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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 2

New York, New York
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THE NEW YORK TDIES. TUESDAY. JANUARY 20. 1920. number row regard olVr members of the "r' t-r.

tenant task. rnedais Naval Conwduees to th VLr? vr has lout -nurh of ls importance mnt so that Admiral Uenaon might ex- rt! Mm. na ma-i. ni Democratic Navy we daMr.g to meet th "tortn menace, n.i a wnw up vara hrina used. i 13 lata u' ou.v 7 tie ilr.

Daniels recalled tht Mr. Tn Democrat rs It a easwntlal, thr say. that A4iuiral Duns's Stat he refuted 11 cromDlIr a I ii 1 sr u.l the wxintry wnu, ippwri by the retained to tne Capitol they fndlcaied. unu of tbaiu in speeche. their satis faction with Admiral Iwnsoc'a arrange- kur witboit undue cetay 7 how mwh grourxl Admiral Sims I 1 for complaint.

nd whs tsf oolltioi l.i Navy Department ar. It It'.T. rornmSttee. member MT. that Secretary Daniel will be rnmiUed tv to taka th stand esrJy.

may hav tar wait, boa I Adrdral S'ros baa b-n questioned a! further, so that com-j fct tatTrnt. if ha ha rthlrig add to what tea haa Lral aahi. Ona of ftrst ciat trr mnttm Intt In tha general tnvaaUiatjon protabir tn of lha lirr.tHy of tha lroT In taa ajr vno, Kfotdirrj to tlima. fra him rtfcl Irrrwtlona Juat bfor he aailtvl in MarcA. 1H7.

ta tha effact 1 -t It iu to th Itriiish poll the wv4 tvr hl ajrca. and not to puil tba'r rhBit out, of th h-atia vnull aa aooo flcht limUh aa ha Uffinux." hcratarr Unlrlia dtjtal that ha cava ry men tnatrwrtlotta In the havla cf hator rar- OiainnaB cf th h'Tl AfJalra Cjnmltta. lata TalU at TarU Baaara. Ha mi4 that Ka had the rrateat con-fiien In AlrrlraJ Hnao'a plana, that tha paopla had rraat rontliirar In tna Admiral hav1Un of tha aitoatioa and th U)1 naral leir 'ra al hi- In tfctjr prai of lh work Com by BTsaow. J(ra llrrvra cut of said tary liaMiela.

erarythln that Admiral hima wel for wu irfl aw It waa rot alwar to aend airerj aked for. Many tlmaa tha offVra re-cueavad wara dir important yorK cr och a charaxrtrr Ct they could sot rratary IOAlala laaarrUw. Tier a MtxtTphlc of tha Karretarr DanlrU atv to tha navxpaper corrpondenU thla moraiai: Preea Hara yoa ur Me when you -m w-H ik iatM Commltteat oecretary-No. I underttand tha full commute meet thia committee. Tb took the question of awaroa and madala.

anl now near ahipa were built- All dvirtoir th war wa did eyerythir in a at rain and we dkl a ob that tha American people am oT. t. Britain and Italy lat oot only the Admfrala. but tha iradmt and the ruler. aU aaW they never couiA tor.

Crt what the. American tha war. 1 am proud 4 Id all wa eouid. bat neirer at aay time, ot courae. did wa 00 ail wvwwiwo I abodld hara U)cl to haT bad many mora deatrorera and other crafL rav order to build dea troy era.

and put avaryoooy w. It belp to expedite them, aad tha work! waa aatorKr.ed at tha tremendo-ic nder-taklnr- ThT ald we could not carry oat th unprecedented bulldlne pro-cram aJ opted. it mnwodoiii andertaalnr- had all craft built and re- ImminJr.iriir iv'it'i aeaaion ofi 1 ii. reaA hla letter on the iiflnni ok ma MMnmltt. A.mlrt Pima rU4 further UaUryeoncera-j by.nd ZVLl Jn Wa told th aubcornroittea 1 tM committee.

I hare aent a. letter to that farored tha afcolitlon or aa 8flator Taa. 1 wouia i v. anything In tha worm awaroa. imi any wa J-ait about na.val opera Uona or alvea they ahouU be dl.tributed I AioVT There Un any- rartnaiy -that tT.ey would be highly thinr about thia Nary Department, riie-i, but to limit their distribution, Btxut any awarde that have been ap-1.

adJeJ. wouM raise another fine que, proved, or any order that hare been 1-t'on, cauelnc Jealoualea and crltlcim. 4e, or any action taken Indeed, there Tha beat tiunf to do. therefore, tha Ad-j la nothinc that wa hav that lin open mJral declared, would be ta do aey Ught 0f iay. Our record la one with tntn airocrtner.

1 that wa are eery proua 01. ana Admirai fcima wae apparmtiy a aretloua mood, for ha kept the commit' tea and apeetatore laughmx durlcf a cood rrt of Lha liearinc Htfprrinr- to tha t-rrralre of tha ru.itom-of awardlnf tnedul In European raval and military aatsbllahmenia, Ad-tmrml Sunt aaid that you have to move faat oer there to keep then from anrlnr vt thoae thinira on you." Ji aaid that an offlrer who tried to wear all the dooraUon be rot In liurope would" ahow a heavy llat to trbord from the weisht. ienata aakad Admiral Slma what rordai reoJved In Kuropa for hla war awfTlc. After consultation with hi allj annoufwed: rot tha O. C.

