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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 1

New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

it i i i 1 5- i il i I i I -i I i I i it. -t ii-li i i I 1- jV I ss li 1 i -f 4 i II- I I fl 'Mi-: rl iilM: VOL. 4225. DANG OUT YOUR BANNERS VIC TOR' If! TO TP A It H'l I Surrender of Gen eral; Lee and "Whole --WORK OF PALM SDXDAY. Final Trinmph of Army of the Potomac.

I 1: The Strategy mid Dip I macy of.Licul.-Cen. j. Grant. i i-i -i i Terms and Conditions of, the i Surrender Tbt Rebtl Anns, Artillery, and PoMie Pojierlj Surrendered. Belel Officers Retain Side Anas, and! Private Property.

i i 'i OCIcen and Men Paroled' and Allowed to Jletarn to Tlieir Homes. I The Coiiespocdence Between Gnuit i and Lee. 1 OFFICIAL. Vll DtFABTMVWT. iniMTM, I 4prtl 9, 'clock t.

M- Tfeic deparuoent recelred th official report of the HURRENDEB, THIS DAT, t) GIN. LEE -Akfi HIS AK1IY IJIUT CEN. GBANT, on the term jrpoed by Gen. Ga, retaDs will be fives a BpeedHj1 pocsible. i i' -j 6eereUi7 of War." 7 BuKUinu Amxm ra riini 8iAra I r.

aimu a. CEH. LEE SURRENDERED THE ARMY OF NORTHERN YIEGJJOi. THIS AFTER' FOON, upon the tenna preptwed The accompanying addlliOBal correspoBdence wiu abw tte eonditicna ftiny. 1, I U.

8. GiLkXT, LieuiGeaL tvaAT. Aprfl 1. GyAiI recelTed your note of ihi aaorsing, oa the picket line, -whither I had come to meet yon and ascertain definitely vhat terms were embraced la yoar propositi jm yesterday with reference to the aur-; tender of this army. y.

I now reqaeat an Interriew in accordance with the offer contained: in jour letter of yes- I tertfty for that purpose. I Very respectfuMj your obedient aerraat TL E- Lax, General. To Lieut-Gen. Gaxrr, Commandinf Uaitcd liatei' Armies, i i I 'i I- Kma4ay, Arrll W. Cr.

a. X. Tour ate of this date is but this momenL iiw a. al, receivTu, i i IX TTTlT7 M. mffljfa vyMtfv I I 1 1 I I I I IF i i 4 I I 1 Hi II" I 3 I I'm- (I If I 'I the Richmond! aid Lynchburga road to the i It I I 4 I I FarmTUle and Lynehbarsh road, I am at this wrilinf atoLt four fxniles of Walter's cbnrcb, and will bush forward to the front for I I i .1 I i -1 the pqrpoBeTof mceticc yen.

I i i' 1 Notice sent to me, on this road, where yoo wish the jlaierriew to taie place, will meet i t. me. Very respectfully, ywir ob'd't serrant, i S. i Lieutenant GeneraW Arrckincx 6oca -IIotw. April 18U.

i I -In accordance with: the'- substance of my jeUers to yoo of the 8th I propose to recelfe the surrender of the Army of North ern Virglnif on the following terms, to wit i i Rolls of1 all the officers and men to be made i i i t. I in duplicate, one copy to be giren" to an offi-f cer desloatetlj. me, the oiher to be retained by such officers as you may designate, j'' offieers to give their individual paroles not to taike afms againsi the GoTernm.ent of the United slatej until properly exchanged or regimenial commander Ii t. i i sign a like parole Jor the men i i of their- com-; 1 manes. i The arms, Artiljery and pnbTle; property fto be packed ani stacked and turned over to the i i i i i i 1 ii officers apbointea by me to receive tbem.

This will not embrace the side-arms of the nor their priVate horses or baggage. This dose. EACH bTICER 'lANDJMAN yiLL: EE; 1 ALL 3WEJ TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES 'not jtd be disturbed by Usited Btaleslau horlty so! long as they ob- W11CIG LUC I tiiuu. Very respeetfollT, i i if 0. S- Gulst Lieutenant-General.

i i i ii IIsAXtciaisKS I -I I (irsniL i I ihave- receired your letter of this TERMS OF surrender: oil THE ARMY OF NORTH- i by you; As as those ex- Insti THEY ERN VIRGINIA, as proposed they are' substantially the same pressed In your letier of the 8th ARE ACCEPTED I will proceed to deslg- i 1 1 nate the, proper Lfficeri to carry the stipu- latiODs to effect Vert reapecttally, Ydur obedient servant, TL E. Lxs, General. i i 1 PRELirVIiNAHY CORRESPONDENCE. Th foJlowiae li th preVjons corrstpondence Letween: lieuL-Ceal Gsakt and Gen. Lis.

