaw Tark.

a Dtractor of tka Mary taad Coal Campaay. aad XUobard A. as-SVacaatary of tka Xnterfcy, hWaf foa af Mr. Fine hot. Thar aald tkay had talormaooa that Mrs.

Xtackat, bts saetkar. waa baatrlly lataraatad la tha Porakanlso coal talaa of Waat Vlrstala, wklck baa tka contract far aappiylac fual ta aaral aaa la aa tka Pacifio Coast, and potatad aat that It snlcht ba ta tkis eoa-cara-s tataraat ta kaap tka AJaaka aoaj Calds aloaad aatll the Paaaxna CaasJ skaald bo epaoad. Mr. Vaa XUack aad hla aaa arrlad Cram Alaaka ta day. lo thins that eaald ba l.na1aad weald tka riaaaclal aad baaiaaas coodltloaa af tka Unit ad Siatas mora thaa tka opaa- tac af tka Alaaka ooai, a-rtcultural.

aad Umbar lands ta davalopmaat," said Mr. Vaa Xlack. "Its oeasummaUoa would spall tha taaosruratloa af laaamarabla I mm aaa lodortrWa la tka Wast, aad whaa tka Waat Is proa parous tha pro parity is rsnected la the EaJt. What bantflU tka Waatara Btataa baoaflta tka an lira coua- try. Mr.

Vaa XTJack had taars ta hla oyas whaa ha daacrfbad daaartad Alaaka a tU lax a a which ka saw for tka first tlma. Ha aald tka Ooremmaat'a policy raapoaalble for tkia cendlUoo. lis ckarxtd tkat fast en, coal saaa ware la a large measure ra- poaelb-e for tka delay ta opaniasT up Alaska, aad remarked tkat eraa If ford ptacbofs mother was the Urs aat stock balder ta tha recakootas mlae. which bald tka aaral eeatraata. Asked for details oa tkia potnt.

Mr. Vaa KWck said: "Accordtaa to ray Information. Mrs. Piacket taker! tad a larg-a. If not the roa- troUmc lateroat la tka Pacahoatas Mlae.

aad this mlae Is at praaaat. aad baa fnr soma tlma baea, supplylasr the warships oa the Pacific Coast and the Paclflo Coast aary yard a la Alaska tho people eaa only rood laa tho Qaoaramanfa-d lay. ta elew af the aitatlon of the eon sarrstloalsts, a desire oa the part Of car. tam coal tatareets to keep the Alaska coal land a cloaad eattl each time aa tha Panama Canal Is opened, whoa Eaetera eoel mines wUl be la a poeltloa to bid for the Pacifio Coaat aaral contracts aad trads witk the Alaska coal Helds. Mr.

BeJ11nr. whaa told of Mr. Vsa XClack's ststerneat, said It was wall knows ta aad around Waahlartoa that Mr. Plachot'a mot bar was bearlly Interested la tka Pocahontas Mtaa aad tkat tkat re tna hld tha nsTsJ coal eon tract tor the waraklpe and aery yars oa the I-s-etrte Coast, lie further etatad tkat be bailer tkaea eon tract a to ba one of the chief reeeoae for Mr. Pinch of a efforts to keep Alaaka cloaad.

as otherwlae the Pocahontas Mlae would not ba ta a poaU tloa to bid for tbaae aaral contract for at Waat tbr or four years, ar oata me Panama Canal was opod. Mr lialliner waa tfaatiy pleased orar Waa Mo (ton dupateb atattns tbat thre waa to aa Inquiry by a Houaa tommll. too Into th raatoraOoa to entry by "rl-dnt Taft of lands oa the ahore of Coa-l roller Bay. It baa bora fraaiy cnarxad that tha Moraa-lussnhlm syndicate kad praaaad for th ropatnc of thaa land aad waa trytns to fat paaaiaaion of lham is ordar to eatsbllah tarmiaala for a railroad that would bare a monopoly of traasportaUoa from vast coal Tha rona-rra Ion Ut a hara orarahot thatr mark thta ttma In caJUns tort rocorda aad corrapondnc In rasard to font rot lr Bay. aa thay will ahow that th app'tcatvoa for tha ratoratlo of tho Controller Bar land a waa approved by tba ror-try ITartmat and oppooad hr m.

