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The New York Times from New York, New York • Page 11

New York, New York
Issue Date:
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11 TOPICS IN WALL STREET. profcMlor! cperatora too avantar tf tti rumors emanaUrig from Washlng- purporting to giro um iacw tloJt the report of th IaUr-StAte Convf in- th matter of the ef the so-called Hsxrlmaa jt ink am annp. otSr apecIXlo and entirely accurate but th occMln report mia oiuy.wuu. attorney for the commission had com-fcUted report, which would be aub-tnltted to that body with recotmnenda-wlmm tor ts guidance of tha commission formulating erwis awu these statements waa a farther atory to he affect that action to compel MR Har- I l.k rlman lno tfueuona lu refused to reply ia the Investigation jwould he taen next weak, and a apaedy Ceclslon la favor of tha commission waa expected. Every trader who bad any bearish Inclinations at all Bold a little IToSon Pacific on tha publication of these rumors and dispatches, and tha result waa reaction, exciting nervousness sad" berettlng depression la the more JwpefW quarici.

iinifcnt. "To not sk ma to characterize this tnarket," said a customer of a prominent house yesterday. "It eeema to me that every one dowu here has an Idea that the country, the rallroada. tha stock mar-jtet. and everything else la Koing to the 'doc- The impression aeema' to-prevail that shall rslsa no cropa; that business will oe at a standstill la three months, and that every possible adverse development is headed for these.

United States to bring about panic and depression For the life of me 1 cannot see what inspires all this bearlshnees and pessimism. We are getting to a point, bo far as I can see, when all that- Is necessary to develop a bear market is for a profesdonat to ko over to the lobby of the Exchange and make a noise like a llarrirnaa Investigation." 1 Discussing, the money market yesterday, one of the bankers who keeps in intimate touch with both domestic and International conditions. aald: "If I had no opinion of my own and desired, to give you tha banking opinion as to money. I would have to furnish you with two opinions, the result of geographical conditions snd Ideas. Here in New York the consensus of opinion among the best tanking peop'e la that we shall have easy money, but business la going to contract somewhat In the next two or three months.

They do not look for any serious setback, but they believe that business will be restricted considerably. Now the Western bankers arid business men take a different view. They, do not believe that busines is going to, be curtailed. They think that It will, continue at the ''present pressure for some time and they re extremely hopeful for the future. They take the position that there will ba pleptj of" employment for money, and easy money is not at- all likely.

Berlous attention has been directed to the. developments at the Delaware Hudson meeting', if the comment in tha more important brokerage offices be an Indication of the general feeling in the mat-tar. ad their customers would like to see a complete revelation of the jwhoie 'situation both from the point of view of the railroad itself and the point of view of those who take exception to Its recent management. Humor has been busy In the financial district for some time Xo the effect that somewhere in the background there are those who have been Identified with corporation bo! tins in the pat. Tta.des.jvl refer at all to ny of the men openly Identified with the actlorf taken at yenteraiiy's meeting or to the professional traders mentioned.

Gossip deals more specifically with an individual who has more or less of a notation for-stirring up TruuDie. wnere-vcr lie can find an excuse. 'Despite the flurry induced by the so- 'ailed Harriman rumors, the market was extremely dull, and activity limited, as usual, to a few stocks. Irregularity waa in evidence throughout the list. For ex- ample, Jead was one -of the-' notably strong atocks on the Hat.

Baltimore Ohio, without any apparent excuse, showed a decline of a ooint at the ODen- Mng. St. Preferred, which, is a comparatively inactive stock, made a decline of five points from, the previous closing. It has been noticed that Erie preferred issues Invariably show In London, but this haa not' been '-effective in bringing about any marked improvement here. Missouri Pacific was absolutely neglected, showing no trading whatever.

Traders pointed out that "not so long ago one of the active Industrials was Colorado Fuel and Iron. JhUe nowadays trading In that mock is and -ipasmodlc. There are many other stock on the list which -have been speculative favorites, but which are now eatireiy ignored by traders. Floor trsders seem to believe that there Mas extended short Interest In the mar- They make this deduction ffcom their wb observations on tha floor, from their MtfwipdKe of profcsisonal operations, and from the general drift and teritn-w nf This belief makes many of men extremely cautious. They oelieve.that a concerted movement in ono Pf two stocks might result In a scamper cover, making the short side unpleaa- at least.

It is-diffi-CUlt a estimate the tArt interest in the uuu Blgns, i e-wrse. such as the activity in the loan SSJwLfJ-3 th1 but rc- tK-T. j-init, rannoi ie accepted at trtiT. Taiu- There are so many a-Pearances as Among the stocks which A not ahow ay material v. -j, the announcements from Woahing- WPr tha copper stocks, and.

more IWUeuUrly. Amalgamated Copper and Anaconda. The report of Anaconda waa "en received, and waa more detailed Ira. iwi oera expectec Trie accountants avery' practlciU point, and the tockholdera can gain from the document goon loea of conditions. The report not unexpected, although there had eeen no i.

pacific announcement conrern-k Tnulrs wr somewhat impressed 6y the general strength of -AmalgamaTed but they were more or lesa afraid Tho WMlkn' be rest mttrkel would have been sufficient Pweat e.1 tracing In any event. Jistency ot bearish gossip gently m.tJo the of st' nervous. So far as Um. fR- there was no more foundt-la nshreS th Quarter than any quarter of the market. Son them wattk'n on th stock Exchange The initial trading waa at 1.

In eourae of the day, and particularly win the period or weakness and prea-la ralon Pacific. Southern raclflc "rT bfttter undertone than either a PacUlc or some of the other active tT- Southern Pacific preferred sold u3V AVhen the firnt Issue of jT" Southern Pacific preferred was It waa announced that the wuU be cailed at 113. It waa figured the fluctuation la that stock would tj fnm "5 to about That la. from Jrilf. that Prt.

Plus a half tT i.lT re! iuivalent to per cent. Poin" ere added, rre-t vS iy' for speculative value. The SeS i't -ZSUb' however, below the a which It vn ba called, i OUTSIDE SECURITIES Market Dull Except for the Wide Trading In New Issues of Railroad Borfds. NEARLY $300,000 SOLD Activity in Atchison 5s and Union Pa cific 4s Sends Prices Fractionally Down Mining Stocks Weak. The curb market waa sluggish again yes terday and without special Interest out aide of the transactions la the new bonds of the Atchison and the Union Pacific, which sold 'when.

If. and as Issued." Of the Atchison debenture 5s $105,000 were sold from 101 down to lOltt. "first Installment paid." The Union Pacific convertible 4s were put down on heavy selling. The transactions as reported in the 4s footed up to $150,000, the price ranging from 81 to 00. The close was OOTa.