re ferred tor in the loregoing elrTm to the Secre tary of Wr li! i Hccu, Tam A pi I i Curtom Kits, 1805. lion. M. SUfUon, Secretary of lVr The following cor eBpondencs hS taken place WtweenGenlLsk ai nyelf. Tkert Ima Utm 1 i i uUxmtum in lit jnnuit during Ha pendency.

tj. B. UsaST, Lientenant-GeneraL AmtJ 18U. I i i'lTbe' result of the lat week must Ml i i i I I convince you of theopejessness of farther r-siatancs on the part if the Arm of Virginia In this 'struggle. I feel that it la so and re-gtrd II as my doty shift from myself of any farther 5 effualon of blood, by ajiking of you the njrandei 1 of that portion of the Confederate 'BlatM Ariny, known aa ine Army i 'j it -I ft.

i Northern' Virginia. "i Very Bespeclfalry, i 1 1 Mi Tosr obedient iservant, i 1 in. o. uui, 'i. hi rt Mr: Uautenant-General.

i 1 I Commanding Armies of the United 8tates. CMrl I 4 jvbt note of "this i date. i though not entirely of of the hopelasinesa of the opinion you express fnrther reaiatenee on the part of the army of Northern Vtgicia, I recipro-(sts you desire to sroii nselei eifnsion of Hood, and before considering your pro. sal Xkt WMyw nftr, 9mc94itm 0ftti turrtniet. li' ii 1 1 B.

E. Las, GeneraL T4 UenU-Ctn, M. Caasr, Caaaacag Aram at a. r-m'tmA i H-. ttotsaJ UArartS.

16SX dsaBat Toot ttote of lsat evening in replx to'ialne of aane date, asking the conditions on which I wlil acceptjthe surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, Jnat 1 It. ttpir, I would 1 aaythati peacs hig mjjtrtt tUtvi, fJurt tnniiuvm tkai insist' i i i i.i i i i Hi- Thai the vtmx surrendered ahaJl be diaqnalified' for takipg up srms again against the Government of the United States until properly eehanri. I1 2 will meet yo a. or eesigaate officers to aneet I aay officers joa may for the same pur- NEWARK; MONjDAY, jPRIli 10r, ISC5. poaevof arraogiBg definitely the terms vpon which the surrender ei Ihje Army Northern Virginia' will be 1 fft''Kf Very respectfully, your obedient servant, -r I i I'll i TJ.

It GRANT. UenL-Geaaral, if tae TJaJtad Swtea. i AprB 1 received, hoar, your note answet to naue oi yesieraaj. j. i I iid not Intend to propose the surrender of the ..11 i i 'in.

i i- Ami of Northern Virginia, 1 1 of your propoaltios.5 To be (i i i the emergency, has anaen render. '--l PUV 10 msM term rank, I do net think ko call for 1 the aur- But aa las rtsUtrmlien of tot sx sksuld lt the.soU bljttt cfsJL, I desire to knesV whether our pro. i poaals would tend to that end. i i it i I I Cannot, therefore, meet you with a view to surrender the Army of Nortiera Virciriia, but a ar a your proposition met; ffttt the Conf tier alt Suits Jor ess nder my eomt ttnd, aiad tend tht Tts'lamtion cf ftsct I ahoijld be pleased to meet you St 10 A. to-morrow, the old stage road to Richmond, between; the picket lines of the two Very respectfully your obedient aerrsnt I B.

Lis, General, C. B. A. To LieuU-Gen. Gsakt, Commanding Armies of tne umtea otaiei.

i n. 1 II' '1 I I i Aran IKS. Gtntrml JL emmmm4ingCm S. A. "I GxKiBAt Your note of yisterday is received.

Aa I have no authority! to treat on tbe subject oi .1 i i a I I peace, the meeting proposed for 10 A. at. to-day could lead toino good. IiVlil sute, nowewf, Genersi, that 7 eUy tfixioui for peace teitk yourstl and the whole North entertain the same feeling. Ths terms upcn vkkh peM ten be hed mre welt understood.

By ths i i their drtns, they tcUt hsattn South laying down that most iesiralle tvent, save thousand ff Us. and kun- ire of millions of proptrUi I 5 i I I II Lot yet destroyed Sincerely hoping that all ebr difficulties may be settled without tht less of I I i -i I 1 another life sub- scribe myself, i i Very respectfully, Your rtiedicut serrsnt, I 8. Gsakt, Iieutecant-General TJnite States Army. i i I RKJOCIN i i YiiiMiMVton. Saaday.