aald Mr. Thia Inutrjr hraldd with much acUt wUl act aa a boomaraa on the Plackot supportore sn4 foUoaara." Me dralad th rarPt whne ta the Cab-mat of a ltte from Richard Raa, aa siwcad asat of th Moryaa-OuSn-hlm latara-at. porportlns to tU how Charlaa P. Taft bad mad rwptaeaalatkme which ratd Praaldnt Taft ta roopn th Cent roil Bay laada. Ha said If thr waa ok a lttr It had ba maau-fartarod.

II. undarvtaada that Mr. Kraa. laataad of rpraua the Morsaa-Ous-rntm aradlcat. baa haao worklnd about CentrtMlr May In tha tatarrata of an arndU-ata btt'arly oppoaad to thaa tntr.

ta. and that ba baa roportad to lr-bat. Utalr A Co. of Kw Toonr. pr4dnt of Ih Alaaka Otaamahtn Corapany an1 dlracttns hd ta th tsorthwrat aad Alaaka of all tb Morftaiuxtntirlm aatarprlaaa.

aald he walcotnad tha IrnulrT. and dclrd that for aar. at I -a at. th Alaaka erndlcata vauM hara ta bo rtadtoatod. lla aald Mr.

Ryan waa n-rae la tka mploy of th rretirata or aay mambara of It- Coc-troUr Ka aa a torrntnua for tha Coppr Rtr A hiorthwaatara Railroad bad bU rtron ay yoara aaa. aa a tboreush la-amaailoa akowad tkara was aa fcarbor there. DOT CD BY AMOS PINCM0T. Hss Ner Heard of Aay Family HaJdiars la Pocaha-Us Alias. Amoe XL E.

Plachot. brother of if ford Plachot. aald laat sJaTht tkat did not bojiaaa his brother, bis mothar. or any athar saambar of tha family ewaed a share of stack ta tka Pacahoatas Coal Company. Bo far aa know." be said.

aoae of a. AA aww antr af tta atock. aad thtah waold kaow tf aay af tka family sus. I aeeer aaara taat my k-tad aaa real laada ta Waat Vtrftala, sad doa't balUre she erer did. The anly tataraat aay af aa baa ta aay eoaj nu mm.

MMk warn tn a amaZl oatnpaay la Illinois, which has aothlas to aa with supptylac coal ta tba aary. iaa nwj awma ta bara baa made oat of whole cotk. and I woMid Vad te aaaxa wbre Mr. Vaa aUack sat kis luforma- a ip ax Vxirtharmom. It ta abaoletalyaatrwe that tka coaaraationiata are oppoaaa rains UP th Alaaka coal taa kaaat poaaihaa dalay.

We aa trytn fcard ta sat thara atvanad ap, and ba mak la avary affrt aooc the of i d.opawat. Wa ba aona: raal-taod tka ad af karlna thn ana ia yw. aaa a Uaaunc bill thruh. Th co4 fwlda ouaht to a aptd. aad we are ry aailmia thvt th.y abauld be.

OtfTord Piacac and hia tnptkr ware eat of th city laat.aiht aad could aat THE WAR MAKERS. Count Wltte wrote a reply to Gen. Kuropatkln's account of the secret causes of the Russo-Japanese war. The Russian Government suppressed It It will appear in Next SandAy's Times. DOCTOR REASSURES SHEPARD'S FRIENDS Lawyer Shows Signs of Improve ment at His Summer Home, Cut Recovery Will Be Slow.