In the mining list light offerings for the most part found the market weak and prices were generally lower at the close. Niplssln had a revival of activity. saUlng- 8,000 between 124 and 12. The close was the high price of the day. Tfte principal transactions reported yes terday in the outside market, with open ing-, high, low, and last prices, were as follows INDUSTRIALS.

Bales. Ooen. Hl-h. Low. Last.

j'il. TohaMn-IU. .14.. 3U uxn mm. Steamship 514 135..

Electric 35 l'. 7)4 S.0OO. Manhat. Tran. 5V4 85 7H 524 41 81Vi Meerschaum 10.

20O. 4t 1,300.. West. Ice 81 RAILROADS. 800..

Atchison 8-16 1,000. 18 la 7.0UO..HO. Pacific rts. J'4 li 11.000. Pacrts.

5-16 MINING STOCKS. 2,600. M. See 1 2n0. Barnes K.

De. 4' 2JO. 00. Copper. 2i Col.

Cop. 8 6no. Butte Coalition 21 Central. 4' TOO. L.

24 CHt. Silver 2 li'JO. Mln. Davis-Daly Ka. 15H i.iimi.

uorainion cop. 7 10. Ety 6, OuO. Foster Cobalt. 0.

0MO. Cre-k C. MO. Mining. Hill 1.

JKO. Greene-Can 1. 200. Death V. Kinjf FM ward C4 85 021 40 siu 85 024 31 8-16 1G 1 3-16 8-10 3-16 8-16 10 4-i I $8 1 BO iu 5'4 2t 8 3 27 42 2 2 15 TH 4V IV.

1 29 8 20 40 2H 9 154 7 VK 4W i i-ia m. 1 1-16 1 1 11-14 9'i i it. 15U 15, IVi 1 11 SO 75 75 1H 1 1 1 S'A 2u 8 8 2074 41 2 2V, 15V4 71 4V THE FOREIGN MARKETS. Development of Yesterday in London, i Paris, and Berlin. LONDON.

May 15. The supplies of money were less plentiful and decreasing in the market to-day owing to billa maturing- at the Bank of England, which, with the Increased demands for the settlement, caused a Jfardeniifg- of rates-Discounts were firm. The settlement was concluded on the Stock Exchange in a satisfactory manner, but business for the new account was very dulL The tone remained weak under bear pressure, and in the absenoe of support the stocks of several home rail roads touched the lowest point of the year. Americans varied little from parity during- the early trading, but selling- at about noon caused heaviness, while the uncertainty la Niw Tork checked businesa. rjatar th rileiiint of tha New Tork open ing quotations stopped the downward tendency, out raiiea to stimulate activity, and the market closed dulL Foreign were quietly steady.

Japanese Imperial 6a of 1904 closed at 101T. Bullloa amounting to 181.000 was taken into the Bank of England on balance today. Bar silver steady. 80 fi-10d per ounce. Money, 232ty per cent.

The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is per for three months It Is 8T4 per cent. India Council bills were allotted to-day at Is 4 1-I6d. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: Madrid,; Lisbon, 2. PARIS, May 15. Prices on the Bourse to-day were unsteady and the tendency generally was downward.

Russian Imperial 4s were not quoted. Russian bonds of 1904 closed at 502. Three per cent, rentes, 4f. 97c. for the account.

Exchange on London, 25C HVic. for checks. SHAW, CITES HIS AID TO COUHTRYBAMKERS O.OuO..McKinler-D.. 1 9-14 1 9-16 1 6-16 1 016 2.KI0. G.

M. 4Vi 4 100. Co. of Am. 1V 1H 8.80O..

Mitchell 4 4 SOO. of Costa R. 8 84 On: 14 14 5.5iO. M. AS.

ts.mxt. Mines Co. 12'4 12 5w. Hun. a l.OKO.-.Silver 1 1 1.7N.

2 2 Mining. I.ftK).. Tramps OH Cs 3.050. 3 84 22 22 6o. M.

15T4 11 ltj 1 6-l3 CO 3 2 IS 14 15V4 1 1T4 6V4 2D. Union Copper Union 2 2t. Cop 200.. U. Copper BONDS.

Bs. 72 8. K. 6.. 7.tM0.

W. P. 6s. 83V, 105,000. dep.

6s, 1st lnst lOlli 10H4 mm 4.0O0.. Inter. Ball 67 67 67 67 18.0K. p. conv.

4s. 01H K1V4 00 Wi'A Odd-lots. tEx dividend. The bid and asked prices at the close of the market yesterday compare as follows with those of Tuesday: i Maris. May 14.

Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 2 83 Vs Al ba 72 83i 61 72 83Va Alaska Mines 1 Am.

Tobacco 340 3.M Am. Writing Paper Am. AVritlns; Paer 2 2V, Am. Writlns; Paper 22 Vi AtchiMon con. 6s, first instal paid.

w. 1 101 101 Atchison rights 3-16 V4 Balaklala 9 xwmi'8-ivinic licveiuji. A 340 2 22 hi 1 355 84 23 Bonanza Belt Bonanza Creek Boston Coppr British Col. Copper. Butte Coalition Central Foundry Central Foundry Chicago Bubway Colonial Silver Cumberland-Ely Colusa-Leonard Con.

Steamship Davis-Daly Dominion copper Dour las Copper Kly Central Kly Con El Rayo Foster Cobalt Furnace Crci-k Giroux A Gold H'll ijrecne on. v-opiwr. Greene Gold Greene iold-Siiver Greene Giild-Silver Greene-Caflanea Havana Tobacco Havana Tobacco International Salt Manhattan Transit McKlnley-DarraKh Mlcmac Gold Mines Co. of Mitchell Mining Nevada Con. Copper.