April 5. tVijimibrtou ia in ah proa rj and blaze of glorr. rsjolclag ever tae greatest of ivlclorlea ret ackiavsd br oar araaa; Caii are firing, jbeila are rlngiag. and a largs procsssloa la prbcasdlait throuf tbe tueh aa eieluaient was asref tefere wiiaeaseaia uOa AitAai-'Maadarl April 101 XjU. Tter is geat rsjolclog hsr erer we Sews of 4 i-- tbc avrreader of Gsa.

taa and army. I Th wiwti received at! about 10 F. M- and about uidniaht Suts and rear) streets, were tiled wltb peopJe aaxlouaiy awalUagijtie parUculara. TbSiDells are rlngtaa. caanoa firing, walla tbe mI-.

tlmde 'are Indulging in irswoxk Ta 'iGovsraor wn called sp and briefiy adtireased the tbroag aioond bla 1 Tbs; State Hosts ana private resideDcea are fj -I i si PaiiaiiSi-FaiA. April 9i, Tbe; glorioat ar.aeuaeemetitpf Lav's surrender vaa recclvsa bsis areat Bina! o'clock. It was teie-graptad to all aaetloaa I of thet and was an-Bouaeed In tbe aeveral eSarcbeaU Tbe Ltdgrr ffjee waa lllumlnateo lafivs enlnutea' Tfcs bell of lads-panda ace Hall was nag br tse erdbr of tbe Mayer. The tremea tmmedlatsly aaaemjtieo: and blocked up tbe streets. Salutee were nred, jand tbe wblaUea ef tbe ateam-aailDes aad tns cbssrs of tbe assembled 'anultitades made tbe wbole city irtsg.

i Woacaena, t.1 Tbsfnewa of tbe surrender of Las asd bts amy ersated an in tease excitement hers to-nlgbu Tbe bells were rung. taaa were Bwd, bonfire kindled, tbe ftre companies tnraed out, aa maa suxeaiaad bulldlngt ware lllnmaled. I i i PmsBoaea, Pad April ft. I The aewa to-aigbt arottght aeily tbe eadre pepu-latioa late tbe aire eta. Tbe reerjoUlng bsetbswer turasd late bonfirss, aatvtesS wiekeSrsd.1 speacbet were aaads, and bands played Taaasoa, N.

Ji, Sanday. April Tbs klorleus aswe was: received here witb eheer-1ns aadj ringing of bells. Tbe peeple.are tsrntnr out en narif te reeaive aad rejolee ir tbe glad tidings, Paovunaca, B. 2 Bsnday, ilrtl ft MldnigbU Selle are tiaglag. eanaoa are i grlag.

and tbe elti-asas are eat rejokMne over tbe 4ws sf lni aur. A large seasnresls burning on weyboeaai bridge, i 1 FROM TBS PACIFIC COABT. 5 h- Jaarca set to ho Coaalaa so aablngteai by wafaf FroBebaeo Feeoek Forcoo la hlaalea-Fronea) War Steaaaero la foralo Porte TV Overload aiatlo. 4 -8a Aprtl TV The steamer John JL Stephens), from Mazatlan, brings $93,000 treaaurc aad a cieluaaad bags of silver lv: i M' i The Mszstlaa rMRss. tbe ImparlalUt ergaa.glve ths raport that Jsaass waa ea reels for Cape St.

Laeaa. wbeaee aa would nil fori Baa Fraaclaoo oo biawarto WaaatagtoB. I I I A French aaval eapediUea, had sailed. It was sep Aa Impariai foree has mbed to fijisaioa. i A oorTsepoBdent of tbe 8aa PraSelaco BmBtti.

wrtUag rreeaKssaUaa. Mareb 4. aaya that Jsaaaals sUll at Cblbnabaa wiia bi nrtaUtr raising troops, theugb sneaey. arms. a4tammanUoa are scaroa.

TbeFroocb war ataamef Fartorio and transport JfeXAotawnaatSaata Barbara, as fao coast of Oall-iorala. They nope to obtain suppMes of coal at 8ss rraaetsec Hl 1 fTr. lbs daily Ovarlaad Mail, beeee fo aalt Xake, re-aomod tea trips fTbe aret mail tbla way aCoes tba Intarruntioa arrtTsd last alcbt. TbeToesat moetlag la babalf of tbe Christian Saja-ttary Commiaaion. reaalaoltn remljtancea, by teie-grapX wlthta tbe past faw dtya.

at stOOO la The acarchy of flout 'and wheat Extreme nrtcea aia obtaiacA, aad eoaseqaoafJy trade I Tno alaa uanraauoa ei ivW aomlaata A A. Dm as Coiigosaaal sie- havo VattlitaU eelebralions the siktloaal victories were beld tb roar Scat tbe etate te-eT. i mmm Mi in akt tbe fXioit' M.lll Asso- I I Commanding era i if piitifi i VICTOEY. T-' f. Thankf to the CiTcr 1 Honors to Gen.