CAMPAIGN A GREAT STRAIN Csndldsts Worked Too Herd In Sena tarts I ContosL His Brooklyn Acquaintances 8sy. 5rtaf la TU Srm Pars Tiaart. a a vv nrnnnr 1M July 9. Ed Hh.rva.rd-a condition IS SllShtly Improrad to-nlhL Dr. T.

Urania of rati, kla sttendlntr pkyslrlso. ar- rtred at Lake Oeorya lata this aftarnoon. aad wlU remala at the oh par a reaiarnco throughout the nlcht. The foUowlna" bulletin aaa tuuad at 10:41 tO-Blkht. Owlus to an overworked, tired out.

aad rua dowa condition, Mr. Shcpara Mit. which daralooed Into pleu risy, and tbst disturbed tha normal func tion of kla uis recoTery mi neceeaarUy ba very slow. His ooodltlon tim kaa baaa critical. At present he ntta comfortably, akin a nounao mant wall, and bis canaral conditions are allsktly lmprorad.

T. HKIllt. that Mr. CheDsrd lmprov a.immt nawe to bis friends la nnvnvi.n On of them saM last nisut tf, trhanard has Dasaad tnrousa liln.a than many of hla friends Imaclnad. sad the physicians ware possled by the symptoms tnat oereiopao.

tt thouaht that he had sntr.tvt nnaumoala- and there was araat anxfcrty ax praaaad. lla nas eui-f ered rom great narroua dapreeaion, and at times sank Into a coma, from which It was difficult to rouse him. It seeps vary doubtful that be will be strobe: anouffh to return to hla auaineea naw York blore I11n.a tata back mi r. duiwu, about three weeks, not lon sftr he had V. ri" hi.

IH, 111... a mtmv -wv-aw. condition waa ao alarming- al one Uma that Ijt. 1. A.

McCorkla of Brooklya waa caned in Prtmds of Mr. Bhepard expressed the blif laat night that the nerroua atrain Incraant to ma campiiiiu iwr L'nlted Statea boaator had much ta do wild mi niuna. 7 eufferad Xmm a earara attaca oi inm- anaa aw 1 ouaiaaaa tor a urn IV. J. KEENE REALLY A SICK MAN.

Now Frankly Admits Illness Crest Changs In His Appssrsncs. ar4ai Cable ta Taa Kaw Tosk Tlktsa LONDON. 'July a Complylnj- with my request mads several days sgo. James XL about whoee health thera have been alarmlny; reports for aomo tlma. rranted ma a brief lnter- Tlew to-day at the Carlton Hotel, where be Is staylna under the name of J.

XL Kee, Th rhaatra tn his sppesrsnoa was stsrtlinr. corroboratlnr. without a doubt, tha report that ha Is a very sick man. a fact which Mr. Keene frankly admlttrl.

He hss lost weltht considerably, being-, one would imagine, not mnr than 120 Bounds. Ills face la very thin, without a veatlgs or coior, aa- thouarh his mind Is as active as ever. -1 came here from Italy ten days sgo," said Mr. Keene. and have had a cratty bad time during- the last si months, but I think I was a littls better until a dsy or two sgo.

when I caugnt cold and rot a touch of rheumatism. But that Is not the real cause or my Illness. It Is continued air. Keene. pointing to his stomach.

Then ha added: know Tm a Tory sicx man--Asked about bis plans. Mr. Keene said that he was rotor to sea his doctor to-morrow, and hoped to ro to Xlarro-rate fox a few weeks and sea what thst would do for him. mt -tat feail time of It t. aalt rrimlr ddlnS.

BUt k-Mt Tw nrf.rut ma much dUTlnr IBS Ust few year that I have forgotten hat rood haaita reeia uaa. Are you plaanlnr to return to 'Amer ica?" -1 hope to ro back ne ma-wrred. iWuii tha latest air. news from America, but declined to expreaa any opinions oa current topics, earing thst he wss more or less out of touch with tbs situation. GIVES DANCE TO EMPLOYES.