N. Y. Cuba M. 8.. Nevada Smltine; Nevada-Utah M.

8. Nlpisslmr Mines Co Old Hundred Otis Klevator Otis Elevator pf Silver Queen South. Pacific Stewart Mining- Standard Oil Tramps Con Trl-Bullloji Trinity e'vnpei- Tonopah Kx tension tTnlted Copprr United Copper I Union Copp-r Union Pacific rtehts Waterbury Co Western Ice Co evs 2S 2l IS 15U, 2V, 2S lsq, 7 It 4 6V 27U 2'i 15 2 6 1 7H 4 102 2tLi 1 1-16 1 1 101 3-16 4 a 8 27 1 2 6 15 7H 9 4 IV 5V 6 '4 i i-ia 1 3-16 2 15 18 3 10 2 6 15-- 7S 6 1 1-16 1 1 1 1-16 i ish ioh 18 15 IVi 4Hi IS 3 12 3 fW ItO 1 ls 1 .524 67 22 87ij 8-16 40U 31 15'4 US 2d 1H IS l'x 4 15 74 12 3 40 95 IVi css 61 8 62 90 31 hi 1 1 1 IBS JO ia 15 ti'j 24 1 IS 154 io 21 16 IS 1 9-16 4S 4Vi BERLIN, May 15 Prices the stock section of the Boerse were depressed today upon the continued rise in tba-price of grain and the Impending lockout in the building- trades here. Exchange on London, 20 marks 454 nfAnnin for rheoka. Discount rates Short and three months' bills, 44 per cent.

FOREIGN PUBLIC SECURITIES. Following; are yesterday's quotations for several European State and municipal securities: Bid Asked. German consols 8s 95 96 German consols 8s a4 Bavarian Government 4s 100 100 Hessian Government 3V4s 94 95 Saxony Government 8s 84 Hamburg Government 8s 83 t4 City of Cologne 4s lOO 10 City of Munich 4s 100 1O0H City of Augsburg 4s 100 J00 City of Frankfort oM. 8Vb 94 04 City of Vienna 4s 07 Mexican Government gold 6s 100 101 Russtao Government 4s 75 7 French rente 3s 94 95 British consols 2is 84 bi- His Letter Reminds Them, Soliciting New Accounts, of Former Treasury Help. in FAVOR SOUGHT IN RETURN No Such Construction Can Be Placed on Hia Words, Ha Says, in Re-P'ylng to Criticism.

LONDON CLOSING QUOTATIONS. The following were the closing prices In London yesterday for American stocks, comparisons being made between New Tork equivalents and the previous New York closing: Lon- N. T. N. T.

don. Equlv. Close. 4 ll-lJ 84 13-16 Consols, Conrols. account Anaconda Atchison 12s 3 Canadian Pacific.

175' tit. 1-aul Erie lJrle 1st pf Illinois Louis. N. Y. Pennsylvania Reading Southern Union Pacific V.

8. Bteel U. Stoel 137 24-i 67 .149 .119 .118 63 r5- 8flV4 160 37 .103 B2 170 1334 23 Mi 144 11 114 124 1H MS 146 100 S3 17o -t- 13.1, -I- 24 65 Net Ch'ge. 1-16 1-16 fc 114 124 lt h4 14S 37 lOO American Mining Stocks In London. The following prices for American mining stocks were received from London k.

d. I a. M. Camp Bird 1 2 1 15 6 Tomboy 118 0Lolorea 1 8. 9 El Oro 1 1 OlStratton's lndep.0 8 6 4 14 27 2 6S 12 3 36 90 IS 2 622 67 2 'b 61 87 1 4 15 28 40 95 1 IS 2 630 70 3 62 90 1 ft 1-16 40 41 81 82 THE CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE Wednesday, May 15, 1907.

Sales. First. Hlrh. Low. Last.

14.9.V..Amal. Copper. 94 95 93 96U 10.. Am. B.

Eupar. 15 15 15 15 lO.Am. Car A 37 87 37 37 1V 127 130 augar jzn im i-jh 91 .80 90 1.160.. T. 8.

F. 640.. Bait. 97 2.50. R.

6ft Pacific. 170 lO. 2S Gt. West. Ilt4 1.440..C.

A 8t. P.133 133 132 133 Tia I. 94 S4 34 e-n. ij'i 20. 90..

K. A X.Si. Lead 97 96 97 6 69J an 171 169 171 2H 2S 2S 4t 3 IIS 11 11 34 23V 24 Nash.ll llrtvt 11J llrt 63 es i. 114 11.1 114 1. A West.

76 76 76 76 S.10.. Pennsylvania .121 1T 122 122 7.6'0-.Readina; 1KVI 10v 27 27 21S 21S 21 Pteel Rock Island S3, 7 2S 2,760. 84 K3 83 20.. Southern 21 21 21 21 n.23i.. Union Pacific.

14 147 142 144 T.OIO. .17. S. Steel 37 87 8iJ JW S. Steel pf.l'M 10.

Central. 17 100 IT 17 187.040 MINING STOCKS. ....9.00 9.0O Bell .20 .43 12 6i. O. )Vt.

.79 .0. Jack. .19 .31 4. 55 2.8. 7 l.Ort 60.

Quicksilver 1.0iRed Hill Nevada Tramps .48 Con Jso oo no .2 .20 .45 .43 .43 .12 .12 .12 .79 .79 .7 .19 .18 ,1 .31 .65 .65 .65 6. GO 6.87 ft.37 .074 .07 .07 .06 .06 .06 L73 1.5A 1.73 .75 .75 .75 .40 .40 .67 .65 .57 .40 .65 .65 .60 .47 .44 14.738 WHEAT. 1. 023. 000..

July 94 S3 93 93 SECURITIES AT AUCTION. The following securities were disposed of yea-terday at the Exchange Salesroom. 14 and 16 Vesey Street, Adrian H. Muller A Son. auctioneers: 40 shares Pad no Bank.

$SO each. 239. 143 shares New Amsterdam. National Bank of New York. $100 each.

191. 41 shares Produce Exchange Bank. $100 each, 108. 8 shares United States Guaranty and Indemnity $10O each, 03. 15 shares Farmers' Loan and Trust $25 each.

12O0. 155 shares Inter borough-Metro poll tan Co. common. S10O each. 224.

lot) shares Interborough-Metropolltan Co. preferred. $100 each, 50. $4,400 Montgomery Light and Water Power Co. first consolidated gold 5 per cent, bonds, due 1943, four of $1,000 each and four of 8I0O each, 81.

100 shares W. H. Row Knitting Co. of Hwntsvllle, 5. $1,000 Indiana.

Illinois A Iowa Railroad first mortgage 4 per cent, bond, due 1950. Interest. January and July. 96. NEW YORK INCORPORATIONS.

Sprciol to Thi Srai York Tifut ALBANY. May 15. Tha following concerns were incorporated to-day: C. E. Barker Manufacturing Company, Goshen; capital.

Directors C. K. Barker. S. R.

Clarke. I. B. Parker, York. McDowell Realty and Construction' Company.

New York; capital. $200,000. Directors Will-lam McDowell. New Yorkr J. A.

Lawson. Brooklyn: Jay Leiser. Richmond Hill. L. I.