Grant and His Gallant Army i. i i i '5 A 1 NATIONAL SALUTE OBDERED. tt i. --lit. -ii Two nradred to be Fired toe neadqnarters ef Every Army, Departoent, Post i -lit' i and Arsenal.

I- TVaa Cxrasntzir. vVAsaneve. D. Ci, i AgrU I thanks be to Almighty God for the great ie-j tory with which he has tihU day crowned you i and the gsRant armies under your command. The thanks of thia Department and of the Gov ernment! and of the People of the United States their reverence and honor, have been deserved--wiD be rendered to yoo: and the brave and gait I I I 1 I I lent officera and soldiers of your army for all time.

ii Edwih M. SrAXtos, Secretary of War. Wa DariaTMS. WassrasTOS. D.

April 9. 18M-1 eeloea P. St i Si- I i. i Ordered That a salute of two hundred guns be fired at the headquarters of every army and department, and at every post and arsenal In the United States, and attic Military Academy at West Point on the day of the Ireceipt of this order, in commemoration of the surrender of Gen. Rob xbt andhe Northern Virginia Lieut-Gen.

Gbabt and the' army under his com mandJ BeDort of the receipt and execution of this order, to be made to the Adjdtant-General at i Washington. i Edwis M. Srasros, i i. i I i i i Secretary of War, I I- FE0M BICUM05D. 1 Perils s.J Bxeltemente a Tajaie Us the uf jIaeteia Along tb A i -t- 'A'--' Jrom Oar Own Comtpostttt.

Ricnoaa. Wadaeadav, Aprtifi. i Thelnspustion of the scene and the scope I i ottii tbems before us are far beyond tbe feeble dsescrlpUys. powers of of tbe pep of yoar correspondent. No brll-i tlnat rbetorle, ae vivid word-atating, as oratorical: can portray sublbalty and immsntity of the great It hi almoat beyond the' power of tbe somas soiad to comprehend Its extent, and whea you 'begin to descend to detait the task la almply apnaUing la Ila magnlude.

Tblaa of a llae of operations, bald defeartvaly aad operated from offeasivsty witb aucb aucceat, UiriyUoa milts ling .1 111. I Ujtsnk. tksreuMkluMfiied tkrougkout Us tnurt isxgtM! of tbe cities captured, of ths atormsd aad ukea, wlthtbelr bandreda of. guna. great and amalij pf tbs atorlai slirar newla Oat bands, yet beyond tbe pessibimref eoa" putaUoaof tbe terrible baUlea, and tbs overwaeim.

Ing defeat, and rout ef tbe ealef army of tbe reb aiUoa of tbe prisoner captured. Counted by the tens or ill I I tboutanda; of tbe tsrrlfisd eight et, the arcb-aauor ana his few desperate minions of the triumphant entry of Anaaaaa I iuroaui into treason's" fsHea capita 1. Let every lover of bis coaatry depict tae vaat aceae In bis owb lmaglaauoa for words te fitly dlac'ribe It talis altogatber. i I i ceartesy of Provost-Marthai Paratcs.i 1 enjoyed aa exceedingly pleasant sail from City Foist to tlbe' Richmond. whares this morning i bb hit Beat Bag ship, tbe itttin.

Accompanying the General were Hon. H. Disa. Aarittant Secretary ef War, bis wife aad son, aad Uoa. Rosoes Cosauae, memosr of Congress from Nswrerkl Tbe snake-like benda of tbe Jaaaes patweaa Chy Potat aad Tarlaa, Landing, were quickly paaaeA, aai at tbe letter place eisurance wat gives that the rlvSr waa clear for our vaaael to the fery docks ef Rlehmond bat I can I aaaurs yen that the asvlgatioa of the tortuous chan nel of tae James thence to taicaiy aewa with obatructloae and supposed torpedoes, waa aa exceedingly delicate taah.