M. Xlhat la thatr Afr fuHher ronrultOon. he replied: am wiiiMiwt'l, 1 would be telearaDnea ail over ino "Tha UrandCroaa of Michael and PoX abroad mlht (aln pt oorfe. La. wrork linpreaalon.

and it would bo V-bat othr decoratkmar waa jyked. rtVme toVtate promptly what In- The Oroe cf tha Iaion of Honor mnd the Ordei" of the Kiaiua Ken." Any-otharar I lve an entrapment thia afternoon to ret the Cordon of the Order of Lec-Jcli at the iletylan LetaUon. 'Twptiaalxea the Fag ley Cat. Admiral Stma kept hammerlnc on the Stanley caaa throurhout the aeaston at the moat conspicuous instance of Secretary Danlela'a allered favoritism. Admiral Elms told the eocnmJttee that even XUrley himself did riot want a dlntJn- Kuu-hrd aervice medal, but asked only tie same recornlUon riven to other offi-tera in similar circumstances.

To accommodate Barley, the Admiral testified. Secretary Lanirls wiiel out centtiry-okl traditions of he navy and lld down- a wholly new polH-y for honor- Inr offh-er who failed in their mission and Itiet their ships. Secretary Lanlls l-ld trst, owing to the changed cundi-t'ona of modern warfare, off lews sitould r.ot be held Btrletly accountable for the loss of their ships and should be Judred by their conduct under trying eircum-atajwee. All this Was contained In a letter wrltfrra some days ago by tha Secretary to Sentaor I'are. Chalmian of the Senate Naval Affaire Committee.

If the sentiment expressed by the Secretary In that letter be maintained." said Admiral Stma. they would soon xndermine the efficiency of any military force in the world." TrammeO Reaeais glass's A It Made. Scnafof Trammell cf Florida, a Democrat, took the Admiral sharply to task ivr his attitude toward the committee. He eeems be constantly reflecting upon the committee," Senator Trammell complained. He appeara to hold the committee in contempt.

I resent hla befitting the committee. 1 will not atand for Uuult after Insult being heaped upon the committee without resenting ic Other members may, bu 1 won't." Senator Hale came to the Admiral's asked Senator Trammell to name specific Instances when the Admiral had insulted the committee. rinator Trammell replied that it was dot a case of speciflo instances but of demeanor. "l'erhapa I have been testy." admitted Admiral Sims. "If I have been.

I'm sorry. I did not mean to reflect the committee." Admiral May former commander of the Atlantic Fleet, will be a witness tomorrow. Sim Vader May aad Beaeee. It waa Quite apparent from the attitude of Secretary Daniels at two confer- encea with the newspaper correspondents -th Is" morning; and again thia afternoonthat welcomed an Inrestlgation Into tha aUr gallons made by Admiral films. Mr.

tanKts talked freely In hla two tervtcwa. He explained the relation of dmiral Mms, during the war. to the wnole naval rr.srh.lne. Admiral Sims. ha said, waa on shore duty aa commait- ler of tha American naval foroea In Krest.

directed naval ooAratlona In rwcb waters, while Admiral Ntblack fllmned operations in the Kediterra-bean. Admiral Sims, "Wilson, and Klblacw. ha explained, were all under Admiral Msyo. who waa the ranking American raval officer on the hlrh seaa during tHe war. Admiral Mayo waa not commander of the Atlantic fleet, but of the whole United States fleet.

There was Juat one American officer who outranked Admiral Mayo during the war. and that was Admiral Pennon, who, aa chief of raral operations, waa above every other offWr and reeponsible to tha Secretary of the Navy and to tha President for naval policy and conduct. Secretary Panicle waa asked whether navai utounai wnion nad in mind fir making an investigation would be trw uoard of the Nary, to wnKn the Mnu letter has already been referred. Tie replied fn the negative, that that board waa merely studying whal Admiral Sima bad to say about the lessons of the Ne Tkeagkt of radahUg Admiral. He waa also asked whether the General Board, as a result of its consider ation of the Sims crttlciwna.

would hare the power t9 recommend that Admiral Sims be disciplined. Secretary Daniels replied In the negative to this also, say ing tnat he had no eucn Kir a in mind he asked tha -General Board to consider the matter. Commenting on Admiral Blms a ail the more people In America, know what wa did in the -world War the prouder thev will be of tha record or tneir navy. lTeaa Thi letter assumes, air. Secretary, that Admiral blme ia referring to you about the ordera with reference to Great Britain.

herretary I never assumed anything r.t ih. Tha letter touched upon things that rr.ight be Internationally diacuaed. and a friend of mine, locking at question from a diplomatic atand-potnt. aaid that Inasmuch aa I might not be called before the committee In the it few dava. he thoucht It would be well for me to make the statement hich contained In the letter to t-naar-m t'mmm I never assumed that any body suppos-d 1 had made any suUi utinmiit nut mis rriena inouxni it would be telegraphed all over the I W4aifnV me to state promptly si ructions I bad given tlear Aominu it-tt la yenr annarent from what Admiral Hlroa aaid that he was referring to some conversation and in that he In- ternreted Secretary (interposing) All know about it la what I have Just said.

Tells af Caatlealag Blase. press Tou said In your letter that you had spoken about hla reprimand by President Taft. Secretary Tea. My letter to Senator Page states that fully. This conversa Hon waa the last part of March.

had broken off matlona with Germany We had not declared war. but It seemed imminent. We had begun to arm our merchant ships. Our Ambassador to Great Britain wrote to me that he thought the nary ought to have a man In Great Britain with the rank of Rear Admiral, who would keep in close toucn with the submarine sinkings and etudy naval conditions. It was decided to send Itear Admiral 5Tms, and he went over on thia confidential mission.