Mra. Frank Denforth Cslobrstss Suc- cssslon to Fortune of 0000. Sfl Th A'aw Park r-waa. BTiumRT) Conn- July a Mra. Prank Xaaforth.

wha was Miss Laoala Ales- dantktar af the late J. doeepa Ataaandra. waa 21 years aid on July aad oa that data came Into poeeeaeloa of share of bar aetata, a nai- aha colled together tha employea of her oiner a tna ax mmrm. lOia inrm to nwa i.vii. rrlenoa Accordingly, laat atght th barn at Nir vana waa io Knit young man aad young woman, friends aaa acquaintance of tha employ.

iir. aad Mra. Ian forth and a Partv of fuata tncludlna Mia CoraeUa Aior iVT and Mra. Oordoa Wlllard Mr and Mra. Thomee Curt la.

Maarrt WUlard and Ida of N.w Tork. and -7 dro. a brother of Mra. Iaaforth, wit a Mra. raaforths mother.

aprard early and remained, acme of tbrm. until the affair nded at 8 a ZJJi' nd took part tn tha danctna. M'chJ MuIUa. for thlrt y-f rearalatka employ of Mra. Alasaadr.

was master at caxamool. arvaa tk aitry CATCH BOY SLAYER, THEPOUCB THINK Arrest Youth Who Fled When Girl Fell In the Bronx with Bullet in Her Side. HER WOUND NOT SERIOUS Cut Boy Who Wss Shot by Anothsr on July 4 Is Ossd Police Suspect Prisoner of This Crime. A boy who said he waa IT year old. but who looks more like 13k was locked up la the orris la Police StsUon yeeterday afternoon charged with having shot fit-teen-year-old Madeline Frit a of 071 Eleventh Avenue.

The police declare that he exactly fits the daacrlptlon of a boy who oa July 4 deliberately aimed at eleven-year-old Joeeph Keating of 875 Bobbins Avenue, the Bronx, end shot the child through the left lung. The Keating boy died In a few minutes. Xetactlvea went to the homes of several a mall witnesses of the Keating boy's mur der, but tho youngstere were all eut last nlsht with their families. Word waa left st each house, however, end the police expect thst several boys will be on hand this morning to Identify the young prisoner as the slsyer of the Keating boy. The shooting of Madeline Frits, which the youthful prisoner denies having com mitted, apparently waa done for eio reason other thaa tha desire of the marksman to shoot at something.

Madeline was visiting yesterday her friend. Jessie McDonald, about her own age, who moved recently from the neigh borhood of Madeline's home to 771 St. Ann's Avenue, the Bronx. Shortly before 6 o'clock Mrs. Helen McDonald, Jessls's mother, took the children to a nearby etore for aome Ice and they were returning along German Place when near Brook Avenue tho reports of five pistol anote sounded cloae st hand.

With a cry Madeline dropped to tha aMewslk. hei hsnd pressed agalnat her right side. Across the etraet two boya tarted to run. Mrs. McDonald knelt be- side Madeline, who was In hysterica and found two bullet holes through her aklrts and a third one In tha a-slat of her dress.

The woman was rtpplna; tha walat from tha child when Detectives Quick. Schoe-rlg. and Sullivan of tha Morrlaanla Police Station ran up. having heard tha thota. The boys aero a block awsy sUU running.

That big boy fired tha shots." cried Jess! to the detectives, snd ehouttnc to a policeman who rem up then te call an ambulance, the detectives put out after the boya, whom Jrsria had pointed out. Tha lad ran through Street to St. Ann'a Avenue and thera turned south to lvtth Street, throurh which ho turned to Third Avenue. Thera tha detectives caught him. half a mile the scsns of tha thnnhns s'irrr-done "hcthtrir'.

T'cTdn't shoot." muttered the boy as tha detec tive granoeo mm. They led him back to where Dr. Benja min of Iebanon Hosnltal aas bendlns over Madeline. Jeaele instantly Identified Mru aa the boy the had eeen wttk tna revolver. Madeline eouldn tell wbo bad ebot her.