B. Muratti Sens A Co. of New York, (clsrar-ettes;) capHal. $150,000. Directors E.

J. Mc-Nevina, tf. J. Rice. M.

H. Horwltx. New York. ITnlted States Fire Protection Company, Utlca, (fire escapes;) capital, $100,000. Directors C.

F. Davy. Charles Wallace, Mohawk; E. J. Dwyer.

Rochester. Lancaster Realty Company, Troy; capital, $100,000. Directors J. K. P.

Pine. Arthur MacArthur. Troy; William C. Baxter, Wattr-vleit. Toa Alto Citrus Fruit Perry, (cultivate fruits in Porto Rico;) capital.

Directors W. W. Boyd, M. S. Nevlnger.

M. J. Kershaw, Perry. Improvement Company New York; capital. Directors J.

P. Blckerton, Austin Oibbln, New York; D. E. liardley, Jersey Ctty. Inter-Continental Operative Advertising Company, New Tork; capital, $50,000.

Directors Sigmond Landau. Jacob Nlchtauer, E. M. Hyana. New York.

Beekman Paper and Card New York: capital. $50,000. Directors David Oreenebaum. Ernest Sommers, D. S.

Sommers. New York. Apawamla Land Company, Rye; capital. $5,000. Directors Stuyvesant Wainwright, E.

A. Johnson. New York; C. E. Fleming.

Rye. Maoa Novelty Company, New York; eapHaL $10. KM). Directors Max Mann. Philadelphia; Louis Herbst.

C. H. Herbst, New York. Jenks-Asseraon Construction Company. New York; capital.

Directors W. H. Jenks, H. R. Aaserson.

E. J. Connor. New York. Hellan Ormpan) New York; capital $1,000.

Directors V. M. Turner, W. E. Ilouget.

timoa Melninger, New York. Bell Electric Construction Company, New York; capital. Directors A. C. Bell.

T. R. Belt Mary L. Fl.ll. New York.

Wove Realty Company. New Yorlc capital. $1,000. Directors Irving Bachraca. Isaao Schmeidler.

Adolf Schmeidler. New York. Good man Mortgage and Realty Company, New York; capital $10,000. Directors Samuel Goodman, New York; W. J.

Seldman. Greenblatt. Brookly-n. Lloyd Manufacturtna- Company. 22 Parte Place.

New York, tfireworks;) capital. SlO.OoO. Directors Thomas Lloyd. Paterson, N. Samuel Wiley, Garratson; Robert Lloyd, York.

Phoenix Belt Company, New York; capital $2,000. Directors A. H. Sherwin, Wolf her-win. Sol Feinsteln, New York.

Tempi Court Company. New York, (real estate;) capital. $1,000. Directors Eugene Kel-ley. T.

H. el ley, Paul Fuller. New York. Zuckerman LTberman. New York, (crockery;) capital.

$16,500. Directors David Zuckerman. Isaac Llbartnan. Joseph Oaua. New York.

Bankers' Transfer Urnpany, New Tork; capital, $10,000. Directors F. B. Vermilya, H. U.

Vennllya. H. A- Connolly. New York. INCORPORATED IN NEW JERSEY.

New Jersey Economic Syphon Company. Ho-hoken: capital. Incorporatirs Joseph J. Cohn. Jamea W.

Butler. William J. Arlets. Bippart, Oriscom A Osborn. Newark; Incorporators James D.

Boyd. Harold B. Elar. Eugene D. Alexander, Walter Vork.

Jr. O'Callagan American 4aather Works. Camden: Incorporators Albert A. Bliss. Harvey Turner.

G. Dore 'ogswelL Pltuburg Motor Boat and Engine Company, Camden: capital. $-V. i. Inconwrators II.

D. Miller. Georg K. Enterkln. E.

II. Tticka American Furnaca Company. Ounden; capital. $100,000. Incorporators E.

Emory, M. A McKee. E. Zachariaa. J.

Vliet Company. Newark capital. Incorporators Walter B. MacAdama, Er-atect Bucker. Thomas G.

Scartrer. "Bodtna Company. to manufacture vending and slot machine.) Jersey City; capital. Incorporators Randolph Perklna, 8. M.

B- Knhn. WHllam T. Vowder Llppa. Newbern Mining' CVnnpany. Jersey City; capital.

$75,000. Incorporators L. M- Williams. T. Jora, Edward Lasyoa.

1 Bankers In this city ara taking; Interest In the efforts now being: put forth by tha Carnegie Trust Company, of which ex-Secretary Leslie M. Shaw of tha Treasury Department Is President, to obtain the New York accounts of out-of-town banks, lit soliciting these accounts Mr. Shaw Is drawing- the attention of the country hankers to tha fact that as Secretary of the Treasury ha dM what he could to assist them, and ha adds that ha feels that he can still be useful to them. A letter under date of May 8 last waa sent to several country banks by Mr. Shaw, as President of the Carnegie Truat Company, in which he aald: While Secretary of the Treasury I tried to assist the country banker, and if I bad not thought I could be still helpful I would not be here.

The Cameaie Trust Company does not expect to pay more for business than Its competitors, but It will go to the limit of conservatism. Does liberal interest allowance on active account, with- th assurance of equally liberal treatment should you need assistance In bridging a temporary period of unusual local demand. look attractive? I should be glad of at least a portion of your New York, account and feel sure you will like our manner of doing business. Some New York bankers who have had copies of this letter sent to them by their county correspondents criticise Mr. Shaw on the ground that tha letter amounted to an admission that as Secretary of the Treasury he had favored the country banka to tha disadvantage of tha banks in the city.

But this criticism, Mr. Shaw said yesterday, is entirely unfounded. No such Inference, ho said, could be drawn from what ho aald In his letter to the country banks. JIa had, he said, tried to help the country banks, but he did not discriminate for or against them. He pointed out that during his administration -of the Treasury Department he had made a large number of banks at Interior points depositaries of public money, but this was not by way of discriminating In their favor, but was prompted by a desire to spread the Government's deposits over the country at large, and, as far as pos sible, to treat city bank and country bank alike.

It had been the policy of some of his predecessors, Mr. Shaw said, to keep the Government's money concentrated In a few places, chiefly in the large cities, the purpose being to keerj the monev where It could ba had most easily and at the bhui irnt iHjLicw. j. iiero was niuca 10 rw said irt favor of this policy, Mr. Shaw said, but he had adopted the policy of wider distribution of the public moneys In the belief tiiat.

all things considered, this was the hotter plan. generalTelectric bonds. Company to Put Out $13,000,000 Issue to Meet Growing Business. The need' of new capital to provide for the Increasing business of the General Electric Company, which, was referred to In the annual report Issued last week, was provided for tit, the Directors', meeting yesterday, at which It voted to Issue approximately $13,000,000 of 5 per cent. ten-year convertible debenture bonds.