He waa cautioned by me that we were neutral. and he should not do or say any thin that might commit thia country until the President and Cong reus should de clare the policy of the I nlted States, ITess Was there anything said about being ready to fight Great Britain? Secretary Vou have read my letter to Senator 1'age. It means exactly what it. says. Press TVhen Rear Admiral Sims went over, waa It understood that he waa to be commander In chief? Secretary No.

Let'a get that straight near Admiral sinu was never com man der In chief. Ilia dutlea were ashore, Admiral Mayo was commander in chief of the Atlantic Fleet throughout the war. This Includes ships on this side of the Atlantic aa well as those over seas. Of course Admiral Benson, aa chief of operations. wss the ranklna- naval officer In charge of operations at home and abroad.

Press The in chief doesn't belong merer Secretary No. Rear Admiral Sims waa In June or July given the title of commander of the United States Naval orcea operating tn European waters. but as a matter of fart his dutlea were not afloat. The business of Rear Ad mlrai hlnu waa to obey orders. His duties were to make recommendations, give ua all the Information, and all the facta, and then carry out Instructions from the department.

The country and the world know already that the Job of the navy was very wall don Whether on the 27th of June or the 27th of July, or some particular date, we ahould or should not have sent so many deetroyers to certain places, or whether they could be made ready at that time, or whether It waa Important to retain some to protect our coasts, were, of course, matters of naval strategy. There may be differences of opinion between naval officers as to these matters, but there la nothing about thia big Job the nary did that I am not only willing but glad and happy for aU the In imnpl. vnA Zltir IT? yard. Id in pnn smpouuaing plants did a tremendously fine work. They pressed work dsy and night.

In 181S we secured the three-year naval programme, the first great programme looking to a strong navy ever 1 inn af war. These thinga are all matlera of record. The more people know about the aavy the more they will take off their hau .1 "It waa a e-reat TOO. Press: In otber woras. 11 ui tha navy a big adrertleemeiiiT Prea: iild you see the extract from General Wool's speech? Secretary: Tea.

1 aaw ice hl efieech. 1 tnlnlr aaia Pl a floating death trap tor tne personnel? Secretary: I haven't anything to say about General Wood'a apeech. I have nothing to say about bis reroarke. If anybody wants to put hlra en oath and let him tell what he knowa about thj navy, he might be called before the committee and he can explain hie expert knowledge. I Invite the closest scrutiny of every, tvinr we diit.

rtrr movement, every' thing, with the perfect confidence that the Navy Department her waa on its toes, and ao waa every ravy iwg, every plant that could build or repair a ship. Private yaehui were secured and fixed tip as rapidly as possible ao they could be uaed in the submarine ama. I gave ordere early In February that nobody ahould be allowed to go Into a niiv vard. and directed- all navy yard personnel to press the work to the limit. There Isn't a man in America who had even a little shlD that we thought roiua be of value that we didn't secure where possible, and most of them gladly coop erated.

I have thought acme men in congress might say that the Navy ought not to have bought and taken over some yscni not built for such work, and aent them over to hunt submarines. We did buy a tot of them, and some coat larre sums, but I secured as promptly as possible everything that could be of any service. We did not take the yachts obtained from Mr. Gerry. Mr.

Morgan, or Mr. Vanderbilt and others and aena uieia over for flrhtlne until they were con verted Into fighting craft, which took time. We did not send ail our old de stroyers at once. We had onPy about rirty-rive deatroyera. First Aim Was to Ceavey Trees The primary thing I looked after In this war waa to convoy safely the sol dlers that we sent to Europe.

Hunting submarines was another great Job. These and the great barrage were the outstanding accomplishments of the navy. There was some airrerence or opinion about the number of destroyera that should be sent to convoy our soldiers, and whether it was more important to retain a number In the aubmarine hunt. I cabled that there was no question about what was the paramount duty of the navy. It was the protection of our troops.

It has been said that the British con voyed most of our troops. We took by the navy have been used tor moat vue anil nameleas practices In order to en trap Innocent men. The committee took up telegrams sent to Senstor Lxdge and other members by Mr. charging Immoral con ditions la the navy. ir.

itatnom alleged that there waa a dlvlskm cf naval Intelligence, created and maintained for th epeclflc purpoa of using naval ea-ruta to "entrap Innocent men." and. that as a result of the practices resorted to the morale of the Navy department la being rapidly destroyed. He added titat the entire blame for this situation atunda at the door of Mr. Uantela. and nowhere elae." an4 that we nave ampin evidence la proof of thee assertions." It was also charged that a number of reung men in the naval sen ice.

entirely innocent of any crime or misdemeanor, held aa Drisonera In Ntamort since April. Ills, sunovi mil, aiwrr crcry rnwn te brlna them to trial had been thrwart ri. by Mr. Daniels, are SOU awaiting release: that other young men. dragged ovt of hospitals In serious physical con dition; have been compelled, after hours of the third degree, to perjure themselves In order to convict Innocent men tkat the morale of the Navy Department on Mr.

iUthom chain r. trat the entire blame for thia situation stands al the door of Mr. Daniels, and nobody else: that Ur. Daniels has per scnally attempted to rover wun iniamy the nam a of Innocent men who hav sought to expos the acta of his subordinates. We hare ample evidence In proof of tJiese assertions." continued the Kathom tnlcgram.

and keenly deatre. for tna honor of the navy and the protection of Its personnel, these facts should at once be investigated py a committee of CongreM, armed with full powers to sscertain the truth. Secretary Daniels declined to eom nient on Mr. Rathom'a charges, aaylng fiat he did not desire to make a state ment on them until ne waa more ia miliar with them. Aaslstant Secretary Roosevelt, who was said by Mr.