She waa not badly hurt, how ever, aa a corset steel had deflected the only bullet which struck her and she had cniy a tiean wound. Dr. Benjamin said that the child waa In more danger from a hook to her nerve than from the wound, and aha was taken to Mrs. Mruonaid i noma, wnera ner clothe ware removed and taken to the Mcrrlstnia Station House, where they will ba kept, th bullet holea betna considered by the COl'ice necessary evidence of the anroting. Th boy.

whom tha detectives captured. was locked tip. lie aald he waa Peter Vlckof 41 Eaet Street. According to tha police ha waa committed to tha Cat hollo Protectory aftar ha had atolen a bicvcie aome montha ago. and waa liberated only recently.

lha shooting of tha Keating boy which young Wick denies also has kept the police busy aver a I no, though with no aucceaa Young Keating with several email compaiorts wss playing on a pile -of rocks back or ma noma wnen tne two larger bova came along and one of them fired. The bullet passed through tha little felljw'a left lung, lie fell over, but Instantly regained his feet and ran to hla home, where ha fell dead on the steps aa his mother opened the door to admit htm. Hla aseallant and the tatter's companion ran snd eacsped before a policeman ar rived, since -tnen a ecore or aeieciive have be-n searching; tha Bronx, and for hours each dav they have kept young friends who aaw tha caclne; the streets in th neighborhood of hla home in the nop or tneir catcnina; slant of th boy who snot mm. it is the youngsters who, the police hope, will Identity th Wick boy this morning. FORTUNE FOR TIMELY AID.

Istsra Who Inherltsd It Now Ossd, It Goes to Charity. Jrif I TU h'rm Par Ttawa BOSTON. July Tbs death of Miss Atiisa TJntmtt of 20 Cushlna Avenue has created Interest as to tba disposition of the fortune left to her and her elster br Jaaenh IL Chad wick, who was known ss the Lead King" la Boston buslneas ctrclea. By tba death of her sister about rear sso MUi Llnscott became the sole poeseaaor of the fortune Charity gets the bulk of her estate. The bequest by Mr.

Chadwtck or tne n. a Invantorled at T.l r-M )s v. came aa the grateful return of laanciai aid wnicn in unai-un -iad alven him aome year before at a time when buatnese deala had leri mm a a tight corner. According to tna iory IVIQ aa vitro ivis MUS Alice Lioscott aided him with a 1 i.kli.11 Vi .1 uval hw yeara of labor. and her slalar.

who bad worked In Mr. Chadwlcka family aa a seamstress, loaned a Ilka amount. When fortune smiled upon him aad his bank account grew by leaps and bounds Mr Chadwick did not forget th sister. They became members of his household in Cusbing Avenue. XJnscott sister attended to tha household affairs and directed tha work of the staff of a err an is, aad since 1V32.

when Mr. Chadwick died, tkay coaunuea to live there. NEWPORT MILK SHORTAGE. Thrsstonsd Shortege Will DIscoursgs Drinks with Milk In Them. SfteUt TU JVrw Per ri-t.

vr-TPORT. July a The stsward of aa af ttu. moat axclustvs dabs here says that even bis millionaire customers will probably feel the pinck oi tne mux wa. bow Imminent nera. nf M.ur thera won't be aay trouble about the babies." said ba la tba first place, there are not many, and what few r.

ihd, mnir fnm th intra special laboratorlea But when It comes aula rune n. nu a v.w nf tl via and I Ann ut in. t-itht, believe our coatomer will be wllhng to fne price we anau a.w vMa urh drlrlca." for Another difficulty which threatena Ivlv. due to scanty rainfall thla Spring. i -hlfh la pltv r.

11 1 iui a. v. SPOnsiDi iwr drought ha limited th hay crops and auSfiiaa rati GOY. WILSON GOT FULL PAY. Ackermsn Turned Over to Him Cheeks for Tims Covsring Westerft Trip.