The are to be dated June 1. 1907, and will be convertible after June 1, 11)11. into stock of the company at pax. They will be redeemable at 105 after the same data upon ninety days' notice, subject, however, to the stockholder's right of conversion. The amount of the Issue will be equal to one-ftfth the.

outstanding capital stock, which la now slightly above $65,000,000. Rights will accrue to shareholders of record on June 20, and subscriptions wlll'be closed on July 20. The subscription' price will be par and Interest, and payments will be due one-half on July 20, 1D07. and one-half on Jan. 2X), 1908, the stockholder having the privilege of making full payment on July 15 whereupon bonds, or negotiable receipts therefor, will be delivered to him.

"The Director re-elected tha retiring; Directors and added two new Vice Presidents to the liKt of officers, B. JJ. Sunny of Chicago and J. R. Lovejoy of Schenectady.

METAL MARKET REPO RTS. Copper metal In the London market yester day made slight recessions, spot closing 15a down, at 102, and futures 12s 6d down, at flOl 5s. Pig tin closed weak, at 189 for sot and 15 for futures. Lead was unchanged at 19 15s. Spelter was steady at 25 lis 6d.

Iron warrants broke sharply to 61s Id for standard foundry and 61s 3d for Middles boro. against '62a 6d aad 62s Jlid respectively Tha closing bid and asked prices of copper and other metals for spot delivery on the New York Metal Exchange yesterday compare as follows with those of the previous day: Wednesday. Tuesday. Bid. Asked.

Bid. Asked LATEST CUSTOMS RULINGS. Importers' Protests Must Be Specified A to, Receive. In denying a protest 'filed by Mills A Glbb and others the Board of United States General Appraisers laid down th rule yesterday that Importers must be specific In their protests. The Action of the tribunal is taken to Wn that here, after so-called blanket protests will not receive consideration from the board The merchandise- In controversy con-slated of- Madras curtains, table covers, and other ciotton fabrics.

Duty was assessed aJL the rate of 45 per cent. al valorem under the provision for manufactures of cotton, and at 00 per cent, aa "etamlnes and vitrages." iTha importer's protest, to which the board takes exception, claims duty "at the appropriate rate according to the number of threads per square Inch, the value per square yard, and the number of square yards to the pound under Paragraph 3 to .) Inclusive, or at 45 per cent, under paragraph oeneraj Appraiser Fischerr who writes the decision for the board, says the protest is fatally defective In two different utuiars. me first case, paragraphs cover evry variety of cotton cJQtn known to commerce, and enumerat-ln yenty-ona different rates of duty, while In the other Instance there Is failure to properly describe the goods. On account of these defects the protest is overruled. CAME UP FROM THE RANKS.

New Vice President of New Haven Road Was Once- Operator. NEW HAVEN. May official announcement -was to-day made by President Mellen of the New York. New Haven Hartford Railroad that Benjamin Campbell, at present Fourth Vice President of the Great Northern Railway, with rirfices Bt Paul. haa been appointed a Vice President of the Now Haven system and will have charge of all traffic freight, passenger, mall, and express business.

He will take charge of that department of the road which formerly was under Percy A. Todd, then First Vice President, and which for the oast two years has been under President Mellen's personal direction. From 1S70 to 1884 Mr. Campbell was consecutively operator, station agent, traveling freight agent, and General Agent df me Minneapolis, bl faui Sioux City Hallway, (Chicago, Omaha St. Paul Minneapolis Railway.) Later he waa con netted with several other roads, and In January, 1AG5.

became Fourth Vice PresU dent ot the Great- Northern Railway. THE C0TT0NMARKET. Active and Irregular Closet 7 Points Up to 11 Points Decline. WEATHER IN COTTON STATES. WASHINGTON, May 15.

Tha Federal Weather Bureau Issues tha following forecast for the cotton States for Thursday and Friday North and Bouth Carolina Partly cloudy and cooler Thursday; showers In eastern portion. Friday fair; warmer in western portion; treat) south to southwest winds. CJeorgia. Partly cloudy Thursday; showers In southeast portion; cooler in eastern portion. Friday fair; warmer In the Interior; light to fresh south to southwest winds.

Eastern Florida Showers Thursday, except fair in extreme southern portion: cooler In northern and central portions. Friday fair; warmer: Variable winds. Western Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana air, warmer Thureday and rl day; variable winds. Eastern Texaa Fair Thursday, warmer in Interior; Friday fair; light to fresh east to southeast winds. -Western Texas Fair, warmer Thursday; Fri day fair.

Oklahoma and Indian Territory Fair, warm er Thursday; Friday fair. Arkansas Fair, warmer Thursday and Fri day. Tennessee Fair Thursday, warmer In western portions; -Friday fair, warmer. Travelers' letters of Credit PavaKla trirontrliout tha World The Tanners' loan and Trust Company, Branch-Office, 475 Fifth Avenne, 1 New York; lOSDOJrn -PABISi 18 Bialopsgate St VUMa. 78 Ens de EicheUen Bills of Exchange, Qheines and Cable Transfers.

29 PER CENT. PROFIT BY ANACONDA COPPER Earnings Last Year Show Big Increase In Spite of Smaller Output. HIGH PRICES DID IT The Company Has Settled the Wage Question fOr Five Years on a Sliding Scale. The cotton market waa very active again yes terday, but after maklnc; a new high record for tha movement, closed barely steady at a net decline of 1211 points on the old crop and a net advance of 44JT points on the new. Sales for tha day wara estimated at 600,000 bales The market opened firm, at an advance of 18 points In response, to.

unfavorable weather, inciudins rains and a heavy frost at Oklahoma. There was a bis- demand throurh wire and commission houses. Liverpool was a buyer nor and prices advanced arter the opening. Very heavy reallzlnar followed and particularly heavy eelllrur of July, but after a reaction of about 10 or points, offerings were well ab sorbed. The fresh buyins; ror Ions; account ana fluctuations In the afternoon were very The range of contract prices In the local mar ket was as follows: May June.

July November. A January. February March Tuea. Close. Close.

10.751 lO.CO 10.84 10.75C.llO.80 10.8ir.jlO.e3 10.80 10.7Vttl0.7S 10.lKiftMO.93 10.WiilO.U7 ll.OS'.jll.OO 11 OMifll.U io.ivaio.i7 10.S-J 10K0 10.73 10.70 10. 8U 10 87 10.P0 11.01 11. 03 11.09 Ixke Electrolytic Castings Iead Spelter Tin ...24.75 ..34 .22. SO 6.0( 0.43 25.25 24 fl 23 .00 W5 0 Tw 44.00 24.75 24.25 22.73 A. 45 43.70 25.26 94.50 23.00 6.05 6.55 44.29 CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE NEWS The following bave been admitted to membership in the Consolidated Stock Exchange; W.