Daniels to more ao- us in ted with the matter, aaid that the special Board of Inquiry appointed by the Judge Advocate General of the navy two weeka ago had lull authority to Investigate the methods employed by raval intelligence? officer In securing trldence against persons "Under suspi cion of moral delinquency and to in culre Into all Judicial procedure of the avy at Newport While cnara-es or lm-tirhoer methods of obtaining evidence In Mien caaes nave peen in tna nana 01 the Navy Department for two montha Mr. Kooaevelt said, the department naa withheld actiwn upon them until the cases of several civilians brought to trial upon evidence furnished by the 1 1 ...1 navy, including me nev. amuei Kent of Newoort. were disposed of In the Federal court, The- Board of In- lulry. the Assistant Secretary aaid.

aould proceed with Ha Investigation with full power to subpoena witnesses and get at all tne Tacts. LIAKE TREATY ISSUE, J0H11S0H DEIJA1IDS California Senator Declares Re- publican Majority Should Sub mit Whole Question to People. 1 Sprcial to Tie Stv Tort Ti. PROVIDENCE. Jan.

Bishop James De Wolf of the Protestan Episcopal dlorcee of Rhode Island, haa demanded of Secretary Daniels an ex nlanation of altered vicious practices In the navy. A letter which he haa sent to the Secretary and which msile nuhlU tnnlfi-ht reads: letter waa addressed to the Free! dent of the United States on the 10th of January by myself and other clllseni of Rhode Island urotestinr sralnst vi clous practices of the Intelligence Department of the nary, and requesting tha removal of those who were respon sible for the offense. While no reply to the letter has been received, it now appeara that a board for the Investigation of the matter has been appointed OPPOSES ANY COMPROMISE Candidate Tel It Diners Htrt Disagrees with Colleague and with Bryan. Have the treaty ratified. They constitute a compromise between the extreme lews and were adopted In the senate by decisive majorities.

In every case many of the Senators who voted for the reeer- ations made large conceasi.ina by doing so. thinking that they ought to be more strongly worded In certain respect. The compromise between the extreme views Hands 11 the action of the majority or the Senate. The President meanwhile nae not bettered his, position. In hla letter to tne lMTOorrale at the season ijr am- er on Jsn.

8 he declared that while there could be 00 objections to Interpretation which would really be valueless for the protection of our Independence and our rights, the treaty must be ratified without change wblcb would in ny way alter Its mesnlrg. in other worda, the President kl unwilling to make cone ps si ona. an now considering suggestions made by representative of tha minority hv Yourself. On the 22d of September last in a British and American ships 2.000.000 personal Interview with you. I called to American soldiers to France.

The I vour attention the conditlona which have I do not have any worry at all ab Tc'w do. hI th rTr during World War. I do not. mean to bout the hot. mean (a didn't always want the navy to do more wish i wss iwiidk to do.

There during the war when we do everything we possibly could do to Increase naval effort and add naval craft to fight submarines and Srotect our troops. We ordered 230 eatroyera and there wasn't a minute during the war that work was not presaed to the full capacity of the mhh. wanted every shin In America that was fit- for use. We utilised the navy yards, every private yard everything waa pressed almost to the breaking point to naaien things. All that, of is a matter of record and of Press: tn what capacity did Rear Admiral Sims abroad? Secretary: Rear Admiral Sim did not go abroad In any capacity except the confidential capacity to etudy and report In which I sent him.

I gave him very explicit instructions what to do and what not to do. Preea: And you are responsible for any Instructions that were given him? of cours I am responsible for Instructions given him. Press: It is ssM i 1 umntr nign navai nicer were trea- the Navy Department to furnish Mra.ent When the Instructions were riven with ships for which he aaked. Mr. 1 Admiral Mm.

we lven i.antcis sa.14 tnat Admiral aim, ror. esitmpie. ahould have aaked for twenty-six deatroyere and had received only sixteen ox Uiera, the queatlon as to why Seya CrtUrlsaaa Mas Backed. Secretary: Other may have been American ships convoyed more than 1.700.000 of them. convoyed our soldiers safely.

That was the 'para mount thing. did a great Job, and all the men In the navy did a great Job. It la a pity now that any reason should cause anybody to say that we did not do ail that could be done. I When the American people know fully what the navy did they will say "The navy haa done the biggest Job in safely convoying troops In the history of the world." We did this excellent Job by team work. It wasn't done by any one man.

either In England or in France, or here. It was done by the moat perfect team work. It couldn't have been done except by team work It couldn't have been done In any other way. (This ends the text of the Daniels Place ea British Adadralty Barred. The forthcoming Inquiry Into the charges of Admiral Sims Is expected to bring out some Interesting sidelight on the participation of the 'American Navy in the war.

It la apparent that the Navy Department la prepared tc furnish a large amount of unwritten Mstory. such aa differences lietween Admiral Sims and Admiral Wilson, whe-commanded the American Navol Base at Brest, and the alleged opposition or Admiral Sims to laying the North Sea mine barrage. One of the most Interesting thlnca Ihst have come to light In connection with the atatements of Admiral Slirm la that the British Government desired to appoint him an honorary mem ber or the urltliJi Admiralty. King George Joined In this proposal, which waa referred to the United States Government through the American Embassy in London. The response of the Navy Department to the proposal was In tl form of an Inquiry aa to whether It wet Intended aJso to appoint reprsentativea of the navies of ranee.