TRENTON, "tf. July 0. It baa Juat become known bare that President of the Senate Ackermsn has turned over to Gov. Wllaon tba checks be received from the State Controller's department for services as Acting Senator Ackermsn followed the precedent established by President Johnson of the Senate la 1000. who received the Governor's pay while Gov.

Voorheea waa tn Europe, but turned the check over to the Executive upon bis return. Although the Controller's department officially -docked" Gov. Wllaon for the period he was out of tha State on his Western trip. 8enator Ackerman's act Klvea him payment in full. Former Assemblyman Carlton B.

Pierce of Union County has announced his determination to ba- a candidate for "the Republican 'nomination for State Senstor In that county thla Fall. Mr. Pierce desires to succeed Mr. Ackerman, who has already aerved two terms. There are two aspirants for the Democratlo nomination Assemblyman Brodhesd and City Clerk Manning of Elisabeth.

FIRE KILLS 263 HORSES. Transfer Stables in Chlcsgo Burned, with $500,000 Damage. CHICAGO. July early to-dsy destroyed the stables of the Arthur W. Dixon Transfer Company, burned 203 horses to death, and caused damage.

The cause of tho fire Is unknown. Three hundred and fifty draught horses, valued at S2S0 apiece, were quartered la the four-story atsbls when ths firs started. Firemen rescued nearly. 100 of them before the roof and walls crashed to the" basement. Scoree of firemen narrowly escaped death when tha roof caved The etsblae were within five blocks of tha downtown buainesa quarter.

Fire thla afternoon destroyed the furniture warehouse of W. Reeble 4t rot hers, causing $100,000 damage. MAY FOR MATTEAWAN POST. Physlclsn Has Been Assistant Super intendent at Blnghamton. Sftcial'f TU Htw York Ttawa BINGHAMTON.

July Dr. James V. Msy, first assistant superintendent of th Binghsmton State Hospital, It Is announced, will be appointed superintendent of the Mstteswsn Hospital for ths Criminal Insane. Dr. May has for the past yaar been second in charge of the Bing bamton institution.

A Stats civil service examination wss ordered and yesterday Dr. Msy took ths ten. being the only candidate appearing before the Commissioner here. THIRD RAIL KILLS WOMAN. Falls on It While Walking Along ths Tracks with Her Son.

Suciai is TU A'rw York TUmZ MAT LANDING. N. July 8. Mary Naples. CO years old, of McKee City, wife of Antonio Naples, a prosperous fsrmer.

wss killed, on the third rail near here thla- morn Lag. With her son shs waa wslklnr along- the railroad tracks, when sbs stumbled and tell across tba rail and wss dead before she could be ra- leared. Section men were dispatched to the scene and removed the body, which was terribly burned. TAFT IN 1912, SAYS BISHOP. Democrats Will Choose Harmon, ths Rt.

Rev. J. L. Spalding Thinks. The Right Rev.

John Lancaster Spald ing, retired Roman Cathollo of Toria -who arrived at the Hotel Manhattan yesterday, said that President f. w.a main atrana-nr a mftn the people of the Weat every day, and. In bis opinion, would do rt-tucicu ini. if by any chance there should be a Democratlo President." predicted the Bishop, it will ba Harmon. Wood row Wilson la purely snd simply a oollege pro fessor." $3,000,000 PAID IN GOLD.

Shipped from England to Msmphls for Cotton Land Purchase. Sprciat lo TU New York Timtt. MEMPHI8, July What Is believed, to be a new record In Southern financial circles hss been established with the departure to-day of E. R. Lamb after successfully supervising all details in ths transfer of $3,000,000 In gold from England to a Memphis bank.

The gold was paid over to Mississippi planter for cotton land In Bolivar and Washington Counties. Ths option called for payment to be made In gold, and the Engllah syndicate which purchased the acresge shipped every dollar serosa the ocean by way of Liverpool ana new xora iw mtmpuu. An-ni mardj accompanied the money from New York. Mr. Lamb aald be felt much relieved aiier tne money ws aci-ty placed in the local vaults of the National Bank of Commerce.