Freudeiisteln. Walter Blair of Blair Brothers, who v.111 extend their business as money brokers to Include stocks and. bonds; lr. W. Harsnat.

and A. O. Flta-Oerald. Everett O. and Sidney.

Bourne have formed a partnership under the name of Bourne A with offices at 11 Wall Street. Coler Out of a Michigan Corporation. The control of the Jackson Consolidated Traction Company, a public service enterprise in MIchlaran. of which Bird S. Coler has been President, has been sold to interests Identified with tha Michigan United Hallways.

Mr. Coler has resigned as President, being- succeeded by Myron W. Mills. President of tha Michigan United Railways. Nickel Plate Directors Re-elected.

Meetings of the Directors of tha New Tork Central and of the New York, Chicago St. louis Roads were held at the Grand Central Station yesterday. The retiring Directors of the Nickel Plate were re-elected for the eominpr year, but at tha New York Central meeting. It waa aald. only routine business was transacted.

No Strike on Denver Rio Grande. DENVER. May 15. There will ba no strike of the trainmen of the Denver Rio Grande Railroad as a result of the differences fiver the wage scale. A conference laattng until late last night wound up with an agreement that there would be mutual concessions.

FINANCIAL NOTES. Arthur Curtiss Jamea baa been elected a director of tha Hanover National Bank to fill tha vacancy caused by the death of Jamea Henry Smith. The old board of. twenty-eight, chosen provisionally when the Trust Company of America and the Colonial Trust Company ware merged, a few weeks ago, waa re-elected. A special settling day has been appointed tn London for Mlntnc Kaploration Company.

further l-sue of 4YOUO shares of 1 each, fully paid: Clifton i Arlaona) Copper Company. 150.000 ordinary ahares fo il each, fully paid. The common and preferred stocks ef the- Federal Sugar Reflnlrg Company have been admitted to quotation in the unlisted department of the Stock Kxc.banf.-e, and the ahares of the Federal Sugar Keftnlng Company of Mew Jersey have been stricken from the Ust. The London Stock Eichaofs haa ordered tbe following seeurttwa quoted to the official list: Anglo-Japaneae lank. AO.000 shares of 10 each.

5 paid; Argentine Government scrip, partly paid, for i 1. 5f OuO 6 per cent. Internal gold loan of 1S07: Ttv ef Yokohama scrip, partly paid, for iZUJJOO ft per cent, sterling bonds. High. Low.

10. 7 10.78 10.80 10.99 11.03 10.W 10.02 10.79 10.U3 10.70 11.09 10.92 10. D3 10.98 11.10 10.9 11.22 Il.tiA 11.17 11.17 11. 7 11.21 The local market for spot cotton was steady, with prices unchanged, at 12.05 for 'middling upland and 12.30 for middling Oulf. Southern spot markets were telegraphed aa follows Oatveston Firm, unchanged at 12c; sales.

636 bales. Mobile Firm, Vc higher, at llVic: sales. 100 bales. Norfolk Firm, unchanged, at 12aC; sales. 177 bales.

Augusta-Steady. He higher, at 12Hc; 313 bales. St. Louis Firm, unchanged, at llo: sales, 94 bales. New Orleans Firm, unchanged, at 11 13-16a; sales.

750 bales. Ravannah Quiet and ftrm, unchanged, at 11 He: sales. tx0 bales. Memphis Steady, Kc higher; sales. 1.450 bales.

GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. WHEAT. The Immediate opening waa from 1 to 1-C lower than the close of 'Tuesday. Rallies fallowed and it came to be understood that resting orders a round 94c in Chicago were so numerous that there waa no likelihood of the price breaking through that figure, but In the last half hour the bears made a sudden raid which uncovered a lot of unsuspected atop orders, and the whole market crumbled, dropping a cent per bushel without material opposition, even at 94c. The feeling on crop conditions was much more optimistic, Budapest declined 19 points, Liverpool was id net higher, and there were advances of 1 point at Berlin and 20 to 25 points at Paris.

Exporters took 5 loads. Cash wheat in New York closed follows: No. 2 red. 98He. elevator, and 99Hc.

free on board, afloat; No. 1 Northern. Duluth. SI. 00, and No.

2 hard. Winter. $1.02, free on board, afloat. CORN. The early market advanced io per bushel, but there was a later reaction, during which most of -the advance waa lost.

Commission houses were liberal buyers early tn the day. Liverpool came l4 higher, and somewhat larger receipts were acneouiea lor mursaar Chicago. follows: Cash corn In New York closed as No. 2 corn, 62c, elevator, and WV. Tuesday's Close, Clone.

imfc io? 100 61 1 102H 102H ei4 free on board, afloat; No. 2 white, 6OH0, and No. 2 yellow, free on board, afloaL FUTURES. NEW TORK PRICES. Wheat High.

Low. May July 101H 10OH September 102H KiOH Iecember 104 102 Corn May July September CHICAGO PRICES. Tuesday's Wheat High. Ma7 i ''-'4 July 85 September Vti Com Mar July September Oats May July September Lard July September ..9.42 Bibs July September Pork- July S34 MM, S7 9.0O 9.15 ...16.60 September Low. Close, Close.

914 Bsl 93H 93H 95H 95 6i 7H B2H K2H 62 52 62H C-H 62H 6J'i Ufe v4 444 43' 44-S 30H 8t' 37H $413 $9.13 $9 32 9.25 9.23 9 45 2 9.UO 9.0O 9. IT 150 i 16.AS 1 65 10.55 i 16.70 Western Gas Dissolution Put Off. Because there was some question as to whether or not all the necessary formalities bad been complied with In advertising the meeting of the stockholders of the Western Gas Company, the meeting called for yesterday has been Indefinitely postponed. It Is to vote on dissolving- the corporation. Dinner at the Engineers Club.

At a dinner iven at the Engineer's Club last night In the Interest of the American Museum of Safety Devices and Industrial Hygiene, announcement was made that the museum will open the Autumn In the new steel building in Tnirty-nlnth Street. In reipone totne museums appeal for funds, check, for I5.ux from an anonymous donor, living outside of New York, reevef. After the dinner Dr. HUam H. Tol-rnan.