and fall of excltemeta bur pilot Snow tbe chanael ef eld. hut be kaew sot the warlike devices of tbe enemy, i- 1 We wsrai however, very fortaaate, aad tbe approach to the city, especially during the last eight aalles from Drewry's Bluff, was full of the latenaeat Interest, for over these waters the Talon Bag bad never before flouted during tluj wur. When we leave 1 Dutch 'Gap sna that i famons cssal, which looks aa though It might hee beea waabed oat by a billow, wo at oaea a ntar apoa the lines bsld by ths Bowlett 'House fnmeas for its determined reaUtaaes to our sagsneer-ing epcratloas ea tbe aertb side of the liver, stands abandoned and gloomy, with its twelrs large guns atlll ia thia emhrnsurea, bat all elleet ae" wo stsomsd rapidly by. Another long aad large etelbworS -oo-i pears oa the left baah, meeaOng eight or tea guns, aad bearing durectlv apon tbe moats ef the Tbla too, llbe tbe reau Is abandsnad; with lla arms-, meat unimpaired. Wn next pair ths wreck of tbs rebel gunboat, blowa up by oar hatferlss during ths effort made te rua through our Iset some moatas I The neat polat Of Interest fct Pert Brady, oa the ortb bank of ae river, aad too left of the position of oar Army; of the Jsms.

Wnat strikss one as yery rsmarksble bsrs the fact that awing ts the. Intricate windlsgs of tbe James there are two rebel batteries. Hewlett Hoaae aad another, absolutely la the reenof tWs former peeltlea of pax army. Fort jgrndy la tbs polat wnere Cea. Cinaoa opened on tbe retreating rebel mm.

Had there bees larger guns at sis disposal. Us taage la so good that th would have stood a yoorebaace i ffe are new fairly ia that part of tbe rivet ball saiely by the rebels, aad a ksewSedge of, tie chatsel aad obstructions to absolutely neceanary to a sate royugn. Tae gunboat la therefore haCsd, aad oa aaklag Jar lnfcirme-loo. a pilot who has beea up aad eewn to tendered wb much The obatrosUinas aoak by oar own seat are soon psesed. jlaawtoe tbsjtaet cf moaltn.

aad tte a at oVett I I I I ii vis-U r-. 4 1 1 liri.i- which greets the vision Is a gauy draaaed tug. with a guard ef mariaea. having tn low Admtral Psataas bergs, with tbe Prssldeat. ea his return trues Kicb4 mood, complacently i seated Us the store onsets.

It looks very much Bks a Following a short dlstaaes after the Prealdsars as ao some nag-aaip. the Kim Omen, Plot tar behind Is the Vwutlral steel gunboat Be, ex-hlockade rsaner, now gsnerat convoy dlsUngutshed guests, aad one of the fastest eeseeis ila the nary The itteor Queen, whkk toe the Pf eddeat up the rtvuf, procesdel as farther than tse obstructions ei Drewry's Bluft We are soon abreast of tbla bistorts fortlfieafisoV and eager eyes scan closely Its lormldsnls walls and Here to the chief llae of obatructloae sank by the; rebels early la the war. aad located as they are, eH-f rsetly uadsr ths suns of Port Darling. suoJscBag evmry approaching thing to a terrible plunglag tots raa ally odmttass tans larnaasaale; barrier te tte naval advaaoo-oa Rlebmoad. The river is fa la very narrow, aad the aaoremeat of largs.

veaaels attended will much danger. Tae obstructions were pieced directly aerees the and ailed it complstsly with the execution ef gap ef lfty ot aUty feei left for the passage ef the rebel fleet and aag-of-truce They eoaalat of the belle of two, or three old steamships, that formerly plyed between Ricbmoad and Ns Tork. The wheot-houtes, tost crumbling to decay, sttll rise abeve the water; and preseat the appearance of a melaacholy rule. I We pass so hurriedly under tbe guns ef Tort Darling, that we have i ae good opportunity to observe Its We know looks very strong, and on tbe north side It has. one' or two small outlying works oa tto Dar aaval eompealeas tell us 1 1 that It Is eaaemated fortUieetloa, and with Its sur rounding fisid werka, all parts oL the fort ttaelf, moaato not Sees than forty All tbeae.

like bandreda mere, are our treaalee without blemish or injury, -i (' Not far abere Port Darling itep the wreck ef ode of the famous rebel! Beet the Jaaaes, the Iron-dad Waether)sae has been blowa up or atav pty seutttod aad sank, cannot be asosrtaised from looking nt her as Shis lies, phe sank In deep water, nad to eaioened over ma her aide, leaving a portion of her ovarbaag vbrlble nhovs the walsr-Une, Of the other trea-cUd, the KcSmead. we tad no trnoe. la tbe Immediate vicinity ef Fort Darling we pass through a very subeteaCal bridge with a draw, used by Las for the speedy transfer of troops from the north to the souU aide of the James. Ire reechtsg iRfebmond we pass two more of the same kind, though hardly so well built as the arst hut all de- tnonatratlsg that Lxa had ne pontoon brUdges ncroce (be James snywbere probsbly. because the rapid Current rendered them uaaafa, and probably, too.