Tha police profess to believe that tha recent hold-up nf th Illinois Central fast mail almost In the heart of the wholesale district here was attempted by men wno tnougnt taa En lis a gold was board. STEAMER ASHORE IN A FOG. 34 Passsngers Taken Off tha Ker shaw, Stuck Near Caps Cod. Sftciti to TU Krm York Tim. BOSTON, July 8.

A fleet of to wbo a ts snd lighters frora Boston ara hovering to-ntarht around the Iron steamer Kershaw of ths Merchant A Miners' Line, which la firmly stuck In ths sand of Shovelful Rib. off Cape- Cod. The steamer, laden with freight and passengers, left Boston laat night for Baltimore, end early to-day struck Shovelful while going at a rood rate of speed. For a time the engines ware run reversed st top speed In aa attempt to back off. Tba crew and thirty-four passengere took to ths boats snd reached land safely.

Unsuccessful efforts were made at full tide by tha tow boat George's Creek to pull her off. To-night much of the freight aboard tha Kershaw waa takes off by tba lighter, and It is hoped before morning to haul her off tha treacherous Rib, which is off Monorooy Point. The bis iron craft went ashore In a denaa fog. Capt. Johnson immediately aent a wireleaa for help.

The tug Tasco and one lighter arrived from-Woods Hole early In tha afternoon with a crew of wreckers from Chatham. The cargo was mostly shoes and other mere nan drae. According to Capt. Joeeph Kelley af the Monomoy Point Life Saving Station, tha vaaaal la no danger aa long aa the weather remains calm. The Kershaw Is a freight snd pasaengr boat, Z74 feet long aad 42 ieet wtoe, ouui in iw at Wilmington.

Del. Her home port is Baltimore. TralH to the Celaras K-lrta Chicago and Bt. lxala. morntns; aas avaolnr.

vl Rock isiaaa LJaa- ivu-j MaantaJa I.lnut.a. ruer." Ttoketa, Breedway Ada. I lTArrnnnTTfl tiTTTTT 1 1TD BUT ITWOirT LAST. Comfortably Cool Weather Most of This Week, the Fore- caster Promises. ONLY ONE DEATH REPORTED Anothsr Victim SsturdayV List Street Thsrmometsra Pass tha Official Record cf 9S.

Another warm wsve swept serosa tha country yeaterdsy on tha south aat breeze, but It waa not of the lntenalty of last week's spell, sad there Is a promlss of early relief, probably to-day, and certainly to-morrow. Tha weather man pre-, diets comparatively cool weather for most of the weak. Tha hlgneet temperature recorded by the Weather Bureau yesterdsy was 84 degrees st 3 P. M. Ths humidity flue-, tusted between CO and 83 per cent, and contributed much to tha discomfort ot tha day.

What little relief there was cams from the southwest braes, which traveled serosa the city at a six-mil gait. Increasing In force as darkness came. Ia the evening it shifted to the west snd Increased to 19 knots. The temperature record on the etreet told quite, another story from thst of the Westher Bureau. The following Is a record' of temperature readings of tha thermometer at ths entranee to the Tlmre Building: A.

at; lo A. A. 84; II A. 82; 12 JO to P. 80; P.

90. John Flanagan, an employe of the Street Cleaning" Department, wss overcome at home. Eighth Avenue, and died before the arrival of a doctor. Celestia Mllhet of 142 West Thirty-first Street, who ass overcome by the heat on Saturday, sfternoon at the corner of Fltth Avenue and Twenty-seventh Street, died yesterdsy In Bellevue Hospital. Peter Murphy, a 63-year-old watchman In ths building 77 Mercer Street, wss found dead In the building early yea-terday morning.