Director of the museum, lectured ob the European museums The report of the Anaconda Copper Company for the, year ended Pec 8L 1000, shows an Increase pf $3,234,007 in total receipts, which last year to Total disbursements increased only to $18,334,701. leaving net Income of to which was added inf erest amounting to making a total of Theae net profits, which- are 20.47 cent. on, the company's of stock, remain after the deduction 'of all expenses pf development, depreciation, and depletion of coal and timber lands). Dividends totaling were paid, being double the disbursements In the previous year. The increased earnings were made despite a decrease in the output of.

copper from 83,443, 730 pounds Ih l'JOS to last year, and were duo to the high price obtained for the metal, which, though not stated in the report, has averaged several cents a pound above the market of 1905. This higher price of copper, the report states, has enabled the company to mine a higher proportion of low grade ores, reserving the higher grade ores for the contingency of a Jower market. In this connection the' report, says: Through the economies Introduced In the operation of mines and works and the higher price for ctir, it waa poesible during the year to mine at a profit ore as much as 1 per cent, lower In copper value than the lowest grade considered profitable during the last few years. The actual output of ore from the company's mines was 1.4u0,K)l tons, but an increased amount of ore for other concerns was treated at the reduction works, thus reducing the cost of treating the Anaconda's product. One of th interesting statements in the- report In connection with modern economies of operation In the fact that the, enormous cus draining the-mine by means of a high-power pumping plant waa entirely defrayed and a hand some profit yielded in addition, through the treatment of the water from the workings In a precipitating plant which extracted copper from the water taken out of the ground.

i The subsidiary departments made profits of for the year, says the report, and the coal mine at Belt 25U.851 tons of coal, of Which tons were sold. The sawmills at Hamilton cut fln.832.Kfi7 fct of lumber and timber, of which 4.543,223 feet went Into company use, and 35.287.64 feet were sold. Tho mttter of wages for five years to come, the report sa.ys. lias been settled bv an agreement with the unions, which comprise nearly all tha employes In the mines and works of the company, These contracts provide for the scale of wages In effect before November. 1'JtKI.

when electrolytic copper sells below 18 cents per pound, and an Increase pay when corper sdls above IS cents p-r pound. Tne term of contract Is five years from April 1. 10O7. F. A.

HEINZE NOT IN NEW BANK HevDenies Report That He Is Interested in the Franco-American. Reports were current yesterday that F. A. Helnze had taken-, aa Interest in the stock of the Frarico-Amerkia-n Bank, organized last year to In the banking business In this country- and France with the special object- of. placing American securities with French Investors.

Mr. Helnze said last night that the report was untrue. He said he had no Interest what ever In the Franco-American Bank. One of the things that had appehreH to give the report some supporf was fact that Henry Brtmner, who Is on of the nrlnclcal stockholders In the Franco- American Bank, is largely Interested In the Italian-American Trust Company, of which Mr. Helnze was recently elected a Director.

The report yesterday had it that Mr. Helnze had taken over from Mr. Brunner part Of tmvptor-k which the latter recently purchased frmrt '-a. number of New York banking ihQusesv some weeks ago withdrew from all connection with the Franco-American Bank. Mr.

Brunner is now in Fans on business connected with the Franco-American lSa.UK. PfCK FLAWS IN SKYSCRAPER. Inspectors Allege Violations In the Erection the Singer Building, Building Inspectors have; served notice of violation on the Singer Building, which Is to be forty-one stories high, and Is being constructed at Broadway' and Liberty Street; Tbe notice asserts that the hollow tile block are not being laid in accordance -with the law. and a number of the arches which fall to comply with the requirements have been ordered removed and replace-l. Engineers are said to have recommended a concrete flooring for the building, but It was decided to use the hollow til blocks.

The building Jaw requires that tile blocks be slid -with keya In the central portion. Five tiers have been already laid In the Singer Building, and in some of these. It la alleged. he keys have been omitted and In some they are not located In the ntre. DIVIDSITDS.

KMIHEK iOOI XAM'rACrrRf NO CO. SSd Krgular quarterly Preferred I'ivldeasd. The I'lrectors have this day declared the thirty-third Regular Quarterly Dlvl lend of One and Three-quarters Per Cent on the Preferred Shares, out of payable Jane 14th. 197.

to all stockholders of record at the close of business oa the th day of June. Checks will be mailed to registered ad-dreasea. New Tork, May IStn, 107. JOHN J. WATSON.

Treasurer. PEOPLE GAS LIGHT AND COKE CO. lol klrago.l Koltce' la hereby given that a dividend of ONE AM) ONE-HALF" PER CENT, haa been declared oa the Capital Stock of this Company, payable to the Stockholders on. May 23th. 19uC The transfer books will rlnes tn New Tork on May lm7.

-art Vchxik P. and wlU reopen May 27th, 1T, 10 e'rlnck A. M. 1 a. niLBi.

owcretarr-. Buffalo Susquehanna Railroad Company Preferred Stork Dlrldend No. te. The regular quarterly dividend of ONE 1 P1K CENT, has been declared, payable June 1, 1907. to Stockholders ff record May It, 1907.

F. A. LEHR. Treasurer. t'lsK BOniNSON.

SS (War X. Transfer A rents. AFFECTS 85,000 OPERATIVES. 10 Per Cent, Wage Increase General In Southern New' England. BOSTOX, May 15.

According to advices frcm the leading' cotton-mill centres of Southern New England, fully 63,000 operatives -will have their wages advanced about lO per beginning on Monday, May 27. J. THOMAS Reiialiardi; BROKER IN CVBB STOCKS, has ftmottd to 38 Broad St. rv rri.L view or th cthb. UROG WL'OTATIOM BOARD; IMMEDIATE reports of all the transact lone the Curb.

rOMPI.ETEllrnrdif HsIm; I TN EX CELLED FacliHtee for the EXKCUTTOM ef Order a VtUVAI WULE IO BOSTON OFT1CE. Offira THt MTI.T.KR-Al I.AIRK 623 Broadway. New Tork City. May 15th. ltX7.

-At a meeting of the Board nf Directors held this day, a Dividend of Five Per Cent, on th capital stock of the Company waa declared from the ear Dinars of the sis. months' business ending April iloth, 1007. payable on demand. OEO W. UrHTMAN, Secretary.