Italy. Japan and other allied nations to honors rv membership In the British In reply to this Inquiry the Washington Government waa Informed that there waa no Intention to confer thia honor on any foreign naval officer other than Admiral Sims. It waa pointed out to this Government that th proposal waa a very great distinction and had nertr been conferred on any person not a British subject. The Navy Department, which presumably meana Secretary Daniels, vetoed the offer, taking the ground that It would be better to keep admiral Sim strictly in his capacity aa an officer and representative of the United Bute. In this connection It Is asserted thnt the proposal for laying a mine barraire in me norm ea v.

Men proved to be one or tne contributory causes of winning the war. was opposed by the tsnuin Admiralty, and that the A 1- roirauy a views were adopted by Admiral Sim. The Admiralty aaid that the scheme had been tried and found to be impossible of accomplishment. The American naval administration Insisted, however, that the plan was sound and feasible, and tt waa adonteri iwi r. rted out successfully tn spite of the ad verse criticism or Admiral Sims.

Dlpteaaet Advised Paaleta. The letter written by Secretary Danlula to Senator Page, Chairman of the Sen ate Naval Affairs Committee, and given to the press at a late hour last night, waa the outcome of advice given to s.c- reiary uanieta oy a man of considerable experience In diplomacy. It wa reported today that the State Department had advised Mr. Daniels to send this letter to sir. i-age and give It to the press, but this was denied.

Who the diplomatist was who advised Mr. Daniels to write th letter and give It publicity Is not disclosed. He communicated with Mr. Daniels late Sunday evening to the effect that If the state-menu contained in Admiral Sims memorandum and cabled to Europe were not responded to quickly by the Navy Department officially the Impression mt-ht be created In Europe that they could not be refuted and a bad Impression would be caused there, Mr. Daniels was by thia ad vie and Immediately wrote the letter to Senator Page.

Admiral Sims has not yet disclosed who gave him alleged oral tntructln to be watchful of the BritUh. In certain official circlee here the story Is current that Admiral Sims will aav that his oral Instructions were riven bv anothee high ranking official of the Navy De- panmenu the other ten were, not furnished could present at som part of tha Interview. be gone Into by examining Admiral; I do not desire now to take up all these Benson and other naval officers or cffi-l different items and discuss them with dais responsible for th deciakms made; you this mornlnr. i could do this but. and that this was a question upon which of course, the first thing is that 'Rear eminent naval sirategutta might Admiral Sims must be required to ee-differ.

jteblish every criticism he haa made of Aa to Admiral Sims' hint that It be- th department. This la nerf ectlv as tie-cam necessary for him to appeal to faetory to mo. If the Senate tnvestl. i-iuusi nvus wnw w.n isuw i gatea. very wen.

11 not. some otbtr fill I nPPitrf pnn 1 wien ships or other vessels. Secretary Dan- tribunal win take up the question of CHARGES VILEPRACTICP lels asserted vnr nositivelv that Ad rt- kk.r Ik. AA it. IU1V.J IVL iueat cam from Colonel House for any That win be taken up- If the Senate naval shlpa Mr.

Daniels said that five I does not undertake It. the department psiuniui't weiw sroi Bin im Aoimrji wiu se tnat a inounei vui do so. I have been Secretary of the Navy now near seven years and I hara never-had any trouble at all since I have been here, bet sometime atom Rear Admiral haa broken out I think, about two, hut I never had any controversy wrth the firs aml Dnt whA the mmaVa Grand Fleet and rove the Atlantic tn away. 1 have no doubt that the public been laid before the President and asked that steps taken to correct them. On Sept.

27. jou wrote me that you had taken the facts under consideration and had decided to refuse my request. Tou assumed the official responslbil-itv for the use of method to which no self-respecting community submits without protest. In order to procure evidence against individuals as to whom your arents harbored suspicions enlisted men who hsd been committed to your protection and control were, as they have testified. Instructed by their superiors to prostitute themselves and corrupt there.

thus continuing ana tne vices which you are profes-dmr to condemn. Tou consent, to the iie of evidence te- wvod hv these men In an attempt to convict a man whose Innocence has now 1 been esiaoiisnci 117 me 1 imuns, uri, a courtnd then a Jury- 1 submit, sir. tnat ims outoege none to the honor of the navy ed to the naihlln conscience Is not a maxter for an investirat on directed by tr one wno was responsible for It. The' facta have Keen Ions- in vour TtOSSeesldh. We nOW await your acknowledgment and expla nation or them.

Admiral Slma to Address Club. Rear Admiral William S. 81ma will be th principal apeaker thia evening at a dinner of the Army and Navy Club members at the Waldorf-Astoria. Other speakers will be Ideut. Oen.

Robert Dee Bullard. commander 01 tne 1 apartment of the East: the Rev. Dr. Henry vsn Dyke and Job K. Hedges.

Resr Ad miral Bradley a. risae. j. a. retired, will preside.

Avezzana Dinner Postponed. 1 The Italy-America Society announced last night that owing to demand for sests at Its dinner In honor of the Italian Ambassador and Baroness Aves- sana having exceeded the capacity- of th Rlts-Carlton. where it was to have occurred tosaorrow nlrht, the function baa been postponed to eb. .4 and transferred to the Hotel Astor. A declaration that the Republican ma jority In the Senate should take the treaty and the covenant cf the League of Nations to tha people for their opinion In the corning elections was made last night at a dinner In the Hotel Astor by Senator Hiram Johnaon of California, who haa announced hla candi dacy for the Republican nomination for the Presidency.

He declared also that compromise of an Irreducible- mini mum waa Senator Johnaon expressed his opinion from the same platform upon which William Jennings Bryan atood on Sun day night at a similar event, when he made hla declaration that It would be a crime for the Democratic Party to overahadow other grav domestic problems In the elections with the necessity of taking a vote upon the treaty and covenant. Now there- ia talk of compromlss. said Senator Johnson. There are at ways those who fear to act In the. face cf opposition.