be-jcause he had not any peatoeaS to spars, whea some thing else would natwer just ss wsll. 1 Wehsv now stesmed lafeiy by all obstractlous and cbanoes ef torpedoes, and the very' pardonable trepidation which we felt la vie of ear soesibw danger, glvee way to feeling tant just new to a moment In our lives, 1he dgntteaaee, importance and sublimity of which canaot be justly spprsctoted. The Citr of Ricamond to ta ytewv The spires polatlsg heavenward; the smoke sUU rising from thecon-flaeratien's awful rain, aad the stars aad' Stripes toetlag from a hundred bouse-topa aad mastheads, all form a plctare se sublimely graad aad tnsptrlag, that tbs human mind is simply lost Is mute i. i I la a few mo menu we tend at the Rockata, aad a brlak walk; of a sntle aad a half brings us to tbe Bpetsweod House, where we lad dlaaer aad a very fOrtabie room, amid hundreds of loyal guesta i- Vt I First Impvoealeoo of Croat CenSaarotlea la the City wnm nmm ato-' for t-rfco Ubbr Coaulo Tbaoder eaffertag fee Food Dletrtbo- tlen of Bagliee-fleee (- -v -it -j From Oa Oun Corvaapondsnl. T' RtouuotiB, Thursday Aprtl 1WV, So manr thousand facts pre presented to the pnlnd ofthovlaltornereitnauchn rary abort "pece of klme.

that te record itheioa systsmatieally alinoat lrnpoMttils.i The Al leatirasof the ereeuatloa. kbe entrnnee of our troops, tno connngrauon, uo tealdeat'a vlaltand reeepUoa, hava already been korwarded to you lu dstaU, by your eavreapeudents Who cams in with the troops, aad .1 wlU Usrefere, krjttde to team only In a general way. jtet me say, thoeghi as the outset, that the best part of tbe eil? to a tula. the awful hie kin-died by the, enemy; aad which at arst promised te consume but a' Jew buHdlgas, wns so fnaaed by tbe rising wind, thathelore It eouid be got under sub-tetlon. toas the sight htaUrtd otuUmgs 6s as eery esse oad mt oeloeSls susinetsMostUkmsnimwd esUs." What the pecaslsry leas Is no one ean ostUaste.

nearly all tb. principal. tectories, warsseuses, exorea, snaks nnd itssurnneo offices 'were destroysd. and the losses being so heavy the Ixurorance compastes. perhnps Uaolvent alrsady from their countenaaee sf the tubel eurrsncy, ate now snore than bankrupted, and thousands ef propertf owners, computed wealthy ta their actual posesestoaa three days age.

are now reduced to beggary. It to among the things eneUy diaoarnable, i teat this rate, wroegbt by tbsir own friends. to wheat they havo given alii aad to iwhoea tyruany they havj suhmttted, with even Ike cease ef far deeper loom umone maav tbsa tnat proowioa oy wo of tbs city or the dsfaat of their army. XI is apparent indeed taat the transfer ef tae elty to tae Union lag was not only oof dialasttfU Urg par a.n nr-fhs psspto, meagV Uem meN tat sssl ctossss; hut srnn kigkl grntftmg eaptared elty. eves Savannas luor Columbia, eaa preesat the rute appareat here ta Rlcamoad.

It will carry tia 'nalaf ut evidences tor half a score ei yours, and the only thing which will speedily alleviate the dire distress that must prevail, asd give the etiy chases for speedy teeeverr from lurpreeent stagnation. Is Immediate peace. It to Richmond's oaly salvation, The origin of tbe are end the Incendiaries are so wa4and positive known that as extended ta ventilation oa these potent Is required. It seems that CaL, Lss was aor nsmmsisi lsr ft, hut thet Jiff. Doeae mwd kiBcrurj Her, treeksnridge, were.

The destruction of the supplies ana the arsenal In volved the destruction of the city, aad It was so de cided by the leading cUizene. i Can. srxu and hf aj. CaaameTOST both protested against ft la tbe meet ear aest meaner, aa did also committee of ettteeas. but Bascssrsteea.

ta reply, exclaimed tkmt he dtdnH cmti du if a-y Smcm in KidkmmUwus seasamad. the 'mmrhsmso-muot ommm Th sis this wretched rebel, foisted Into a' powerful position with no eou-stituenav to respenalble for the dreadful ruin, aad bin: master Daya Is 4ikswise reeponsfUe, heeaaea he sneaey esuxtehaaesi tL i i V- yThe are waa started tweoora, aami tae von- ply warebevses near tbe Wharyee. asd si tbe Dan-Tllie Depot, where there mere IOS hogsheads of tobaeco belonging to the Confederate Government. Tale consumed the sanvuie nine ui rsiera- tcrgh DrpoL asd Us bridge ever the James to Man chestex. The a-iscy.