8HEJLHY IRON COMPANY. no Broadway. May 1st, 1807. A dividend of is this 4ay declared by the rlreetnr to stoekhler 'ef record May lftth, lixtT, payable Majn UUi l'07. Traaef rr.

hn iks and reopes Amerlraa Colonial feank Porto Klee. A-semi-annual dlvMend tf'5 has bees declared, payable Mar "fffh, IMT, t9 stockholders of record on th closlnw hooka at P. M. on Mar 17th, 107. Books will opes on June 11th, 1S07.

at noon. MEETINGS AND ELECTIONS. to the "TorKHOinrR or AMERICAN SILK COMPANY. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting; of the stockholders of American Silk Company hs been called, to be held at Room 707, No. Nassau Street.

New Tork City, on the SSd day of May. 107, at 11 o'clock A. for the purpose of voting upon an Increase of the capital stock of aald Company from the present amount thereof, to wit. IS.S60.-00. divided Into- ST.leo shares of Preferred Btock and 15.000 shares of Common Stock ry the par value of $100 each, to fit.

000. 000. divided fcito (0.000 shares of Preferred Stock and 60.000 shares of Common Stock of the value of 1100 each, the amount of the nerease belns 13.SkO.SO0 of Preferred Stock1, divided Into 2S.S00 shares. of S10 each, and 2.800,000 of Common Stock, divided Into 2S.000 shares of 1100 each. By order of the Board of Directors.

r-Dated New Tork. May th, 107. nAMI'EL B. LAWRENCE. President.

HtXRy C. Secretary. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THB STOCKHOLDERS Or The Stirling Export Company; THE 8TIRL1NO EXPORT COMPANT, c.t Uh.Mv Rt Naw Tork. ADrll 1A. 1007.

TO THB STOCKHOLDERS OB" THE STIRI- INO EXPORT COM Fa I T. r.aniinm.a'-Ynn are herebv notified that special meeting of the stockholders of The Stir-Una- Krmrt (bmiunf will be held pursuant te the of Its Hoard of Dlrectora In the Com. Relay's office. No. 85 Liberty Street, New York, 1.

at eleven A. on the 17th day of May. 1907, for the purpose of voting- upon a proposition that said corporation be forthwith dissolved and tor the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeUnar-Keapectfully. JOHN E. EUSTTS, Secretary.

AMERICAN CAR FOUNDRY COMPAKT. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINU-. The stockholders of the American Car A Foundry Company are hereby notified that the regular annual meeting- ef the stockholders of said compsnv will be held at Its offices. No. 24 Washington Street, Jersey City.

New Jersey, on Thursday, the S7th day ot June. 107. at 11 o'clock noon, for the purpose ef electing a Board ef Directors and transacting such othsr as rnay be properly brought before the meeting. The stock transfer ef the company will close Thursday, June and reopes July Id, P. A.

BIX BT. Secretary THE MEW YOB HARLEM. RAXLBOAD COMPANY. New Tork, April 2th, 1807. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN that the Sev nty-eeventh Annual Meeting of tha (stockholders of this company for the election of Directors- null be held at the efrtce of the company.

In Grand :DVpot.n the City of New York, onyTuesday.JMa tlstt 1907. The poll wtll open at 12V o'clock Sofnstid conilnua opee fot two houra-' thereafter. Tlw transfer books will tiosed at e'rloyiP. Wednesday, Mb? 1st. and reTneden ta -morning of Wednesday.

My VC. -2 OWlSni Wi' fttRDEE. Secretary. Te the nt erkbolAera of tte C'eaaaOldatad CeaeMloms CofBpsayt Pursuant to a resolution adopted art a saeet. frig or the Boar of Dtreotere of the Coa.

solldated Concessions Company, held on the Tth day ot May. 1S07. at the City of New Tork. a meeting Of the stockholders of aald Companv wtU ha-held at tbe office of aald corporation at Room 1,107. 100 William New York Ctty, on the 10fb day of June, ln7.

at 2 P. for tbe purpose of voting upon a propeeltlon, for dissolution of aid corporntlen. 1 WILLIAM MacBRIDE. Preside nt. OFFICE OP PACIPIO FIRE IJISIH-AJICB COMPAaY.

4, May 1907. The annual election for Directors of the PaclfV Tlna-Jriaurance Cottrravw IWV 1 held at the errreothe tii 114 William Street, on the vwebtiefh day of May, 1907? between the Tioure of IS anff o'clock. I ii i- f'-Sc, vV. MESEJU3I.Sfrtary. PROPOSALS.

PROPOSALS FOR ot Conetructlng Cuartermaater, Fort Hamilton. May 12th. 1W7 Sealed propoaala. la tnnllcata. an lac to naual condltlona.

wilt be xecelvsd hero -until 12 o'clock noon. May 2. 1907. and then for oonatrueuon at this place of three "brick buildings; one eight set bachelor officers quarters, one double set coast artillery barraeka, and one post es- m. nn i Pull InfnrmtAII tttm nlshed upon application.

The riant la re-served to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Bnvelopee containing propnsale must be Indorsed proposals for Buildings to be opened May 2. and. addressed te Captain P. C.

HA1NS, -Jr. Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn. N. T. UNITED STATES POWDER DEPOT.

DOVER. New Jeranjr, April SB. lwT. MealB propoaala la triplicate, upon tb blank forma furrished -by this office only, will be received at this olflc until 1 o'clock M. iWednearl.y, May i U.

1907, for furnishing durtag the fiscal year vndlng; June BO. ItMM, Ckxh. Kope. Foraire, Steel. Xruu.

Hardware. I'sVnta, Oi is. Omenta, ate. Vof Information apply tne Cc airlanding Of Peer, V. 8- Egr.

Office, 2 Sd and N. Wash In ten. C. May 14. I0T.

Sealed BTOponale for const roc tine; 1-Jneta hydra tiil dredge will be received, here until IS M- June 1 107, and then publicly epened. Infor mation univnfa vu Cosbr, Capv. Engra DISSOLUTION NOTICES. STATE OP, NEW YORK, OFFICE OFTHI9 SECRETARY OF STATE." Be This certificate. Issued In duplicate, herebr certifies that the WEST SIDE' TRANSFER COMPANY, a domestic stock corporation, haa filed tn this office en this atata day of May, lSiioT, papers fur tbe voluntary dissolution of mch corporatton ander Section 07 of the Stock Corporation Law, and that It appear therefrom thai such corporation has compiled with said aectlon ia order to be dissolved.

Witness my hand and seal of office of the Secretary ef State, at the City of L- 8. Albany, this sixth day of May, en thousand hundred and JAMES WHALEN, Deputy Secretary of State, Tfte Sew Tork Timtm wtrlfee eaforsseriaea freas its reader in aid of it tfforti to meim from ttt col a as fraudulent sad ocjadioaabl odcrrf Ctewsea ta. All UJtrmttion toili At comfUtrntlatlg..

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