Compromise, some gen tl-mrn ssv. Compromlss what you can. but do not compromise the good faith of the United States. You must not compromise Its honor or liberty. Th irreducible minimum proi'v Uon to our country must gnarpiy ana absolutely mark the line.

The neceit- rlty of thia protection la now generally conceded. That It Is the least that should be done la admitted by thos who have done It. Compromise of the pro-toHlon thus essential leaves our country and Its Institutions menaced and imper illed. Compromise with an Irreduciblo minimum la impossible." Attack Learse ef Xatlens. The speeches of both Senator Johnaon and hla Democratic colleague.

Senator James A Reed of Missouri, rang with bitter Invectives directed against the Deague Nations, the American delegation at the Peace Conference, and other nations associated with the United Statea durlnr the war. Senator John son asserted that the entire effect of the operation of the League of Nations would be th Kuropeanislns; of Amer lea and not the Atnericanuing or bu rooe. Let us take this issue before the People." said Senator Johnson. It was our duty tn the beginning to go before them and make them understand the provisions of this document. Iet us do It now so that It will be relegated to th limbo of past events ss a State paper unworthy of association with Americanism.

Gird up your loins for the battle. There's a right nui on. Caaaet Abate Pretertiaa. Th United Statea Senate, not only for the maintenance of Ita own dignity and ita high purroset but because of its lofty patriotism, can permit no substan tlal modification or alteration of the mrajure of protection It has demanded and won for th Republic." The vehement declamation of the California Senator against the league waa aa entuhaiaatically received bv the 1.S00 diners tn the ballroom of the Astor a a a sharply opposed speech of Mr, Bryan, waa greeted, by a group In the same room on the previous evening. They rose to cheer him when he finished his half-hour apeech and the tumult continued for almost a minut The speech the Democratic Senator from Missouri, with much the same context, also waa cheered.

Although the dinner waa given by self-styled committee- of American bus! neaa men "in honor of the United Statea Senators who voted for a American treaty and reservations to th League of Nations." few of those Sena tors found It possible to leave their of trial duties at Washington. Senator William E. Borah of Idaho waa to ha been one of the speaker against the treaty and the league, but he tel graphed at the last minute that he would be unable to leave the capital. Senator Iodre. majority leader, who directed the fight upon the treaty, tele graphed that he would not be able to come.

Ldg TeUa ef Bitaatlea. Telling of the progress of the discus sion. Senator Ixxlge said "After a great deal of labor and dls cusslon. the reservations were greed upon, and let me say In passing that they were drafted by friends of the treaty, that Is, by those who desire to URGELODGE AND HITCHCOCK 1 BBBBBBBjaBWSBBWaBBWaw Lsndon American Chamber ef Com. mere Pleads for Ratification.

LONDON. Jan. 9. Th America a Chamber of Commerce In London haa sent the following cable separately te Senators Lodge and Hitchcock, urging them to obtain th ratification the treaty Ia soot form Ihst will permit private enterprise to go ahead with th problem of reconstruction, particularly In Central Europe: The failure of the United Statea to ratify the treaty and to eater Into working arrangements with the AlUes Is causing our motive la entering th war and our hesitation tn going Into rwcon- ho fator rstlfrlng th tresty without structlon plana to be misrepresented change. There are certain great prln.

1 plea on wtiich no com pro mis is pos-Ibl and it, remains to be seen whether we can com to any agreement wnicn will command a two-thirda vote of th Senate." Speaking of what he considered to be preponderant votinr power allotted to Great Britain by th provisions of the league, senator Johnson said that ne wished to recall an incident that took plsce In London, when representatives of the power were called together there for dlscuaalon of regulations for tbe newly-invented radio. He asserted that John nay. then Am bassador to Oreat Britain, protest 1 when th British Government demanded five vote, on for England and four others for Integral parts of the realm, and that Hay pointed out that he had set a precedent when he obtained an equal number of vote for the United States one for the country itself, one for Alaska, and one each for other pos sessions. But an American represented js there." he added, and the audler.c? shouted Its approval. Senator Reed aaid that formal peace could be reached In an hour'a time by the passage of the Knox resolution.

if the President will but give hla word to his faithful followers." if peace la to be long deferred." he said, it will only be because the President prefers the hope that he may yet rorce the Senate to accept the League of Nations over -the advantages to the country of a formal Treaty of Peace." The members or the committee in charge of arrangements for the dinner were Henry W. de Forest. Henry Rogers Wlnthrop. J. Horace Harding.

Henry I tn all. ti. Klcftard Al. Hurd. Jules S.

Beohe. Julius Kruto schnltt. T. Coleman du Pont. James M.

Beck. Otto H. Kahn. Joseph Hamblen Sears. Charles Hanson Towne.

Charles A. Peabodr, A. Barton Hepburn. Colonel William Barclay Parsons. L.

R. Lore. Edmund Converse. Colonel George Harvey. George Henry Payne, Lieut.

Col. Theodore Roosevelt. Paul J. Bon wit. and Theodore H.

Bank a James T. Williams, editor of Tbe Bos ton Transcript, was toastmaster. DEMAND FOR KAISER STIRS ALL HOLLAND i reetlaaed iram Pag 1, Calasaa (. v- publlc accusation with Juridical character aa regards its basis, but an act of high International policy Imposed by the universal conscience, in which legal forms have been provided solely to assure to the accused such guarantees as were never before recognised In public law. The powers are convinced Holland, which has always shown respect for the right, snd love of Justice, having been one of the first to claim a place In the Society of Nations, will not be willing to cover by her moral authority th violation of principles essential to the solidarity of nntlona, all of which are equally Interested in preventing the return of a similar catastrophe.