The man's skull was fractured. It is believed he wss overcome by the heat while making his rounds, and fell. While suffering from beat Robert Crooks, an actor, living at 440 Third Avenue, took a small quantity of strychnine by mistake yesterday afternoon. is In Helievue Hospital and will recover. Thera were 15 caaea ot heat prostration reported during the dsy In Man ha tan.

4 in Brooklyn, aad 1 on Staten Island. Ths heat drove thousands out of town. The axodua began early in the day. Every train going to Coney Ialand by noon waa comfortably filled, and by o'clock the trains running to the raaeit bad- hardly standing room. There comes a wall from Btaten Island.

Only 60,000 persons visited South and Midland Beaches, and thia la aald to be due to the fact that aa many apent their money oa the Yurtb- BBaShamaanaaSaaaaw so INSANE FROM HEAT. Thst Number Under In Washington Asylum Hospital. WASHINGTON, July V-Drlven insane by the intense beat af the past week, fifty rv-ranna. twenty of them women, are be ing held In the Washing-ton Asylnm Hospi tal for observation. Dr.

JX Percy Hicsuing. chief consulting physician at tha hospital. rnnuMi the belief that most of tns patients will recover. rm. ...11.

1 nM faV 114 XII. UlilLHW degreee, although in the downtown streets trermorreters regiarerea a refreshing breese. however, there were no proatralions and little goffering. Boston Tsmpsrsture Again High. BOSTON.

July After, two days of mui.n. Summar weather the tempera ture tumped uncomfortably high again to-dsy. At 4 o'clock this afternoon tne official thermometer at the Weather aa IUB.U ll o'clock to-alght the mercury had dropped to 83. Fortunately tne pumiun alightly above the normal Three Heat Death In Baltimore. niTTturmE.

July 9. Another hot wave descended on this city to-day. caue-inr three deaths snd several prostra- i Lriftn t.inMtntura of 80 degrees was registered at 6 P. M- Western Drought Is Broken. CITT.

July up a six weeks drought, a rain of from a quarter to three-quarters of an Inch fell throughout the Southwest to-dsy. Prospects are rood for heavier rains. In Okie, fioma the" preclpltellon ta Parts of the State was from one to four inches, im Missouri Tthe i rainfall wss slight Good rains fell over Northern Nebraska aad Southern South Dakota also. Hot Again In Phliadslphla. crrTT AnTTT PlITA.

July With a max imum temperature of 00 degrees aad a death Hat of nine, the hot spell, which showed signs of breaking yesterdsy, con- tlnued here to-dsy with renewed severity. To-day's maximum wss 5 degrees greater than veaterday. while st 8 o'clock to- night tha mercury siooo e. fa xo higher than at ths same hour Ust night. i BAD FOREST FIRES IN MAINE.

Hundreds of Men Vainly Fight to Prevent Spread of Flames. KTNEO. July hundred men are engaged to-nirht In flghfinr one of the worst forest fires that Mains has aver known. It has already burned over an area seven. miles lonr hi Enchanted Township, causinr a load estimated at $125,000, and there Is aa present prospect of stopping tt.

Men ara being drafted from other townships to assist la the Wlakthe Frenchtewa rtet bB burning several davs In spite oT th of three hundred man to control another aVrioua firs te burnta Lobster Mouatain. MISS WORKMAN WEDS. Explorefi Daughter Marries Sir Als ander McRobert of Cawnpora, India. a -Tha marrUs ts Just announced of Sir Alexander McKotart. manager and director of the Cawopore wcaien Mills Company of Ca ampere.

Jl.L -d Mlae Rachel Workiaaa, n.nrhiM- of Dr. W. M. Hunter Workmen, ths noted, explorer, ana m. lock Workman, the ounta In cl 1 bcrof Worcester.

Mass. The maniage took Disc at Tork a July 7. vrnnKart received hid knlxhthood in 1910. Before solng to Cawnpor. ISM, ha was a lecturer at dent of the Upper India Chamber of Conw 1 a ialvi aaa izii aXAXirrA-JVSa eaaapaa.

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