xrneua ana csree Thchdez. as hsva already taJbnaed yea, were set bersed. Ther reserved for a far mora appro-' pxute fsta. "I rrlaaed Bbem yesterday, aad teusd Caaie Tbondet used as a guard-house tor facSous and thieving negiooa. eaugtt ta acts of pTeaaer, ohLe the X-Itsy reatxlned SZ1 rtttl priaeaera ca rers nnd prtvBtes, terxpeSlriIy, They looked (treats the Iron graugs wUb geemy Mi p.

i ---if j- i j' i-'r i i Hi I if i- i 5 i piiice' ouii cj2Hri -i i- I 2 aneea. while the Cslon guard outside seessad to wV ly eajsr-tbetranattloa that the famous huadlcf nmA' usdergeae. evtdeaUy havUg beea there htosself. The whirligig of Cme sulss mil things eves, ani this theuaasds of leyaleCiaera and soldiers who have i suffered the tertsrsi aad horrera of these dassseaf aaey now eentempiate Ustr present asses wUh serene aansfnettew, end yet wSheat rseestatssU -t i j' A close Inspection of Castle Thunder re veateeae ef the meat hldseas dasgueaa ttat eaa he eencfilveaV We failed to eoa It. hewever, ts all tts Us asd Bastrness, tor a strong fefos efksnea had seen aaV i gaged two daya ha earrytag out the ueeemsUtien ef i the past tlireejysars.

The eerporal et the guard whe i conducted us through, potated out a spot oa the fes ea eae o. the atats haUa. sot yet eleaasd. whrte the) dirt was throe baches thick, end alive wlte uoravbsj gel oa tUs JUmr, an fate eoaditiaa, prtosre wore MgWtoetestsseqpesv 4titmtS or Vdseeymg-sfrem.) rl'l .1.. i 1r--' But I will set sscast further epoa thia' irCe ra-s i of the rshelllos.

Its career Is too wsll kaswa. 'T'haj prlsosers confined sera, It wffl be rsoollectod. worst those agsiast whom speeUl veagaaaoe waa directed; prisoners of Itata, persons eharged wtthaibertasj Cnioa prisoaers. TJaloa effieers charged srtth elnF MukUM.iHn.aa Wall ass tt been said that eoBlsemest ta Thsftdag la a foretaste ef the tortures of the usnned. V'T This huUdlng.

together wUh the )Jbby belongs the eeteta ef Jen Savasa. and waa leesed by the rebel Oorersment. were otlgmaBy bstlt for atorea, but auheequeaUy tamed tnte tabeeee msna-faetorlsa Bat uaU base uses are pew at aa and. This to the fourth day of the Unto occupation, and the confusion la the elty neosssaifly attendant upon each aa evacuation, and such na eeeupatlon la gradually subaHlng. Could the ruins of the ftro ne remove front sight, Richmond would preecat aa attraeUvs sppearasoe, for His really hasdaosae elty i hnt.

after all, the eeddest seeaes are at ths headquarter, of the PrevesVsf artist the Cnmmls-sieaers of ubalstenoe, and the efflee ef Besttary CommlssioB. tts tetter hetag already established: bare. Oen. Wnmsa had ae eoonar established kto headQuartere hare than i thoaeaads etttosae beslsged him for i.railona, as the lty to new shut out from all sappttes from the eoaatry, the crowd i ef appWeaate for -eub gistenee is rapidly taerssslng. This morals There waa nothing Is the markets but a few email Bib eaaght by aegroea! The Capitol, the City Had and the Capltol-eouare are filled with a great throng of all elasses, condition, eexea aad asst.

wits basket la anad and an appealing exprusaienLof faee. What the regulations yet are la regard to ths Issue of rations to the eitIssas.X do ot quantity Is bdne suppUsd thsat at prsasat i Ia ordsr to Study this peculiar social feature ef the: rebellion, rnlofled with these crowds this sseratog for a short Urns, te ebeervs thetr temper, desires aad i condition. Thev were, of eourae. largely made ap of what appeared te be the poorer classes, nnd many aesTees were ameag iibomi noma fcf subsistenee fof thsmsslvas sad somii as iwvsats'of vkoM tniellteent exnreaatea of eeon. teasnee, fair featursS and: Sttsmpted gentility ol idrsts.