It la to the highest Interest of the Dutch people not to appear to protect the principal author of thin catastrophe by allowing him shelter on her territory. and also to facilitate hla trial, which Is claimed by the voices of millions victims. CLEMENCEAU." Ail lea' Dessaad Stirs Germany. GENEVA. Jan.

19. A state of profound anxiety and astonishment reigns in Pan German circle in Germany over the official demand of th Allies for the extradition from Holland of the former German Emperor, accordlnr to a dl patch from Basle, which is conf.rmd by Munich advices. Tbe Pan Germans hsd hoped to the end that such a final step, which affect the whole caste, would not be taken, the cispaicn says, iney argue that If their former chief la extradited nobody will be ssfe. because the Governments hand will be 10 reed. It Is reported from Locarno that for mer King LAidwig or Bavaria, on learn Ing of the demand for William Hohen sollern extradition, broke out In furious temper, condemninr the act the Allies aa Impertinent and Impudent, Former Emperor Charles of Austria, who Is at Frangins, haa refused to ex preea any opinion.

Meantime the Federal authorities and Swiss Jurists are watchinr the nerotla tlona carefully and several formerly rov. al foreigners. Ministers and pollticiana In Swltxeriand are anxiously awaiting in iuicn ecision. TREATY CONFEREES STRIKE A 'SANDBAR' Ceatlaaed frs Page 1. Calaaaa 1.

Kidman, that another battleship was sent latrr to Rodman, and teat another dtvt-ton of battleships had been sent afterward with ster Admiral Thomas Ilode era to the base at Beershaven to keep an ey open for fsst German naval ve. sela might try to elude the British IN PROSECUTING SEAMEN Rdhom Blames Dame IsCc -mittee to DedJe if Inqzary It to he Made. an attempt to cut our' everseaa troo and wir-pites communications. The Secretary aaid that when the German submarines made their descent on tHe Atlantic Coast In tbe Summer laiS a hue and cry waa raised In tnls country that the descents were possl-I I becaue everything had been eeot th other side." Mr. Daniels aaid that Uiat tna lavtud ecsaior Lodge 1 Will see that ttavar administration been efficient.

1 have ao doubt about this. I do not. of ennrse. mean to ootvev that the navy waa 10 per cent. efff.

clent every day. but the truth ia that all the thinga were done that were possible. There wasn't any poeaibl energy In America to increase rt efficiency that waa not emjloj-ed. Shops wvr rected. WASHINGTON.

Jsn. Senate Naval Committee authorized today th appointment of a sub-committee to determine whether there should be an Inquiry into th charges made br John'R. Rathoen. editor of Th ProvioV-nce Journal, that wTCa th knowledge of Secretary Daniels. Many ttaaa to again to the intercollegiate poll on the league and the treaty, put a tabulation of th result In Th Record.

Senator Lodge called It a pity and a mistake that Senator Hitchcock should do this, saying that It created a feeling of antagonism at a time when compromise seekers were seeking to create a conciliatory spirit. In commenting on th figure he presented Senator Hitchcock aaid I merely wiah to aay that they ahow the great preponderance 0f support for unqualified ratification compromise reservations which we on this aide advocate over the destructive reservations proposed by Senator Lodge." said Senator Hitchcock. Senator Edge. Interrupted Mr. Hitch-rock and said that the figure ahowed that per cer.t.

of those voting favor unqualified ratification, while were for reservations, including the Lodge program. "There a nearly two vote to on against unqualified ratification." he added. "Ob. I he Senator Is trying- to mix oil water." retorted Mr. Hitchcock.

He is Irving lo make impossible combination. You can't combine the vote Ir: aKige reservation with any. uip Tin. siii tne meir." I hope the Senator will not attei GEST SEES THE STAGE RUINED. BY LlQYlzs Declares all Sheet's Intestani of tidvei Is Killing Spoken Drtrat.

and misunderstood. America cwea It to herself a well aa to th world to come to th help of th disorganised and starving portions of Europe. The International machinery started by the Peace Conference Is falling to pieces. All actual progress toward peac 1 checked and thejioople are slowly drifting to-, ward famine and anarchy, whlcn can remedied If the United State will decide quickly to assume her responsibilities. I Business, manufacture, transportation and even agriculture are wholly or partly ra ralysed.

better the covenant be ratified aa It stands, or with reservation. Is Infinitely leaa Important than that some International working arrangement be agreed on which will remove uncertainty and enable private enterprise, upon which th main burden of reconstruction must fall, to get to work without further delay. e. therefore, urge you to ua your utmost n-deavora to secure th raUficatlon of the treaty with such reservations as may have to be made to break the present deadlock." Admit SS Lawyera; Ars Women. Presiding Justlc Clarke of th Appellate Division Of the Supreme Court administered the oath yesterday to eighty-five applicant for admission to the bar.

Six young women were included. They mere Jennie Martha Guthrie Foster. Edna Plerson Hopkins, Lvdta Lee. Ruth Lewlnson. Helen Wsss-man.

and Mary Agnes Hallinan. serial to Xem Tori rea. CHICAGO. Jan. Ces, tj producer of Chu-Chln Wanderer and Aphrodite." "beaitsj! In Chicago today long enough te assr without reservations "lh Aai.

ran theatre ia going to Gee 1 not blaming tbe Oesreei. ward the Dant district on thVcleiT war. Those it Mates, are Wall Mreet 4 who have placed more than law isv, L. In th movie pastime- Thev clarea. are slowly killing the sL, drama by buying ap the -oirxrriZ, lng theatres, th star actors sctresses and the- "big l't tu 2, due-era with th purpose of their individual interests In the tiirtura Induatrv.