Indicated that thsr wsre of the higher classea. I cm whoa the demands of want and hanger were no- ilnsa liable as; upon those of lsts -positloni 1 so- ittcsd severaL, Indies' Spproaoh the fflser Jn ehsrga nttlred. aad wUhrv their facea so closely yelrsd ss to defy the'gsse i itae keenest eye. They spoke Jb gaaos when elf rng their namee as to cause wa te ens-poct tbelr names were hs foreign to them as the hoa.

gar they now sought appsaae had been la daya. gone by. A St any of the wealthiest families, So who hsd the means; have fat largsr. fuopUssof pre irtolons on hand than was aossliteat with tbe re pee tad appenls of CeBfederate wffii-tels for suoVW eperu; froni thsirhoasty io feed the army. Vj 1 i Tse exodus of prominent eltlaess was eoaaned mainly itbose connected with the reed govvTBr enent aad a feweho had made thsmsslves very eos gptououe la rebel pontics ad the rebel Cabinet ehdT i tbelr chief assistants, tftoogh not mpdh of their clsrl-j eal force, get away i jThs pmparatioaa for thd eve-; cuatloa began very euletly among the effieiala.

At poos of Saudsy the Important records of tbe dspart. aasate were boxed up aad carted to tbe depot mmvw nuj. UIC10I as to the real state of the esse. A strowr guara was 4 ataUoned at the DaarlUei dapoU aaa.Jour got ready, the aret of whlcbl left, i with Davis ea "heard, at seytn o'clock tn the evening aad tne iast at midnight. Dara.

family had goas tnto thd couatry en the Friday pre- hut not hseanu of any appteheasloa that, the elty waa te be gtvuti up. iYerr lew famlllss lefh? tbeeltv.and there are very few vneeat houses, tts asansloss of Jirr. Dans snd 0e. Bnxr mrn being i among those now ts wait of tsaaats. The family of Gen.

Las, eeaslstlng or his wtfs, who is aa lavalld. tbrao daurbtera are among those' who remaia. They occupy a sty lis hsuae oa Praaklla-etreet, end for their protection a well dUrtpllsed guard Is placed attbe.dwslllag. and hp famify are scrupulously protected from aanevanco ef any eharaeter, te i Staring gaae of the pstser-ty hardly hetag alisoad. This la tbe saeead time Cuit fdra.Cen.Laa bun been fa out hsnda She was once captured by our cavalry Bear White House, la tSCX and sent through our lines te Rtchmoaa padsr flag ef truca by ordsr el Ces.sicCutiAB.

UI tJmlsm hteatlsueat ta Illshmond-Prejeets af i XSMaatraenaa-vifnmum Koermlttaa Ifegro Teeooo-Tho Truth i ahoatXUbol Kalleteaentaf Negroes, i. 'a Treat Our Own Cerrespondsnt. 1 1 i Saaxoim. Friday. April T.

IStS. 5 ean give you news, will gratify tbe heart of every loyal Ameriesa. Irglste; wci 1 rstara te ths TJaloa, aad that rlht spesdUy. DsiU-, 4 tag is ascertain the exact troth wUh rsfereace to the alleged exlstesee of a strong Uaioa eentimett ta the availed myself of aa epportaattyto -nH upon eertala goaUesaea here whoa I had heard) elluded to by Beeessloalsta ns.Uaios men, and I do it eay. that apeat two ef Bus hoers of ay U-'s r.

la tall asd free soavsrsaUoa wlU some of the most tboreegh asd Unloa'mea ts 'Ce mea i of wealth aad poaiiUa, etew 1 i.iit. mmi 1 ear an Inrrairt and Who. slaveholders. us thsy tint Xirgmls sae3)' a ((faaNuaa see wiaersaa xkas mitizt ofOs ho tolsrtSU; tXsi ths usurpsion Etat. Csniin mkitk See uwttktd VwrinU, eUll mm ae rmegms4 ae msmgUmsrKtg that tbe Cerernmeet mnet bo- orgaalsed answ.ty a eocveaaon ci i9 people, as aooa ae taat can no proper.r end tto tababltsnt tioror argsd ef tranoa ta every alaps, it to late soon term oxirtbero so afnrgreeter extent tbss Sea yet been ycoteeled sot alone ameag Co poorer claaaav machanlcaaad labaiais.

tut immlttg mud tmfumHsl m-tUs. mkrro nrj fmrnmA men who hew wf lost fzi: ia ti' jj raifis; whs, hare aoUctieJ nmpn, and who greeted te old. uars are men cfj J- Xllaot Eoltesc-oei, "aci they, pre leata oklcb aball leaven the here ti this venerable old cf Ti 7 wHl ttZ-vl to srs tie szzst if us wli tatyssEiany. hct Cry 7 1 I Mi- i iii i 1 4' -'I :1 sMltgrt poiei, an Pint i teo for the pm ebOaa as ao cre.baJsM. 1 ii .1 i Si 4 Ai.

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