Geat said he had bcea effe-ed i OOO.ttO for hla soul and boay "'but dined. He Intimat-d that atW. Jl. same work a himself wh liar the real interests 0 the thax-s htsrt are falllnc ne by one lie ia calling- upon the American "nrs'aT" 10 -V trJ The American theatre is In lis est danger." he said. "The gtnlri hand of Wall Street Is on It and K.

Wall Street sjets a theatre in hand must die a natural death, i No. greater works of authors aad enmpoeere hsve leen done on rrestr The fact Is today that's author almost mast a play boji fur the stage and the screen. ln productions of Mr. CotnsuR.k sod snywir we never knew where we would get the money to pay for them. Bl rare.

Today I haven't a auit of elois. 1 can call my own. Artistry and fathr money are not and never will be Id fellowa. "With te exception of those ef I alf uorcn producers most of Uietfeea'rtf In Amertca are owaed an ess-trolled by motion ptcturca t'nleaseon- thing Is don within th next three rears Wall Htreet will in complete raxf of the theatre. I do not want lo hva ta that day." CHIME OF 48 BELLS TO RING FOR LIBERTY New Association Plans Musical Tower in Memory of Fight-ersbttheWar.

of Every child in 'America Is to be asked to give at least a penny toward the erec tion In New Tork of a victory chime In the tower of a classical library building to commetrorate the silent ones in France and the men who risked all for liberty, but were not called to the utmost sacrifice. Mrs. James Wallace. founder of the Victory Chimes and Csrlllen Association. 13 West Ninth Street, announced yesterday that tho or ganisation had been chartered and would begin a campaign for fund during MUsio Week." Feb.

1 to 7. Mr. Wallace aaid the plan contemplated a series of forty-eight bells, one for each of the States, and a forty-ninth bell, tbe largest In the world. She said that a carillon differs from an ordinary chime alnce the laat named reproduces only the 'w hite notes the piano hile the carillon rings the whole chromatic scale. The big bell, she aaid.

would be tolled only once in four years at the inauguration of a Preaidojit or on the occasion of the death of a President. The victory chimes will play three times a day. pealing once a day a victory anthem composed for children, sounding The, Star Spangled Banner" at sunset and America at noon. It ia hoped their music will prove an inspiration to the foreign-born. American sculptors are to be Intrusted with the task of designing the bells.

each cf which is to be adorned In hlghi relief with the bust of eight history-i makers chosen by the people or the' State the bell represents. An elevatorj will run to the belfry, that the sculpture may be viewed. The library. Mrs. 1 Wallace added, if to be a building ofi purest American architecture, and is to house a library of classics, the first 1 one in the whole world," and a school for carilloneurs.

Among the founders of the association are Oulxon Borglurd. the sculptor; Misa Belle Da Costa tireen. uorsrian to j. r. Morgan, and C.

F. De Kay of the Ame rlcan Legion. ASSERTS DEMOCRATS DRIFT Mrs. Rosalia Loew Whitney Ad-dresses Republican Women'a Club. Mrs.

Rosalie Loew Whitney waa the principal speaker at a meeting yesterday the Republican Women'a Club held at the National Republican Club. Mrs. Whitney told her audience of about 441) women the fundamental difference 1 between the Republican ana Democratic partlea. She said that partlea are essential to the conduct of a government by the people, and that th usual division of parties tn other countries ha been, and till Is. between conservative and radical element.

She outlined the underlying difference between the two major parties in thia country as follows: Republican A belief In a national Government and th achievement of the purposes of government for the wellbelng of Its people through a national Governmenta policy of purpose. Democrat A Government stressing the Individual freedom and a desir to be free from all governmental restraint and activity a policy of drift as to achievement of purpose." Mrs. Whitney concluded her address by eaylnr The present national Administration, though favoring the South in personal and economic ways, ha completely tarneat. It back on Jeffersonian States tights and a limitation of national activity, adopting centralisation and federalixatlon without regard to the principles of its own party." to combine th Lodge reservations with nis interpretative remarked Senator McCormlck of Illinois, who contin ued "This vote among the collegia waa a shepherded vote. As soon ss It waa announced that the college poll wss to be taken, the Lea rue to Enforce Peace sent out letters, offering to send speakers to the college to discuss the question.

Senators ought not to forget th other vote that have been taken in recent montha at electlona In many State: also they should not overlook th vote In the J-Vench Assembly Saturday, where M. Deechanel waa elected President of France over Premier Cleraenceau. one of the authors this treaty. Senator Sutherland of West Virginia said that several distinguished Englishmen were now In the United States to tell the American people what their duty He said he met one of these. Dr.

Newton, who informed him that he waa touring the provinces of the United States to expound and support the treaty. This provoked from Senator Nelson the inquiry: "I'd like to ask whether we aa Senators are to use our own Judgment be mer dummies?" Senator Edge said that Mr. Hitchcock had sought to cwstm for the Democrat a all credit for compromise, when ss a matter of fact tbe only move for compromise were Initiated among Republican Senators. Senator Brandge presented a petition from th Chin Society of Amerlta asking Senators to stand firniir for the Shantung reservation. "I shall refrain from asking that It be aukmlitsi te ims ve ih.

tempt coQere bora the country," he aaid. ADVERTISEMENTS set up by E. M. Diamant stand oat from the printed page just as a Rolls-Royce stands out in a garage full of flivvers. E.

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